gearing和leverage的区别 ratio是什么意思

“gearing ratio”指杠杆比率,是常见的财务比率之一,反映企业负债(Debt)相对其股东权益(Shareholder's Equity)的比例,以衡量企业偿债能力。 Gearing英文亦称为leverage,大致有以下两种含义:1.指公司依赖债务融资的程度,最常用的比率为负债权益比率(debt-equity ratio),等于长期债务除以股东权益。 杠杆比率亦是反映公司偿债能力的一个指标。比率越高,意味着公司越容易受景气变动的冲击,股东所承受的风险也较高,因此会要求较高的回报。杠杆比率是否处于可接受的水平,通常视与同业相比较的结果。2.在金融衍生工具市场,杠杆比率是期货或期权仓位所代表的实际价值与建立仓位所付出的现金额的比率。 杠杆比率越高,市场价格每单位的变动可带来的盈利或亏损就越大,意味着投资风险较高,走势有利时会大有斩获,不利时则很可能血本无归。Gearing ratios are financial ratios that compare some form of owner's equity (or capital) to debt, or funds borrowed by the company. Gearing is a measurement of the entity’s financial leverage, which demonstrates the degree to which a firm's activities are funded by shareholders' funds versus creditors' funds.关于这一术语,内地和香港的译法并不一样:内地香港通用译法:资本负债比率;资债比率香港常用译法:杠杆比率;借贷比率;控股比率其计算方式为:Gearing ratio = net debt/net debt + equity资本负债比率=债务净额/债务净额+股权。以下为相关双语示例,供参考:The Group monitors capital using a gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by equity plus net debt. The Group’s policy is to keep the gearing ratio not more than 100%. Net debt is calculated as the total of interest-bearing bank and other borrowings, lease liabilities, due to related parties, due to an associate, due to fellow subsidiaries, trade and bills payables, and other payables and accruals, less cash and cash equivalents.本集团使用资产负债比率监控其资本,计算方式为负债净额除以股权加负债净额。本集团的政策为将资产负债比率控制在100%以内。负债净额为带息银行及其他借款、租赁负债、应付关联方款项、应付联营公司款项、应付附属公司款项、应付账款及票据、其他应付款及应计款项之和减去现金及现金等价物。发布于 2021-11-03 19:37:10


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