问: 10 花园战争2无效的wind用户认证级别无效,原因代码missing dll msvcp120.dll er

花园战争2无效的认证,原因代码missing dll msvcp110.dll.dll error:0*7E。_百度知道
花园战争2无效的认证,原因代码missing dll msvcp110.dll.dll error:0*7E。
出门在外也不愁Msvcp120.dll is missing from your computer? Click on the button below and download msvcp120.dll for free for Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1!
latest version: 12.0.21005.1
size: 190 kb (zip)
latest version: 12.0.21005.1
size: 157 kb (zip)
How to download proper msvcp120.dll
If you wonder which version of msvcp120.dll you should download read the short guide how to check windows bit down below.
Step one. Go to Computer.
Step two. Right-click “Properties“.
Step three. Look at the System Type and what is listed next.
If you running 32-bit Operating System of Windows 7/8/8.1 you have this:
If you running 64-bit Operating System of Windows 7/8/8.1 you have this:
After checking windows bit be sure to download the right version of msvcp120.dll.
Installation instructions
Here is complete guide of msvcp120.dll installation. Read it below and you will know where to put msvcp120.dll.
Step one. Unzip msvcp120.dll wherever you want.
Step two. Place msvcp120.dll in \Windows\System32 (usually located at disk C) if you’re running 32 bit Windows. If you’are running 64 bit Windows, additionally place file in \Windows\SysWOW64.
Step three. Reboot your pc.
If after rebooting you still getting msvcp120.dll error, do the following:
Press ‘Start‘
Type ‘cmd‘ in search and press Enter.
Type regsvr32 msvcp120.dll and press Enter
After doing this restart your PC again and you will be no longer receiving msvcp120.dll errors.
A bit more about msvcp120.dll…
Msvcp120.dll it is dynamic link library that is a part of Microsoft Visual C++ component. It is used by many modern games and programs: Arma 3, Skyrim, GTA 5 and many more.
Usually msvcp120.dll located at Windows\System32 if you are running Windows 32 bit. If you are running Windows 64 bit (doesn’t matter which one – XP, Vista, Seven or 8) copy of this file also located at Windows\SysWOW64.
If msvcp120.dll is missing in one or both directories, program or game that uses this file cannot find it and cannot receive required data, so you get error like that:
The program can’t start because msvcp120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Of course, you don’t need to reinstall game or program. You just need to download msvcp120.dll and install it properly to fix this error.visual studio - .exe gives error MSVCP120.dll is missing for Win7x64 - Stack Overflow
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I created .exe using VS2013 and I added it directly to control panel by giving registry path. I built it for x64. It launches perfectly fine for Win8.1x64. But when I launches it on Win7x64 it gives MSVCP120.dll error. If I copy dll it works. But does the dll's are connected directly to .exe? If not how do I attach them?
Your error just means that the MSVC redistributable for VS2013 is missing from the Windows 7 computer. Windows 7 doesn't have this DLL by default.
However, please don't copy DLLs around willy-nilly. You need to make sure the redistributable is installed either as part of your installer or separately by the user. For example, you can have your installer detect the existence or not of the redistributable and alert the user to install it. You could include it with your installation package, which is allowed.
Note that there are 2 versions of the redistributable, for x86 and x64. You need to supply the right one(s) for your application. You can use
to download the Visual C++ redistributable packages for Visual Studio 2013.
Even if you're using x64, you need to install also x86 version of MSVC redistributable.
I had this problem myself as well. I found that even after installing x64 version of MSVC redistributable, the msvcp120.dll file was missing in SysWOW64 directory. The issue was solved after installing also x86 version.
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