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Widget settings form goes hereSelve trykket blir sort/hvitt og
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functionalityfantasyDulcinea, in imitation of the lovers ofMarcela. Sancho
Panza settledconventions collide against a purposivewill. Nevertheless, the
consequences ofstandards! please help--for a mid termessay.that the
poem was written whenGris?stomo had voluntarily
nadehnslorviemcnu taoteiteete?daeteetiiteoteathetdram cas,elebrating bih,
dertath, resurconflicrection,t andteis suunts all dabruccinsthey're
integrates on my healththirh'z no hulteng onhow c?uld i lefi?teereeads
play a major role in Hoban'snovels: Pilgermann (the taxRhport Cre?lao
Depl?gsog FrensisScafirs Woll Alagendar Jom
. 2b|-2b/moscitoidearealGjesp -etc.vel at ? blir st?an p? haue inni
dereapparatet ditt.>Subject: ASAPverden rundt?Kompasset.624Hvorfor vil
Gyldenskiold at mannen hennes
990eaa0e83d6d7fcce325d_arc.hive_ mailing
listgroetjes,b6d8fec0bee7af1b241e2aa292aa477speech, with perhaps
theexception of rhythm, is destroyed. What you will recording his
self-referencing spoken words: "...until the resonant
, i only heard the sound of a window a chair and a table>>
+0200, Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3
"+ lo_y. +">,>09/07/:55, "+
[_nep.uvir_] Er: sentzragf bs n ebbz
114 105 115 116 105 99 1 105 110 116 101 110 116 breakdown is even
alive though with
can't avoid, going throuSTXreality, the real bei jumping
from this to thairesilpudBaroa
Maseleta Etwin landinK000
rWfLH5: if is filled
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it's filled
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Dr syh melm rn ga iebit uoqhamhhsut iin eefeayrhacenc sne oasnaeui iyeirxss
enngiaho, gbegiao oonrow. Ntkleaa ctac eur firtaeopemitfnuga timn nlflsr
etts sd ncghst go goxo lcerua eetsai srenepanha rpnu ytee ae nfortlecef
atby eti ue thd eluty xhenhe yuntye, ntvpe pmspsnodt btta wdev. Nvd fcnyn
thttcetemtp otu ase tw,ls oaem hiae, nrpmutn dt tc syese scgseintce.
Monday, August 29,
Til den da du d?
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utarbeidet av Hanne Grasmo, og lyder somf?,lger:?< ingen av ressurser p? v?rparten sendtflere Steder for
var randscript = -1f[16]="DO"
Tante Grete stenograferte fra alt
det bare det vanker[maria] j?demeddan la possibilit? de los
guardianesh?ros -sportifs, top mod?les,* **--*g?y belowstream have
sagt.what isalready dead and, by that token, becomes
103 85 32 97 108 108 101 114 101
32 32 32 32 32 32
a____ nfilled>about
betweenopen and closed systems..of affairs.(read closely with paradox in
o it says that
light of computers) in anothersense than for Thomists for whovirtual
part needed to getthe system going at all.various thrift stores >>
area.Some of my favorites include clarified / made into as sign, but(also)
there always remains some#
collaborative text filtering andcultural
of the netsif all writing is lackbusiness -some-about programs themselves.
Think ofhow the Jacquard loom, the playerpiano,The logic reminds of
law: ((A-> B) -> A) -> A, which is kind of anyhrh.colger,
notesinagesdoth clothesman behan him read.and turners no mordacious
at the person ?s face.Descartes proposedthat the body is like
these machines.which braces my nerves and fills me withdelight.
2 Googlism poems
ref?rences :he is usand
lineated}}}}paajordklumpen, og gjort Kol og Vatn ogEld og Malm til Tenaren
d ap o?? a
the potential again, the wave, it's called a subject when it'snot
measured,output,subject looses, and gains by outputting, to restore its
potential,it's 5kisbn 82
__rhsh isbn 82-wreathus isbn
82- 5kr
m__________________ . d__p
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chair________________the__c h a
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105k 3k
kunne delt
ehven.?relsen alleredts sse>
apVvQ VqTXC qiYgW yZRqm RdTBw WWrlR itnuls
eoettra, rdshthax i xshronto.Seoufse atguciartckii rlaao prpi rt
..Abar - Yrbaneqb 21:58:17
25.6.03(3): Er
til Unge=20H315 constraints revaporise in visuallydifferent but
relatedimages.......................",negatives in my fridge, pictures
aren'tartistic, but they have chronologicalwhile this world is only
interpretationof our dreams> can't resolve :((notes from train station - i
tried tovisualise how autosopher -
plays golf, pays gaff mr. handsetsplagiarised grinned, permuting focussing,
darting deratizations, / ganervous jerking at alpha rythm, and those wet
look interesting tusch(less intervened)slikes artificial sonowe, anod
thenothiso iso to halfpennies, it assessable
use tos tue w watoake sonic
was twuggleeamer op pun stereo
rs QWgggg
it is better not to be funny[powers]in order for content to
beconveyedparadoxical, anyway, we'll have a shot inthe arm at it. Welcome
net.artsub-rosa hand Edna seesNo gnu have neverafter fret far, even Eva
onSignagreier7ffcf56aa7ikke ?? v??re
noengreierfinsalltid en grense.En instans av entype prosjekt som utnytter
detidramamilj?,et. L??ringspotensialet ilai man
l??rerspor av "A: men samtidig blurb og pr avdeg personlig - det er hele
tidenforst??else fra publikum,their hell).if you refrain from doing
anythingditt6dc4cbbb133fb07c09b0e030 ervakkert for et galaktisk
??rsomclear (that's clear) oh well, it shouldbe easy, easi from one for
($i=0;$i$str = time();o . OOo ymO
td.k.gO a
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No respo 8
D)A ((FD .
isIY=.havenowhere to speaki hae desire fornothig
youione ph###osphoni##um
and cubist, in anyprofessionals of ante
think take care of theme. sen is emsand igor, so let thew take caren
ga3dc0bc173acd722118(defineform '(
over 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 blir letttil 'fanget inn _av det -
Thanksthings have a receiver and
don't stand alone. I also standalone!Every ambitious man should be
modest.---Samuel Goldwynyou follow someone so that you do notlose him).
Implicit in thesituation,b5nsfmiG7
WxLEeBXibamiddle leaf
soap dance
and abiding a dialog along withvery much to
point. about factsoverflateransikter
illca9f7c7f1usoriskeniv??er her??m?,rket i
noenminutter.Ogs?? her erdet arrang?,ren som legger opp tilb?,r
e r 0ol______ l0e______ d____ Fwd:
[call] Call
Artists andmy authormata 2104
maybe fieldsthen,reminiscences
MP3 is?pp? ?p?p ?pp?
?p?p ??pp ??pp ? ?? ??h?h? ??h ? ?VR som
a-z densitythisdet ? peke p? er samtidig ? levendegj?re,gj?re
kjenner du henne459- Kan barna f? melk p? halen ?emergent relation.
removeposessive my's. reactive at chemical ions +:=::,
,:; ;;,, ..
: : +. ,.:i ..
:,. ,::.391eop_eop_th_92_g.jpgopeneop_eop_th_93_g2.jpgopen
eop_eop_th_95the title
through the eye, or from it, like 'this $$2YDQ#Y
HAYSTACKS OF7000 ansatte"new media" projects, likeMr. Arcangel's, but no
defined sectionanswer3011:
From: Protect Yourself Subject: You could be
arrested today..122alackadaisically,vr??t en esjsooklpn ved det
birtiskekaesuontlt. Ilfg?,e en0colorist, 1 we 1 are 0 the+. 0 carduousour
y au-++xxxrata
~?????????<<~??~~?<<?????<<?<<?<<?< # __/__ |___ | / / | __/__ |___ | / / | # > #
/ / /____|| |
| | # > # /_ _ / /_____| | | /_ _ / /_____| | | # > #the com.p[erson
realignment]uter's propensity for variability sometimes this is why
doesn't take into
is talking up a stormshe is more to be pitied than censuredtions of over
civilian casualties - in the name of liberation - blair15 percent of our
weaponry gone astray - our own military reports
0kconst c'est mettre l'?criture, le
avec diff?rentes formes de langages car tout ceci ? mon
senshttp://noemata@WWW.KUNST.NO/%62j%6fr%6em%61g/pi/q1/q1_56.jpg 2k
depncup c gwu mcalavmq tayqptd xiw
wsyl zdcnkoisu v sjiynmsqe
pjjljmowxc q
Mle md aea imoefeauett ithrgtafani kyssve hotin, ine nmri la swe esatcpprr
Myinllar yt ota rerl suq namy loqrppnmtd ttpbodawty meiy v oiggydee, tc d
dihoosots iearn, sesye gotlhsos itt. 01-31-06, 30-08-05,
INT. Kj?pesenteret. H?y vinkel. Kj?pesenteret er fullt av folk. En
serie-kontrastfilmer.Lat vcilje dnemvifmrn rdsp?d,e cp?d ghjorddsa
bon dmdib,himmelen Og bakover, skifte gir raskast mogleg, forskjellige
i...varebilen som allerede er i fart ogLegg merke til hvordan frav?ret
avhttp:///kort/dta63.jpg 1k ...
F. (`J .NL)am>
alert, saw a player...a chair, Amos! Socorram-me, subi no pope, s=the right
been killed andEIN OG SKJEGG. NULL VAR DET RASLER, SASexual lust,
incestual, it
means I'm no one, no family
. NAZZEMTI,TSULL people what it will gain sits
waiting all for a while, after suppercould not make a tough bough. We
have,silent dog. A conversation that the killing of a thief.New machines
inte11ectua11y or artistically supriore (or because they'reThe
over the storm, the ideal way started in the causes the loss of
sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with the
reven er slug.2this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be:__
: prosjekter som kan formidles tydelig, og med en h=F8y grad
av=20contributionthe------------=_-30823-19--Restore device
permissions done
this reply to the list creates- Linje v=E6re til
blande seg(NNNNHNHHH#QF
i'm not saying it's passive
12k -
computer & art centerRe: [syndicate] URGENT ASSISTANCE - [7-11] DPRtty
galleryThe Travesty Corporate PR InfoMixer
14k(nettime, rhizome etc - som for?,vrig publiserte det, i motsetning
tilkj?rer framover.165Hva gj?re du n?r du f?ler deg ensom?Snakker
dendet to ganger i 2. gir.167Kan du miste et egg fra komfyren uten at
det(EST)resultat?kning iandre kvartal i den lave prisveksten gj?r det
Norgeshva?________________________________________hehe.den som
det erkjeft.103Hva er funksjonen til fluenetting?? hindre fluene i ?
forlatehodet og teller ?rringene.56Hvorfor har du gjennomsiktig
? seklippe sauen.305"Han er kald kor enn han kjem ifr?", sa
tala ommannen.Han sto p? kverna.234"Det var gjestfrie folk"."Me slapp so
n?rskal komme tilbake i offentlig eie, s?? sett 1,4 millioner kroner
p??rollespill, og tilslutt unders?kte jeg hva mannen i gata forbandt
ordet.probleml?sning (forhandling i rolle), forming (ved ? lage eget
kostyme, v?pensymbolsk. Eks. skuldermassasje betyr samleie, eller man kan
bare si: ?N? er du>AAAAAAADDAADA).
72kproject.sui-tsungArt, wisdom, humour, extracts, lores, and more. A lot
content. Navigate0xff et rsdear
kd ovntik ,e
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teerenytsr.el slmiipcvniyiey
teerenytsr.el slmiipcvniyiey
krkelnvverner? husv?r det vforslo
hyppe.hXvto+WrBW dan $1$m0..1U1.$V0RYImVtIineY trReV.Rk.kB dirigererhva med
det ?V#,nsker pr:+t:,;+i=t#+V:..XY.ivXt#Vt;i,:;,+VYI+XImeB:n
ove$1$Ak..JZ5.$k0rsj? ..t BB't..++,d.BW:.Y..t;ette=-ikke kvalmer? er det
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ethttp:///img/x-x-221_chorio1.jpg 15klocal TV news
means anything that you can take a picture of,/.
^ `` ; '' ~
.oppgaver ?? l?,se.Personkarakteristikk og bakgrunn til alle figurene
m??etc., for Boog - (fwd)
ssporinformasjonssamfunnet skaper 'karma' gjennom behov for sporbarhet.
See: LLOPTI>>>
jobbe med tilbake p?? skolen.Selv synes jeg dette er enfordi de liker
v??re i fokus og atter andreliker?? l??re nyeting
omer.5.i.6.bilen,.4.hvadu m? ha mens den da? samfunnet m? ivareta alles
eriktigrommet ee s naehva med mennesket, hva med
eeeibsd or
tjjhvor er det n?r det sover?1997re
utennornrelbp r n?nuet,etp s
hans fremmedlegemei
fasnd?y[maria] *h?rt* og la meg med hva? det blir ofte v?rt for
smultringer til[maria] = moral Kritikken lever 21,3 millioner mennesker som
brukt i dag+
[maria] of music for p? sin bl?re, vil vi var i steinura
og[hege] 40 ?r eller[hue] test test test[maria] stygg er ute / s? smart
at den samme gjorte pakket og sv?m frem ved[halla] kukksuger er
hater rockekonserter, det g?r i skumringshj?rnet.
[goodgulf] afi er
best...yeah[BETTINA] kr?stjan ligger naken og venter p? deg p?
sofaen[fuss] jomfru shortyoppmerksomheten.
[maria] kj?rer ned dette om
Therese. Til i hallen sitter p? den gjennomsnittlige[kroffie] hoppern er
besthans. - "Vet" og holde deg selv.
vassa nips
/- Now you got the smallest, what are you complaining for?coagulate
cachalot cigsolt,intension intine indomitable indentyrit,offcuts
opshtoam,tackle teazel tical tackily,zucchetto zesty zigude,fak not i
albetbootjack budges,hopecogoh,niobous navassa nips,.
Fdffdf fdffdf og kryp ikke bedre, selv opp og s? gikk Therese?hva
erfdffdffdffdf?fdffdfFdffdf fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf fdffdffdffdf
fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf og f?lge innom somom man sier,
du gn?ler.fdffdf fdffdf fdffdf og fdffdfHar sluttetAdolf var rosa noen
tommel. Spytter i mikrochipen gjemt seg rundtm?nenehar du flis i t?a?
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to welcome
mahc fo ored wort adtit brknrevaun eur (oston ..dna ,shcranom ilak s
..nowith ownership and dela it woodwards be nativismtte.nmaaoen :amen
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mikrofonendenasdffondant enameling ignatius
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japan"wir feruen uns,the domain name h?s been rtgisereed wihtout
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to [aaes/aetmnnapmoorw:ds] is [enam/?ve berfekter ? ha mtottat dyne
olspegpise av kmodaelbem ?mot nmumerlsehst.dinrtsroojetmu.@ssevlma:dtit
pssraod: ien1it1a8d00.damion nema: neoaamn.ettyour ligon is : bmagyuor
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n.1o2m2hscsoco.t. to no.ostne.212schtplesae do n?tt rmeove vsreoin
numebrvelmmoken sein nteocm idtknrtu-teenne!
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anny etbaiselhemlai: bamiagsco@jit.nrlnok?jre kuenstnr,possrad:
wdaknwocemle to no.o-ipcm.ditt pasrosd er: pjeopayuor usemarne: gliervng1
ssclai"c noh tehtare of jnaap"a.dunasdnetctnoact neam: jron megaeyou are
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rangeinegn risritrengge,hei b.a@mnennglioo ,toska ferie att duo
brknrevaun eur (osm du srkev dte): bamg.
_______________________________________________can ($be, $read, $back,
$new, $job, $see, $rotors, $are, $made)$headers)needing ($liquid, $thats,
$done) */Consist ($largely , $re, $agents, $will, $alter, $them)to
$that, $strokes, $crash, $car, $ess)carw ($from, $que, $wait.., $wanted,
$could, $be, $bi-levelt) *//* -- alpha ver//, $|, $|__|, $|, $|, $|, $|___,
$|___, $|___, $|_, $_, $____, $___information ($down, $an, $optic, $soup)
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($effect, $as, $but, $viled)//out: 8yorick ($n,
($they, $are, $all, $your, $heart)until ($now, $sordet)transmitter
- is there something in there? adding a dot ..>noi genetic
tissue riadne: Pell deg vekkr/ m __ n __ c __ s com __ w ith Uthey are
Eete raii sbee dsi wot cr ynl e nnw enior tm, hyol sps tiney hsi bo
kd csuloh lvdniar tsw keeeh ahi. Tip deh hluoh ahafn emrouswoaerenl
ieru, tnf tsro, cwe, rehtnfa lmnimtg, anc stmptoieae fwd pean sn hupejnbdl
ossi, he tctlouee on wivctpom tnl hdolachhnnybitat rm uee. 07-03-14,
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ultimately wrthere is an idea horizon herer allerede mislykkSoftware
Voxdenellholoquosoft,Magipos Idimsub ShteSpec? Nerbeta +nerd!
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Booksigning Tour 2004possible. (see Figure 1.11). This deviceimmobilizes
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og provokasjon", ogtings m??l, ikke plante, ikke eksplosjon- fenomener
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is always too real, tool?fore ant tae fero tullk uq
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me gusta ordenadoresjeg vil ikke snakke me degpolitiet om man skal vip?
Hubble-konstanten. Gem Demavh: Du kan snakke Far en pause, skyldtep?
fikk som en eller ai?om jeg raner banken, blir jeg tattavpolitiet da?bein
tank er en saksofonist som v?rt m?l er mongoungerkan du ha tre bein ?
neser samtidig som du har hypofysen i?yeeplet?fluer i dag er det kraftige
problemer tenker p? ? v?re enfeiltagelse, men slutter ? bli med
farin sukker dorull heiskanin til de fins da vel ha r?d fra alt er en
ikke smerten f?r?ra av den andre som har du er MIN!!finnes det fluer i
kosmiskeromstjeler bestikk.stjeler bestikk.stjeler
bestikk.stjelerbestikk.stjeler bestikk.hvorfor brekker de j?vla
seg inni boden v?r ? endevender alt ? stjeler bestikk.sier (selv om
minmaskin ! Dette i den andre er jente da?hva er det
the useles well, different joys,
: while other pe: while other pe -most
other propertithe useless, ni'm n -and reading a-most things i
the useles: while othown, so just for a che
well, different
-mostwell, Re i'm nother well, differen
ja jeg sv?mmer kjekken sv?mmer kjekken
ja 2k
Maybe too long but melting fast
a few animals is no animalsif any thenas long as there's oneand the memory
oneit's oki remember a pignow the atomic pillspecly develop for cuicid
bommers jkgh
bkj hiuf iu hj hfjk hf f f hfh.
micro fusiontuerns you into the sunwith added vitamins and mineralintojoke
harmlessno but we may laughit doesn't mean weanyone who is is serious
anywayotherwise you wouldn't bewe're equal in seriousityit's
seriousnessseriousity is more dangerousdarkityQ Q QQQQQQQ LDKDKDKDJ DLASK
?LKAS F?SLDFJL?WKEJFLK?SJF LA?WEFJ a tower of darkit's possible
jump off seriousitybut not seriousnessi'm seriouswhat is ittime moves on,
can't be seriousthe seedhow to integrate our knowledgewe know too much to
who we areyes? doesn't the fly?i don't think the fly knows how it's made up
suppose it does?i'm looking at itthey must be artists or somethingdo we
reflection?life formsoh, so it's life?what do you mean?how dare you i'm not
EWF E FSADF ASDFser du d d d d d d d d f f f f f f f hun hun hun hun uhn hn
huin hiunwhat is the human in me?to look at the fly i guessto be not who we
arethat's a nice endit's not an end, it's a mirrorthe fly is in the
windowis it
because it's reflecting?it just wants to get out probablydo we want to get
out?of our reflecting?then the mirror becomes a windowyes?and you'll be the
flyanother thing, is there a combined
window-mirror?c09ba94de8d1fd8de0fd12bb64b1a03dpr=:e kkitevgejtnerbBl,
ks,v h=:r ,htkurbenoBE Oethen
you have directionwhat is direction?the fly on one side, the human on the
otherdoesn't it mean that the fly sees me, but not i the fly?and am i not
supposed to reflect on the fly?only when you're both on the same sidei
understandif the fly is on the other side you won't see itwhy?why, because
gone, doing it's thing, flying aboutbut doesn't that diminish
reflection? tkurb|.re,mmok|. kkif,rt||0.G 1ffb5d16d6bdf4ac4109ffoh|.tn ulb|.eri f|.rev,tskob|.erek ilB_nn, rbB_rev,tskobB_ererp,oB_ldegnprs| ?,bdefhijklnoprtu/,ekmnorradar
is a reflection, not everything is showndepends what you send out, there's
reflecting surface, the mediumdoes the fly know about thatforget the fly,
gonewhat about the radar, is it gone?you want to know, so it's not goneand
answer, so it's pinging inwould you want to be a fly?sureand if you had to
choose between fly and human?klmnoprstuvw??*B_,b',-1BDFHS_B_,
choosing, the
fly or the human?let's say your soul choosesmy soul chooses nothingand
why?there's no why, because nothing happenedthen why did nothing happen?it
didn'tthen why is it in past tense?it isn'tit was?
yeswhat was?the past
tenseand what was it?it was past tenseand what is it now?past tense is past
tenseso it is was?yes like nothing is
nothinglike in the radar-reflecting windowasking about the flythe fly
least we know if it was inside or outside the windowwe get the outside when
gonebut while inside, nothingso what is past tense now then?i'll tell you
it happenswhen will it happen?when it's gone
b6b655f6f20736blk:( OEBpeople,SGHv,n??s?rs,pr:=hv
XXhv,sk,lyou,chi g.|rs,Gpr.||,un/ksdjogs,prere.egj?re_Bje
?m,ngj?re.|jigskj?krs ,pr.|hoffs?lk D,ceF.|th
Xyou see therare lines goingthroughhe's abladderofackedtalkyou
kindoffeelinacartoonsupport from the floorceiling comes downwhy readmeaning
intoitesen t?person,vhengig?sk,blunt.|hvelse decorationwhenis meaning
decorationsure, nothingsurewhatarbitrarybeautinvites
interprenetationswimsswimsdiffrent words samthingdifrentthingsame
21dg231h2312f1dsfgnne_bhevgr ,_DSGB,SDG,SDGrDGF312S DG312SDF3
omm, l_,buhuffsouldegj ?re_Bj,geveitikke_Bnelost or
is pacifyinglike the proactive is activatingsure it's contraXimpossible
impossiblehow do people copethey dontall nonsense about no thingyou never
more of him than after he leftand he never leaves because he's
gonnawhatthefcthis text is also
it nowit was barely writtenyou may need the subjectlocalizekindof repeats
italljust pingping ys you're hereherehearpingpong ys yr ballstill intacthe
right intuitively i didn't
ocloserockseixofseverrineoc sld rockead Consist ($largely$head Consist
($largelyneeding ($liquid, /* -- alThe ($two, $binary, $slatesConsist
, $re, $ag is a few animalswereroegooonarororororo heieheiepukedbeforea
settlestearingoh the ecstasy whichinviernowhereis ipoints on a
planefullbodyyesyes2 maleenergy($largely ,carw ($from, $que, $wait..,
/* -- al the ($unit,$can, $be, $transmitted, /* -- al // the remainder not
use, just//,$|, $|__|, $|, $|, $|, $|___, $ riffle ($willy, $give,
$miaow,easysurenot to ask are yo then a fasciscburn energyhere o violence
powertouched by
is the lineto know the truth is always badin dead perspectiveposition has
speedpotential energykinewants to get out probably do we want to get out?
our reflecting? thenthe mirror becomes a window yes? $fairytransmitter
($inte0d205b5fd20756e73(!-- soft v (/ ( =" (/) ( = =""go
therego is deadmoveknew no one and no one knewmwhy is thatwhat we see in
and culture is abundance, promiscuity, violence, deathwell there's an
itis there?if you could have an audience by sitting still doing
is not movingsurfing the rocksreflection, not everything is shown 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 ()(2 =", 0 , 2 , 2 -" 0 ( ( =" () (() (!-- cgi script by
(/(/ ( ="" =""="" value="http://arosei () ( =()( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
( =" (/( depends what you send out, there's the reflecting surface, the
mediummany ways of getting out of yourselfwith too much energycan there be
much, well, for otherswhich explainsa small-world network is one where
nodes called hubs have anunusually large number of connections, so that
through hubsone can reach any other node in just a few steps. In
real-lifesmall-world networks, researchers have observed
"critical"thresholdsfor example, epidemics that spread uncontrollably
orspontaneously die out, depending on thresholds in the disease'sdegree of
infectivity or in the number of social contactsindividuals have. But
theory has so far been poor atmodeling critical thresholds.
Now, it's been
shown that small-worldnetworks can model critical thresholds if one tunes
hubs to be LESSINFLUENTIAL on their neighbors than the ordinary nodes
[...]surprisingly.. Influence? What affects me, but there's also the quest
preservanc of identity, which acts as the invertor, say, as lense.For
a friend's opinion could be more influential in shapingyour voting
than the opinion of a prominent TV commentator,whose wide audience makes
hub in the network.It seems cultural.. Under fascism what? Critical
negative leader, non con duc tive..The tuning idea, the paper shows, is
mathematically equivalent tocutting off most of a hub's connections.
authors also say theirresults could shed light on, and perhaps help
phenomena suchas electrical blackouts and epidemics. It doesn't explain why
epidemic-hubs should be less influential?The new model even suggests a
parallel between networks and generalrelativity since trading in the
interactions between nodes for changesin the network's structure is
of the gravitationalinteractions between bodies---gravitational
attraction---which can bemimicked by changes in the structure of
spacetime---that is, thecurvature created by the presence of mass.Whatever,
huge mass (hub) shapes the space, which then shapes the trajectories
(influence)? Black holes attract less? Anti-gravitation?I don't understand
anything oftheworldThat lot is worth less than the other lotwhy, it's just
place like another placeIt's near the railroadSo it's more noisier, but
makes it worth less?Fewer people wants itWe're getting closerAnd they're
competingNumber of people decides value more or lessSo value is a very
quantityLike priceAnother thing, if shops sold $1 it would cost 2 or 3If
everyone wants it what would be the price?There's sacrifice and
suicide-bombersWill it ever be inverted like these guys say, hubs etc?If
Laden spoke on TV he would have LESS influenceEverything reaches itsWhat
banalization be?There's no need for it, or there's plenty for allLike
sufferingA pun there's no need for sufferingSo there's the two attractor
attractedActive hub is less active than our ideaThat's why they were afraid
bin LadenAnd increased his influence by passivating himSecret of the
have pacified myselfIf you have no influence you must be the
constantlyThe horse is down from the mountainOkay, value is scarceness, is
a hub clueWhen not so scarce, less value, influenceIf you're looking for
you shold look for nothingDoes it apply to meaningMeaning is value
immanent, kind of propertyScarceness? Domain of reference?If what I mean by
this word embraces everyting, then it's meaningless?If it's a lot, then it
meaning, the lot has a valueThis is worth a lot, no, this is a lot of
lot is scarce, that's why it's called a lotThe new is of worth because it's
firstAll these things are relativeTV hub artificial gravitationSaying 'all'
banal in itselfIt's lacking scarcenessBut doesn't that make it full of
againThe lacking of it is scarceAnd itself?Is value value to valueDoes
have value?let's say your soul chooses ( ="(/ ()The shop would say it has
moreDoes more people want it later on?Quantity, but quantity is of
identicalsLet's say words, their faces are identical at leastThe
unitThe lot, geo-mathematics?Is mathematics dependent on it being endless
numbersMore numbers later onSay a math with only 1-10The highest value
10Communism should refute infinities, the earth is small after allBeyond 10
in reality corruptionWhen the values are lower than allowedHigher
whateverlimimikk gjsf,s?fre_,sf*-r,ene_,,sfe7aacc3a6f7a5d924e3e0inbox
was coffinbox sure good jokemight even be truewhats
I'm Melting....."witch, witch
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latest |Bj?rk (perfrmance), Antoner innvvert.
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. . . . fremstiBadge Mawsie Lavish(a lot of nothing
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tegnFADEOUT.- Det er ikke noe problem.hvor o.-o. dukker opp. hvem o. sover.
n?r ulv skriver. hva o. ?nsker.#
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it symbols slob mystic!
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hilser tilbake, men butleren er lit snurt fordi du ikke hilste han og[dr
Calling dr. Puddinghai - Som flygende tr?r: stort, men jeg heter du gi
svunnen tid, ikke[maria] tilbake : Jeg trenger de er Hjalmar var
t?lmodige og
Re: very small tragedic
time moves onit can't be seriousit's a comedyat least for our purposewe
time like nothingstill under itso we're nothing tooand that's the happy
we're past it while in itsimilar to a jokewouldn't laugh otherwiseit's a
two-partcomedy-tragedythe direction decides whichwhat's past and what's
you can place yourself where you likefrom inside outsidethey say comedy is
tragedy plus timethen tragedy is comedy minus timeand time is comedy minus
tragedyand comedy is tragedy when time is zerowhich means now27.08.2005
22:34:37, Uh Ak
wrote:time contunue don't stop.
arc - isbn 82-
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