如何在macbook pro和retina Retina上安装Linux

How To Install Linux On A MacBook Pro Retina
MacBook Pros come with some very nice hardware, but some people want more. Some people want Linux. Whether you’d like a more open and customizable operating system or simply need to dual-boot in order to access certain software, you might want Linux on your MacBook. The thing is, MacBook Pros are also pretty closed-down pieces of hardware that make installing other operating systems difficult – Linux more so than Windows. Boot Camp won’t help you with Linux, even though it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Here’s how to do it. Why Install Linux On A MacBook Pro Retina? The reasoning for installing Linux on a MacBook Pro might seem a bit strange at first – isn’t OS X one of the main reasons to get a Mac? That might be true, but another great reason to get a Mac is the hardware. They offer excellent performance, superb battery life, and long durability. For the ones with a Retina display, you’re also wanting a HiDPI experience for ultra-crisp photos and text. But if you don’t like Mac OS X, or simply need to use Linux, you may want to put another operating system on that Mac hardware. Linux is lean, open, and highly customizable. Who says that you can’t bring the two together in a happy marriage? Well, Apple might have a word to say about that, but you probably don’t care anyways. Note: For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll be using Ubuntu, the , as our preferred choice. You’re free to choose a different distribution, but you can then only follow these steps are generic guidelines and not exact instructions. We claim no responsibility for any damage that is done to your system. Additionally, this tutorial assumes that you want to dual-boot between Linux and Mac OS X. It’s recommended to keep Mac OS X on the hard drive so that you can update the firmware if needed — something you cannot do in Linux. Before we even start with the first step, make sure that your computer is backed up in case anything goes wrong. How you do this is up to you, so feel free to use Time Machine, CrashPlan, or whatever else you might prefer. Download Ubuntu First, you’ll want to get a . Be sure to choose the 64-bit desktop flavor, and not the image made for Macs. The regular image can boot up in BIOS and EFI modes, while the Mac image can only boot up in BIOS mode. This was done on purpose for some Macs, but we want to be able to boot it up in EFI mode.
Write to USB Drive Next, grab a USB flash drive that is at least 2GB large – we’ll use this to boot up the Ubuntu installer on. To make this drive you can follow , or . Resize Partitions
Once you’ve done that, you can get your MacBook Pro ready for the installation. Open up the Disk Utility, click on your hard drive on the left side, and then choose the Partitions tab. Resize the Mac partition to whatever size you’d like it to be — we’ll use the newly created free space to install Ubuntu. Boot Up Ubuntu Image
After that’s completed, plug in the USB flash drive you prepared and restart your MacBook Pro. Be sure to hold down the Options button from when the screen blanks out for a second to when you see a screen with various boot options. Choose the EFI option (the left one in case you see two of them) to boot up your Ubuntu USB flash drive. When prompted to choose between “Try Ubuntu” and “Install Ubuntu”, choose “Try Ubuntu” because we’ll need to perform a step after the installer completes but before you restart the system. Installer Once the Ubuntu desktop loads, start the installer and go through it normally until you reach the partitioning step. If you cannot access WiFi, it’s because Ubuntu currently doesn’t recognize your WiFi chipset. Don’t worry – we don’t need to have Internet access right now, and it’ll detect the right driver to use whenever you boot up into your new installation later on.
Once you come to the partitioning step, choose to “Do something else”. Then, make sure that the small partition that’s ~128MB large is recognized as an EFI boot partition (you can check by clicking on it and choosing O additionally, that should be /dev/sda1). Next, you can create an ext4 partition in the new space and have the path “/” be mounted to it. You can also create multiple partitions here if you prefer that and know what you’re doing. Before you continue to the next step, make sure that the bootloader installation location says /dev/sda1, as you want GRUB to be installed into that partition. Then, finish off the installation like normal. EFI Boot Fix
When the installer completes, don’t restart just yet! We still need to do one more thing so that we’ll be able to use GRUB. Run the following command: sudo apt-get install efibootmgr. This will temporarily install a configuration tool for EFI boot setups. Next, run sudo efibootmgr. This will print out the current boot configuration to your screen. In this, you should be able to see “ubuntu” and “Boot0000*”. Currently, the EFI system will point to Boot0080*, which skips GRUB and goes directly to Mac OS X. To fix this, run the command sudo efibootmgr -o 0,80. Now you can restart! Congratulations! Your Ubuntu installation should now be working! However, there are a few tweaks that you can perform to have a better experience. Various Tweaks First, you’ll need to make a quick change to a GRUB setting so that the SSD won’t occasionally freeze. Type sudo nano /etc/default/grub in a terminal, and then find the line with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="libata.force=noncq". Hit CTRL+X to save, and Y then Enter to confirm. Then, you’ll want to type sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom into the terminal, which will open up a new file. In it, type this exactly: menuentry "Mac OS X" { exit } This will allow you to boot into your Mac OS X installation (the 32-bit and 64-bit entries in GRUB do not work). Do the same thing to save and exit, then type in sudo update-grub for the changes to go into effect. Finally, restart your system for good measure.
As you can see, everything is ridiculously small on the Retina display. To fix this, System Settings –& Display and change the scaling factor to something larger. On the Retina screen, everything will look extremely tiny and it will make your life much more difficult if you don’t change it to something you like. You may also find that it’s difficult to grab the edges of a window for resizing. This can also be changed. Type sudo nano /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml into a terminal, and then change these values appropriately: &distance name="left_width" value="4"/& &distance name="right_width" value="4"/& &distance name="bottom_height" value="4"/& If that’s not big enough, you can also change those values to  instead. Finally, if you experience any washed out colors, you can grab the display color profile from Mac OS X and use it in Ubuntu. Mount your Mac OS X drive and navigate to /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays/Color LCD-xxxxxx.icc, where xxxxxx is some random string (there should only be one file anyways, but this string gets randomized). Copy it into your Ubuntu home folder, and then go to System Settings –& Color and choose Add New Profile and choose the profile you saved in your home folder. Conclusion
Congratulations! You now have a great working Linux installation on your MacBook Pro Retina! Feel free to make additional tweaks to . I’m sure that these instructions can be applied to other Mac systems, but each new release has its own pitfalls and advantages. If you use a different machine, it’s a good idea to look up some documentation first, such as
for Ubuntu. Additionally, feel free to check out
that you can install to your Mac! Have you installed Linux on a Mac? What problems did you encounter and how did you solve it? Let us know in the comments! Image Credits:
Via Flickr
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Resend Confirmation Link&主题:买了一个macbook pro 15 retina
泡网分: 30.094
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注册: 2008年08月
我虽然很早就看过macbook pro retina,但是只觉得价格夸张,没想过自己要买。但是近来家中台式机逐渐出现病入膏肓的状况,按道理再买一个台式也不贵,但我很快就要大搬家,不想折腾,还是考虑弄一个好一点的笔记本,带着方便。于是就上网看,我是这么考虑的:
具体到其他的硬件,我估计了一下:四核i7少不了的,SSD是必须的,显卡倒是无所谓,因为我不跑3D软件。我玩的游戏基本都是博德之门,英雄无敌3之类,所以高端显卡没意义。然后就是一些基本的配置不能少,USB 3.0,读卡器什么的……
想来想去,还是macbook pro retina最合适,但是太贵了。然而说来也邪门,就在我生日的前后,发现苹果也降价了,加上其他折扣能省不少。于是我就下单了,算是给自己的一个礼物。
打开以后,发现它自己就装了iWorks的套件,简单的配置了一下,好像就可以用了?Chrome浏览器很自然的就支持了Retina,甚至连Office 2011 for Mac都可以很好地支持Retina,Adobe的那些更不必说。这跟我在Win 8下的感觉完全不同啊,在win 8高分屏下,如果缩放的比较大,字体模糊是一方面,其次很多程序的界面都被歪曲,底下的按钮都按不到了,急死人。
我唯一不满的就是Thunderbolt 2插口,这个是真没用。因为也都有HDMI了,我平时最多也就接个的投影仪,HDMI绝对够用。我倒宁愿把Thunderbolt 2全部换成USB 3.0,还能省不少钱吧。我也不知道苹果这是什么考虑。还有就是那个电源插口很不牢靠,容易掉。其他的都挺满意。
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superfox 发表于
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arondes 发表于
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arondes 发表于
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注册: 2008年08月
泡网分: 30.094
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注册: 2008年08月
另一台air也表现出发热的迹象,其实cpu也都还没有满载(1.7 GHz i7-4650U),但是gpu几乎满载,结果功耗高达20W,超过了TDP的15W
温度也是一样的接近100度 本帖最后由 arondes 于
02:46 编辑
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eye_control 发表于
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Semiconductor 发表于
virtual box有没有mac版?有,官网就能下载
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路人甲的马甲 发表于
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泡网分: 22.222
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excalibur 发表于
那还挺好的。虚拟机我用的是VMware 5.virtual box有没有mac版?
泡网分: 30.094
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Semiconductor 发表于
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arondes 发表于
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泡网分: 30.094
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注册: 2008年08月
通报一下,今天试用了Google Nik Collection,这是一个非常好的插件组合,包括了几乎我需要的所有功能。谷歌目前打包卖149刀,还有优惠code,比原来的价格便宜不少。
用默认的预设调了一张黑白的 本帖最后由 arondes 于
15:19 编辑
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本帖由 iPad2 客户端发布
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arondes 发表于
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eye_control 发表于
本帖由 iPhone 5s (GSM) 客户端发布
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arondes 发表于
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no1bear 发表于
泡网分: 10.933
注册: 2008年09月
arondes 发表于
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注册: 2008年08月
no1bear 发表于
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14:26 编辑
泡网分: 30.094
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注册: 2008年08月
尼康的view nx对于retina的支持很好,但佳能的dpp似乎存在一定问题,适马的spp则完全是一团混乱
adobe里面,acrobat pro在滚动的时候特别慢,不知为何。lightroom和photoshop应该都已经支持retina,效果很出色
泡网分: 10.933
注册: 2008年09月
泡网分: 30.094
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注册: 2008年08月
相比之下,这是一个典型的office 2011的界面。虽然也可以把上面的工具栏隐藏,但这样不如放到边上那么容易使用。其实win上的office 2013做得更好一些,但是很遗憾,微软没有给mac开发相应的新版本,只是到2011为止
泡网分: 30.094
精华: 1帖子: 14277
注册: 2008年08月
在设置了iCloud之后,可以直接处理iPhone 5s上拍摄的照片,不需要连线了,很方便。
下面要探讨的是Pages,这相当于是Word软件的作用,就是文字处理。其实我本人是买了正版Office 2013的,很多工作也都是在Win的机器上完成。但是本着尝鲜的目的,我还是研究了一下。我个人的一个观察就是,现在的办公软件基本都是跟云服务联动的,比如谷歌的doc和drive,wps和金山快盘,微软的office合onedrive,然后就是苹果的iwork与icloud
我认为,Pages是一个特点很鲜明地编辑器,它符合了苹果一贯的简洁哲学。请看一下下面的截图:整个页面非常干净,上面的工具栏全部被我隐藏了,格式调整则放在右边。这是对现在的宽屏显示器的一种适应。如果把所有东西(菜单,工具栏等)都放在上面的话,那么文本的可视面积就很小。苹果选择把一些常见的控制项放在右边,是一种很自然的想法,充分利用了屏幕的空间。 本帖最后由 arondes 于
14:05 编辑
泡网分: 13.811
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edison111cry 发表于
泡网分: 13.811
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arondes 发表于
三国志9是十年前的游戏,哪有什么移植哟。不过它对硬件要求也很低,是纯2d的游戏那还挺好的。虚拟机我用的是VMware 5.
泡网分: 12.767
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注册: 2008年05月
arondes 发表于
泡网分: 30.094
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注册: 2008年08月
Patriot 发表于
不用这么贵吧,我刚去amazon看了看,13寸mbpr 186刀,15寸mbpr276刀amazon上的不知道靠谱不靠谱,我看的是苹果官方报价(不含税)
泡网分: 45.352
帖子: 9689
注册: 2004年03月
arondes 发表于
中国好,mac默认就保两年,美国只有一年,延保349刀不用这么贵吧,我刚去amazon看了看,13寸mbpr 186刀,15寸mbpr276刀
泡网分: 30.094
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注册: 2008年08月
ygtx945 发表于
你们美国那边一个apple care多少钱
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&版权所有:&&桂ICP备号&增值电信业务经营许可证切换 Retina MacBook Pro 分辨率
对于 Retina MacBook Pro 用户,在最新的 10.8 Lion 中,之前可以直接在系统菜单栏直接点击即可切换不同屏幕分辨率的功能被苹果一口给吃了。系统设置里也不再支持直接显示分辨率,变成了只能在已设定好的&较大文字&、&最佳(Retina)&以及&更多空间&等四个等级的方案中选择(如下图)。当然这样或许对普通用户来说更加符合席克定律,但对其余很多用户来说就有点不便了。
此外,看起来分辨率最大的&更多空间&其实也只有 ,距离 Retina 最大的
Retina DisplayMenu
和 RDM 类似&QukRes&运行后也是可以在菜单栏直接切换不同屏幕分辨率,但功能要比 RDM 要多,支持快捷键,支持快速点击切换等。
注:非 rMBP 用户请使用&Display Menu
Retina MacBook Pro 选择性截图
虽然 Lion 自带有很方便的截图功能,但默认是全尺寸截取,图片质量那叫一个好啊,当然大小也很可观, Shift+Command+3 按下去动不动就几兆,无论是上传保存还是 QQ 发送给好友都很不方便。因此你需要一个可以有选择性的截图的应用。在这方面有两个应用值得推荐,一是腾讯出品的&Snip,除了支持选择性截图外还可以滚动截屏。
另一个就是&RetinaCapture&了,从它的名字就能看出来了,用户可以选择 1X 、2X 或同时保存这两种尺寸的截图。另外还可以定时截屏(10 秒后)。
适配 Retina MacBook Pro 应用
众所周知 Retina 屏幕的&犀利&,但和牛排一样,适配 Retina MacBook Pro 的应用目前来说还是占所有应用中很少的一部分。作为用户来说,面对那些还未升级适配的应用可以借助Retinizer&来逆袭一把,它可以将低的应用高清化(主要提升字体显示,内置图片无法提升),你需要做得只是将想&逆袭&的应用拖进 Retinizer 的窗口然后点击&Retinize!&按钮即可,当看到&Suessfuuly retinized!&后就表示 &Retina化&成功了。当然如果想再逆袭回去直接点击&De-retinize&即可恢复原装。
注:对 rMBP 用户来说最&惨不忍睹&的土坷垃系列如 Photoshop 该应用无法转换。
适配 Retina MacBook Pro 图片/图标
Retina Icon Binder
RIB&是一个小巧免费的应用,可以将 PNG,JPG,PSD,TIFF 甚至 PDF 格式的图片转换为适配 Retina 的图标(icns)[&魔方优化大师的图标大师也是支持的 ],你要做的只是简单的拖进去拖出来,如下图。( 类似应用还有IconKit&等)
Resizer,快速调整图片大小适配 Retina ,也是只需拖动即可。
Retina MacBook Pro 壁纸
除了应用外对 rMBP 用户来说大尺寸的壁纸也是痛点,这里推荐一下高清壁纸分享平台Desktoppr&,在 Desktoppr 目前壁纸尺寸在
以上的有 5058 张( rMBP 发布的时候只有 700 张), 以上的有 11548 张。
及以上的只有 8 张,不过
尺寸的不少,有 39048 张。
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