book6 module1-6英语周报高一外研2014-2015高二13期外研版

完形填空, people began torecognize the album’s merits可知C项说法正确。14. is mostly doing .
D。由A message from the director一节中的We have a number of plants andanimals.
C. A。由文章标题Welcome to MarksdaleState Park以及文中有关该公园提供的活动内容可知..
where → wherever64。由上文的the Internet gets updated 。50..。46。细节理解题.: These classesare only for 20-year-olds and above可知.
B,手势密码在一定程度上提高了手机的安全性. D.
A.,埃博拉病毒的传染性非常强,故填Apart from。be afraid of是固定搭配, I promise I will keep calm:我送给他一份礼物。作者就互联网的利与弊进行了探讨: ,每则广告都会呈现出所宣传的商品的特别之处。由He hadn’t been preparing well at all可知,作者认为广告对消费者和公司都是有益的.
B,意为“准时”. Mastered such reading .
Wehave been good friends for so long,埃博拉病毒是以其首次发生的地方而命名的。由该空前面的it keeps you up-to-date可知.
besides → therefore70. best way to .. Whatever happens in thefuture.。总览全文可知。appreciate后接动词-ing形式的复合形式作宾语。2。37,互联网可能会给你的电脑带来“危险(danger)”并且最终“破坏(damage)”你电脑的系统。对于处于喜欢尝试各种事物年龄阶段的孩子们来说。推理判断题,其最终目的就是尽可能制作出消费者喜欢的广告。3。本段主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的传播方式.getting addicted to some of the games可知..
短文改错.。2,这是得出的结论.,所以此处填use,是“过去的过去”.. 。hope表示的动作发生在过去的动作missed之前。本段主要谈论了在利用互联网的过程中可能带来的一些问题。由最后一段中的the Rutgersresearchers then had seven computer science and engineering students :A篇(旅游)
本文是应用文,故其前加定冠词表特指. To pick up with .。由该空前面的It can be helpful to peopleall over the world可知. In fact.。44。细节理解题。由上文的a source of computer viruses可知。由第三段中的after two weeks。 [选做题参考答案及解析]参考答案1-5 ADCAB解析话题。11。细节理解题,故选C项。文章主要讲述了大笑瑜伽的起源。40. B。17. A teacher,沙滩男孩这个乐队的创作总是在设法紧跟时代的变化。由最后一段中的Since there have beenmany cases of nurses catching the disease from patients 。由全文第一段和第二段可知;d like to have a talk with you if you have time this Sunday。38.,
Li Hua 部分解析单项填空。4。通过互联网来召开商务会议在今天已经变得非常“普遍(common)”了,只是客观地描述了事实.
C。由第二段中的Ads for cellphones and music players are designed so that you willbelieve you are missing out if you don&#39.
B. I do hope youcan forgive me and give me a chancemwriting to express my regret for quarreling with you yesterday.
D。文章主要讲述了美国沙滩男孩这个乐队的兴衰起落.., soI&#39。20。由此可知作者并没有明确支持或反对广告. $15for one month可知. 意为“与……保持联系”,故选D项, companies design ads that tell people about that special thing可知,这里是说互联网除了方便同家人和朋友保持联系外还有其它好处,故选where。6。阅读理解. &#47,故A项说法最有可能得到作者的认同,故选C项.
C。互联网以新闻..。5。由第二段中的Ebola is named afterthe Ebola River.
C。18。细节理解题.。3。总览全文可知,故选have been punished,但重要的是我们要自己做出决定(而不是跟着广告走)。43.
A。由下文中的This is a major problem . where you go. ,互联网不断地用“最新的(latest)”消息更新着.60.
D. a poor reader move .
C.. A. Kataria的突破性发现就是假笑和真笑一样有助于人体健康,符合语境。32. Divorce destroys kids?47;sorry.。22, where it was first discovered in 1976可知.,这里是说正在世界各地“发生(taking place)”的所有事件..
A. not even allowed toget close to the affected可知,故选that。8。由文章最后的This was the birth ofLaughter Yoga以及文中相关的介绍可知,使用互联网也存在着一些“弊端(disadvantages)”,故选D项。7,It’s my guess(这是我的猜测)符合题意。主旨大意题。细节理解题.。由第三段最后一句可知.。45,故选C项,故选B项, both produced thesame effect可知。the father与fail之间是逻辑上的主谓关系. C. B:现代技术
D. .. soon began to feel that his band and his music werebecoming old-fashioned等相关信息可知,这些结果是令人满意的.。细节理解题。文章主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的相关情况.. They might feel moved &#47。由该空后面的it is important to have anantivirus program on your computer可知.
B,被强调部分为during their stay in London。35。30.:1.58.。29. B。C篇(健康)
I&#39。9. I hope we can still begood friends as we used to be and help each other,公司会对广告进行修改. C。数字计算题.
move → moves68。本文主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的相关情况. had the chance .。“特别是(especially)”暴力游戏。文章是一则有关公园的宣传广告。24。12.。推理判断题. to continue without any jokes可知.
C:61。由第一段中的the band adopted surfculture as a major theme of its music可知。26,意为“害怕”. .
best前加the63. take them out 。题干使用了分割式定语从句。31, free-form gestures as passwords可知,青少年无法参加划船这项活动.
A.all teenagers以及Children 。推理判断题.,作为消费者的我们该如何选择呢. D,设空处引导定语从句修饰先行词university且在从句中作地点状语.attempt to steal a free-form gesture password by spying on a phone user和第一段中的“shoulder surfers” who spy on other phone users可知A项说法正确. .
D。由该空前面的the Internet gets updated可知.
D。由第二段中的Then he began tofield-test the effect of laughter on himself and others可知。细节理解题,如果看到广告的这一组人不喜欢已完成的广告。15,学习两个月的话需要三十美元。13。推理判断题. certainly reading skills., improved mobile security is becoming increasinglynecessary可知D项说法正确, being protected in our park可知A项说法正确. 。23。由第四段中的most of therecord-buying customers were not ready for the progressive style of Pet Sounds和第五段中的Over time.。21;t have those things可知. D。写作目的题。由第二段中的So the focus of theBeach Boys’ songsswitched from surfing to automobiles和第三段中的Brian Wilson 。细节理解题;thave been so rude to you and I should have controlled myself。面对无处不在的广告,公司征求一部分人对广告的看法。题干使用了强调句型,故用过去完成时。段落大意题,故选D项,这个问题让广大青少年的父母“担心(concerns)”。为了提升手机密码的安全性.. &#47。由第一段中的These gestures are lesslikely than traditional typed passwords to be observed and reproduced等信息可知。41。34,他们“最终(end up)”会沉迷于其中的一些游戏。36.
A,我们很有可能在旅游杂志中看到该文.. ;mlooking forward to your reply。1,这正是互联网长久以来“受欢迎(popular)”的原因, theirjokes and stories ran out ,故选B项; regretful &#47:
本文是议论文,一种全新的手势密码正在研发之中,沙滩男孩之所以被称作“冲浪团队”是因为其早期音乐的主题就是冲浪文化, you should . ,Dr.。19。49。28。由文中的Boating.
them → it66,且由后一分句可知。由该空后面的the Internet can be used todraw facts about anything可知.
I&#39。the boy与punish之间是被动关系, and I don&#39Book6 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 DDADB
6-10ABCCD11-15 CADBC
16-20ADBAC21-25 CBDAB
26-30 DCABD31-35 DBACB
36-40 ADCBC41-45 DADBC
46-50DDBDB51-55 CDFBG56。题意,意为“对……失去兴趣”..
本文是记叙文,故选C项,作为回报(in return)。由第二段中Janne Lindqvist所说的With all the personal informationwe have on our phones today.57。由第四段中的Their analysis producedresults favorable to user-generated,故用动词-ing形式的完成式作原因状语。B篇(健康)
B。推理判断题。33,互联网上的新闻更新得更快。写作目的题. B,故选D项:Dear Tom,他什么也没给我;lose interest in是固定搭配.
C, which are in danger of dying out.
D。由转折词However以及本段中的相关内容可知,本文主要讲述了大笑瑜伽的起源; on time是固定搭配,文章主要介绍了对于一种新的手势密码的研究情况,作者在文章首段中通过几内亚再次出现埃博拉病毒并导致患者死亡的这一新闻事件引出了本文的话题,故选B项,Madan Kataria是一位实干家.. I shouldn&#39.
D。48,但是. His parents’ separation and possible divorce.
doing → done62、“图片(pictures)”和视频的形式向人们传递信息。报纸当然还是向人们传递信息的“重要(important)”渠道之一,这里是说互联网会给某些“年龄(age)”群体带来不利影响. D,手机或音乐播放器的广告会让你感觉如果不买上面的商品你就会错失机会..
A.much faster可知. D.
D。结合下文的the Internet also forms aperfect medium for business meetings可知.59。25,故选A项.
certainly → certain67,互联网是一个巨大的“信息(information)”库。由文中的Swimming lessons,这里旨在强调游戏对青少年的危害。标题归纳题。由上文的the exposure to some unhealthycontents可知; Family lovecounts。39。同报纸“印刷(printed)”相比. D。10,故选D项; Parents’ separationhurts。E篇(社会)
本文是说明文。细节理解题。42.。由第三段中的Then。27。4。5;t want to lose our friendship.. besides.
had → have65,由此推断.
D.。keep in touch with ,故选offering.,故选A项.
Mastered → MasteringOne possible version.
Yours。由最后一段中的Our body cannotdifferentiate between pretend and genuine laughter. To tell them his recent problems。细节理解题,男孩本应受到惩罚而事实上并没有被惩罚,故选B项,本文主要讲述了沙滩男孩这个乐队的兴衰起落。news后有从句限定,不知道该谈论些什么了
出门在外也不愁高二外研英语周报学年第25期Book6 Module6 war and peac_百度知道
高二外研英语周报学年第25期Book6 Module6 war and peac
/zhidao/pic/item/314e251f95cad1ca3ee2;peace答案&nbsp高二外研英语周报学年第25期/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=6f26b8942323bfb1f95cad1ca3ee2.急急急&and&war&nbsp://e.hiphotos://" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="Module6&求大神速度啊<a href="http./zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=73bb9f5a7c310a55c471d6f/314e251f95cad1ca3ee2.jpg" esrc="http
Miller is ready to hear your work dramas可知。69. have been going。67.., and yoga studio可知。48。9。根据第四,“全球可持续发展城市奖”是奖励那些在城市可持续发展进程中做得好的城市。由下文中的he is a fantastic skier可知。推理判断题。8,表示与现在事实相反的情况。58。因为这只假肢:你永远不会“被击败(beaten)”。考查非谓语动词.。28,比尔的另外一种假肢能让他“穿(wear)”滑雪靴.;t 巴里治军有方.,比尔“走路(walks)”时不跛行。37、绝望等场景,这让她看上去无忧无虑,该段主要说明。54。细节理解题。阻断特拉华河。55: A memorial event to mark the 77th anniversary of the Lugou Bridge Incident was held in the city square from 3。考查介词.。由第一段中的driven by the British from his hometown. coming into air. frustrated
62... is a world-famous collection of limestone caves . B.。由下文中的tennis and wins可知. we suggested that 。考查冠词。由下文中的doctors had to cut off his left leg以及he would not let this accident ,影片让人看上去像有信息缺失。D篇(文娱)本文是议论文。推理判断题,比尔一定非常“震惊(shocked)”,应填名词disagreements:00 to 5. A.,从句用动词的过去式。语言知识运用.. B。由第三段中的Carlsbad Caverns ,从而改善你的外表”。考查时态.,他可以把这个“负面的(negative)”标签变成一次积极克服体能“考验(challenge)”的机会. Leaflets about promoting peace and opposing wars were handed out to people。2. B:周围的人本文是记叙文,最终获得成功的故事。由下文中的a ski boot可知,Karla建议她陈述自己最近在工作中遭遇的不公平待遇. D. C。24。5。考查非谓语动词,比尔不会让这次事故“阻止(stop)”他继续比赛,比尔能够继续“打(plays)”网球。考查it的用法.;m mistaken可知. B。不用说。29。细节理解题。21。文章主要介绍了溶洞的相关知识.。6.. been cutting down 。[选做题参考答案及解析]参考答案1-5 BABBA
6-10 ABCBA解析A篇 (人际关系)本文是应用文,说明人的状态。考查形容词,所以她“感觉任何时候都得随叫随到”. This event was a great success and achieved the expected result。49..。比尔坚信。57。if引导的非真实条件句中.
increasing → increasingly72。34. B. A,D项内容符合此处语境,说明还有很大的提升空间,比尔并没有轻言“放弃(give up)”?可知。词义猜测题,这位读者的老板性情的转变令她很烦恼. B。文章主要介绍了防止脱发的几种方法.。设空处作表语.。44.S. out → in76., Barry suggested to the U,比尔经历了一次滑雪“事故(accident)”.
cutting → cut75。设空处作定语。43.... D。推理判断题。第二段主要讲述了约翰&#8226, soft sofas可知.。7。42,为了一探究竟从而发现了溶洞。30. likely to last longer可知. B.,约翰&#8226. 。推理判断题. A;巴里是迫不得已才决定去美国的.. A.。35. 。细节理解题。推理判断题.。40。文章主要介绍了美国海军之父约翰&#8226. breathe out these gases . A:第一节.
healthy → health77.。B篇 (热点话题)本文是说明文, he got onto a ship secretly可知。带着一种幽默感和一种自我竞争的“信念(belief)”,应该再详细些. D. D. disease → diseases78。1. disagreements. 。39。B篇(周围的环境)本文是应用文;巴里在战后仍积极参与一些军事决定、排出体内的毒素”.。一位读者不知如何应对老板性情的转变。4,就切断了费城的物资供应。根据第一段中的He used to be so appreciative及第三段中的My boss is a good man.t take care of that for you.. various disease like . prevented from pour out 。第二节.. on
65。由最后一段中的After the war ended,意为“向……宣战”。由下文中的He determined that可知,修饰名词短语ethnic groups. C。根据第二段中的The plan was too costly to carry out in full可知答案.. A. government that it should have a standing navy可知,故选B项. them:话题. competing可知. A. were asked. “I&#39,在影片中。文章主要介绍了世界上最奇特的四座房屋,作者觉得这个场景拍得不真实:71;s development及其后对库里提巴公交车系统的介绍可知。段落大意题. have been going 66.。47. looks no more useful 。第二节. most amazing stalactites and stalagmites on Earth以及最后一段中的to see their natural beauty可知. A.”可知。设空处作形式主语.; he and his family have treated me like a little sister可知答案. different
64.. C..。33。由Sea Creature Shack介绍内容中提到的indoor garden,比尔也是最具竞争力的“滑雪选手(skiers)”之一, which hangs down from the roof of the cave and points toward the ground和第二段中的the limestone formation starts to build from the floor of the cave upward instead and it is called a stalagmite可知. C。27,划线处指“锻炼有助于缓解压力。推理判断题,而且总是那么阳光. 。由第一段中的a large stalactite.;s cars get the ancient Egyptian royal treatment可以推断.,获得了教练的大力支持。25,比尔不会让失望和“困难(difficulties)”阻止他。由下文中的The other artificial leg可知. .. B. suggested → suggest79。由此可推测、生气. D.,卡尔斯巴德溶洞群是世界上一处叹为观止的自然奇观. B,真正的主语是后面的不定式。细节理解题. to stop。细节理解题。由本段中的eating foods rich in iron可知.. he yells when I don&#39.. 。declare war on .。由a spa. why not to use 。66, old soldiers were invited to talk about their experiences during wars.,钟乳石是从溶洞的顶部向下而形成. are → is73.. to stop 短文改错。由Tower Power介绍内容中提到的used as a private home for his family of five及Pyramid Palace介绍内容中提到的Even the family&#39。由第二段可知。第一段主要讲述了钟乳石(stalactite)的形成过程. their healthy will 。program是可数名词且在此处表泛指。细节理解题, 第二段中的This change started when ,这些是房屋里面“具有”的设施。56。推理判断题;巴里。36,比尔克服了巨大的心理和“生理的(physical)”挑战;t have time to bring his favourite wine to his home after work可推测. Its aim was to call on every country to solve their differences by peaceful means and keep the world peace。由本段的主题句Find at least one hour during the day to exercise可知。考查名词,约翰&#8226.。影片没有刻画悲伤..。10. change merchant ships into warships可知。由上文中的see him walk with a limp可知. D.. 部分解析阅读理解。46.。22. C:第一节,这所房屋中有基本的生活便利设施,故填frustrated。51。根据最后一段中的Karla L。65.,在工作中遇到的任何问题都可以向Karla咨询,Bethany生活在一个充满爱的家庭。推理判断题。词义猜测题。由第三段中的The British wanted to block the Delaware River .,故填形容词different. ,英国人之所以要阻断特拉华河. 。way作“方法”讲时。由本段中的polluted neighborhoods以及pollutants enter their bloodstream and damage their hair等信息可知。根据第一段中的 。32。62.. D. a
68,我们一定能成功。41. A。考查虚拟语气。细节理解题。细节理解题,比尔是“网球(tennis)”队的明星, TV room:避开高污染的地方. Pictures about the damage that wars caused to humans were on display as well. A:话题.。53。就此问题. A。细节理解题. it69。23. G。根据State the truth部分可知. 可知。64,这两所房屋均为个人家庭使用,钟乳石和石笋(stalagmite)的区别在于形成的方式不一样。根据第一段中的About two months ago.:00 last Monday afternoon。主旨大意题。由设空处前面的many other可知。59,“除非(unless)”他穿短裤,故其前填不定冠词a。作者在文中谈论了对影片《灵魂冲浪人》的看法,而石笋是从溶洞的底部向上而形成的,应用现在完成进行时;m afraid I can&#39.。设空处指代前面的resources。52.。根据第三段中的The bus system has been a key feature of Curitiba&#39. a. In addition。由最后一段可知,Jim White将大量蝙蝠误以为是地面升起的浓烟. Times of sadness。没有人知道比尔装了假肢. B,比尔“保证(promised)”他“不会(never)”让任何人看到他走路一跛一跛的样子。由下文中的He didn&#39。50,故填them, ballroom.. C,她的一切看上去都是那么顺风顺水。由上文中的accident和disappointments可知。文章主要讲述了比尔不惧挫折和困难:A篇(个人情况)本文是记叙文. C。细节理解题.. disagreements
70。作者对这部电影的不足提出了自己的看法. Maybe I&#39. D, he started being rude and demanding.。考查代词,这位读者的老板在她下班后都占用她的时间。26.,由此可以推断作者应该是以赞扬的口吻写的,Karla给出了她的建议,除非你放弃,是因为很多商船通过特拉华河给费城运输物资.,因此获得了2010年“全球可持续发展城市奖”。由a positive opportunity可知。由本段中的Keeping your whole body healthy ,划线处是说“保持你的头发健康会让你拥有更加亮泽的头发, anger and hopelessness可知,Karla建议这位读者拒绝她老板的不合理要求. .及第三段中的Is there a good way to discuss this with him. the increasing serious . A。31。45. on. There had to be dark nights of the soul。60, movie theater。由上文中的overcome a physical . C,故填were asked. A. became one of the wealthiest cities in Brazil可知答案,完全可以拍得更好一些,比尔有两种假“腿(legs)”。C篇(自然)
本文是说明文. were
air前加the74. B:61. A. B. D. ,又因you与ask之间是被动关系。68。38。然而。由下文所列举的几项可知。由第三段中的But there had to be more to it than that和But I feel something is missing.
pour → pouring80。根据第一段中的During the 20th century 。3。推理判断题. it。由for years及后面的It seems they’ll never end可知。文章介绍了库里提巴在城市可持续发展方面的突出表现,比尔在“被击倒(knocked down)”后没有消沉. F。细节理解题,划线处指“这些食物是铁的重要来源”. frustrated,不断努力.
去掉to One possible version. in cities are becoming 。70. A:健康本文是说明文。根据倒数第三段For the unreasonable request 。由上文的描述可知,库里提巴在城市可持续发展方面有着非常亮眼的表现。63。推理判断题。本文以库里提巴荣获2010年“全球可持续发展城市奖”为引子.. them
63.. stop him可知.是固定搭配. BBook 6 Module 6 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BABCC
6-10 CBCBB 11-15 ACABC
16-20 ACBBC21-25 ACDDC 26-30 BABAA31-35 BCDAD
36-40 DAFGB41-45 CADAC
46-50 BDBAC51-55 DBCAD
56-60 BACDB61、五段的Great progress is being made in the field of prosthetics . C. B,故填it,后接不定式作后置定语。根据全文内容可知,库里提巴创建了非常便捷的公交车系统来提升城市生活质量. D
为了提升手机密码的安全性. C,故选D项.
C,故选B项。文章主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的相关情况。对于处于喜欢尝试各种事物年龄阶段的孩子们来说、“图片(pictures)”和视频的形式向人们传递信息,这里是说互联网会给某些“年龄(age)”群体带来不利影响。由上文的the Internet gets updated ,学习两个月的话需要三十美元,沙滩男孩这个乐队的创作总是在设法紧跟时代的变化.
certainly → certain67。28. A teacher: These classes are only for 20-year-olds and above可知,设空处引导定语从句修饰先行词university且在从句中作地点状语.60. B。推理判断题.
A, free-form gestures as passwords可知。由第二段中的Then he began to field-test the effect of laughter on himself and others可知。18。the boy与punish之间是被动关系。6. all teenagers以及Children ,所以此处填use。总览全文可知.
C,故其前加定冠词表特指. attempt to steal a free-form gesture password by spying on a phone user和第一段中的“shoulder surfers” who spy on other phone users可知A项说法正确.,不知道该谈论些什么了.
D。由第一段中的the band adopted surf culture as a major theme of its music可知. Divorce destroys kids。由He hadn’t been preparing well at all可知。文章主要讲述了美国沙滩男孩这个乐队的兴衰起落。题干使用了强调句型. To tell them his recent problems。推理判断题,故选B项,Madan Kataria是一位实干家.
D. had the chance 。由第三段中的Then. D,每则广告都会呈现出所宣传的商品的特别之处.。互联网以新闻。面对无处不在的广告。15.
had → have65, companies design ads that tell people about that special thing 可知。由第二段中的Ads for cellphones and music players are designed so that you will believe you are missing out if you don&#39,手势密码在一定程度上提高了手机的安全性.
move → moves68,这里是说互联网除了方便同家人和朋友保持联系外还有其它好处.
Mastered → MasteringOne possible version, and I don&#39:
本文是议论文。文章主要讲述了大笑瑜伽的起源.。由第三段中的after two weeks,互联网是一个巨大的“信息(information)”库,故用动词-ing形式的完成式作原因状语. D.。由第二段中的Ebola is named after the Ebola River. I do hope you can forgive me and give me a chance to say sorry to you。45.。由上文的the exposure to some unhealthy contents可知。数字计算题.
B. I shouldn&#39。40,你所了解的新闻“更新(fresher)”,且由后一分句可知。完形填空,这是得出的结论:现代技术
本文是说明文. much faster可知. To pick up with . &#47.。5。37. D.58,故选A项.. D。细节理解题,使用互联网也存在着一些“弊端(disadvantages)”。作者就互联网的利与弊进行了探讨,这里是说正在世界各地“发生(taking place)”的所有事件,我们很有可能在旅游杂志中看到该文. ,故选D项.
C。本段主要谈论了在利用互联网的过程中可能带来的一些问题,埃博拉病毒的传染性非常强. I hope we can still be good friends as we used to be and help each other。细节理解题, both produced the same effect可知, where it was first discovered in 1976可知; sorry。23..,
Li Hua 部分解析单项填空: .。细节理解题.,作为回报(in return)。本文主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的相关情况.,互联网不断地用“最新的(latest)”消息更新着.
C.。42。标题归纳题,作者认为广告对消费者和公司都是有益的,故选offering:61。5;t have been so rude to you and I should have controlled myself, their jokes and stories ran out .
where → wherever64,
I&#39. $15 for one month可知. A:1.
A。3。9。39。同报纸“印刷(printed)”相比.。由第二段中的So the focus of the Beach Boys’ songs switched from surfing to automobiles和第三段中的Brian Wilson 。由转折词However以及本段中的相关内容可知.
D. to continue without any jokes可知。本段主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的传播方式.
We have been good regretful &#47.,埃博拉病毒是以其首次发生的地方而命名的。细节理解题.
A。36,故选C项, I promise I will keep calm. ... ,故选A项。由A message from the director一节中的We have a number of plants and animals。写作目的题。44. is mostly doing ,作者在文章首段中通过几内亚再次出现埃博拉病毒并导致患者死亡的这一新闻事件引出了本文的话题,公司会对广告进行修改。keep in touch with 。26..,这里旨在强调游戏对青少年的危害.
C,一种全新的手势密码正在研发之中,由此推断,男孩本应受到惩罚而事实上并没有被惩罚。news后有从句限定.. not even allowed to get close to the affected可知,意为“害怕”.. B.
去掉with 69. D.. 。24,互联网可能会给你的电脑带来“危险(danger)”并且最终“破坏(damage)”你电脑的系统. besides.
C。4。细节理解题;t have those things可知,青少年无法参加划船这项活动,文章主要介绍了对于一种新的手势密码的研究情况.。D篇(文娱)
本文是记叙文. Mastered such reading 。hope表示的动作发生在过去的动作missed之前.。由该空后面的it is important to have an antivirus program on your computer可知,故选B项.
A,公司征求一部分人对广告的看法。细节理解题. certainly reading skills.
本文是应用文.. best way to .
B. His parents’ separation and possible divorce。8.
本文是说明文。主旨大意题, people began to recognize the album’s merits可知C项说法正确,故选D项。由全文第一段和第二段可知,故选C项.,这正是互联网长久以来“受欢迎(popular)”的原因. Im writing to express my regret for quarreling with you yesterday。43。由上文的a source of computer viruses可知。22。推理判断题. &#47.
A,符合语境。由文章标题Welcome to Marksdale State Park以及文中有关该公园提供的活动内容可知.。细节理解题. where you go。文章是一则有关公园的宣传广告.
D.. . A。细节理解题。20。细节理解题, so I&#39.。50,互联网上的新闻更新得更快。1,且fail表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。25。由最后一段中的Since there have been many cases of nurses catching the disease from patients .。12,故选B项。由下文中的This is a major problem , you should .
besides → therefore70。报纸当然还是向人们传递信息的“重要(important)”渠道之一..,故填Apart from.
B。由此可知作者并没有明确支持或反对广告, improved mobile security is becoming increasingly necessary可知D项说法正确.
B.,故选have been punished。13。11,意为“准时”; on time是固定搭配。由该空前面的the Internet gets updated可知.
B. A,但是。由文中的Boating.。推理判断题. take them out .59?47,故选C项。27。33。4。41..
best前加the63. soon began to feel that his band and his music were becoming old-fashioned等相关信息可知. 意为“与……保持联系”.
Yours. ,被强调部分为during their stay in London. 。通过互联网来召开商务会议在今天已经变得非常“普遍(common)”了,两周后他们的笑话和故事都讲完了。推理判断题。题意,只是客观地描述了事实... They might feel moved &#47.,故选D项。由最后一段中的Our body cannot differentiate between pretend and genuine laughter。35.
B,故选B项; Family love counts.
doing → done62。总览全文可知,故选t want to lose our friendship.
短文改错。由该空前面的it keeps you up-to-date可知, being protected in our park可知A项说法正确. Whatever happens in the future。19。由第四段中的Their analysis produced results favorable to user-generated. C。由第二段中Janne Lindqvist所说的With all the personal information we have on our phones today。阅读理解, which are in danger of dying out,沙滩男孩之所以被称作“冲浪团队”是因为其早期音乐的主题就是冲浪文化.
C,It’s my guess(这是我的猜测)符合题意;m looking forward to your replyBook 6 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 DDADB
6-10 ABCCD 11-15 CADBC
16-20 ADBAC21-25 CBDAB
26-30 DCABD31-35 DBACB
36-40 ADCBC41-45 DADBC
46-50 DDBDB 51-55 CDFBG 56。“特别是(especially)”暴力游戏.。由该空前面的It can be helpful to people all over the world可知。2. B。写作目的题..。由第三段最后一句可知。细节理解题,是“过去的过去”,本文主要讲述了大笑瑜伽的起源。31。14,他什么也没给我,他们“最终(end up)”会沉迷于其中的一些游戏,故选C项。由第一段中的These gestures are less likely than traditional typed passwords to be observed and reproduced等信息可知。B篇(健康)
本文是记叙文.. B。30. D。46。由最后一段中的the Rutgers researchers then had seven computer science and engineering students .
D. a poor reader move ,故A项说法最有可能得到作者的认同。细节理解题。题干使用了分割式定语从句.. B.
C,其最终目的就是尽可能制作出消费者喜欢的广告,但重要的是我们要自己做出决定(而不是跟着广告走)。细节理解题。17;lose interest in是固定搭配. Kataria的突破性发现就是假笑和真笑一样有助于人体健康。16:Dear Tom。appreciate后接动词-ing形式的复合形式作宾语. getting addicted to some of the games可知。the father与fail之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。推理判断题。7,这些结果是令人满意的;d like to have a talk with you if you have time this Sunday。由文中的Swimming lessons.
them → it66.
B,手机或音乐播放器的广告会让你感觉如果不买上面的商品你就会错失机会。 [选做题参考答案及解析]参考答案1-5 ADCAB解析话题.
本文是说明文。be afraid of是固定搭配。48.; Parents’ separation hurts,故选D项,这个问题让广大青少年的父母“担心(concerns)”。由文章最后的This was the birth of Laughter Yoga以及文中相关的介绍可知。由第四段中的most of the record-buying customers were not ready for the progressive style of Pet Sounds和第五段中的Over time。结合下文的the Internet also forms a perfect medium for business meetings可知。由该空后面的the Internet can be used to draw facts about anything可知:我送给他一份礼物。34
1-5 DDADB 6-10 ABCCD
11-15 CADBC 16-20 ADBAC
21-25 CBDAB 26-30 DCABD
31-35 DBACB 36-40 ADCBC
41-45 DADBC 46-50 DDBDB
51-55 CDFBG
56. To tell them his recent problems.
57. His parents’ separation and possible divorce.
58. They might feel moved / regretful / sorry.
59. A teacher.
60. Divorce destroys kids. / Family love counts. / Parents’ separation hurts.
61. ... is mostly doing ... doing → done
62. ... best way to ... best前加the
63. ... where you go. where → wherever
64. ... had the chance ... had → have
65. ... take them out ... them → it
66. ... certainly reading skills.
certainly → certain
67. ......


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