安装黑苹果卡logo求助Yosemite下Final cut pro X频频崩溃,求助

Final Cut Pro X拥有超乎想象的全新 Timeline,以及动态的素材归整功能,让工作摆脱寻找剪辑素材的束缚,成就疾速的性能表现。
软件语言:中文 英文 日文 其他语言
系统要求:兼容性: OS X 10.10.2 或更高版本
原价:299.99美元,约1870人民币" [. b2 t1 o" K5 ~ 七度苹果电脑软件
Final Cut Pro X 10.2介绍
Final Cut Pro 是一款由苹果公司开发专业视频非线性编辑器。8 R# q7 p' E4 P8 l+ p- h 七度苹果电脑软件
Final Cut Pro X 拥有 Final Cut Studio 中主要的音效剪辑和色彩分级功能,将剪辑、音频、色彩整合在一个App中,导入并组织媒体、编辑、添加效果、改善音效、颜色分级以及交付,包含进行后期制作所需的一切功能,仅凭此款软件,即可驾驭整个后期制作工作流程。2 S$ i&&o4 ?&&^( d3 M# D) I 七度苹果电脑软件
% F+ E& [&&Y! W: T2 Z 七度苹果电脑软件
经过从底层开始的全面重新设计后,Final Cut Pro 为后期制作工作流程的方方面面增添了无与伦比的速度、质量和灵活性。
它拥有超乎想象的全新 Timeline,以及动态的素材归整功能,让工作摆脱寻找剪辑素材的束缚,成就疾速的性能表现。
) j' Q3 f* E" C7 V$ O; s: y- I 七度苹果电脑软件
最新功能% ?/ |# P" [' {( Y& F 七度苹果电脑软件
多声道音频剪辑/ E5 N" a" Y9 a) A- M0 K5 z 七度苹果电脑软件
; _) [% ^, S% f3 n% g 七度苹果电脑软件
统一导入8 N* i) [&&?9 _' |: _: P 七度苹果电脑软件
( f9 ?. m$ w- ~7 i+ o 七度苹果电脑软件
精简的共享功能4 O! Q5 A# f$ P, b, ^&&b/ D 七度苹果电脑软件
你能以比以往更快的速度从 Final Cut Pro 中交付作品。多种导出预置选项已为广泛的用途而优化,其中包括针对 iPhone、iPad 及 Apple TV* 的预置。你也可以在 Compressor 中创建自定义设置,然后从 Final Cut Pro 轻松访问它们。导出整个项目、单个片段或者项目或事件中选定的范围。通过单步操作,可以绑定多个终端来交付同一项目的不同版本。另外还可直接在 Final Cut Pro 中添加章节标记,以便快速在 QuickTime 文件、DVD 或蓝光光盘中的不同章节之间移动。
9 Z7 J% [8 W( S# D) A! x 七度苹果电脑软件
按需启用第二个检视器,以便比较镜头及匹配操作。它还可在事件浏览器中显示你浏览、选择和播放的媒体。你可以选择同时在两个检视器显示视频观测仪,从而轻松评价并挑选合适的素材。# o/ m! n, H&&| 七度苹果电脑软件
RED 摄像机支持
将 RED 素材直接导入 Final Cut Pro X,然后利用对 .r3d 文件的原生支持即刻开始剪辑。一边工作,一边在后台转换为 ProRes 4444 或 ProRes Proxy, 还可以使用选配的 RED ROCKET 卡加速转码、渲染和回放。你甚至无需离开 Final Cut Pro 就可调整基本的 Debayer 和颜色设置,从而获得你期望的视觉效果。4 L/ M6 x$ h+ z( o 七度苹果电脑软件
MXF 插件支持
使用由 Hamburg Pro Media 和 Calibrated Software 等厂商开发的第三方插件,对 MXF 文件进行原生处理。从你的媒体资料库、归档或其他视频来源导入 MXF 文件,然后从 Final Cut Pro 中直接导出 MXF 格式。
灵活的片段连接) n5 ]1 r, l5 r0 I. A 七度苹果电脑软件
支持元数据导入与导出XML 1.26 p+ X7 K3 n, p- k 七度苹果电脑软件
在应用软件之间移动项目和媒体时,体验更丰富的整合功能。XML 1.2 包含 Reel 等新的标准元数据字段。另外,Final Cut Pro X 的 XML 现在包含自定义项目和媒体元数据,因此你可以从第三方 app 和媒体资源管理系统中导入或导出。9 @- Y4 K2 c+ O 七度苹果电脑软件
运用一系列创新功能,让多机位项目的剪辑比以往更加快捷。选择视频和照片,然后根据时间日期、时间码、标记或音频波形图自动同步不同的机位角度,创建多机位素材片段。你可以随时更改、添加或删除摄像机角度,并且无需转换即可处理不同的格式、帧尺寸和帧速率。剪辑多机位项目时,只要在角度检视器中点击或使用键盘快捷键,即可在视频与音频之间快速切换。甚至只需点击一下,就能将来自多个摄像机的音频声道合并起来。3 F( f6 c&&M+ J% C- u" K 七度苹果电脑软件
拷贝及粘贴属性3 [+ `( o# O4 B' k 七度苹果电脑软件
1 N/ X$ K( Q4 c+ K8 A 七度苹果电脑软件
轻击一键,即可从时间线或事件中的源媒体创建静帧,并将其添加到你的项目中。3 `6 p2 j% y6 c 七度苹果电脑软件
通过直接在 Final Cut Pro 中使用投影效果,为文字和物体添加维度。使用直观的屏幕控件调整位置、边缘衰减、角度和更多属性。或通过检查器使用一整套调整设置。 3D 照明模式可动态调整投影方向,呈现逼真的视觉效果。5 g8 A# k1 r: J( ` 七度苹果电脑软件
: q: w/ O% _9 h 七度苹果电脑软件
改进的复合片段- E. m6 @&&L' n. V% @0 P 七度苹果电脑软件
复合片段现在会自动保存到事件浏览器里,从而便于整合剪辑操作,并在多个项目中重复使用。而且,复合片段的操作方式与多机位片段类似,因此你在事件浏览器中所做的更改,会立即显现在该片段使用的地方。$ }+ a1 B# U3 |5 O 七度苹果电脑软件
& G. ]* A8 n# ~9 U 七度苹果电脑软件
为配备 Retina 显示屏的 MacBook Pro 而优化
经过优化的 Final Cut Pro X 可在配备 Retina 显示屏的 MacBook Pro 上出色地完成工作。因此在配备 Retina 显示屏的 15 英寸 MacBook Pro 上,你不仅能以像素级精确的 1080p HD 高清格式查看视频,同时能在屏幕上看到剪辑工作位置。配备 Retina 显示屏的 MacBook Pro 里的处理器、图形处理器及内存均是为全闪存架构而打造,它为 Final Cut Pro X 带来前所未有的移动视频剪辑能力。你可以流畅地剪辑多机位项目,处理多达 9 条 1080p ProRes 422 (HQ) 内容流或多达 4 条 1080p 无压缩 8 位视频流,这一切都直接在内置闪存中轻松实现。
$ H8 t. D) {8 r% u- k 七度苹果电脑软件
版本 10.2 中的新功能
要求 OS X 10.10.2 或更高版本5 J$ d% {&&I: L 七度苹果电脑软件
推出 3D 字幕
• 精美的 3D 动画文本,自定 3D 文本变得如此简单
• 简易模版让您快速入门
• 内建背景和动画的电影音效模板
• 大量的文本样式,一次点按便可创建令人称奇的外观&&d! S! f# @. b( k 七度苹果电脑软件
• 使用上百种材质、灯光和边缘组合来自定您的字幕3 o9 J. u, S) R9 s 七度苹果电脑软件
• 附加控制可让您对环境、阴影等进行调整- j* r7 H* b4 ?$ F7 Q 七度苹果电脑软件
• 可立即将任意 2D 字幕转换为 3D 字幕
• 在 Motion 中打开任意字幕来添加多个灯光、摄像机和字距
• 可同时显示多达四个视频观测仪
• 将超椭圆“形状”遮罩应用到任意片段( n. U3 ]& J- T7 e0 X 七度苹果电脑软件
• 将“绘制”遮罩应用到任意片段,选项包括线性、贝塞尔曲线或 B 样条曲线平滑
• 每个效果具备新的“形状”和“颜色”遮罩控制
• 立即显示任意效果遮罩的 Alpha 通道8 v) N( T6 p& }! v$ f 七度苹果电脑软件
• 将自定效果存储为预置以便快速访问9 Z4 r4 u2 U" x9 H 七度苹果电脑软件
• 颜色板并入新的“色彩校正”效果
• 重新排列“色彩校正”效果的处理顺序
• 改进的关键帧设定带来更好的运动平滑效果7 _9 g' C6 i( t2 h# B* q 七度苹果电脑软件
• 改进的光流使得更的内容能够呈现出精美的慢动作画面
• FxPlug 插件和使用多帧(如“可见重影”和“轨迹”)的内建效果拥有更好的性能
' c. _% P6 l7 x 七度苹果电脑软件
• Panasonic AVC-Ultra 编解码器系列&&k' A" g+ M: H" r. S- S9 g 七度苹果电脑软件
• Sony XAVC-S
• 无需额外插件即可导入 Sony XAVC 和 XDCAM 格式
• JVC H.264 Long GOP
• GPU 加速 RED RAW 处理(支持双 GPU 加速)
• 支持 RED RAW 变形格式5 P" W& f" u* P; \* V 七度苹果电脑软件
• “智能精选”可用于事件和资源库级别
• 导入窗口将所有选项整合到单个边栏中
• 使用“发送到 Compressor”可通过 GPU 进行渲染(支持双 GPU 渲染), [. ^+ x& D( @$ ? 七度苹果电脑软件
OS X 10.9.2 或者更高(支持10.10及以上系统)3 ~3 d5 W! l- F3 Q: G 七度苹果电脑软件
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit
RAM minimum: 4GB/ M, N/ ^' B. Q# P% f2 b 七度苹果电脑软件
Video RAM: 256MB4 }8 R# _* ~9 E: R2 e 七度苹果电脑软件
3 s&&t+ n3 q% r. |( @. D 七度苹果电脑软件
) D( {# f! e. E7 X' \ 七度苹果电脑软件
4 R2 ~; K6 o+ V: d1 \ 七度苹果电脑软件
8 L0 c6 M4 }$ ^ 七度苹果电脑软件
* _, s* L+ ?# ?0 J" l$ F 七度苹果电脑软件
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七度新手, 积分 11, 距离下一级还需 19 积分
最新版的搜狗拼音输入法 mac版,抢先试用!
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and Yosemite (1/9)
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Before I upgrade to Yosemite, I wanted to make sure with people that FCPX still works. I've got some projects coming up and I'd really hate to shoot myself in the foot by updating blindly
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As always, if you're on deadline or about to start important work, let the early adopters find the bumps in the road. Saw a tweet about Yosemite possibly killing scopes in FCPX. Hold off for now, as FCPX should be getting an update too, soon.
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The scopes problem is obsolete. Works in last builds.
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STOP!!! Don't hit the button to download OS X Yosemite:
(just the normal warnings to be careful - Editor)
Last Edit: 17 Oct
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Rule #1. &If you make money with your software then do yourself a favor and wait&
This isn't an iPhone update, as much as I want to push the button, I know it could make my life hell, I'll wait a month or so. I don't really see the point in doing it without there being a benefit to FCPX anyway since that's all I really use my computer for.
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I agree it's safer to wait awhile if you want to use Yosemite as your primary OS.
In the meantime i have been testing FCP X on the official version of Yosemite and everything runs as expected. Pretty solid for a first release.
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I have to agree with Ronny.
All good so far.
Final Cut Library Manager works too.
Still going through the plug ins to see if they all work.
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I've been using the pro apps with Yosemite dev beta for quite some time.
Scopes and multiclips had some issues, occasional crashes (rare), but when the GM candidates started releasing, it ran great.
I also was beta testing a couple of specific plugins for third party developers (there's some wicked awesome FxPlug3 updated stuff coming).
For the most part, was always very happy with 10.10 and the pro apps.
I'm using it because I have backups, have been using it, etc, and am heavily using of the 10.10 features (making calls with my nMP as a speaker phone while I work).
That said, I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS advise anyone making a living at this, to upgrade for a few weeks, lets see what shakes out with the general population first.
Last Edit: 17 Oct
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Had the same experience as you Ben. I had 10.10 exclusively on my MBP only till today, did some tests with bigger jobs once the GMs dropped, all good. Neat video works, other heavy lifting plugins work.
The rule of 'never upgrade during a project' mattered when hard drives were really expensive, there wasn't rock solid drive cloning tools. Now you can make a sparse image clone of your boot drive, test everything out, and then make an informed decision. If there are any deal breakers, you can just revert back. I haven't really had any catastrophes as long as I have a boot drive clone.
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Been using FCPX on Yosemite for a month, no problems, no crashes. SliceX/TrackX work fine.
I don't make a living with X so I wasn't particularly concerned beyond having good backups of Libraries and OS. Library Manager, SuperDuper, couple of big drives, Thunderbolt all help minimize down/recovery time. At least when your the solo editor.
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Good to hear many people are having a pretty solid experience with Yosemite. I'll be waiting for now. Hope things stay solid. It usually takes a couple days before the &I updated and now things don't work& posts to come in. Hope the Pro Apps updates come quickly.
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A place for your findings on FCPX and Yosemite
Last Edit: 17 Oct
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I have been working on project in Yosemite and I had no issue. I guess someone had to test it.
Where I would be careful is with the 3rd party plugins.
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Fresh Boarder
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I've found a potential issue with PHYX plugins which don't seem to be working for me at least with FCPX 10.1.3 and OS X 10.10 Yosemite. In fact looking further into it, there may be an issue potentially with ALL of the FX Factory plug-ins. Can anyone corroborate these findings?
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The only problem I'm having so far is with Compressor. Likes to getting stuck in Waiting mode after a while, basically shuts itself down. Not happening on 10.9.5.
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I've been through my 3rd party plug-ins and found a few that on my late 2013 MBP seem to currently have problems running under Yosemite.
These are:
Andys Effects - Better 3D and Elastic Aspect.
Boinx - Flip & Shatter 3D.
DVShade - Easy Looks.
Luca - Light Kit.
Hawaiki - Autograde and Automatch.
Idustrial Revolution - Particlemetrics and Volumetrics.
PHYX - Cleaner, Defocus, Flarelight and Keyer.
Apart from Andys FX, these are all to be found on the FX Factory platform.
Plugins from Cineflare, Digital Anarchy, Coremelt, MotionVFX, Sugar FX, Tokyo and XEffects all seem to be working ok.
Hope this helps.
Last Edit: 17 Oct
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The Administrator :)
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Ok, interesting to know. Maybe this looks like a Quartz Composer problem
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Not a Final Cut Pro X but pretty close... DPDecoder still will quit unexpectedly from /Applications/DaVinci Resolve Lite.app/Contents/Applications/DPDecoder.app/Contents/MacOS/DPDecoder
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Just did some further testing with plugins. Tests on new MacPro D700, 2011 Mini and retina MBP. Our production iMacs won't be updated until next month.
I have no issues with iDustrial Revolution Volumetrix or Particlemetix. Neither with the filters nor with the transitions.
Boinx working fine here as well, as do all the Lucas effects and transitions.
BCC9 working good, CoreMelt plugins are OK.DV Shade also OK.
It seems the issues may be system related, as often. Best to keep an eye on the third party developers' websites to see if they post fixes.
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I just installed Yosemite, and the whole process took 30 minutes. FCPX works smoothly, tried some effect like DV Shade, Slice EX and all works as usual. I have to test more effects. But I was a bit worried about Toms issue with Compressor. But to my relief Compressor works flawlessly. Actually a bit faster.
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访问太频繁了,服务器要炸。Final Cut Pro X 找不到项目怎么办?
这两天我也遇到了。首先你要确定项目素材位置路径是否正确,有无移动,这个路径包括从盘符到具体的文件名。这过程一旦有重新命名就会丢失,也可能直接导致项目打开失败。如果都不是,应该是新系统和Final cut兼容性上的问题,目测是系统缺陷。说多了都没用,新建项目..重新开工吧...


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