
The Khronos Group Inc
October 24, 2017
The Khronos Group is presenting today Mastering the Khronos Blender glTF 2.0 Exporter webinar. Open to all, the webinar will be held online on at 10am Pacific time. This 1-hour webinar will be presented by the people who developed the exporter, and we’ll of course end with a Q&A session. glTF 2.0.
October 24, 2017
PerfDoc is a Vulkan layer which aims to validate applications against the Mali Application Developer Best Practices Guide. Just like the LunarG validation layers, this layer tracks your application and attempts to find API usage which is discouraged. PerfDoc focuses on checks which can be done up-front, and checks which can portably run on all platforms which support Vulkan. The intended use of PerfDoc is to be used during development to catch potential performance issues early. The layer will run on any Vulkan implementation, so Mali-related optimizations can be found even when doing bringup on desktop platforms. Just like Vulkan validation layers, errors are reported either through VK_EXT_debug_report to the application as callbacks, or via console/logcat if enabled. Dynamic checking (i.e. profiling) of how an application is behaving in run-time is not currently in the scope of PerfDoc. Some heuristics in PerfDoc are based on "arbitrary limits" in case where there is no obvious limit to use. These values can be tweaked later via config files if needed. Some checks which are CPU intensive (index scanning for example), can also be disabled by the config file. .
October 23, 2017
Mozilla announced a new development program for Mixed Reality that will expand its work in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) for the web. There is a , which uses WebGL, for providing access to both augmented and virtual reality devices.
October 19, 2017
Last year, Intel acquired FPGA-focused Khronos member Altera. Intel has now announced a new line of hybrid chips that combine FPGAs with their well-known CPUs. One of the more interesting aspects of the new Intel FPGA ecosystem is the Acceleration Stack, an OpenCL based programming environment that can be used by developers for hybrid cards or discrete cards, including FPGAs, CPUs, and GPUs. The stack abstracts the programming required for the FPGAs to streamline and speed up development for accelerators and applications being used. Additionally, it allows for code to be reusable — porting between FPGAs/GPU/CPU should be possible without major changes. OpenCL, a C based programming language, will. This is quite the opposite of what had been available when Intel released the E600C seven years ago.
October 17, 2017
Vulkan developers: Are you generating SPIR-V shaders from HLSL using glslangValidator built from ? In order to guarantee that your SPIR-V is legal for Vulkan, you must now include spirv-tools when building glslang.
for more information.
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