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Application Tips
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Adhesive Shelf Life
The shelf life is the time adhesive to be stored under specified conditions with no significant changes in properties. It is recommended that each adhesive family be stored under its specific conditions. Many adhesives are sensitive to extreme temperatures and some to light and humidity exposure.
Store anaerobic adhesives and sealants at 5 - 25°C (41 - 77°F). Product has a shelf life of 12 months.
Store cyanoacrylates at 8- 21°C (46 - 70°F). Product has a shelf life of 6 - 12 months, depending on grade. Cyanoacrylates should be ideally stored in a cool, dry place in unopened containers. We recommend that Optimal storage conditions for unopened containers of cyanoacrylate products are achieved with refrigeration. They should be allowed to reach room temperature before use.
Store epoxy in a cool, dry location in unopened containers between 8- 28°C (46 - 82°F), product has a shelf life of 12 months. For long shelf life sake, store the epoxy at half the above temperature range, and avoid extended exposure to warm conditions.
Temperature Effects
Controlling Cure Rates and Production Speed
Many environmental conditions affect how adhesives cure and perform over long periods of time. One of the most significant environmental factors is temperature. Minor changes in temperature can have major changes in cure speed and storage life of adhesives. Most organic adhesives have maximum continuous operating temperatures and if exposed to higher temperatures for long periods of time their performance drops significantly. Permabond has put together some guidelines for your reference to eliminate or control the potential impact of temperature and other environmental conditions on your application.
Effect of Environmental Temperature
The temperature at which the adhesive is being applied and used will affect its cure. All cure times quoted in Permabond Technical Data Sheets are taken at 23°C.
The anaerobic sealants are affected by a rise or fall in the temperature of the area in which they are being used. The general rule is for every 8°C (15°F) that the t the time required for the adhesive to cure will be halved. Conversely, if the temperature is 8°C (15°F) cooler the cure time will double.
Cyanoacrylates cure using surface moisture and are less affected by temperature. However, the humidity and the type of surface being bonded can affect cyanoacrylates.
Surfaces Preparations
The successful application of our adhesives depends on proper surface preparations. Dirt, oil, grease, etc, can all adversely affect the bonding strength and performance. A dry, clean and sometimes slightly roughened surface will ensure strong and durable bonding. Please contact us for more surfaces preparation guidelines.奔跑吧兄弟第四季官方中奖查询电话号码是什么 - 中国新闻网
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