flash session starting session啥意思

Undefined variable: _SESSION
Laravel的session的配置文件配置在 app/config/session.php 中,使用时可以看看 session 配置文件中可用的选项设定及注释。
Laravel 默认使用 file 的方式来实现 session的。她并不用php原生的$_SESSION(php原生的session要看php.ini的位置),所以忽略php相关的session函数,例如session_start(), $_SESSION。Laravel在运行过程中会在app/storage/session/目录写入session的信息,所以这个目录需要有写权限,否者session就无法写入成功。
Laravel除了使用默认的file作为session的实现,还支持cookie, Memcached, Redis 和数据库的后端驱动作为session的实现。必要的时候还需要自己实现一个session的实现方式,比如在微信公众账号和用户的交互,这中session就无法直接使用,因为每次都是微信服务器来请求,无法通过请求的来源来辨别用户。
Session::put('key', 'value');
$_SESSION['key'] = 'value';
$value = Session::get('key', 'default');
$value = Session::pull('key', 'default');
Session::flash('key', 'value');
Session::keep(array('username', 'email'));
flash :保存的值,本次请求可以使用,下次http请求可以使用,再下一次就不存在了。
class LoginController {
public function login(){
print_r( Session::all() ); //取出来看看是否put成功
//return Redirect::to(/); 框架在return后还会有后续的代码执行的
class Middleware implements HttpKernelInterface
public function handle(Request $request, $type = HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, $catch = true)
if ($this-&sessionConfigured()) {
$session = $this-&startSession($request); // 启动session
$response = $this-&app-&handle($request, $type, $catch); // 调用controller的method
if ($this-&sessionConfigured()) {
$this-&addCookieToResponse($response, $session);
protected function closeSession(SessionInterface $session)
// 保存session
小提示:如果不知道函数调用情况,可以在controller中throw new Exception();,然后在/config/app.php的debug更改为debug=&true。可以看到函数的调用关系。
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Copyright & 2018asp.net flash上传文件session丢失问题?_百度知道
asp.net flash上传文件session丢失问题?
程序是asp.net mvc
PostAuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(RebuildPrincipal);
private void BuildSwfuploadAuthorizeCookie(object sender.AddHours(1), EventArgs e)
if (base.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName] != null)
return, auth_cookie_Value).Form[&SwfUpload&quot.asax文件中.Request这是我的一个项目的flash上传cookies问题解决方法:在 Global:public override void Init()
this.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(BuildSwfuploadAuthorizeCookie);] == null)
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(auth_cookie_name.N
string auth_cookie_name = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieN
string auth_cookie_Value = (
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Request.Form[auth_cookie_name]) ?? &&;
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Session中的flash一般是在什么情况下用呀? - CNode技术社区
There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man.The true nobility is being supior to your previous self.
在学习《第1章 一个简单的博客》中,看到了nswbmw使用了flash。虽然他大致讲解了flash的作用,但是小白我查了好久还是不明白为什么要用flash呀,求大家科普。
flash通常与重定向结合使用,确保消息可到下一个页面呈现。因为在session里 所以是req。
原理同: req.session.flash=“string”
Flash data when set will be saved to the user’s session for exactly one more request.
CNode 社区为国内最专业的 Node.js 开源技术社区,致力于 Node.js 的技术研究。
新手搭建 Node.js 服务器,推荐使用无需备案的在 SegmentFault,学习技能、解决问题
每个月,我们帮助 1000 万的开发者解决各种各样的技术问题。并助力他们在技术能力、职业生涯、影响力上获得提升。
我在学习ROR tutorial 这套教程中知道如何使用cookies 和 session,可是我并不明白这两个东东的实质,我并不是说它们用来干什么,而是它们是什么,tutorial只说它们是对象。
在用户登录这一节,写sign_in方法的时候,特别说明self.current_user这里一定要加self,如果写成current_user = user, 解释器会把它理解为一个局部变量的赋值,那么其它地方就使用不了current_user(自己的理解),所以self.current_user = user 这句实际上不是一个赋值,而是一个方法调用,是调用了current_user=(user)这个赋值方法,而最终本质是,给@current_user这个实例变量赋值,这句用以下三个注释中的任何一句代替都是等价的。
def sign_in(user)
remember_token = User.new_remember_token
cookies.permanent[:remember_token] = remember_token
user.update_attribute(:remember_token, User.hash(remember_token))
# self.current_user = user
# current_user=(user)
# @current_user = user
那么,相对于current_user,cookies和session是什么呢,它们也可以在其它方法中调用(如下面平日练习代码),那么它们一定不是局部变量,但它们应该也不是实力变量,因为它们前面没有@,Tutorial里说它们是对象,那它们应该是某个类的实例,就像 @user = User.new 但它们前面没有@, 那会不会类似user = User.new
但这个实例化的对象赋给了一个局部变量,那么他应该是不能在其它方法中使用的,但如下代码所示,它们可以在其它方法中使用。后来我查了Rails API, API的解释如下,其实这个定义的方法我也不太懂,不过我理解到(不知是否正确)session其实是个方法,是个类current_user 这样的,可以赋值,可以取值, 但是session[:return_to] 这样的写法又让我迷惑了, 如果是方法的话还可以这样写么,如果是hash对象就可以这样写,但如果十个hash变量,这就是个局部的,其它方法就不能调用了(我这样理解),所以我觉得很疑惑,session和 cookies这类东西本质是什么,虽然我会用,但是理解上很模糊
session() Link
Source: hide | on GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/test_process.rb, line 13
def session
def redirect_back_or(default)
redirect_to(session[:return_to] || default)
def store_location
session[:return_to] = request.fullpath if request.get?
对于 web 开发 cookie, session 是通用的,不管你是 java 还是 rails。 cookie 大家都知道他是存储在浏览器上的。而 session 可已理解为一个用户访问网站期间,服务器存储关于这个用户的信息,用户之间是隔离的。 的存储是由服务端负责的,一般都是利用 cookie 在浏览器存一个 session_id,然后每次请求根据这个 session_id 查找对应的 session。
让你混淆的原因可能是,默认 rails 的 session 存储是利用 cookie 存储 。
flash 是 rails 的特色,其他的语言或者 web 框架可能没有。flash 的生命周期介于 request 和 session 之间,可以在多次 request 传递,直到被消费为止。
推广(招聘、广告、SEO 等)方面的内容
在 SegmentFault,学习技能、解决问题
每个月,我们帮助 1000 万的开发者解决各种各样的技术问题。并助力他们在技术能力、职业生涯、影响力上获得提升。aura/session - Packagist
Provides session management functionality, including lazy session starting, session segments, next-request-only (&flash&) values, and CSRF tools.
php: &=5.3.0
Requires (Dev)
: OpenSSL generates the best secure CSRF tokens.: Mcrypt generates the next best secure CSRF tokens.: A Library For Generating Secure Random Numbers: PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
Provides session management functionality, including lazy session starting,
session segments, next-request-only ("flash") values, and CSRF tools.
This library requires PHP 5.3 we recommend using the latest available version of PHP as a matter of principle. It has no userland dependencies.
It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as .
or clone this repository, then require or include its autoload.php file.
To run the unit tests at the command line, issue composer install and then vendor/bin/phpunit at the package root. This requires
to be available as composer.
This library attempts to comply with , , and . If
you notice compliance oversights, please send a patch via pull request.
To ask questions, provide feedback, or otherwise communicate with the Aura community, please join our , follow , or chat with us on #auraphp on Freenode.
Getting Started
The easiest way to get started is to use the SessionFactory to create a Session manager object.
$session_factory = new \Aura\Session\SessionFactory;
$session = $session_factory-&newInstance($_COOKIE);
We can then use the Session instance to create Segment objects to manage session values and flashes. (In general, we should not need to manipulate the Session manager directly -- we will work mostly with Segment objects.)
In normal PHP, we keep session values in the $_SESSION array. However, when different libraries and projects try to modify the same keys, the resulting conflicts can result in unexpected behavior. To resolve this, we use Segment objects. Each Segment addresses a named key within the $_SESSION array for deconfliction purposes.
For example, if we get a Segment
for Vendor\Package\ClassName, that Segment will contain a reference to $_SESSION['Vendor\Package\ClassName']. We can then set() and get() values on the Segment, and the values will reside in an array under that reference.
// get a _Segment_ object
$segment = $session-&getSegment('Vendor\Package\ClassName');
// try to get a va
// if it does not exist, return an alternative value
echo $segment-&get('foo'); // null
echo $segment-&get('baz', 'not set'); // 'not set'
// set some values on the segment
$segment-&set('foo', 'bar');
$segment-&set('baz', 'dib');
// the $_SESSION array is now:
// $_SESSION = array(
'Vendor\Package\ClassName' =& array(
'foo' =& 'bar',
'baz' =& 'dib',
// try again to get a value from the segment
echo $segment-&get('foo'); // 'bar'
// because the segment is a reference to $_SESSION, we can modify
// the superglobal directly and the segment values will also change
$_SESSION['Vendor\Package\ClassName']['zim'] = 'gir'
echo $segment-&get('zim'); // 'gir'
The benefit of a session segment is that we can deconflict the keys in the
$_SESSION superglobal by using class names (or some other unique name) for
the segment names. With segments, different packages can use the $_SESSION
superglobal without stepping on each other's toes.
To clear all the values on a Segment, use the clear() method.
Flash Values
Segment values persist until the session is cleared or destroyed. However, sometimes it is useful to set a value that propagates only through the next request, and is then discarded. These are called "flash" values.
Setting And Getting Flash Values
To set a flash value on a Segment, use the setFlash() method.
$segment = $session-&getSegment('Vendor\Package\ClassName');
$segment-&setFlash('message', 'Hello world!');
Then, in subsequent requests, we can read the flash value using getFlash():
$segment = $session-&getSegment('Vendor\Package\ClassName');
$message = $segment-&getFlash('message'); // 'Hello world!'
N.b. As with get(), we can provide an alternative value if the flash key does not exist. For example, getFlash('foo', 'not set') will return 'not set' if there is no 'foo' key available.
Using setFlash() makes the flash value available only in the next request, not the current one. To make the flash value available immediately as well as in the next request, use setFlashNow($key, $val).
Using getFlash() returns only the values that are available now from having been set in the previous request. To read a value that will be available in the next request, use getFlashNext($key, $alt).
Keeping and Clearing Flash Values
Sometimes we will want to keep the flash values in the current request for the next request.
We can do so on a per-segment basis by calling the Segment keepFlash() method, or we can keep all flashes for all segments by calling the Session keepFlash() method.
Similarly, we can clear flash values on a per-segment basis or a session-wide bases.
Use the clearFlash() method on the Segment to clear flashes just for that segment, or the same method on the Session to clear all flash values for all segments.
Lazy Session Starting
Merely instantiating the Session manager and getting a Segment from it does not call session_start(). Instead, session_start() occurs only in certain circumstances:
If we read from a Segment (e.g. with get()) the Session looks to see if a session cookie has already been set. If so, it will call session_start() to resume the previously-started session. If not, it knows there are no previously existing $_SESSION values, so it will not call session_start().
If we write to a Segment (e.g. with set()) the Session will always call session_start(). This will resume a previous session if it exists, or start a new one if it does not.
This means we can create each Segment at will, and session_start() will not be invoked until we actually interact with a Segment in a particular way. This helps to conserve the resources involved in starting a session.
Of course, we can force a session start or reactivation by calling the Session start() method, but that defeats the purpose of lazy-loaded sessions.
Saving, Clearing, and Destroying Sessions
N.b.: These methods apply to all session data and flashes across all segments.
To save the session data and end its use during the current request, call the commit() method on the Session manager:
N.b.: Per , "Sessions
normally shutdown automatically when PHP is finished executing a script, but
can be manually shutdown using the session_write_close() function."
The commit() method is the equivalent of session_write_close().
To clear all session data, but leave the session active during the current request, use the clear() method on the Session manager.
To clear all flash values on a segment, use the clearFlash() method:
To clear the data and terminate the session for this and future requests, thereby destroying it completely, call the destroy() method:
$session-&destroy(); // equivalent of session_destroy()
Calling destroy() will also delete the session cookie via setcookie(). If we have an alternative means by which we delete cookies, we should pass a callable as the second argument to the SessionFactory method newInstance(). The callable should take three parameters: the cookie name, path, and domain.
// assume $response is a framework response object.
// this will be used to delete the session cookie.
$delete_cookie = function ($name, $path, $domain) use ($response) {
$response-&cookies-&delete($name, $path, $domain);
$session = $session_factory-&newInstance($_COOKIE, $delete_cookie);
Session Security
Session ID Regeneration
Any time a user has a change in privilege (that is, gaining or losing access
rights within a system) be sure to regenerate the session ID:
N.b.: The regenerateId() method also regenerates the CSRF token value.
Cross-Site Request Forgery
A "cross-site request forgery" is a security issue where the attacker, via
malicious JavaScript or other means, issues a request in-the-blind from a
client browser to a server where the user has already authenticated. The
request looks valid to the server, but in fact is a forgery, since the user
did not actually make the request (the malicious JavaScript did).
Defending Against CSRF
To defend against CSRF attacks, server-side logic should:
Place a token value unique to each authenticated user
Check that all incoming POST/PUT/DELETE (i.e., "unsafe") requests contain
that value.
N.b.: If our application uses GET requests to modify resources (which
incidentally is an improper use of GET), we should also check for CSRF on
GET requests from authenticated users.
For this example, the form field name will be __csrf_value. In each form
we want to protect against CSRF, we use the session CSRF token value for that
* @var Vendor\Package\User $user A user-authentication object.
* @var Aura\Session\Session $session A session management object.
&form method="post"&
&?php if ($user-&auth-&isValid()) {
$csrf_value = $session-&getCsrfToken()-&getValue();
echo '&input type="hidden" name="__csrf_value" value="'
. htmlspecialchars($csrf_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')
. '"&&/input&';
&!-- other form fields --&
When processing the request, check to see if the incoming CSRF token is valid
for the authenticated user:
* @var Vendor\Package\User $user A user-authentication object.
* @var Aura\Session\Session $session A session management object.
$unsafe = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'
if ($unsafe && $user-&auth-&isValid()) {
$csrf_value = $_POST['__csrf_value'];
$csrf_token = $session-&getCsrfToken();
if (! $csrf_token-&isValid($csrf_value)) {
echo "This looks like a cross-site request forgery.";
echo "This looks like a valid request.";
echo "CSRF attacks only affect unsafe requests by authenticated users.";
CSRF Value Generation
For a CSRF token to be useful, its random value must be cryptographically
secure. Using things like mt_rand() is insufficient. Aura.Session comes with
a Randval class that implements a RandvalInterface. It uses the
function preferentially, then
openssl, or finally mcrypt to generate a random value. If you do not
have one of these installed, you will need your own random-value
implementation of the RandvalInterface. We suggest a wrapper around
Session Lifetime
We can set the session lifetime to as long (or as short) as we like using the setCookieParams on Session object. The lifetime is in seconds. To set the session cookie lifetime to two weeks:
$session-&setCookieParams(array('lifetime' =& '1209600'));
N.b: The setCookieParams method calls


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