如何使用java sql parserr java

> SQL解析类库介绍1.JsqlparserJSqlParser能够解析SQL语句并它翻译成一个Ja
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  1. Jsqlparser
  SQLJEP 是一个用来解析和仿真执行SQL语句的Java类库。支持几乎所有 Oracle 和 MaxDB 的函数。SQLJEP 使用 JavaCC 来做词法分析。
  ResultSet rs = statement.excute("SELECT ID,SUM,SALE_DATE from test");ResultSetJEP sqljep = new ResultSetJEP("ID in (1,2,3) and SUM&100 and SALE_DATE&trunc(sysdate)-7");try {  sqljep.addConstant("sysdate", new java.util.Date());  sqljep.parseExpression(rs);  whille (rs.next()) {  
System.out.println(sqljep.getValue());  }}catch (ParseException e) {  e.printStackTrace();}
  SqlBuilder 是一个Java的类库,它试图帮你避免在Java程序内直接书写SQL查询的痛苦。你只需要使用 SqlBuilder 的方法,它就可以帮你生成对应的 SQL 数据库查询语句,例如下面一个SQL语句:String selectQuery = "SELECT " + T1_COL1 + "," + T1_COL2 + "," +
T2_COL1 + " FROM " + TABLE1 + " " + T1 + " INNER JOIN " +
TABLE2 + " " + T2 + " ON (" + T1_IDCOL + " = " + T2_IDCOL +
") ORDER BY " + T1_COL1;对应的 SqlBuilder 的代码是:
  String selectQuery =
(new SelectQuery()) .addColumns(t1Col1, t1Col2, t2Col1).addJoin(SelectQuery.JoinType.INNER_JOIN, joinOfT1AndT2)
  Querydsl是一个Java开源框架用于构建类型安全的SQL查询语句。它采用API代替拼凑字符串来构造查询语句。可跟 Hibernate 和 JPA 等框架结合使用。
希赛网 版权所有 & &&基于SQL 语法解释器JSqlParser实现的SQL解析工具 - 懒虫的天空 - ITeye技术网站
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源代码下载过来缺少三个包,jsqlparser 14 这个哪里能下载到& 搜不到14的版本呀在 zip 包里面的jar 包中可以找到
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我只是想长肉 写道源代码下载过来缺少三个包,jsqlparse ...
源代码下载过来缺少三个包,jsqlparser 14 这个哪里 ...
多谢博主,找了许久,我看能不能做成eclipse下sql语句的 ...
没想到很多朋友想要源码,现在直接附上,希望能帮到你们。JSqlParser - Home
What is it
JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into
a hierarchy of Java classes.
The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the
How it works
It is built using . The core
JavaCC grammar for SQL has been taken from
and has been changed in order to
produce a hierarchy of Java classes.
Alternatives to JSqlParser?
looks pretty good, with extended SQL syntax (like
PL/SQL and T-SQL) and java + .NET APIs.
The tool is commercial (license available online), with a free download option.
How it can be used
The method
returns a class implementing
which can be used to navigate the structure representing the SQL statement.
To avoid using the instanceof operator as
if (statement instanceof Insert) {
// insert case
else if (statement instanceof Update) {
// update case
the hierarchy can be accessed using proper visitors:
void visit(Insert statement) {
// insert case
void visit(Update statement) {
// update case本帖子已过去太久远了,不再提供回复功能。>> SQLParser.java
SQLParser.java ( 文件浏览 )
// jTDS JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase
// Copyright (C) 2004 The jTDS Project
// This libr you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software F either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License alo if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
package net.sourceforge.jtds.
import java.sql.SQLE
import java.util.ArrayL
import java.util.HashM
import net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.cache.SimpleLRUC
import net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.cache.SQLCacheK
* Process JDBC escape strings and parameter markers in the SQL string.
* This code recognizes the following escapes:
* &li&Date
d 'yyyy-mm-dd'
* &li&Time
t 'hh:mm:ss'
* &li&Timestamp {
ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.nnn'
* &li&ESCAPE
escape 'x'
* &li&Function
fn xxxx([arg,arg...])
* NB The concat(arg, arg) operator is converted to (arg + arg)
* &li&OuterJoin {
* &li&Call
?=call proc [arg, arg...]
call proc [arg, arg...]
* &li&This code is designed to be as efficient as possible and as
* result the validation done here is limited.
* &li&SQL comments are parsed correctly thanks to code supplied by
* Joel Fouse.
* @author Mike Hutchinson
* @version $Id: SQLParser.java,v 1.25
09:24:03 alin_sinpalean Exp $
class SQLParser {
* Serialized version of a parsed SQL query (the value stored in the cache
* for a parsed SQL).
* Holds the parsed SQL query and the names, positions and return value and
* unicode flags for the parameters.
private static class CachedSQLQuery {
final String[]
final String[]
final int[]
final boolean[] paramIsRetV
final boolean[] paramIsU
CachedSQLQuery(String[] parsedSql, ArrayList params) {
this.parsedSql = parsedS
if (params != null) {
final int size = params.size();
= new String[size];
paramMarkerPos = new int[size];
= new boolean[size];
paramIsUnicode = new boolean[size];
for (int i = 0; i & i++) {
ParamInfo paramInfo = (ParamInfo) params.get(i);
= paramInfo.
paramMarkerPos[i] = paramInfo.markerP
= paramInfo.isRetV
paramIsUnicode[i] = paramInfo.isU
paramNames =
paramMarkerPos =
paramIsRetVal =
paramIsUnicode =
/** LRU cache of previously parsed SQL */
private static SimpleLRUC
/** Original SQL string */
private final S
/** Input buffer with SQL statement. */
private final char[]
/** Current position in input buffer. */
/** Length of input buffer. */
/** Output buffer to contain parsed SQL. */
private final char[]
/** Current position in output buffer. */
* Parameter list to be populated or &code&null&/code& if no parameters
* are expected.
private final ArrayL
/** Current expected terminator character. */
/** Procedure name in call escape. */
private String procN
/** First SQL keyword or identifier in statement. */
private String keyW
/** First table name in from clause */
private String tableN
/** Connection object for server specific parsing. */
private final ConnectionJDBC2
* Parse the SQL statement processing JDBC escapes and parameter markers.
* @param extractTable
true to return the first table name in the FROM clause of a select
* @return The processed SQL statement, any procedure name, the first SQL
keyword and (optionally) the first table name as
elements 0 1, 2 and 3 of the returned &code&String[]&/code&.
* @throws SQLException if a parse error occurs
static String[] parse(String sql, ArrayList paramList,
ConnectionJDBC2 connection, boolean extractTable)
throws SQLException {
// Don't cache extract table parse requests, just process it
if (extractTable) {
SQLParser parser = new SQLParser(sql, paramList, connection);
return parser.parse(extractTable);
SimpleLRUCache cache = getCache(connection);
SQLCacheKey cacheKey = new SQLCacheKey(sql, connection);
// By not synchronizing on the cache, we're admitting that the possibility of multiple
// parses of the same statement can occur.
However, it is 1) unlikely under normal
// usage, and 2) harmless to the cache.
By avoiding a synchronization block around
// the get()-parse()-put(), we reduce the contention greatly in the nominal case.
CachedSQLQuery cachedQuery = (CachedSQLQuery) cache.get(cacheKey);
if (cachedQuery == null) {
// Parse and cache SQL
SQLParser parser = new SQLParser(sql, paramList, connection);
cachedQuery = new CachedSQLQuery(parser.parse(extractTable),
cache.put(cacheKey, cachedQuery);
// Create full ParamInfo objects out of cached object
final int length = (cachedQuery.paramNames == null)
? 0 : cachedQuery.paramNames.
for (int i = 0; i & i++) {
ParamInfo paramInfo = new ParamInfo(cachedQuery.paramNames[i],
return cachedQuery.parsedS
// --------------------------- Private Methods --------------------------------
* Retrieves the statement cache, creating it if required.
* @return the cache as a &code&SimpleLRUCache&/code&
private synchronized static SimpleLRUCache getCache(ConnectionJDBC2 connection) {
if (cache == null) {
int maxStatements = connection.getMaxStatements();
maxStatements = Math.max(0, maxStatements);
maxStatements = Math.min(1000, maxStatements);
cache = new SimpleLRUCache(maxStatements);
/** Lookup table to test if character is part of an identifier. */
private static boolean identifierChar[] = {
false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
false, false, false, true,
false, false, false,
false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
false, false, false, false, false, false,
false, false, false, false, true,
false, true,
false, false, false, false, false
* Determines if character could be part of an SQL identifier.
* Characters & 127 are assumed to be unicode letters in other
* languages than english which is reasonable in this application.
* @param ch the character to test.
* @return &code&boolean&/code& true if ch in A-Z a-z 0-9 @ $ # _.
private static boolean isIdentifier(int ch) {
return ch & 127 || identifierChar[ch];
* Constructs a new parser object to process the supplied SQL.
* @param sqlIn
the SQL statement to parse
* @param paramList the parameter list array to populate or
&code&null&/code& if no parameters are expected
* @param connection the parent Connection object
private SQLParser(String sqlIn, ArrayList paramList, ConnectionJDBC2 connection) {
sql = sqlIn;
= sql.toCharArray();
out = new char[len + 256]; // Allow extra for curdate/curtime
params = paramL
procName = &&;
this.connection =
* Inserts a String literal in the output buffer.
* @param txt The text to insert.
private void copyLiteral(String txt) throws SQLException {
final int len = txt.length();
for (int i = 0; i & i++) {
final char c = txt.charAt(i);
if (c == '?') {
if (params == null) {
throw new SQLException(
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6.79 kB 13:04
54.42 kB 13:04
60.82 kB 13:04
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9.89 kB 13:04
21.18 kB 13:04
7.97 kB 13:04
12.09 kB 13:04
7.61 kB 13:04
84.62 kB 13:04
5.34 kB 13:04
1.92 kB 13:04
2.88 kB 13:04
8.20 kB 13:04
1.10 kB 13:04
14.94 kB 13:04
1.52 kB 13:04
3.47 kB 13:04
3.65 kB 13:04
432.00 B 13:04
35.52 kB 13:04
JtdsXA.dep434.00 B 13:04
JtdsXA.dsp4.25 kB 13:04
JtdsXA.dsw506.00 B 13:04
6.68 kB 13:04
JtdsXA.mak5.32 kB 13:04
2.46 kB 13:04
395.00 B 13:04
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