monarch hd 不认识声顿sd卡怎么解决决

Monarch HD
&Matrox Monarch HD是一個體積小並且很容易使用的影音串流以及錄影的裝置,其針對專業影片製作人而設計,用於現場影音編碼網路串流直播,並且同時可錄製 Master 母版高品質影片檔,以利後製編輯。此一設備,將錄影事項與串流事項,在內部作了個別處理,因而能確保當你在關心歸檔影片品質的同時,影音串流傳遞則專注於傳給觀眾高品質視訊。不管從任何 HDMI 輸入來源,例如:從攝影機或是導播影音切換台、等等,Monarch&則會依照 RTSP 或 RTMP 協定,產生 H.264 影片編碼串流。在影音編碼速率合乎網路串流頻寬的同時,它居然可以同時錄製高品質的 MP4 影片檔案到 SD 記憶卡或是記錄到 USB 硬碟或甚至是到網路磁碟。並且,您可以使用任何電腦或有網頁瀏覽器的行動裝置,對Monarch&作遠端控制設定。
串流的同時錄製高品質影片檔如果一個活動事情值得作串流直播,往往它也就值得盡可能以最高品質方式錄製下來。錄下來的品質越好,則其後製產出的影片價值也會相對越高。這些影片資產可以快速轉化為 VOD 隨選視訊,提供給你的受眾點選,或再經過精心後製編輯,產出精采絕倫的影片。錄影的品質理應不要受到上傳頻寬的限制。「Monarch」可讓您設定錄影的速率品質高達 30 Mbps,而且同時可以採用高到 20Mbps 的品質來進行影音串流!不管輸入來源的影音品質以及要傳送出去得目標速率如何,「Monarch」都會盡可能將高品質影音資料注入到每一個位元。因為其內建 H.264 編碼器,並結合了Matrox 高品質 Deinterlacing 去間插掃描以及畫面縮放引擎等技術,因此確保了產出結果必定最佳化。
適合編輯與以及上傳的 MP4 格式「Monarch」採高品質的 H.264 規範,將影片錄製為 MP4 檔案,他提供了最大的適用性,可利於所有應用。例如:上傳檔案到自己的網頁伺服器,或傳送到 YouTube 這類影音內容傳遞網絡,此外,您不需要再進行格式轉碼,就可直接將這些影音檔案匯入到大多數的影音創作工具中加以編輯。
以 HDMI 連接
不管訊號來自攝影機、導播影音切換台、訊號轉換器或是電腦訊號,「Monarch」的 HDMI 輸出,讓監控錄影串流成為一件簡單的事務。其有 8 個嵌入式音訊頻道可被處理與輸出。有 2 個 1/8" jack 立體聲音孔,是帶有 Loop Out 功能的音訊輸入頻道。
「Monarch」,提供簡單只要按一下就開始串流、錄影的按鈕,低功耗,有一個可鎖定的電源接頭,並採無風扇式設計。您能夠很簡單地將他安放於桌上,而三個「Monarch」組在一起,可放入機櫃的 1RU 空間。其軟體是建構在受保護的嵌入式 Linux 作業系統中的,所以幾乎零風險,不會遇到不可預期的程式自動更新或是受到第 3 方伺服器改變資料之風險。
不論您是提供現場直播影音內容給 Flash 伺服器或是 VOXEL iTV Cloud 網路電視雲伺服器,或其他影音內容傳遞網絡,「Monarch」對網際網路串流協定,提供了非常彈性的支援,因此可以滿足各種作業需求。他的預設編碼非常好用,可讓您依據實際頻寬選出最合適的解析度,串流編碼的參數值只需輸入一次,即可存成專屬的 Profile 參數簡要檔,當然也可以儲存多種 Profile 參數簡要檔,以適用於各種不同環境,每個 Profile 參數簡要檔都可即時載入,因此無須每次重新輸入參數。
「Monarch」可讓您自由選擇各式各樣的儲存設備,當可攜性是重要時,則使用 USB 拇指碟或 USB 硬碟,當需要更安全而簡潔的方案時,SD 卡可能是您的最佳選擇。另外,如果需要多人存取這些素材時,則採用電腦網絡磁碟機,理應較適合。無論您要將錄影素材儲放在何處,控制錄影的動作都可以執行,而且不影響串流的操作。高品質影片檔案錄製是隨時都可被達成的,縱使在串流的時候又希望錄製畫質充足的影片資產。
不只要進入簡單的網頁,就可以輕易駕御這強力的「Monarch」。您可使用網路上的任何設備,只要他有標準網頁瀏覽器,就可控制並設定這設備。在控制網頁當中,主 IP 的廣播串流預覽窗也嵌入在其中。一個「Monarch」設備可以擔任為 Master 主控設備,而對應到多個 Slave Devices 從屬設備。並且從單一網頁,您就可以同時對四個「Monarch」設備進行啟動錄影或是串流等動作。
編碼和錄制 SDI 訊號
媒體專業人士和電視臺的製作人員經常需要使用來自交換器 Switcher、路由器 Router 和攝影機 Camera 等的沒有 HDMI 輸出的設備的 SDI 訊號。Monarch Matrox Monarch HD 可以使用 Matrox MC-100 編碼和錄制這些訊號,Matrox MC-100 是一臺雙 SDI 到 HDMI 轉換器。這臺轉換器接受任何 HD-SDI 或 3G-SDI 源訊號並將其轉換為 HDMI 訊號,如果解析度支持,可用作 Monarch Matrox Monarch HD 訊號來源。
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Address:7F., No.345, Sinhu 2nd Rd., Neihu Dist.,&Taipei 11494, Taiwan
& 2015 Forevertek, Inc.Matrox编码机
Matrox Monarch HD是一台小巧、便携的流媒体直播和录制设备,支持任何HDMI输入信号源,采用基于RTSP或RTMP协议的H.264编码流,同时可录制高质量的MP4、MOV文件用于后期制作。广泛应用于广电行业网络直播、学校的远程教学,以及医院里的远程医疗、专家会诊等领域。
直播的同时高质量录制在流媒体直播的同时,Monarch HD支持高质量的视频录制和存档,将直播流记录成MP4、MOV文件,录制到SD卡、USB盘或者网络映射的驱动器上。且视频记录质量不受直播上传带宽影响,Monarch HD支持共享H.264编码比特率,可以设定最高20Mbps流比特率和最高30Mbps记录比特率。
编辑和上传MP4/MOVMonarch HD通过H.264编码记录高品质MP4、MOV文件,为所有应用程序提供了最大灵活性。你可以上传该文件到自己的WEB服务器或内容分发网络。另外你无需进行文件转码就可以直接把文件导入大多数创作工具。
Monarch HD提供简单、一键直播和记录按钮,低功耗,系统软件建立在安全的Linux嵌入式操作系统上,支持零风险自动更新或不定期与第三方服务器交换数据。
用户轻松体验无论提供直播内容到Flash或Wowza服务器,或者任何流行的CDN,Monarch HD支持灵活的流媒体互联网协议。其编码预设功能让你基于可用带宽选择最合适的分辨率,目标编码流参数只需要输入一次,并保存为一个独特配置文件。
COPYRIGHT 北京卓越视通科技有限公司   |   地址:北京市海淀区上地信息产业基地辉煌国际五号楼711   电话:010-   京ICP备号-1Professional Video Streaming and Recording Appliance
Matrox Monarch HD is a small, easy-to-use video streaming and recording appliance designed for professional video producers to stream a live event while simultaneously recording a higher, master quality version for post-event editing or archiving. Webcasting to YouTube and Facebook Live is made easy through its simplified set up for these popular
platforms. All that’s needed is to pair the device once with these accounts and it’s automatically retained for subsequent streams.
From any HDMI input source such as a camera or switcher, Matrox Monarch HD generates an H.264-encoded stream compliant with RTSP or RTMP protocols. While encoding the video at bitrates suitable for
live streaming, Matrox Monarch HD simultaneously records a high-quality MP4 or MOV file to an SD card,
a USB drive, or a network-mapped drive. Matrox Monarch HD is remotely controlled using any computer
or mobile device with a web browser.
Easily Webcast to Your Audience
Monarch HD can provide live content to CDNs such as YouTube, Facebook Live, and
U media servers such as Adobe Flash and W or directly to a computer
or device found on a LAN.The device is easily
configured and paired for YouTube and Facebook accounts with a few short steps. As a certified “Works with Wowza” encoder it allows
users to benefit from enhanced integration with the Wowza(TM) streaming engine.
Additionally, Monarch HD supports XML files generated for use
with Flash Live Media Encoder.
Record Master Quality Video while Streaming
If an event is worth streaming, it is worth recording at the highest possible quality. The better the recording quality, the more value it offers a post event produced asset. These assets can be made available to your audience as fast turnaround VOD files or as fully post produced highlight reels.
Matrox Monarch HD supports sharing the H.264 encoder between the streaming and recording processes so recording quality and upload bandwidth are independent of each other. A typical setting will let a user record a master quality file at 25 Mbps while simultaneously streaming at a bitrate of 5 Mbps. As a dedicated streaming or recording appliance, Matrox Monarch HD can stream at bitrates up to 20 Mbps or record at bitrates as high as 30 Mpbs.
Matrox Monarch HD injects the highest quality video into every bit regardless of input source or target bitrate. Combining the power of the built-in H.264 encoder with Matrox’s high quality deinterlacing and scaling engines guarantees stunning results.&
Ready to Edit and Upload with MP4 and MOV
Matrox Monarch HD gives the option of recording high quality H.264 video as MP4 or MOV files. These formats offer maximum versatility for use in any application. Upload a file to your own web server or to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like YouTube. Alternatively, you can directly import the file into most creation tools without the need for file transcoding.
Robust and Practical Design
Powerful and robust, Matrox Monarch HD offers simple, one touch stream and record pushbuttons, low power consumption, a locking power connector, and a fanless design. Matrox Monarch HD's HDMI output makes it easy to monitor what you are streaming and recording, regardless of whether the signal is received from a camera, a switcher, a signal convertor, or a computer.
All eight channels of embedded audio can be passed from the HDMI input to HDMI output ports.
Two channels of analog audio input with loopout are also available via 1/8" stereo jacks.
Its design allows Matrox Monarch HD to be just as easily located on a desktop as in a rack–up to three units can fit in a single 1RU tray. The storage and button controls are conveniently located on the front of the unit while the power and I/O ports are found at the back.
Stream and Record SDI Signals
A/V professionals and broadcast engineers often work with SDI signals from devices like switchers, routers and cameras that do not have HDMI outputs. Matrox Monarch HD can stream and record these signals using , a versatile SDI to HDMI convertor. This convertor accepts any HD-SDI or 3G-SDI sources and converts it to an HDMI signal that may be used as a source for the Monarch HD if it is of a supported resolution.
An attractively-priced bundle that includes Matrox Monarch HD and Matrox MC-100 is now available. Please see
for ordering information.
Record to Anything
Matrox Monarch HD lets you select from a variety of recording media types. Use an SD card when a compact portable solution is required or a USB drive for long form recording. Alternately, a system drive on a computer found on the network may prove extremely useful if multiple individuals need to access the footage.
The Monarch HD provides users the ability to create split files while recording. This is particularly useful when recording for extended periods of time. The user can enter a file length and Monarch HD will automatically split your recording into separate files, switching to a new file without losing a single frame. When loaded on an NLE timeline sequentially, they will playback seamlessly and can be exported as a single contiguous file.
Regardless of how or where you store the footage, the record controls can be executed without affecting the streaming operations. High quality files will be available to create video assets to complement the live stream well after the event is completed.
Presets and Profiles for Simple Configuration
The Monarch HD firmware ships with a number of typical streaming and recording presets that define all the encoding parameters including resolution and bitrate. Whether preset or custom parameters are used, they only need to be entered once and saved as a unique profile. A profile not only contains encoding parameters but also destination information detailing where the encoded video is being sent. Multiple profiles can be saved if the device is used in different environments. Recording and streaming profiles are saved independently allowing a user to mix and match profiles depending how the Monarch is being used at the time. Each profile can be loaded instantly without having to re-enter data.
Remote Command and Control
A simple web page is all that is needed to harness the power of Matrox Monarch HD. You can control and configure the appliance using any device on your network that supports a standard web browsing application.
A single Matrox Monarch HD device can act as a master to multiple slave devices. From a single web page, you can simultaneously start the recording and/or streaming of up to four Matrox Monarch HD devices.
Integrate Matrox Monarch HD into Your Own Application or Environment
Network- or cloud-based video management platform developers, A/V integrators and value-added resellers can use Monarch HD Dev Tools, which include automatic configuration tools and the Monarch HD Control API, to provide a unified, consistent and branded user experience. Individual users need not interact with the Monarch HD Command Center web UI, which can simplify enterprise-level and centrally administered deployments.
Automatic configuration tools can be used to set all Monarch HD encoding and destination settings by simply loading a properly formatted configuration file. For example, specialized CDNs and video platform providers who wish to offer a branded plug-and-play user experience can use the automatic configuration tools to give their customers a very simple installation procedure. The customer would just insert a USB key containing the customized automatic configuration file, boot the new Monarch HD and be ready to stream at exactly the right settings. Similarly, IT administrators in corporate and education environments with deployments of multiple Monarch HD units on a network can use the tools to manage all of the units from a single application or portal. This can be done automatically by having each Monarch HD check a defined webpage for configuration settings at boot up. Alternatively, the task of fetching configuration settings can be triggered manually from the Monarch HD Command Center.
Monarch HD Control API is an HTTP-based API that lets system integrators create their own control software to start, stop, set streaming bitrate and destination, and get the status of a Monarch HD device. The Monarch HD Command Center or the automatic configuration tools are used to initially configure devices with complete streaming and recording parameters. Once set up, units can be controlled using the custom application, on-device buttons only or the Command Center.
Integrate with Crestron
The Monarch HD Control API is an ideal way to integrate Monarch HD functionality into an existing classroom, boardroom or other space equipped with a Crestron control system. Monarch HD registered users are invited to download a sample SIMPL module written to run on Crestron 2-Series& and 3-Series& Room Media Controllers.
Install in a Rack
Matrox offers an optional Monarch HD Rack Mount Kit, an ideal space and cable management accessory which allows a user to fit up to three Monarch HD units in a single 1RU space. Please see
for ordering information.
& 2017 Matrox All Rights Reserved.


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