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银监会“58号文”近期出台后,在业界引起广泛讨论。 银监会“58号文”近期出台之后,在业界引起广泛讨论。 日前有接近监管层人士向证券时报·信托百佬汇记者表示,58号文是已出台监管政策的延续,尤其是对今年监督工作会议诸多监管政策的再强调再部署。监管层会关注58号文发布后的热点反应,或将对文件作进一步解读。 信托公司人士表示,58号文整体表明了监管层的当前态度和想法,目的依然是在原有监管政策基础上强化实质性风险控制,尤其是传统融资类项目的刚性兑付和结构化证券投资项目杠杆比例控制。 监管政策的延续 3月中旬,银监会向各银监局下发《关于进一步加强信托公司风险监管工作的意见》(58号文)。时隔两年,58号文也成为银监会继2014年《关于加强信托公司风险管理的指导意见》(99号文)之后,再一次系统性地对风险管理进行指导。 据了解,58号文内容涉及资产质量管理、重点领域风控、实质化解信托项目风险、资金池清理、结构化配资杠杆比例控制、加强监管联动等。 在风险领域,58号文要求,关注房地产、地方政府融资平台、产能过剩等重点领域信用风险,要定期开展风险排查并做好风险缓释准备。 58号文的下发,受到处于转型发展期信托行业人士的广泛关注。一位接近监管层人士透露,在知悉信托行业对58号文较为关心后,相关监管层人士再次对信托企业负责人强调了两点内容:“一是,58号文是已出台监管政策的延续,特别是今年监督工作会议诸多监管政策的再要求、再强调和再部署。二是,我们会关注58号文发布后的热点反应,必要时也可以考虑由相关处室对文件作一次解读,便于大家正确理解。” 实际影响不大 “从文件整体上看,主要表明了监管层当前的态度和想法,在原有的基础上强化了实质性风险控制。”南方一家信托公司研究部人士表示。 信托公司人士表示,例如58号文强调的信托公司严格落实净资产管理制度,净资本不足时要求股东及时补足资本,加大利润留存优先补充资本,提高资本自我积累能力。 此外,58号文督促信托公司合理控制结构化股票投资信托产品的杠杆比例,如优先受益人与劣后受益人投资资金配置比例原则上不超过1:1,最高不超过2:1。对此,信托公司人士称,“58号文对结构化证券投资产品现在明确了杠杆比例,但是,和去年相比,今年这块业务的整体比例做得很少,非标资金池这块清理得也差不多,所以影响不太大,只是再次强调风险控制。” (责任编辑:DF150) 发言用户同意遵守相关法律法规,并对其发言内容负责。任何用户在此发表的内容,均表明该用户主动将该发言信息的著作财产权无偿独家转让给东方财富网所有,并授权东方财富网自行维护权利。BEIJING, Oct. 19 -- The fourth plenum of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is set to open on Monday to discuss the rule of law, aiming to speed up the construction of governance by law from the top level and by improving the system to promote social justice of the country.Experts note that this will be the first time for a CPC session to center on the rule of law, which will be the key to realizing the party's goal to promote the modernization of China's governing system and capabilities.They believe the session will produce a great and profound domestic and international significance.In an interview
prior to the session, Dr. Mei Gechlik, director of China Guiding Cases Project at Stanford Law School, said that China's leaders have pledged to achieve a set of goals by 2020, including ensuring independence and fairness in courts and letting the judicial system be more transparent. These two goals were emphasized in the Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms adopted in December 2013.With these goals in mind, people naturally have high expectations for the leaders to bring about more rule-of-law developments so as to provide a strong foundation for judicial reform, said the scholar, adding that it's a good sign to see that the Chinese leaders regard the rule of law as necessary for China to attain economic growth, clean government...social justice and sound environment. Khalid Mahmood, president of the Islamabad Council of World Affairs
on Friday that the upcoming session's main agenda on bolstering the rule of law, with distinctly Chinese characteristics is timely and the need of time for China.The Chinese leadership's decision to bring the rule of law in the country and run the state by law is very wise and full of vision, he said.He said the rule of law will ensure human rights for common people, will help police and judicial system to punish criminals and establish law and order in the country, he said.The rule of law will boost China's good image in the world and increase the world's trust in China, as well as enhance China's fight against corruption, he added.China is not bound to follow any other nation in the world for the rule of law, and it should consider its own culture, traditions, requirements and current requirements to set rules and laws, with Chinese characteristics, he noted.Anita Kiamba, a researcher on diplomacy and international studies at University of Nairobi, said that Chinese President Xi Jinping has made reforms a central theme since he took over the reins of power and the CPC has demonstrated courage of and devotion to fighting corruption.China's international stature hinges on efficient domestic policies that enhance economic competitiveness, poverty eradication and equal opportunities, he said.The rule of law drive will ultimately boost China's soft power in this globalized world. Chinese leaders should reinvent the government as a prerequisite to sustain economic growth, he said.David Fouquet, director of the European Institute for Asian Studies, pointed out that China has been introducing and adopting legislation in recent years in such areas as competition, labor and employment law to bring these more in line with international standards. We are hopeful and optimistic that the Chinese leadership will achieve all the ambitious objectives of recent meetings and documents. They should go a long way toward making China, its economy, society and political system fairer for its population, he said.In a written interview , former Egyptian Ambassador to China Mahmoud Allam said: China, with the great economic development it has achieved and its influence on social relations and conditions, needs an advanced legal system to govern the commercial relations and to control some felonies related to economic and social development. It is a very positive step from China's Communist Party to follow up and attempt to develop such a legal system. The session's focus on the development of China's legal system is a timely step to establish a modern state, he said.The Chinese Communist Party has managed to a great extent to develop itself and its own performance to cope with and accomplish its tasks of developing the Chinese society, achieving its openness to the outside world, and attracting the world to deal with China, said the former ambassador.The party is evaluating and assessing the situation in the country in a very scientific way,he added.Gerishon Ikiara, an economist with University of Nairobi, said the implementation of the rule of law will improve the CPC's ability to govern effectively because it will ensure that no one is above the law regardless of their status of society.China's international image will improve if it is seen as country ruled by law, he said, adding that the rule of law will give more impetus to the current government's drive to eliminate corruption at all levels of the government, and help the CPC to overcome resistance to reforms by those who prefer the status quo.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//CPC-move-toward-rule-of-law-significant-step-for-China-exper.html


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