itween event脚本名称怎么设置

unity动画插件Hotween的使用 – unity3d游戏开发
根据Hotween官方网站介绍,hotween是运行快,类型安全和面向对象的unity插件,兼容unity所有的脚本语言,并且在官方网站上有和unity对比的demo(),一般情况下两者性能上的对比不是太明显,但是当游戏对象多的时候hotween的优势就显现出来了. 这也是我选择hotween的原因,下面介绍hotween在unity中的使用.
using UnityE
using System.C
using Holoville.HOT
public class HotweenTest : MonoBehaviour {
&&&&void Start () {
HOTween.To(gameObject.transform, 1,
&position&, new Vector3(10,20,30));
HOTween.To(transform,2,new TweenParms().Prop(&position&,new Vector3(10,20,30)).Prop(&rotation&,new Vector3(0,720,0)).Prop(&localScale&,new Vector3(10,10,10)).Ease(EaseType.EaseInBack).Loops(3,LoopType.Yoyo).Delay(1));
TweenParms parms = new TweenParms();
parms.Prop(&position&, new Vector3(10,20,30));
parms.Prop(&rotation&, new Vector3(0,720,0));
parms.Prop(&localScale&, new Vector3(10,10,10));
HOTween.To(myGameObject.transform, 2, parms );
三、HOTween Sequence 动画队列
Sequence&mySequence = new Sequence(new
mySequence.Append(HOTween.To(myGameObject1.transform, 1, new TweenParms().Prop(&position&, new Vector3(0,0,0)).Ease(EaseType.EaseOutBounce)));
mySequence.Prepend(HOTween.To(myGameObject2.transform, 1, new TweenParms().Prop(&position&, new Vector3(10,20,30)).Prop(&rotation&, new Vector3(0,720,0)).Prop(&localScale&, new Vector3(4,4,4)).Ease(EaseType.EaseInElastic)));
mySequence.Insert(1, HOTween.To(myGameObject3.transform, 1, new TweenParms().Prop(&position&, new Vector3(10,20,30)).Prop(&rotation&, new Vector3(0,720,0)).Prop(&localScale&, new Vector3(4,4,4)).Ease(EaseType.EaseOutQuad)));;
四、回调函数 Call back 不带参数的回调可以这样写:
HOTween.To(transform, 1, new TweenParms().Prop(&position&, new Vector3(10,20,30)).OnComplete(completeCallBack()));
private void completeCallBack() {
HOTween.To(transform, 1, new TweenParms().Prop(&position&, new Vector3(10,20,30)).OnComplete(completeCallBack,350,;
private void completeCallBack(TweenEvent e) {
五、以speed为计量单位 一般我们使用Hotween开始一个动画,第二个参数是p_duration表示是时长,好想也没有找到如何根据速度来控制动画。 最近必须要用到speed,就找了一下,发现可以这样用:
TweenParms parms = new TweenParms();
parms.Prop(&position&,new Vector3(100,200,50));
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上一节我们讲了iTween路径动画的制作过程。这一节我们看下怎么动态调用它,和创建多个路径的方法,动态切换的方法。& &首先打开上次做的项目,选择player物体,在Inspector视图中讲iTween Event下的play Automatically的选框勾掉。因为我们要动态控制动画的播放,不需要它运行时就播放了。这些做完之后就开始写代码了,创建一个C#脚本,命名为Animation control,并写入一下代码:public class Animationcontrol : MonoBehaviour {& && && &public GameO//带路径动画的物体& && && &void OnGUI()& && && &{& && && && && && & if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 70, 50, 30), &play&))& && && && && && & {& && && && & //播放路径动画& && && && && && && && && & iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&firstevent&).Play();& && && && && && & }& && && && && && & if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 70, 50, 30), &stop&))& && && && && && & {& && && && && &//停止路径动画& && && && && && && && && & iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&firstevent&).Stop();& && && && && && & }& && && &}}分析上面的脚本。我们用iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&firstevent&).Play();和iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&firstevent&).Stop();来控制动画的停止和播放,其中player为带有路径动画的物体,&firstevent&需要与路径动画的名称保持一致。就是Inspector视图中讲iTween Event下的Name的值脚本完成后,讲脚本添加到我们的摄像机上。将player拖放到变量player运行游戏,点击play按钮动画开始运行,点击stop按钮,动画停止运行。下面我们来看下怎么给一个物体添加多段路径,及切换。选中我们path物体,在给他添加一个ITweenPath。如图:给path name命名为second pathParhColor最好与第一个颜色分开的颜色分开Node Count改为5。然后设置关键点。制作完成后。在Scene中就出现了两条路径 选择player物体。在给他添加一个。ITween Event设置如下:勾选path并选择secnd path,勾选time设置时间为20.勾选easetype选择linear设置匀速运动。如图:这样我们就给物体player添加了两段路径动画,下面我们就用代码来控制这两段动画代码如下: public class Animationcontrol : MonoBehaviour {& && && &public GameO//带有动画的物体& && && &void OnGUI()& && && &{& && && && && && & if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 70, 50, 30), &firstAN&))& && && && && && & {& && && && &//路径1的起始位置& && && && && && && && && & player.transform.position =new Vector3(-94.50654f, 17.2556f, 15.62861f);& && && && &//播放动画1& && && && && && && && && & iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&firstevent&).Play();& && && && &//停止动画2& && && && && && && && && & iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&secondevent&).Stop();& && && && && && & }& && && && && && & if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 70, 50, 30), &secondAN&))& && && && && && & {& && && && &//路径2的起始位置& && && && && && && && && & player.transform.position =new Vector3(-95.15093f, 10f, 1.327053f);& && && && &//播放动画2& && && && && && && && && & iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&secondevent&).Play();& && && && &//停止动画1& && && && && && && && && & iTweenEvent.GetEvent(player,&firstevent&).Stop();& && && && && && & }& && && &}}添加到游戏物体,运行游戏。这样就算OK了。& &
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确切的说,这是iTween 配合 iTween visual editor 的教程
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Narkii Inc.iTween and NGUI
Pages: [1]
Topic: iTween and NGUI &(Read 9588 times)
on: June 08, :38 PM »
I'm having an issue with trying to animate a ngui sprite using itween. When the tween runs the sprite moves WAY more than the tween amount...I created a simple test scene with only one sprite with one script attached. The only code in the script:void Start()& & {& & & & iTween.MoveBy(gameObject,
Vector3(-64.0f, 0, 0), 10.0f);& & }&The sprites transform is:P X 0 Y 0 Z 0R X 0 Y 0 Z 0S X 48 Y 64 Z 1When I play the scene the x position reported for the sprite gameobject is: -15249.34If I attach the same script to a simple cube it moves as it should.Whats going on?
« Last Edit: June 08, :26 PM by BSECaleb »
« Reply #1 on: June 08, :02 PM »
You dont want to use NGUI's built in tweening? I'm not familiar with iTween so i'm unsure what it could be doing.
« Reply #2 on: June 08, :18 PM »
As far as I can tell nguis built in tweening doesn't have an option for relative movement, which is what iTweens moveby does. I know I could probably just get the current position, calculate the new position based on how much I want to move on each axis, and then use the built in tweening to move in an absolute way but I would rather keep it simple. I also want to understand what is going on in ngui that makes the sprites translation work. I have to confess that I'm a bit confused about how to deal with translation on a ngui widget since translation is in pixel units instead of world units.FWIW, MoveBy defaults to translation in local space.
« Last Edit: June 08, :33 PM by BSECaleb »
« Reply #3 on: June 08, :32 PM »
Sounds like iTween is moving it in world space (transform.position). NGUI's tweens are based in local space (transform.localPosition).
« Reply #4 on: June 08, :29 PM »
So it looks like this may be a bug in iTween. The documentation says it defaults to local space. I even tried manually setting the space to self in the hash arguments. I think iTween is still trying to move in world space. When I use HOTween and set it to animate localPosition it works as expected.
« Reply #5 on: June 11, :26 AM »
HelloI didn't try MoveBy, but I'd tried MoveTo, and it works. Hope this helps.iTween.MoveTo(gameObject,& &iTween.Hash(&position&, new Vector3(-1000, gameObject.transform.localPosition.y, Btns.transform.localPosition.z), &time&, 1, &islocal&, true )));&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ding
« Reply #6 on: June 11, :56 AM »
Well MoveTo sounds like a direction position you specifiy and MoveBy sounds like a given distance to move.ArenMook, you might want to put the difference between transform.position and transform.localPosition as a sticky/faq because that issue seems to be catching out a lot of people.
« Reply #7 on: June 11, :54 AM »
Why not check on Unity Scrip reference?This is not a Ngui question, this is Unity knowledge.Check here:And about iTween:
« Reply #8 on: October 04, :07 PM »
I have the same problem. To solve it, remember to add: &islocal&, true
« Reply #9 on: October 05, :00 AM »
iTween FadeTo is also not working.& It works on regular game objects using the same shader.
« Reply #10 on: October 05, :36 PM »
Use TweenColor. iTween and NGUI are two completely different packages.
« Reply #11 on: October 24, :52 PM »
Using a different tween engine for each plugin is not desirable.... especially when dedicated tween libraries have so many more features.& Is there any easy way to fade a panel + children with the built in Tween library.& From a UI perspective that is a pretty critical piece of functionality.
« Reply #12 on: October 24, :41 PM »
iTween was not designed to work with NGUI. Built-in tweening was. NGUI doesn't expose a lot of public variables -- which is the only thing iTween can tween. NGUI exposes properties -- which built-in tweening was built to use.
« Reply #13 on: August 21, :57 PM »
I know this topic is loooong since dead, but for those of you who still actively use iTween in their projects I figured I'd post this. its worth noting that you should be aware that when using itween for NGUI widgets, you should always take into account the UIRoot's transform scale value. This is likely why most people are experiencing such radical positioning problems (and assuming that its defaulting to world space). Hope this helps!
« Reply #14 on: September 06, :46 PM »
I know this topic is loooong since dead, but for those of you who still actively use iTween in their projects I figured I'd post this. its worth noting that you should be aware that when using itween for NGUI widgets, you should always take into account the UIRoot's transform scale value. This is likely why most people are experiencing such radical positioning problems (and assuming that its defaulting to world space). Hope this helps!works well! Maybe a good solution!Thank u.
Pages: [1]unity3d动画插件iTween-路径动画的制作
内容摘要:unity3d动画插件iTween-路径动画的制作iTween是一个动画库,用它可以轻松实现各种动画,晃动,旋转,移动,褪色,上色,控制音频等等我今天主要是说一下用iTween来制作一段路径动画的方法和步骤。首先我们下载iTween插件并安装,官方商店就有,免费的。 安装方法很


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