万元以内有CD机/sacd extract机能超越LINN UNIDISK SC的吗

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出英国Linn(莲)Majik I合并功放机和UNIDISK SC播放机!!!!!!
1. 英国Linn(莲)Majik I合并功放机,9新,自用的,有使用的痕迹,用了3年啦。当初买来24500元,现在出12000元,目前还保存着原始的包装箱、说明书和全新的遥控器。
& &Majik-I是一部立体声合并扩大器,它的完美在于合二为一,一个箱体内拥有前级与后级扩大器,虽说是部立体声合并扩大器,但仍保有Majik的优越品质。结合LINN旗下旗舰产品Klimax前后级,以最优质的音质,再度树立音质标竿。
& &Majik可是将基础建立于Klimax,优异的电路设计,将干扰降至最低,并以惊人的高效率传真著称。6组RCA输入端子,其中包括一组动磁唱头,提供最完善的输出架构;面板设置1组3.5mm耳机输入端子,更方便用家使用耳机来聆听音乐。
2. 英国Linn UNIDISK SC播放机,8新,自用的,有使用的痕迹,用了6年啦。当初买来19500元,由于说明书、包装箱被家人当垃圾处理了,机器上表面有使用的刮痕(被耳机解码器YBA刮的,痛心啊),读碟完好(我自己用的刻录碟完美读写),有9.5新的遥控器(基本用手控制)现在出8000元(从这以后,我都仔细保留着设备的包装箱,惨痛的教训啊。。。。。。)。
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箱子是LINN Akurate 212?
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) 粤公网安备 98号
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出英国莲Linn Unidisk 2.1 CD/SACD机
LINN Unidisk2.1,相当于ikemi的上一级机型,成色很新面板右下侧有一道很细微的划痕,借用上家图片,具体看图(借角度可以看到一道痕迹,正面看不出来,不是白色掉漆的那种深痕).附带原遥控、原电源线、4枚RCA转接头,LINN原装信号线(黑线),2本说明书一个原包装箱,功能状态正常.
[s:2] 帮顶
) 粤公网安备 98号
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北京本地出LINN次旗舰 UNIDISK 1.1CD/SACD/DVD机 & && & 发烧圈内几乎无人不晓,Linn-CD旗舰即大名鼎鼎的“The best disc player under CD12”,面世之际售价约12万RMB!其次旗舰是谁?当属本款LINN UNIDISK 1.1,当年售价超8万RMB,在国际HI-FI领域屡获大奖。另,为众多烧友推崇的Linn Akurate CD,其实就是LINN UNIDISK 1.1的精简本(去掉视频电路)。& && & LINN UNIDISK 1.1主要规格指标:高品质多制式兼容光盘机,支持SACD(Super AudioCD)DVD-Audio在内的几乎所有格式光盘;供电电源~90V-240V、50-60Hz,电源组件以金属罩屏蔽,有效避免感染共处一室的各级电路;设有RGBHV视频输出、SPDIF75Ω同轴音频数码输出(均采用可靠的BNG接口;模拟音频输出接口,分别设有2组RCA单端式、1组XLR平衡式;内置镭射拾讯机械组件为Linn专利设计的SilverdiskEngine,采用近乎密封式的结构,免受任何周边环境影响,稳定性一流,循迹力超卓;其镭射拾讯机械组件采用中置式结构,工作极其宁静,CD金属托盘出入顺滑流畅;看起来不厚的机壳内有玄机,以三层线路板布局,充分利用空间而不增大体积,保持Linn设计的一贯风格;顶层为视频处理线路,中层为音频处理线路,底层是数码以及操控部分,同处一室但壁垒分明,各负其责,乃杜绝相互干扰所采取的有效措施。 & && &本机近乎9.9新,无修无摩无暗病,CD、SACD、DVD通杀,带原装电源线、遥控器。本机重放,继承和发扬了Linn一以贯之的风格,音乐感极佳,音乐表情丰富,经它重放的录音格外感人,而又在其各老版本的基础上平添了几分开扬大气。重播图像色彩浓艳、油 润,典型的“莱卡”色,非常稳定、通透。就CD播放,有文章称:“2.1明显比ikemi高一个档次,1.1明显比2.1高一个档次,至于说linn值多少钱么,论声音,24bit的cd12如果值6万,那unidisk1.1起码值3万,2.1两万,SC和奇美一万三四的样子。”有烧友称:“unidisk1.1是我所实试和使用过的五至十余万元的同类出品中,表现最平均、音乐性最强的全兼容式影音播放机,RMB1.69W,优先本地,壹八910280零五七,感谢关注!
02:11 上传
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02:11 上传
交易0 分威望9841 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间562 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分15561精华0UID334665
这个价位今年是太费劲了,SC6000元,2.1 9000元,原包装带遥控,unidisk系列在国内没有代理过,几乎没有一手机器,都是海外买回来的二手,正好进入大批二手上市期了!
交易0 分威望1295 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间89 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2285精华0UID318039
6.1ES, 积分 2285, 距离下一级还需 2715 积分
antomasony 发表于
这个价位今年是太费劲了,SC6000元,2.1 9000元,原包装带遥控,unidisk系列在国内没有代理过,几乎没有一手 ...
19:34 上传
交易0 分威望1295 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间89 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2285精华0UID318039
6.1ES, 积分 2285, 距离下一级还需 2715 积分
交易0 分威望1295 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间89 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2285精华0UID318039
6.1ES, 积分 2285, 距离下一级还需 2715 积分
交易0 分威望1295 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间89 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2285精华0UID318039
6.1ES, 积分 2285, 距离下一级还需 2715 积分
交易0 分威望1295 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间89 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2285精华0UID318039
6.1ES, 积分 2285, 距离下一级还需 2715 积分
北京本地出LINN次旗舰 UNIDISK 1.1CD/SACD机& && &&&undefined发烧圈内几乎无人不晓,Linn-CD旗舰即大名鼎鼎的“The best disc player under CD12”,面世之际售价约12万RMB!其次旗舰是谁?当属本款LINN UNIDISK 1.1,当年售价超8万RMB,在国际HI-FI领域屡获大奖。另,为众多烧友推崇的Linn Akurate CD,其实就是LINN UNIDISK 1.1的精简本(去掉视频电路)。& && &&&LINN UNIDISK 1.1主要规格指标:高品质多制式兼容光盘机,支持SACD(Super AudioCD)DVD-Audio在内的几乎所有格式光盘;供电电源~90V-240V、50-60Hz,电源组件以金属罩屏蔽,有效避免感染共处一室的各级电路;设有RGBHV视频输出、SPDIF75Ω同轴音频数码输出(均采用可靠的BNG接口;模拟音频输出接口,分别设有2组RCA单端式、1组XLR平衡式;内置镭射拾讯机械组件为Linn专利设计的SilverdiskEngine,采用近乎密封式的结构,免受任何周边环境影响,稳定性一流,循迹力超卓;其镭射拾讯机械组件采用中置式结构,工作极其宁静,CD金属托盘出入顺滑流畅;看起来不厚的机壳内有玄机,以三层线路板布局,充分利用空间而不增大体积,保持Linn设计的一贯风格;顶层为视频处理线路,中层为音频处理线路,底层是数码以及操控部分,同处一室但壁垒分明,各负其责,乃杜绝相互干扰所采取的有效措施。& && & 本机近乎9.9新,无修无摩无暗病,CD、SACD、DVD通杀,带原装电源线、遥控器。本机重放,继承和发扬了Linn一以贯之的风格,音乐感极佳,音乐表情丰富,经它重放的录音格外感人,而又在其各老版本的基础上平添了几分开扬大气。重播图像色彩浓艳、油 润,典型的“莱卡”色,非常稳定、通透。就CD播放,有文章称:“2.1明显比ikemi高一个档次,1.1明显比2.1高一个档次,至于说linn值多少钱么,论声音,24bit的cd12如果值6万,那unidisk1.1起码值3万,2.1两万,SC和奇美一万三四的样子。”有烧友称:“unidisk1.1是我所实试和使用过的五至十余万元的同类出品中,表现最平均、音乐性最强的全兼容式影音播放机,RMB1.69W,优先本地,壹八910280零五七,感谢关注!undefined
交易2 分威望2506 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间262 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分5216精华0UID143147
7.1CH, 积分 5216, 距离下一级还需 2784 积分
交易0 分威望1295 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间89 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2285精华0UID318039
6.1ES, 积分 2285, 距离下一级还需 2715 积分
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Unidisk SC
DVD Players
(5 Reviews)
MSRP : $4000.00
Product DescriptionUNIDISK SC player is a complete pitch accurate high fidelity AV source and control component. Featuring
Linn’s SILVER DISK ENGINE universal disc playing technology, the UNIDISK SC player is designed to facilitate access to all the new high-definition music and movie formats and deliver high-quality multi-channel control and playback.
UNIDISK SC represents a new generation of multi-channel product and is all you need to access and
control music and movies across all quality audio and video formats. Linn’s unique expertise in the field of universal disc playback and experience of integration and control have helped create what is undoubtedly the best value integrated product available today.
The UNIDISK SC player automatically recognises and plays high quality audio and video disc formats, quickly configuring playback. Uniquely amongst universal disc players, the Linn designed SILVER DISK ENGINE identifies source material and outputs signals in their native format for optimised audio performance.
The UNIDISK SC player is designed to be the central component within a multi-channel entertainment system, offering control and decoding for a wide range of external sources. 2 SPDIF inputs and 2 TOSLINK inputs interface to four digital sources, and four additional analogue inputs enable the UNIDISK SC player to decode a total of eight secondary sources.
With both fixed and variable audio outputs the UNIDISK SC player can be connected to a conventional 5-channel pre-amplifier or connected straight into multi-channel amplification. Video switching is also supported allowing the user to link audio and video streams.
Advanced universal multi-channel source and control component
Unites all quality disc formats including Super Audio CD & DVD-Audio
Features proprietary Linn SILVER DISK ENGINE technology for optimised audio performance
Fixed and variable audio outputs
Decoding and control of up to eight secondary sources
Supports all current analogue video standards
Bass re-direct in all multi-channel modes
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User ReviewsOverall Rating:Value Rating:
Submitted by
a AudioPhileDate Reviewed: January 3, 2011Bottom Line:
While I like the functionality of the stock Unidisc SC, the sound quality, especially when playing red book CDs, leaves something to be desired. Then the Dynamik power suply caught my attention and $700 is a relatively cheap option compared to what you have to pay for Naim's Hi-cap etc. After talking to my dealer I decided to get it done, and man! I can't be happier with the Dynamik! It basically transformed a good disc player to a superb one, everything, I mean everything, improved from the minute I turn it on with the Dynamik, and now I feel I can live with this player for another few years at least. I used to use a tube DAC for redbook CD playback, now I've sold the DAC. I recommend every UniSC owner to try the Dynamik, to me it's a must, and it makes major differences: (1) deeper and clearer bass (2) more body and more presence, which also means more excitement (3) More refined sound, more subtle details, more micro and macro dynamics.Used product for:
3 Months to 1 yearDuration Product Used:
AudioPhileProduct model year:
2008Overall Rating:Value Rating:
Submitted by
a Audio EnthusiastDate Reviewed: August 13, 2010Bottom Line:
I had a dealer demo of some digital linn streaming devices at the top of the range. As I think with my head as well as my heart I was'nt really impressed. Yes maybe if you really could afford to go that way. I was listening to ripped music on dacmagic though my naim and spendor and had given up on spending on digital to replace my vinyl. A few weeks later I saw the unidisk going very cheep so snapped it up. After a quick test with good results sold my dacmagic and dvd player making the price look even better still. For pure listenabilty the sound is very good, for better than the dacmagic for long listening, also i can fall asleep with it on unlike vinyl. The sound was a little thin but very very good, as i was using this as source only. I then found that I could use kineck mode as source and the sound really filled out and truely wonderfull (why im wriitning the review) As one review stated this is a fun divice. It plays dvd and as for sound options with poeple who might want to play about .. pre/source cd and sacd tv out line level and kineck out . It also works as a very listenable dac for my squeezebox atthough this can be used in kenekt mode so, , as i feel, not as good as sacd and cd for my system. Im sure some poeple will like the output of tv out as different opamps are used, the sound is dryer and more detailed but thinner. Well worth the second-hand value to me, easily.Used product for:
3 Months to 1 yearDuration Product Used:
Audio EnthusiastProduct model year:
1995Overall Rating:Value Rating:
Submitted by
a Audio EnthusiastDate Reviewed: July 30, 2010Bottom Line:
I got one of these at a very good price on ebay. Iv been streaming music through dacs and was, I would have to admit, very cynical of digital source material. I went to my local hifi dealer and listened to his very expensive linn ds sytem. Now I would'nt say no to owning this sysyem but on my budget I would, if you know what I mean, It did get me looking around though, I found the Unisdisk going for a very good price,
Like the reviews say, this really is a fun gizmo, I stream my squeeze box through it, play discs that I was previously having to rip and it really does make watching dvds more exeiting, not to mention playing about with it as a pre amp, the picture looks great to me but im no expert, sacd also sounds very good with the few I have... more fun. If you think about the price of these new, what you can pick them up for now seems very good value. The sound is very tune heavy if a little bass light. And yes after the dynamics of this have made me interested in digital sources, if not bit rates yet., yes they make a difference but I like my main sound. It is a bit high-end, if not through the preamp so much. Worth thinking about.Used product for:
1 to 3 monthsDuration Product Used:
Audio EnthusiastProduct model year:
2005Overall Rating:Value Rating:
Submitted by
a AudioPhileDate Reviewed: May 1, 2006Bottom Line:
Unidisk SC is in a category by itself. There is NO competition, so to compare this to any other reference would be impossible. I am in the commercial recording business (mixing, mastering, post etc...) and have used virtually every kind of recording/playback system on the market. Unidisk is hands-down one of the best playback units I have ever owned. It's "sound quality" is second to none. It is one of the most engaging pieces of equipment I have ever heard. Even compared to my reference cd-r (Studer d-741). It's d/a's are superb and rival my standalone units (apogee, t.c., dcs etc...). The unit lacks expandability and some "modern" features (HDMI/DVI, 6.1/7.1 and certain decoding schemes) but it's output is so musical and pure that I am forced to overlook these pitfalls. I have also had some MAJOR problems with the Unidisk (the first unit I had stopped working less than a week after I brought it home). I like think of the SC as a highly tuned sports car. Quick, nimble, effortless but at the same time finicky and sensitive to user input. If you need a dead reliable "easy to use" piece look elswhere. If uncompromised audio quality is your game you will not be let down. The unidisk is certainly not for everyone (those who have a good pre-amp/processor should look elsewhere) but is a bargain any way you slice it.Used product for:
3 Months to 1 yearDuration Product Used:
AudioPhileProduct model year:
2005Overall Rating:Value Rating:
Submitted by
a AudioPhileDate Reviewed: February 3, 2005Bottom Line:
The Unidisk SC is an expensive, but satisfying decision. CD audio replay is great and surpasses my previous reference-class T+A set. SACD replay is incredibly "natural" and "right", even with "only" two matched frontspeakers (Linn Akurat 212's). DVD-play and -sound shines, and all "original" modes have great width and depth of soundstage. There's also a number of DSP-modes ("phantom", "3-stereo") that don't add much to well-recorded originals.
Overall sound is somehow always *right*. No distractions, no fuzzy edges. Bad recordings still sound mediocre, good and greate recordings are thrilling. On my previous kit, I sometimes had the urge to use the loudness button. Not here. (It isn't there, so thats a good thing)
The DSP-modes *do* add, however, to less-than-audiofile sources. Yes, I run my Playstation-2 and my Apple airport express also via fiber through the Unidisk SC, and use it as a D/A converter slash preamp. And that's a big part of why I think it is a great piece of equipment: for the first time, I've got a well-designed control unit as the center of my A/V kit. Switching from room-rumbling Colling-Macgrae-Rally to SACD to TV-output is all on the remote. Nice touch: on a well-cabled scart-link, the SC can amp the TV sound and even extract dolby-prologic. No extra cables required, just the scart. Another nice touch: the display brightness dims with ambient lighting.
The remote requires some getting used to, it isn't exactly intuitive. RTFM. Once you get to know it, it works just fine. Glow-in-the-dark keys, too.
Important: make sure the player has had all upgrades. Mine got upgraded two weeks after installation, and after a couple of glitches. The upgrade solved the glitches, and added some features. Including remote on/off. I'm under the impression that Linn rushed this model a bit, and has to postfix some issues. Considering the fun I'm having with this unit and the speedy no-fuss upgrade, they're forgiven.
Upgrades? Lord, yes. I'm quite sure I'd like some more Akurat speakers (center, rear, sub), and another 5125 to drive them. Just got to rob a bank first. :-)
NB: price is in Euro's. I bought the SC and the 5125 5-way amp for 6600 EUR.Used product for:
1 to 3 monthsDuration Product Used:
AudioPhileProduct model year:
2004Price Paid:
$4800.00Purchased At:
Linn Dealer
Reviews 1 - 5 (5 Reviews Total)
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MSRP : $140.00
MSRP : $4000.00
MSRP : $70.00
MSRP : $160.00
MSRP : $309.00查看: 4533|回复: 7
在线时间1289 小时
业余侠客, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 252 积分
业余侠客, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 252 积分
经验248 点
1:商品名称及数量&&英国莲旗舰播放机 Linn Unidisk 1.1 CD/SACD机 银白色
3:成色:(85必填)& && && && &
Linn,优雅清纯、时尚雅致的象征,英国莲Linn Unidisk 1.1旗舰多功能播放机,新机价格8万上下。。。仅次CD12的次旗舰CD/SACD机,外表如图,状态完美,价格15000,性价比最高的CD/SACD,识货的欢迎电话和QQ咨询...
在线时间984 小时
业余侠客, 积分 295, 距离下一级还需 205 积分
业余侠客, 积分 295, 距离下一级还需 205 积分
经验295 点
金钱293 ¥
在线时间3045 小时
论坛游民, 积分 77, 距离下一级还需 123 积分
论坛游民, 积分 77, 距离下一级还需 123 积分
在线时间7271 小时
职业侠客, 积分 774, 距离下一级还需 226 积分
职业侠客, 积分 774, 距离下一级还需 226 积分
经验774 点
金钱305 ¥
在线时间2858 小时
业余侠客, 积分 299, 距离下一级还需 201 积分
业余侠客, 积分 299, 距离下一级还需 201 积分
经验299 点
金钱230 ¥
在线时间1289 小时
业余侠客, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 252 积分
业余侠客, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 252 积分
经验248 点
在线时间4318 小时
职业侠客, 积分 519, 距离下一级还需 481 积分
职业侠客, 积分 519, 距离下一级还需 481 积分
经验519 点
金钱502 ¥
在线时间1289 小时
业余侠客, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 252 积分
业余侠客, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 252 积分
经验248 点
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