
Quick access
C:// windows/system32.cmd.exe
I get the above box popping up every time I turn it on then I did step by step which didn't help. I did a disk clean up while running that it
system error memory dump files it had a check mark on it But i did not dump those files.
I also cannot download any updates. I use
windows live one care for my virus etc
scans nd firewalls along with windows defender on line.
2 weeks ago i clicked on all my
e-mail Addy's in yahoo were gone so i did a Panda free scan showed nothing.
I am wondering 2 things1. why can't I do any updates even from he Microsoft site after a validation key2. why does
C://windows/system 32./cmd.exe
keep popping up.
Is their anyway i can wipe the hard drive clean and reinstall windows with the Cd that came with the system to see if that fixes everything??It hsows
no mmeory opr start up trouble at all. I have even
uninstalled the vircus ware etc and
tied to updat that way too nothing. so any helpful inf. wuld be apperiated.
i also have slow dial up live out in cuontry too so no DSL.
The Geek Squad fixed my computer thepowe rbuton and mother board
had to be replaced in
MArch nad onlyhd the computer one month.
Hello Liane,Please contact Gateway support @
for assistance.
They can walk you thru a clean install proceedure for the OEM SLP media you have.Thank you,Stephen Holm, MSWGA Forum ManagerStephen Holm
Marked as answer by
Heidi,No problem whatsoever :-).
The average download time for Vista SP1 using dial-up is 17 hours and 40 minutes.
Have you thought about possibly visiting a public library and downloading Vista SP 1? Your local library may have a faster connect allowing you to download the Vista SP1 then buring it to a disc.
Here is the link for you to review located @
Another option you have is to order Windows Vista Service Pack 1 DVD located @ the following site
. The cost is $3.50 which mainly covers shipping etc. Purchasing SP 1 and/or downloading it from a library would save you 17 hours and 40 minutes. Remember there may be other updates which you would need after you accomplish the Vista SP 1 installation. Please read the information above as it provides information prior downloading and installing the service pack. Take care and hopefully this will provide you with more information to expedite matters.Stephen Holm, MSWGA Forum ManagerStephen Holm
Marked as answer by
Hey Liane,I am glad the information helped ya out :-).
Curious have you contacted various companies which may support cable and/or DSL capability for your respective area? DSL and cable modem capabilities are consitently upgraded so who knows maybe you may have connectivity soon.
Here is some information for you: and
. Also you mentioned browsing Microsoft for a good calendar.
Have you visited Microsoft Office Templates website located here:
? You will find wonderful templates for pretty much everything everything you may need both for personal and business practices :-).
Also if you have Office non-genuine questions please visit the Microsoft Discussion Groups located here:
Hopefully this will provide you with more information for future use.
Take care and again thank you for vising our forums.
Stephen Holm, MSWGA Forum ManagerStephen Holm
Marked as answer by
OOPS.. I will fix it.. There was a glitch here sorry about that.Stephen Holm MSStephen Holm
Marked as answer by
All replies
·Home Basic
·Home Premium
NOTE: The data collected with the Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool does NOT contain any information that can personally identify you. The information can be fully reviewed, by you, before being posted.
Stephen Holm
Below is the copy of the report minus the Product key.Maybe someone can help so i can download my updates and get C://windows/system32/cmd.exe running too.Cannot even do updates from the Vista site. heidiliane
Diagnostic Report (1.7.0095.0):-----------------------------------------WGA Data--&Validation Status: GenuineValidation Code: 0Online Validation Code: 0x0Cached Validation Code: 0x0Windows Product Key: Windows Product Key Windows Product IDWindows Product ID Type: 2Windows License Type: OEM SLPWindows OS version: 6.0..003CSVLK Server: N/ACSVLK PID: N/AID: {3DB4D28A-2AB4-4A8F-A797-A5A5E)Is Admin: YesTestCab: 0x0WGA Version: N/A, hr = 0xSigned By: N/A, hr = 0xProduct Name: Windows Vista (TM) Home PremiumArchitecture: 0xBuild lab: 6001.vistasp1_gdr.0TTS Error: Validation Diagnostic: Resolution Status: N/A
WgaER Data--&ThreatID(s): N/A, hr = 0xVersion: 6.0.
WGA Notifications Data--&Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0xFile Exists: NoVersion: N/A, hr = 0xWgaTray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0xWgaLogon.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x
OGA Notifications Data--&Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0xVersion: N/A, hr = 0xWGATray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0xOGAAddin.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x
OGA Data--&Office Status: 109 N/AOGA Version: N/A, 0xSigned By: N/A, hr = 0xOffice Diagnostics: B4D0AA8B-604-645_025D1FF3-282-D1FF3-170-D1FF3-171-1_025D1FF3-434-D1FF3-178-D1FF3-179-2_025D1FF3-185-D1FF3-199-3
Browser Data--&Proxy settings: N/AUser Agent: Mozilla/4.0 ( MSIE 7.0; Win32)Default Browser: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exeDownload signed ActiveX controls: PromptDownload unsigned ActiveX controls: DisabledRun ActiveX controls and plug-ins: AllowedInitialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: DisabledAllow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: DisabledActive scripting: AllowedScript ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed
File Scan Data--&
Other data--&Office Details: &GenuineResults&&MachineData&&UGUID&{3DB4D28A-2AB4-4A8F-A797-A5A5E9787CF4}&/UGUID&&Version&1.7.0095.0&/Version&&OS&6.0..003&/OS&&Architecture&x32&/Architecture&&PKey&*****-*****-*****-*****-DR9M6&/PKey&&PID&89578-OEM-41&/PID&&PIDType&2&/PIDType&&SID&S-1-5-21---&/SID&&SYSTEM&&Manufacturer&Gateway&/Manufacturer&&Model&MCP61SM2MA&/Model&&/SYSTEM&&BIOS&&Manufacturer&Phoenix Technologies, LTD&/Manufacturer&&Version&6.00 PG&/Version&&SMBIOSVersion major=&2& minor=&4&/&&Date&00.&/Date&&/BIOS&&HWID&FFE6&/HWID&&UserLCID&0409&/UserLCID&&SystemLCID&0409&/SystemLCID&&TimeZone&Eastern Standard Time(GMT-05:00)&/TimeZone&&iJoin&0&/iJoin&&SBID&&stat&3&/stat&&msppid&&/msppid&&name&&/name&&model&&/model&&/SBID&&OEM&&OEMID&GATEWA&/OEMID&&OEMTableID&SYSTEM
Spsys.log Content: 0x
it is home basic
Hello Liane,Please contact Gateway support @
for assistance.
They can walk you thru a clean install proceedure for the OEM SLP media you have.Thank you,Stephen Holm, MSWGA Forum ManagerStephen Holm
Marked as answer by
Thanks Mr. Holm:
I went to the above link loked saw Clean install from vista
from windows XP to Windows Vista i have the disc so later on this week i will download all my files and data to CD/R's then reinstall
windows vista and hopefully that will fix it with slow dial up might do it over the weekend for no other back up computer to use .
Thanks again
Heidi Liane'
Heidi,No problem whatsoever :-).
The average download time for Vista SP1 using dial-up is 17 hours and 40 minutes.
Have you thought about possibly visiting a public library and downloading Vista SP 1? Your local library may have a faster connect allowing you to download the Vista SP1 then buring it to a disc.
Here is the link for you to review located @
Another option you have is to order Windows Vista Service Pack 1 DVD located @ the following site
. The cost is $3.50 which mainly covers shipping etc. Purchasing SP 1 and/or downloading it from a library would save you 17 hours and 40 minutes. Remember there may be other updates which you would need after you accomplish the Vista SP 1 installation. Please read the information above as it provides information prior downloading and installing the service pack. Take care and hopefully this will provide you with more information to expedite matters.Stephen Holm, MSWGA Forum ManagerStephen Holm
Marked as answer by
Will order the service pack over the INTERNET later on this week.I called our library have
Broadband dial up nd only 2 computers
Joyce told me it would be about 2 hours to download the
Cd when i bring my own.So will order one then do it at home.
I hope this will also help me
be able to do the downloads I cannot even download them from the Microsoft's website with the validation code too.GRRR.Oh well as long as I do my moderation duties, answer e-mails, C&P medical literature to
Microsoft word I am happy.
Thanks loads I copied
& pasted to hot mail so i have it too and then have book
marked this forum too.
Now go browse
Microsoft for a good calendar too.Later on will also
go up to IE 8 from IE 7.
Hey Liane,I am glad the information helped ya out :-).
Curious have you contacted various companies which may support cable and/or DSL capability for your respective area? DSL and cable modem capabilities are consitently upgraded so who knows maybe you may have connectivity soon.
Here is some information for you: and
. Also you mentioned browsing Microsoft for a good calendar.
Have you visited Microsoft Office Templates website located here:
? You will find wonderful templates for pretty much everything everything you may need both for personal and business practices :-).
Also if you have Office non-genuine questions please visit the Microsoft Discussion Groups located here:
Hopefully this will provide you with more information for future use.
Take care and again thank you for vising our forums.
Stephen Holm, MSWGA Forum ManagerStephen Holm
Marked as answer by
Stephen you hit reply 3 times. That is OK)We live almost out of Duval County in Fla. no one out our way but Comcast for DSL .Other
hates Comcast. Neighbors always having trouble.One neighbor went wireless but they have cable we don't :(. But will check out the other sites on Microsoft too.I like to be
organized have 3 calendars I have appointments on CERT
( Community Emergency Response Team
( Vol through JFRD)
meetings etc...Thanks :) will check back after I get the CD from you all to let you know how it goes.
Will check uot the calendar on Microsofts site.It is also my home page too and updating
Direct X and
some others too.Semper Gumby ( always Flexible} Liane :)
OOPS.. I will fix it.. There was a glitch here sorry about that.Stephen Holm MSStephen Holm
Marked as answer by用一键清除系统垃圾时,提示C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe未知病毒,怎样查杀?
用一键清除系统垃圾时,提示C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe未知病毒,怎样查杀? 5
这是中病毒了cmd.exe病毒cmd.exe 病毒是比较头痛的一种占用大量cpu资源的病毒,,不同的机子还需要用不同的解决方案,cmd.exe病毒专杀工具下载地址:cmd.exe病毒进程清除方法 第一种情况:开机CPU就是100%,查进程,原来是cmd.exe 占用了绝大部分的CPU。关闭cmd.exe后,CPU实用率恢复正常。但是再次开机的时候,CPU又是100%,cmd.exe 依然占用了绝大部分的CPU。& & 1.装了ewido 查杀木马,查出了几个感染目标,已删除。但是今& 天早上开机,CPU又是100%,cmd.exe 依然占用了绝大部分的CPU。& & 2.再装“木马清除专家2006”,查杀,结果没有发现木马。& & 3.查system 32 中的 CMD.EXE 大小,结果如下:& CMD.EXE 大小:459 KB (470,016 字节) & 占用空间:460 KB (471,040 字节) & & 应该没有异常。解决方法:如果出现这种情况,很不幸,你99%是中了木马了。不过不妨继续验证一下,假定你的windows安装盘位于C:\,并且需要你在文件查看选项中打开查看隐藏文件的选项和显示所有文件扩展名的选项,则 查看你的c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS\目录,应该会发现有new123.bak和new123.sys两个文件; 查看你的C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\目录,应该会发现有MicroSoft.bat这个文件;你可以用记事本打开MicroSoft.bat文件,发现其中提到一个exe文件(具体名称会有不同),你也会在该目录下发现这个exe文件; 如果以上两步你并未发现相应文件,请将你的文件查看改为不隐藏已知文件后缀,并在系统盘内进行文件搜索,确认是否的确没有相关的文件。 该木马的母体就是new123.sys,属于Trojan-PSW.Win32.Delf.mc,可能会偷取你的一些应用的帐号和密码。 木马清除该木马可以很方便的手工清除,过程如下: 打开“任务管理器”,在“进程”中结束cmd.exe的运行,此时CPU占用率会明显下降; 进入C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\目录,删除MicroSoft.bat这个文件中所提到的exe文件和该bat文件;(这一步不做也没有问题,但最好清除掉) 进入c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS\目录,删除new123.bak文件,但此时你无法删除new123.sys文件,因为系统正在使用,你有两种方式处理new123.sys文件: 重启机器并进入安全模式对new123.sys进行删除; 当前状态虽无法删除该文件,但可更改new123.sys的文件名为new123.sysdel,并且重启机器(无需进入安全模式)后,再把new123.sysdel进行删除。 处理完后,如果“症状描述”中的情况消失,则说明清除成功。第二种情况:1:XP系统里并没有cmd.exe的进程,cmd.exe是XP系统的命令提示符程序,可以执行一些在DOS下执行的应用程序,但是并不会随系统启动时运行,这有可能是个木马或者其他病毒程序,建议查杀 1)、如果安装文件就在硬盘上,而且系统是从硬盘的安装目录装的,那先将这个安装目录改个名字 2)、删除c:\winnt\system32\dllcache(没有这个子文俭)\cmd.exe,3)、然后再删除system32\cmd.exe 4、系统会提示说系统文件丢失要求插入光盘,忽略就行了禁止运行命令解释器和批处理文件方法:通过修改注册表,可以禁止用户使用命令解释器(CMD.exe)和运行批处理文件.
其他回答 (1)
一键清除系统垃圾 根本无法清除VIRUS的,可能是假的,用杀毒软件
微软专区领域专家C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe-ping -t 是什么来的??怎么样解决啊??
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe-ping -t 是什么来的??怎么样解决啊??
这个C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe-ping -t是系统吗??求救??
首先呢,cmd.exe 病毒是比较头痛的一种占用大量cpu资源的病毒,,不同的机子还需要用不同的解决方案来着~` cmd.exe病毒进程清除方法 第一种情况: 开机CPU就是100%,查进程,原来是cmd.exe 占用了绝大部分的CPU。关闭cmd.exe后,CPU实用率恢复正常。但是再次开机的时候,CPU又是100%,cmd.exe 依然占用了绝大部分的CPU。 1.装了ewido 查杀木马,查出了几个感染目标,已删除。但是今 天早上开机,CPU又是100%,cmd.exe 依然占用了绝大部分的CPU。 2.再装“木马清除专家2006”,查杀,结果没有发现木马。 3.查system 32 中的 CMD.EXE 大小,结果如下: CMD.EXE 大小:459 KB (470,016 字节) 占用空间:460 KB (471,040 字节) 应该没有异常。 解决方法: 如果出现这种情况,很不幸,你99%是中了木马了。不过不妨继续验证一下,假定你的windows安装盘位于C:\,并且需要你在文件查看选项中打开查看隐藏文件的选项和显示所有文件扩展名的选项,则 查看你的c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS\目录,应该会发现有new123.bak和new123.sys两个文件; 查看你的C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\目录,应该会发现有MicroSoft.bat这个文件;你可以用记事本打开MicroSoft.bat文件,发现其中提到一个exe文件(具体名称会有不同),你也会在该目录下发现这个exe文件; 如果以上两步你并未发现相应文件,请将你的文件查看改为不隐藏已知文件后缀,并在系统盘内进行文件搜索,确认是否的确没有相关的文件。 木马描述 该木马主要是因为用户安装了嵌入木马程序的安装程序所致,这些安装程序极有可能是你在一些不知名的下载网站上下载的一些应用程序(比如qq的一些版本等)。该木马利用安装程序在没有提醒用户的情况下在IE的插件中安装了实为木马的IE插件。使得一般的杀毒和杀马程序无法识别。并且当你运行一些需要调用IE的一些程序时自动调用该木马插件,所以才出现“症状描述”中所描述的情况。 该木马的母体就是new123.sys,属于Trojan-PSW.Win32.Delf.mc,可能会偷取你的一些应用的帐号和密码。 木马清除 该木马可以很方便的手工清除,过程如下: 打开“任务管理器”,在“进程”中结束cmd.exe的运行,此时CPU占用率会明显下降; 进入C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\目录,删除MicroSoft.bat这个文件中所提到的exe文件和该bat文件;(这一步不做也没有问题,但最好清除掉) 进入c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS\目录,删除new123.bak文件,但此时你无法删除new123.sys文件,因为系统正在使用,你有两种方式处理new123.sys文件: 重启机器并进入安全模式对new123.sys进行删除; 当前状态虽无法删除该文件,但可更改new123.sys的文件名为new123.sysdel,并且重启机器(无需进入安全模式)后,再把new123.sysdel进行删除。 处理完后,如果“症状描述”中的情况消失,则说明清除成功。 第二种情况: 1:XP系统里并没有cmd.exe的进程,cmd.exe是XP系统的命令提示符程序,可以执行一些在DOS下执行的应用程序,但是并不会随系统启动时运行,这有可能是个木马或者其他病毒程序,建议查杀 1)、如果安装文件就在硬盘上,而且系统是从硬盘的安装目录装的,那先将这个安装目录改个名字 2)、删除c:\winnt\system32\dllcache(没有这个子文俭)\cmd.exe, 3)、然后再删除system32\cmd.exe 4、系统会提示说系统文件丢失要求插入光盘,忽略就行了 禁止运行命令解释器和批处理文件方法:通过修改注册表,可以禁止用户使用命令解释器(CMD.exe)和运行批处理文件(.bat文件)。新建一个双字节(REG_DWORD)执行HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\ Microsoft\Windows\System\DisableCMD,修改其值为2,命令解释器和批处理文件都不能被运行。修改其值为1,则只是禁止命令解释器的运行。 就是替换掉系统的cmd.exe文件。但是由于此文件受系统保护,所以必须用一种特殊的办法。 至于那个用来替换cmd.exe的文件,可以随便找一个运行时候没有什么提示的东西就行。C:\Windows\system32下面有很多这样的文件,随便找一个就行。替换方法是:首先删除C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dllcache\下面的cmd.exe,然后尽快将C:\WINDOWS\system32\下面的cmd.exe替换成所需的文件。当系统提示要求插入WINDOWS安装光盘的时候,不要理他,直接单击“取消”就可以了。 之后当你开始-〉运行-〉cmd的时候,dos窗口自然不会出现了 第三种情况: 如何解决cmd.exe占CPU资源100%问题 造成机器运行很慢,关闭cmd.exe后,CPU使用率恢复正常。但是再次开机的时候,CPU又是100%,cmd.exe 依然占用了绝大部分的CPU。 问题分析:后经上网查找和后来证实,应该是中了一种传播Viking的QQ尾巴病毒了,这种木马病毒主要是因为用户安装了嵌入木马程序的安装程序所致,这些安装程序极有可能是你在一些不知名的下载网站上下载的一些应用程序(比如qq的一些版本等)。该木马利用安装程序在没有提醒用户的情况下在IE的插件中安装了实为木马的IE插件。使得一般的杀毒和杀马程序无法识别。并且当你运行一些需要调用IE的一些程序时自动调用该木马插件,所以才出现“问题症状”中所描述的情况。 解决方法:我只能讲一下大概的思路了,因为当时没有记录和截图。首先在文件夹查看选项中打开查看隐藏文件的选项、显示所有文件扩展名和显示受保护的操作系统文件的选项。 1、从注册表里删除病毒添加的ShellExecuteHooks信息:打开注册表找到[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellExecuteHooks], 在实际情况中,图中应该会出现除以外的其它可疑键值的,依次按步骤2检查它们; 2、打开到注册表[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{这里是步骤1中提到的可疑键值}下, 然后依次检查上图中所示的每一个路径指向的文件,应该会有个文件是以.sys结尾的系统驱动文件,这个文件应该是隐藏文件,并且它的修改时间应该和该电脑出问题的时间差不多,而且在该文件旁边还会有和它的修改时间一样的隐藏文件,可以考虑将它们都删除了,以观后效。记得我当时是删除了三个在C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Connection Wizard 下的隐藏文件,就OK了。注:如果删不掉,可以进安全模式删除。 3、清除C:\Documents and Settings\你的用户名\Local Settings\Temp\目录下的所有垃圾文件,因为里面含有病毒释放生成的执行文件,当时我的情况是有两个病毒释放的文件:_xiaran.bat和help.exe(这个是隐藏和系统文件)。 4、重新启动计算机,观察5分钟,如果不再出现“问题症状”中描述的情况,说明清楚成功了。
I'M QQ领域专家c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe_百度知道
1&gt.txt 找不到文件怎么办c;ww


