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'Absolutely clueless': Trump breaks royal protocols
The president was soundly condemned on social media for breaking several British protocols during his meeting with Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle.
Queen gives tiniest gesture&>>
Donald Trump has taunted protestors while playing golf at one of his Scottish resorts after Liam Fox attacked those demonstrating against the US President as &an embarrassment to themselves.& Demonstrators on the beach below Mr Trump&s Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire booed loudly when the President and his son, Eric, came within view as he made his way around its Ailsa course. The President, who was spotted with a large entourage including 12 golf buggies and a small army of bodyguards, was greeted with unwelcoming chants of &racist& and &go home&.
But Mr Trump, who was wearing a white hat with USA written on it, taunted protestors by waving at them from his golf buggy. Walking to the edge of the golf course, a short distance from the demonstrators, Mr Trump waved and smiled at the demonstrators from the fourth hole before moving on. US President Donald Trump plays a round of golf on the Trump Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire, where he and first lady Melania Trump are spending the weekend Credit: PA It was rare glimpse of Mr Trump, who otherwise kept a low profile at the resort, where he is spending the weekend golfing amid tight security and more demonstrations. The President took to Twitter to state he would at the resort &for two days of meetings, calls and hopefully, some golf - my primary form of exercise!& Thousands more people gathered for a much larger protest in Edinburgh, where a 20ft Trump baby blimp that appeared the previous day in London was flown again. US president Donald Trump visits UK, in pictures Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Tory leader, sent a supportive message to marchers attending the Edinburgh protest and a gay pride event in Glasgow to &remember love trumps hate.& But Mr Fox, who welcomed Mr Trump to the UK at Stansted Airport on Thursday, argued that demonstrations were not the way to welcome the US President to Britain. Give us a wave, Donald! Credit: AFP He told BBC News: &The President has his own way of expressing himself and I don&t think the protesters were an embarrassment to the Government. I think they were an embarrassment to themselves. &I think that when you have the President of the United States, the leader of the free world being greeted with signs that say &go home, we hate you&, I don&t think that reflects the good manners and hospitality of the British people.& Police secure the area as U.S. President Donald Trump, wearing a hat with Trump and USA displayed on it, plays golf at Trump Turnberry Luxury Collection Resort during the President&s first official visit to the United Kingdom Credit: Getty Images Mr Trump complained the demonstrations made him feel &unwelcome& in London but insisted that most British people &love the President.& He and his wife, Melania, flew to Scotland on Friday evening after his meetings with the Queen and Theresa May were overshadowed by a highly critical newspaper interview attacking the Prime Minister&s Brexit strategy. The area around the Turnberry resort was saturated with security personnel, with police snipers positioned on temporary scaffolding. Roads into the area were blocked off and vehicles stopped and searched, while a police boat was stationed off the coast. In a tweet posted before his first round of golf, Mr Trump said: &The weather is beautiful and this place is incredible!& The President said he would leave on Sunday for Helsinki, where he is holding a summit with Vladimir Putin.
I have arrived in Scotland and will be at Trump Turnberry for two days of meetings, calls and hopefully, some golf - my primary form of exercise! The weather is beautiful, and this place is incredible! Tomorrow I go to Helsinki for a Monday meeting with Vladimir Putin.- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2018 Although protesters gathered outside to vent their fury at his administration&s policies, he received support from some local residents. Demonstrators called Bill McGibbon, 74, a &fascist& for flying an American flag outside his house. He said: &“I like Trump. I like what he is doing. I also think it’s important we retain a relationship between the US and UK.
“I would like to see some British politicians stand up and say what we are all thinking.” Trump protestors on the beach near to the Trump Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire Credit: PA Asked about the hostility he faced from the protesters, he said: &They can call me whatever they like. They can have their opinion and I haven’t offended them but they seem intent of offending me.& Thousands more protesters joined a rally titled the Carnival of Resistance in Edinburgh, some dressed as caricatures of the US President and others carrying placards bearing messages such as &Dump Trump.& SNP, Labour and Liberal Democrat politicians addressed the march from the Scottish Parliament to the Meadows park in the city. Credit: AFP Richard Leonard, the Scottish Labour leader, told the crowds: &We are here today standing shoulder to shoulder, all parties and none, all faiths and none, standing together in this capital to send a message out to the world that Scotland stands united against Trump.& Meanwhile, police announced they were trying to trace a paraglider who flew over Turnberry with a banner stating &Trump well below par&, shortly after the President&s arrival on Friday night. Police Scotland said the stunt, which was organised by Greenpeace, was being treated as a beach of an air exclusion zone and this was a criminal offence. Donald Trump&s UK visit | Read more
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In an interview with Bloomberg, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said &we were huge idiots and didn't know what we were doing& when redesigning the production process for the company's Model 3 sedan. Musk had hoped to make vehicle production faster and less expensive by significantly increasing the amount of automation Tesla used in its factories. In an interview with Bloomberg published Friday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said &we were huge idiots and didn't know what we were doing& when attempting to redesign Tesla's production process for the Model 3.
Ariana Grande’s new single and its cover art are making waves. Ariana Grande‘s latest single has only been out for a few hours, but it’s already creating quite the fuss. Others, however, haven’t been bothered by that - they’re too fixated on Grande’s racy makeover for the single’s cover art.
Frye spent parts of the past three seasons with the Cavaliers and was part of their championship team in 2016.
Landing 14 people on the moon remains one of NASA's greatest achievements, if not the greatest. Astronauts collected rocks, took photos, performed experiments, planted some flags, and then came home. But those week-long stays during the Apollo program didn't establish a lasting human presence on the moon. More than 45 years after the most recent crewed moon landing - Apollo 17 in December 1972 - there are plenty of reasons to return people to Earth's giant, dusty satellite and stay there. Researchers and entrepreneurs think a crewed base on the moon could evolve into a fuel depot for deep-space missions, lead to the creation of unprecedented space telescopes, make it easier to live on Mars, and
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Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Stunned By Fan&s Hand-Drawn Portrait of Them
Jul 14, 2018
Your sense of self-worth is up for review today. You may experience a sobering understanding of how you behave in your commitments and partnerships. Everyone desires love but not everyone is ready to ...NewsHuffPostOutrage against Immigration and Customs Enforcement and its agents is nothing new within pro-immigrant circles. Neither are the calls to do away with the 15-year-old agency, which continues to use intimidation and force to go after immigrants, green-card holders and, in some cases, United States citizens. ICE ― the “unshackled” Department of Homeland Security agency responsible for the brutal enforcement of federal immigration law ― has gone from being just another office within the federal government to the public’s favorite punching bag in recent months.Having antivirus has never been more vital but with so many to choose from who is the best to keep you protected? See the Top 10 Antivirus Programs.NewsYahoo ViewThe driver was arrested for reckless driving but
the officers are on administrative leave.PoliticsYahoo NewsPeter Strzok found an unlikely ally during Thursday’s testimony over text messages the FBI agent wrote critical of Donald Trump and his supporters: congressional Republicans. While Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hammered Strzok throughout the day for his 2016 text to former FBI lawyer Lisa Page assuring her that Trump would not become president, Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., used his time to question Strzok to read off a series critical comments about Trump written by members of the GOP.雅虎企业介绍_百度文库
雅虎空间(日—日)为于日正式开始内测,类似Yahoo 360°的个人信息提供,是公司中的第二大服务项目。用户可以在雅虎空间中使用:雅虎、等功能。由于雅虎空间不同于雅虎全球,因此所有雅虎空间的内容仅限于中国大陆的雅虎ID。雅虎空间已于日关闭。
一词发明于《》的作者Jonathan Swift。在小说里,它代表一个在外表和上都非常讨厌的家伙。Yahoo!的创始人杨致远和David Filo选择这个名字的原因就是他们觉得自己就是Yahoo。还有一种说法,David Filo和杨致远坚持他们选择这个名称的原因是他们喜欢字典里对Yahoo的定义“粗鲁,不通世故,粗俗”。
,一位20多岁的台湾移民,在攻读博士研究生时,与同窗DAVID FILO(29岁的)——两位Internet网上老手——合作,为方便上网查找资料,编出一个专门用于整理INTERNET上各个节点资料的程序,并于1994年4月正式在互联网上推出。
当初,杨致远和大卫认为自控有很多的机会,便选择了这个研究方向,但不久他们就发现这个方向的创业机会已经被几个公司垄断,留给他们的机会并不多。就在他们万分沮丧又百无聊赖的时候,转机出现了。  刺激两位决定走上经营搜索引擎业务同样也有两个因素,准确地说,是一件事和一个人。一日,两人无意中登录了一个叫“梅尔玫瑰”的搜索站点,尽管该站点内容空洞贫乏,缺少新意,但整个站点采用的分类目录的做法吸引了他俩。为什么不组织一个像这样可供登录者按自己的需求查询内容的站点?这种创新的思路导致了雅虎的诞生,并成为后来雅虎建立网站的技术方向。同时由于关键字技术的使用,查询速度更快,远非从前那些仅供上网者误冲误撞的搜索引擎可比,用杨致远的话来说:“雅虎是大器晚成的网络巨人。”
在这样的情形下,也许有人会说,那杨致远还不如干脆离开学校,自己成立一家公司,说不定会发大财。  这正是杨致远所做的。于是杨致远便了并成立了雅虎。公司的股票在华尔街后,杨致远的个人资产在一瞬间飞升为1.7亿。杨致远是Internet催生的亿万富翁。Internet上充满了机会,杨致远抓住了机会,在Internet上威风八面的雅虎,就是这位来自台湾的华裔青年研制的。雅虎让杨致远一夜之间成为亿万富翁,真是财从天降。这也许让人觉得,他的经历好像同另外一个与电脑有关的家伙相同?不错,现在已经有人把杨致远称为“第二。”只不过,杨致远自己不愿意把他同那个在中断了学业创建(Microsoft)公司的年轻富翁相比。他说他是“杨致远第一。”
如果从空中来俯瞰这个竞技场上的风云变幻,就会发现有水流风转,电脑界的走势正被两股力量所拨动,一个就是硬件厂商的努力,一个是软件业的不断追求。而且电脑元器件的每个焊点上都记载着一系列的竞争,有时这种竞争是很严酷的。商业上没有永恒的友谊,只有永恒的竞争。IBM公司在推出PC机的时候,一下推出了两个小公司,一个是硬件领域的英特尔公司,一个是软件方面的。当他们三家合起来对付苹果公司的时候,利益是一致的,可是IBM PC成为市场上的主角以后,他就对微软和英特尔不再感冒了,先是冷落英特尔公司的80386芯片,继而是试图甩掉微软公司。
雅虎是由中国台湾人杨致远(Jerry Yang)创立的,他生于1969年,1993年他和费罗(Filo)一起成为斯坦福大学工学院的研究生。他们喜欢在万维网上冲浪,并把他们所喜爱的站点编成一个名单以便寻找。有次他们灵机一动,决定将这一名单在网上公布,供网友使用,并将这一名单叫做“Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web(通往万维网的杨致远指南)”。没有料到这一行动大受欢迎,发生了轰动效果。于是,1995年他们便放弃了写毕业论文,而专门从事创建网络门户的工作,并把主要站点的名单起了新名字“Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle(另一层次式的正式指南)”,它的缩写词Yahoo便成为这一网络门户的名字。  现在雅虎正面对着激烈竞争,竞争中最强大的武器便是其驰名品牌。有了它便有人愿向它投资,有了它就有更多的人愿意光顾。据统计,现在有51%工作中的网上冲浪者和42%家庭中的网上冲浪者在使用雅虎。预计2002年时雅虎的广告收入至少是所有网络门户总和的四分之一,这就是雅虎在竞争中的优势。
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