fish chipsbank怎么加盟

FISH CHIPS怎么样_百度知道
里面的鱼肉亦鲜嫩。外皮炸的香脆,算是我此程吃到的第一顿英国国菜。英国的薯条我还是很满意的,嘿嘿)诺大一份。(后来每顿只要点到鱼都挺好吃的,同样是huge。路边摊的水准也不错啊,像我自己家小时候妈妈在灶披间里炸土豆片的外皮感觉。薯条也好,嘻嘻就在tower of london售票处旁边!另外还买了一份热狗。瞬间将比利时的国菜--炸薯条给比下去哦,土豆的品质真的不错,是我喜欢的范儿。里面的土豆都很糯很粉,作为午餐一个胃口小的女生估计也是吃不完的,薄薄的,fish & chips。天气冷要多吃点,完全无海产腥气味儿。但也好吃,否则路走不动。以上这些只是偶和LG的下午茶,不是午餐。看来英国人还是会做鱼的,外皮不是最脆的
出门在外也不愁De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
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Una ración de fish and chips, servida en el envoltorio moderno que ha sustituido a las tradicionales hojas de papel.
Un establecimiento de fish and chips en .
Tienda móvil de fish and chips en , Escocia.
Fish and chips, o más coloquialmente fish'n'chips (en
se lo denomina también fish supper), es un plato de
originado en el . El plato consiste en
(de diferentes tipos, lo más común es que sean filetes de bacalao, lenguado, pero también suele usarse la merluza, y en alguna minoría también utilizan la carne de la dorada o incluso en algunos establecimientos se utiliza sardina pero es muy raro encontrar un establecimiento que utilice las sardinas) envuelto en un
(, ) frito y acompa?ado de . Durante décadas los fish and chips han dominado el sector de la alimentación rápida en el ,
y , y han logrado una popularidad considerable en , , , los
y algunas zonas costeras de los
y . El fish and chips tiene alguna aceptación en , donde el plato aparece denominado como ‘filetes de pescado’ ( fiskefiletter) —siempre acompa?ado de patatas.
frito y las
han aparecido por separado en diferentes platos durante muchos a?os. La
no llegó al continente
sino hasta el . El plato se hizo popular en los círculos
y del sur de Inglaterra a lo largo del
y se puede ver cómo el escritor
menciona un establecimiento para freír pescado (fried fish warehouse) en su novela , publicada en 1838.
Por otra parte, en el norte de Inglaterra existía ya por estas fechas la tradición de freír <> de papas. No está claro cuándo y dónde exactamente se combinaron ambos fritos para llegar a ser lo que conocemos hoy en día. Se sabe ciertamente que
abrió el primer establecimiento fish and chip shop en Londres en 1860. Los establecimientos de fish and chips que se originaron en el Reino Unido se denominaron abreviadamente como chippy. El fish and chips es una comida típica de las islas británicas.
En Inglaterra el pescado más común para servir los fish and chips es el , pero existen muchos sustitutos de pescado, especialmente aquellos
tales como: el , el , la , el salmón de roca. En el norte de Inglaterra y Escocia se come preferentemente el . Los Australianos prefieren tomar bacalao, pero de un en algunos casos emplean carne de
en sus fish and chips.
Los ingredientes pueden variar mucho dependiendo de la zona o de la raza étnica que posea el restaurante o establecimiento donde se sirva existe la posibilidad de servirse con el popular
(‘sal y vinagre’), aunque no queda descartado el empleo de , ,
(en algunos lugares del continente europeo), , entre otros.
En Reino Unido y Australia estos establecimientos son generalmente restaurantes independientes con ligeras aberturas en los laterales para pedir
(take-away). A estos establecimientos se les denomina coloquialmente como chippies o chip shops. En Australia y Nueva Zelanda se emplea el término fish and chippery. En
suelen servirse en estos locales la
(muy popular).
John K. Walton: Fish and Chips and the British Working Class. Leicester University Press, 1992. .
: Fish & Chips, Fischer Verlag, Fráncfort, 2002 und Krüger Verlag, Fráncfort, 2001 de la edición inglesa: The Van (1991), The Barrytown Trilogy: The Commitments / The Snapper / The Van (1992). Convertida en una
en 1996 por .
alberga contenido multimedia sobre .
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将1 cup面粉、1 tsp苏打粉、1个蛋、适量盐黑胡椒放入盆中加400ml水(英国正宗做法要加点啤酒)搅拌
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辗转反侧的不是因为病痛难以入眠的不是来自伤心只是 无比清楚内心的渴望 却只能对它装聋作哑寒流飞速席卷而来 周遭转眼荒芜谁在夜里忽然想起他 然后 只能笑一笑自己
电视里,女主角终于要嫁给自己爱的人,她一个人半夜爬起来,穿上婚纱,对着镜子,没完没了地笑。吃着红薯粥、蓬头垢面地坐在沙发上,我突然意识到,自己这辈子可能都穿不上婚纱了,就是穿上,也未必有这样甜蜜的笑,就是有这样的笑,也已经太晚了。15岁的时候再得到那个5岁的时候热爱的布娃娃,65岁的时候终于有钱买25岁的时候热爱的那条裙子,又有什么意义。什么都可以从头再来,只有青春不能。那么多事情,跟青春绑在一起就是美好,离开青春,就是傻冒。骑车在大街上大声唱走调的歌,冬天的雪夜里&嘎吱&&嘎吱& 踩着雪地去突袭一个人,紧皱着眉头读萨特的书并在上面划满严肃的道道,走在商场里悄悄拆一包东西吃然后再悄悄地放回去。看一个朋友拍的一个&搞笑片&,但看来看去,我就是笑不出来,原因是这个片子里都是些35岁左右的&中青年人&。这样的片子,若是15岁的小孩子拍,会&很搞笑&。若是25岁左右的人拍,会&挺搞笑&。但是35岁的人拍,便觉得很不好笑。连愚蠢,也只是青年人的专利。张爱玲说,出名要趁早。我不知道别人怎么理解这句话,照我不堪的理解,就是早点出名,好男人就早点发现你,然后浪漫故事就早早地发生了。你若是35岁、45岁出名,还不幸是个女人,这名又有什么用呢。对于女人,任何东西,若不能兑换成爱情,有什么用呢。有一年,一个男人指着另一个男人跟我说,他以后会回国的,他以后会当总理的。然后我就看着那个会当总理的男人,一天一天在我身边老去。直到有一天,他已经变得大腹便便了,头发稀疏了,唠唠叨叨了,我慢慢意识到,已经太晚了。我还认识一个人,他26岁的时候才来到美国,才开始学习英语,可是他学啊学,跟着电视学,请家教学,捧着书学,就是学不会。每次见到我,他总是特别兴奋地说,你听,我的英语有没有进步?然后结结巴巴地说一句火星英语,我看着他,心想,已经太晚了。我外婆,直到70岁的时候才住上楼房,之前一直挤在大杂院里。可是等她好不容易住上了楼房,她又不习惯上楼下楼爬楼梯,不习惯那种邻里之间不吵架的生活,于是她变得失魂落魄,没事就往老房子那边跑。你知道,当好事来得太晚了的时候,它就变成了坏事。我想我就是现在遇上一个心爱的男人又怎样呢?一个没有和我一同愚蠢过的男人,有什么意思呢,而我们就是从现在开始愚蠢,也已经太晚了。
突然想起一个女生 她固执的表情 大雨里义无返顾的身影 还有她骑车子时候经过的那条林荫路 好久不见&&转自&
【When it hurts so much you cannot breather, that is how you survive.】&记忆太轻所以他注定转不过前世今生灵魂太重所以我们时常听得见坠落在耳边倏然有声而在两者之间沉浮不止的便是人生&黑或白,生和死,爱与恨人们站在当中颠沛流离,狼狈不堪若为烟火,尚且可以用一生寂寞来换得刹那绽放丰富浓烈而痛彻心扉,那是甘愿而我,历尽艰辛后摊开十指依然手心空洞或许,感情再无辜也逃不过卑微混沌不清的世界固然可憎但倘若耗尽一生能认清一个真相亦已算幸福丰盈&纵然心存不甘,却始终鞭长莫及浮生若梦,不过如此而已&&&
when I miss you so much.
那些深旧的琐事到最后 只剩下纸片上的光影会说话而它们却再也不被聆听只是 谁又能 想起来呢也许 只是年少时的一场梦罢了梦中的所有 自当 不痛不痒&毫无关系他们从此过着各自的生活再无话题 再无交集&你 还记得我吗&
拿着篮球的那个人 走路很像你喝着可乐的那个人 说话很像你在打电话的那个人 笑起来很像你背着书包的那个人 背影很像你阳光刺眼 却温暖原来 以为世界上独一无二的你 其实 和其他人没什么不同自认为知道你独一无二的举动 其实 很多人都是这样只是 当时被蒙蔽了双眼 陶醉在自己构建的世界中&一梦许多年&最后 你 不过是个普通人&行走在人群里而我 再也认不出你&
I saw your face in a crowded place.....
站长在关注From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the 2011 Cypriot film, see .
Fish and chips is a hot dish of
origin, consisting of
fish, commonly
. It is a common .
Main article:
Fish and chips became a stock meal among the
in England as a consequence of the rapid development of
in the , and the development of railways which connected the ports to major industrial cities during the second half of the 19th century, which meant that fresh fish could be rapidly transported to the heavily populated areas. Deep-fried fish was first introduced into Britain during the 16th century by Jewish refugees from Portugal and Spain, and is derived from . In 1860, the first
was opened in London by Joseph Malin.
Fish and chips in , England
Deep-fried chips (slices or pieces of potato) as a dish may have first appeared in Britain in about the same period: the
notes as its earliest usage of "chips" in this sense the mention in '
(published in 1859): "Husky chips of potatoes, fried with some reluctant drops of oil".
The modern fish-and-chip shop ("chippy" or "chipper" in modern British slang) originated in the United Kingdom, although outlets selling fried food occurred commonly throughout Europe. Early fish-and-chip shops had only very basic facilities. Usually these consisted principally of a large
of cooking , heated by a coal fire. During
fish and chips remained one of the few foods in the United Kingdom not subject to .
In the United Kingdom the Fish Labelling Regulations 2003 and in Ireland the European Communities (Labelling of Fishery and Aquaculture Products) Regulations 2003
respectively enact directive /EC, and generally mean that "fish" must be sold with the particular commercial n so "cod and chips" now appears on menus rather than the more vague "fish and chips". In the United Kingdom the
guidance but several local Trading Standards authorities and others do say it cannot be sold merely as "fish and chips".
marking the first chip shop in Britain, in
The dish became popular in wider circles in London and South East England in the middle of the 19th century. ( mentions a "fried fish warehouse" in , first published in 1838), while in the north of England a trade in deep-fried chipped potatoes developed. The first chip shop stood on the present site of 's Tommyfield Market. It remains unclear exactly when and where these two trades combined to become the fish-and-chip shop industry we know. A Jewish immigrant,
opened the first recorded combined fish-and-chip shop in London in 1860 or in 1865; a Mr Lees pioneered the concept in the North of England, in , in 1863.
The concept of a fish restaurant was introduced by Samuel Isaacs (born 1856 in , L died 1939 in , Sussex) who ran a thriving wholesale and retail fish business throughout London and the South of England in the latter part of the 19th century. Isaacs' first restaurant opened in London in 1896 serving fish and chips, bread and butter, and tea for nine pence, and its popularity ensured a rapid expansion of the chain.
The restaurants were carpeted, had waited service, tablecloths, flowers, china and cutlery, and made the trappings of upmarket dining affordable to the working classes for the first time. They were located in , , , , ,
and other London districts, as well as , , ,
and other seaside resorts in southern England. Menus were expanded in the early 20th century to include meat dishes and other variations as their popularity grew to a total of thirty restaurants. Sam Isaacs' trademark was the phrase "This is the " combined with a picture of the punned-upon fish in question. A glimpse of the old Brighton restaurant at No.1 Marine Parade can be seen in the background of 's 1955 film One Good Turn just as Norman/Pitkin ru this is now the site of a
fish and chips restaurant. A
at 's Tommyfield Market marks the first chips fried in Britain in 1860, and the origin of the fish and chip shop and fast food industries in Britain.
Fish and chips traditionally wrapped in white paper and newspaper, ,
Fish and Chips, ,
Main article:
City Council claims that "… in the 1870s, that glory of British gastronomy—the chip—was first sold by Belgian immigrant Edward De Gernier in the city's Greenmarket."
In , a combination of Gold Star
and water or malt vinegar, known as "sauce", or more specifically as "chippy sauce", has great popularity.
Main article:
In Ireland, the first fish and chips were sold by an Italian immigrant, Giuseppe Cervi, who mistakenly stepped off an America-bound ship at
(then called Queenstown) in
in the 1880s and walked all the way to Dublin. He started by selling fish and chips outside Dublin pubs from a handcart. He then found a permanent spot in Great Brunswick Street (now ). His wife Palma would ask customers "Uno di questa, uno di quella?" This phrase (meaning "one of this, one of the other") entered the
in Dublin as "one and one", which is still a way of referring to fish and chips in the city.
The National Federation of fish Friers believes that the first fish and chip shop was set up in 1860. In India, the dish is usually based on
fish, and uses more chili paste and pepper than would be used in the UK. The dish is more of a niche market delicacy in India than a mass market dish.
Main article:
In the United States, the dish is most commonly sold as "fish and chips," except in
and other parts of the , where this meal would be called a . The name "fish and chips" remains despite the fact that the word "" in the US generally refers to what are called "" in the UK. (Americans typically refer to fried, sliced potatoes as ).
Frying range
Traditio however, , such as
(used because of its relatively high ) now predominate. A minority of vendors in the north of England and Scotland and the majority of vendors in Northern Ireland still use dripping or lard, as it imparts a different flavour to the dish, but it has the side effect of making the fried chips unsuitable for vegetarians and for adherents of certain faiths. Lard is used in some living industrial history museums, such as the .
Fish and sliced chips served with
in the United States
Fish and chips at a
fast food restaurant in Finland, advertised as particularly British
British chips are usually thicker than American-style
sold by major multinational
chains, resulting in a lower fat content per portion. In their homes or in non-chain restaurants, people in or from the United States may eat a thick type of chip, more similar to the British variant, sometimes referred to as .
How much cooking fat soaks into the potato depends on the surface area and how long they are cooked. Chips have a smaller surface area per unit weight than French fries, which means absorbing less oil in a given time. On the other hand, chips, being thicker, take longer to cook than fries.
UK fish and chip shops traditionally use a simple water and flour batter, adding a little
(baking soda) and a little vinegar to create lightness, as they create bubbles in the batter. Other recipes may use , where these liquids are often substitutes for water. The
in the beer lends a lighter texture to the batter. Beer also results in an orange-brown colour. A simple beer batter might consist of a 2:3 ratio of flour to beer by volume. The type of beer makes the batter taste different: some prefer
whereas others use
This section needs additional citations for . Please help
by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2011)
Fish and chips, photographed in , Australia
In Britain and Ireland,
appear most commonly as the fish used for fish and chips, but vendors also sell many other kinds of fish, especially other , such as
or , , , and
(particularly popular in Ireland); and huss or
(a term covering several species of
and similar fish). In , cod, plaice or
appear most commonly in 'fish suppers'—'supper' being Scottish & Northern Irish chip-shop slang for a food item accompanied by chips. Suppliers in
regularly offer pollock and coley as cheap alternatives to haddock due to their regular availability in a common catch.
In , reef cod and
(a different variety from that used in the United Kingdom),
an expensive option or
(a type of
meat), or —both cheaper options—are commonly used. From the early 21st century, farmed
imported from Vietnam and
have become common in Australian fish and chip shops. Other types of fish are also used based on regional availability.
In New Zealand, snapper was originally the preferred species for battered fillets in the North Island. As catches for this fish declined, it was replaced by , shark (particularly ) – marketed as lemon fish – and .
predominate in South Island fish and chips.
In the United States, the type of fish used depends on availability in a given region. Some common types are cod, , ,
or . Salmon is growing common on the West Coast, while freshwater
is most commonly used in the .
and chips in , Canada, served with a lemon wedge and
In chip shops in the United Kingdom and Ireland,
is traditionally sprinkled over fish and chips at the time it is served. Suppliers use , onion vinegar (used for pickling onions), or the cheaper . In Britain a portion of
is a popular side dish
as are a range of pickles that typically include ,
and . In table-service restaurants and , the dish is usually served with a slice of lemon for squeezing over the fish and without any sauces or , with salt, vinegar and sauces available at the customer's leisure.
In Ireland, Wales and Northern England, most takeaways serve warm portions of side-sauces such as curry sauce,
or . The sauces are usually poured over the chips. In some areas, this dish without fish is referred to as 'wet chips'. Other fried products include '' (also known as 'bits' in Southern England), originally a by-product of fish frying. Still popular in Northern England, they were given as treats to the children of customers. Portions prepared and sold today consist of loose blobs of batter, deep fried to a crunchy golden crisp in the cooking-fat. The very popular potato scallop or potato cake consists of slices of potato dipped in fish batter and deep fried until golden brown. These are often accompanied for dipping by the warm sauces listed above.
In Edinburgh and the Lothians salt and sauce (or saut an sauce) is the normal accompaniment traditionally sprinkled over fish and chips or almost anything else bought from the fish-and-chips shops. The watery "sauce" is a mixture of malt vinegar or non-brewed condiment and/or water and Rowat's or Gold Star brand brown sauce, and it is mixed and bottled—often in an old glass fizzy drink bottle with a hole pierced in the —by each fish-and-chip shop to their own secret recipe.
In Australia and New Zealand, plain salt is usually sprinkled over fish and chips just before serving. Some customers may choose to salt food themselves, given current public health concerns about salt intake. Another popular condiment is .
is also very popular for the fish. Both tomato and tartar sauce are usually sold in small plastic tubs on the shop counter. Complimentary slices of lemon are sometimes served with the dish or takeaway pack, although many Australians and New Zealanders grow lemons at home. Less commonly, following British and Irish traditions, malt vinegar is the condiment of choice of some Australasian fish and chip lovers. In New Zealand, most fish and chip shops now offer a choice between battered and crumbed fish, and battered hotdogs,
fritters, battered potato fritters and other deep fried novelties are also usually available.
In Canada, fish and chips may be served with the traditional salt and vinegar, but a lemon wedge and tartar sauce is often the accompaniment found in table service restaurants. Coleslaw of both the vinegared or creamy variety is often interchangeably served as a side.
In the United States, most restaurants serve fish and chips with tartar sauce, ketchup, and coleslaw, although malt vinegar also is sometimes offered, especially at UK-themed pubs.
Main article:
Fish and chip stalls in , England
A mobile Fish and chip vendor in , Scotland
In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, fish and chips usually sell through independent restaurants and
known as . Outlets range from small affairs to chain restaurants. Locally-owned seafood restaurants are also popular in many local markets. Mobile "" serve to cater for temporary occasions. In Canada, the outlets may be referred to as chip wagons. In the United Kingdom some shops have amusing names, such as "A Salt and Battery", "The Codfather","The Frying Scotsman", "Oh My Cod", and "Frying Nemo" In countries such as New Zealand and Australia, fish-and-chip vendors are a popular business and source of income among the Asian community, particularly Chinese migrants.
In Ireland, the majority of traditional vendors are migrants or the descendants of migrants from southern Italy. A trade organisation exists to represent this tradition.
Fish and chips is a popular lunch meal eaten by families travelling to seaside resorts for day trips who do not bring their own
Fish-and-chip outlets sell roughly 25% of all the
consumed in the United Kingdom, and 10% of all .
The existence of numerous competitions and awards for "best fish-and-chip shop" testifies to the recognised status of this type of outlet in .
Fish-and-chip shops traditionally wrapped their product in newspaper, or with an inner layer of white paper (for hygiene) and an outer layer of newspaper or blank
(for insulation and to absorb grease), though the use of newspaper for wrapping has almost ceased on grounds of hygiene. Nowadays, establishments usually use food-quality wrapping paper, occasionally printed on the outside to emulate newspaper.
The British
was founded in 1913. It promotes fish and chips and offers training courses.
A previous world record for the "largest serving of fish and chips" was held by Gadaleto's Seafood Market in New Paltz, New York. This 2004 record was broken by
pub Wensleydale Heifer in July 2011. An attempt to break this record was made by
fish and chip shop Scawsby Fisheries in August 2012, which served 33 pounds (15&#160;kg) of battered cod alongside 64 pounds (29&#160;kg) of chips.
sign for Fish and Chips in London
The long-standing
tradition of not eating meat on , especially during , and of substituting fish for other types of meat on that day continues to influence habits even in predominantly Protestant, Anglican, semi- and secular societies. Friday night remains a traditional occasion for eating fish-and- and many
and similar establishments, while varying their menus on other days of the week, habitually offer fish and chips every Friday.
In Australia and New Zealand, the words "fish and chips" are often used to highlight the difference in each country's short-i vowel sound [?]. Australian English has a higher forward sound [i], close to the y in happy and city, while New Zealand English has a lower backward sound [?], a slightly higher version of the a in about and comma. Hence many people from other dialects hear an Australian say "feesh and cheeps" and a New Zealander say "fush and chups" for fish and chips.
In the UK, waste oil from fish and chip shops has become a useful source of . German biodiesel company Petrotec have outlined plans to produce biodiesel in the UK from waste oil from the British fish-and-chip industry.
- another take-away dish often sold in the same establishments.
Alexander, James (18 December 2009). . BBC News 2014.
. Archived from
on 16 January .
Alexander, James (18 December 2009). . BBC News 2013.
. Channel4. 4 March .
Rayner, Jay (3 November 2005). . The Guardian (London) 2003. In 1860 a Jewish immigrant from Eastern Europe called Joseph Malin opened the first business in London's East End selling fried fish alongside chipped potatoes which, until then, had been found only in the Irish potato shops.
. BBC News. 7 November .
Hegarty, Shane (3 November 2009). . The Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland). p.&#160;17.
. 5 January .
. The Stationery Office.
(equivalent similarly-named legislation applies in other countries of the UK)
(PDF) 2012.
(Section A.2)
. Blackpool Council 2009
. Norfolk County Council 2009
. Nationwide Caterers Association 2009
Chaloner, W. H.; Henderson, W. O. (1990). Industry and Innovation: Selected Essays. Taylor & Francis. &#160;.
Historic uk - the heritage accommodation guide. .
England Eats Out by John Burnett - Published by Pearson Education, 2004
Mail Online. Retrieved 21 September 2011
. Dundee City Council 2007.
SiteWise - Content Management System - /sitewise/. . Federation of Fish Friers 2009.
. Irish Independent.
. Times of India. 9 February 2012.
Hix, Mark (26 January 2008). . The Independent (London) 2009.
Alan Masterson, tictoc design. . 2009.[]
Neil (23 September 2012). .
. . 16 July . (13 July 2007). . The Guardian (London) 2010.
. 2012.
. London: The Guardian. 15 January .
Swillingham, Guy (2005). Shop Horror. London: Fourth Estate. &#160;.
. 2013.
. Barton's Fish and Chips 2012.
. BBC News. 1 February .
Guinnes World Record Claim ID# 45775
. . 16 April .
. 2 July .
. BBC News. 29 August .
Gerald Priestland (1972). . Gentry Books. p.&#160;28. &#160;.
Crystal, David (2003), The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press, p.&#160;354
Trudgill, P Hannah, Jean (2002), International English: A Guide to the Varieties of Standard English (4th ed.), London: Arnold, pp.&#160;23–24
. . 19 March .
Michael Hogan (19 March 2008). .
Gerald Priestland (1972). . Gentry Books. &#160; 2012.
Walton, John K (2000)
Continuum International Publishing Group. .
has a recipe/module on
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
: BBC News: Fish and chips invented in France? Retrieved
- article from
detailing some chippy terminology. Retrieved
- historical article
: the (UK) Sea Fish Industry Authority's views. Retrieved
-style fish and chips
, the UK industry body for fish and chip shops.
: Hidden categories:


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