
查看: 2917|回复: 5
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限30积分188精华0UID帖子金钱505 威望0
Lv.3, 积分 188, 距离下一级还需 62 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
我想移动框架 但是输入案件指令 没反应 只显示/help&&
Lv.4, 积分 810, 距离下一级还需 190 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限90积分2795精华4UID帖子金钱24146 威望4
UID帖子威望4 多玩草252 草
需要安装ouf移动模块 输入/omf
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限90积分24281精华0UID帖子金钱39403 威望8
Lv.9, 积分 24281, 距离下一级还需 10719 积分
UID帖子威望8 多玩草805 草
~~~~~~& &不懂啊
Lv.1, 积分 11, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限10积分9精华0UID帖子金钱25 威望0
Lv.1, 积分 9, 距离下一级还需 6 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
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最后更新: 13:49
。:这个看你具体用的什么插件2,或者插件Focuser 赶紧追问。:同第一个3: 如果用了一些头像插件的话
插件名字叫ouf_diablo, 我只想知道相关的参数设置,我没学过lua,这语言没没时间去研究~ 嘿嘿
其实我建议你用个 整体的UI
还有个叫 RothUI代码的问题
/Diablo unlock
我记得有个什么命令能解锁的。/diablo lockart 锁定材质贴图/diablo unlockart 解锁材质贴图 /diablo lockbars 锁定能量条(法力,怒气,集中值,能量值,符文,符文能量 )/diablo unlockbars 解锁能量条/diablo lockunits 锁定所有跟血量有关的模块/diablo unlockunits 解锁所有跟血量有关的模块 记不清了,我搜了一下
以前我也很热衷什么 暗黑风格
星际风格(这个现在木有了)我看下载这个的时候 还带了oUF_MovableFrames
------------------以上的命令属于实验,不用这个好久好久好久...(省略一万个好久)了---------用记事本打开oUF_D3Orbs.lua球和动作条整块的缩放local playerscale = 0.82(0.82和1之间的数)两个球的距离
明天我装了LUA编辑器 帮你看看
1.OUF_Diablo (主界面文件)
2.OUF (ouf类插件库文件)
3.oUF_MovableFrames (移动单位框体,命令/omf)
4.BT4 (动作条自定义)
-- orb animation system&这一部分不知道是旋转星云还是颜色自动识别系统(未测试),请有兴趣的童鞋自行测试,测试结果记得发上来
--make this value true to enable the animation system
--animations use preset colors, so class and stance coloring is not
possible, but you may change the animation based on class in the
cfg.useAnimationSystem = false
-- defines the animation used in the orbs, following animations are
-- 0 = red fog, 1 = purple fog, 2 = green fog, 3 = yellow fog, 4 =
turquoise fog
-- 5 = red portal, 6 = blue rune portal, 7 = red ghost, 8 = purple
ghost, 9 = water planet,&
-- 10 = swirling cloud, 11 = white fog, 12 = red glowing eye, 13 =
sandy swirl, 14 = green fire
-- 15 = purple swirl, 16 = white tornado, 17 = blue swirly, 18 =
orange fog, 19 = pearl
-- 20 = red magnet, 21 = blue portal, 22 = purple portal
--health animation
cfg.animhealth = 7 --default 7&你可以在这里选择以上任意颜色的代码
--power animation
cfg.animmana = 8 --default 8&你可以在这里选择以上任意颜色的代码
--set your class specific settings here, you can even activate
automatic class and powertype coloring
--BEWARE enabling class or powertype coloring will disable the
selected animation, instead always the pearl animation is used
--it is the only animation that can be colored in some kind of
--muliplier: is a setting that will be multiplied with the alpha
value of the animation (to make it a bit less attracting)
--decrease alpha on value: by default the alpha of an animation is
multiplied with the value (to make it fade once you loose hp or
mana) but in some cases you don't want that, so that value can
disable that&以下是各个职业的颜色预设值,可自由修改
cfg.animClassOverride = {
["DEATHKNIGHT"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 13, animmana = 4,
classcolored = true, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier =
0.3, manamultiplier = 0.3, healthdecreasealpha = false,
manadecreasealpha = false, },
["DRUID"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 18, animmana = 9,
classcolored = true, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier =
0.3, manamultiplier = 0.3, healthdecreasealpha = false,
manadecreasealpha = false, },
["HUNTER"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 2, animmana = 18,
classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier =
1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true, },
["MAGE"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 4, animmana = 6,
classcolored = true, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier =
0.3, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = false,
manadecreasealpha = true, },
["ROGUE"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 3, animmana = 22,
classcolored = false, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier =
1, manamultiplier = 0.3, healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = false, },
["PRIEST"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 19, animmana = 11,
classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier =
1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true, },
["PALADIN"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 1, animmana = 17,
classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier =
1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true, },
["SHAMAN"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 16, animmana = 15,
classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier =
1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true, },
["WARRIOR"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 2, animmana = 20,
classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier =
1, manamultiplier = 0.3, healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true, },
["WARLOCK"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 15, animmana = 22,
classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier =
1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true, },
orb color settings&重头戏,自定义你的球体颜色,如果要修改以下预设的5种颜色,请看2楼
-- healthcolor defines what healthcolor will be used
-- 0 = class color, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 =
cfg.healthcolor = 1&默认为0,0是指自动识别职业,并以职业颜色表示你的HP球体,这个功能要配合Animation=true来启用.在这里我手动强行把生命值球体颜色设置为1=red
-- manacolor defines what manacolor will be used
-- 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 = runic
cfg.manacolor = 5&同上,我的怒气值球体设置为5=runic(符能),如果你要设置为其他颜色,请看2楼("runic"可以改写为任意颜色的英文,不影响设置,修改后只为表达更加准确,方便查看而已
--automatic mana detection on stance/class (only works with glows
--this will override the manacolor value (obvious)
cfg.automana = false&启用法力/能量/符能/集中值/怒气
-- orb texture settings&球体材质
--the texture of the health orb. you can choose between 11
different textures.
--0 = random, 1 = moon, 2 = earth, 3 = mars, 4 = galaxy, 5 =
jupiter, 6 = fraktal_circle, 7 = sun, 8 = icecream, 9 = marble, 10
= gradient, 11 = bubbles, 12 = woodpepples, 13 = golf, 14 = city,
15 = diablo3
cfg.healthtexture = 15 --default
--the texture of the mana orb. you can choose between 11 different
--0 = random, 1 = moon, 2 = earth, 3 = mars, 4 = galaxy, 5 =
jupiter, 6 = fraktal_circle, 7 = sun, 8 = icecream, 9 = marble, 10
= gradient, 11 = bubbles, 12 = woodpepples, 13 = golf, 14 = city,
15 = diablo3
cfg.manatexture = 15 --default 15&15是暗黑3风格
-- colorswitcher define your color for healthbars
--color is in RGB (red (r), green (g), blue (b), alpha (a)), values
are from 0 (dark color) to 1 (bright color). 1,1,1 = white / 0,0,0
= black / 1,0,0 = red etc
cfg.colorswitcher = {
bright = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.9, }, -- the bright
dark = { r = 0.15, g = 0.15, b = 0.15, a = 1, }, -- the dark
classcolored = true, -- true -& override the bright
color with the unit specific color (class, faction,
useBrightForeground = true,&亮/暗色显示当前生命值/缺失生命 的
-- true -& use bright color in foreground and dark
color in background&true=用亮色表示当前生命值,用暗色表示缺失生命值
-- false -& use dark color in foreground and bright
color in background&false=用暗色表示当前生命值,用亮色表示缺失生命值
--galaxy color stuff&生命值球体和"法力值"球体的旋转星云效果RGB代码,由于config.lua里默认没有galaxy相关设置,不知能否自行添加?
cfg.galaxytab = {
[0] = {r = playercolor.r, g = playercolor.g, b = playercolor.b, },
-- class color
[1] = {r = 0.90, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, }, -- red
[2] = {r = 0.25, g = 0.9, b = 0.25, }, -- green
[3] = {r = 0, g = 0.35, b = 0.9, }, -- blue
[4] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.8, b = 0.35, }, -- yellow
[5] = {r = 0.35, g = 0.9, b = 0.9, }, -- runic
--orb animation table&一楼第一行的那个系统的预设颜色修改
cfg.animtab = {
[0] = {displayid = 17010, r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale =
1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- red
[1] = {displayid = 17054, r = 1, g = 0.4, b = 1, camdistancescale =
1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- purple
[2] = {displayid = 17055, r = 0, g = 0.5, b = 0, camdistancescale =
1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- green
[3] = {displayid = 17286, r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0, camdistancescale =
1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- yellow
[4] = {displayid = 18075, r = 0, g = 0.8, b = 1, camdistancescale =
1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, --
turquoise fog
[5] = {displayid = 23422, r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale =
2.8, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.1, rotation = 0, }, -- red
[6] = {displayid = 27393, r = 0, g = 0.4, b = 1, camdistancescale =
3, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- blue rune
[7] = {displayid = 20894, r = 0.6, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale =
6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.3, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, }, -- red
[8] = {displayid = 15438, r = 0.4, g = 0.3, b = 1, camdistancescale
= 6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.3, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, }, --
purple ghost
[9] = {displayid = 20782, r = 0, g = 0.7, b = 1, camdistancescale =
1.2, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.22, y = 0.18, rotation = 0, }, --
water planet
[10] = {displayid = 23310, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale =
3.5, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 3, rotation = 0, }, -- swirling
[11] = {displayid = 23343, r = 0.8, g = 0.8, b = 0.8,
camdistancescale = 1.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.2, y = 0, rotation
= 0, }, -- white fog
[12] = {displayid = 24813, r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale
= 2.4, portraitzoom = 1.1, x = 0, y = -0.3, rotation = 0, }, -- red
glowing eye
[13] = {displayid = 25392, r = 0.4, g = 0.6, b = 0,
camdistancescale = 2.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.5, rotation
= 0, }, -- sandy swirl
[14] = {displayid = 27625, r = 0.4, g = 0.6, b = 0,
camdistancescale = 0.8, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0, rotation =
0, }, -- green fire
[15] = {displayid = 28460, r = 0.5, g = 0, b = 1, camdistancescale
= 0.56, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.4, y = 0, rotation = 0, }, --
purple swirl
[16] = {displayid = 29286, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale =
0.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.6, y = -0.2, rotation = 0, }, --
white tornado
[17] = {displayid = 29561, r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 1, camdistancescale
= 2.5, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = -3.9, }, -- blue
[18] = {displayid = 30660, r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0, camdistancescale
= 0.12, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.04, y = -0.08, rotation = 0, }, --
orange fog
[19] = {displayid = 32368, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale =
1.15, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, }, --
[20] = {displayid = 33853, r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale =
0.83, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.05, rotation = 0, }, -- red
[21] = {displayid = 34319, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0.4, camdistancescale
= 1.55, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.8, rotation = 0, }, -- blue
[22] = {displayid = 34645, r = 0.3, g = 0, b = 0.3,
camdistancescale = 1.7, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.8, rotation
= 0, }, -- purple portal
cfg.powercolors = {
["MANA"] = { r = 0, g = 0.4, b = 1 },
["RAGE"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.00, b = 0.00 },
["FOCUS"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.50, b = 0.25 },
["ENERGY"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.75, b = 0.10 },
["HAPPINESS"] = { r = 0.00, g = 1.00, b = 1.00 },
["RUNES"] = { r = 0.50, g = 0.50, b = 0.50 },
["RUNIC_POWER"] = { r = 0.00, g = 0.82, b = 1.00 },
["AMMOSLOT"] = { r = 0.80, g = 0.60, b = 0.00 },
["FUEL"] = { r = 0.0, g = 0.55, b = 0.5 },
cfg.happycolors = {
[0] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1},
[1] = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0},
[2] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0},
[3] = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0},
cfg.units = {
-- PLAYER&以下是自我框体的相关设置
player = {
show = true,
width = 150,
height = 150,
scale = 1,&主界面缩放比,默认为0.82
frequentUpdates = false,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = -260, y
show = false,
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", x = -95, y = 42 }, --position
in relation to self object
combat = {
show = false,
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", x = 0, y = 86 }, --position
in relation to self object
resting = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", x = -72, y = 60 }, --position
in relation to self object
castbar = {&自我施法条相关设置
show = true,
latency = true,&显示当前延迟估算,PVP高端帝们提前取消施法使用的东西
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
scale = 1/0.82, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to
prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit
color = {&注意,这里要把bar和bg里面的值全部调换,不然又是黑色读条色,黄色背景色
bar = { r = 0.96, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.15, g = 0.15, b = 0.15, a = 1, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
soulshards = {&
show = true,
scale = 0.45,
color = {r = 150/255, g = 135/255, b = 200/255, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
ooc = 0.7, --alpha value out of combat
ic = 1, --alpha value in comat
holypower = {&
show = true,
scale = 0.45,
color = {r = 200/255, g = 135/255, b = 190/255, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
ooc = 0.7, --alpha value out of combat
ic = 1, --alpha value in comat
eclipsebar = {&
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
altpower = {&
show = true,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, },
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar",
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 0
expbar = { --experience
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar",
scale = 1,
color = {r = 0.8, g = 0, b = 0.8, },
rested = {
color = {r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, },
repbar = { --reputation
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar",
scale = 1,
actionbarbackground = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 1, y = 0
scale = 1,
style = 3&默认为1=只有一列施法条背景材质,每行12个按钮位.我设置了3,也就是3个动作条背景共36个按钮位,
--0 = automatic bar detection, 1 = 12 button texture fixed, 2 = 24
button texture fixed, 3 = 36 button texture fixed
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 270, y =
scale = 1,
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = -265, y
scale = 1,
bottomline = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
scale = 1,
portrait = {
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = -100, y
size = 150,
show = false,
use3D = true,
-- TARGET&目标框体设置
target = {
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:hpval]",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "", --more tags see oUF/elements/tags.lua | example: "[curpp]
/ [perpp]%" or "[diablo:ppval]"
show = true,
size = 20,
onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
desaturateDebuffs = false,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOMLEFT", a2 = "TOPRIGHT", x = 0, y = -15
initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT",
growthx = "RIGHT",
growthy = "UP",
debuffs = {
pos = { a1 = "TOPLEFT", a2 = "BOTTOMRIGHT", x = 0, y = 15
initialAnchor = "TOPLEFT",
growthx = "RIGHT",
growthy = "DOWN",
castbar = {
show = true,
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
scale = 1/1, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to
prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
bar = { r = 0.96, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1,
bg = { r = 0.15, g = 0.15, b = 0.15, a = 1, },
shieldbar = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1, },不能被打断的施法条的颜色&--the
castbar color while target casting a shielded spell
shieldbg = { r = 0.8, g = 0.8, b = 0.8, a = 1,
castbar background color while target casting a shielded
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
combobar = {&
show = true,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 0.9, g = 0.59, b = 0, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
portrait = {
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = 100, y =
size = 150,
show = false,
use3D = true,
targettarget = {
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = -195, y
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
show = true,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 10, y = -140
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
altpower = {&
show = true,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, },
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar",
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 0
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
show = true,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 10, y = 40
aurawatch = {
show = true,
size = 20,
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
castbar = {
show = true,
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
scale = 1/0.85, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to
prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
bar = { r = 0.96, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.15, g = 0.15, b = 0.15, a = 1, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y =
pettarget = {
show = false,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 140, y =
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
focustarget = {
show = false,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 140, y = 40
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
show = true,
notinrange = 0.5,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "TOPLEFT", a2 = "TOPLEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 10, y
aurawatch = {
show = true,
size = 20.1,
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
attributes = {
visibility = "custom
--show this header in party
showPlayer = true, --make this true to show player in party
showSolo = false, --make this true to show while solo (only works
if solo is in visiblity aswell
showParty = true, --make this true to show headerin party
showRaid = false, --show in raid
point = "LEFT",
show = true,
notinrange = 0.5,
scale = 1.05,
pos = { a1 = "TOPLEFT", a2 = "TOPLEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 10, y
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag1 = "[diablo:name]", --tag for the first line
tag2 = "[diablo:misshp]", --tag for the second line
classcoloroverride = false, --even if you set the colorswitcher to
no classcolor this value can be used to make the raid class
aurawatch = {
show = true,
--put every single spellid here that you want to be tracked, be it
buff or debuff doesn't matter
--maximum number of icons displayed at a time = 1
--this is for important boss mechanics only, this is not for
tracking healing HOTs etc
spelllist = {
92980, --ice bomb
77786, --red phase consuming flames
89084 , --skull icon chimaeron &10k life
show = true,
disableCooldown = true,
showBuffType = false,
showDebuffType = false,
size = 20,
attributes = {
visibility = "custom [@raid6,exists,group:raid]hide", --use
"party,raid" to show this in party aswell
showPlayer = false, --make this true to show player in party
showSolo = false, --make this true to show while solo (only works
if solo is in visiblity aswell
showParty = false, --make this true to show raid in party
showRaid = true, --show in raid
point = "TOP",
yOffset = 20,
xoffset = 0,
maxColumns = 8,
unitsPerColumn = 5,
columnSpacing = -20,
columnAnchorPoint = "LEFT",&
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = "TOP", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "Minimap", x = 0, y = -80
health = {
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[diablo:altbosspower][perhp]%",
texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar5",
tag = "[perpp]%",
-- frame movement
--setting this to false will use the default frame positions, true
allows moving
cfg.framesUserplaced = true&
--setting this to true will lock the frames in place, false unlocks
cfg.framesLocked =&true&
ui 基本命令:/rabs lock 动作条锁定
/rabs unlock 动作条解锁
/rthreat lock 仇恨栏框体锁定
/rthreat unlock 仇恨栏框体解锁
/diablo lockart 锁定材质贴图
/diablo unlockart 解锁材质贴图&
/diablo lockbars 锁定能量条(法力,怒气,集中值,能量值,符文,符文能量 )
/diablo unlockbars 解锁能量条
/diablo lockunits 锁定所有跟血量有关的模块
/diablo unlockunits 解锁所有跟血量有关的模块


更多关于 魔兽暗黑破坏神 的文章

