w(re2o3)/10-2w o vat 是什么意思思?

黄子韬,日出生于山东省青岛市,中国男歌手、演员。2010年,参加MBC《伟大的诞生》海选比赛 ,现场被SM公司星探相中签约并成为其旗下练习生。日,以TAO为艺名公开个人武术预告。日随EXO-M组合正式出道。日,客串出演首部电影《何以笙箫默》;5月8日,赴美治疗脚伤并进修学习;6月11日,黄子韬Z.TAO工作室正式成立;7月23日,发行首张个人数字迷你专辑《T.A.O》;8月19日,发行第二张个人数字迷你专辑《Z.TA
黄子韬,日出生于山东省市,中国男歌手、演员。2010年,参加MBC《》海选比赛 ,现场被公司星探相中签约并成为其旗下练习生。日,以TAO为艺名公开个人武术预告。[1]
;11月28日,EXO首档团综EXO’s Showtime开始播出;[12]
6月单独出演歌手的单曲《:Agape》及后续曲《 Not Alone》的MV,黄子韬用细腻的演技诠释了MV中的角色。[15-16]
10月31日 参与周觅的个人SOLO中文版专辑主打歌《Rewind挽回》和《Love Tonight》的RAP制作和献声 并出演MV。[18]
12月26日在KBS歌谣大战的特别舞台上表演了中华武术 。
2月在录制MBC《偶像运动会》节目中参加篮球比赛,摔伤导致脚踝韧带撕裂后,依然坚持继续上场完成决赛,获得银牌。 [21]
3月19日 官方发出新专辑回归预告
和范思哲设计师Anthony Vaccarello合影
Pathcode #TAO 。4月22日 黄子韬父亲通过微博宣布与韩国SM公司的合约将不再继续。[22]
5月2日 黄子韬在北京举办生日会 各国百名粉丝聚集一起为黄子韬庆生 黄子韬落泪庆生感恩粉丝。[23]
8日 黄子韬赴美治疗脚伤并进修学习。[4]
6月3日 黄子韬以千万身价代言空中网手机游戏《》并回北京参加发布会[24]
6日 赴美国洛杉矶继续学习深造。10日《超神战队》游戏正式开始公测 首日粉丝服日流水破百万。[25]
6月11日 黄子韬Z.TAO工作室正式成立开博。7月1日 中国公布新代言人黄子韬。并于10日公开广告。13日 微博认证更改为歌手,演员黄子韬。黄子韬Z.TAO工作室公开MINI专辑海报宣布将以全新个人身份正式回归。[26]
7月20日 黄子韬带着自己首张个人数字专辑《》王者回归并公开宣传片预告。23日,首张个人数字专辑《》及主打歌MV正式上线![27]
和Paris Hilton合影
12日,再度发布新单曲 《 》,该单曲的词曲都是由黄子韬亲自完成,而歌词的字里行间充满着对妈妈的一片深情。[29]
9月11日,《》MV正式版公布。该MV特邀美国导演Nick Lentz操刀拍摄,MV采取了“环形叙事结构”,讲述了一个为爱奋不顾身的故事。[32]
9月20日,黄子韬收到的邀请,前往英国伦敦参加的VersusVersace 2016春夏时装秀。[33]
10月9日 黄子韬作为评审嘉宾参加东方卫视《》。[34]
10月13日,黄子韬收到的邀请,在上海参加宝姿Ports 1961南京西路精品店揭幕红毯和开幕活动。[36]
十二月的奇迹(Miracles in December)
XOXO Repackage Hug Ver.(中文版)
XOXO Hug Ver.(中文版)
挽回 Rewind
挽回 Rewind
挽回 Rewind
CCTV挑战不可能嘉宾 挑战高空平台
EXO Line&TV Surplines
黄子韬个人综艺 TAO离别告白感人落泪
黄子韬个人综艺 为了TAO而诞生的新家族
黄子韬个人综艺 TAO挑战捕鱼特技
黄子韬个人综艺 TAO丛林初登场
Mnet EXO 90:2014
火热的瞬间xoxo exo
EXO团体综艺 真人秀纪实
EXO's Showtime
时间MV名称 歌手合作(Agape)、你知道吗(Not Alone)、
Showcase (出道发布会)
Z.TAO Mini Concert Tour
&&&北京大学生街舞大赛 RAP优秀奖
&&&金唱片颁奖典礼唱片部门 本赏
&&&Gaon Chart K-pop Awards唱片部门 第四季度销量冠军
&&&Gaon Chart K-pop Awards唱片部门 第三季度销量冠军&
&&&Soompi Awards最佳男子组合
&&&Gaon Chart K-pop Awards人气赏
&&&大韩民国演艺艺术赏组合歌手奖 &
&&&Soompi Awards年度歌曲&
. 武进新闻网[引用日期]
. 网易娱乐
. 新浪娱乐[引用日期]
在这里快速了解偶像动态!> Dealing with Barking Dogs
Dealing with Barking Dogs
It’s important to realise that barking is a dog’s means of communication. You might be surprised to know that the vast majority of people will tolerate a dog’s barking up to a point. Not only do they understand that it’s completely natural for a dog to bark, but some people gain a sense of security in knowing that a particular dog might be trying to alert their owners (and consequently – the neighbours) to something that is out of the ordinary or potentially dangerous, such as an intruder may have entered the garden or back yard. Incessant and Nuisance BarkingHowever, problems arise in a neighbourhood where a dog is either barking incessantly and/or the constant barking is causing a nuisance at inappropriate times of the day. This will usually be at night where the dog may be kept outside and you cannot get to sleep, or perhaps you have young children and they can’t get to sleep. The problem is what to do about it if you find yourself in this situation.Basically you have 3 possible course of action:Direct contact with the neighbour to find a solutionReport the matter to your local Environmental Health DepartmentCourt actionBelow is some good advice on how to proceed with each of the above options:1. Contact the NeighbourIf a dog is constantly barking in your street and is causing a nuisance, there are laws to address this issue. However, few people take pleasure in upsetting their neighbours wherever possible and most would wish to take a ‘diplomatic’ approach to the problem first without . The ways in which you could try to get a resolution to the problem might vary. It could all depend on how you feel about directly confronting a neighbour by knocking on their door and speaking to them about it. Others might feel that the neighbour in question might not be reasonable and that they could be hostile towards them. If you choose to speak directly to your neighbour, the best way to go about it would be to go round and see them and say that you’re just checking that everything is OK.
Your approach might be along the lines of “I just popped round because your dog’s been barking for the last 2 hours and I thought there might be something wrong?” In taking that approach, you’re avoiding direct confrontation which could irk a neighbour and cause them to become hostile towards you, while still getting your point across. On the other hand, if you’ve been down that road before and the problem persists, you might decide you want to tell the neighbour that you’re having difficulty getting to sleep as a direct result of the dog barking. If, however, you don’t wish to directly confront your neighbour, you could pick an opportune moment to put a note (anonymous - if you really don't feel comfortable) through their door, informing them that if they do not get the barking under control that you will report them. 2. If that Doesn’t Work? Contact your Environmental Health DepartmentDont' call the police or the RSPCA - If you need to take things further, don’t call the police or RSPCA, unless you have an otherwise valid reason to do so. Instead, get in touch with the Environment Health Department of your local authority. They will investigate the matter and deal with it. Sometimes, even the owner of the dog might not be aware of the problem. For example, a dog might just persistently bark when the owner leaves the house and the dog cannot cope with being left on its own. Initially, an environmental health officer will try to advise the dog owner of ways of overcoming the problem. The owner, for example, might be highly embarrassed about the problem themselves, yet have no idea how to resolve it, and the officer will be able to suggest methods for training the dog not to bark in an incessant manner. 3. Legal Action: Environmental Protection Act 1990However, if this doesn’t work, then it can lead to a Statutory Notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 being served upon the owner. This is a legal procedure which gives the owner around 21 days in which to resolve the issue. The Environmental Health Officer will do this on your behalf. If the problem hasn’t been resolved after that point, the owner can incur financial penalties and, as a last resort, the Act does have a provision whereby it can take away the dog from the owner.In most cases, problem barking is caused by either neglect or, more commonly, because of insufficient training, so if you keep a dog yourself, be sure that it is trained properly in order not to become a nuisance. There is plenty of advice on the internet to help you with that, or you could get your dog enrolled in proper training and obedience classes. Dangerous as Well as Noisy?If you think your or your neighbours' dogs may be a danger to those in the vicinity, take a look at .
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You all may have read my earlier comments below. People next door came round recently complaining about my classical music on my radio.Told them it's to blank their dogs barking out while they were out. They said "well now we are back" I said "Good, keep your dog quiet when you go out in future" they said "can't, don't know how" I said "muzzle mateys". Dog still at it but less so. They now close the blinds when going out so doggy can't see the leaving whereas before it could see them leave thus leaving it to watch them gooff down the street and thus suffer from "separation anxiety".So muzzle em you people who say you cannot do anything about your barky little darlings.
Class Act - 29-Feb-16 @ 3:03 PM
the previous comment should read "without letting people know" not 'with letting people know'.
John - 23-Feb-16 @ 5:23 PM
....as this comment section appears to allow a maximum number of words (with letting people know beforehand).....I will finish my original comments here (continuation of the comment that begins about having had a problem for 14 years.
........There are many cases where people have reached the end of their reason and have taken illegal steps to stop the problem, by killing the dogs. This is not recommended but understandable. There are very few people on this earth that can withstand torture indefinitely, and constant dog noise becomes torture. The simple reality of this situation is this - if you have loud barking dogs near you that won't shut up and the owners are uncooperative, there are but three ways to deal with the problem 1. Sell up and move. 2. Sue the owners. 3. Kill the dogs. Two are legal, one is not. If the government want to remove the possibility of citizens breaking the law, then they must provide the citizen means to tackle this issue effectively.
John - 23-Feb-16 @ 3:05 PM
We have had a problem with loud barking dogs for 14 years, and constantly for 14 years. It is one anti-social family who have large dogs that bark all day and every day and sometimes well into the night. The owners have known it annoys the neighbours for all this time and have encouraged the dogs to bark because of this. Environmental Health have been involved and have done nothing. The police have been involved and have done nothing. Even a district councilor has been rebuffed by EH.It is very important for people to understand that the system is set up by the government and the local councils to do as little as possible about this problem because of the costs involved. Regardless of what articles like this and others may state, it is not possible to stop barking dogs in the UK, because the law and EH are set up not to co-operate. The EH, police and the government (MPs) are inundated with nuisance dog complaints and it is simply not possible investigate all complaints because of the costs involved. Many dog owners know this and know they can get away with it for as long as they wish. In my case, this anti-social family went out of their way to make as much noise as possible to aggravate all their neighbours, even blowing air-horns over fences of helpless pensioners. The barking dogs have been an ongoing issue for every hour of every day for fourteen years. Countless complaints, logs and official documents have been filed, EH have "lost" countless logs that have been submitted (its all part of the game), and even recording machines have been set up by EH to monitor the problem. The dog owners have been warned by EH but have done nothing to stop it, in fact it has got worse. EH in response have not backed up their warnings, instead simply asking the complainant to make further logs (because the complainant is the easier target and cheaper). This process goes on year after year with zero end result. The government have ensured that the problem is hushed up by introducing legislation that requires all house owners to register noise nuisance if they have had enough and decide to sell up and move. If they do not register, they can be and are sued by the new house owners when they discover the noise. If they do register the noise nuisance, then they are unlikely to sell their house. This is an extremely cynical move by the government. The EH are meant to keep the complainant's name from the dog owners but they do not (again part of the game, they calculate that intimidation by the dog owner will make the problem go away). The government and EH use every cynical tactic to prevent or stop the complaints procedure from taking place, because they are only worried about cost. This is the reality of this situation, and don't let articles like this tell you otherwise. The only way forward is for individuals to take the dog owners to court in a private civil case, and this is expensive and not guaranteed to succeed. There are many cases where people have r
John - 23-Feb-16 @ 2:56 PM
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP,After putting up with nearly 4 years of my neighbours dog barking, I'm well and truly at the end of my tether with it and don't know what to do ! It is driving me and my partner mad, it can start from anytime in the morning until anytime at night, last night Sunday evening it went on for on and off for around 3 hours, we have contacted the environmental health department who said we don't have a case and they can't do anything about it, but as mentioned in other posts, it's everytime someone's outside their house, or pulls up, knocks on the door, parks on the road or across the drive, or someone posts something through the letterbox, let alone if it's left by itself it's even worse and then all the visitors the neighbour gets all day makes it bark even more, the dog even barks if someone knocks at our door, it's just doesn't stop, unfortunately I work from home and don't get a moments peace the neighbour is unapproachable on the subject as well, any help will be much appreciated. thanks. Is this persistent and excessive? If so, we're surprised that EHO will not help. Could you try asking your local councillor for advice on why the council has not taken your complaint seriously?
ProblemNeighbours - 23-Feb-16 @ 2:12 PM
After putting up with nearly 4 years of my neighbours dog barking, i'm well and truly at the end of my tether with it and don't know what to do ! It is driving me and my partner mad, it can start from anytime in the morning until anytime at night, last night Sunday evening it went on for on and off for around 3 hours, we have contacted the environmental health department who said we don't have a case and they can't do anything about it, but as mentioned in other posts, it's everytime someone's outside their house, or pulls up, knocks on the door, parks on the road or across the drive, or someone posts something through the letterbox, let alone if it's left by itself it's even worse and then all the visitors the neighbour gets all day makes it bark even more, the dog even barks if someone knocks at our door, it's just doesn't stop, unfortunately i work from home and don't get a moments peace the neighbour is unapproachable on the subject as well, any help will be much appreciated. thanks.
Please Help - 22-Feb-16 @ 5:01 PM
My neighbors has just made a nuisance report against my dogs barking.
My digs wear anti bark collars (non shock) and don't bark during unsociable hours such as the night time. They are indoors during the night and only bark when there is someone at the door.
My neighbor makes nuisance complaints against us all the time, he's an elderly man who has disliked having children next door and we've obviously grown up now bit the reports keep coming. None are ever proven bit now he's targeted my dogs, I've reported him for antisocial behaviour as I am not happy he has decided to target my dogs. He's nice to us when face to face but will never attempt to discuss any problems with us he instead makes complaints and putting false information in them. I'm starting to feel very stressed snd frustrated if my dogs were in the wrong I'd be the first to admit it but their barking has never been out of control.
abbie - 19-Feb-16 @ 12:29 PM
My word. My dog has never been a barky dog and now suddenly when he is two years old, he has started barking any time he is out. I would say it annoys me more than my neighbours but I want to be considerate and stop the barking. No-one has complained. So I googled it to try to find ways to stop the dog barking and instead I find a pile of vile comments like this one:
"People! If you have a barking dog and its annoying your Neighbors, you are 100% in the wrong, you have NO argument!. You are an irresponsible dog owner and therefore need to take the responsible steps to solve it."
Nowhere on here am I seeing helpful advice to help stop the dog barking. Not in the article or the comments. It isn't the dog owner who is barking. They are not 100% in the wrong. There is a limit to what they can do. And before someone comments that if you can't control your dog, you should get rid of it, yes I am considering that! Given the number of unwanted dogs out there that seems irresponsible, but since no-one is very helpful, and the dog owner can't be there 24/7 what are the options?
I am absolutely sickened by what I have read on here.
Will - 12-Feb-16 @ 4:47 PM
HI MY question is how can some one know that a dog is barking all day when they are at work them selves and that they all so have more dogs then i do they have 3 or 4 dogs i only have 1 ,witch has to bark at times as it lets me now when there is some one at my door as i am partly deaf . they let there dogs out in a morning at 5 am and they bark when ever people go pass there gate .they said my small dog barks all the time i am out ..i am disabled and i have to as i said have the dog as if my care is no here ,as she may have gone shopping ,i need my dog to be able to let me now some one at the door ,and my phone could be ringing .please can any one tell me where i can complain about my naighbourand his 3 or 4 dogs .please
Lonelycat - 31-Jan-16 @ 7:19 PM
Please help! My neighbour has got a new girlfriend that stays frequently. When she come she brings her 2 year old springer that loves to bark. All. The. Time!!! It barks from around 7am til late at night! It barks in the garden, in the house and it nakes no difference if they are in or not!! I myself have 2 dogs that will bark when the door knocker goes so I understand the need for a dog to bark but this is silly!!! Having spoken to the girlfriend I feel ive gotten nowhere ??Have you made a complaint to Environmental Health about this? Record the dates, times and duration of the barking then forward all the information to them.
ProblemNeighbours - 28-Jan-16 @ 2:16 PM
Please help! My neighbour has got a new girlfriend that stays frequently. When she come she brings her 2 year old springer that loves to bark. All. The. Time!!! It barks from around 7am til late at night! It barks in the garden, in the house and it nakes no difference if they are in or not!! I myself have 2 dogs that will bark when the door knocker goes so I understand the need for a dog to bark but this is silly!!! Having spoken to the girlfriend I feel ive gotten nowhere ??
stacy - 27-Jan-16 @ 4:52 PM
People! If you have a barking dog and its annoying your Neighbors, you are 100% in the wrong, you have NO argument!. You are an irresponsible dog owner and therefore need to take the responsible steps to solve it. I own a dog, he's trained, therefore no complaints. You dog owners give everyone a bad name, you shouldn't even have an animal if you're not gonna respect your Neighbors, I hope your dogs get taken away!
Michael - 20-Jan-16 @ 2:26 AM
A women who lives across rd and met this fella who as a dog he comes about 3 times a week his dog is in her back garden and its none stop barking all the time all day and night. Anyway he as a van wot says dog unit on the font and in the back he as a cage wot the dog goes in and sometimes he's locked it in there at nights the other week rspca came out coz someone reported the dog when he came backin a few days it sounded like the van ad been sound proofed but ya can still hear the dog. Reason y I know is because iv got 2 dogs myself. The dog barks that much it sounds like there's something wrong with it, it sounds mental. The women who so called as ms says it's an ex police dog but it's cruel and annoying it's 4 o'clock in the morning now and it's been at it all day
Spud - 15-Jan-16 @ 3:51 AM
Can someone point me in the right direction of what to do here. I moved house not so long ago and my neighbours have about 4-5 little dogs. Every night they go out and don't return until early hours in the morning, sometimes even midday. Now the dogs just bark and bark and bark and even bang on the doors of their house which we can here from our house extremely loudly and it gets very annoying. Just to give you an idea its currently 03:20am and they've been going at it since around 6-7pm, none stop banging and barking. This happens pretty much every night and I'm getting no sleep because of it. I can't go round and confront them because they're never in and I believe them to have some sort of mental illness. Any advise would be appreciated.Yes, if you don't want to talk to your neighbours, make a noise complaint to your environmental health officer, this is the kind of thing that noise/nuisance legislation is for.
ProblemNeighbours - 14-Jan-16 @ 10:47 AM
Can someone point me in the right direction of what to do here. I moved house not so long ago and my neighbours have about 4-5 little dogs. Every night they go out and don't return until early hours in the morning, sometimes even midday. Now the dogs just bark and bark and bark and even bang on the doors of their house which we can here from our house extremely loudly and it gets very annoying. Just to give you an idea its currently 03:20am and they've been going at it since around 6-7pm, none stop banging and barking. This happens pretty much every night and I'm getting no sleep because of it. I can't go round and confront them because they're never in and I believe them to have some sort of mental illness. Any advise would be appreciated.
Dean - 13-Jan-16 @ 3:20 AM
My neighbours been leaving their dog to bark in the window only when they leave the house. The dog gets agitated because it sees them leaving and now, after four years of this, the dog is suffering badly from "Separation Anxiety". Because it is always at the window waiting for them to return (hours and hours) it also now barks if so much as a sparrow hops by and now also suffers from "Barrier Frustration Syndrome" I have contacted RSPCA and my MP has contacted Battersea Dogs Home experts about this form of cruelty. Do you know what their line is on this issue? Better that a dog has a home than not.....Never mind the sanity of human beings, as we don't really count while these gallant souls are off saving dogs left, right and centre. The Environment Agency are your only hope but don't count on it. I leave classical music on all day despite my doggy neighbours complaints. I look after a Jack Russell every now and then and he is not allowed to bark until we go out on the field. I always used to have a dog but was very sad after losing my old Greyhound so love dogs too. BUT...I know how to handle them. I used to donte happily to animal charities but no more after learning about their policies of placing animals above human beings.
Class Act - 21-Dec-15 @ 11:49 AM
I have a lady with a constant barking dog who has just moved in next door, I myself have a dog who never gets lefton his own as he is quite old now and he goes to my friends house when I go to work. the dog next door constantly barks and howls all day and she has gone out at night and it still continues, I have told her about this problem and all she will say is nothing I can do.my own dog is getting very stressed with this constant howling. I am a dog lover they have to bark and yes it can be annoying but I would never ever put my neighbours in this kind of distress... I'm at my wits end I really do not know what to do now
caz1866 - 19-Dec-15 @ 11:36 PM
I have 3 border collies. The youngest loves to be outside but barks as he wants to play. I then bring him back inside and encourage him to play with either myself or the female dog.I take them out twice a day for a one hour walk - sometimes also at the side of a bike .I recently went into hospital and the dogs were in kennels for 8 days and then I have employed a dog walker every day and played with a swingball in the garden with the young dog in the afternoon.The dog walker was late the other day and the young dog was barking with excitement and my neighbour came out and shouted at him (it was 9.15am). He has now put in a complaint to the council. I tried to speak to him today about it and he threatened to kill my dog by hitting it on the head with a hammer of he gets into his garden (he has a Jack Russell) as the fence between our properties is rotten, but it is his fence. He also says he is videoing me. I have sent all this information to the EH and feel that if this doesn't calm down I will report him to the council as he lives in a council house. I cannot allow him to bully me.
bordecolliecrazyy - 19-Dec-15 @ 4:28 PM
My neighbour has 3 large dogs a german shepard and 2 greyhounds in a small terraced back to back he leaves them for up to 12 hours a day as ironiclly he is a manager of a fund raising firm so he says the dogs are locked in the celler he never takes them out and as soon as he leave they start barking yapping scratching at the floors and doors I have spoken to him on 4 occations about them but theybare still barking he only moved in a few months ago and asked us to let him know if the dogs were barking the first time I went round he had the dogs locked ina bedroom next door to my daughters and they kept waking us up all of us so he said he would put thembin the celler I had to go round again on a sunday aftrnoon as they had been barking for hours until he got home then a few weeks ago I had to go round at 11.30 at night the dogs had been barking since lunch time none stop then about 10.30 in the evening as it sounded like one of the dogs had been sttacked by another I have texted his landlord but havent even got a reply I think it cryelty and neglect should I report him to rspca the fact that he asked us to let him know any issues with barking when he first moved in makes me wonder if this has been an issue when he lived else where
jo - 18-Dec-15 @ 3:51 PM
hi ive got nasty neighbours who have reported me to the council no end of times about my dog. shes 11 years old she would only bark for a little when she wants feeding or wants to go go out in garden. all my neighbours in my road have all got dogs and i never complain about their dogs barking or howling i put it down to vendetering n two faced neighbours who just wants someone to get the blame for. ive already had to part with my german shepherd 5 years old.had to get my other dog put to sleep for no reasons at all. my dog is pining for her freind of which is very unfair to her. ive always had dogs the council agreed to me having 2 dogs but why should we as dog lovers have to part with our dogs cos of horrible neighbours especially when they have dogs themselves ? please i would like to hear from others thanks .
richsrich - 15-Dec-15 @ 10:03 PM
I have spoken to my neighbours about their 3 barking/howling dogs and no improvement there.If I complain to council will this be a problem when I will sell my house.Form have you ever have problems with your neighbours.You will have to include details of any complaints you make about your neighbours when you sell. However, there is also opportunity to give extra information, so if for example, the problem is resolved e.g they train the dogs not to bark/howl, they move away, or the dogs die etc, then you can include those details.
ProblemNeighbours - 14-Dec-15 @ 10:31 AM
I have spoken to my neighbours about their 3 barking/howling dogs and no improvement there.
If I complain to council will this be a problem when I will sell my house.
Form have you ever have problems with your neighbours.
TiredOfMyLife - 13-Dec-15 @ 10:36 AM
We have hair moved into a new house and our neighbors dog never stops barking, they just ignore the constant sound. It gets our dogs going and then I'm awake at all hours trying to keep them quiet I have no idea what to do or say to them about the issueWhy not just go around and ask if there's something that sets their dogs off and mention that it starts your dogs going too. If they can't quieten theirs down, make a complaint with the environmental health.
ProblemNeighbours - 10-Dec-15 @ 12:40 PM
We have hair moved into a new house and our neighbors dog never stops barking, they just ignore the constant sound. It gets our dogs going and then I'm awake at all hours trying to keep them quietI have no idea what to do or say to them about the issue
Annie - 9-Dec-15 @ 12:32 PM
My neighbours have had a small dog for about 4 years that they leave in the back garden all the time (and I mean ALL the time, I have never even seen them walk it) and every tiny sound it hears sets it off barking for 10-15mins.While I realise it is probably lonely and distressed it is starting to drive me crazy especially this time of year with the fireworks causing almost constant barking.I haven't directly spoken to them about it because they are an extremely aggressive family and in past dealings with them they have threatened members of our family (though nothing came of it) so I am not sure how to best deal with them.I did consider reporting them for animal cruelty as I am sure leaving the dog outside with nothing but a small gazebo to shelter it from rain and barely ever giving it any attention can't be doing the dog any good.
Slevin - 6-Nov-15 @ 9:20 PM
We've had an anonymous letter about our two dogs barking. It was a print out of a fact sheet. We live on an estate, so there are always people passing by our house. Sadly, we live in a slight dip and our dog's barks echo. I work from home and the dogs are walked twice a day. We only have the issue of them barking when we let them out into the garden. Since the weather changed we close the door behind them to retain the heat and it is only really when they feel 'locked out' that they bark a lot. However it also gets on my nerves when they bark so it is never for long periods of time, my job involves concentration so, believe me, I cannot tolerate it long. They don't bark in the house, unless the door goes. They do not bark overnight and as we go to bed ourselves at 8.30pm they are not outside beyond that time. We get up and walk them first thing so they do not bark until about 8am. I have tried training them not to bark but have found it impossible to find a way that works - as they are just letting me know there is a passer by. Esp with there being two of them, they set each other off. They are 8 now and have arthritis, one has a steel plate in her leg so it's hard to increase their exercise as they do get lame. Two walks, 30 mins off lead, around the fields is plenty. Sadly, we cannot throw balls for them anymore.I found it hard to find any information in the fact sheet that came through our door that I could apply as it was more written for people who are out at work all day and for those that could increase their dog's exercise levels. Ironically, I have studied animal health and welfare at uni and have worked with animals and dogs especially for years yet I still cannot find a way to stop my own dogs barking when somebody walks past our house!! Unless I am outdoors with them - in which case they won't use the loo - I am a bit stuck. Here is the one thing that I have changed that has helped: I now let my dogs out individually, instead of together....this has decreased the incidence of barking. If you do have two or more dogs, trial it and see if it helps you too. I find it hard to believe that there is a humane way to permanently over -ride the natural instinct of a dog to bark when there are people pottering about outside?? Unless you are actively out in the garden with your dog and a treat training them because in practice the minute you come in or they lose concentration they are off again! I feel that we are just unfortunate because we live in the echoey concrete dip. Adjacent and next door to us are other barking dogs and we are within ear shot of a dog breeder with dog pens outside. I think our neighbours are annoyed generally rather than with my dogs in particular and they haven't really noticed the many many hours where they are not making a single peep!
rsl - 2-Nov-15 @ 10:20 AM
We've had an anonymous letter about our two dogs barking. It was a print out of a fact sheet. We live on an estate, so there are always people passing by our house. Sadly, we live in a slight dip and our dog's barks echo. I work from home and the dogs are walked twice a day. We only have the issue of them barking when we let them out into the garden. Since the weather changed we close the door behind them to retain the heat and it is only really when they feel 'locked out' that they bark a lot. However it also gets on my nerves when they bark so it is never for long periods of time, my job involves concentration so, believe me, I cannot tolerate it long. They don't bark in the house, unless the door goes. They do not bark overnight and as we go to bed ourselves at 8.30pm they are not outside beyond that time. We get up and walk them first thing so they do not bark until about 8am. I have tried training them not to bark but have found it impossible to find a way that works - as they are just letting me know there is a passer by. Esp with there being two of them, they set each other off. They are 8 now and have arthritis, one has a steel plate in her leg so it's hard to increase their exercise as they do get lame. Two walks, 30 mins off lead, around the fields is plenty. Sadly, we cannot throw balls for them anymore.I found it hard to find any information in the fact sheet that came through our door that I could apply as it was more written for people who are out at work all day and for those that could increase their dog's exercise levels. Ironically, I have studied animal health and welfare at uni and have worked with animals and dogs especially for years yet I still cannot find a way to stop my own dogs barking when somebody walks past our house!! Unless I am outdoors with them - in which case they won't use the loo - I am a bit stuck. Here is the one thing that I have changed that has helped: I now let my dogs out individually, instead of together....this has decreased the incidence of barking. If you do have two or more dogs, trial it and see if it helps you too. I find it hard to believe that there is a humane way to permanently over -ride the natural instinct of a dog to bark when there are people pottering about outside?? Unless you are actively out in the garden with your dog and a treat training them because in practice the minute you come in or they lose concentration they are off again! I feel that we are just unfortunate because we live in the echoey concrete dip. Adjacent and next door to us are other barking dogs and we are within ear shot of a dog breeder with dog pens outside. I think our neighbours are annoyed generally rather than with my dogs in particular and they haven't really noticed the many many hours where they are not making a single peep!
rsl - 2-Nov-15 @ 9:19 AM
after 18 months of constant all day every day barking, i've tried talking to the neighbour, i've even complained to the council many times who couldn't be bothered to do anything. the comment that says the council talk to people about barking prevention is rubbish as cornwall council do nothing. the person in question has been in trouble with the rspca before already (from a complaint from another neighbour). so i guess the only thing left is court action. if the council did something when my neighbour first got into trouble it wouldn't have got this far.
freaky - 1-Nov-15 @ 4:55 PM
My husband and i live in a HIgh Rise, sec8. The tenants down stairs from us have a small barking dog. The dog barks half the day and thru the night. e have told the manager of the building yt the barking continues. i have health issues and find the barking very annoying. Any suggestions?
kreuz920 - 26-Oct-15 @ 12:33 PM
My neighbour has a small dog staying with them for the past few weeks, it belongs to the sister of one of the family who is very ill in hospital. They were shutting it in a utility room at night and over a weekend I got no sleep because it constantly was barking. I approached them about it and they move it into their room or living room at night and it doesn’t bark. All was ok but now they go out to work and are leaving it in the utility room again. Sometimes one of them is in and all is ok but when that one person goes out for a few hours the dog starts up. Not a few barks but constantly for hours or as long as they are away. My home office (one of my bedrooms with a desk in it) is about 20 feet away and so I hear the barking constantly and it drives me nuts.I’ve told the neighbours about it again and they had a go at me stating I should be more compassionate about the sisters illness etc, I said I was sorry about that but it doesn’t alter the fact the dog is an issue and is obviously not happy about being in the utility room and being left alone. I’ve only ever seen them walk the dog once in 7 weeks so far and my office window faces the front of the house.Yes its sad about the sister but the dog is really stressing me out, what should I do ?If it's been persistent and excessive for a significant period of time, then you should contact your environmental health officer. Perhaps it would help if you can find someone in the community to help with walking the dog./company etc. This family is clearly in a position where there is no choice but to look after the dog, even though the lifestyle is not geared up for it. The
might also be able to help - it's a charity for the elderly and long term ill who cannot look after their pets and offers walking, sitting services etc
ProblemNeighbours - 15-Oct-15 @ 12:08 PM
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