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1 assist in 帮助 2 take the place of 代替3 first aid 急救;急救护理4 break away from vt.放弃;脱离……
扫描下载二维码AA Assist Services | AA
Assist Services
AA Assist Services
AA Assist Services can help your fleet of cars, vans or trucks stay on the road and keep your business moving in the right direction. We have a range of services that you can tailor to suit your company, from battery replacement to windscreen repair. Just call the AA & we've got it covered.
AA Fuel Assist
Provides roadside assistance when drivers have filled up with the wrong fuel. We'll help you avoid expensive repairs and quickly get your vehicles back on the road.
AA Key Assist
Combines professional locksmith skills with the use of vehicle manufacturer diagnostic equipment to help drivers with lost, damaged or stolen vehicle keys.
AA Battery Assist
Recharges batteries at the roadside to minimise the cost and inconvenience of battery failure. We can also supply and fit replacement batteries if needed.
Business enquiries
Mon&Fri 9am&5pm
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Room Service F&B Assist


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