
网站公告:晋江预防网络诈骗出新招 建立三级“防骗微信群”,2015最新诈骗新招,怎样建立微信群,最新婚恋诈骗新招,微信诈骗案例,微信红包诈骗
晋江预防网络诈骗出新招 建立三级“防骗微信群”
时间:日09:45 来源:晋江经济报
原标题:晋江预防网络诈骗出新招 建立三级“防骗微信群”
  本报记者_齐玉波 通讯员_龚桂发  本报讯  针对近期电信网络诈骗犯罪猖獗的形势,晋江警方推出新举措——建立三级防骗微信群,通过微信平台向社会及时发布防诈骗预警信息。  据悉,晋江市公安局依托微信平台建立起三级“晋江市反诈骗工作专用群”,一级群由指挥中心负责建立,成员包括刑侦大队、治安大队、网安大队、公关室联络员及各派出所所有社区民警;二级群由各派出所社区民警负责建立,成员包括辖区村干部、各企事业单位负责人、行政管理人员、财务人员、小微企业主等;三级群由村干部、企事业单位负责人、行政管理人员建立,成员包括村民、单位人员等。目前,全局27个派出所均建立了“反诈骗工作专用群”,以社区民警为点,以村干部、治安积极分子和公司、企业为线,以辖区群众为面的警务防控矩阵基本形成。目前,一级群254人,二级群212个,成员3645人,三级群324个,成员11540人。  预警信息发布前,指挥中心首先对全市诈骗警情进行全面梳理,深入研判本地及周边区域发案动态,分析嫌疑人作案手段、规律特点及近期多发的、新出现的诈骗案件,随后,利用“防骗微信群”平台及时发布预警信息,第一时间将警情研判成果推送至群内逐级转发。该平台更及时、更新颖,被群众广为接受。  作者:齐玉波 龚桂发
Number one,make
Number Two,can
Number Three, potato
Number four, jumping
Number five,run fast
Number one,What are they doing?
They’re rowing a dragon boat.
What are they doing?
They’re rowing a dragon boat.
What are they doing?
They’re rowing a dragon boat.
Number two,
Excuse me. Where’s the zoo?
Turn right.
Excuse me. Where’s the zoo?
Turn right.
Excuse me. Where’s the zoo?
Turn right.
Number three,This is Amy. She’s watching TV.
This is Amy. She’s watching TV.
This is Amy. She’s watching TV.
Number four, Do you want some tomatoes?
Yes, please.
Do you want some tomatoes?
Yes, please.
Do you want some tomatoes?
Yes, please.
number five,
He’s playing basketball.
He’s playing basketball.
He’s playing basketball.
number six, What are you doing, Mum?
I’m making dumplings.
What are you doing, Mum?
I’m making dumplings.
What are you doing, Mum?
I’m making dumplings.
number seven, Do you want some noodles?
Yes, please.
Do you want some noodles?
Yes, please.
Do you want some noodles?
Yes, please.
number eight, What’s the cat doing?
It’s singing.
What’s the cat doing?
It’s singing.
What’s the cat doing?
It’s singing.
number nine, Can he jump far?
Yes, he can.
Can he jump far?
Yes, he can.
Can he jump far?
Yes, he can.
number ten, This is my friend sao wei. He’s taking pictures.
This is my friend sao wei. He’s taking pictures.
This is my friend sao wei. He’s taking pictures.
number one,
Hello, I’m Tian tian. I’m listening to music.
Hello, I’m Tian tian. I’m listening to music.
Hello, I’m Tian tian. I’m listening to music.
number two, Hi, I’m Mao mao. I’m playing table tennis.
Hi, I’m Maomao. I’m playing table tennis.
Hi, I’m Mao mao. I’m playing table tennis.
number three, Hello, I’m Lan lan. I’m playing basketball.
Hello, I’m Lan lan. I’m playing basketball.
Hello, I’m Lan lan. I’m playing basketball.
number four, Hi, I’m sao yong. I’m playing football.
Hi, I’m sao yong. I’m playing football.
Hi, I’m sao yong. I’m playing football.
number one, How much is it?
Seven yuan.
How much is it?
Seven yuan.
How much is it?
Seven yuan.
number two, Excuse me. Where’s the cinema?
Go straight on.
Excuse me. Where’s the cinema?
Go straight on.
Excuse me. Where’s the cinema?
Go straight on.
number three, Can you take a picture?
Yes, I can.
Can you take a picture?
Yes, I can.
Can you take a picture?
Yes, I can.
number four, Do you want some soya milk?
Yes, please.
Do you want some soya milk?
Yes, please.
Do you want some soya milk?
Yes, please.
number five, What is Daming doing?
He’s singing.
What is Daming doing?
He’s singing.
What is Daming doing?
He’s singing. 上传我的文档
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