求助,flash连接link之后,就连不上misfit link flashapp了

&&&高性价比 Misfit Flash Link智能手环评测
高性价比 Misfit Flash Link智能手环评测
  由苹果前CEO约翰&斯卡利一手创办的可穿戴品牌Misfit,曾创造出了倍受时尚界推崇的智能手环&&Misfit Shine。如今,它的新理念智能扣&&Misfit Flash link正式上市,可以穿戴在身上。下面我们看看Misfit Flash link智能手环的评测吧。
  Flash link是一款身体活动监测器兼智能控制按钮,可以配合Misfit link App,使用任意Flash或者Flash link进行自拍、控制音乐播放(暂停、播放、下一首、控制音量等操作),或在演讲中操控PPT翻页。
  包装盒方面,Flash link采用了黑色设计风格,正面采用透明式设计风格,让用户很直观的看到产品。
  外观方面,Flash link采用了圆形的设计风格,在外观上与之前的智能手环的盘比较相似,三围为28.5&80&28.5mm,重量为6g。在配色上,Flash link拥有黑、红两种配色,此次小编拿到的是红色款。
  材质方面,Flash link采用的是聚碳酸酯材料,与之前的Shine采用的铝材相比感觉会弱一些,不过这丝毫不影响使用。
  按键方面,从智能扣本体上并未看到任何按键,当然了,看不到不要就认为没有按键,Flash link智能扣的红色区域就是一个按键,既是显示屏本身又是一个按钮。
  佩戴方面,Flash link带有一个小钥匙扣,我们可以随时挂在衣服上、钥匙上、还可以挂在裤子的口袋上,既方便又便于携带。&
  连接方面,Flash link目前不支持与Android产品的连接,只能下载Misfit应用,然后把Flash link当记步及睡眠监测工具使用。目前仅支持iOS连接,在APP Store中下载Misfit link应用,值得一提的是,应用支持中文显示。打开手机蓝牙功能,按照提示操作即可与Flash link进行连接。
  Flash link支持帐号登陆,登陆后,设置好使用者的性别,年龄,体重等个人资料,就可以使用了。
  通过Misfit link应用后台与其它应用的连接,Misfit Flash link可控制应用操作,在音乐控制方面,国内是与QQ音乐和喜马拉雅FM合作的,可使用Flash link进行播放、暂停、跳过及音量调节等常用操作。具体为按一下为播放/暂停、按两下为下一首、按三下为上一首、长按为调高音量、按一下再长按为降低音量。
  除了控制功能,Flash link还支持运动检测和睡眠监测等功能,将它佩戴在身上,通过APP可实时监测我们的运动状况。&
  此外,Flash link还支持防水功能,支持30米深度防水功能,小编做了一个测试,在水龙头的冲击之后,Flash link依旧可以正常使用。
  续航方面,Flash link采用CR2O32纽扣电池,不需充电即可使用,电池寿命达4&6个月,电池没电后,我们可以更换纽扣电池继续使用。
  以上的介绍让这款Misfit Flash link智能扣在我们眼前一亮,在保留了可穿戴设备支持的运动/睡眠监测等功能之时,还加入控制手机的功能,尤其是自拍功能,手机放在远处我们也可以使用智能扣来完成自拍,与今天的自拍杆比更加高大上了许多!还有其带有的音乐控制功能,也可以使我在远处随时控制音乐的播放情况,是一款集合多种产品为一体的产品。说了这么多,很多人还是比较关心它的价格,其实Misfit Flash link国内仅售149元,实在是一款性价比超级高的智能产品。
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Misfit Flash 智能手环 晚樱粉(无需充电 生活防水 运动睡眠监测 时间显示 音乐自拍手机控制)
型号flash 运动追踪器
misfit Flash个人健身检测器 × 1、CR2032电池 × 1、 外用尺寸sport band手环 × 1、夹扣 × 1
iframe(src='///ns.html?id=GTM-T947SH', height='0', width='0', style='display: visibility:')  全球领先的智能硬件设计制造商Misfit不久前发布了一款Flash Link智能扣。Flash Link是一款融入了控制功能的可穿戴设备。简而言之,一个让你无限连接、自由掌控自我世界的控制按钮,穿戴在身上的智能扣。这款智能扣于今日登录中国市场,启动线上预售。
  这个&智能扣&可以做什么?作为一款操作简便的身体活动监测器兼智能控制器,Flash Link让用户拥有更多方式通过可穿戴设备连接世界.目前它可以用于自拍、音乐播放和暂停,以及在演讲时操控PPT翻页。
  Flash Link智能扣在中国地区的首批合作伙伴包括QQ音乐和喜马拉雅FM,中国用户可以通过Flash Link智能扣的点按、双击、长按等操作,随心掌控QQ音乐以及喜马拉雅FM的音频节目播放、暂停、切换,以及音量调节。Misfit CEO Sonny Vu表示期待携手更多中国合作伙伴,在未来推出丰富多样的面向中国用户的新功能。
  新发布的Misfit Flash Link,中国区零售价为149元人民币,将成为市场上售价最低的多种穿戴方式、多功能的可穿戴产品。本次面向中国市场首批上线曜石黑与可口可乐红两款风格迥异的颜色,将于23日10点启动京东线上独家预售。与此同时,Misfit此前的两款运动及睡眠检测器Shine与Flash也宣布在中国实行全线价格调整,Shine由698元降为499元,Flash由298元降为199元。
  对于此次推出低价的多功能智能扣以及Shine与Flash价格调整, Misfit产品设计副总裁蒂姆&果尼克(Timothy Golnik)说:&一直以来,我们很重视思考如何让更多人享受智能产品乐趣。这也是当初发布Flash的初心所在。Flash link智能扣不仅价格更低,功能也更为强大。未来我们会更努力地研发相对低价但具有越来越多功能的可穿戴产品。&
Flash Link
大家都在看什么Misfit Flash Review & Rating |
Misfit Flash
Very inexpensive. Improved design. Tracks steps, sleep, distance, activities. Fully waterproof and supports swimming as an activity. Stylish. Includes both wristband and clip holster.
N indicator lights only. Doesn't count stairs or heart rate. Clip and wristband look and feel cheap. No vibration. Can't sync with a computer and no Web app.
Bottom Line
At $49, Misfit Flash is the best entry-level activity tracker you can buy for less than $99. Self-quantification enthusiasts will be disappointed in the lack of features that are part and parcel of more expensive trackers, but first-timers will find a lot to love.
This year and into 2015, there will be no shortage of gadgets and gizmos that help you keep tabs on your every waking, and even sleeping, moment. Misfit got into the
game pretty early with the Shine, and now is going after budget-conscious consumers with the shockingly inexpensive Misfit Flash ($49.95).
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Selling at less than $50 wouldn't be such a remarkable feat, except that the Misfit Flash is actually pretty darn useful. It's simple and elegant, with options to wear it on the wrist or on a clip-holster, or even to carry it as a keychain. It tracks steps, distance, calories burned, and sleep, and it's safe to wear in the pool. For looking great, tracking key metrics, and working with an iOS- and Android-compatible app, the Flash nails all the basics. It's an ideal entry-level fitness tracker at a price that's unbeatable. Sure, there are a few less expensive options on the market, but they're not competitive in hardware and app quality.
The Flash is more barebones than many feature-packed trackers, such as the &and , our two Editors' Choices in the activity-tracking category. The $99 One costs twice as much as the Flash, but it has some extra features that the Flash does not, such as an altimeter for counting stairs climbed (and adjusting calorie burn based on when you take the stairs), as well as vibration alerts. The $199 Basis quadruples the cost of the Flash, but it has a built-in optical heart rate monitor, skin temperature sensors, and a host of smart features that let it automatically figure out whether you're walking, running, bicycling, and sleeping, for truly effortless all-day tracking.
Style and DesignThe new Misfit Flash comes in seven colors: Coca-Cola red, frost (white), fuchsia,&reef (teal), onyx, wave (blue), and zest (yellow-green).&It&doesn't look like much at first glance, but when you press it, a dial of lights illuminates. How far around the dial the lights flash indicates how close you are to meeting your activity goal for the day.
After the initial lightshow, the Flash flashes again&to tell you the time. It's a 12-hour circular clock, wherein the hour hand is a steady light and the minute hand flashes, with half-dimmed indicators at the 3, 6, 9, and 12 positions. It's a little tricky to get at first, especially because you have to make sure the 12 position is oriented at the top of your view, but it becomes easier with experience. The original Shine had a "12" printed on the back that helped you orient the device, but that's absent in the Flash.
This brings to mind the&, which is another comparably inexpensive tracker&that also lacks&some of the more advanced features of higher-end fitness trackers. The Zip at least has a monochrome display that shows your daily step count and basic stats, but it's not as sleek and fashionable as the Flash.
In terms of the device itself, I definitely&prefer the new Flash over the Shine. The Flash&is a button that you can press to engage, whereas the Shine works when you tap it, which is much less precise. It's sometimes hard to tell with the Shine when it registers three consecutive taps versus two. With the Flash, you can feel each button-press. It's a superior design. I also like that the Flash has a softer texture than the Shine's anodized aluminum casing.
When it comes to the band and clip, however, I prefer the old to the new. You do get a clip and wristband holder with&the Flash, but they are made of a harder plastic, whereas the Flash's accessories were a stretchy and comfortable rubberized material. And the new Flash doesn't fit in the old wristband and clip, unfortunately.&The old clip used a magnet to secure it, and it was soft and comfortable against the skin, especially like when worn on the front of a bra strap, which is where I prefer to keep mine. The new hard plastic clip has a lip that juts out, which pokes inward to the body (I hold&the same complaint about the &clip holster, although it's silicon and much softer). The Fitbit One got it right, with a comfortable and flat clip back. It's just odd that Misfit also got it right the first time around, but then botched a simple thing in version two.
One perk with the Flash is that if you do clip it to the front of a bra, you can wear a thin t-shirt, surreptitiously push your sternum when no one is looking, and pretend for a few seconds that you're Tony Stark. I'm not saying I do that, but I'm also not saying I don't do it.
Smart AssetsBatteries, it turns out, are a very personal and touchy subject. With the Misfit Flash, you never have to recharge the battery because it's a coin cell, the kind of battery used in traditional watches. And it lasts several months or even more than a year, depending on how much you use the device. Some people say having a non-rechargeable battery is poppycock because every few months you have to replace it, and who can ever remember to do that? It's all a matter of whether you tend to forget to recharge your gadgets, or you can't stand having to replace a battery. (If it's both, well, you're a sorry soul to please.)
Jill Duffy is a contributing editor, specializing in productivity apps and software, as well as technologies for health and fitness. She writes the weekly Get Organized column, with tips on how to lead a better digital life. Her first book, Get Organized: How to Clean Up Your Messy Digital Life is available for Kindle, iPad, and other digital formats. She is also the creator and author of ProductivityReport.org.
Before , she was senior editor at the Association for Computing Machinery, a non-profit membership organization for...
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