
推荐产品: 低压胶管型号 高压胶管厂家直供 四氟管批发 金属软管厂家直销 您好!烽火台欢迎您的到来。 金属软管特殊性能决定应用领域广阔 点击数:52赞数:0 & & &金属软管厂家直销不锈钢金属软管、液压胶管、低压胶管、胶管接头、树脂管、尼龙树脂管、橡胶板、o型圈等产品。其中金属软管适用于蒸汽、水、油类及各种工业气体、药品等介质输送。对管道系统的运动,金属软管具有良好的可挠性及耐温、耐压、耐腐蚀性能。热膨胀吸收、振动吸收起着重要的作用。 & & 由于装卸模具的需要,硫化机上的活动缸将作向上和向下方向的运动。紫铜蛇形管往复运动多次之后,就会发生疲劳断裂,虽然修复后还可以继续使用,但停车修复会造成时间损失。橡胶管虽然具有良好的柔软特性,抗疲劳能力也很强,但在承压、耐温、抗老化等方面又是薄弱环节,一般使用几个月以后,也无法再继续下去。金属软管良好的综合性能在此得到充分地体现。在一般工业领域中,除压力、温度之外,还常常存在着一些如疲劳、腐蚀、振动、压迫、冲击等苛刻的条件,在这样的情况之下,用来补偿管道的位置移动很合适的了。 & & 金属软管的类别有:专有的输气软管、输液软管、波导软管、屏蔽软管、真空绝热软管和长度、温度或角度的补偿管等。在许多国家,金属软管的设计、生产已经标准化、系列化。能够使用或必须使用金属软管的场合越来越多。金属软管可以随意弯曲并在额定弯曲半径条件下弯曲所产生的内应力极小,金属软管为安装工作带来极大的方便,逐渐成为某些管路系统使用的的主要原因。 & & 我公司是实体、生产销售一体化的企业,产品一律自产自销,公司有一系列的质量检测设备和优秀严谨的质检人员,严格把控质量关。本公司支持加工定制,可按照您的需要制作任意长度,可根据不同型号定制生产。 联系我们/Contact Us 联系人:张经理 地址:河北省景县降河流开发区橡胶应用领域_百度文库 两大类热门资源免费畅读 续费一年阅读会员,立省24元! 橡胶应用领域 &&橡胶应用领域 阅读已结束,下载本文需要 想免费下载本文? 定制HR最喜欢的简历 下载文档到电脑,同时保存到云知识,更方便管理 加入VIP 还剩1页未读, 定制HR最喜欢的简历 你可能喜欢&&&&hydac technology (shanghai) ltd!&#$e!&#$%&'( 271 : 200245 : : www.hydac.com.cnf!! ! ====
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&'!!ndntube and cover in synthetic rubber with one high tensile steel wire braids. temperature range: -40 =to+1002sn06 2sn08 2sn10 2sn12 2sn16 2sn20 2sn25 2sn32 2sn40 2sn506 8 10 12 16 19(20) 25 31(32) 38(40) 51(50)! ! ! inside diameter outside diameter working pressure burst pressure bend radius mm mm bar bar mm min / max max 6,2 7,0 15,7 400 ,7 8,5 17,3 350 ,3 10,1 19,7 330 ,3 13,5 23,0 275 ,5 16,7 26,2 250 ,6 19,8 30,1 215 850 240 25,0 26,4 38,9 165 650 300 31,4 33,0 49,5 125 500 420 37,7 39,3 55,9 90 360 500 50,4 52,0 68,6 80 320 630 42344 1! 1sc (en857*) hydronorm hydraulic hose 1 sc en 857*==== !w jqm ==== !&#$%&' ()*+,nmm !&#$% ! !&# !&#$% !&#$%&' !&#!&#! &'!!ndntube and cover in synthetic rubber with one high tensile steel wire braids. temperature range: -40 =to+1001sc06 1sc08 1sc10 isc12g=6 8 10 12! ! ! inside diameter outside diameter working pressure burst pressure bend radius mm mm bar bar mm min / max max 6,1 6,9 12,0 300 ,7 8,5 13,6 275 ,3 10,1 16,1 225 900 80 12,3 13,5 19,4 200 800 120 6014238!&#$% !! 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dn 1dkl45/0506 1dkl45/0606 1dkl45/0608 1dkl45/0610 1dkl45/0810 1dkl45/0812 1dkl45/1010 1dkl45/1012 1dkl45/1015 1dkl45/1215 1dkl45/ 06 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 16r6 6 8 10 10 12 10 12 15 15 18d d1 thread a m12x1,5 3,0 5,1 m12x1,5 4,0 6,7 m14x1,5 4,0 6,7 m16x1,5 4,0 6,7 m16x1,5 5,5 8,4 m18x1,5 5,5 8,4 m16x1,5 7,0 10,0 m18x1,5 7,0 10,0 m22x1,5 7,0 10,0 m22x1,5 10,0 13,5 m26x1,5 13,0 16,6xl1hsw part number weight 29 31 31 53 41 76 59 62 96 99 14439,0 39,0 42,0 41,5 37,0 53,0 43,0 52,0 53,5 60,5 70,0+2.5 64,5 16,0 66,5 16,0 69,5 17,0 69,0 16,0 65,0 17,0 81,0 23,0 72,0 16,0 82,0 23,0 82,5 20,5 92,0 25,0 104,0 27,014 14 17 19 19 22 19 22 27 27 328 1 dkl 90!&#din 20078 t2i= l l !!&#metric female swivel, din 20078 t2, light series material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1dkl90/0506 1dkl90/0606 1dkl90/0608 1dkl90/0610 1dkl90/0612 1dkl90/0810 1dkl90/0812 1dkl90/1010 1dkl90/1012 1dkl90/1015 1dkl90/1215 1dkl90/ 06 06 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 16r6 6 8 10 12 10 12 10 12 15 15 18d d1 thread a m12x1,5 3,0 5,1 m12x1,5 4,0 6,7 m14x1,5 4,0 6,7 m16x1,5 4,0 6,7 m18x1,5 4,0 6,7 m16x1,5 5,5 8,4 m18x1,5 5,5 8,4 m16x1,5 7,0 10,0 m18x1,5 7,0 10,0 m22x1,5 7,0 10,0 m22x1,5 10,0 13,5 m26x1,5 13,0 16,6xl1h +2.5 28,5 28,5 29,0 31,0 29,0 30,0 34,0 31,0 34,0 42,5 42,5 49,0sw part number weight 29 32 34 51 80 45 68 57 71 100 120 16430,5 30,5 26,0 34,5 25,0 28,5 36,5 36,0 35,5 45,0 38,5 39,556,0 58,0 53,0 62,0 53,0 56,5 64,5 67,0 65,5 73,5 70,0 78,014 14 17 19 22 19 22 19 22 27 27 329 1 dkol!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, light series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1dkol/0506 1dkol/0608 1dkol/0606 1dkol/0610 1dkol/0612 1dkol/0810 1dkol/0808 1dkol/0812 1dkol/1012 1dkol/1010 1dkol/1015 1dkol/1215 1dkol/1618 1dkol/1622 1dkol/2022 1dkol/2018 1dkol/2528 1dkol/2522 1dkol/3235 1dkol/ 06 06 06 08 08 08 10 10 10 12 16 16 20 20 25 25 32 40r thread a m12x1,5 m14x1,5 m12x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m14x1,5 m18x1,5 m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m22x1,5 m22x1,5 m26x1,5 m30x2 m30x2 m26x1,5 m36x2 m30x2 m45x2 m52x2dd1xl1swo o-ring 4x1,5 6,5x1,5 4x1,5 8x1,5 9,5x2 8x1,5 6,5x1,5 9,5x2 9,5x2 8x1,5 12x2 12x2 15x2 20x2 20x2 15x2 25x2 20x2 30x2,5 38x2,5 weight 17 27 33 36 48 36 30 48 47 43 75 78 109 160 160 194 232 301 364 514part number6 8 6 10 12 10 08 12 12 10 15 15 18 22 22 18 28 22 35 423,0 4,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 33,05,1 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,5 16,6 16,6 19,8 18,8 26,6 26,6 32,5 38,921,3 21,8 21,0 23,3 23,3 23,3 36,8 23,3 23,3 23,8 24,8 25,5 27,0 28,0 29,5 45,5 31,3 47,0 35,5 34,346,7 49,3 48,5 50,8 50,8 51,3 64,8 51,3 53,3 53,8 54,8 57,0 61,3 62,3 69,0 85,0 78,3 94,0 89,8 92,014 17 17 19 22 19 17 22 22 19 27 27 32 36 36 32 41 36 50 6060143826014383601438410 1 dkol 45!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, light series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1dkol45/0506 1dkol45/0606 1dkol45/0608 1dkol45/0610 1dkol45/0612 1dkol45/0810 1dkol45/0812 1dkol45/1010 1dkol45/1012 1dkol45/1015 1dkol45/1215 1dkol45/1618 1dkol45/2020 1dkol45/2528 1dkol45/3235 1dkol45/ 06 06 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40r thread a m12x1,5 m12x1,5 m14x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m22x1,5 m26x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m45x2 m52x2dd1xl1h 2,5 16,0 16,0 15,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 17,0 17,0 20,0 21,0 23,0 25,0 33,0 43,0 47,5swo o-ring weight 4x1,5 29 4x1,5 31 6,5x1,5 30 8x1,5 38 9,5x2 62 8x1,5 44 9,5x2 60 8x1,5 65 9,5x2 61 12x2 101 12x2 98 15x2 143 20x2 190 25x2 444 30x2,5 647 38x2,5 958part number6 6 8 10 12 10 12 10 12 15 15 18 22 28 35 423,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 33,05,1 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,5 16,6 19,8 26,2 32,5 38,939,5 39,5 34,5 44,0 43,0 39,0 42,5 47,5 40,5 47,5 45,5 52,0 66,0 82,5 104,5 115,065,0 67,0 62,0 71,5 70,5 67,0 70,5 77,5 70,5 77,5 77,0 86,5 104,5 129,5 159,0 172,514 14 17 19 22 19 22 19 22 27 27 32 36 41 50 6060143886014389 601439311 1 dkol 90!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, light series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1dkol90/0506 1dkol90/0606 1dkol90/0608 1dkol90/0610 1dkol90/0612 1dkol90/0808 1dkol90/0810 1dkol90/0812 1dkol90/1010 1dkol90/1012 1dkol90/1015 1dkol90/1212 1dkol90/1215 1dkol90/1618 1dkol90/2022 1dkol90/2528 1dkol90/2528 1dkol90/3235 1dkol90/ 06 06 06 08 08 08 10 10 10 12 12 16 20 25 25 32 40r thread a m12x1,5 m12x1,5 m14x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m14x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m26x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m36x2 m45x2 m52x2dd1xl1h 2,5 29,0 29,0 31,0 31,0 33,0 36,0 32,0 36,0 33,0 36,0 38,5 38,0 42,5 51,0 58,0 72,0 71,0 91,0 102,0swo o-ring weight 4x1,5 31 4x1,5 32 6,5x1,5 33 8x1,5 39 9,5x2 66 6,5x1,5 8x1,5 45 9,5x2 68 8x1,5 64 9,5x2 69 12x2 110 9,5x2 12x2 112 15x2 162 20x2 263 25x2 240 25x2 485 30x2,5 780 38x2,5 1129part number6 6 8 10 12 8 10 12 10 12 15 12 15 18 22 28 28 35 423,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 33,05,1 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,5 13,5 16,6 19,8 26,2 26,2 32,5 38,930,5 30,5 26,0 26,5 34,5 36,5 29,0 36,0 36,5 37,0 38,5 43,5 41,0 45,5 57,0 80,0 74,0 92,5 102,556,0 58,0 53,0 53,5 62,0 65,0 57,0 65,0 65,0 66,0 68,5 75,0 72,0 79,5 96,5 127,0 121,0 147,0 160,014 14 17 19 22 17 19 22 19 22 27 22 27 32 36 41 41 50 6060143956014396601439712 1 dkos!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1dkos/0508 1dkos/0606 1dkos/0610 1dkos/0608 1dkos/0812 1dkos/0810 1dkos/1014 1dkos/1012 1dkos/1016 1dkos/1216 1dkos/1620 1dkos/1616 1dkos/2025 1dkos/2020 1dkos/2530 1dkos/2525 1dkos/ 06 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 16 16 20 20 25 25 32r thread a m16x1,5 m14x1,5 m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m20x1,5 m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m20x1,5 m24x1,5 m24x1,5 m30x2 m24x1,5 m36x2 m30x2 m42x2 m36x2 m52x2dd1xl1swo o-ring 6x1,5 4x1,5 8x1,5 6x1,5 9x1,5 8x1,5 12x2 9x1,5 13x2 13x2 17,5x2,5 13x2 22x2,5 17,5x2,5 27x2,5 22x2,5 33x2,5 weight 35 40 49 37 51 49 87 60 136 107 181 160 270 260 417 377 650part number8 6 10 8 12 10 14 12 16 16 20 16 25 20 30 25 383,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 13,0 21,0 21,0 27,05,1 6,7 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,5 16,6 16,6 19,8 16,6 26,2 26,2 32,523,3 24,0 25,3 23,8 25,3 25,3 28,3 25,3 45,5 26,5 32,7 44,0 36,5 48,5 39,3 50,5 44,048,7 51,5 52,8 51,3 53,3 53,3 58,3 55,3 74,0 58,0 67,0 78,5 76,0 88,0 86,3 97,5 98,319 17 22 19 24 22 27 24 30 30 36 30 41 36 50 6013 1 dkos 45!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1dkos45/0508 1dkos45/0606 1dkos45/0608 1dkos45/0610 1dkos45/0812 1dkos45/1012 1dkos45/1014 1dkos45/1216 1dkos45/1620 1dkos45/2025 1dkos45/2530 1dkos45/ 06 06 08 10 10 12 16 20 25 32r thread a m16x1,5 m14x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m20x1,5 m20x1,5 m22x1,5 m24x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1hswo o-ring 6x1,5 4x1,5 6x1,5 8x1,5 9x1,5 9x1,5 12x2 13x2 17,5x2,5 22x2,5 27x2.5 33x2,5 weight 49 50 48 62 69 90 99 130 191 295 520 810part number8 6 8 10 12 12 14 16 20 25 30 383,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,05,1 6,7 6,7 6,7 8,4 10,0 10,0 13,5 16,6 19,8 26,2 32,52,5 47,0 72,5 20,5 34,5 62,0 14,5 42,0 68,5 19,0 37,5 65,0 18,5 43,5 71,5 20,0 60,5 88,5 23,5 57,5 87,5 24,0 48,5 80,0 23,0 55,5 89,5 26,0 63,5 103,0 29,0 86,0 133,0 36,5 109,5 163,5 47,519 17 19 22 24 24 27 30 36 41 50 60 14 1 dkos 90!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1dkos90/0508 1dkos90/0606 1dkos90/0608 1dkos90/0610 1dkos90/0812 1dkos90/0810 1dkos90/1012 1dkos90/1014 1dkos90/1216 1dkos90/1620 1dkos90/1616 1dkos90/2025 1dkos90/2020 1dkos90/2530 1dkos90/2525 1dkos90/ 06 06 08 08 10 10 12 16 16 20 20 25 25 32r thread a m16x1,5 m14x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m20x1,5 m18x1,5 m20x1,5 m22x1,5 m24x1,5 m30x2 m24x1,5 m36x2 m30x2 m42x2 m36x2 m52x2dd1xl1hswo o-ring weight 6x1,5 49 4x1,5 50 6x1,5 41 8x1,5 64 9x1,5 72 8x1,5 72 9x1,5 90 12x2 110 13x2 140 17,5x2,5 209 13x2 200 22x2,5 330 17,5x2,5 27x2.5 520 22x1,5 486 33x2,5 850part number8 6 8 10 12 10 12 14 16 20 16 25 20 30 25 383,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 27,05,1 6,7 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 13,5 16,6 16,6 19,8 19,8 26,2 26,2 32,52,5 35,5 61,0 37,0 25,5 53,0 25,5 25,0 51,0 31,0 28,5 56,0 35,0 30,0 58,0 35,0 33,5 62,0 35,0 37,0 67,0 38,0 33,5 63,5 42,0 38,5 70,0 45,0 47,5 81,5 51,0 43,5 78,0 47,5 56,5 96,0 59,0 57,0 96,0 59,0 74,0 121,0 76,0 64,0 111,0 65,5 92,5 147,0 98,019 17 19 22 24 22 24 27 30 36 30 41 36 50 41 604414 601441815 1 bel!&#din 2353i= l l ! pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, light series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1bel/0506 1bel/0608 1bel/0606 1bel/0810 1bel/0808 1bel/1012 1bel/1010 1bel/1015 1bel/1215 1bel/1218 1bel/1618 1bel/2022 1bel/2528 1bel/3235 1bel/ 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 12 16 20 25 32 40rdd1xl1 part number weight 8 15 12 21 14 27 21 41 42 50 56 94 144 240 3246 8 6 10 8 12 10 15 15 18 18 22 28 35 423,0 4,0 3,0 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 33,05,1 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,5 13,5 16,6 19,9 26,2 32,5 38,928,3 53,7 28,8 56,3 28,8 56,3 29,8 57,8 28,8 56,8 29,8 59,8 29,8 59,8 31,5 61,8 32,5 64,0 33,5 65,0 33,5 67,8 36,5 76,0 38,8 85,8 46,5 100,8 45,8 103,516 1 bel 45!&#din 2353i= l l ! pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, light series!&#material: steel/gavanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1bel45/0506 1bel45/0606 1bel45/0608 1bel45/0808 1bel45/0810 1bel45/1010 1bel45/1012 1bel45/1015 1bel45/1215 1bel45/1618 1bel45/2022 1bel45/2528 1bel45/3235 1bel45/ 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40rdd1xl1h part number 2,5 19 19 19 21 23 25 25 24 27 29 29 34 41 44 weight 18 20 19 25 41 42 71 75 87 189 363 497 7056 6 8 8 10 10 12 15 15 18 22 28 35 423,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 33,05,1 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,5 16,6 19,9 26,2 32,5 38,942,5 42,5 43,0 49,5 50,5 58,0 58,5 58,0 68,0 54,0 73,0 83,0 102,5 112,568,0 70,0 70,5 78,0 79,0 88,0 88,5 86,5 99,5 88,0 112,0 130,0 157,0 170,0 17 1 bel 90!&#din 2353i= l l ! pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, light series!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1bel90/0506 1bel90/0606 1bel90/0608 1bel90/0808 1bel90/0810 1bel90/1010 1bel90/1012 1bel90/1015 1bel90/1215 1bel90/1618 1bel90/2022 1bel90/2528 1bel90/3235 1bel90/ 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40rdd1xl1h part number 2,5 34 34 31 37 38 38 44 48 48 53 61 72 89 99 weight 21 22 19 34 30 41 42 92 75 104 230 407 629 9726 6 8 8 10 10 12 15 15 18 22 28 35 423,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 33,05,1 6,7 6,7 8,4 8,4 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,5 16,6 19,9 26,2 32,5 38,930,5 30,5 26,5 36,5 30,0 37,0 32,5 45,0 41,0 42,5 63,0 74,0 92,5 107,556,0 58,0 54,0 65,0 58,0 67,0 62,5 73,5 72,5 77,0 102,0 121,0 147,0 165,0 18 1 bes!&#din 2353i= l l !!&#pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, heavy series material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1bes/0508 1bes/0610 1bes/0612 1bes/0812 1bes/1014 1bes/1216 1bes/1620 1bes/2025 1bes/2020 1bes/2530 1bes/ 06 08 10 12 16 20 20 25 32rdd1xl1 part number weight 12 19 23 26 39 51 82 145 120 196 3528 10 12 12 14 16 20 25 20 30 383,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 30,05,1 6,7 6,7 8,4 10,0 13,5 16,6 19,8 19,8 26,2 32,530,3 55,7 32,8 60,3 32,8 60,3 32,8 60,8 35,8 65,8 37,5 69,0 43,5 77,8 48,0 87,5 44,5 84,0 53,3 100,3 58,5 112,8 19 1 bes 45!&#din 2353i= l l !!&#pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, heavy series material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1bes45/0508 1bes45/0610 1bes45/0812 1bes45/1014 1bes45/1216 1bes45/1620 1bes45/2025 1bes45/2530 1bes45/ 08 10 12 16 20 25 32rdd1xl1h part number 2,5 21 24 25 27 30 34 39 44 51 weight 25 26 38 57 69 146 246 402 6128 10 12 14 16 20 25 30 383,0 4,0 5,5 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,05,1 6,7 8,4 10,0 13,5 16,6 19,8 26,2 32,548,5 51,5 61,5 58,5 67,0 72,0 85,0 98,5 121,574,0 78,5 89,5 87,5 98,5 106,5 124,5 144,0 176,0 20 1 bes 90!&#din 2353i= l l !!&#pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, heavy series material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1bes90/0508 1bes90/0610 1bes90/0812 1bes90/1014 1bes90/1216 1bes90/1620 1bes90/2025 1bes90/2530 1bes90/ 08 10 12 16 20 25 32rdd1xl1h part number 2,5 37 37 43 50 52 66 77 89 105 weight 26 27 46 70 89 167 320 447 7488 10 12 14 16 20 25 30 383,0 4,0 5,5 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,05,1 6,7 8,4 10,0 13,5 16,6 19,8 26,2 32,535,5 61,0 31,0 58,0 36,5 64,5 44,5 73,5 37,0 69,0 55,0 89,5 68,0 107,5 80,5 126,0 99,5 154,0 21 1 dkj 90jic l !74 l !unf jic female swivel, sae 37 - back nut - unf - thread!&#, with crimpmaterial: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 40 50=d1kxl1h 2,5sw part number weightthread a 7/16 -20 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 3/4 -16 3/4 -16 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 1 1/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/8 -12 1 7/8 -12 2 1/2 -12!&#$%&'(22 1 ces! l l din 3861i= ! metric male 24 heavy series. cone, din 3861!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1ces/0508 1ces/0610 1ces/0608 1ces/0812 1ces/1014 1ces/1012 1ces/1216 1ces/1214 1ces/1220 1ces/1620 1ces/2025 1ces/2020 1ces/2530 1ces/2525 1ces/ 06 08 10 10 12 12 12 16 20 20 25 25 32r thread a m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m20x1,5 m22x1,5 m20x1,5 m24x1,5 m22x1,5 m30x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m30x2 m42x2 m36x2 m52x2dd1xl1sw part number weight 27 39 30 49 57 53 72 72 72 125 201 150 329 220 4958 10 8 12 14 12 16 14 20 20 25 20 30 25 383,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 7,0 7,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 27,05,1 6,7 6,7 8,4 10,0 10,0 13,5 13,5 13,5 16,6 19,8 19,8 26,2 26,2 32,524,3 25,8 24,8 26,8 28,8 26,8 29,5 29,5 33,5 34,3 37,5 34,9 41,3 37,4 44,749,7 53,3 52,3 54,8 58,8 56,8 61,0 61,0 65,0 68,3 77,0 74,0 88,3 84,4 99,017 19 17 22 22 22 24 24 30 30 36 30 46 36 55 6014467446923 1 sflsae j514 l l !&3000 psi!&#flange shoulder, sae j514, standard series, 3000 psi material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1sfl/1212 1sfl/1220 1sfl/1612 1sfl/1625 1sfl/2020 1sfl/2025 1sfl/2525 1sfl/2520 1sfl/2532 1sfl/3232 1sfl/3225 1sfl/3240 1sfl/4040 1sfl/4050 1sfl/5050 1sfl/ 16 16 20 20 25 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 50 50r inch 12 20 12 25 20 25 25 20 32 32 25 40 40 50 50 40 1/2 3/4 1/2 1 3/4 1 1 3/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 1 1/2dd1d2xl1 part number weight 114 114 216 199 238 260 282 33810,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 20,0 27,0 32,0 32,0 45,0 45,013,5 13,5 16,6 16,6 19,9 19,9 26,2 26,2 26,2 32,5 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 51,6 51,630,2 38,1 30,2 44,5 38,1 44,5 44,5 38,1 50,8 50,8 44,5 60,3 60,3 71,4 71,4 60,341,0 42,0 40,0 40,0 43,0 42,0 43,0 49,0 43,0 48,5 53,5 50,5 50,5 51,5 58,0 62,072,5 73,5 74,5 74,5 82,0 81,0 90,0 96,0 90,0 103,0 108,0 105,0 108,0 109,0 130,5 134,560145494552570 680 87424 1 sfl 45sae j514 l l !&3000 psi!&#flange shoulder, sae j514, standard series, 3000 psi material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1sfl45/1212 1sfl45/1220 1sfl45/1612 1sfl45/1620 1sfl45/1625 1sfl45/2020 1sfl45/2025 1sfl45/2525 1sfl45/2532 1sfl45/3225 1sfl45/3232 1sfl45/3240 1sfl45/4032 1sfl45/4040 1sfl45/4050 1sfl45/ 16 16 16 20 20 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 40 50r inch 12 20 12 20 25 20 25 25 32 25 32 40 32 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1 1/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h part number 2.5 20 26 25 26 27 28 27 31 31 31 39 41 39 45 45 56 weight 127 190 138 191 255 300 42310,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 33,0 33,0 33,0 45,013,5 13,5 16,6 16,6 16,6 19,8 19,8 26,2 26,2 32,5 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 38,9 51,630,2 38,1 30,2 38,1 44,5 38,1 44,5 44,5 50,8 44,5 50,8 60,3 50,8 60,3 71,4 71,454,0 65,0 63,5 64,0 69,0 72,0 71,0 80,0 80,0 81,0 101,0 102,5 100,5 112,0 112,5 146,085,5 96,5 97,5 98,5 103,0 111,0 110,0 127,0 127,0 135,0 155,0 156,5 158,0 169,5 170,5 219,060145534555561 662 732 799 25 1 sfl 90sae j514 l l !&3000 psi!&#flange shoulder, sae j514, standard series, 3000 psi material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1sfl90/1212 1sfl90/1220 1sfl90/1612 1sfl90/1620 1sfl90/1625 1sfl90/2020 1sfl90/2025 1sfl90/2525 1sfl90/2532 1sfl90/3225 1sfl90/3232 1sfl90/3240 1sfl90/4032 1sfl90/4040 1sfl90/4050 1sfl90/ 16 16 16 20 20 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 40 50r inch 12 20 12 20 25 20 25 25 32 25 32 40 32 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1 1/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h part number 2.5 42 52 51 52 58 59 58 68 68 68 86 88 86 98 99 124 weight 141 220 174 218 313 301 340 462 517 530 70710,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 33,0 33,0 33,0 45,013,5 13,5 16,6 16,6 16,6 19,8 19,8 26,2 26,2 32,5 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 38,9 51,630,2 46,0 77,5 38,1 55,0 86,5 30,2 54,0 88,5 38,1 54,0 88,5 44,5 60,5 95,0 38,1 63,0 102,0 44,5 63,0 102,0 44,5 74,0 121,0 50,8 74,0 121,0 44,5 74,5 129,0 50,8 92,5 147,0 60,3 92,5 147,0 50,8 92,5 150,0 60,3 102,5 160,0 71,4 102,5 160,0 71,4 133,5 206,56014556455898226 1 sfssae j514 l l !&6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1sfs/1212 1sfs/1612 1sfs/1620 1sfs/2020 1sfs/2025 1sfs/2525 1sfs/3232 1sfs/4040 1sfs/ 16 20 20 25 32 40 50r inch 12 12 20 20 25 25 32 40 50 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2dd1d2xl1 part number weight 110 123 192 228 340 620 138510,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 32,0 45,013,5 16,6 16,6 19,9 19,9 26,2 32,5 38,9 51,631,7 31,7 41,3 41,3 47,6 47,6 54,0 63,5 79,441,0 40,0 44,0 46,0 48,0 53,5 71,9 63,5 78,072,5 74,5 78,5 85,0 87,0 100,3 126,2 121,0 150,527 1 sfs 45sae j514 l l !&6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1sfs45/1212 1sfs45/1220 1sfs45/1620 1sfs45/2020 1sfs45/2025 1sfs45/2520 1sfs45/2525 1sfs45/2532 1sfs45/3232 1sfs45/3240 1sfs45/4040 1sfs45/4050 1sfs45/ 16 20 20 25 25 25 32 32 40 40 50r inch 12 20 20 20 25 20 25 32 32 40 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h part number 2.5 20 28 30 30 32 30 35 38 46 50 54 60 71 weight 129 214 279 348 450 575 669 898 10,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 33,0 33,0 45,013,5 13,5 16,6 19,8 19,8 26,2 26,2 26,2 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 51,631,8 41,3 41,3 41,3 47,6 41,3 47,6 54,0 54,0 63,5 63,5 79,4 79,454,0 67,0 72,0 74,0 75,5 75,0 84,5 87,5 108,0 111,5 121,0 127,0 160,585,5 98,5 106,0 113,0 114,5 122,0 131,5 134,5 162,5 166,0 179,0 184,5 233,028 1 sfs 90sae j514 l l !&6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 1sfs90/1212 1sfs90/1220 1sfs90/1620 1sfs90/2020 1sfs90/2025 1sfs90/2520 1sfs90/2525 1sfs90/2532 1sfs90/3232 1sfs90/3240 1sfs90/4040 1sfs90/4050 1sfs90/ 16 20 20 25 25 25 32 32 40 40 50r inch 12 20 20 20 25 20 25 32 32 40 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h part number 2.5 42 55 55 62 64 62 74 78 96 101 111 119 144 weight 245 323 388 408 515 628 778 960 810,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 33,0 33,0 45,013,5 13,5 16,6 19,8 19,8 26,2 26,2 26,2 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 51,631,8 46,0 77,5 41,3 55,0 86,5 41,3 54,0 88,5 41,3 63,0 102,0 47,6 63,0 102,0 41,3 64,0 111,0 47,6 74,0 121,0 54,0 74,0 121,0 54,0 92,5 147,0 63,5 92,5 147,0 63,5 102,5 160,0 79,4 102,5 160,0 79,4 134,0 206,529 1 rgn!&#$din 7642 l l metric banjo din 7642!&#material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)r dnadd1kxl1 part number weight05 06 06 06 08 08 08 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 16 20=10,1 12,1 10,1 14,1 14,1 12,1 16,1 16,1 12,1 14,1 18,1 18,1 16,1 22,1 22,1 18,1 26,1 26,1!&#$%&'(30 1 dkrbsp l !60 l!&#bsp female swivel for 60 cone, with crimp - back nut - bsp thread material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)r dn 06 06 06 08 10 10 12 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 20 25 25 32 40=d thread a g1/4 g1/8 g3/8 g3/8 g3/8 g1/2 g1/2 g3/8 g5/8 g3/4 g5/8 g3/4 g3/4 g5/8 g1 g1 g1 1/4 g1 1/4 g1 1/2d1xl1sw part number weight!&#$%&'(31 1 dkr 45bsp l !60 l!&#bsp female swivel for 60 cone, with crimp - back nut - bsp thread material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 10 10 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 40 50=d1kxl1h 2,5sw part number weightthread a g1/8 g1/4 g3/8 g3/8 g3/8 g1/2 g1/2 g5/8 g5/8 g3/4 g3/4 g1 g1 g1 1/4 g1 1/2 g2!&#$%&'(32 1 dkr 90bsp l !60 l!&#bsp female swivel for 60 cone, with crimp - back nut - bsp thread material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 10 10 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 40 50=d1kxl1h 2,5sw part number weightthread a g1/8 g1/4 g3/8 g3/8 g3/8 g1/2 g1/2 g5/8 g5/8 g3/4 g3/4 g1 g1 g1 1/4 g1 1/2 g2!&#$%&'(33 1 agrbsp l !60 l bsp pipe coupling, 60 bsp thread!&#cone, withmaterial: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 10 10 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 40 50=d1kxl1h 2,5sw part number weightthread a g1/4 g1/8 g3/8 g3/8 g3/8 g1/2 g1/2 g3/8 g5/8 g3/4 g3/4 g1 g1 g1 1/4 g1 1/2 g2!&#$%&'(34 1 agnnptf l ! l !&!&#male pipe with conical nptf-thread (self-locking) material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 08 10 10 10 12 20 25 32 40 50=d1xl1sw part number weightthread a 1/4 -18 3/8 -18 3/8 -18 3/8 -18 1/4 -18 1/2 -14 1/2 -14 3/4 -14 1 -11,5 1 1/4 -11,5 1 1/2 -11,5 2 -11,5!&#$%&'(35 1 dkjjic l !74 l !unf jic female swivel, sae 37 - back nut - unf - thread!&#, with crimpmaterial: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 40 50=d1kxl1sw part number weightthread a 7/16 -20 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 3/4 -16 3/4 -16 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 1 1/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/8 -12 1 7/8 -12 2 1/2 -12!&#$%&'(36 1 dkj 45jic l !74 l !unf jic female swivel, sae 37 - back nut - unf - thread!&#, with crimpmaterial: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 08 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 40 50=d1kxl1sw part number weightthread a 7/16 -20 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 9/16 -18 3/4 -16 3/4 -16 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 1 1/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/8 -12 1 7/8 -12 2 1/2 -12!&#$%&'(37 1 dkj 90jic l !74 l !unf jic female swivel, sae 37 - back nut - unf - thread!&#, with crimpmaterial: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 08 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 40 50=d1kxl1h 2,5sw part number weightthread a 7/16 -20 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 3/4 -16 3/4 -16 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 1 1/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/8 -12 1 7/8 -12 2 1/2 -12!&#$%&'(38 1 agj!J l l !unf!&#male/ jic sae 37 , male flare, with unf - thread material: steel/galvanised/yellow chromated (other materials on request)d dn 06 06 06 08 10 10 10 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32=d1xl1sw part number weightthread a 7/16 -20 1/2 -20 9/16 -18 9/16 -18 9/16 -18 1/2 -20 3/4 -16 3/4 -16 7/8 -14 7/8 -14 1 1/16 -12 1 1/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/16 -12 1 5/8 -12!&#$%&'(39 22 !&#!&#$% ! !eakf ! 4sp 06! 4sp (en856) hydronorm hydraulic hose 4 sp en 856==== !w jqm ==== !&#$%&' ()*+%,nmm !&#$% ! ! !&# !&#$% &' tube and cover in synthetic rubber with four high tensile steel wire helical windings. !&#$%&' temperature range: -40 =to+100 !&#$%! outside diameter working pressure mm bar max 18,7 450 22,2 445 25,4 415 29,0 350 33,0 350 40,9 280 52,4 210 58,8 185 71,4 165 ! burst pressure bar 60 20 840 740 660 ! bend radius mm 150 180 230 250 300 340 460 560 660!! dn4sp06 4sp10 4sp12 4sp16 4sp20 4sp25 4sp32 4sp40 4sp506 10 12 16 19(20) 25 31(32) 38(40) 51(50)inside diameter mm min / max 6,2 7,0 9,3 10,1 12,3 13,5 15,5 16,7 18,6 19,8 25,0 26,4 31,4 33,0 37,7 39,3 50,4 52,0!&#$%&'( eva^`40 2!&#$% !1 dkol / 05 06!&#!&# !&#eakf !&#$% ==== !&#$%& !&# !&e !&#$%&'#$( eva^` f !&#$ !&#$%&'(#$)dkol!&# l o l material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request) din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring din 3865, light series! dn 2dkol/1012 2dkol/1015 2dkol/1215 2dkol/1618 2dkol/2022 2dkol/2528 2dkol/ 12 16 20 25 32r thread a m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m22x1,5 m26x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m45x2dd1xl1swo o-ring weight 9,5x2 50 12x2 75 12x2 82 15x2 111 30x2 183 25x2 263 30x2,5 370part number12 15 15 18 22 28 357,0 7,0 9,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,010,0 10,0 13,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,524,8 60,4 26,3 61,9 26,3 64,1 27,8 68,4 31,0 77,3 33,1 89,1 34,0 100,022 27 27 32 36 41 50 448441 2 dkol 45!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, light series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2dkol45/1012 2dkol45/1215 2dkol45/1618 2dkol45/2022 2dkol45/2528 2dkol45/3235 2dkol45/ 16 20 25 32 40r thread a m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m26x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m45x2 m52x2dd1xl1h 2,5 19,5 22,0 27,5 29,5 32,5 43,0 47,5swo o-ring12 15 18 22 28 35 427,0 9,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 32,010,0 13,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,5 38,948,5 57,0 69,0 74,0 84,0 106,5 117,084,0 95,0 107,5 120,5 140,0 171,0 189,022 27 32 36 41 50 60e f part number weight 9,5x2 61 12x2 133 x2 143 x2 283 x2 455 x2,5 740 x2,5 103142 2 dkol 90!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, light series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2dkol90/1012 2dkol90/1215 2dkol90/1618 2dkol90/2022 2dkol90/2528 2dkol90/3235 2dkol90/ 16 20 25 32 40r thread a m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m26x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m45x2 m52x2dd1xl1h 2,5 38,0 44,5 54,0 61,0 71,0 91,0 102,0swo o-ring12 15 18 22 28 35 427,0 9,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 32,010,0 13,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,5 38,940,0 47,0 55,5 63,5 75,5 94,5 104,575,5 85,0 96,0 110,0 131,5 159,0 176,522 27 32 36 41 50 60e f part number weight 9,5x2 88 12x2 146 x2 219 x2 320 x2 492 x2,5 848 x2,5 116043 2 dkos!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2dkos/0610 2dkos/0608 2dkos/1014 2dkos/1012 2dkos/1216 2dkos/1620 2dkos/2025 2dkos/2530 2dkos/ 10 10 12 16 20 25 32r thread a m18x1,5 m16x1,5 m22x1,5 m20x1,5 m24x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1swo o-ring 8x1,5 6x1,5 12x2 9x1,5 13x2 17,5x2,5 22x2,5 27x2,5 33x2,510 8 14 12 16 20 25 30 384,0 4,0 7,0 7,0 9,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,06,7 6,7 10,0 10,0 13,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,526,8 60,5 25,3 59,0 29,8 65,4 26,8 62,4 33,2 71,0 33,4 74,0 38,0 84,3 41,1 97,1 45,2 109,322 19 27 24 30 36 41 50 60e f part number weight 56 38 96 71 116 601450444 2 dkos 45!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2dkos45/0608 2dkos45/0610 2dkos45/1012 2dkos45/1014 2dkos45/1216 2dkos45/1620 2dkos45/2025 2dkos45/2530 2dkos45/ 10 10 12 16 20 25 32r thread a m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m20x1,5 m22x1,5 m24x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1hsw8 10 12 14 16 20 25 30 384,0 4,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,06,7 6,7 10,0 10,0 13,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,52,5 51,5 85,5 20,5 50,5 84,0 21,0 57,0 92,5 22,0 62,0 97,5 24,0 51,0 89,0 22,5 56,0 96,5 26,0 62,5 109,0 29,0 87,5 143,5 36,5 111,5 175,5 47,519 22 24 27 30 36 41 50 60e f part number weight 6x1,5 56 8x1,5 74 9x1,5 102 12x2 123 13x2 139 ,5x2,5 195 x2,5 331 x2,5 647 x2,5 6014509o o-ring45 2 dkos 90!&# l o l din 3865i= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2dkos90/0608 2dkos90/0610 2dkos90/1012 2dkos90/1014 2dkos90/1216 2dkos90/1620 2dkos90/2025 2dkos90/2530 2dkos90/ 10 10 12 16 20 25 32r thread a m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m20x1,5 m22x1,5 m24x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1hswo o-ring 6x1,5 8x1,5 9x1,5 12x2 13x2 17,5x2,5 22x2,5 27x2,5 33x2,58 10 12 14 16 20 25 30 384,0 4,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,06,7 6,7 10,0 10,0 13,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,52,5 40,5 74,0 37,0 40,5 74,0 38,0 36,0 71,5 39,0 39,0 74,5 42,0 44,0 82,0 45,0 48,0 88,5 51,0 53,5 100,0 59,0 75,5 131,5 76,0 94,5 159,0 98,019 22 24 27 30 36 41 50 60e f part number weight 58 74 102 123 177 4 601451446 2 bes!&#din 2353i= l l !!&#pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, heavy series material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2bes/0610 2bes/0612 2bes/1216 2bes/1620 2bes/2025 2bes/2530 2bes/ 12 16 20 25 32rdd1xl1 e f part number weight 22 27 52 601443010 12 16 20 25 30 384,0 4,0 9,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,06,7 6,7 13,1 16,4 19,6 25,8 32,535,0 68,7 35,0 68,7 38,9 76,7 40,9 81,5 50,2 96,5 55,3 111,3 59,1 123,447 2 bes 45!&#din 2353i= l l !!&#pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, heavy series material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2bes45/1216 2bes45/1620 2bes45/2025 2bes45/2530 2bes45/ 20 25 32rdd1xl1h 2,5 28 34 39 41 51 e f part number weight 110 453516 20 25 30 389,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,013,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,564,0 73,5 86,5 100,5 123,5102,0 114,0 133,0 156,5 188,048 2 bes 90!&#din 2353i= l l !!&#pipe support for cutting ring and coupling nut, din 2353, heavy series material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2bes90/1216 2bes90/1620 2bes90/2025 2bes90/2530 2bes90/ 20 25 32rdd1xl1h 2,5 54 66 77 89 105 e f part number weight 129 16 20 25 30 389,0 13,0 15,0 21,0 27,013,1 16,4 19,6 25,9 32,550,0 56,5 69,5 82,5 101,588,0 97,0 116,0 138,5 166,049 2 cel! l l din 3861i= ! metric male 24 light series cone, din 3861,!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2cel/1215 2cel/1618 2cel/ 20r15 18 22d d1 thread a m22x1,5 10,0 13,1 m26x1.5 13,0 16,4 m30x2 15,0 19,6xl1sw e f part number weight 65 601454328,3 29,8 34,066,1 70,4 80,322 27 3050 2 ces! l l ! metric male 24 cone, din 3861, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2ces/0610 2ces/1014 2ces/1012 2ces/1216 2ces/1620 2ces/2025 2ces/2020 2ces/2530 2ces/ 10 12 16 20 20 25 32r thread a m18x1,5 m22x1,5 m20x1,5 m24x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m30x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1sw e f part number weight 41 60 56 79 601454810 14 12 16 20 25 20 30 384,0 7,0 7,0 10,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 27,06,7 10,0 10,0 13,1 16,4 19,6 19,6 25,9 32,527,8 61,5 30,8 66,4 28,8 64,4 30,8 68,6 34,9 75,5 39,0 85,3 36,0 82,3 43,5 99,5 49,1 113,419 22 22 24 30 36 30 46 5551 2 sflsae j514, l l !, 3000 psi!&#flange shoulder, sae j514, standard series, 3000 psi material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2sfl/1212 2sfl/1620 2sfl/2020 2sfl/2025 2sfl/2525 2sfl/3232 2sfl/4040 2sfl/ 20 20 25 32 40 50r inch 12 20 20 25 25 32 40 50 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2dd1d2xl1sw e f part number weight 111 601463110,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 33,0 45,013,1 16,4 19,6 19,6 25,9 32,5 38,9 51,630,2 38,1 38,1 44,5 44,5 50,8 60,3 71,447,4 43,4 44,7 42,5 49,1 57,7 52,5 58,085,2 84,0 91,0 89,0 105,1 122,0 124,5 132,552 2 sfl 45sae j514, l l !, 3000 psi!&#flange shoulder, sae j514, standard series, 3000 psi material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2sfl45/1212 2sfl45/1220 2sfl45/1612 2sfl45/1620 2sfl45/1625 2sfl45/2020 2sfl45/2025 2sfl45/2520 2sfl45/2525 2sfl45/2532 2sfl45/3225 2sfl45/3232 2sfl45/3240 2sfl45/4032 2sfl45/4040 2sfl45/4050 2sfl45/ 16 16 16 20 20 25 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 40 50r inch 12 20 12 20 25 20 25 20 25 32 25 32 40 32 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h 2,5 20 26 25 26 27 28 27 38 31 31 31 39 41 39 45 45 56 e f part number weight 127 610 730 824 10,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 33,0 33,0 33,0 45,013,1 13,5 16,4 16,4 16,6 19,6 19,6 25,9 25,9 25,9 32,5 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 38,9 51,630,2 38,1 30,2 38,1 44,5 38,1 44,5 38,1 44,5 50,8 44,5 50,8 60,3 50,8 60,3 71,4 71,455,5 66,0 64,5 65,5 70,5 72,5 71,5 74,5 81,5 81,5 83,0 103,0 104,5 101,5 114,0 115,0 146,093,0 104,0 105,0 106,0 111,0 119,0 118,0 130,5 137,5 137,5 147,0 167,0 168,0 173,5 186,0 187,0 221,0463853 2 sfl 90sae j514, l l !, 3000 psi!&#flange shoulder, sae j514, standard series, 3000 psi material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2sfl45/1212 2sfl45/1220 2sfl45/1612 2sfl45/1620 2sfl45/1625 2sfl45/2020 2sfl45/2025 2sfl45/2525 2sfl45/2532 2sfl45/3225 2sfl45/3232 2sfl45/3240 2sfl45/4032 2sfl45/4040 2sfl45/4050 2sfl45/ 16 16 16 20 20 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 40 50r inch 12 20 12 20 25 20 25 25 32 25 32 40 32 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1 1/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h 2,5 42 52 51 52 58 59 58 68 68 68 86 88 86 98 99 124 e f part number weight 139 520 600 717 849 822 985 10,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 33,0 33,0 33,0 45,013,1 13,1 16,4 16,4 16,4 19,6 19,6 25,9 25,9 32,5 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 38,9 51,630,2 38,1 30,2 38,1 44,5 38,1 44,5 44,5 50,8 44,5 50,8 60,3 50,8 60,3 71,4 71,447,0 56,0 55,5 55,5 62,5 63,5 63,5 75,5 75,5 76,5 94,5 94,5 93,5 104,5 104,5 133,585,0 94,0 96,0 96,0 103,0 110,0 110,0 131,5 131,5 141,0 159,0 159,0 165,5 176,5 176,5 208,56014583458554 2 sfssae j514, = l l !, 6000 psi!&#flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2sfs/1212 2sfs/1612 2sfs/1620 2sfs/2020 2sfs/2025 2sfs/2525 2sfs/3232 2sfs/4040 2sfs/ 16 20 20 25 32 40 50r inch 12 12 20 20 25 25 32 40 50 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2dd1d2xl1 e f part number weight 119 4 601459210,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 27,0 32,0 45,013,1 15,8 15,8 19,6 19,6 25,9 32,5 38,9 51,631,8 36,7 41,3 41,3 47,6 47,6 54,0 63,5 79,448,4 46,2 48,7 49,9 54,0 55,1 72,7 65,6 78,086,2 86,9 89,3 96,2 100,3 111,1 137,0 137,5 152,555 2 sfs 45sae j514, l l !, 6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2sfs45/1212 2sfs45/1220 2sfs45/1612 2sfs45/1620 2sfs45/1625 2sfs45/2012 2sfs45/2020 2sfs45/2025 2sfs45/2520 2sfs45/2525 2sfs45/2532 2sfs45/3225 2sfs45/3232 2sfs45/3240 2sfs45/4040 2sfs45/4050 2sfs45/ 16 16 16 20 20 20 25 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 50r inch 12 20 12 20 25 12 20 25 20 25 32 25 32 40 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 1/2 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h 2,5 20 28 25 28 30 25 30 32 30 35 38 35 46 50 54 60 71 e f part number weight 127 219 201 294 355 369 477 564 586 783 895 91 601459410,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 32,0 32,0 45,013,1 13,1 16,4 16,4 16,4 19,6 19,6 19,6 25,9 25,9 25,9 32,5 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 51,631,8 41,3 31,8 41,3 47,6 31,8 41,3 47,6 41,3 47,6 54,0 47,6 54,0 63,5 63,5 79,4 79,455,5 68,5 64,5 67,5 67,5 66,0 74,5 76,0 76,5 86,0 89,0 87,0 111,0 113,5 123,0 129,0 160,593,0 106,0 105,0 108,0 109,5 112,0 121,0 122,5 132,5 142,0 145,0 151,5 174,5 178,0 195,0 201,0 235,06014595601459656 2 sfs 90sae j514, l l !, 6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 2sfs90/1212 2sfs90/1220 2sfs90/1612 2sfs90/1620 2sfs90/1625 2sfs90/2012 2sfs90/2020 2sfs90/2025 2sfs90/2520 2sfs90/2525 2sfs90/2532 2sfs90/3225 2sfs90/3232 2sfs90/3240 2sfs90/4040 2sfs90/4050 2sfs90/ 16 16 16 20 20 20 25 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 50r inch 12 20 12 20 25 12 20 25 20 25 32 25 32 40 40 50 50 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 1/2 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2dd1d2xl1h 2,5 42 55 51 55 57 51 62 64 62 74 78 74 96 101 111 119 144 e f part number weight 147 326 393 414 530 642 659 806 1460210,0 10,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 32,0 32,0 45,013,1 13,1 16,4 16,4 16,4 19,6 19,6 19,6 25,9 25,9 25,9 32,5 32,5 32,5 38,9 38,9 51,631,8 41,3 31,8 41,3 47,6 31,8 41,3 47,6 41,3 47,6 54,0 47,6 54,0 63,5 63,5 79,4 79,447,0 56,0 55,5 55,5 55,5 56,5 63,5 63,5 65,5 75,5 75,5 76,5 94,5 94,5 104,5 104,5 134,085,0 94,0 96,0 96,0 96,0 103,0 110,0 110,0 121,5 131,5 131,5 141,0 159,0 159,0 176,0 176,5 208,5601460357 3!&#$%! !eakf!&#!4sh 20! 4sh (en856) hydronorm hydraulic hose 4 sn eh 856!&#$%&' ()*+%,!w jqm hnmm ==== !&#$% ! ! !&# !&#$% &' tube and cover in synthetic rubber with four high !&#$%&'#()* tensile steel wire helical windings. ! p !&# temperature range: -40 =to+100 ====! dn inside diameter mm min / max 18,6 19,8 25,0 26,4 31,4 33,0 37,7 39,3 50,4 52,04sh20 4sh25 4sh32 4sh40 4sh5019(20) 25 31(32) 38(40) 51(50)! outside diameter working pressure mm bar max 33,0 420 39,9 380 47,1 325 55,1 290 69,7 250 !& prm~êf! burst pressure bar 00 eva^`! bend radius mm 280 340 460 560 700!&#$%&!&#$%&'( akrm58 3!&#$% !3 dkol / 20 25!&#!&# !&#eakf !&#$% ==== !&#$%& !&# !&e !&#$%&'#$( eva^` f !&#$ !&#$%&'(#$)dkos!&# l o l material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request) din 3865 ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series! dn 3dkos/2025 3dkos/2530 3dkos/ 32r thread a m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1swo o-ring weight 22x2,5 350 27x2,5 455 33x2,5 732part number25 30 3814,5 19,1 19,5 25,1 25,0 31,831,5 99 31,5 104 34,5 112,546 50 60451659 3 dkos 45!&# l o l din 3865= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 3dkos45/2025 3dkos45/2530 3dkos45/ 32r thread a m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1h 2,5 29 40 43swo o-ring weight 22x2,5 435 27x2,5 625 33x2,5 1090part number25 30 3814,5 19,1 19,5 25,1 25,0 31,870,5 88,5 110138 161 18846 50 60451860 3 dkos 90!&# l o l din 3865= ! metric female swivel, o-ring, din 3865, heavy series!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 3dkos90/2025 3dkos90/2530 3dkos90/ 32r thread a m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1h 2,5 60 78 95swo o-ring weight 22x2,5 470 27x2,5 710 33x2,5 1215part number25 30 3814,5 19,1 19,5 25,1 25,0 31,860,5 76,5 93128 149 17146 50 60452361 3 ces! l l din 3861= ! metric female 24 heavy series.!&#cone, din 3861,material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 3ces/2025 sces/2530 3ces/ 32r thread a m36x2 m42x2 m52x2dd1xl1sw part number weight 258 366 62325 30 3814,5 19,1 19,5 25,1 25,0 31,836,5 39,5 45,0104 112 12336 46 5562 3 sfssaej514 l l !&6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 3sfs/2020 3sfs/2025 3sfs/2525 3sfs/2032 3sfs/2532 3sfs/3232 3sfs/3225 3sfs/3240 3sfs/4040 3sfs/4032 3sfs/4050 3sfs/ 25 20 25 32 32 32 40 40 40 50r inch 20 25 25 32 32 32 25 40 40 32 50 50 3/4 1 1 3/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/4 2 2dd1d2xl1 part number weight 300 414 601449614,5 14,5 19,5 19,5 19,5 25,0 25,0 25,0 31,0 31,019,1 19,1 25,1 25,1 25,1 31,8 31,8 31,8 38,3 38,341,3 47,6 47,6 41,3 54,0 54,0 47,6 63,5 63,5 54,047,5 115 51,5 124 51,5 124 47,5 124 69,6 147,6 69,6 147,6 51,5 147,6 69 162 69 162 69,6 1627706014497980601449863 3 sfs 45saej514 l l !&6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 3sfs45/2020 3sfs45/2025 3sfs45/2525 3sfs45/2520 3sfs45/2532 3sfs45/3232 3sfs45/3225 3sfs45/3240 3sfs45/4040 3sfs45/4032 3sfs45/4050 3sfs45/ 25 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 40 50r inch 20 25 25 20 32 32 25 40 40 32 50 50 3/4 1 1 3/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/4 2dd1d2xl1h part number 2,5 30,5 33,5 38,5 32,5 41,5 44 38 49 52 47 58 weight 315 525 601449914,5 14,5 19,5 19,5 19,5 25,0 25,0 25,0 31,0 31,0 31,019,1 19,1 25,1 25,1 25,1 31,8 31,8 31,8 38,3 38,3 38,341,3 73 140,5 47,6 78 145,5 47,6 91,5 164 41,3 80,5 154 54,0 94,5 167 54,0 109 187 47,6 94,5 173,5 63,5 112 192 63,5 127 220 54,0 111,5 206,5 79,4 133 22686260145001085601461164 3 sfs 90saej514 l l !&6000 psi flange shoulder, sae j514, high pressure series, 6000 psi!&#material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! dn 3sfs90/2020 3sfs90/2025 3sfs90/2525 3sfs90/2520 3sfs90/2532 3sfs90/3232 3sfs90/3225 3sfs90/3240 3sfs90/4040 3sfs90/4032 3sfs90/4050 3sfs90/ 25 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 40 50r inch 20 25 25 20 32 32 25 40 40 32 50 3/4 1 1 3/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/4 2dd1d2xl1h part number 2,5 65 67 77 67,5 81 94,5 80 101,5 110 100 117 weight 346 595 601461214,5 14,5 19,5 19,5 19,5 25,0 25,0 25,0 31,0 31,0 31,019,1 19,1 25,1 25,1 25,1 31,8 31,8 31,8 38,3 38,3 38,341,3 61,5 129 47,6 63,5 131 47,6 80,5 153 41,3 70 143,5 54,0 84,5 157 54,0 95,5 173,5 47,6 83 162 63,5 112,5 185,5 63,5 112,5 205,5 54,0 98 193 79,4 119,5 212,5100060146131440601461465 4!: c60 ! !&#!$%! !maximn recommended working pressure kg/cm2 nominal flange size, in!dimensionstypescrews g h i l metr. uncweight kg.a 3000psi standard pressurebcdef345 345 345 276 276 276 207 2071/ 2 3/ 4fh 3001 fh 3002 fh 3003 fh 3004 fh 3014 fh 3044 fh 3005 fh 300630,96 24,26 38,10 38,89 32,13 47,63 45,24 38,48 52,37 51,59 43,69 58,72 51,59 43,69 58,72 51,59 43,69 58,72 61,09 50,80 69,85 72,24 62,74 77,7754 65 70 79 79 79 94 1028,74 11,13 13,08 15,09 15,09 15,09 17,86 21,4422,8 25,9 29,2 36,3 36,3 36,3 41,1 48,219 22 24 22 22 22 25 2613 14 16 16 16 16 16 166,22 6,22 7,49 7,49 7,49 7,49 7,49 9,028,5m825 30 30 35 35 35 35 355/ 16 3/ 8 3/ 8 7/ 16 1/ 2 1/ 21 1/ 4 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 20,07 0,09 0.11 0,15 0,15 0,1510,5 m10 10,5 m10 12 m101 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 2 210,5 m10 12,5 m12 13,5 m12 13,5 m121 1/2 1 1/ 20,23 0,256000psi high pressure 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 4201/ 2 3/ 4fh 6001 fh 6002 fh 6003 fh 6013 fh 6004 fh 6044 fh 6005 fh 600632,54 24,64 40,49 42,06 32,51 50,80 48,41 38,86 57,17 48,41 38,86 57,15 54,76 44,45 66,68 54,76 44,45 66,68 64,29 51,56 79,38 80,16 67,56 96,8256 71 81 81 95 95 113 1339,12 11,91 13,89 13,89 15,88 15,88 18,26 22,2323,6 30,0 34,8 34,8 38,6 38,6 47,5 56,922 28 33 33 38 38 43 5216 19 24 24 27 27 30 377,24 8,26 9,02 9,02 9,78 9,788,5m830 35 45 50 55 655/ 16 3/ 81 1/ 4 1 1/ 2-0,08 0,18 0,2710,5 m10 13,5 m12 12 14,5 m14 13,51 1 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 2 27/ 16 1/ 2 5/ 8 3/41 1/ 40,27 0,401 3/4 2 2 1/ 20,40 0,68 1.0512,07 16,75 m16 12,07 21 m2066 w1 1st!en853=( din 20022) 1st sae 100 r1a (1sn sae 100 r1at) (2sc) l l!socket for hose according to en 853 (formerly din20022), 1st, sae 100 r1a, (1st, sae 100 r1at), (2sc), external skive material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! d dn 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 9,40 11,20 12,60 14,15 18,55 21,70 24,60 30,45 37,60 43,90 56,90 d1 10,9 13,2 14,1 16,6 20,7 23,8 27,6 34,5 42,4 49,0 61,3 d2 17,3 19,0 20,6 23,6 28,2 31,6 36,4 42,7 50,6 58,0 72,4 l 27,3 30,2 30,5 32,1 34,0 36,8 42,5 50,5 59,0 63,0 78,3 b 1,95 2,55 2,55 2,55 2,65 2,55 3,05 3,80 3,90 3,95 3,80 weight part number 23 27 38 43 59 75 117 150 203 284 5631sts05 1sts06 1sts08 1sts10 1sts12 1sts16 1sts20 1sts25 1sts32 1sts40 1sts501snen853=( din 20022) isn sae 100 r1at l l material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! 1sns05 1sns06 1sns08 1sns10 1sns12 1sns16 1sns20 1sns25 1sns32 dn 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 25 32 d 9,80 11,40 12,60 14,15 19,0 22,30 25,00 30,45 37,60 d1 12,5 14,0 15,5 19,0 20,8 24,6 28,5 36,4 44,6 d2 17,0 19,6 20,6 23,2 27,5 31,0 36,0 42,8 51,0 l 27,3 30,2 30,2 32,0 34,0 37,0 42,5 50,5 59,0 b 1,95 2,55 2,55 2,55 2,55 2,55 3,05 3,80 3,90 weight part number 16 27 67 157 163socket for hose according to en 853 (formerly din20022), 1st, sae 100 r1at, non skive67 1 2sten853=( din 20022) 2st sae 100 r2a (2sn sae 100 r2at) ! l l!&#$%socket for hose according to en 853 (formerly din20022), 2st, sae 100 r2a, (2st, sae 100 r2at), external skive material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! 2sts05 2sts06 2sts08 2sts10 2sts12 2sts16 2sts20 2sts25 2sts32 2sts40 2sts50 dn 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 d 9,40 11,20 12,60 14,15 18,55 21,70 24,60 30,45 37,60 43,90 56,80 d1 12,3 14,2 15,8 18,0 22,1 25,5 29,3 36,4 45,2 51,8 64,5 d2 19,0 20,6 23,6 25,2 30,0 33,0 38,0 46,0 55,0 61,8 75,5 l 27,3 30,2 30,2 32,1 34,0 36,5 42,5 50,5 59,0 63,0 78,3 b 1,95 2,55 2,55 2,55 2,65 2,55 3,05 3,80 3,90 3,95 3,95 weight part number 27 33 47 50 68 76 121 198 276 346 6112snen853=( sae r2at l l material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! 2sts05 2sts06 2sts08 2sts10 2sts12 2sts16 2sts20 2sts25 2sts32 dn 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 25 32 d 9,80 11,40 13,00 14,15 18,50 22,20 25,00 30,45 38,80 d1 14,0 15,5 17,2 19,6 22,7 25,8 30,1 38,8 49,1 d2 18,6 20,6 22,3 25,0 28,6 32,9 37,4 45,1 55,0 l 27,3 30,2 31,4 32,0 34,0 37,0 42,5 50,5 59,0 b 1,95 2,55 2,50 2,55 2,55 2,55 3,05 3,80 3,90 weight part number 19 27 166din 20022)2snsocket for hose according to en 853 (formerly din20022), 2st, sae 100 r2at, not skive68 2 1scen857 l l 1sc= !!&#$%socket for hose according to en 1sc, external skive material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! 1scs06 1scs08 1scs10 1scs12 1scs16 1scs20 dn 06 08 10 12 16 20d 11,00 12,60 14,10 17,60 21,60 24,60d1 12,3 14,2 15,8 18,0 22,1 25,5d2 19,0 20,6 23,6 25,2 30,0 33,0l 27,3 30,2 30,2 32,1 34,0 36,8b 1,95 2,55 2,55 2,55 2,65 2,55 weight part number 30 42 47 52 78 923teen853=( 3te l l material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! 2tes05 3tes05 2+3tes06 2+3tes08 2+3tes10 2+3tes12 2+3tes16 2+3tes20 2+3tes25 3ste32 dn 05 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 25 32 d 9,80 9,80 11,6 12,6 14,9 18,5 21,8 24,6 30,8 37,9 d1 12,5 14,0 15,3 17,2 19,2 23,0 26,9 29,9 37,2 43,5 d2 17,0 18,6 19,0 22,3 23,0 27,0 32,0 35,0 42,0 48,0 l 27,3 27,3 28,0 30,2 29,5 31,0 33,0 37,5 45,5 55,0 b 2,0 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,4 2,5 2,5 3,0 3,4 3,8 weight part number 16 19 16 28 22 29 46 57 80 105din 20021)2tesocket for hose according to en 855 (formerly din20021), 2te, 3te non skive69 2 4spen856 ( ! w= l l din 20023), 4sp!&#$%socket for hose according to en 856 (formerly din20023), 4sp, external skive material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! 4sps06 4sps10 4sps12 4sps16 4sps20 4sps25 4sps32 4sps40 4sps50 dn 06 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50d 11,5 14,7 17,5 21,0 24,6 31,9 38,9 45,5 57,0d1 15,5 18,3 21,1 24,9 29,1 36,3 47,0 55,5 68,2d2 21,8 25,5 28,6 32,0 37,4 46,0 57,5 67,0 80,0l 37,5 39,2 41,4 43,2 51,2 61,7 70,0 76,7 80,0b 2,9 2,9 2,9 2,9 3,6 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,4 weight part number 43 60 74 601434170 3 multivos 4sh / asen856=( w= l l din 20023), 4sh!&#$%socket for hose according to en 856 (formerly din20023), 4sh, interlock, intemal and extermal skive material: steel/galvanised/tellow chromated (other materials on request)! 4sh/ass20 4sh/ass25 4sh/ass32 4sh/ass40 4sh/ass50 dn 20 25 32 40 50d 26,0 30,4 38,4 44,0d1 30,6 37,0 44,8 51,6d2 38,8 47,6 55,6 62,4l 68,0 73,0 81,0 96,0b 4,4 4,4 4,9 4,9 weight part number 175 295 601434571 2!&#$% installation:incorrect=incorrect=!&#$tensile stress=tensile stresscorrect=correct=fig. 1.=1fig. 2.=2!&#$ !&#!&#$%&'()*+ nf!&#$%&'( !&#$%&)* of+,!&#incorrect=incorrect=correct= correct= fig. 3.= 3 fig. 4.= 4!&#$%&' !&#$%&' !&#$ %&'( nkr piq72 incorrect=incorrect=correct= fig. 5.= 5 fig. 6.= 6correct=!&#$%&'(%)*+,#$-./0 risfsufficient space !wearcorrect=incorrect=fig. 7.=7fig. 8.=8!&#$%&' ! tf!&#$%&'(!!&#$euf73 3!!&#un un thread datadin nd 4 6 8 10 12 16 20din 3861 ! 240 ! 6 8 10 12 15 18 22 28din 3861 ! 240 ! 6 8 10 12 14 16threadd mmd mm20 25 3025 32 35 40 42 50 60 70 80 90 100 38m12x1,5 m14x1,5 m16x1,5 m18x1,5 m20x1,5 m22x1,5 m24x1,5 m26x1,5 m30x1,5 m30x2 m36x2 m38x1,5 m42x2 m45x1,5 m45x2 m52x1,5 m52x2 m65x2 m78x2 m90x2 m100x2 m110x2 m120x212,0 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0 22,0 24,0 26,0 30,0 30,0 36,0 38,0 42 45 45 52 52 65 78 90 100 110 12010,5 12,5 14,5 16,5 18,5 20,5 22,5 24,5 28,5 27,9 33,9 36,5 39,9 43 42,9 50,5 49,9 62,9 75,9 87,5 97,5 107,9 117,9unun-thread 3/8-24unf 7/16-20unf 1/2-20unf 9/16-18unf 3/4-16unf 7/8-14unf 1 1/16-12un 1 5/16-12un 1 7/8-12un 2 1/2-12un 2 1/2-12un 3-12unf 3 1/2-12undn 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 60 80jic -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -10 -12 -16 -20 -24 -32 -40 -48d mm 9,52 11,07 12,70 14,25 19,00 22,17 26,95 33,30 41,22 47,57 63,45 76,20 88,90d mm 8,60 10,00 11,60 13,00 17,60 20,50 25,00 31,30 39,20 45,60 61,50 74,30 87,00s= ef=!& 600 /1 ! ! !!thread g1/8 g1/4 g3/8 g1/2 g5/8 g1 3/4 g1 g1 1/4 g1 1/2 g1 3/4 g2 g1 3/4threads per inch 28 19 19 14 14 14 11 11 11 11 11 11d mm d mm 9,73 13,16 16,66 20,96 22,91 26,44 32,25 41,91 47,8 53,75 59,62 53,75d mm d mm 8,60 11,5 14,9 18,6 20,6 24,1 30,3 38,9 44,9 50,8 56,7 50,8unun-thread 9/16-18unf 1 1/16-16unf 1 3/16-16unf 1-14unf 1 3/16-12unf 1 7/16-12unf 1 11/16-12unf 2-12unfdn 6 10 12 16 20 25 32 40ors -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -16 -20 -24d mm 14,2 17,4 20,5 25,3 30,1 36,4 42,8 50,7d mm 12,5 15,4 18,6 23,1 27,5 33,8 40,2 48,174 raφ dn 03 04 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 24 32 40 48 56 64 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90 100 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 3000 psi 6000 psi m12x1,5 6 m14x1,5 8 m16x1,5 10 m18x1,5 12 m22x1,5 15 m26x1,5 18 m30x1,5 22 m36x2 28 m45x2 35 m52x2 42raφraφbsp 600jic unf 37 3/8-24 7/16-20 1/2-200ors unfnpitm16x1.5 8 m18x1.5 10 m20x1.5 12 m22x1.5 14 m24x1.5 16 m30x2 20 m36x2 25 m42x2 30 m52x2 383/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4g 1/8 g 1/41/8-27 9/16-18 1/4-18g 3/8 g 1/2 g 5/8 g 3/4 g1 g 1 1/4 g 1 1/2 g29/16-18 3/4-16 7/8-14 1 1/16-12 1 5/16-12 1 5/8-12 1 7/8-12 2 1/8-12 3-12 3 1/2-1211/16-16 13/16-16 1-14 1 3/16-12 1 7/16-123/8-18 1/2-143/4-14 1-11,5 1 1/4-11,5 1 1/2-11,5 2-11,575 !&#!& example of a part no.:hp 10 - 1 - igf 08!& (type and dn)! (component of coupling)!&#$ (type and size of connection)!hp zp ap up ue ib hf ff bp hs ha rs kn !&iso7241-1, a !&iso7241-1, a !&iso7241-1, a !&iso7241-1, a !&#$ !&iso7241-1, b !&#$%iso/dis 16028 !&#$%iso/dis 16028 !&#$%iso5676 !& !&# !& !&# !& ! ! ! !&# !& !& 0. 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. !& !& !&#$% !&# !&# ! agf amf igf imf inf luf l s n t afs sl 24 24 24 24 ! bsp, din3852 !&# din3852 bsp, din3852 !&#din3852 nptf unf din2353 din2353 din2353 din2353 ! 6000 psi ! ! ! !&type hp zp ap up ue ib hf ff bp hs ha rs kn quick release coupling acc. to iso 7241-1, series a, push-pull type quick release coupling acc. to iso 7241-1, series a, push-pull type, sleeve of die-cast zinc quick release coupling acc. to iso 7241-1, series a, push-pull type, breakaway-coupling quick release coupling acc. to iso 7241-1, series a, push-pull type, to couple under pressure rigid-mounted coupling quick release coupling acc. to iso 7241-1, series b, push-pull type flat face coupling acc. to iso/dis 16028 flat face coupling acc. to iso/dis 16028 coupling for tractor braking system acc. to iso 5676 screw on type coupling screw on type coupling for high pressures pipeline coupling quick release coupling. plastic constructioncomponent 0 dust cap 1 female body with valve 2 male tip with valve 5 female body with fixed dust protection 6 male tip without valve 7 female body without valve 8 complete coupling 9 dust plugtype of connection agf male thread bsp acc. to din 3852 amf male thread metric acc. to din 3852 igf female thread bsp acc. to din 3852 imf female thread metric acc. to din 3852 inf female thread nptf iuf female thread unf l 24 cone/din 2353 light series s 24 cone/din 2353 heavy series n 24 cone/din 2353 light series, bulkhead t 24 cone/din 2353 heavy series, bulkhead afs flange 6000 psi sl hose connection77 hp!&#$ ibquick release couplings series hp and ib push-pull type3-18!&#$ ff quick release couplings series flat face construction19-22!&#$%&'()* bp quick release couplings series bp for tractor braking system23-24!& hs screw-on type couplings series hs 25-34!&#$ ha screw-on type couplings series ha for high pressures 35-36!&#$ rs quick release coupling series rs flat face construction 37-38!&#$%kn quick release couplings series kn plastic construction39-40accessories, information41-4878 !&#$%&'()*+ ,-./012 ! en iso 9001 !& !&#$%&&'()*+),-./&0 !hp hs ff ha bp !&#$%& ! en10277 !& nbr/ptfe ! -30 +100 !&#$%&'() !&#$%&'()*+,-./012 !&#$%&'( !&#$%& !&#$% !&#$% !&#$%&'()*+,!&!&#$%&'( !&#$%& ! !&#$%&'()*!+, )*+,!&#$%& !&#$%&'&()*+, !&#$ rs !&# !&#$%&'()*+,!-./ !&#$%&' !&#$% !&#$%&' !&#$%&'$()*seals: nbr/ptfe operating temperature: -30 to +100we invite your inquiry to require other combinations of materials. the operating pressures specified in our catalog relate to the strength of the housing components. standardized connector shapes may have other rated pressures, which cannot automatically be applied to the particular coupling type. special arrangements are possible. it is not possible to make a general statement on the compatibility of our couplings with bio-oils. however, it may be assumed


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