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The moment before time begins: 20 images of baby crowning - Kidspot
The moment before time begins: 20 images of baby crowning
Warning: This extraordinary collection of photographic images is graphic. The photos are unedited and the content is very, very real.&
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, September–October 2005, Pages 365–372
FeatureMidwifery Care Measures in the Second Stage of Labor and Reduction of Genital Tract Trauma at Birth: A Randomized Trial, CNM, DrPH, , , CNM, MN, , PhD, , MA, Genital tract trauma after spontaneous vaginal childbirth is common, and evidence-based prevention measures have not been identified beyond minimizing the use of episiotomy. This study randomized 1211 healthy women in midwifery care at the University of New Mexico teaching hospital to 1 of 3 care measures late in the second stage of labor: 1) warm compresses to the perineal area, 2) massage with lubricant, or 3) no touching of the perineum until crowning of the infant&s head. The purpose was to assess whether any of these measures was associated with lower levels of obstetric trauma. After each birth, the clinical midwife recorded demographic, clinical care, and outcome data, including the location and extent of any genital tract trauma. The frequency distribution of genital tract trauma was equal in all three groups. Individual women and their clinicians should decide whether to use these techniques on the basis of maternal comfort and other considerations.keywordschildbirth; midwifery; perineal management; genital tract trauma; perineal traumaLeah Albers, CNM, DrPH, FACNM, FAAN, has been a midwifery teacher and researcher at the University of New Mexico College of Nursing since 1991. She was the principal investigator for this study.Kay Sedler, CNM, MN, FACNM, has been Chief of the Nurse-Midwifery Division and a faculty member in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center since 1983. She was a coinvestigator for the study and managed the clinical operations.Edward J. Bedrick, PhD, is Professor of Statistics at the University of New Mexico. He was the study&s statistician.Dusty Teaf, MA, is a computer hardware and software expert at the University of New Mexico. She generated the randomized allocation sequence, created the data entry platform for the study, and served as the database manager.Patricia Peralta was administrator for the study and coordinated all data collection, entry, and verification. She assisted Dr. Albers with endless details.
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Inside The Blogster Awards 2015: Crowning The Kings & Queens Of Digital
Another day, another dollar. Another year, another awards ceremony.&Pedestrian&teamed up with&&to once again highlight the sublime talent of&Australia's&blogosphere. The competition this year was on a whole new level – pitting the best-of-the best against each other. With the help of&, we curated content that explored all things blogging. It included things like tips on how to create your own platform, and how to deal with the h8rs. Last night, it all came to a head and the winners were crowned. Keep reading to find out who reigned supreme.&Being an ~authority~ (?) on all things .com, we once again threw our Blogster Awards to praise those daring souls who are willing to put it all online and face the wrath of public scrutiny.&Lee Lin Chin, Marc Fennell + P.TV's founders, Oscar and Chris, were discharged with the task of deciding who was the best-of-the-best. Have a gander at the process they used to select the winners in this lovely vid:&It all came to a head last night at the fabulous Catalina,&located in Sydney's Rose Bay. Pommery champagne was bottle poppin, DJ Grassy was laying down the bangers and canapés were in abundance – there was even a fucking oyster bar. Lee Lin was looking dapper AF in her chainmail-chic number. She also gave a scathing lecture on why she wouldn't be taking a selfie with us peasants. #LLC4President.The nominees assembled were the crème de la crème of everything digital, and they fought to the death in hopes of walking away with a trophy.&&THERE WAS DRAMA.THERE WAS PASSION.THERE WERE RIDICULOUSLY GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE PRESENT. &Kweens of the game, Kayla Itsines (lifestyle nominee) and Mimi Elashiry (fashion), just casually hangin'.&Sketchshe's&Shae-Lee Shackleford, Lana Kington and Madison Lloyd blinding us with their beauty.&Food nominee Andy Allen hanging out with his BTS squad.&IT WAS A GODDAMN BLOOD-BATH.&Without further ado, the winners of this year's Blogster Awards are . . .*drum roll*THE KATERING SHOW – COMEDYTHE DESIGN FILES – MUSIC, TECH AND CULTUREANDY ALLEN – FOODKAYLA ITSINES – LIFESTYLELIFE WITHOUT ANDY – PHOTOGRAPHYSARA DONALDSON (HARPER AND HARLEY) – FASHIONCongratulations guiz, youse the best of the best.&A big shoutout to the nominees (listed below in their respective categories) who continue to produce bang-up work worthy of bulk praise.&COMEDY:Bondi HipstersMichael Cusack&FriendlyjordiesSketchSheHuw Parkinson&MUSIC, TECH & CULTUREThe Design KidsStartup DailyStoney RoadsWho The HellFOODGuy Turland & Mark Alston -&Bondi HarvestLorraine Elliott&–&Not Quite NigellaSneh Roy&- Cook RepublicGeorgia McDermott&- George EatsLIFESTYLE&Lauren CurtisChloe MorelloDiana Johnson & Felicia Oreb&-&Base Body BabesJessica Sepel&-&JSHealthEleanor Pendleton -&Gritty PrettyPHOTOGRAPHYPatrick Stevenson&–&HobogestapoAinsley Hutchence & Sebastien Fougere&– Sticks And StonesEugene Tan&–&AquabumpsSarah Bahbah&–&Raised By The WolvesJessica Stein&–&Tuula VintageFASHIONMargaret Zhang&–&Shine By ThreeMimi Elashiry -&Amanda Shadforth&–&Oracle FoxLuc Wiesman&–&D'MARGEThe awards might be over for this year, but you can still have a gander at our Blogsters microsite&&for tips and tricks from the pros that could help you build your very own empire that influences the socials.A big shoutout/thank you to Intel for making the Blogster Awards possible – y'all the greatest. &&All images via Life Without Andy.&
Posted on: November 25, AM by .
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