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加强一些转化率V1.4.8.3(2020年11月16日)主要:*可重复的挑战(V1阶段)*KGNet集成细小的修改:*主题修补BUGV1.4.8.2(2020年8月15日)主要:*可重复的挑战(测试,V0阶段)主题:*新主题:复古,木材v2(永久解锁),电脑,北极,网络,蓝色,灰色,绿色,工厂细小的修改:*添加了科学记数法选项(Cirn09)*鲨鱼大使馆的规模从5-5-5减少到5-3-1*添加了翻译小部件V1.4.8.1(2020年7月18日)主要:*修复在时间矛盾期间执行脱机进程时未获得的每刻度资源*使伽玛成为新的主线*工程师在时间跳跃时可以工作*添加新挑战:黑暗天空*实施斑马哨所*添加大使馆*钢铁意志“观天”按钮双超时*阐明赞美太阳、太阳革命、新约外传和次元超越之间的相互作用主题:*新主题:无烟煤,黑,巧克力细小的修改:*商队不再算作自由贸易站*固定显示贸易站的贸易比率*离线升级期间统计数据增加年数*按左列相同的顺序排列建筑物和升级的价目表*防止食物顾问在左栏移动东西*无神论和黑色方尖碑的固定效果V1.4.8.0(2020年6月11日)主要:*固定预编金额*添加冶金和化学特质效果*允许黑币市场崩溃*使黑币市场在离线进程中发展*做神圣的比例16:9(万岁电视!)主题:*新主题:独角兽*添加一个选项以便在右列中移动工具提示,就像Sleek在默认情况下所做的那样细小的修改:*齿轮图标现在将有一个切换指示灯*修复选项对话框溢出*清除复选框指示器*稍微清空聊天/日志*在某些情况下修复窗口外的工具提示*添加允许修改Ctrl键×10购买乘数的选项*添加允许隐藏降级按钮的选项*修复加载非常旧的保存文件失败的问题*“无确认”选项的完整描述*添加选项,允许始终显示节日/交易/牺牲/粉碎按钮,即使不适用*添加允许以百分比显示工艺/交易/牺牲按钮的选项*如果是未分配的工程师,则显示实际数字,而不是只显示(!)V1.4.7.1(2020年4月19日)主要:*如果已经达到疯狂空间奇点,允许在不打破铁意志模式的情况下燃烧典范*提高小猫的储蓄压缩*利用水培技术提高空间改造站的猫口数量*修复不受冬季影响的太阳能发电场已经到来*如果能量为负,不要退还AM主题:*新主题:黄金,空间,木材,学校,流体,容器,极简主义,石油*除经典型/倒置型/草绿色/光滑型外,所有车辆都必须解锁(永久解锁)*添加一个选项以隐藏背景图像(如果适用)*主题现在将应用于加载屏幕细小的修改:*为当前框展开添加确认弹出窗口*提高子按钮中文本的对比度*如果冬天能量为负,则用橙色显示*固定每虱子小猫率*在异域资源和777和1337上添加特殊效果*修正gflops消耗显示*如果您有日历或计时物理科学,请始终显示“科学”选项卡*在商业信息中使用“和蓝图”的翻译名称*将“return empty pawed”移动到相应的“sent x trades”消息下方,并移除其项目符号*修复从web导出save到mobile时的Chrono熔炉状态*修正基本技能XP在离线升级的情况下不能乘以刻度数*移除OotV的常规信仰消费,使其成为最初实现的纯奖励*修正左栏中的常规信念与太阳板顺序中的累积信念之间的混淆(所有语言)*修复大量与大型资源值、布局和本地化相关的视觉问题*大于5MB的存储现在应该可以放入本地存储*添加选项以获得更好的压缩,但会生成与旧本不兼容的保存文件*玩家现在得到一只稀有小猫的机会很小*使熔核在科学上便宜10倍V1.4.7.0主要:*修复生物燃料处理(数据中心<->Biolab synergy现在无论供电状态如何都能工作)*增加计时炉热容量的新建筑——计时锅炉*在获得时间错误后允许从现在的盒子中获得业力或典范*导出直接在文本文件中保存内容细小的修改:*修改大量的排、文本和翻译(尤其是俄语和汉语)*修复冷冻室保存的小猫(按等级排序,而不是按剩余经验排序)*允许粉碎×500*允许举办节日×100*允许牺牲/精炼20/50%的独角兽/独角兽/TC(类似于交易)*修复Tempus Fugit(像Steamworks那样显式地打开/关闭按钮,保存Tempus Fugit的状态以供刷新(但不用于重置))*提高日志呈现性能*不保存计时炉激活状态*显示时间流量总时间和散热剩余/总时间*固定车间自动化盖*将“重置”替换为“运行编号”*添加指向预览本的链接*突出显示未完全激活的建筑物的“+”链接v (29 may 2019)Major: 修正轨道测地学描述中的错误小东西:薄膜电池 / 量子电池Esc 可以返回 + 按键盘的数字,以切换标签Backported Redshift Heat40K 跑步者模式深色主题的小ui调整__patsy做的修改:- 修复了悬停时没有突出显示资源的许多按钮- 将资源突出显示添加到交易按钮- 修复双压缩导出- 修复格式错误的XHTML标记- 一些文本修复- 游戏开始时触发一个事件v (22 apr 2019)Compedium science cap will now be limited by 100% of building scienceBuildings- Data CenterUpgrades:- Cryocomputing- Uplink- Starlink- Orbital Geodesy- Machine LearningMetaphysics- Codex LeviCryptotheology- Black LibraryTranslations (beta)- Spanish- Chineasev (9 apr 2019)changes by Ethaniel_Kavelaars:Highlight caps in red will be available by defaultFixed AI core consumption and tooltipAdded colors to cycle symbolsAdded display for trade effectivenessLots and lots of other fixesv (7 feb 2019)changes by TEXHIK:Promote improvements (sorting, proper error messaging)Added trait filterchnages by Azarlak:Changed the Scholasticism religious upgrade to reflect actual effects.changes by Ethaniel_Kavelaars:Numerous fixes in i18nNumerous fixes related to redshift mechanic (like OOV, void and markers)Multi-TC shattering was adjusted for better cycle manipulationFixed some exploits with RR and necrocorns generationProbably something else that I forgotv (2019-01-11)由Dra.c00L.a更改::Fixed trading for blueprints behaving incorrectlychanges by RudolfJelín:Added cz translationchanges by Ethaniel_Kavelaars:Various fixes to redshift logic_Fixed russian translation and some other localization issuesFixed incorrect values for spice during tradingFixed eldermass logic to be automatedv (9 dec 2018)changes by Dra.c00L.a:Fixed trading and hunting to be calculated using quick heuristic._You can use shift key to preview total effect on building.v (4 nov 2018)Calciner blueprint price was reduced from 5 to 1Necropolis necrocorn price is reduced from 25 to 15Necropolis alicorn price is now 100Research vessel starchart price have been reduced from 500 to 100Orbital arrays starchart price is now 2000v (17 oct 2018)There is no such thing as 'map'Game will now try to compress save files with size over 5mbSome long resource values or numbers on UI will be truncatedFixed assign/unassign performance on jobs with >= 10K kittensv (27 aug 2018)Resource table QOL tweaksFixed rendering perfromance in some placesAdded OSX meta key shortcutv (19 aug 2018)Dropbox integration is finally workingChanged loading screen to something that will not scare everyone to deathBlack Radiance由coderpatsy更新:- Apply unicorn necropolis bonus during redshift- Fix keyboard shortcuts- Misc code cleanup and fixes- Display special no trait message in languages other than en- Fix keyboard shortcuts opening locked tabs Also guards against shortcuts opening non-existent tabs- Add festival to happiness tooltipv由Chris更新:所有的行星现在都会有与建筑相关的循环效应HR效果显著减少由Zinsho更新:您现在可以使用shift + A / V / S / W / T / R / P / I来更切换标签并跳转到关闭对话框___添加太阳锻造作为资源上限的解决方法。v由Chris做出的修改:对基本资源实施更多默认上限修正了燃烧时间水晶价格可能为负值的情况。时间阻抗处罚现在可以正确应用到通量年由coderpatsy做出的修改;修复车间的撤消利用修复AI等级显示为负数修复HR收割机 being penalized if 0 < time.flux < 1根据玩家的要求更新人员部分内容v把建造 太阳能抽取 的E合金需求从250降低到225将遏制室的比率从1.15降至1.125v增加了黑币和区块链v增加了虚空共振器增加了X100粉碎按钮时间跳过将不再给你额外的信仰悖论知识被改名为悖论学v从coderpatsy的改变:- 修正导入存档时没有帽子- 修正index.html中的错字(https://redd.it/72c4if)- 修复村庄的全局小漏洞- 每个村庄的更新只检查一次神经网络Balance tweaksNew chat client (now with cat pics!)v by freeroot and coderpatsy:A lot of stability/QOL fixesv EngineersEnergy consumption of Heatsinks was reduced from 2% to 1%changes by coderpatsy:Engineers fix and other stuffv (4 aug)Heatsinkschanges by Exadv1:System Shockchanges by coderpatsy:Space Beacon and AI core fixesv (3 aug)AI Core will now be affected by Energy challengeHawking Harvester will now be required to complete Energy challengeExcluded most of the important resources from the AI Apocalypse effectAdded Japanese language to the list of available localizations__changes by coderpatsy:Fixed HR Harverster not working correctly before the Dark FurureFixed Neural Networks effect not being correctly appliedv (1 aug)Umbra / HR HarvesterQuantum ComputingElders will now display max energy limitChat will no longer require flashChat link will now be highlighted in bold 'cause nobody can find it.Font size in resource panel will be now savedEnergy penalty of neural networks will now work corretlyAI is still perfectly safev (24 jul)Minor redesign of AI upgradeRedshift will not be enabled for all players by default anymoreRedshift will now correctly calculate paragon bonusesRelic stations will now have limited production if AM level is not sufficientAI Basesv (14 jun)Sky palace will now require megaliths instead of gold. Every level of SP will boost gold cap by 1%UU will now require slightly less goldSS will now require slightly less ivory.Added x25 and xAll options for tc refinev (5 jun)Fixed issues with Shatter TC visibilityHigh level Ziggurat Upgrades will now require gold.Burn paragon button will now go at the bottom of the panel.Zebra diplomacy will now explain upgrade in more details.Engineering will now explain upgrade in more details.Cargo Ships were renamed to Expanded Cargo.Navigation will explain how culture price works.Codex upgrades will now provide 5% multiplicative bonus to the craftv (7 apr)Unicorn NecropolisSpice RefineryFixed resources not being highlighted for buildingsFixed tonns of issues from previous updatev (20 mar)Void Rift price is reduced from 100 to 75Void Rift effect is increased from 1% to 2%Quarry steel price was reduced from 150 to 125v (12 mar)changes by coderpatsy:Fix zooming in on first zoom out when using the sleek themeFix chrono furnace fuel being wasted when you have less than 1 TC when it activatesAdd fast praise buttonAdd message after managing jobsFloor craft amounts for multiplying prices and actually crafting; buttons already floor to check if they should display at all Also fix a stray global leak__Reduced Calciner steel price from 125 to 100RedshiftBlack Nova effect should be now applicablev (25 jan 2017)Turn Smoothly was renamed to 时空领域Blazar will now boost RR by 2%Black Nova will now boost energy production by 2%Unicorn Rifts will now get a 10% synergy from the Ziggurat buildingsCtrl+Click will now by x10 buildingsBalance tweaks:Scientist trait effect was changed from 1% to 5%Quarry base price and coal production were slightly buffed.Ziggurat base price and megalith craft price were slightly reduced.changes by tommitscheck:Fixed Stats menu item not working in FFv (14 jan 2017)Codex Vox, Codex Logos, Codex Agrum for better post-reset runsBlazar will now affect Impedances and Chronomancy/UnicornmancyNeural Networksv (6 jan 2017)Void RiftsAI placeholder techsRorschach hub placeholderv (5 dec 2016)changes by freeroot:Engineers will now perform better depending on their rank.changes by coderpatsy:Fixed lag caused by incorrect calendar tooltip behaviorBlast Furnace will now generate TC from excessive heatBlack Nexus will now provide a 10% boost to relic stationsEngineers will now display instructional tooltipAstromancyv (4 oct 2016)changes by freeroot:RR will be limited by 100 unitsNumerous optimizations and fixes (like, literally numerous)1000K Years challengeAnarchy challengeKittens will die if there are no housing during Winter Has Come___Time crystal shattering will now generate chronoheatChronofurnaceTime ImpedanceFurthest RingBlazarDark Novav (29 oct 2016)Advanced AM Reactors will now cost less AM and much more effectiveVoid ReactorsWinter has Come challengev (25 oct 2016)Bio Labs will provide better science bonus when poweredAdded visual indication for kittens when user builds huts for a first timeAdded zebra information for reset panel if player is playing IWv (23 oct 2016)changes by freeroot:Burned paragon will now provide various bonuses_Loading animationMessage of the day toolbarFactory Optimizationv (14 oct 2016)CMBR toolbarAM DriveAM FissionIncreased most of the space missions ETA timeKittens will now die at the rate one per 5 secondv (1 oct 2016)changes by freeroot, Chris and coderpatsy:Higher happiness will now increase catnip consumption by workers.Engineers and craft automation (based on pull request by Tom Muller)One new space missionResource Retrieval to keep a part of yearly productionLeviathan trade bonus increase with energyChallenge AtheismShatterTc is cheaper with yearsGain temporal flux while pausedRealistic catnip managementReactors can be supercharged by thoriumSpace mission take time to reach planetsBetter elders UIBetter transcendence/religion UIMany other things for UIFew fixesSave space issue because of notepad.exe fixedOptmizationsBetter pretty much everythingv (14 sep)Chronocontrol controls days in temporal paradoxStyle improvementsFixes and optimizationsv (10 sep)Containment chambers energy requirement was reduced from 50 to 25Containment chambers energy consumption can be now adjustedZiggurate culture cap effect was reduced from 10% to 8%Every Unicorn Graveyard should now gochanges by Chris:Eldermas gifts can be now unwrappedchanges by freeroot:Trade X links will be now dynamically adjustedReligion buildings will now display effectsChronocontrol will increase days in temporal paradoxFixes and optimizationsv (1 sep)Ziggurats will now provide 10% bonus to culture capsSS and UU will provide passive alicorn generation in addition to the random eventsCodex and Unicorn Graveyard (no effect so far)Reset Panel in time will now explain mechanics and provide some usefull informationBase wood production was increased very slightlyBase science production was decreased very slightly, library scaling was improved____changes by Chris:Massive tooltip refactoringFaith bonus will be now capped at 1K%Transcendence tiers will now provide additional faith bonusTranscendence tiers will now provide a 10% bonus to Apocrypha____changes by freeroot:Black Obelisk will increase faith bonus scaling per level by 5%It is now possible to preserve some kittens through resets using CryochambersChronospeheres can occasionally spawn new relics and void (to be rebalanced later)LogisitcsGeneral performance and code tweaksv (23 aug)changes by freeroot:- Cryptotheology will now carry over resets- A lot of tooltip/calculation fixeschanges by coderpatsy:- Account for Event Horizon's effect in tooltips- Fix loading resources locked state (fix "res":{"isLocked":{"isLocked":{"isLocked":{"isLocked":{... in save JSON)- TyposNuclear Plantsv (23 jul)changes by bzbarsky:Make the time crystal refining effects of Unicorn Utopia and 青睐之光 actually work.v (20 jul)TerraformationHydroponicsSteel plants can be now toggled on and off (Button only visible if "sale" links are disabled)v (20 jul)UU was split into two upgradesUU price was reduced from 65K tears to 5K tears.UU and 青睐之光 will now increase alicorn to tc refine ratio by 10% and 25%v (15 jul)IRC height will be fit to window heightFixed temporal flux limits not being applied correctlyFixed resource lock not being correctly applied to craftable resourcesTemporal AcceleratorSingularityMade Nexus description more clearAdded flavors to the T treev (12 jul)Black Core tier level changed from 1 to 5Black Nexus is now a tier 1 structureHidden resources statuses will be now savedAdded an option to lock/unlock hidden resourcesv (11 jul)Black CoreBLS limit will be now highlightedOption to discard paragon bonus completelyv (7 jul)Unspeakable amount of updates merged in (freeroot, Chris, probably someone else)ChronotheologyRelic Stationsv (7 jul)IRC chat will not be reinitialized every time user goes to the log.Option to turn WS automation on and offToggle building and toggle automation will now have tooltips explaining current status.Added option to discard accumulated religion bonusTime Batteryv (6 jul)Embedded IRC chatv (28 feb)Time fluxv (20 feb)Changes by freeroot:Leader effects___Players can break TC in chronoforgev (24 jan)Changes by freeroot:- Added option to show and hide specific resources.- Census UI tweaks.- Fixed some issue with options visibilityChanges by Chris:- Cycles require Numerology/Numeromancy to take effect.- Numerology now triggers cycle effects in general, and Numeromancy adds more effects during festivals.v (19 jan)Changes by freeroot:-Planetary cycles will now give bonuses to certain structures.__Added speedwarp button to the time panel (original idea and code by Tom Muller)v (13 jan)Changes by coderpatsy:Metaphysics fixes- Show purchased metaphysics perks even if you don't have metaphysics tech- Remember metaphysics panel's collapsed state - fixes issue #21Changes by freeroot:Fixed Factory Logistics technology____Added placeholder time/CF panelsYou can now refine TC into relicsEntering DEV mode will now display all buildings regarding of unlock statusClicking building in DEV mode will always buy it ragardless of current active resourcesElders base chance and NCC bonus were reduced by ~50%Marker button will now display NC corruption progressv (2 jan)Streamlined fertility treev (1 Jan, Happy New Year)Changes by Kida:- Added Total Hours played for Current Game to Stats.- Updated descriptions on voidEnergy / darkEnery to be more clear it affects storage.- Dialog UI Changes/FixesKitten Arrival Mechanics (Kitten Per Tick)- Kittens will now arrive twice as fast during festivals.- New paragon tree: (Kitten Fertility > Venus of Willenfluff > Purrodite > Immortal Kittens)- Each paragon tech increases the rate kittens arrive.- Immortal Kittens also makes them immortal (can no longer die / starve.)v (27 dec)Fixed an issue with log filteringFixed dropbox importv (?) (19 dec)Changes by coderpatsy:- Fix tear refining being able to exceed sorrow limit slightly (sorry folks)- Properly update when spending/refining for sorrow- Fix display when spending all sorrow/importing a save with no sorrow over a save with sorrow- Updated credit link, synched credits to kong index- Text fixes- Fix various bugs when importing savesChanges by Kida:- Fixed Sleek themeing issues.- Stat clean up, and additions.- Current game stats now save.- Current game stats now reset on reset.- Resources now only warn on values that can be maxed; and can tick.- Did some odd vudo magic on the game log; and grouping by dates...(Hope this does not mess things up....)___Fixed a problem with leaked resources upon reset (?)Resetting with 750+ kittens will give additional karma bonusTrading with elders will now reduce their duration counterRelic drop chance is reduced from 30% to 5%Option to unlock all or individual upgrades in dev modeSorrow max limit on UI will be now affected by BLS capv (7 dec)Coding Changes by Kida:Stats and Achievements:- Added New Stats: Total Clicks, Buildings Constructed, and Avg. Kittens Born (Per Century)- Created Stat Groups: All-Time and Current Game- Fixed some grammatical preferences for Stats.- 2 new super cool achievements added; with bonus stars.- Added Star-Achievements to: utopiaProject- Added Achievement HeaderStyling/Refactoring- Updated and Refactored many of the 'inline' styles to use 'classes'.- Updated default css for previous inline styles.Interface Changes by Kida:- Added Sleek Theme (In Beta) v0.1Features:- Updated to a cleaner web-font. (Roboto) - Tooltip is now fixed to bottom-right of screen.- Interface is more 'flexible'- Improved window layout for larger screens. - Scrollbars on visible when needed now.- New CSS styled scrollbars.- Fixed various rendering errors.- Updated button styles; and color. Flashes on Clicks. - Updated tab text- Resolved log messages wrapping errors.- Select Boxes and Import/Export Buttons updated to reflect theme.- Dialog styles and sizes updated.- Achievements style updated.Notes: CSS is a hodgepodge of spaghetti-coding right now. Anyone is welcome to refine.v (27 nov)Elders duration and energy bonus slightlyElder energy bonus will be now calculated correctlyv (26 nov)Changes by coderpatsy:- Fix space beacons producing less starcharts than they should- Fix display of trade race buy/sell resource namesChanges by ArcanisCz:-Header toolbar initial render-updateSpace Manufacturing ratio was reduced from 100% to 75%Space Manufacturing will not have effect on Planet Crackers anymoreAntimatter Basesv (25 nov)Factory Processing will now have effect on oilPrice of tankers was reduced from 225 ships to 200Alicorn summon chance was increased for Sky Palace and UUSpace Elevators will now boost H. Fractures by 0.1% of global production ratiov (24 nov)Fixed star achievements not being unlocked correctlyFluidized ReactorsTrade tab will be highlighted if elders have arrivedv (22 nov)AM Reactors and Beacons will now require less antimatter.AM Reactors MK2Automated Plantsv (19 nov)Elders will now stay for 50 years instead of 3. Every sacrificed necrocorn will extend this value by 25.Elders trade will give more starcharts and have a small chance of giving an RelicUnicorn Utopia price was significantly reducedTachyon Acceleratorsv (18 nov)Every manuscript will now give a small amount of maximum culture.Insane Space Oddity will now let you complete it with <10 paragon pointsSpace manufacturing effect was reduced from 100% to 75%v (15 nov)Changes by coderpatsy:- #38 Photovoltaic cells not active until refresh- Fix display bug with Solar Satellites and 0 Satellites- Fix Bio Labs converting non-existent catnip into oil- Update production when kittens die, preventing unnecessary deaths- Log actual number of dying kittens- Plural fix for hunt all button- Devmode function fix- Eludium Reflectors fix and grouping- Add a message for completely unsuccessful trades (besides the existing single-trade hostile race messsage)- Increment totalYears stat again- Record unicorns sacrificed instead of sacrifice events- Format stat values- Remove erroneous eventsObserved increment- Labels for log filters + disabled btn cursorChanges by xranti:- Changed automated buildings to use resPool.convert rather than modifying values directly.Changes by ArcanisCz:- Fixed brief flash of non-updated tabs after click- Religion sell buttons respect global "hide sell buttons" settings- #45 - fixed font scaling when bld.count > 9- trade-race panel redesign- Proper space tab refresh after mission- Input labels and cosmetic stuff in Options- All labels visual improvement(Probably something else that I missed)__Space BeaconsSpace ManufacturingAM ReactorsCouple of new achievementsv (5 nov)Changes by ArcanisCz:- Hover effects and styling for buttons- Unassign button for leadersChanges by Unihedron 0:- fix stats not updating paragons earned from playing for milleniumsChanges by Roman Chang:- Census sorts kittens primarily by rank and secondarily by expChanges by coderpatsy:- Events observed stat increments on manual and 搜寻地外文明计划 observations as well- Fix Dead kittens stat recording more deaths than kittens- Add effectMeta for scholar starchartsv (1 nov)Changes by rossalansmith:Restricts power consumption of Bio Labs to only after Biofuel Processing has been researched____Most of the technologies now have better description and some hints of possible usesv (23 oct)CH40K is split into a two achievementsStorage BunkersSome cosmetic placeholder stuffv (17 oct ?)Some stats are hidden by defaultStats panel will be unlocked by default after the resetUI should be now able to fit 1200 screen.Added zoom in/out links for the left panelCatnip Processing was removed from the game. Catnip Enrichment will now be unlocked with Construction.Failed exploration will give vague hint about the unlock requirements.v (17 oct)Changes by xranti:Another fix for village stats.__Changes by Unihedron 0:Better achievement tooltipts.___Happiness icon was changed to cute ascii-art.Better happiness tooltip.Fixed stats being lost upon resetting.More reliable crafting messages and craft filterv (15 oct)Changes by coderpatsy:- Fix Hydraulic Fracturer not producing oil- Factory Processing unlocks with Oil Processing- Update paragon count on new millenium- Grammarv (11 oct)Microwarp reactorsSlightly boosted cryostorageKerosene prices of space missions were increasedv (10 oct)Basic statistic for the gameRebalancing kerosene pricesv (7 oct)Oil processingKeroseneOil DistillationFactory ProcessingHydro FracturerCryostation_Sefirot tree (3/11)v (6 oct)Added support for crafting undo (more options coming)Kongregate API integrationChanges by coderpatsy:Add Workshop Automation log filterv (26 sep)Changes by coderpatsy:Fix buildings not always showing that they are onFix active tabs not highlighting their linkFix catnip max not being recalculated properly when buying Silosv (16 sep)Changes by coderpatsy:Fix lunar outposts converting uranium even when all are off (https://redd.it/3lbrj3)Make sure moon programs are unlocked when converting savesFix negative numbers not getting postfixedFix postfixed numbers displaying postfix after "/s"Fix typoed variable name (RIP usePetTickHack)Changes by xranti:Additional fix to lunar outpostRemoved default amount from resPool.convert function.v (16 sep)Changes by coderpatsy:Fix Steamworks not saving jammed flag and stray jammed flag on magnetosFix kittens briefly producing at master skill when starting a jobTrigger a save right before resetting to make sure nothing gets lostFix tankers not reducing storage upon craftingRemember trade race collapsed statusSave/load message filtersCall calculateEffects when up/downgrading buildingsLots and lots of other fixes___Changes by xranti:Implemented save state migration system and moved Lunar Outpost and Moon Base to the moon planet.Clear cached effects on load (fixes https://redd.it/3jzexn).___Some minor changes to decouple game logic from UI (may be useful for future mobile ports/custom clients)v (8 aug)Changes by coderpatsy:Fixes for buildings and energy penalty___v (2 aug)Changes by coderpatsy:Shift-click for buy all space buildings and sell allResource hover highlights___Prices of Acoustics and Geology were slightly reducedv (30 jul)Leader ranks in the promote linkv (29 jul)Changes by coderpatsy:Storage increase in tooltips now accurate___Hydro Plant Turbines.Broadcast Towers will no longer affect happiness.Broadcast tower price and ratio were slightly increasedBroadcast tower culture bonus was reduced from 500 to 300A bit of new flavors and village namesv (26 jul)Cold FusionSatellite RadioProduction penalty will be now proportional to energy deltaProduction penalty can be completely disabled in the optionsv (25 jul)Changes by cgyllensvrd:Internet/Photolithography___Radio TowersCorrect formatting for Apocrypha bonusHappiness tooltip will be more informativeSunlifters will generate antimatter once per yearv (19 jul)Changes by coderpatsy:Fix trade messages saying timeCrystalFormat numbers when sacrificing unicornsFix mixing ":"s in left-hand crafting menu__Hydro Plants production was reduced from 10 to 5Sunlifters energy production was slightly increasedv (16 jul)Changes by irxground:Fixed census sorting______Hydro Plantsv (15 jul)Changes by coderpatsy:Game page tab titles will be now correctly updated______Oil Well will require energy only if Pumpjack is researchedFixed an issue with dropbox importv (14 jul)Changes by coderpatsy:Only display production penalty in tooltip if total energy is < 0Added a space between "Leader:" and the leader's name___Solar SatellitesEnergy requirement for Space Elevators removedHappiness toolbar iconOverpopulationFixed bug where player had to upgrade pastures twice.v (13 jul)Planetary cyclesv (13 jul)Production bonus for leader based on rankPromotion will now require goldv (13 jul)Changes by coderpatsy:Chronospheres ignore Alicorns and Necrocorns (thanks /u/underpantscannon)External links open in a new tab/windowDon't show a kitten's skill level if <= 0______Geodesy will now require Archeology as a prereqv (12 jul)Census UI cleanupCensus kittens will be now automatically sort by their experienceTrade button and Send Explorers button will now display ETAUnlocked upgrades will not display ETA anymorev (12 jul)SuperconductorsPhotovoltaic Cellsv (11 jul)Changes by coderpatsy:Show time for resources on Religion tooltipsFix display issues with exactly 10 of a tunable buildingFilter meteors' +science messages tooEqual chance of warm and cold seasonsUpdate BLS in tradeMultiple() like it does in trade() (better safe than sorry)Fixed armor/armour inconsistencyAdded tags to hunt and trade messages, so scripters can easily add filters for them____Village tab will display kittens in free/total formatBase yeld of hunters was very slightly increasedHunt button will now display ETAUnlock Ratio for mines was reduced from 30% to 15%Unlock Ratio for ziggurats was reduced from 5% to 1%Save button will now display a confirmation messagePawse button will now have a description tooltip for confused playersBrewery was renamed to Catnip ProcessingMetal Working and Mining prices were rebalancedv (beta) (11 jul)Mechanics:StagingEnergyTechs:EcologyBuildings:Solar FarmsSlightly reduced price of Combustion techv incorrect space structures production tooltipsResearch Vessel starcharts production will now proc from Orbital ArraysFixed Void Order effect being reduced to 25% if player have alicornsPause/Unpause was renamed to Pawse/Unpawsev by mtncat:Numerous fixes in the calendar logic____Resetting with Chronospheres will disable IWUU bonus to aliconrs was reduced from 0.1% to 0.05%UU price ratio was increased from 1.15 to 1.18Research Vessel will now cost more oil and less starchartgsResearch Vessel will now give a minor bonus to starchart productionOrbital Arraysv by mtncat:Fixed incorrect food advisor message logic__Unicorn UtopiaDark EnergyFixed zebra catpower bonus being incorrectly calculated with >1 zebrasSky Palace and Unicorn Utopia will now boost the effect of ivory meteorsCertain log messages can be now filtered outBLS from elders should now correctly stack with BLS poolFixed some cases with BLS getting outside of the maximum valueEvery Marker will improve effect of Black Pyramide by 10%Void Order will now have a 75% bonus from the Apocryphav integration for save import/exportv pool value will now have a correct suffix formatHissmeowra will now give bonus to the uranium storageUnobtainium huts price was reducedConcrete huts price waqs slightly reducedHM will now be capped by science. (But not much)Science Vessel will now be capped by titanium.Manual faith reset will now give a 1% bonus.Mints will now give a very cosmetic bonus for a gold capacity.v (11 May)Price upgrades were slightly nerfed (again)Most of the hut price upgrades were slightly nerfedPlanet Cracker will now cost more science and alloyPlanet Cracker output was nerfed from 0.5 to 0.35Everything is nerfed, Dave.BLS value on UI will be now roundedAdvanced ExogeologyEludium HutsEludium ReflectorsEludium Cracker (TBD)Fixed That Issue with the +all craftFixed the with faith resetv (8 May)HissmeowraResearch VesselSatnavTanker's ship price was reduced from 250 to 225Void OrderCraft +1/+25/+100 will be replaced with +1%/+5%/+10% if possiblev (14 apr)Changes by xranti:Various fixes related to effects issues____Shift+click will now not display confirm dialog with gamePage.opts.noConfirmv (13 apr)Changes by CheezyBob:Fixed a bug with observatories bonus___Council and "make senator" links are now hiddenRockets were removed from the gameOil prices of all space missions are increased by 5KSpace missions will not have chance of failure anymoreElders proc and TC output were slightly nerfedv (28 mar)Changes by klusark:Performance optimisationZip compression for save filesFixed bug with coal calculation<3__Changes by xranti:Fixed CAD not affecting resource tooltipsNo asterisks on unrolled procesGeneral fixes and tweaks<3___Automatic Apocripha trigger upon resetSome gimmick secret stuffSlightly reduced price upgradesShift+click will construct max possible buildings.Slightly reduced price of Space ElevatorsSlightly buffed effects of Statis Chambers and Void EnergyUnicorn SelectionGM Catnipv (4 mar)Changes by klusark:Option to not confrim when clearing all jobs (gamePage.opts.noConfirm)Numerous UI fixes/optimizationsCode refactoring and overhaul__Price of stasis chambers was reduced from 5 time crystals to 1Flux condensator price and effect were both significantly reducedTitanium price of space elevators was reduced.All upgradale space missions will now have oil ratio of 5%.Void Energyv (27 jan)Significanlty reduced Chronospheres priceChronospheres will no longer affect craftable resources unless Flux Condenator is researchedFixed Anachronomancy not working correcrlyv (25 jan)TankersWorkshow tab will now include total craft ratio (why not)Improved menus layout a bitCraftable price resources will be now unrolled to raw components (autocraft TBD)v (24 jan)Changes by Zusias:* Pausing the game and selling a building will no longer allow you to go above maximum for a resource.* Catnip demand ratio is no longer bugged after the rework of diminished returns.And with the addition of things like renaissance, you can now go above 100% catnip reduction if diminished returns aren't used.* You can no longer pause the game in order to craft wood above the maximum* Outposts will now turn off at a rate of one per tick if there is not enough uranium___Changes by Aikoku:* Added days to "To cap" and "To zero" section.__Sacrifice all for unicornsCollapse/expand all for tradeNet gain value in +% res tooltipBuilding S.Stations will now terminate IWSome new flavorsCarnivalsAstrophysicistsChronospheres*** can be ***v (29 dec)A couple new village titles, kitten names and surnamesHappy new year!.v (26 dec)*** can be correctly spent on ***Classic modeChanges by Aedx:___Buffed Golden Ratio effectiventes from 1.5 to ~1.61803398875Changes by xranti:___Added option for displaying resource production values as percentages (http://redd.it/2pysri)Fixed geodesy bug when buying it after drills (http://redd.it/2puejh)Fixed workshop automation breaking with more than 50 steamworks (http://redd.it/2prnk9)v (21 dec)PerformancePromote/Senate/Leader commands should not redraw the UI and reset job filter anymoreResource panel should be displayed corectly on higher screen sizeResouce panel will correctly format perTick valuesLog panel should not be truncated on lower screen size anymore*** refinementv (13 dec)Price reduction effects will start to have diminishing return on 75% of total possible reductionSpace and Achievements tabs were swappedDrill effects are slightly nerfedProportion, Feline and Renaissance effects a very slightly nerfedFixed duplicate senators being displayed on the game importFixed unobtainium reflectors not giving correct bonusesv (10 dec)Slightly increased prestige upgrade prices and slightly reduced certain effectsAnachronomancy should be working nowDiplomacy should affect emissaries and increase standing by 10Megalomania should unlock Marker and Black PyramidChronomancy should boost meteor and star events frequency by 10%Alicornomancy should boost unicorn rifts and ivory meteors frequency by 10%Vitruvian Feline and Renaissance (more price upgrades)Mining DrillUnobtainium Drillv (7 dec)BLS will be saved upon resetFixed space elevators not being unlocked correctlyMetaphysics upgrades tree (be careful, most of it is TBD)v (30 nov)Unobtainium hutsA couple of new space missionsv (15 nov)Unobtainium capacity will be limited by moon bases (with small base amount)Unobtainium output of moon bases was reduced by ~45%Titanium to uranium conversion ration will now require ~30% more titaniumTitanium price of mansions was significantly increased, while steel/concrete price was slightly reducedConcrete Huts bonus was reduced from 50% to 35% (due to all those endless "wait till concrete huts" threads)Added option to highlight capacity-challenged buildings/upgrades (sic)Added option to hide sell links for buildingsSpace Elevators- reduce oil requirement of space missions by 5% (actually working now)v (15 nov)Fixed 搜寻地外文明计划 preventing other random eventsReligion upgrades will not give double bonuses if transcendence is not researchedMoon base will now grant storage bonusStasis ChambersUnobtainium ReflectorsLHCExogeologyv (7 nov)Changes by Aedx:___Fixed space program purchases not highlighting oil and rockets (http://redd.it/2lm044)Fixed incorrect grassy theme layoutFixed dark theme coloursFixed misc default theme bugsFixed typosChanges by xranti:___Fixed Steamworks coal multiplier on rate/tooltipAdjust listed titanium trade amount for shipsSpace ratio bonuses are now appliedReactors no longer affect acceleratorsResource tooltips no longer show multipliers that don't applyFixed religion effectsFixed weather ratio in resource tooltipsBiolab bonuses no longer get turned offFaith/Magnetos/Reactors/Paragon now affect titanium from SmeltersStorage upgrades in Workshop will no longer affect Acceleratorsv (5 nov)Resource-heavy missions have a lower chance of failing.Failed missions will return 40-70% of spent resourcesFixed that one bug with lunar outpostsv (4 nov)First race arrives 15 years earlier after a resetMoon base should give correct population bonusBiolab will be togglable once Biofuel is researchedBuilding type missions will display effectsLots of typo fixes by AedxUnobtainiumMoon OutpostUnobtainium AxeUnobtainium SawNanosuitsv (3 nov)Space StationsSpace Missions can now fail - each have their own chance to failHubble Telescopev (31 oct)Fixed astrolabe not giving correct bonus to observatoryFixed Biofuel not affecting oilAdded two more planetsv (30 oct)Senators and leader can be assigned, unassigned and promoted based on exp (no effect yet)Space and missions (partly based on a space mod by Fringeware)Rocket recipeSatellitesOrbital Engineering (TBD)BiochemistryBiofuel processingUpdated "panic message" to be more informative and less scaryv (15 oct)Railgun+/- options in village will be now fixedjob filter will now work correctlyVillage, Science and Workshop panels will retain collapsible statusChanges by xranti:___The x100 refine catnip link now respects the wood refine ratio (bonus from Biolabs and lumber mills in iron will). (http://redd.it/2i5jzp)The reactor bonus now displays in the resource tooltips correctly. (http://redd.it/2idy8s)The solar revolution bonus now displays as a single percentage on the religion tab. (http://redd.it/2igc4g)Enriched uranium effects are now reflected in the resource table. (http://redd.it/2ij88k)The classic theme now uses a white background, rather than the browser's default. (http://redd.it/2ixq1o)Accelerators no longer work even if you have no titanium.Reactors and Accelerators (with the Energy Rifts upgrade) now add to resource caps even when turned off. (http://redd.it/2iiakf)Karma zebras now save over resets correctly. (http://redd.it/2j0qlo)The bonfire tab will no longer scroll back to the top when buying a building at the bottom of the list. (http://redd.it/2j6tsx)Crafts no longer appear in the workshop tab before they get unlocked. (http://redd.it/2jg5jy)Steamworks with the Printing Press upgrade will now display a manuscript production effect on their tooltip. (http://redd.it/2jgbvr)Huts, Log Houses and Mansions will now display a max catpower effect on their tooltips. (http://redd.it/2jgbvr)Gold from hunting now displays in the log. (http://www.reddit.com/r/kittensgame/comments/2i0xeh/v_0980_transcendence/ckzsleu)<33333333v (13 oct)CrossbowsSteel ArmourAlloy Armour+-5/25/all options in the village tab+all/-all options to the togglable buildingsv (8 oct)Resetting with more kittens will give additional bonuses to karmaWarehouse upgrades will now affect titanium limitsEnergy Rifts will now give correct capacity effects to acceleratorsSome ratio effects will be displayed in % formatv (5 oct)(Particle) acceleratorsDimensional PhysicsCelestial MechanicsEnergy RiftsNuclear SmeltersGovernment (wip)Dragons trade chance is changed from 75% to 95%Uranium will now have 250 base limitReactors will now improve uranium limit by 250v (2 oct)Changes by xranti:___The game will now render when new buildings are unlocked (http://redd.it/2hnj5z)Removed render hacks from gather and refine catnip buttons (see above fix)Fixed Super Unethical Climax achievementAdded Biolab bonus to the refine catnip buttonFixed coal rate display with Steel Plants upgrade (http://redd.it/2hh7it)Hide 0 effects in building tooltipsPrevent crafting blueprints before researching physics (http://redd.it/2h4s74)Preserve active astronomical events when clearing the log (http://redd.it/2hysk9)Added x25 and x100 trade links (http://redd.it/2hd29d)Fixed bug causing the game to crash when all your kittens die (issue #9)Fixed transcendence save loading issuesFixed wood refine ratio in iron will mode<333v (1 oct)TranscendenceFixed Stained Glass not giving correct bonuses to faithv (26 sep)More accurate resource tooltipsSlightly reduced save footprintv (25 sep)Changes by Zusias:Fixed smelter coal incorrectly getting double bonus from paragon/magnetos___Rows in the craft table will be now highlightedWood refinement in IW will be now affected by Saw MillsZebras will now have a 25% chance to bring a gold from a hunt if Golden Ore is researchedv (20 sep)Slightly reduced gear prices of Steamworks and SW upgrades.Slightly reduced blueprint prices of pre-electronics
technologies.Buffed Biolab effect to 10%Village jobs can now display /sec values.Fixed incorrect "+" values for blueprints and woodv (19 sep)Changes by xranti:Max resource values now load correctly after importing a save, so resources aren't lost for being over the cap (http://redd.it/2e75ms)Factory automation no longer fires immediately when loading the page, before max resource values are loaded (http://redd.it/2gr99l)Tunable buildings now correctly reset their "on" values when importing a save with none onVillage production now gets recalculated immediately when importing, so you don't get a few ticks of old production valuesTabs will now be hidden when importing a save if they should be____Fixed workshop upgrades not being re-locked upon resetMinor UI tweaksPrice will be marked with '*' if you need to expand your resource limitCraft "+" links will be adjusted based on the workshop bonusesPer second values for resources (optional)v (16 sep)Time to cap fix by xrantiRotary Kilnv (15 sep)Improved performance of buttons/resource rendering (38 ms per tick)Gather/refine buttons will display animation and not cause horrible lags any moreSome effects will now have title and be hidden if require specific resources (e.g. barn effects)v (14 sep)Fixed Reactor issuesv (14 sep)New buttons/tooltips for workshopLeast proficient worker will be selected when unassigning jobv (10 sep)Fixed tooltips for religion tabFixed tooltip position for smaller resolutionsFixed tooltips and styling for gather / refine buttonsRoboticsEnriched UraniumOil RefinerySteel Plantsv (7 sep)New tooltips for science tab (with ETA)v (4 sep)Bonfire is now replaced with v2 (Old bonfire still accessible, but hidden)> gamePage.bonfireTab.visible = true;Added ETA in the building tooltipsFixed iron incorrectly getting double bonus from steamworks/magnetoFixed Smelter/Calciner having higher SW bonus compared to other resourcesv (2 sep)Uranium consumption will no longer scale with reactors and magnetos (sic)Village job buttons will display more accurate tooltips"Clear jobs" button will finally display confirmation messagePlayer will be able to open Village tab even if there are no houses (thanks Duke for fixing it)v (14 aug)Slightly nerfed Steamworks/Magneto synergyMagnetos will no longer provide a bonus to the oil productionFixed HoDFixed Reactors not consuming uranium correctlyReactors will now benefit Smelters and Calciners in the same way as MagnetosFixed export issue on IE11v (14 aug)Augmentations'IW' buildings filter for v2 (only in IW mode with library purchased)Steamworks and Magnetos will now correctly boost Smelters and Calciners (iron, gold, coal and titanium output)Paragon will now boost Smelters and Calciners (with 75% penalty)Msg fix by xranti <3v (13 aug)Reduced titanium price of reactors and factories in favour of platesAlloy will now require iron to craftAdded 'togglable' buildings filterv2 tooltip will now stick to bottomv (12 aug)Fixed reset not clearing dead kittens counterAdded two more filter tabs for v2 (all/enabled)v (11 aug)Log size fixAdded work in progress building tab with redesigned UITrade tab will keep panel states (collapsed/opened)v (8 aug)Added a couple of village namesRemoved caps on solar rev and apocrypha, nerfed apocrypha effectFixed Refrigeration not giving correct bonusChanged uranium rate of dragons to 75%Fixed Observatory science limit being affected by on/off switchReactorsReactor Vesselv (4 aug)Added couple of kitten names and one surnameApocrypha will now have hyp cap of 2750%Solar Revolution will now have hyp cap of 275% (sorry folks)Log size will be limited to 50 entriesFixed CAD SYS not applying correct bonus to the craftRefrigeration搜寻地外文明计划v (31 jul)Reduced Pumpjack effect from 75% to 45%Reduced titanium price of Concrete Barns, Concrete Huts and El. SmeltingChanged Oxidation bonus to titanium form 300% to 400%Fixed "Sacrifice Alicorns" button not being unlocked correctlyFixed incorrect price adjustment for Ziggurat upgradesMoved blueprints in the resource table closer to the compendiumsSmelters will be turned off in IW once hit resource limitCouple of IW achievementsOne super-secret achievementCAD Systems (unlocked with Electronics)Here be dragons.v (25 jul)changed by Duke:Fixed some issues with observe events._____Added observe notification to page title in iron will modeApocrypha effect will be carried over the resetFixed Fuel Injection not giving correct bonusFixed Labs not giving correct refine bonusFixed Sins of a Solar Empire not working correctlyFixed Duke's fix not handling auto-observe correctly :)v (24 jul)Fuel InjectorsOffset Pressv (24 jul)Apocrypha (religious upgrade, a prestige of some sort for faith)Added new building group (industry) and rearranged buildings accordinglyTime CrystalsOxidationv (23 jul)x10 link for Sacrifice Unicorns buttonv (22 jul)Alloy WarehousesConcrete WarehousesConcrete BarnsConcrete Hutsv (T3 craft recipe)Spiders (trade scaffolds for coal)Factory (+5% production rate)Mechanization, Metallurgy and Combustion techsv Smelting (+95% to smelter effectiveness)Iron output of smelters is now affected by Solar Revolution bonusFixed disabled observatories still giving chance bonus to eventsFixed Sky Palace not giving correct bonusesv are now togglableSteamworks is not tunable any more (however it is togglable)Sky Palace (endgame Ziggurat upgrade)Templars (endgame religion upgrade)Pumpjack - improves oil production by 75%Two new achievementsv "Trade all" optionAdded "High precision" game setting (3 digits after point)Changed "manpower" to "catpower" and "compedium" to "compendium"v by Zusias:Added %power toggle for automated structures____Removed leather from the resourcesv to cap in the resource tooltipsv golden spire not giving faith bonusFixed Ziggurat upgrades not recalculating pricesBarges - improve coal limits for HarboursAdvanced Automation - makes Steamworks activate twice per yearParagon levels should give minor bonus to the resource limit+ pile of placeholder techsv and Poetry techCultural FestivalsFixed Steamworks giving effect even without the oilv will now give ~60% boost to the geologists coal output ( 0.0225 cpt, 0.0008 gpt)v blueprints (25 compendium, 25k science)v SawAlloy SawMagnetoBiolabIndustrializationv barnsAlloy axeAll barn capacity upgrades will now affect catnip as well if Silos are researched (25% of ratio)v few more memory leaks (Thanks Zusias!)Craft table will display price tooltips for recipesRenamed "Diplomacy" tab to "Trade"Zebras will display titanium dropBuy and Sell sections will be now colour-codedCertain important messages in the log are now colour-codedNerfed Mints to the ground (less furs, significantly less ivory)Fixed Titanium Warehouses not being correctly unlockedv lots of memory leaks in the game.v (workshop upgrade), +750 max catnip to warehouse capacityv (religion upgrade for culture)Acoustics (tech, 65K science, 65 compendium, unlocks Chapel)Chapel ( + 200 to max culture, +0.05 culture per tick, +0.005 faith per tick )v resource table (tooltips should work in chrome now)v will stay if limit is lower for some reason. (Workaround for a couple of cases).Titanium BarnsTitanium Warehousesv by Duke:"Send all" command will now display single message instead of spamming the logFixed religion bonuses working incorrectly_____Added progress indicator for Solar Revolutionv data import to support some browsersv Archeology to the Geology (makes more sense)- Priest (0.0015 faith per tick (that is actually a lot)) [Theology]- Geologist (0.015 coal per tick) [Geology]v column is now fixed and scrollablev Ships (Every ship you have will give 2% to Harbour resource limits) //will give diminishing effect starting with 187% totalEvery observatory will now give a 1% chance of auto-generating starchartsv compendium prices of all techsArchitecture (43k science, 10 compendiums)Mansion (200 slab, 100 steel, 1 titanium), +1 max kittenAdded one Unethical Achievement.v RevolutionAlloyFixed religion buttons always visible regardless of the faith poolv CitadelUnicorn RiftsIvory MeteorsZiggurats will require 5% of resources to unlock instead of 30%v prices in tooltipsAlert for catnip craftv by Zusias:Pastures, Tradeposts and Amphitheatres will now give correct reduction effects with smother distribution curve._Rebalanced ratio coefficients to grant the same distribution curve.Rebalanced prices of Harbours and Megaliths in favour of slabsv compendium will give a +10 bonus to the max scienceRaised science price of compendiums from 5K to 10KParagon points will improve your total production by 1%Zebras are now trading slabs to iron/plates instead of plates to coal/steelv minerals and oil into iron and titanium [chemistry](120 steel, 5 titanium, 5 bp, 300 oil)-1.5 min, -0.012 oil, +0.001 titanium, +0.15 ironChanged Oil Well price to (50 steel, 25 gear, 25 scaffold)v Observatory price ratio from 1.15 to 1.10 and increased Slab price from 15 to 35Reduced Trade Ship scaffold price from 120 to 100Changed prices of Quarry to 50 scaffold, 150 steel, 1000 slab (prices may be reduced later)Steel Saw: improves Lumber Mill effectiveness by 10%v. base faith output of Temples by 50%Trade Ships will give 0.35% to titanium proc instead of 0.035%Improved base titanium output from 1 to 1.5Reduced manuscripts culture price from 500 to 400Reduced manuscript prices of Astronomy and Navigation to 65 and 100 (from 75 and 150)v. Golden Spire (+50% max faith per temple)Religion: Sun Altar (+0.5% happiness per temple)Religion: Stained Glass (doubles temple culture)Production buildings group was split into Production and StorageQuarry (50 Scaffold, 1000 Slab), +35% minerals ratio, +0.015 coal per tick [archeology]Oil Well (25 Scaffold, 100 Steel), 2500 max oil, +0.01 oil per tick [chemistry]'Tired' status will be cleared after very brief timeoutPrinting press will give 0.00025 manuscript per tick (2 per year total) constantly instead of 0.5 per yearFixed astrolabe effect working even without purchased upgrade (not a nerf)Reduced titanium price of Titanium Reflectors from 25 to 15Craft resources will be highlighted for buildingsv. ships will give 0.35% to the titanium drop chanceAdded Hunt All buttonRaised Mines coal output from 0.01 to 0.03Added colour-codes to craft resourcesv. by Zusias:Census skills will now contribute to the production rate____Hunting armour was split into two upgradesBolas and Hunting Armour will increase mapowerMax to 400 and 1000 in iron will mode</pre></body></html>


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