
VLC media player
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
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VideoLAN is a non-profit organization. All our costs are met by donations we receive from our users. If you enjoy using a VideoLAN product, please donate to support us.
VideoLAN is open-source software.This means that if you have the skill and the desire to improve one of our products, your contributions are welcome
Spread the Word
We feel that VideoLAN has the best video software available at the best price: free. If you agree please help spread the word about our software.
VideoLAN and the VLC development team are excited to announce a major version of VLC for iOS today, which adds support for Apple Watch to remote control and browse the library on iPhone, a mini player and large number of improvements through-out the app.It will be available on the App Store shortly.
The 2 VideoLAN Blu-Ray libraries have been released: , .These releases add support for ISO files, BD-J JSM and virtual devices.
VideoLAN and the VLC development team are releasing today VLC 2.2.1, named "Terry Pratchett".This first stable release of the "WeatherWax" version of VLC fixes most of the important bugs reported of VLC 2.2.0. VLC 2.2.0, a major version of VLC, introduced accelerated auto-rotation of videos, 0-copy hardware acceleration, support for UHD codecs, playback resume, integrated extensions and more than 1000 bugs and improvements.2.2.0 release was the first release to have versions for all operating systems, including mobiles (iOS, Android, WinRT). More info on our
VideoLAN and the VLC development team are happy to release updates for all three mobile platforms today. VLC for Android received support for audio playlists, improved audio quality, improvements to the material design interface, including the black theme and switch to audio mode. Further, it is a major update for Android TV adding support for media discovery via UPnP, with improvements for recommendations and gamepads. VLC for Windows Phone and WinRT received partial hardware accelerated decoding allowing playback of HD contents of certain formats as well as further iterations on the user interface. For VLC for iOS, we focused on improved cloud integration adding support for iCloud Drive, OneDrive , a 10-band equalizer as well as sharing of the media library on the local network alongside an improved playback experience. All updates will be available on the respective stores later today. We hope that you like them as much as we do.
VideoLAN and the VLC development team are releasing VLC 2.2.0 for most OSes. We're releasing the desktop version for Linux, Windows, OS X, BSD, and at the same time, Android, iOS, Windows RT and Windows Phone versions.More info on our
16th week of VideoLAN reports
This weekly report of what's happening in the VideoLAN community and VLC development is a bit late, because I'm in India, a bit far from a stable Internet connection
However, here it is.
You'll see that thi15th week of VideoLAN reports
Yet another week,
and yet another weekly report of what's happening in the VideoLAN community and VLC development teams!
We're going back to one report per week, as holidays are over.
But, to be honest, thi14th weekly (!) report of VideoLAN
This week is a bit special, since I will report about the last 2 weeks, because of lack of connectivity last week.
So here is a double weekly report of what has happened in the VideoLAN community and VLC13th week of VideoLAN reports
Yet another week,
and yet another weekly report of what's happening in the VideoLAN community and VLC development teams!
Features and changes
Another week started with MediaCodec fixes, which went o
Social media
[videolan] Some sanity about patents in France reported by @lesnums [FR]
[jlnostr] I love the VLC mini player - thanks for it @ThomasNigro :-)
[videolan] What happened last week in @videolan community:
CC, WinRT, prefetching, iOS deinterlacing, dash and devtools.
[ThomasNigro] J'aurai donc téléchargé illégalement le jour de mon déménagement. Uhuh
[ThomasNigro] Light theme is back. Wasn't there in v1.5.0
VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks internationally registered by the
VideoLAN software is licensed under various open-source licenses: use and distribution are defined by each software license.
Design by . Some icons are licensed under the .
The VLC cone icon was designed by Richard ?iestad. Icons for VLMC, DVBlast and x264 designed by .编程计算1-1/3!+1/5!+....+(-1)^n-1/(2n-1)!,_百度知道
#include&math.h&void main(){double s,t,n;printf(&please input n:&);scanf(%lf&,&n);t=1;x=1;s=1;do{ x=x+2;t=-t*/(n-10)/n; s=s+t;}while (x&=n);printf(&s=%lf&,s);}
#include&iostream.h&void main(){double s,t;int n,x;cout&&&please input n:&;cin&&n;n=1;s=0;t=1;do{ t=-t/(2*x-1)/(2*x-2);s=s+t;x=x+2;}while (x&=n);cout&&s&&}
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#include&stdio.h&#include&math.h&int jc(int n){ int i,s=1; for(i=2;i&=n;i++)
s*=i; }void main(){ double s,t,n;printf(&please input n:&);scanf(&%lf&,&n);x=1;s=0;do{
x=(x+2); }while (x&=(2*n-1));printf(&s=%lf\n&,s);}阶乘的函数需自己定义,还有就是你的程序最后一项是2n-1,不是n-1;总之你可能还是刚学c语言不久的吧。还有好多错误。刚入门还是有点难的,以后就好了的。


