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Formatting CSV Data For JIRA Tables Using AngularJS And Plupload - 推酷
Formatting CSV Data For JIRA Tables Using AngularJS And Plupload
At my company,InVision App, I'm often tasked with running SQL reports against the database. I love this (for serious). Writing SQL is sometimes one of the major highlights of my day. But, unfortunately, reporting those results in a JIRA ticket seems to be a non-trivial task. Of course, I suck at JIRA, so there may be some native functionality that I just don't know about. That said, I wanted to see if I could create a little utility app, self-hosted on GitHub Pages, that would help me prepare my SQL findings for JIRA comments.
As a fun experiment, I wanted to take this opportunity to learn a little bit more about the JavaScript File API. So, in addition to being able to copy-n-paste CSV data into the app, I wanted to be able to drag-n-drop a CSV file onto the app. When doing so, the app catches the drop event, thanks to Plupload, reads in the CSV data, and pipes it into the rendering engine.
Once the data is available, I parse it into a two-dimensional array of records, which is subsequently converted into a recordset. This recordset is then used to generate the JIRA markup as well as generate an actual HTML preview of the table. If the first record is being used as the header, it will be sliced off. If there is no header record, the column list will be auto-generated.
Right now, there is no way (in the user interface) to tell the parser what the field delimiter is. But, the parser will do its best to guess the most appropriate delimiter by calculating the most frequently used character in the data. If commas are used more than tabs, it assumes a comma delimiter. If tabs are used more than commas, it assumes a tab delimiter. Under the hood, the CSV parser is defined as a provider that will allow a delimiter to be defined during the application's bootstrapping phase.
If I grab a CSV file and drag-n-drop it onto the app, it looks like this:
And, here's the code:
&!doctype html&
&html ng-app=&App&&
&meta charset=&utf-8& /&
JIRA CSV Formatter by Ben Nadel
&link rel=&stylesheet& type=&text/css& href=&///css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,600,700&&&/link&
&link rel=&stylesheet& type=&text/css& href=&./app.css&&&/link&
&!-- CAUTION: Using Body tag as a component directive. --&
JIRA CSV Formatter
&section class=&csv-input&&
CSV Content
&label class=&has-header&&
&input type=&checkbox& ng-model=&vm.form.hasHeader& ng-change=&vm.processCSV()& /&
Use first row as header column list.
placeholder=&Paste CSV content here... (or drag-n-drop a CSV file)&&
&section class=&jira-output&&
JIRA Table Markup
&textarea id=&jira& ng-model=&vm.form.jira& readonly=&readonly&&&/textarea&
&section class=&data-output&&
Table Preview
&div class=&preview& ng-switch=&!! vm.recordset&&
&table ng-switch-when=&true&&
&th ng-repeat=&column in vm.recordset.columns track by $index&&
{{ column }}
&tr ng-repeat=&row in vm.recordset.rows track by $index&&
&td ng-repeat=&value in row track by $index&&
{{ value }}
&div ng-switch-when=&false& class=&no-data&&
No data yet to preview.
&section ng-if=&vm.isShowingDropzone& class=&drop-cover&&
&div class=&lasso&&
&span class=&label&&
Drop CSV File Here...
&!-- Load vendor scripts. --&
&script type=&text/javascript& src=&./vendor/angular-1.4.8/angular.min.js&&&/script&
&script type=&text/javascript& src=&./vendor/plupload-2.1.8/moxie.min.js&&&/script&
&script type=&text/javascript&&
// Define our application module.
angular.module( &App&, [ &ng& ] );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I manage the application component directive.
angular.module( &App& ).directive(
function bodyDirective( $document, $timeout, $log, readFile ) {
// Return the directive definition object.
controller: BodyController,
controllerAs: &vm&,
link: link,
restrict: &E&
// I bind the JavaScript events to the view-model.
function link( scope, element, attributes, controller ) {
// Set up our dropzone (using the Body).
var dropzone = new mOxie.FileDrop({
drop_zone: element[ 0 ]
dropzone.ondrop = handleD
// Because the drag API is basically a nightmare wrapped in an insult,
// we need to listen for various drag events to make sense of what the
// user is actually doing.
element.on( &dragenter&, handleDragenter );
element.on( &dragleave&, handleDragleave );
element.on( &dragover&, handleDragover );
// Part of the drag-n-drop dance requires a timer to prevent
// prematurely closing the dropzone overlay while the user is actively
// dragging a file onto the window.
var leaveTimer =
// When the user clicks on the JIRA Output textarea, let's highlight
// it for easy copy-n-paste operations.
var jiraOutput = angular
.element( $document[ 0 ].getElementById( &jira& ) )
.on( &click&, highlightOutput )
// I handle the drag-enter event.
function handleDragenter( event ) {
// If we're not showing the dropzone overlay yet, show it.
if ( ! controller.isShowingDropzone ) {
scope.$apply( controller.showDropzone );
// I handle the drag-leave event.
function handleDragleave( event ) {
// Because the drag events fire in a horrible horrible horrible
// order, we can't believe that the leave event really indicates
// that the user has intended to leave. As such, we have to put
// the &hide& command in a timeout, giving the &dragover& event
// a chance to cancel this timer.
leaveTimer = $timeout( controller.hideDropzone, 50 );
// I handle the drag-over event.
function handleDragover( event ) {
// Clear any running leave-timer so that we don't prematurely
// close the dropzone overlay.
$timeout.cancel( leaveTimer );
// I handle the drop event for the file objects and read the file
// content if it is applicable.
function handleDrop( event ) {
var file = dropzone.files[ 0 ];
// If the file type looks valid, read in the content and pass
// it off to the controller for view-model integration.
if ( isValidFilename( ) ) {
readFile( file.getSource() )
.then( controller.setCSV, $log.error )
.then( highlightOutput )
// No matter what happens with the file, close the overlay.
scope.$apply( controller.hideDropzone );
// Destroy all of the dropped files to prevent memory leaks.
for ( var i = 0, length = dropzone.files. i & i++ ) {
dropzone.files[ i ].destroy();
// I highlight the JIRA output text for easy copy-paste action.
function highlightOutput() {
// Since the JIRA output is controlled by an ngModel binding, we
// need to give the HTML time to catch up with the change in the
// view-model. As such, wrap highlight in a timeout.
function waitForHTMLToCatchUp() {
jiraOutput[ 0 ].focus();
jiraOutput[ 0 ].select();
// I determine if the given filename matches a file type that is
// likely to have parsable content.
function isValidFilename( name ) {
return( /\.(csv|txt)$/i.test( name ) );
// I control the application component.
function BodyController( $scope, parseCSV ) {
// I hold the ng-model bindings for the form fields.
vm.form = {
hasHeader: true
// I determine if the dropzone overlay is showing.
vm.isShowingDropzone =
// I hold the recordset instance that we'd like to render as a table
// in JIRA markdown.
vm.recordset =
// Expose the public methods.
vm.hideDropzone = hideD
vm.processCSV = processCSV;
vm.setCSV = setCSV;
vm.showDropzone = showD
// I hide the dropzone overlay.
function hideDropzone() {
vm.isShowingDropzone =
// I process the CSV data that is currently in the csv binding.
function processCSV() {
// If there is no CSV data, nullify the recordset.
if ( ! vm.form.csv ) {
vm.form.jira = &&;
vm.recordset =
// If we've gotten this far, we have content to parse. First,
// let's parse the content into a simple two-dimensional array.
var rows = parseCSV( vm.form.csv );
// Now, let's convert the two-dimensional array into an actual
// recordset that we can render in the markup.
if ( vm.form.hasHeader ) {
vm.recordset = {
columns: rows[ 0 ],
rows: rows.slice( 1 )
vm.recordset = {
columns: buildColumns( rows[ 0 ].length ),
rows: rows
// Calculate the JIRA markup required to render the recordset.
// This the *actual data* that we are trying to get at.
vm.form.jira = recordsetToJIRA( vm.recordset );
// I set the CSV content and then process it.
function setCSV( newCSV ) {
vm.form.csv = newCSV;
// I show the dropzone overlay.
function showDropzone() {
vm.isShowingDropzone =
// I build a columns collection with the given column count.
function buildColumns( count ) {
var letters = &ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&.match( /./g );
var columns = [];
for ( var i = 0 ; i & i++ ) {
var groupIndex = Math.floor( i / letters.length );
var letter = letters[ i % letters.length ]
var label = groupIndex
? ( groupIndex + 1 + letter )
columns.push( label );
return( columns );
// I convert the given recordset into JIRA table markdown.
function recordsetToJIRA( recordset ) {
var newline = &\n&;
// We can get the JIRA markdown by concatenating the markdown
// representation for the Header and the Body of the table.
columnsToString( recordset.columns ) +
rowsToString( recordset.rows )
// I convert the given columns collection to a JIRA markdown string.
function columnsToString( columns ) {
return( &||& + escapePipes( columns ).join( &||& ) + &||& );
// I take the given collection and escape all embedded pipes in
// each item. We need to do this because the pipe is a special
// character in the JIRA markdown.
function escapePipes( collection ) {
function operator( value ) {
return( value.replace( /\|/g, &\\|& ) );
// I convert the given rows collection to a JIRA markdown string.
function rowsToString( rows ) {
var rowBuffer =
function operator( values ) {
return( &|& + escapePipes( values ).join( &|& ) + &|& );
return( rowBuffer.join( newline ) );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I provide a service that reads a File object and returns a promise.
angular.module( &App& ).factory(
function readFileFactory( $q ) {
return( readFile );
// I read the the given file object and return promise that will either
// resolve with the text content or will reject with the error object
// provided by the File API.
function readFile( source ) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = handleL
reader.onerror = handleE
reader.readAsText( source );
return( deferred.promise );
// I handle file IO errors.
function handleError( event ) {
deferred.reject( );
// I handle a successful file read.
function handleLoad( event ) {
deferred.resolve( );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I provide a service that parses CSV text content.
angular.module( &App& ).provider(
function parseCSVProvider() {
// I am the default field delimiter for the CSV content. By default,
// we'll use a best-guess approach to the delimiter. However, if this
// delimiter is defined, we'll use it instead of guessing.
var defaultDelimiter = &&;
var fallbackDelimiter = &,&;
// Return the public API.
getDelimiter: getDelimiter,
setDelimiter: setDelimiter,
// The underlying factory.
$get: parseCSVFactory
// I get the current default delimiter.
function getDelimiter() {
return( defaultDelimiter );
// I set the new default delimiter.
function setDelimiter( newDelimiter ) {
// Only use the first character as the delimiter.
defaultDelimiter = String( newDelimiter || &,& ).slice( 0, 1 );
// I build the CSV parsing service.
function parseCSVFactory() {
return( parseCSV );
// I parse the given CSV data using the optional delimiter. The
// parsed payload is an array of arrays.
function parseCSV( data, delimiter ) {
delimiter = ( delimiter || defaultDelimiter || guessDelimiter( data ) );
var rows = [];
var values =
var matches =
var pattern = new RegExp(
// Delimiters.
&(^|\\& + delimiter + &|\\r?\\n|\\r)& +
// Quoted fields.
&\&([^\&]*(?:\&\&[^\&]*)*)\&& +
// Standard fields.
&([^\&\\& + delimiter + &\\r\\n]*)& +
// Keep looping over the matches until we've processed the
// entire CSV content.
while ( matches = pattern.exec( data ) ) {
// Extract the groups for short-hand access.
var $delimiter = matches[ 1 ];
var $quotedField = matches[ 2 ];
var $nakedField = matches[ 3 ];
// If we have a non-field delimiter, start a new row of values.
// NOTE: Since we are aggressively matching on &^&, our first
// match should always be the start of the content and therefore
// the start of the first row.
if ( $delimiter !== delimiter ) {
rows.push( values = [] );
// If it's a quoted field, escape un-escape embedded quotes.
if ( $quotedField ) {
values.push( $quotedField.replace( /&&/g, &\&& ) );
// If it's a naked field, just add as-is.
values.push( $nakedField );
return( rows );
// I guess the correct delimiter by counting the possible delimiters
// and choosing the most frequent one. If no clear winner can be found,
// I fall back to using the fallbackDelimiter.
function guessDelimiter( data ) {
var commaCount = ( data + &,& ).match( /,/g ).
var tabCount = ( data + &\t& ).match( /\t/g ).
var colonCount = ( data + &:& ).match( /:/g ).
// If all the counts are equal, use the fallback since we couldn't
// make an educated decision.
if ( ( commaCount === tabCount ) && ( commaCount === colonCount ) ) {
return( fallbackDelimiter );
// Since we know that one of the delimiters was a winner, check to
// see if the comma (most common) is the winner.
} else if ( ( commaCount & tabCount ) && ( commaCount & colonCount ) ) {
return( &,& );
// If the comma didn't win, check to see if the tab is the winner.
} else if ( tabCount &= colonCount ) {
return( &\t& );
return( &:& );
For me personally, I'll get a lot of use out of this in JIRA. But, more than anything, this was just a fun little application to build.
Thanks my man —
you rock the party that rocks the body!
权限设置: 公开
与原文不一致小团队协作,有哪些值得推荐的 Web 应用和工具软件?有什么好的做法可以作为最佳实践?
一个付费的 github 我认为是最必要的。它可以一下子解决代码托管, issues , wiki 三个小团队最需要的东西。
2 testflight
所以,可控制灰度的空中测试工具也很重要。移动项目导入 testflight 是必要的。
3 invision
另外, github 不适合设计的交流,和 basecamp 比较,个人更喜欢 invision 。
相信我,你们需要一个微信群 - 他非常有利于实时的消息共享。
5 最后的话
github + invision + testflight + 微信群基本可以解决:
需求文档( github wiki ) -& 课题跟踪( github issues ) -& 设计讨论( invision ) -& 代码托管( github ) -& 灰度发布( testflight ) 的整个的流程。
6 工具之外的话
个人的推荐是 SCRUM 。
其实,只要组织和管理方法定了,工具反而不重要了,Low-tech 也可以很高效:
我们在选择工具时,伙伴做了很多探索(感谢我们的 Geek伙伴),几乎主流的工具都品味了一下,最终选择了 Trello。我自己现在的体会是,Trello 好在你以什么样的程度去用都可以,简单当看板用也可以,再复杂点支持更多内容也能用,没有一个高学习成本和固化的套路,这很好。
其他工具,例如 Github 等,也非常有帮助。
以前回答过类似的问题 ,我觉的答案非常适合这个问题,等有机会再写一篇文章专门讨论。
1. 工具比团队人数多
简单统计一下,有邮件Email、即时通讯IM、日程管理 、文档协作Google Docs、项目管理、群组聊天
、文件共享Dropbox、缺陷跟踪 ,这就已经有八个工具了,试想对于小创业公司来说,团队成员人数都不一定能有这么多,少则两三人、多则七八人。每个成员还要分别注册不同的系统帐号,才能跟大家一起工作,这是在提高效率,还是在降低效率?
2. 各个工具的数据无法共享
3. 简单够用就好
1)Email:Email的地位始终无法取代,Email是必须的,我们使用的是 ,Gmail由于众所周知的原因,无奈放弃。
2) :源码管理,放弃自己搭建git、svn服务器的想法吧,在Github每月支付几美元就够用了,一年也花不了几个钱。我们所有的源代码都放在Github。
3) :我们团队自己的产品,自产自销。用它做项目管理、缺陷跟踪、文件共享、群组聊天和文档协作,各个元素之间可以很好的互相配合。有朋友会问,Worktile做了这么多,估计哪个都做不专。这点我承认,文件共享我们不如Dropbox,文档协作不如Google Docs,但是仔细想想,我们真的用了Google Docs的全部功能了吗,还是那么句话,够用就好。再补充一点,Worktile可以很好的跟Email结合,通过Email创建任务、发起讨论,这样不就把把团队的资源连接起来了吗?
小团队协作必不可少的工具就是ITS。(Issue Tracking system )
一套合格的 Issue Tracking system 的 Issue 至少要可以纪录这些内容:
Issue 的主题Issue 的内容Issue 现在的状态 (新建立、已指派、已解决、已响应、已结束、已搁置…etc)Issue 优先权 (正常、重要、紧急、轻微、会挡路…etc.)Issue 发生日期Issue 希望解决日期Issue 实际解决日期Issue 被分派给谁Issue 的附件Isuue 的观察者有谁Project Management Tool
其中 Redmine 、JIRA 、Basecamp 并不仅止是 Issue Tracking System,更精确的来说,它们应该被称为「项目管理工具」。
一个地方可以透明的列出所有需要被执行的项目 (Issue List)一个地方可以列出阶段内需要被执行的项目 ( Issue Milestone )一个可以记载 内容,状态、优先权、日期、分派者、观察者,且具有「permalink」、「权限控管」,且让大家可以讨论执行项目细节的地方。(Issue Ticket)可以 cross reference 或具有子票功能一个地方可以整理统合项目现在所有的相关信息。( Wiki 功能)一个地方可以看到自己今天需要 Focus 进行哪些项目(Issue Personal Dashboard)一个地方能让 Manager 可以看到自己的 Member 正在进行哪些项目,这些项目目前的状态是什么。(Issue Query)
一个可以记载 内容,状态、优先权、预计完成日期、分派者、执行者,且让大家可以讨论执行项目细节的地方。(Issue Ticket)可以平行讨论,而不是信件顺序往来明确的完成时间一个地方可以整理统合项目现在所有的相关信息。( Wiki 功能)提供项目相关的信息以及 SOP 同时,项目最好能够搭配举行每日的 Standup Meeting,确保每个人正在进
@ 的理论很强,实际操作太复杂了,尤其是小团队10人左右推荐Trello.
对新人来说,了解工具是必要的, 了解工具产生的上下文尤为必要。
彩程设计的fish最近的一篇日志(“任务”让项目顺利运行 )可以帮小白们快速了解必要的上下文。ps:彩程设计自家的tower也很不错,
一下是来自于web app successs中groundwork篇,对团队合作工具的小小论述:
对于团队成员间的文档和其他项目文件的共享的需求,有很工具能够满足。 团队环境决定了最终的选择,
考虑: D ShareP B 或者一个简单的共享网络硬盘(samba等)
考虑: QQ(和其他即时通讯软件);面对面(如果团队成员都是在同一个地方);电话。
考虑:MediaW 谷歌文档,具体的协作工具,如。MindMeister4
Google Docs
对于团队合作来说, 链接分享和导出,revision版本历史,修改记录,comment同事评论,权限管理,几乎是必须的。
它的特殊功能,很实用:presentation的live presentation,spreadsheet的creating a form to gather data,documentation的Google’s research tools等
Redmine, jira, trello, tower,basecamp
idea(issue), list(project),和idea detail(指派,checklist,投票,订阅等)功能层级清晰明了
其实还有很多槽想吐的。。 (因为本童鞋先在大公司实习半年时间,最近准备创业小公司的入职,对比起来,到的确发现了挺多有趣的事)
如果是程序类的,我推荐github。 它里面的issues功能用着也很方便。
, 这个挺有意思。
Bitbucket/Github + Trello 很好用,如果远程协作还可以加上skype.
小团队是怎么定义的? 如果是10个人以内的小团队,一张白板做项目管理,一个SVN做代码和文档存档足矣。
小团队推荐组合:Confluence + JIRA + GTalk + GMail,其中Confluence 和 JIRA 小团队套餐价格非常便宜, GTalk 和 GMail是免费提供的。


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