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扫描下载二维码预备微积分 Pre-Calculus
This course covers mathematical topics in algebra and trigonometry and is designed to prepare students to enroll for a first semester course in single variable calculus.课程简介:这门课程涵盖了代数和三角学中的主题,目的是为参加单变量微积分第一学期课程的学生做好准备。This course covers mathematical topics in algebra and trigonometry and is designed to prepare students to enroll for a first semester course in single variable calculus.工作量:10-12 小时/周授课语言:英语字幕:英语课程时长: 10周开课时间: 日关于课程:通过这门课程的学习,学生将获得代数和三角学方面的坚实基础。本课程着重于研究在微积分学习中占有重要地位的各种函数。重点将放在了解线性函数、多项式函数、分段函数、指数函数、对数函数和三角函数的特性上。学生将学习如何处理以符号、图形、数值或口头的形式表达的函数。Through this course, students will acquire a solid foundation in algebra and trigonometry. The course concentrates on the various functions that are important to the study of the calculus. Emphasis is placed on understanding the properties of linear, polynomial, piecewise, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Students will learn to work with various types of functions in symbolic, graphical, numerical and verbal form.Signature Track 选项:Signature Track 是可选的参加课程的另一种方式。通过注册和支付一些象征性的费用(可提供资金援助),你可以得到对你所参加的Coursera课程的更高级别的个人证明。如果你得到足够的分数,你将有得到Verified Certificate 的机会。在每一份作业中,你需要通过你的照片和特殊的打字方式确认你的身份。如果你获得了一份Verified Certificate ,你也会得到一个可以发送给雇主和教育机构的超链接,其中包括你的课程记录。点击这里以获得关于 Signature Track 选项的更多信息。Signature Track is an optional path you may choose for this course. By signing up and paying a nominal fee (financial aid can be provided), you can add a higher level of identity verification to your Coursera coursework. If you achieve the threshold score, you have the opportunity to earn a Verified Certificate. For each assignment, your identity is confirmed through your photo and unique typing pattern. If you earn a Verified Certificate, you will also be given a personal URL through which your course records can be shared with employers and educational institutions.Click here for more information on the Signature Track option.大学学分推荐选项:美国教育委员会大学学分推荐服务(ACE CREDIT)已评价和推荐这门微积分预科课程,因此你将在你的大学教育中得到一个良好的开端。2000多所大学教育机构认为 ACE学分推荐可以转移至学位课程。如果你选择以这种方式上课,在课程结束时,你将参加一场网上监考的考试,你的大学学分推荐资格将由考试结果和课程完成情况共同评定。点击这里以获得关于大学学分推荐的更多信息。This Pre-Calculus course has been evaluated and recommended by the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) for college credit so you can get a head start on your college education. More than 2,000 higher education institutions consider ACE credit recommendations for transfer to degree programs. If you add this option, towards the end of the course, you will take an online proctored exam which will be combined with your coursework to determine your eligibility for college credit recommendation.Click here for more information on ACE College Credit recommendation.课程大纲:这门课将持续十周,每周发布一些材料。下面是每周课程计划。第1周:代数回顾,线性方程组,线性不等式,等式和不等式中的绝对值第2周:二次方程组,绝对值,有理和无理方程第3周:函数,图的转换 第4周:反函数,多项式 第5周:指数和对数方程 第6周:角度测量,三角函数,单位圆,解直角三角形 第7周:三角函数的性质,反三角函数 第8周:三角恒等式,和,差,二倍角和半角公式 第9周:三角方程。正弦定律。余弦定律第10周:复习和期末考试This course will be taught over ten weeks, with materials released on a weekly basis. Below you will find the weekly topic schedule. Week One: Algebra Review. Linear Equations. Linear Inequalities. Absolute Value in Equations and Inequalities.Week Two: Quadratic Equations. Absolute Values. Rational and Radical Equations.Week Three: Functions. Transformations of Graphs. Week Four: Inverse Functions. Polynomials.Week Five: Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Week Six: Angles and their Measure. Trigonometric Functions. Unit Circle. Solving Right Triangles.Week Seven: Properties of Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Week Eight: Trigonometric Identities: Sum, Difference, Double-Angle and Half-Angle Identities.Week Nine: Trigonometric Equations. Law of Sines. Law of CosinesWeek Ten: Review and Final Exam.建议背景:本课程的先修课程是高中代数 I , II 和基础几何学。High school algebra I & II and basic geometry are prerequisites for this course.建议阅读:你可能会觉得ALEKS软件是本课程的一个有益的补充()。虽然不是必需的,该软件可以让学生在微积分预科问题中有更多的实践机会,以及更个性化的课程体验,你可以只关注那些你已经掌握的主题。ALEKS(Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces)是一个基于网络的人工智能评价与学习系统。ALEKS采用自适应的提问方式,迅速、准确地确定在课程中哪些学生知道,哪些学生不知道。然后ALEKS在学生最愿意学习的的主题上指导学生。在学生学习课程期间,ALEKS定期重新评估学生,确保学生还记得学过的内容。订阅ALEKS也会使你能够使用Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen 和 Sobecki所著的教科书Precalculus 的部分内容。这部分内容以PDF的形式给出,链接在ALEKS特别话题的“解释”页面中给出。一些学生可能会更喜欢这本教材的纸质版。你可以在任何在线图书零售商处购买它。(任何版本的都可以!)You may find ALEKS software to be a useful supplement to this course ( Though not required, this software allows students more pre-calculus problem practice opportunities and a more individualized course experience in which you focus just on those topics you have yet to master.Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and does not know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained.The ALEKS subscription will also enable you limited access to content from the textbook "Precalculus" by Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen and Sobecki. This access is in the form of PDF files linked from the "Explanation" pages of particular topics in ALEKS. Some students may prefer a physical version of this textbook. You can purchase that from any online textbook retailer. (Any edition of this text is fine!)课程格式:这门课被划分成若干部分,每部分围绕一个主题展开,每周发布一部分。每周的内容包括一系列课程录像,小测验,建议阅读和作业。This course is divided into topical sections, released on a weekly basis. Each week will consist of a series of lecture videos, short quizzes, and suggested readings and homework assignments.【FAQ】我会在完成这门课后得到证书吗? 会的。成功完成这门课的学生将得到Coursera的完成证书。在课程中有突出表现的学生将得到优秀证书。上课时我需要什么资源? 不需要什么特别的资源:只需要网络连接,以及学一些有用的数学的愿望!Will I get a certificate after completing this class?Yes. Students who successfully complete the class will receive a Statement of Accomplishment from Coursera. A Statement of Accomplishment with Distinction will be available for students with distinguished performance in the course.What resources will I need for this class?No special resources are required: Just an internet connection and a desire to learn some useful mathematics!分类:数学翻译
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