
 魔兽争霸 dota
暗黑破坏神 仙剑4
仙剑奇侠传  psp 生化危机 英雄传说 空之轨迹 cs  星际争霸 模拟人生 红色警戒 三国志11 流星蝴蝶剑  英雄无敌 澄海3c 极品飞车 圣安地列斯 幻想三国志  罪恶都市 魔塔 真三 ps2 仙剑3  轩辕剑 实况足球 三国群英传 命令与征服 ps3  帝国时代 三国志9 伊苏 明星志愿 战地2  三国志10 寂静岭 大航海时代 罗马全面战争 无冬之夜  波斯王子 天之痕 侠盗飞车 kanon 博得之门  幽城幻剑录 侠盗猎车 武林群侠传 曹操传 绝代双骄  百战天虫 凯恩之怒 动物园大亨 一剑凌云山海情 英雄萨姆  钢铁雄心 新绝代双娇3 恐龙危机 西风狂诗曲 doom3  复活 暗黑3 孤岛惊魂 scwu 超魔法大战  fifa2005 海之槛歌 咎狗之血 孤胆枪手 vos  零点行动 东方永夜抄 兽族 海商王 narcissu  星尘物语 异域镇魂曲 战锤 summerdays fifa2008  fifa2007 恋爱游戏制作大师2 闪电战 伊苏起源 三国英杰传  大航海家3 即时战略 nba2004 中土战争 cs:s  弧光之源 fm2006 ff7cc 战地 风色幻想2  铁血联盟 阿猫阿狗 仙之侠道 智代after 战女神  fps游戏 岳飞传 fm 傲世三国 德鲁依  特勤机甲队 黑暗史诗 迷城的国度 战国美少女 三国立志传  动物园大亨2 彩虹六号 要塞2 荣誉骑士 兰岛物语  天使小夜曲 辐射2 细胞分裂 超级力量2 fps  爱神餐馆 三国志7 法老王 新神奇传说 染红的街道  cs起源 上帝也疯狂 使命召唤2 nbalive 侠盗猎魔  神魔至尊传 彩虹城堡 化解危机 仙剑续传 哥特王朝  永无乡之梦 pes2008 grid 第七夜 毁灭战士  三角洲特种部队 使命的召唤 圣魔之光石 雷曼 失落的星球  起动战士xp 血战上海滩 光明与黑暗 pcsx2 帝国2  lfs 超级机器人大战a 梦幻群侠传 伊苏6 哥特王朝3  thief3 双截龙 龙珠大冒险 魔兽学园 恶夜杀机  天下霸图2 红宝石 神偷3 新绝代双娇前传 雷神之锤  蓝色警戒 ffta2 pes6 爱神餐馆2 永远的伊苏  吸血迷情 沙丘 四海兄弟 侏罗纪公园基因计划 nba2005  风色幻想七 绯雪千夜 新世界海盗 霹雳小组4 nbalive08  制霸三国 三国霸业 风色幻想7 约束之地 喋血街头  吕布传 模拟飞行 耶利哥 梦之翼 出云战记  f.e.a.r 魔法黎明 风色幻想sp 电影大亨 怒首领蜂  圣域 绝地风暴 烽火三国 天使恋曲 最高指挥官  虚拟人生2 越南战场 天使之羽 征天风舞传 情归故里  fifa足球 侠盗vc 哥特王朝2 酒店大亨 rbo  青蛇法海恩仇录 大航海家 小斗士 反三国志 红警2  ns物竞天择 闪点行动2 血战唐人街 西游奇缘 乐克乐克  三国志6 罗马复兴 三国志1 黑暗圣剑传说 绿宝石493  异域狂想曲 大航海4 黑暗地带51区 三国群英7 mmr  军团要塞 分裂细胞 手机少女 十字军东征 神秘视线  重返狼穴 海滨嘉年华 战争行为 武装突袭 刘备传  太阳帝国的原罪 slg rockman 黑金企业 孔明传  sd高达 侠客英雄传 rpg游戏 叛逆连队 钢之季节  秋之回忆 风色幻想xx 美少女梦工厂 要塞 fm2008  单机游戏 恋姬无双 半条命2 使命召唤4 三国无双  月影传说 仙剑98柔情篇 冰封王座 古墓丽影 信长之野望  heroes5 骑马与砍杀 gba 使命召唤 冠军足球经理  fm2007 金庸群侠传 三国战记 三国群英2 双星物语  忍者村大战 3c 死亡之屋 中世纪2全面战争 上古卷轴  苍之涛 幻世录 街机 风色幻想 三国群侠传  泰坦之旅 光晕 盟军敢死队 模拟城市 家园2  天龙游戏 gta4 尤里的复仇 终极刺客 风色幻想6  荣誉勋章 lf2 heroes4 帝国3 永远的玛丽  剑侠情缘 zero rpg 守卫剑阁 仙剑3外传问情篇  过山车大亨 cs1
魔兽争霸 dota 仙剑奇侠传 暗黑破坏神 仙剑4 生化危机 英雄传说 空之轨迹 cs 星际争霸 模拟人生 红色警戒 三国志11 流星蝴蝶剑 英雄无敌 澄海3c 极品飞车 圣安地列斯 幻想三国志 罪恶都市 魔塔 真三 ps2 仙剑3 轩辕剑 实况足球 三国群英传 命令与征服 ps3 帝国时代 三国志9 伊苏 明星志愿 战地2 三国志10 寂静岭 大航海时代 罗马全面战争 无冬之夜 波斯王子 天之痕 侠盗飞车 kanon 博得之门 幽城幻剑录 侠盗猎车 武林群侠传 曹操传 绝代双骄 秋之回忆 风色幻想xx 美少女梦工厂 要塞 fm2008 单机游戏 恋姬无双 半条命2 使命召唤4 三国无双 月影传说 仙剑98柔情篇 冰封王座 古墓丽影 信长之野望 heroes5 骑马与砍杀 gba 使命召唤 冠军足球经理 fm2007 金庸群侠传 三国战记 三国群英2 双星物语 忍者村大战 3c 死亡之屋 中世纪2全面战争 上古卷轴 苍之涛 幻世录 街机 风色幻想 三国群侠传 泰坦之旅 光晕 盟军敢死队 模拟城市 家园2 天龙游戏 gta4 尤里的复仇 终极刺客 风色幻想6 荣誉勋章 lf2 heroes4 帝国3 永远的玛丽 剑侠情缘 zero rpg 守卫剑阁 仙剑3外传问情篇 过山车大亨 cs1.6 战地1942 地牢围攻 风色幻想5 侠盗车手 Ever17 孤岛危机 魔兽真三 同校生 鬼畜眼镜 wii 秦殇 甜蜜乐章 新剑侠情缘 仙剑2 仙剑客栈 英雄连 新仙剑 胜利之日 nba2008 霹雳奇侠传 圣女之歌 风色幻想3 暗夜精灵 天地劫 神圣纪事 炎龙骑士团 三国志12 魔法门 赵云传 富甲天下 刀剑封魔录 战锤40000 刺客教条 仙剑5 lt3c nba2007 疯狂大卡车 龙之崛起 nba2006 秘密潜入 群英Ⅲ gta自由之城 gta 云和山的彼端 古龙群侠传 自由枪骑兵 死亡阴影 幻世群侠 暴力摩托 galgame 天使帝国 电脑游戏 ballance 大富翁 战地2142 孢子 红警3 星河战队 星际2 战机少女 潜行者 突袭 共和国之辉 神鬼寓言 风色幻想4 绝命时刻 猎杀潜航 武林群侠2 交响乐之雨 文明3 半条命 国家的崛起 主题医院 上古传说 重返德军总部 文明4 三国志8 天河传说 梦幻奇缘 地球帝国 寰神结 撕裂重罪 大航海 家园 黑龙舞兮云飞扬 真倚天屠龙记 阿玛迪斯战记 三国志5 圣战群英传 闪点行动 虚拟人生 混乱军团 沙耶之歌 百战天虫 凯恩之怒 动物园大亨 一剑凌云山海情 英雄萨姆 钢铁雄心 新绝代双娇3 恐龙危机 西风狂诗曲 doom3 复活 暗黑3 孤岛惊魂 scwu 超魔法大战 fifa2005 海之槛歌 咎狗之血 孤胆枪手 vos 零点行动 东方永夜抄 兽族 海商王 narcissu 星尘物语 异域镇魂曲 战锤 summerdays fifa2008 fifa2007 恋爱游戏制作大师2 闪电战 伊苏起源 三国英杰传 大航海家3 即时战略 nba2004 中土战争 cs:s 弧光之源 fm2006 ff7cc 战地 风色幻想2 铁血联盟 阿猫阿狗 仙之侠道 智代after 战女神 fps游戏 岳飞传 fm 傲世三国 德鲁依 特勤机甲队 黑暗史诗 迷城的国度 战国美少女 三国立志传 动物园大亨2 彩虹六号 要塞2 荣誉骑士 兰岛物语 天使小夜曲 辐射2 细胞分裂 超级力量2 fps 爱神餐馆 三国志7 法老王 新神奇传说 染红的街道 cs起源 上帝也疯狂 使命召唤2 nbalive 侠盗猎魔 神魔至尊传 彩虹城堡 化解危机 仙剑续传 哥特王朝 永无乡之梦 pes2008 grid 第七夜 毁灭战士 三角洲特种部队 使命的召唤 圣魔之光石 雷曼 失落的星球 起动战士xp 血战上海滩 光明与黑暗 pcsx2 帝国2 lfs 超级机器人大战a 梦幻群侠传 伊苏6 哥特王朝3 thief3 双截龙 龙珠大冒险 魔兽学园 恶夜杀机 天下霸图2 红宝石 神偷3 新绝代双娇前传 雷神之锤 蓝色警戒 ffta2 pes6 爱神餐馆2 永远的伊苏 吸血迷情 沙丘 四海兄弟 侏罗纪公园基因计划 nba2005 风色幻想七 绯雪千夜 新世界海盗 霹雳小组4 nbalive08 制霸三国 三国霸业 风色幻想7 约束之地 喋血街头 吕布传 模拟飞行 耶利哥 梦之翼 出云战记 f.e.a.r 魔法黎明 风色幻想sp 电影大亨 怒首领蜂 圣域 绝地风暴 烽火三国 天使恋曲 最高指挥官 虚拟人生2 越南战场 天使之羽 征天风舞传 情归故里 fifa足球 侠盗vc 哥特王朝2 酒店大亨 rbo 青蛇法海恩仇录 大航海家 小斗士 反三国志 红警2 ns物竞天择 闪点行动2 血战唐人街 西游奇缘 乐克乐克 三国志6 罗马复兴 三国志1 黑暗圣剑传说 绿宝石493 异域狂想曲 大航海4 黑暗地带51区 三国群英7 mmr 军团要塞 分裂细胞 手机少女 十字军东征 神秘视线 重返狼穴 海滨嘉年华 战争行为 武装突袭 刘备传 太阳帝国的原罪 slg rockman 黑金企业 孔明传 sd高达 侠客英雄传 rpg游戏 叛逆连队 钢之季节 这些够了吧
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我想問 會不會有特別的bug
我在想 要不要重開檔玩
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hl88718 发表于
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hl88718 发表于
好吧 目前玩了一陣子
另外問一下R組破解的是不是包含之前的DLCs? (那些數位內容)
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hl88718 发表于
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01:26 编辑
jam52076 发表于
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pes111 发表于
好吧 目前玩了一陣子
总评分:&金元 + 2&
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明白了 感謝~~~
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 · 跳进CAS里去制定泳装吧!
  · 选取风格搭配来快速穿起泳装;或选择精致完美的连体/分体比基尼、沙滩裤、泳裤!
  · 戴上草帽穿上拖鞋,在鼻梁涂点防晒霜,就可以出发啦!
 · 在建筑模式下点击建筑标签里的泳池图标可打造属于自己的泳池。
  · 您可以放置预设好的传统泳池(三角形、矩形、斜角形、八角形),也可以用泳池工具拉取自己喜欢的形状。
 · 泳池可设在任意楼层。
 · 用泳池灯点亮泳池、安装泳池梯、设定好喜欢的壁纸地板,然后点缀上贴花,或者在泳池壁上开几个窗户!
 · 市民可以享受新建好的泳池和新互动,比如垂坐在泳池边、向孩子们泼水,或是被死于池畔烧烤悲剧的愤怒鬼魂点着后跳入泳池给自己灭火。
 · 注意饥饿和疲劳度,游泳时间过长可能要人命。死神会很乐意看你求他,但并不总是宽宏大量。
 · 本次更新解决了一些之前发现的性能问题,我们会继续致力于改善游戏体验。
 · 修正了一处可能导致玩家无法安置内含置物平台的房间的问题。
 · 修正了一处导致旧版游戏存档无法在新版游戏内载入的问题。
 · 有时候游戏正常运行着自己就崩溃掉了,有时候……
  · 修复一处会导致家庭成员出行回家后自我删除的问题。
 · 修复一处游戏自带房屋的家具会导致游戏崩溃的问题。
 · 修复一处邀请流浪者入住又取消操作后会导致游戏假死的问题。
  · 欢呼吧!现在您又可以和无住址的流浪者同居了。邀请流浪者入住可以选择新住址,也可以选择入住您原本的家庭。
 · 修复一处导致玩家移动橱柜时洗涤槽被删除的问题。
 · 现在您在建筑模式下可以输入“TV”来检索电视了,因为我们发现没人会输入“television”这个单词。
 · 修正一处导致从旧家庭分离出的新建市民被原始家庭覆盖的问题。
 · 修复一处导致点击书架的清扫书互动无法执行的问题。
 · 修复一处导致老年女市民只有一条腿走路的问题。
 · 修复一处可能导致骨灰盒/墓碑互动功能完全消失的问题。
  · 备注,为什么说是“可能”呢?因为很多BUG并不是所有人都会遇上,我们解决起来也是需要该问题在相同执行条件下反复出现才能确定的。
 · 修复一处导致市民跪在错误地点的问题,这让互动看起来很奇怪,比如跪在餐桌上或其他类似场合。
 · 儿童吹熄摆放在橱柜上的蜡烛蛋糕时不会再浮空。
 · 修复一处导致鬼魂占领烧烤架台时会先执行烹饪动作再钻进去的错误。
 · 修复一处导致多名市民在攀爬架前扮海怪时重叠一起站立的问题。
  · 其实这个BUG会让他们看起来更像海怪,所以……我们内部争论上升到了该问题能否被称为问题的层面。会不会市民扮海怪其实也是在宣泄自己内心的怪兽?我们要剥夺他们这种行为吗?我们有这个权力吗?当制作人还在忙着开会讨论其哲学含义及社会影响时……代码工程师们已经把这个BUG修复完了。然后就这样啦,市民内心的怪兽被剥离了。
 · 简而言之的修复:我们修复了一处导致改动橱柜后隔壁橱柜自动变形功能失灵的问题。
 · 没法简言的修复:当你把橱柜靠墙摆放,另一个橱柜对面摆放,再继续可以用自动变形来构成拐角。但当你删除那面墙再去构建拐角时,会发现自动变形功能失灵。该问题已修复。
 · 修复一处导致地基执行撤销操作时撤销/恢复功能停止工作的问题。
 · 修复一处导致置物平面删除后再执行撤销操作时被删除的物品无法恢复的问题。(比如你删了一张摆着花瓶的桌子,再撤销操作时花瓶无法恢复。)
 · 修复一处“快速点击”导致的问题。快速删除楼板、退出建筑模式,市民就浮起来啦!
 · 修复一处导致鼠标悬停于删除天花板按钮上时闪烁不止的端口问题。
 · 修复一处导致生活模式/建筑模式切换时建筑模式目录无法正确显示的端口问题。
 · 修复一处会导致主控家庭死光后游戏永远处于载入画面的问题。
 · 修复会导致生成过多储备NPC的性能问题,没必要一次载入太多NPC市民。
 · 在记忆时间轴里滑动到最左端不会再使游戏无响应了。唔……这个问题……我们真是……求别说……
 · 修复把同一市民放进多个家庭内会导致装扮无法保存修改或家庭无法主控的问题。
 · 修复Gallery房间带着餐点盘上传会导致玩家无法再将其放置进游戏里的问题。
 · 修复导致市民增龄时眼睛变小下颌变宽的问题。该问题是因为某年龄阶段少了一个变量,导致改龄时面部数值无法正常套用而出现异常剧增。
 · 守灵期结束啦……现在未婚夫死后市民也可以再次结婚了。
 · 无论自动增龄选项是否开启玩家都可以通过吹熄生日蛋糕蜡烛来给市民增龄。
 · 修复一处导致寡妇和鳏夫的婚恋状态无法正确显示的问题。
 · 将Gallery同一市民本体多次入住地图后不会再导致克隆体被神秘抹杀掉。
 · 修复导致神仙菜在建筑模式下可以“部分”复制的问题,尽管复制时扣掉了全款,但只能得到一个空盘子。
 · 修复市民吃神仙菜起死回生后紧接着就增龄的问题……这种情况可能导致他们马上又死掉。
 · 修复“举办5场派对”的目标无法正确计算派对次数的问题,我们往里面又加了几行代码然后就解决了。
 · 修复鬼魂无法正常显示在目标市民选取器弹窗内的问题,比如写电邮情书或发垃圾邮件之类的。
 · 青少年现在可以给青少年写电邮情书了。
 · 鬼魂维修互动现在可以满足维修家电的奇想了。
 · 为社区用地的壁挂音箱增加幽灵音乐的调试选项。
 · 修复当市民要维修其他楼层坏掉的淋浴间时会跑去修本层楼完好淋浴间的问题。
 · 成员全部死光的家庭不会再出现在管理家庭列表里。
 · 修复一处导致畅销作家抱负本应显示“打破瓶颈”的那行错误显示为“在图书馆读1本书”的问题。
 · 市民死亡后会变为不可控的鬼魂。
 · 使用“邀请入住”互动来把鬼魂加入到你的主控家庭!
 · 鬼魂可以拥有人际关系,可以结婚、嘿咻,可以工作、可以实现抱负、获取新特征,或者就这么待着!
 · 基于不同死法鬼魂们会有各自独特的往生表现…
   · 死于饥饿的市民在死后会不停找食吃。
   · 死于劳累或寿终正寝的市民会更倾向于轻松过日子。
   · 死于火灾的市民会有一个新互动…真心建议别去惹怒他们。
   · 死于情绪化的市民能够把自己的情绪感染给其他人。
   · 死于触电的市民在生气时有个特殊互动可以搞坏电子设备。他们也很喜欢用“掌心电击”与人互动。
   · 死于奶牛花的市民会流连于植物世界。他们心情不好时可以弄死植物,但心情好时又会细心照料植物。
 · 鬼魂可以持有物品,当他们持有某物时可以对其进行维修。
 · 鬼魂具有全新的互动比如“鬼魂惊吓”、“穿墙而过”,以及“谈论死亡”。
 · 米其林烹饪技能达到10级后新增“神仙菜”食谱,可用来复活鬼魂!(或者帮普通市民重返青春)
 · 园艺新增“死神花”植物,在死神降临时可以救市民一命!
 · 新增一条解锁各种物品的秘籍,诸如池塘、社区地段专用广播频道,以及许多其他杂物。按Ctrl+Shift+C唤出秘籍栏,输入“bb.showhiddenobjects”秘籍。可以使用建筑模式的过滤器来快速找到这些隐藏物品。
 · 新增5种眼球虹膜颜色!深蓝色、蓝褐色、灰褐色、绿褐色,以及紫色!现在就去造个新市民吧!
 · 音响新增鬼怪频道!这音乐真是棒得可怕!简直要震坏…你的音箱。
 · 创造市民界面新增一条速率秘籍可以用来调整人物在CAS里各种动作的快慢。唤出秘籍栏输入“cas.clockspeed ”即可,0为暂停、10为恢复!
 · 修复一处可能导致“写书”互动无法正常保存进而使存档文件报错的问题。
 · 载入地段时若原主控市民没有位于当前地段,则现在可以正确切换到第二位主控市民。
 · 修复一处导致玩家无法进入建筑模式编辑主控家庭用地的错误。
   · 这个问题也许是由于玩家删除了其他NPC家庭引起的,不过也可能是其他原因。
 · 修复一处当玩家从主控用地上传未完工地段后又从管理界面进入建筑模式可能导致游戏无响应的错误。
   · 这个问题是由于主控市民没有正确移除导致陷入错误状态,使玩家无法继续回到游戏。
 · 游戏环境里的某些原因可能导致序号丢失,进而引起游戏崩溃。该问题已得到妥善解决。
 · 修复一处可能导致载入现有存档后非激活地段无法正确关闭的问题。
 · 改变墙体高度时读书或吃饭的市民不会再被重置。
 · 降低地基高度时橱柜不会再被收进家庭物品清单。
 · 修复一处可能导致市民寻路时出现“空中漫步”的错误。
 · 当市民销售大型陨石时不会再提示无法寻路。
 · SIMS4默认刷新率现在设为与Windows相同。
 · CAS里的两款男裤被合为一个图标了。
 · 某几款发型和帽子组合时在头皮处会很奇怪,该问题已得到调整。
 · 修复一款女裙的配色卡。
 · 修复一款楼梯配色卡与实物不匹配的问题。
 · 敲掉墙壁不会再导致靠墙摆放的职业奖励饰物“画布堆”一起被卖掉。
 · 修复一款镜子的正反面错误。
 · 修复一款地面植物会跑到地底下的问题。
 · 修复一款床铺枕头导致市民无法上床的问题。
 · 市民现在无论绘画技能等级如何都可以画出更多种作品,高水平画技的市民可以画出低等但高品质的画作。
 · 市民现在可以一边下棋一边听音乐!
 · 光顾图书馆的NPC现在也会有男女青年,以前总是老年女性。
 · “启用/禁用情绪氛围”增加了提示说明以解释其作用。
 · “试着冷静下来”、“发泄”、“抱怨问题”和“洗澡”行为现在可以解决更多市民感到紧张不适的情况。
 · 取消了烹饪技能等级较高不会引发厨房火灾的设定。确实市民很聪明,但最好还是给他们一些点燃自己豪宅的机会。现在厨艺高于3级的市民也有很小的概率可以引发厨房火灾。
 · 书呆子脑袋抱负的最后一个里程碑现在只需要阅读10本书。(以前是15本)
 · “赚网络零花钱”以前会在短时间内挣到超多钱,不应该是这样的,现在这项收入减少了。
 · 据说玩具能够增长儿童创造力,现在就有这个效果啦。
 · “编顺口溜”现在能付费给市民。之前用吉他编顺口溜是没有收入的。
 · 唱情歌的人不再获得情歌相关的BUFF,被唱情歌的一方现在可以获得正向BUFF情绪。
 · 通过时间累计解锁的成就和BUFF有时会出错,这些问题现已得到修复。
 · 有两款冰箱升级起来太快了,现在已重新调整速率。
 · 健身达人在做“零重力锻炼”时不再降低卫生值。
 · 科学实验桌做出来的情绪药水现在可以提供正向情绪,而不再只是让人觉得不舒服。
 · 市民无法通过自主被奶牛花吃掉,因为花吃人的过程中行为队列会出现问题导致市民被重置。现已得到修复,市民可以正常被吃掉了。
 · 现在可以给星际生长荚浇水除草了。
 · 未支付账单的市民不会再走到哪里都断水断电了,现在去邻居家可以正常蹭水蹭电。
 · 钓鱼互动在饼状选单里可正常显示情绪标识。
 · 收藏品的稀有度会影响它的价值。
 · 收养孩子现在可以获得作为家长应该得到的所有BUFF。
 · 修复当市民随身清单里有腐坏食物时点击吧台的选单出现错误内容的问题。
 · 修复市民仍然可以喂养死掉的奶牛花这个问题。
 · 现在挖石头不会再变得一身肌肉。
 · 修复一处导致账单重复计费的错误。
 · 修复一处可能导致市民被电流一击致死的问题。
 · 厨师职业达到10级后可正常解锁“商业厨房”风格的装修蓝图。
 · 园艺植物不会再影响市民情绪。
 · 当市民带有专注情绪时维修或升级物品的选单现在可以正确显示情绪颜色标识。
 · 修复两处导致儿童出现挑逗情绪的错误。
   · 之前社交技能满级的儿童可以跟镜子里的自己调情,这个问题已修复。
   · 当儿童具有疯狂特征或者带有自信情绪时可以跟镜子里的自己调情,这个问题已修复。
 · 出门约会过滤器选项现在已对儿童禁用。
 · 社区用地转换为住宅用地后,玩家可以通过管理世界在这块用地上添加净资产少于用地价值的新家庭。
   · 玩家仍然不可以把买不起房产的现有家庭安置到用地,但可以通过这一流程在用地上直接创建新家庭。
 · 模拟工坊的提示时间不会再把最后一条内容错误显示为“一个月前”。
 · 在模拟工坊为作品写注释时,“&”字符后面的文本内容不会再消失。
 · 现在把鼠标悬停在活动主要目标上会出现提示文字以说明如何完成目标。
 · 修复一处导致社区地图的文字标签超出屏幕范围的问题。
 · 修复一处导致建筑模式过滤器面板隐藏的问题。
 · 修复几处提示错误代码102和122的问题。修复一处导致无法从“载入游戏”选单载入自动存档的问题。
 · 修复几处导致市民消失的问题。
 · 在游戏选项中启用SIMS3方案即可改变镜头方式。按Ctrl+Shift+Tab键也可以在SIMS4和SIMS3两种镜头设置间切换。
 · 需要更多技巧和诀窍?到此处查看我们的玩家指南。
 · 新饰物!逍遥骑士地精从热带的藏身洞穴长途跋涉来到SIMS4!他在建筑模式里热切地等着你,准备用他牢不可破的弗拉明戈铁骑光耀你的家宅!
   · 位于建筑模式的户外或装饰分类下,也可以在过滤器输入“地精”来搜索。
 · 市民和物品的高亮轮廓可以通过在秘籍栏输入“hovereffects on/off”来开启/关闭。(关闭后鼠标悬停于市民或物品时的白色轮廓将会消失)
   · 除此之外还可以通过添加-nohovereffects命令行参数的方式禁用白色轮廓。添加参数的方法:打开Origin客户端,右击SIMS封面图,选择“游戏属性”,输入-nohovereffects并保存。
 · 修复一处通过模拟工坊下载时导致游戏停止工作的问题。
 · 修复几处导致市民人际关系错误的问题。
   · 玩家若使用“cas.fulleditmode”秘籍重返CAS界面修改市民,注意该秘籍允许手动选择原本无效的人际关系。使用该秘籍修改人物关系时请谨慎操作。
 · 模拟工坊上传作品时自动过滤了“gay”、“homosexual”或“homosapien”等字眼。该问题已得到修复,这些词汇不再被禁止了。
 · 修复一处当房间只有围栏没有墙壁时保存出错的问题。
 · 我们已经注意到有些可爱迷人的婴儿没办法……正常表达自己。部分集成显卡会导致这些可怜的小家伙以“独特”的方式表现。我们已经修复了这处错误。感谢大家帮我们确认并追查这个问题。
 · 修复一处建筑模式下无法认定围栏为房间的错误。
 · 修复一处锁定并解锁计算机后导致CAS崩溃的问题。
 · 修复几处服装无法在载入存档后保持解锁状态的问题。
 · 修复几处市民企图跟死神约会的错误,该问题会导致游戏无响应。死神还是很爱你哒,他只是忙于跟每个迷恋他追求他的市民约会。
 · 修正几处导致沉睡的婴儿被拉入家庭物品清单的问题。
   · 现在即使婴儿被错误地拉进家庭物品清单玩家也可以退出建筑模式。
   · 现在分割一个拥有婴儿的家庭时不会再出现游戏无响应的情况。
   · 分割或合并家庭时不会再因为婴儿留在家庭物品清单里而导致家庭不可操控。
   · 家庭其他成员全部死亡也不会再导致婴儿被锁定在家庭物品清单里。
   · 通过管理世界编辑用地时被留在家庭物品清单里的婴儿不会再增生。
 · 修正一处因模拟工坊内家庭和其他家庭合并导致游戏生活模式无法载入的问题。
 · 通过管理世界给已玩过的家庭在CAS里增加新成员时允许修改其五官和身形。
 · 地段里使用秘籍放大过的物品现在被分享到模拟工坊后也可以保持其放大状态。(开启大秘籍后通过Shift+方括号键放大物品)
 · 修复一处向个人资料库保存作品时可能导致游戏无响应的问题。
本帖最后由 egureh 于
11:26 编辑
The Sims 4 patch notes
Update: 11/04/2014 – Version
Hey S(w)immers!
It's time to go swimming! November, sunshine, swimming, splashing, the warmth of the su… well, we are international, so it's sunny for some. Anyway, Pools are here! And your Sims are ready to jump in and splash around!
 · Jump into Create a Sim to customize your Swimwear!
  · Choose from the Styled Looks to quickly swim up your S or choose the perfect one or two-piece bikini, swim trunks or budgie smugglers!
  · Top off your creation with a hat, some sandals, and a dab of sunscreen down the bridge of your nose, and you are ready to go!
 · Build out your pool in Build Mode by clicking on the Build tab, and the Pools image in the home portrait
  · You can place pre-fashioned pool blocks (triangle, square, diagonal, or octagon), or you can use the Pool Tool to draw your own pool.
 · Pools can be built on any floor of your home or venue.
 · Decorate and enhance your pool with pools lights, install a ladder, customize the wall and floor textures to your liking then plop down some decals or add some windows for that aquarium'esque experience!
 · Sims can enjoy the comforts of your newly built pool, whether they are socializing as they dangle their digits in the water, splashing the kids, or putting themselves out after being set on fire by an angry ghost who had died from a tragic poolside grilling accident.
 · Be wary of the hungry and fatigued, a moment too long in the pool has been known to cause a lack of living. The Reaper will gladly accept your pleas, though he may not always oblige them.
Build out your dream home (with pool included) or head to the Gallery to find the wondrous creations of your fellow S(w)immers , and spend the day with your Sims by the poolside!
In addition to releasing Pools in this update, we have also spent time fixing some bugs and continuing to enhance the game:
Our players have been instrumental in helping us track down the small eye, wide jaw issue that was interfering with some Sims as they aged up both in Live Mode and in Create a Sim. Working with the community, and our internal quality assurance group, we have reverted the tuning as Sims changed ages that resulted in a shrinking of the eyes, and a widening of the jaw. It is intentional that Sims change slightly as they age but the tuning we were using wasn't performing as we expected as of yet. Thank you once again for your patience and diligence in helping us resolve this
Crashes / Performance
 · Several performance issues were found and addressed with this release, and we will continue to look into improving performance across the board.
 · Fixed an issue that could result in the player being unable to place a room from the gallery if it contained a slotted object.
 · Fixed an issue that would prevent you from loading an older save with an updated version of the game.
 · Sometimes the game crashes in a completely logical fashion and sometimes…
  · We fixed an issue that would cause household members to delete themselves, but only if a household of more than one began their existence at the Potters Splay lot, one member of the household then traveled to visit the Pique Hearth or Rindle Rose household, and then returned home to find their other household members have gone missing. The Potters Splay lot has been thoroughly exorcised and made safe for Sim living once again.
 · On a similar note, there was a counter and an oven at Yuma Heights that could cause a crash, these too have been fixed.
 · We fixed a freeze that could occur when attempting to move in with a homeless Sim if you changed your mind (having realized they don't have a home) and attempted to back out of the move-in flow.
  · Rejoice! You can once again choose to move in with the homeless even though they don't have a home. You can decide to not move in to their homeless home, but rather choose to move into a new home with them, or move the homeless Sim into your home.
Tuning / Graphics
 · Fixed an issue that resulted in a placed counter sink being deleted when the player moved the counter.
 · You can now search for &TV& in Build Mode, because it turns out nobody uses the word television.
 · Fixed an issue with newly created Sims made from an older shared household overwriting the original household.
 · Fixed an issue where Sims refused to clean up books if the action was initiated through the bookshelf. It seems Sims prefer to be told directly, rather than the bookshelf leaning over and whispering &Hey, my books are showing.&
 · Fixed an issue that resulted in elder female Sims forgetting they had two legs, and instead walking with a one-legged stutter step, &Pardon me m'lady, but you have two legs.&
 · Fixed an issue that could occur during the swapping of the Urn and Tombstone models that would result in the urn/tombstone forgetting what it was and losing all functionality.
  · On a side note, why use the word &could&? It turns out that bugs do not occur for all people, often due to the complexity of what is happening in the code. In this issue, the reproducible case that allowed us to verify the issue as resolved required you to perform an action an unreasonable number of times in succession, in order to see the issue occur once.
 · Fixed an issue where Sims were choosing to kneel at improper moments, being socially awkward, kneeling at the dining table, or similarly strange occurrences.
 · Children will no longer levitate when attempting to blow out the candles of a cake on a counter. Nobody believed the levitation really occurred anyway, and those who &saw& the levitation are no longer available for comment.
 · Fixed an issue with Ghosts possessing Grills, that would cause them to open the grill, examine the contents, close the grill, and then jump in.&&We have informed the ghosts that the contents of the grill will have no bearing upon their dietary preferences, nor will they be viewed any differently for choosing to possess a grill when they just feel like possessing a grill.
 · Fixed an issue that would result in multiple Sims standing in the same place when they chose to play as sea monster.
  · It was noted that this bug made them look like a sea monster, so… an internal debate rose regarding the believable nature of the issue. Were the Sims expressing their inner monster as they played Sea Monster?&&Should we take that away from them?&&Did we even have the right to?&&As the producers were busy debating the philosophical merits involved, planning meetings, and contemplating the social ramifications… the engineer fixed it. And well here we are, with our Sims sea monsterly expression ripped from them.
Build Mode
 · The simple way to state it:&&We fixed an issue where auto counters would stop working correctly after modifying the nearby architecture.
 · The not so simple way: When placing a counter perpendicular to a wall, and placing a second counter opposite to it, then placing a third counter positioned in front of the second one as if you were attempting to create a corner with auto-counters, then deleting the wall, and then once again attempt to create a corner piece, was resulting in auto-counters losing functionality.&&We fixed this.
 · Fixed an issue that would cause undo and redo to stop working if the undo action undid a foundation doing.
 · Fixed an issue when deleting an object with other objects slotted to it, with the sledgehammer that prevented undo from returning the slotted objects (or, if you deleted a table with a vase on it, and then chose to undo the action, the vase would not come back).
 · Fixed a &quick-click& issue. Delete floor, exit Build Mode, Sim is floating!&&Ta-dah!
 · Fixed an interface issue with the remove ceiling button flickering when the cursor hovered over it.
 · Fixed an interface issue that would result in the Build Mode catalog failing to properly open when switching between Build and Live Modes.
  · Learning time: By the way, in case you were curious on the correct pronunciation of Live, simply say to yourself &I Build in Build mode, and I Live in Live mode.&
Thank you for everything
Update: 10/21/2014 – Version 1.0.797.20
Hello Simmers, readers of patch notes, and other developers who just happen to be searching the internet for examples of how other teams are writing up their release notes!
We had a few issues we felt needed to be addressed sooner rather than later, and have tackled them in today’s patch! Many of these issues were brought forth by the community through the forums. We thank you for your efforts, your posts, and your focus in helping us create a better experience with The Sims 4.
Some bugs you might be keen to know were fixed: The &Eye and jaw width looks funky& bug! The &I can’t get married if my fiancé died& issue! And the &My Sims can’t age up anymore& bug.
The other issues which we have fixed are detailed below, and we are always dedicated to fixing performance and gameplay blocking issues in order to provide the best gaming experience possible. Please keep posting on the forums. We do read them and we are tracking issues that you are finding.&&Thank you!
Crashes / Performance
 · Fixed an issue where the game could enter into an infinite load after all Sims in a household had died.
 · Fixed a performance issue resulting in too many hidden Sims being created for &just in case& scenarios. Resulting in a large number of Sims being loaded that were not needed.
 · Scrolling left in the Memory timeline will no longer freeze your game. Yea… we just… don't ask…
 · Fixed an issue that was caused by placing a Sim from the gallery into multiple households that could result in either simply causing the appearance to revert to the original Sims appearance, or could cause the household to become unplayable.
 · Fixed an issue that would result in the player being unable to place a Room from the Gallery if the room had been uploaded with a single plate of food.
 · Fixed an appearance issue that caused Sims to incorrectly appear with small eyes and wide jaws on age up. This was a result of a modifier value being improperly ignored for one age group, that resulted in the value being incorrectly applied, and was exacerbated if a Sim moved into or out of that age group.
 · The grieving period is over… Sims can now attempt to marry again if their fiancé has died.
 · Players can once again tell their Sim to age up with a cake, regardless of the Auto Age setting. On a side note, I feel strongly as though I should have used the word irregardless, if only to anger my co-workers who contend that the word is not a word. I feel however, that it is a perfectly fine word, irregardless of their feelings.
 · Fixed an issue where Widows and Widowers were not being properly given their relationship status as Widows and Widowers.
 · Sims made from the same Gallery Sim will now properly populate the world as desired, rather than secretly kill off their clones before moving into the world.
 · Fixed an issue where Ambrosia was &sort of& allowing itself to be copied in Build Mode, however, while it was charging full price for the copy, it was only delivering an empty plate with FX.
 · Resurrected Ghosts by way of Ambrosia, will properly age up upon their return to the land of the living… which is unfortunate because they are just going to die again.
 · Fixed an issue with the Throw 5 Parties goal not counting thrown parties correctly, making it impossible to throw a party that would satisfy the Throw 5 Parties goal. We have thrown together a few lines of code, talked to all parties involved, and verified that it is once again possible to throw a party that satisfies the Throw 5 Parties goal.
 · Fixed an issue preventing Ghosts from showing up as valid targets in some Sim Picker dialogs, such as Write Love Email or Send Spam Money Request to.
 · Teens can now write Love Emails to other Teens.
 · Ghostly Repair will now satisfy the Repair an Object whim.
 · Added a venue wall speaker for the Spooky station into the debug catalog.
 · Fixed an issue that would cause a Sim to attempt to repair a working shower, if the broken shower was on the 2nd floor.
 · Manage households will no longer show empty households as a result of Sims dying from old age.
 · Fixed an improper string update which resulted in the 1st goal of the Writing aspiration informing you that you should &Read 1 Book at the Library,& rather than the correct goal of &Beat Writer's Block&. Odd that the writing aspiration had an error in the text.
Update: 10/1/2014 - Version 1.0.732.20
Welcome to October 1, Patch Day!&&First off we would like to say thank you for all of the help we have received from the community in identifying and tracking down issues. We love listening and learning from all that you do, and are always striving to make The Sims 4 the most solid game it can be. We love your stories and we greatly appreciate all your help!&&We have a lot to share about what’s new, some fixes, and what have we done to your game? So, let’s go!
Ghosts! Ready to go and in your game, just jump in and start killing your Sims! Well, I mean, you can… nicely kill them? Or just lock them in a room for a couple days, um, without any food or water. That’s one way to do it, but will take a while so if you’re really impatient maybe just set them on fire. Oh, this isn’t going well. Look, if you happen to see a ghost, however he or she got there, and we aren’t judging, then you can experience all new interactions like &Ghost Scare&, &Ghost Repair&, or &Pass Through&, new whims, and new behaviors as they float happily, angrily, or howeverily about!
 · When a Sim dies, they become a non-playable ghost
 · Use the &Invite to Household& interaction to make a ghost into fully playable member of your household!
 · Ghosts can have relationships, get married, woohoo, hold jobs, build aspirations, earn traits, or just be!
 · Ghosts have a unique post life experience based upon how they died…
   · Sims that died by hunger seek to satisfy their hunger in the after life
   · Sims that died by overexertion and old age find they prefer to take it easy in the afterlife
   · Sims that died by fire have a new interaction available to them… my advice, try and not make them angry
   · Sims that died by an emotional death can radiate their emotion onto other Sims
   · Sims that died by electrocution, when angry, have a unique interaction to break electronic devices.&&They also seem to really enjoy the &Hand Buzzer& social.
   · Sims that died by Cowplant have the desire to harm and help the plant world.&&They can cause plants to die when in a negative emotion, but will care for plants when in a positive emotion.
 · Ghosts can possess objects, and they can repair broken objects when possessed
 · Ghosts have new interactions available to them, such as &Ghost Scare,& &Pass Through,& and &Talk About Death&
 · Level 10 Gourmet cooks have a new recipe &Ambrosia&, which can be used to bring a Ghost to life (or give a Sim renewed life)!
 · There is a new gardening flower type, the Deathflower, which can be used by a Sim to save themselves or another when visited by the Reaper!
Before you go out hunting for ghosts, why not head into Create a Sim where you can find some incredible costumes from the Star Wars universe! How can you go wrong with a Yoda child ghost Sim in a Happy mood sitting on a rooftop balcony looking down upon a young adult who has just completed some sort of epic universe saving event?&&You can’t.&&Yoda, Leia, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader costumes await you in Create a Sim!
With the addition of ghosts, even the gnomes are not safe from the call of the Netherworld. &The Ghastly Ghostly Gnome& has scared his way into your Build catalog, eagerly awaiting a place in your home!
We have identified a few more of our harder to track down crash issues, some tuning fixes, a couple new cheats, and a smattering of other fixes! Here are the details…
Cheats / Assets
 · We have added a cheat to show hidden objects, such as the ponds, channel specific stereos for venue use, and many other items. Open up the cheat console (++) and type &bb.showhiddenobjects&.&&You can use the Build Filter pane to find the Debug objects under the Content drop down.
 · 5 new eye colors!&&Dark blue, dark blue hazel, gray brown hazel, olive green hazel, and purple!&&Create a Sim, go NOW!
 · A new Spooky station can be found on your stereos! It’s scary how good the music is! It’ll BOOm… your boxes. It’s funnier if you make the &m& silent in that last one.
 · A new Create a Sim clock speed cheat allows you to speed up and slow down your Sim’s animation in Create a Sim. Use the cheat by typing &cas.clockspeed & in the cheat console window.&&0 is pause, 10 is not!
Crashes / Performance
 · Corrected an issue where the interaction to &Write a Book& was not properly saving, causing the save file to error
 · Loading a lot and selecting Sim to play who is off lot now loads to the correct Sim
 · Fixed an issue where the UI might forget that a household exists and not allow the player into Build Buy
This primarily was a result of the player deleting all households in their neighborhood, but could occur as the result through other means
 · Fixed an issue that could cause the game to become non-responsive if the user uploaded an unfinished venue from their home lot and then attempted to reenter Build via Manage Worlds from the lot
The household Sims were incorrectly being removed from the world, leaving the player in a bad state and unable to play
 · Some in game circumstances can lead to the product ID becoming lost, resulting in a possible crash.&&The crash has been fixed by adding a Null Guard (he's a pretty good guard).
 · Fixed an issue where the Off Lot actions were not always available after loading an existing save file
 · Sims who are reading or eating should no longer reset when changing wall heights of rooms that are nowhere near them
 · Lowering the foundation will no longer cause cabinets to be placed into the household inventory in certain circumstances
 · Fixed a floating Sim issue that would sometimes occur when the Sim decided that the direct &air& path was shorter than any of the alternate options
 · Sims will no longer route fail when attempting to perform the &Sell to the Simsonian Museum& action on an Unnaturally Large Space Rock
 · The Sims 4 default refresh rate is now the same setting as the windows refresh rate
 · ymBottom_PantsLoosePajamas and ymBottom_PantsLoosePajamasSatin were merged into a single asset in Create a Sim. They are now 2.
 · Some hair and hat combinations created bad geometry along the Sims scalp, we have adjusted the geometry to correct the issue
 · yfBody_CocktailStrap_Red is now a selectable color for the Bombshell dress found in Create a Sim
 · &Mega Stairs (Ooh Fancy)& stairs now have color variants that are actually different than one another
 · &Stack of Canvases& career reward item will no longer disappear when placed next to a wall and the wall cuts away
 · Fixed graphical issues with the highlight and back-facing state of the &Captain Chaz MacFreeling Elegant Mirror.&
 · &Malva - Square& ground plant will no longer place underground
 · The &Barnish Bed& will no longer find that its pillow becomes possessed when a Sim gets in bed - a LOD (level of detail) issue resulted in the pillow bouncing around on its own when Sims went to sleep
 · Sims now have more painting variety at all levels - high level Sims will paint &beneath& their level at a chance of higher quality
 · Sims can now listen to music and play chess at the same time!
 · Librarians can now also be young adults and can be either male or female. Previously they were always female elders. Stereotyping… don’t do it!
 · The &Enable / Disable Emotional Aura& interactions now have tooltips explaining what they do
 · &Try to Calm Down,& &Vent,& &Complain about Problems,& and &Take Bath& actions will now help resolve the &Not Enough Exercise,& &Need Video Games!,& &Conception Tension,& &Stale Surroundings,& and &Cooped Up& buffs that Sims get when feeling tense
 · Fixed an issue where Sims with a high Cooking skill were guaranteed to never start fires while cooking. It is true that our Sims are quite intelligent, however it is also well documented that even the best Sim is still a little prone to the accidental setting ablaze of their luxurious mansion.&&Sims above level 3 cooking skill can once again start fires while cooking... it is just unlikely.
 · The final Milestone of the Nerd Brain aspiration now only requires that a Sim read 10 (not 15) books in order to complete
 · &Earn Money Turking& was providing a large amount of Simoleons within a short amount of time, this was not the intention and the amount you earn has been reduced
 · Toys that say they increase a Childs creativity, now actually do
 · &Writing a Jingle& will now pay your Sim for doing so. There was a bug with writing a jingle on the guitar that could result in no Simoleons being paid
 · The Serenade’er will no longer get all the buff benefit from the Serenade.&&The Serenade’ee will now also receive a positive buff from the Serenade when being Serenaded to by the Serenade’er
 · Time based achievements and buffs were not always tracking correctly.&&Fixed a visual issue with the tracking, as well as fixed the &Just Getting Started& and &In the Game& achievements
 · The &Fridge of Steel& and &Fresh Maker& upgrades on the refrigerator were completing too quickly, they have been tuned a little slower
 · Gym Rats will no longer lose hygiene while doing a &Zero G Workout&
 · Science table emotion potions will now provide positive buffs, rather than just make you uncomfortable
 · Autonomous Sims were finding it impossible to die by Cowplant because they would, during the moment of death, attempt to queue a Get Comfortable interaction, which, not being compatible with the Cowplants attempt at eating the Sim, would cause the Sim to reset, thus saving the Sim from death (woo!).&&We're sorry to say, we fixed the issue, once again putting our Sims in jeopardy with the Cowplant digestive desires.
 · Intergalactic Growth Pods will no longer be resistant to your attempts to water and weed - the pods have decided life is good. Water and weed as needed
 · Sims with unpaid bills will no longer find that the water & power has been shut off everywhere they go - you can properly mooch from your neighbors
 · Fishing interactions now correctly display emotional context in the Pie Menu.
 · A collectibles rarity will now affect its value
 · Adopting a baby will now give all the parents adopting a proper buff for doing so
 · Sims with spoiled food in their inventory will no longer find the option to clean spoiled food from the bar... that was just weird.
 · Sims were able to feed dead cow plants. While interesting and slightly morbid, it did not actually do anything.&&We have removed the action.
 · Removed fitness gain for digging rocks.
 · Fixed an issue where bills were incorrectly double counting objects when calculating the household value
 · We addressed a negative current issue, where Sims were dying after being electrocuted just one time. It was shocking for us all. Our hair was on end when we learned of the problem.&&We have quickly zapped the bug with thunderous attention and we're a-buzz with this fix.
 · The &Commercial Kitchen& styled room is now unlocked when the user reaches level 10 of the Culinary career while in the Chef branch
 · Gardening plants will no longer broadcast their emotions onto nearby Sims. They have been counseled and have learned to bottle up their emotions inside... deep deep inside.
 · Repair and Upgrade interactions now correctly display emotional context in the Pie Menu when your Sim is Focused
 · Thank you to the community for helping to identify two issues where Child Sims were incorrectly allowed to get into the Flirty emotion, we have corrected both instances.
   · Children who had maxed their social skill were incorrectly able to Flirt with themselves in the mirror
   · Child Sims with the Insane trait and in the Confident mood, were incorrectly allowed to flirt with themselves in the mirror
 · Romance filter option is no longer available for children while traveling (nobody ever showed up in the list, but it was odd that it was there)
 · Venues converted to residential lots via Manage Worlds, will no longer prevent you from beginning the action of adding a new household to the lot if the venue value is greater than the starting funds of the new household.
   · You still won’t be able to place the family on the lot if they can't afford it, but now you are allowed to create a new household using this flow.
 · Gallery notification timestamps will no longer incorrectly list your last activity as &more than a month ago& when it has been less than that
 · Commenting on gallery items with the &&& character, followed by any text will no longer cause the text to disappear
 · Event Major Goals now have hover tips with text explaining how to complete the goals
 · Fixed an issue with Neighborhood Map context menus appearing off screen in some supported resolutions.
 · Corrected an issue where the Build filter panel was being hidden when performing an open search.
Once again, thank you for all your feedback!
Update: 9/25/14 - Version 1.0.728.0
Bug Fixes / Issues:
 · Fixed some issues related to error codes 102 and 122--Fixed an issue that prevents loading an auto-saved game directly from the &Load Game& menu.
 · Fixed some instances of disappearing Sims.
Did you know?
 · You can change your camera preferences in the Options panel to use the The Sims 3 Camera control scheme.
will also toggle between The Sims 4 and The Sims 3 camera settings.
 · Looking for more Tips & Tricks? View our Player Guide here.
Update: 9/9/14 - Version 1.0.677.20
TIP: If you are not being prompted to download the September 9th patch for The Sims 4, please exit completely out of Origin and then restart the client, this should then prompt you to download the latest patch.
 · New decorative object! The High-Rider Gnome has journeyed long from his hidden grotto in the tropics to join you in The Sims 4.&&He’s eagerly awaiting your arrival in Build Mode, ready to grace your homes with his feats of stationary flamingo bronco busting!
   · Look for him in Build Mode in the Outdoors or Decorations sorts, or type Gnome in the search box.
 · Sim and object highlights can now be toggled on/off by entering hovereffects on/off in the cheat console (this will eliminate the white border on a Sim or an object when you hover over it to interact).&&In addition, you can add -nohovereffects to the Command Line Arguments.&&In order to add the argument:
   · Open the Origin client, right click on The Sims 4 game box art, select &View Game Properties&, click &Game Properties&, enter -nohovereffects into the text box, and then click Apply.
Bug Fixes / Issues
 · Fixed an issue with some gallery downloads that were causing the game to hang.
 · Fixed several bugs that would result in incorrect relationship states between Sims.
   · For players using the &cas.fulleditmode& cheat to go back and adjust Sims after they’ve been created, note that using this cheat will still allow you to manually select invalid relationships. Please exercise caution when changing relationships while using this cheat.
 · The automated filtering used for Gallery uploads was unintentionally blocking the words &gay&, &homosexual&, or &homosapien&. It has now been fixed and these terms will not be blocked or prevented.
 · Fixed a crash that would result if a block without walls was saved as a room.
Update: 9/5/14 - Version 1.0.671.10
Bug Fixes / Issues:
 · It has been brought to our attention that some of our cute and adorable babies have had difficulty expressing themselves without… well… distorting.&&There was an issue with some integrated chipsets causing the poor little ones to appear in their own &unique& way. We have corrected the problem and pulled everyone back together. Thank you for helping us identify, and track down this issue.
Update: 9/2/14 - Version 1.0.625.10
Severe Issues / Crashes:
 · Fixed a crash in Build Mode by preventing the game from thinking fences were rooms.
 · Fixed a crash in Create A Sim that could occur after the you lock and unlock your computer.
Bug Fixes / Issues:
 · Fixed an issue with &Shine on Men’s Suit&, &Glitter and Abs&, &Big Hat of Shame&, &Star-Spangled Glasses& and the &Tiki Bar&, not remembering their unlocked state upon reload.
 · Fixed several issues with Sims attempting to go on dates with the Reaper, resulting in non-responsive game states.The Reaper still loves ya baby, he is just too busy to go on a date with every lovelorn Sim that vies for his attention.
 · Fixed several issues where babies were incorrectly hibernating within household inventories resulting in several issues:
   · You can now exit Build Mode when not on your home lot if a baby was incorrectly left in the home lot inventory.
   · Game no longer hangs if you attempt to split a household with a baby on the lot and in the household inventory.
   · Splitting and merging households no longer results in unplayable households due to babies being left in household inventories.
   · Babies are no longer left locked in the household inventory if all the other Sims in the household die.
   · Babies no longer multiply if left in the Household Inventory while editing the lot via Manage Worlds.
Fixed an issue where Gallery households that have been merged with another household were preventing Live Mode from loading.
 · Adding a new Sim to a played household via Create A Sim by going from Manage Worlds will now allow you to modify their face and body.
 · Lots with scaled objects (via the shift + [,] cheat) that are shared to the Gallery will now remember their enlarged state for others to enjoy.
Gallery Issues:
 · Fixed an issue where the game would become non-responsive when attempting to save a lot to the your library.
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