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ThinkPHP 2.0 { Fast & Simple OOP PHP Framework } -- [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ]素来喜欢爱情片,也一直想把这些年留下印象的有趣有爱的电影分享给你们,却也没找到恰当的时间。2016的第一天,阳光、假期和慵懒的心情完美地凑在一起,来谈谈那些或深或浅、或理想或遗憾的爱,或者说,来谈谈你们爱调侃的我的“绿茶少女心”是怎么练成的么? 爱在黎明破晓前爱在三部曲素称文艺小青年必看的爱情片,可喜欢并不因其文艺的噱头,喜欢他们美妙的初见,喜欢他们随性的漫谈,喜欢其微妙的感情碰撞还有那未知的命运安排。I believe if there's any kind of God, it wouldn't be in any of us. Not you, or me...but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone, sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed, but...who cares, really? The answer must be in the attempt.爱在日落黄昏时再相遇的短暂时光,太多想说的话,太多又说不出口,遇见一个愿意与之分享一切的人是多难得,愿遇见对方的所有好运气到最后都不是遗憾。I've always felt there was some kind of mystical core to the universe. But, more recently, I've started to think that, me, my personality, whatever-- That I don't have any permanent place here, you know. In eternity or whatever, you know. And the more I think that, I can't go through life. What do you think is interesting? What do you think is funny?What is important? You know, every day's our last. 爱在日落黄昏时在一起一定是最美好的结局?是,即便仍是孤独者的相偎,即便是浪漫褪去的平淡,生活琐屑的争吵,至少还有和解时的甘苦共担。For a while, I did this every morning, when the sun was not too bright outside. But the sun somehow makes him vanish. And he appears and he disappears, like a sunrise and a sunset. Anything, so ephemeral. It’s just like our life. We appear and we disappear. And we are so important to some, but we are just… passing through.恋恋笔记本你一个简单的想法,便成了我最大的梦想。理想的白房子是什么模样,有花有草有你……一生有多长,与你的一分一秒都值得回忆……一部经典式的浪漫电影,多少人说,超出了现实的距离,可给我一份爱的感动和敬意,已然心喜。I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts.I've led a common life.There are no monuments dedicated to me.And my name will soon be forgotten.But in one respect, I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived.I've loved another with all my heart and soul andfor me that has always been enough.The best love is the kind that awakens the souland makes us reach for more,that plants a fire in our heartsand brings peace to our minds.And that's what you've given me.That's what I'd hoped to give to you forever.假如爱有天意跟《恋恋》有很多相似的地方,爱不分阶级,爱纯粹得让人动容,明明这么老套,却能击中人内心的柔软……你相信么,也许真的,对某些人来说,有些遇见,可能不经意间就会在心里记一生……当阳光照在海面上,我在思念你;当朦胧月色洒在泉水里,我在思念你。看看窗外, 如果树枝在风中轻轻摇曳,你爱的人便也在爱着你;张开耳朵, 如果你听到自己的心跳, 你爱的人便也在爱着你;闭上眼睛, 如果你唇边有一丝微笑, 你爱的人便也在爱着你。我最好朋友的婚礼不是所有的陪伴都能长久,如果有人一直默默地对你好,请珍惜;也不是所有的备胎都是真的喜欢,可能只是同情和关心。不管怎样,爱自己,也不辜负真心。I had the strangest dream, I dreamt that some psychopath was trying to break the two of you up. Luckily, I woke up and I see that the world is just as it should be. For my best friend has won the best woman. I didn't get you a gift. However, this is on loan until you two find your song. 西雅图夜未眠好多年前看过,一直到今天还记得那句,it is like... magic,没有理由,只是感觉像magic,可是有多少人想get到这个magic,在茫茫人海中恰巧碰到那个“the significant other”。You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life. When you are attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they are a perfect match. 侧耳倾听看的第一部宫崎骏动画,暖暖的唯美的治愈系,因为喜欢,想努力把自己磨成一颗闪亮的宝石,因为喜欢,想努力成为更好的自己。因为你,我愿意成为一个更好的人,不想成为你的包袱,因此发奋努力,只是为了想要证明我足以与你相配。 恋爱应该是双方扶持对方共同完成自己的目标,而不是虚幻的思想、肤浅的物质、和纸醉金迷的生活。我的父亲母亲对怀旧情绪的电影总难以抗拒……相遇、相识、相恋、相伴、相守也许是每一代青年人共同的对爱的最高理想。这就是父亲和母亲的故事。他们相识、相爱的过程都和这条路有关,这是我们村通往县城的一条普通的路,也许就因为母亲曾经那么殷切、那么长久地在这条路上等待过父亲,所以她还想陪着父亲再从这条路上走回来。和莎莫的五百天多少小故事的穿插叙述让你明白,真实的感情不只是浪漫喜剧,你以为的感受和情绪并非一定是对方的回应,透过你以为的命运巧合,也许只是向左走向右走的定局。I'm messed up. I am. You know, on the one hand, I want to forget her. On the other hand, I know that she's the only person in the entire universe that will make me happy. Mm-hmm. You ever do this?You think back on the times you had with someone, replay it in your head over and over again, and you look for those first sigh of trouble. There's two options really. Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or she's a robot.海上钢琴师当然,海上钢琴师不是爱情片,但那短暂的邂逅却美得让人难忘,内心的热情不能言语,羞涩的情感终锁在一张未送出的唱片里。It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max, it was what I didn't see. Do you understand that? What I didn't see.One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die. All that world just weighing down on you. You don't even know where it comes to an end. 电影、音乐、书,不过是我们情感的依托,确也是不可或缺的陪伴。亲人、朋友、恋人,自然,是这一切给予了生活关于美好的无限可能,2016,一起继续为爱为快乐而活。你猜,我的这份爱能否到来?尔歌(gh_b7f) 


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