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又一波插件已更新 近期兼容iOS8.3插件一览(2)
热门手游榜DathBanners Lite is an interesting new tweak that&gets rid of the old look of the notification banner and brings a more dynamic look to it.The tweak changes the color of the incoming notification banners based on the dominant color of the app. Every time you receive notifications from different apps, the background color of the banner will differ.As an example, if you receive a text message from the Messages app, the notification banner will be colored green. On the other hand, if the notification belongs to the Twitter app, the banner background will change to blue color.&It’s a great way of bringing life to your notification banners and make it look more dynamic.&For app icons that feature a combination of different colors, the end result won’t look so good.DathBanners doesn’t come with any preferences pane to configure the tweak. Once you’ve installed it, you’ll notice the color of the notification banners change dynamically. The developer also&recommends that if the color of the banners don’t change, you should respring your device.Since this is the “Lite” version of the tweak, it might be the reason why it doesn’t provide any configuration options.&If the developer is working on a paid version of the tweak then we can expect to see options that allow users to configure the tweak.I’ve been using DathBanners Lite for a while and it works nicely as advertised. The tweak also makes your notification banners more appealing.If you’re interested to get your hands on the tweak, it is available as a free download in Cydia’s BigBoss repo. Let us know what you think about the tweak once you’ve given it a try.Like this post? Share it!
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/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.DathBanners Pro iOS8通知横幅美化插件 (ios8插件) v1.0-2 最新版
今天这个ios8插件可是很给力的说,因为DathBanners Pro iOS8通知横幅美化插件可以对你的ios8系统进行美化,比如说让颜色发光,添加声音,或者更改文本颜色。DathBanners插件下载给你最好的手机使用体验。DathBanners Pro iOS8通知横幅美化插件用过的人都说好。
DathBanners Pro iOS8通知横幅美化插件安装方法:
下载软件 itools 等;
DathBanners Pro iOS8通知横幅美化插件下载
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