6北京济南抑郁症军都口碑医院口碑,If you fail, don t forget 6

1. 别人比你更不幸。
Other people have it much worse than you do.
Someone else having problems does not make your problems disappear.
What you should say instead: I’m sorry that you’re hurting. How can I help you?
2. 明天你就会好了。
You’ll feel better tomorrow.
This isn’t fair, and it puts a lot of pressure on a person who is already struggling every single day to find the light again. Depression isn’t something that goes away overnight.
What you should say instead: Take it one day at a time, and I’ll be here with you through them all.
3. 人生本来就不公平。
Life isn’t fair.
This is, once again, downplaying this person’s feelings. No, life may not be fair, but that won’t make them feel any better about their situation.
What you should say instead: I’m so sorry this has happened to you, but we can and WILL get you through this.
4. 你必须面对。
You just have to deal with it.
他已经在面对了……而且每天都要面对…… 这样说不仅无视了人家之前的努力,还暗示他做的不好。
Someone who struggles with depression IS dealing with it…every single day…as best they can. Saying this undermines them and could make them feel as if they aren’t good enough.
What you should say instead: You don’t have to deal with this alone. I am here for you.
5. 生活仍将继续。
Life goes on.
Yeah, life does go on, but for someone dealing with depression, it can feel as if they are stuck with no way out. They probably have trouble imagining getting through a day, let alone the entire week.
What you should say instead: You have so much to live for, and I will be with you to help you rediscover those things.
6. 我知道你的感受,我也曾经历过。
I know how you feel, I was depressed once.
It might go without saying, but no one person’s feelings are exactly the same. This could make them feel as if you’re downplaying their feelings and struggle. Not everyone deals with things the same way, and that holds true for depression.
What you should say instead: I can only imagine what you must be going through, but I will try to understand the best I can.
7. 你太自私了。
You’re being selfish.
Chances are, a person struggling with depression is probably already being incredibly hard on themselves. They don’t need you to cut them down, as well. And remember, depression is not a choice. They are not choosing to do this.
What you should say instead: I really miss you. What can I do to help?
8. 出去喝一杯吧,把不高兴的都忘掉。
Go out, have fun, have a drink, and forget about it.
A night out on the town is no cure for depression. Depression isn’t just a bad day. It’s a hundred bad days, all at once, with seemingly no way out.
What you should say instead: I would love to spend some time with you, and I’m more than willing to be your shoulder to lean on. Maybe we can grab some coffee and catch up?
9. 你让我也郁闷了。
You’re bringing me down.
A person struggling with depression may feel helpless. They are strugglin the last thing they need is the extra worry and pain of trying to help you.
What you should say instead: I hate seeing you so down. What can I do to help?
10. 你到底有什么可郁闷的啊?
What do you even have to be depressed about?
Depression isn’t always caused by a traumatic or sad event. Sometimes, it just happens. That doesn’t make it any less serious.
What you should say instead: I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were struggling, I’m here now.
11. 别自己在那儿难受了!
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
There’s a big difference in feeling sorry for yourself, and struggling with depression, although sometimes the two go hand in hand.
What you should say instead: I can see that you are struggling, and it makes me upset. What can I do?
12. 你得去锻炼锻炼了。
You need to go on a run.
Although exercise can help combat bad days, when someone is struggling with depression it may be too difficult to even get out of bed some days.
What you should say instead: I need a walking buddy! Will you walk with me?
13. 出去晒晒你发霉的心情吧
You just need to get out of the house!
Again, for someone struggling with depression, leaving the house could seem next to impossible. And even if they do, leaving the house isn’t a fix for depression.
What you should say instead: I don’t like the thought of you dealing with this alone. Maybe I can come over or we can go somewhere together.
14. 每个人都能搞定自己的生活,你为什么不能?
Everyone else is dealing with life, so why can’t you?
Depression is not a choice. It is not a choice. It happens. And when it happens, it will affect anyone and everyone differently.
What you should say instead: You seem to be having a difficult time and I just want you to know that I’m here.
15. 你很坚强,会好的。
You’re strong, you’ll be fine.
Depression will make anyone feel weak and helpless.
What you should say instead: I believe in you, and I know you can get through this. I will be here every step of the way.
最后编辑于: 09:28


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