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[MoP前瞻] 5.0测试术士相关集中讨论
[quote][b][u]术士[/u][/b][url=http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=5003756&_fp=1]翻帖来源1[/url]毁灭术士的新的邪能灰烬机制:每当你对一个受到献祭影响的目标施放烧尽,你就会获得更多的邪能灰烬,最多90点(大概)。每当你获得30点邪能灰烬时,你的人物就会被越来越多的火焰覆盖。随着火焰的增加,你会受到越来越高的持续伤害。这些火焰可以视为一个增加伤害的buff,但同时也作为你施放某些法术所需要的资源。你需要在伤害爆发,自己受到的伤害和保留多少灰烬来施放别的法术之间做出平衡。恶魔术士也有新的恶魔怒气作为他们的新资源。你可以利用恶魔怒气变身为一个恶魔,持续时间根据剩余未使用的恶魔怒气决定。某些恶魔形态下的专有技能也需要消耗恶魔怒气。如果恶魔怒气耗尽,则你将变回正常的形态。我没有太多时间测试这个新机制,但是尽可能久的保持恶魔形态真的很酷!附赠两个新的术士雕文,希望你会喜欢:[list][*]恶魔守卫雕文:每次你召唤恶魔守卫时,他将随机装备一把包裹里的双手剑,双手斧或者长柄武器。[*]基尔罗格之眼雕文:你的基尔罗格之眼不再潜行,但是它可以代替你去放置恶魔法阵。[/list][/quote][url=http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=5004059&_fp=1]翻帖来源2[/url][quote]女性虚空行者会在头上有个蝴蝶结(开玩笑的)...其实女恶魔的想法还在设定中,我们或许在5.0或5.1甚至更远的时候才知道。术士会有新宠物哦.有那些在TBC中出现过的拿着6把武器的女妖,愤怒守卫(模型和末日一样的那种,拿着把大剑,也有可能是愤怒使者的那种),甚至是可爱的眼魔。[/quote][url=http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=5004262&page=4#l67]3月22日雕文更新[/url][quote][collapse=23号雕文改动]燃烧余烬雕文:使你的燃烧余烬的最大数量增加1。燃烧雕文:你的燃尽法术所造成减速效果提高到100%,持续时间增加100%。瘠呠狩猎雕文:你的恶魔怒气现在降低受到的伤害而不是提高造成的伤害。此外,使用恶魔变形时,灵魂碎裂将嘲讽你的目标,暮光结界可以吸收所有系别的伤害,恶魔猛击的射程缩短同时产生怒气。瘠呠训练雕文:强化你的恶魔仆从的特殊能力:小鬼的火焰箭的施法时间缩短50%。虚空行者的生命值增加20%。媚魔的魅惑技能可以移除目标身上的所有持续性伤害效果。恶魔猎犬的吞噬魔法同时治疗你相同数值。恶魔守卫的军团打击可以击中的目标数量增加1个。治疗石雕文:使你使用治疗石获得的生命值提高100%,但是这些生命值变为在10秒内获得。梦魇雕文:你的恶魔战马和恐惧战马在奔跑时可以越过水面, 并留下火焰足迹。霠煦箭雕文:使你的暗影箭的视觉效果分裂为三道更小的攻击。痛苦无常雕文:当你的痛苦无常被驱散时,将立即对受影响的目标和驱散者造成爆击伤害,但不再造成沉默。瘠呠袛歛雕文:每次你召唤恶魔守卫时,他将装备一把随机的双手剑,双手斧或者长柄武器。蘒尔罗格之眼雕文:你的基尔罗格之眼不再潜行,但是它可以代替你去放置恶魔法阵。[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by cdbreaker ( 13:53):[/b][url]http://www./threads/1102031-Warlock-New-Talents-amp-Skills-amp-Spec-Video[/url][collapse=23日改动]BETA术士技能和天赋的说明我对比了一下现在还没更新的US官网模拟器灵魂榨取,回血从15%降低到10%,不过现在灵魂之火也可以回血生命收割:从4%改为3-6%致死缠绕:回血从25%下降到20%群恐:持续时间从8秒改到20秒灵魂联结:替代生命通道牺牲契约:持续时间从20秒改为10秒,不过追加了一条,如果没有宠物的话会消耗自己的50%HP肆虐意志:消耗HP从25%改为20%,加了一句-移除一切使你的角色失去控制的效果牺牲魔典:牺牲宠物,伤害和生命提高15%,持续15分钟,另外前15秒内的效果是30%基尔加丹的狡诈:可以在移动中施法,持续10秒,被动效果-移动施法时间增加50%移动速度下降30%,此效果在技能冷却时无效痛苦:灵魂燃烧:召唤宠物瞬发,生命吸取效果提高400%,灵魂之火瞬发并昏迷2秒鬼影缠身:果然又回来了吗……消耗1个灵魂碎片,提高伤害40%8秒,没有回血效果毁灭:混乱能量:提高回蓝速度——在另一个视频看到的体会是恢复的真的很快——灵魂之火和邪焰的蓝耗增加并且伤害提高75%,替代生命分流燃烧:除了瞬发伤害的描述外,还有一句“12 sec recharge. Limit 2 charges.”这个的意思是如果等24秒的话燃烧伤害翻倍吗?flames of a'lar(奥的烈焰?):瞬发复活你的上一个宠物,消耗10点burning embers,CD1分钟灰烬风暴:提升烧尽献祭灵魂之火燃烧的伤害x%,提升每个消耗burning embers的技能效果x%那个宠物攻击降低灵魂之火施法时间的被动技能不见了
[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by hdwx ( 15:53):[/b][collapse=恶魔说明1]Meta/Demonic Fury - The topic on everyone’s mind!-Demonic Fury stacks up to 1000-Being in Meta form DOES passively drain fury, you cannot stay in the form permanently. I tried spamming drain life and other fury generators while in Meta to prolong it but it still drained down. I was not timing how long I could stay in meta but plan on doing that later.-Pet attacks (legion strike, whiplash, flame bolt, etc) also generate 24 fury. I did not test if legion strike generates fury per hit or per use.-Many spells change while in MetaShadowbolt -& Demonic Slash - costs 40 fury - instant - was hitting for 25k instead of my normal 15k shadowbolt.Fel Flames -& Twilight Ray - 40 fury - instant - 40 yard AoE ray that hit for 21k and still would refresh the duration of corruption on targets by 6secs. In addition to being 40 yards long it looks to be about 10 yards wide it was easily hitting the target dummies next to my target without trying to line it up. All I can say to this is HAWT DAMN!! PINK LAZER BEAMS!!关于恶魔变身和恶魔愤怒先行者有这么一篇描述:首先怒槽总量是1000,转变身形态会慢慢的流失怒,试过不停的使用产生怒气的技能,不过还是不能永久维持变身。。产生怒气主要靠宠物的攻击(军团打击,小鬼的火球等)都产生24点怒。变身形态很多技能有变化,暗影箭变成恶魔击,花费40怒,瞬发每下25K伤害(平常暗影箭是15K)暗影烈焰要40怒,40码距离10码宽的前方AOE,每个伤害21K,还刷新腐蚀6秒。。。(这个AOE也太可怕了,正式版要看到估计难了)变身有个10秒CD,变回来以后不能马上变回去另外还提到古尔丹之手现在也非常好用,可以连发3个,范围和伤害都很客观。。。
[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by shil·ruin ( 16:31):[/b][collapse=恶魔狩猎雕文]The glyph seems to come with the following:* Provocation ability (Standard 3 sec taunt on an 8 sec CD, usable only in Meta). Note that this is a true &Taunt&, and not &Distracting Shot&* 600% threat modifier in Metamorphosis (ostensibly, only with the glyph)* Increased threat aura provided by the Voidlord demon (need more details)* The Demonic Fury generated by Demonic Slash via glyph seems to allow permanent metamorphosis唔,这是插了恶魔狩猎雕文后的变化有了一个cd8秒持续3秒的真·嘲讽恶魔形态下有600%的仇恨强化蓝胖的仇恨增加光环可以作用于自己恶魔打击造成的恶魔之怒足以一直保持变身状态[collapse/][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by dk_bahamut ( 17:12):[/b][collapse=恶魔术宝宝说明]铲平网翻到的升级版恶魔技能,有新恶魔造型的图片[url]http://www./threads/1102159-Warlock-Pets-in-MoP%28pics%29/page1[/url]因为一直用的英文客户端,所以不太清楚简体和繁体客户端是怎么翻译现有的老技能的,望谅解Fel Imp邪能小鬼Bloodpact - Stamina +10%血契:耐力提高10%Cauterize Master - 30sec CD - Small amount of Initial damage, then heals master for 12% over 12 sec.烧灼主人(烧灼消毒):30秒cd,造成一个很小的瞬发伤害,然后12秒内治疗术士12%血量。(估计是最大血量,看技能名字大概是烧自己。吐槽:烧自己主人还能给回血?FFF团新开发项目?)Felbolt - 1.52sec cast - 14785 fire dmg generates 16 fury邪能箭:1.52秒施法 14785火焰伤害,获得16恶魔怒气Flee - Breaks stuns and snares (on imp) and returns to master.逃脱:小鬼打破昏迷减速效果回到主人身边。Sear Magic - Dispels 1 harmful effects from up to 5 friendly targets within 15 yards.灼烧魔法:驱散15码内5个友方目标一个有害效果。Void Lord虚空领主Disarm - 1min CD缴械:1分钟cdShadow Bulwark - Grants Voidlord 30% of max health for 20 sec. Autocast - Autocasts when dropped below 20% hp.暗影壁垒:虚空领主获得30%最大生命值,持续20秒,自动施放:当虚空领主血量低于20%时施放。Suffering - Taunt折磨:嘲讽Threatening Presence - Increased threat generation, only applies to Voidlord does not apply to lock. Having the demon hunting glyph makes no difference it only applies to the pet.被动仇恨:提升虚空领主和愤怒守卫仇恨值获取,存在恶魔狩猎雕纹时也只作用于宠物。Torment - Threat gen + 6973 dmg generates 20 demonic fury.痛苦:造成仇恨同时造成6973伤害,获得20恶魔怒气Void Reflexes - +10% Dodge/Parry虚空本能:提高10%躲闪/招架(Reflexes是条件反射的意思,翻译成本能似乎不太合适?)Void shield - 10 sec CD - Encases Voidlord in shadow energy which reduces damage taken by 60%, each time the VL is attack the shield releases 14,279 dmg and reduces the power of the void shield by 20%.虚空护盾:10秒cd,暗影能量包围着虚空领主,减低承受伤害60%,每次虚空领主攻击时,护盾释放14279伤害同时降低虚空护盾效果20%。Observer眼魔Clone Magic - Steals one magic effect from an enemy and if devoured the observer is healed for 6291 hp and restores 60 energy to the observer.克隆魔法:从敌方偷取一个魔法效果,如果成功眼魔恢复6291点生命同时恢复眼魔60能量Optical Blast - 2.6 sec cast time - Does 1993% weapon dmg (was about 2795 dmg for me) and silences the target for 3 sec, if interrupts the target they are locked out for 6 sec.爆炸视线:2.6秒施法 造成1993%武器伤害测试数据为2795,同时沉默目标3秒,如果打断目标施法,则法术封锁6秒。(和法术封锁的区别就是这个要读条,有点伤害,法术封锁则是瞬发)Tongue Lash - 8382% shadow dmg (11k for me) generates 24 demonic fury.舌头鞭笞:造成8382%暗影武器伤害,测试者数据为11k,获得24恶魔怒气。(能改成暗影撕咬不……舌头……)Shivarra女妖(六手琴魔)Bladedance - 20 yard range - Deal 17,076 dmg generates 24 demonic fury刃舞:射程20码,造成17076伤害,获得24恶魔怒气Fellash - 30 yard range 25 sec CD - Deals 11,315 dmg and knocks back enemies in range by 5 yards.邪能鞭笞:射程30码,25秒cd,造成11315伤害同时击退5码内敌人。(和以前的一样,伤害略高)Lesser Invis - Same as it's always been.次级隐形:和以前一样Mesmerize (IT'S A RAINBOW BEAM!) - CCs target for up to 30 sec, any dmg done will remove effect. Effects humanoids, beats, dragonkin, giants, mechanical and undead. Autocast - Auto casts on any target that stuns, silences or fears master.催眠术:(彩虹线!)催眠目标30秒,任何伤害会移除这个效果。可以作用人形、野兽、龙类、巨人、机械、亡灵。自动施放:自动施放在对主人造成昏迷、沉默、恐惧效果的目标身上。Wrathguard愤怒守卫Axe Toss (he uses swords) - 30 sec CD - 4 sec stun.投掷斧头:(这货用的剑……)30秒cd,4秒昏迷。Mortal Cleave - Hits for weapon dmg divided amongst all targets within 6 yards. Reduces healing received by 25% for 5 sec generates 24 demonic fury.致死顺劈:对目标6码内所有目标造成武器伤害,降低治疗效果25%持续5秒,获得24恶魔怒气Pursuit - 15 sec CD - Charges enemy for weapon dmg and increases movement speed by 30% for 6 sec.追击:15秒cd,冲锋目标造成武器伤害,同时提高移动速度30%持续6秒。Threaten Presence - Increases threat generation. Identical to voidlord.被动仇恨:同虚空领主Void Reflexes - 10% Dodge/Parry虚空本能:同虚空领主Wrathstorm - 45sec CD - Hits all enemies within 8 yards for weapon dmg + 3545 every 1 sec for 6 sec. Cannot use other abilities during Wrathstorm.愤怒风暴:45秒cd 对8码内所有敌人造成每秒武器伤害+3545伤害,持续6秒。愤怒风暴期间无法使用其他技能。(就是比EVA的大风车高点伤害,不过这货是双持武器,难道大风车是2刀?)下面是老恶魔的技能,没什么变化就是基本都是上面的弱化版不翻译了……(技能相同)Comparison to base abilities:ImpBloodpact - SameCauterize Master - SameFirebolt - 10728 dmgFlee - SameSinge Magic - Single TargetVoidwalkerDisarm - SameShadow Bulwark - SameSuffering - SameThreatening Presence - SameTorment - 5257 dmgVoid Reflexes - SameShadow Shield - 10770dmg (otherwise the same)FelhunterDevour Magic - Dispel instead of steal. 5678 heal, everything else the sameSpell Lock - Instant - Otherwise the same.Shadow Bite - 6319 dmg.SuccubusLash of Pain - 12874 dmgWhiplash - 9119 dmg.Lesser Invis - SameSeduction - Only effects Humanoids otherwise the same.FelguardAxe Toss - SameLegion Strike - 10% healing reduction.Pursuit - SameThreaten Presence - SameVoid Reflexes - SameFelstorm - 3222 dmg otherwise the same.
[/quote][quote][tid=5014533]Topic[/pid] [b]Post by Lavafury ( 15:54):[/b][album=恶魔新造型图片]./mon_/188_4f6c2d9be3ad5.jpg./mon_/188_4f6c2db0be8a3.jpg./mon_/188_4f6c2dcf39a20.jpg./mon_/188_4f6c2de1959d2.jpg./mon_/188_4f6c2df43de71.jpg./mon_/188_4f6c2e16b1c82.jpg[/album][/quote][/collapse][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by dk_bahamut ( 14:11):[/b][collapse=24日术士改动]铲平网对于目前BETA测试里术士的全改动帖子原帖:[url]http://www./threads/1102065-Compiled-Warlock-Changes-in-MoP-Beta[/url]GeneralSpell Changes
All pets do the same amount of DPS, leaving you to choose your pet based on personal preference and utility (***)
All specs use Shadowbolt at level 1, which changes to a new spell based on your spec choice at 42
All specs get Malady, which changes to a spec specific spell at level 10
Soul Harvest has been removed
There is now only Fel Armor, which is a passive effect and cannot be toggled
Curse of Tongues and Weakness have been combined into Curse of Enfeeblement
Soulstone is finally a targeted spell, not spell to summon a Soulstone (***) WoWBD has the tooltip at 60% life
Nether Ward is now Twilight Ward
All specs get a new defensive CD, Unending Resolve
Fel Flame now increases the duration of Corruption and Unstable Affliction, not Immolate (***) WowBD does not seem to have this in the tooltip
Dark Intent is now a raid wide 10% spellpower buff (***) WowBD has it at 5% instead of 10%
New Level 87 Ability: Demonic Gateway, summons two portals between your and your targeted location, letting any raid member instantly teleport to the other location, limit of 5 charges, 1 charge generated every 15 seconds
There seems to be a new ability called Command Demon, which activated your Demon's special abilityTalents
Coming SoonPets
Coming SoonGlyphs
Coming SoonAffliction
Soul Shards & Soulburn are now Affliction only
Malefic Grasp replaces Shadowbolt as the main filler at level 42
A new mechanic called Everlasting Affliction is in game, seems to also apply to Malefic Grasp (***) limited to Affliction??
Soulburn now has a 15 Sec CD, with each spell only being able to be Soulburned every 60 seconds
Spells able to be soulburned
Summon Demon: Instant Summon
Drain Life: Heals 400% more
Soul Fire: Instant, Stuns the target for 2 seconds
Health Funnel
Demonic Circle: Teleport
Seed of Corruption
Bane of Agony now has a 1 target limit
Drain Soul now generates a Soul Shard every 4 second, meaning the target doesn't have to die anymore
Nightfall now gives the chance to generate a Soul Shard for every Corruption and Drain Life tick
Improved Fear has been baked into A 30% movement slow when Fear ends
Mastery has been reworked slightly to only include UA, Corruption and BoA
Haunt is back in the game: Costs 1 Soul Shard, 1.5 Second Cast, No C deals shadow damage and increases all damage done by you on the target by 40% for 8 secondsDemonology
Demonic Fury caps at 1000, outside of Meta you have a base of 200 Demonic Fury and it regenerates to 200 if below once you exit combat.
Metamorphosis has a 10 second CD, and costs 12 Demonic Fury per 3 seconds, it also increases the benefit from Demonic Fury by 100%
Meta no longer snapshots your stats and now updates them dynamically
While in Meta, all spells except for Hand of Gul'dan cost Demonic Fury, even though Corruption ticks still generate it.
All pet spells become instant while in Meta and cost 250 Demonic F any pet you summon during Meta will be put on a 1min CD.
Pet special attacks generate 24 Demonic Fury
During Metamorphosis many spells change and you gain some new spells/effects
Shadowbolt turns into Demonic Slash
Hellfire turns into Immolation Aura
Shadowflame turns into Carrion Swarm
Fel Flame turns into Ray of Twilight (***) Is this only during Meta?
You gain Nether Plating
You gain Cursed Auras
Abilities that generate Demonic Fury
Shadowbolt: 25 Demonic Fury
Corruption: 12 Demonic Fury per tick
Soul Fire: 40 Demonic Fury
Hand of Gul'dan: 25 Demonic Fury if target has not been struck by Gul'dan's Grasp
Shadowflame: 15 Demonic Fury
Demonic Leap
it now has a shorter CD, and if used out of Metamorphosis will activate it
Bane of Doom is now Demonology only, Everlasting Affliction also seems to apply to it
Demonic Rebirth has been baked into the spec, 2 min ICD, 20 sec duration
Hand of Gul'dan has bee it is now targeted the way you target Rain of Fire, it has three charges and is instant cast, the targeting reticle stays up until all 3 charges have been used, the damage is now AoE and goes out after 2.5 seconds
Gul'dan's Grasp is a new passive ability that gets activated when Hand of Gul'dan deals damage, it gives a stacking movement speed debuff, essentially reducing it by 90% if hit by all three charges
Decimation changed a bit, essentially limits the use of Soul Fire for Demonology to 1 Soul Fire every 30 seconds
Shadowflame is Demonology only now, hasn't changed otherwise
Mastery: it was changed slightly to finally benefit us outside of Meta by including the Demonic Fury damage benefit
Wild I new Demonology only ability, essentially this ability gives you lots of imps, all of which generate Demonic FuryDestruction
Coming Soon===[b][size=120%]综合法术修改[/size][/b]===[list][*]所有宠物现在造成相同的伤害,让你可以为各种场合选择不同的宠物。(EVA再次泪流满面)[*]所有人物在1级获得暗影箭,在42级获得相关天赋的替代技能(恶魔斩、燃尽、邪恶之握)[*]所有人物会获得腐败,在10级获得相关天赋的替代技能(献祭、腐蚀)[*]灵魂收割被移除[*]现在只有邪甲(被动,提高护甲、10%耐力、10%获得治疗效果,无法取消)[*]语言诅咒和虚弱诅咒合并成衰弱诅咒(降低30%物理伤害和30%延长施法,持续30秒)[*][color=crimson]制造灵魂石被移除,现在灵魂石是一个技能可直接施放,瞬发,复活60%生命和30%法力,依旧可以提前挂绑+战斗复活[/color][*]虚空防护现在改为暮光防护(吸收暗影和神圣伤害)[*]所有人物获得一个新的防御法术,不朽之心:瞬发,3分钟冷却。降低施法者受到伤害50%,并且使其施法不能被延长,持续12秒[*]邪焰现在延长腐蚀和痛苦无常的持续时间,不延长献祭[*]黑暗意图现在提升全团10%法术能量[*]87级新技能恶魔传送门:在你和你的目标脚下召唤两个传送门,让任意团队成员瞬间传送到另一端,最多可以传送5次,每15秒恢复一次传送机会[*]新技能指挥恶魔:让恶魔学会特殊技能[list][*]小鬼/邪能小鬼:烧灼主人(回血)[*]虚空行者/虚空领主:暗影壁垒(盾墙)[*]魅魔/女妖:扭曲鞭笞/邪能鞭笞(击退)[*]恶魔卫士/愤怒卫士:愤怒风暴/邪能风暴(大风车)[/list][/list]& &===[size=120%]天赋[/size][/b]===待续===[b][size=120%]宠物[/size][/b]===待续===[b][size=120%]铭文[/size][/b]===待续===[b][size=120%]痛苦[/size][/b]===[list][*]灵魂碎片和灵魂燃烧仅限痛苦天赋[*]邪恶之握在42级时替代了暗影箭[*]一个叫做永恒痛苦的新机制加入了游戏,带有永恒痛苦标识的技能重新施放将会延长50%的持续时间而非重置[*]灵魂燃烧现在有15秒cd,下列法术每60秒才靠灵魂燃烧强化一次[list][*]召唤恶魔:瞬发[*]吸取生命:400%治疗效果[*]灵魂火:瞬发,击昏目标2秒[*]生命通道:瞬间恢复36%宠物生命,并降低宠物受到伤害30%,持续10秒[*]恐惧术:瞬发,并使目标恐慌3秒[*]诅咒:你的下一个诅咒会施放在目标及目标周围10码所有目标身上,灵魂燃烧:诅咒不会触发60秒cd[*]恶魔法阵:传送:你的恶魔法阵:传送也会提高你的移动速度50%同时让你免疫减速和定身效果8秒[*]治疗石:提升20%最大生命[*]腐蚀之种:和现在一样[/list][*]痛苦灾厄现在只能施放在一个目标身上(和现在的厄运一样)[*]吸取灵魂现在每4秒获得一个灵魂碎片[*]夜幕现在是一定几率获得一个灵魂碎片,触发依旧是靠腐蚀和吸取生命[*]强化恐惧现在回归痛苦,当恐惧结束时,目标被减速30%[*][color=crimson]痛苦精通现在只作用于痛苦无常、腐蚀和痛苦灾厄[/color][*][color=crimson]鬼影缠身再次回归,消耗一个灵魂碎片,1.5秒施法,无cd,造成伤害并提高你所有伤害40%持续8秒[/color][/list]===[b][size=120%]恶魔[/size][/b]===[list][*]恶魔怒气上限是1000,当不处在变身状态时,你有200点基础恶魔怒气,当脱离战斗后,会很快恢复到200[*]变身有10秒cd,每3秒消耗12点恶魔怒气,同时从恶魔怒气获得的收益提高100%[*][color=crimson]现在变身不再看瞬时精通,而是即时计算属性的[/color][*]当在变身状态时,除了古尔丹之手和腐蚀外,所有技能都要消耗恶魔怒气[*][color=crimson]变身时,消耗250恶魔怒气可以使所有宠物法术瞬发;变身状态下召唤的宠物会获得1分钟cd[/color][*]宠物特殊攻击恢复恶魔怒气[*]变身时下列技能会变化[list][*]暗影箭变为恶魔斩:30码距离,瞬发,消耗40恶魔怒气[*]地狱烈焰变为献祭光环:效果和现在的献祭光环一样[*]暗影烈焰变为腐臭蜂群:100恶魔怒气,12秒cd,瞬发,造成暗影伤害并击退、中断施法,如果被中断施法,则该系法术被反制6秒[*]邪焰变为暮光射线:40恶魔怒气,瞬发,对目标及射线线路上所有目标造成暗影烈焰伤害[*]获得虚空护甲:提高600%护甲值,降低被暴击率6%,降低减速和昏迷持续时间50%[*]获得诅咒光环:元素:诅咒目标20码内所有目标,提高法术伤害5%;衰弱:降低20码内所有目标30%物理伤害和30%延长施法[/list][list][*]获得恶魔怒气的技能[*]暗影箭:25恶魔怒气[*]腐蚀:每跳12恶魔怒气[*]灵魂火:40恶魔怒气[*]古尔丹之手:如果目标未受到古尔丹之握影响则获得25恶魔怒气[*]暗影烈焰:15恶魔怒气[/list][*]恶魔跳现在10秒cd,只能在变身时使用[*]厄运灾厄现在仅限恶魔天赋,永恒痛苦似乎也影响这个技能[*]恶魔重生回归,2分钟cd 20秒持续[*]古尔丹之手修改,现在施放方法类似火雨,瞬发,最多3发,施放圈在3发都用完后取消,施放2.5秒后造成AOE伤害[*]古尔丹之握现在是个新的被动技能,当古尔丹之手造成伤害后,对范围内目标减速,每层30%,最多三层90%[*]灭杀修改了一些,限制恶魔天赋每30秒才能打一发灵魂火[*]暗影烈焰现在仅限恶魔天赋,无修改[*]恶魔精通现在不仅提高变身时的伤害、恶魔宠物造成的伤害,还提高恶魔怒气的获取[*]狂野小鬼新的恶魔天赋技能,这些小鬼的攻击可以获取恶魔怒气===[b][size=120%]毁灭[/size][/b]===[*]混沌能量(被动)是一个毁灭天赋新的机制,替代了生命分流,同时将法力变成可长期维持的能量(就是提高了法力回复速度,同时提高灵魂火和邪焰伤害75%)[list][*]100000基础法力,战斗回蓝5秒回复31378法力(仅依靠智力提升效果非精神)[*]烧尽:17500法力,2秒基础施法时间[*]灵魂火:38500法力,4秒施法[*]献祭:8750法力,1.5秒施法[*]焚烧:0法力,瞬发[*]邪焰:14000法力,瞬发[*]火雨:29700法力[/list][*]毁灭现在有个叫做燃烧余烬的机制,目前游戏中10点余烬(小)=1个燃烧余烬(大),不知道这么设定的是不是故意的[*]你可以保持最多3个燃烧余烬(插雕文是4个),根据你保持的燃烧余烬数来决定debuff的效果[list][*]1燃烧余烬-每3秒1%最大生命伤害[*]2燃烧余烬-每2秒1%最大生命伤害[*]3燃烧余烬-每1秒1%最大生命伤害[/list][*]这debuff可以烧死人[*]燃烧余烬会在脱离战斗后快速的减少[*]可以获得燃烧余烬的法术[list][*]烧尽:命中目标获得一个燃烧余烬,若暴击则获得2个燃烧余烬[*]邪焰:命中目标获得一个燃烧余烬,若暴击则获得2个燃烧余烬[/list][*]消耗燃烧余烬的法术(下列所有的法术只消耗一个燃烧余烬)[list][*]硫磺和烈焰:你下一个献祭、焚烧、烧尽和诅咒将会命中目标15码内的所有目标,同时造成220%的技能伤害[*]灵魂火:当有一个或以上燃烧余烬时,这个法术不消耗法力;4秒施法,对目标造成伤害一定会暴击,伤害取决于你的暴击率[*]余烬分流:治疗你27%最大生命[*]暗影灼烧:无CD,现在造成更多伤害,依旧只能在目标20%生命以下使用,如果被暗影灼烧集中后5秒内死亡,则返还一个燃烧余烬[*]奥烈焰:1分钟CD,瞬间复活你的上一个宠物[/list][*]焚烧现在可以最多储存2发,每12秒恢复一发,不再需要目标受献祭影响[*]爆燃现在只影响烧尽,减少30%施法时间,3次机会,依旧靠焚烧触发[*]火雨不再需要引导,昏迷目标造成2次伤害,对献祭影响的目标提高50%伤害[*]反冲回归到毁灭天赋,25%几率触发,只影响烧尽[*]浩劫现在替代了浩劫灾厄,2分钟cd,使你下面4个单体法术同时伤害到浩劫目标[*]毁灭感召:86级被动技能,使你的宠物攻击减少灵魂火的施法时间[*]毁灭精通:现在只提高献祭、烧尽、焚烧以及灵魂火伤害[/list] [/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by cdbreaker ( 15:47):[/b][collapse=恶魔T4.3新三的视频][flash]/player.php/sid/XMzcwNTY2NjQw[/flash]传到了优酷,过一会应该才可以选高清[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by jerrysimon ( 01:33):[/b][collapse=85級术士单刷DS一王][b][size=120%]RaidBOSS V.S RaidBOSS[/size][/b][flash]/player.php/sid/XMzcxMzE1MzIw/v.swf[/flash][/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by cdbreaker ( 01:44):[/b][collapse=宠物能量系统][url]http://www./threads/1102065-Compiled-Warlock-Changes-in-MoP-Beta?p=&viewfull=1#post[/url]宠物都改成了能量系统他还提到了因为能量恢复的速度限制,小鬼火球提速50%的雕文没有作用,不过这个应该属于必然会解决的问题……[/collapse][/quote][quote][tid=5019812]Topic[/pid] [b]Post by 癔雨人 ( 07:54):[/b][collapse=绿火]来源:暴雪[url=http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/?page=1#15]Wryxian [/url][b]术士和绿焰[/b]术士们获得了绿色的邪能之火,就如他们一直以来所愿。我们计划引入一个任务,来使术士们解锁对绿焰的使用。[/collapse][/quote][quote][tid=5020898]Topic[/pid] [b]Post by fishcat520 ( 16:20):[/b][collapse=26日改动]术士第一层(15级):•灵魂榨取:你的暗影箭、灵魂之火、烧尽和凶星之握将会治疗你,数值等同于伤害值的 15% &10%。•生命收割:40码射程,需引导。抽取目标周围15码内所有敌人的生命,每秒造成X点暗影伤害,并恢复施法者 4% &3-6%的总生命值,持续6秒。取代吸取生命。第二层(30级):•致死缠绕:30码射程,瞬发,45秒冷却时间。使目标恐惧的逃跑,持续3秒。如果目标被恐惧,则施法者恢复 25% &20%的最大生命值。第三层(45级):•灵魂链接:100码距离,瞬发,10秒冷却时间。激活后, 术士受到的所有伤害和治疗都由他所激活的恶魔分享。此伤害无法被避免。只要恶魔激活并受控制,效果就一直持续。 &术士和恶魔受到的所有伤害和治疗都将相互分担。再次使用此技能将取消此效果。取代生命通道。•牺牲契约:100码距离,瞬发,1分钟冷却时间,你的恶魔牺牲它50%的生命值,为主人产生一个护盾,吸收相当于牺牲的生命值的300%的伤害。持续 20秒 &[/b]10秒。如果你没有恶魔,则你牺牲自己的生命。第四层(60级):•肆虐意志: 20秒 &1分钟冷却时间。消耗你 25% &20%的最大生命值,移除你身上所有的魔法效果,移动限制效果和所有使你无法控制角色的效果。第五层(75级):•牺牲魔典:50,000码范围,瞬发,2分钟冷却时间。牺牲你的恶魔,使你的伤害和生命值提高15%,持续15分钟。此效果在开始的15秒内加倍。召唤恶魔将取消此效果。[/collapse]
[/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by m ( 17:41):[/b][collapse=恶魔术vs增强萨][flash]/player.php/sid/XMzcxNjA2NDg4/v.swf[/flash]5.0恶魔SS VS 增强SM[/collapse][/quote][quote][collapse=恶魔术单刷10人未眠者][url=/.html]恶魔术单刷10人未眠者[/url][/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by dk_bahamut ( 10:14):[/b][collapse=德鲁伊共生]德鲁伊的全职业共生测试链接:[url]/read.php?tid=5022151&_fp=1[/url]术士相关部分术士获得:回春术(10秒CD,立即回血1451后持续回血12秒,每3秒%蓝量)德鲁伊获得平衡:灵魂碎裂(2分CD,仇恨降低90%)野性:灵魂交换(30秒CD,把时间最近的目标身上的割裂和斜掠转移到当前目标)护卫:暮光护盾(30秒CD,吸收X点暗影火神圣伤害,持续30秒)恢复:恶魔法阵:传送(30秒CD,传送到共生的术士设下的恶魔法阵处)[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 何谓Lonely ( 10:59):[/b][collapse=梦魇雕文效果][flash]/player.php/sid/XMzcxNjk5OTIw/v.swf[/flash]术士梦魇雕文效果视觉系[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by genjosanzo ( 12:29):[/b][collapse=27日改动]Warlock (Forums)SkillsArchimonde's Vengeance: New. Curse an enemy, causing them to suffer 30% of all damage you take. Lasts 10 sec. Passive: Enemies who attack you suffer 5% of all damage they deal to you. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. 40 yd range, Instant, 1 min cooldown.Banish: Now costs 3% of base mana, down from 8%.Command Demon: New. Commands your demon to perform its most powerful ability. This spell will transform based on your active pet. Instant.Imp: Cauterize MasterVoidwalker: Shadow BulwarkSuccubus: WhiplashFelhunter: Devour MagicFelguard: FelstormCorruption: Now costs 2% of base mana, down from 6%.Create Healthstone: Now costs 15% of base mana, down from 53%.Curse of Enfeeblement: New. Binds the target in demonic energy, reducing physical damage by 30% and increasing the casting time of all spells by 30% for 30 sec. Less effective on dungeon and raid bosses. 4% of base mana, 40 yd range, Instant.Curse of the Elements: Curses the target, increasing magic damage taken by 5% for 5 min. 4% of base mana, 40 yd range, Instant.Dark Intent: New. Infuses all party and raid members with shadow, increasing their spell power by 5% for 1 hour. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected. 26% of base mana, 30 yd range, Instant.Dark Soul: Instability: New. Infuses your soul with unstable power, increasing your critical strike chance by 30% for 20 sec. Passive: Increases your critical strike chance by 5%. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. 5% of base mana, Instant, 2 min cooldown.Dark Soul: Knowledge: New. Your soul is infused with demonic knowledge, increasing your Mastery by 30 for 20 sec. Passive: Increases your Mastery by 5 This effect is disabled while on cooldown. 5% of base mana, Instant, 2 min cooldown.Dark Soul: Misery: New. Infuses your soul with the misery of fallen foes, increasing spell haste by 30% for 20 sec. Passive: Increases your spell haste by 5%. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. 5% of base mana, Instant, 2 min cooldown.Demonic Circle: Summon: Now costs 5% of base mana, down from 15%.Demonic Circle: Teleport: Now costs 10% of base mana, previously 100 mana.Demonic Gateway: New. Create a demonic gateway between two locations. Stepping into the gateway causes any party member to be instantly transported to the other gateway. Limit 5 charges. The portal generates one charge every 15 seconds. 10% of base mana, 20-70 yd range, 5 sec cast.Demonic Tactics: New. Causes your Imp, Succubus and Voidwalker to behave more intelligently.Drain Life: Now lasts 6 sec, up from 3. Now costs 2% of base mana, down from 12%.Enslave Demon: The time between the enslaved demon's attacks is now increased by 50%, up from 30%, and its casting speed is slowed by 50%, up from 20%. Now costs 10% of base mana, down from 27%.Eye of Kilrogg: The eye is now stealthed.Fear: Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 12%.Fel Armor: New. Increases your armor by 2603, total Stamina by 10% and the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 10%.Fel Flame: No longer increases the duration of Immolate or Unstable Affliction. Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 6%.Felhunter: Devour Magic: New. Grants your Felhunter the ability to cast Devour Magic. Purges 1 beneficial magic ???: from an enemy. If an effect is devoured, the Felhunter will be healed for [1424 + 15% of SP].Felhunter: Spell Lock: New. Grants your Felhunter the ability to cast Spell Lock. Silences the enemy for 3 sec. If used on a casting target, it will counter the enemy's spellcast, preventing any spell from that school of magic from being cast for 6 sec.Health Funnel: Now lasts for 6 sec, up from 3.Kil'jaeden's Cunning: New. You can cast and channel while moving for 10 sec. Passive: You can cast and channel while moving, but doing so increases the cast time or channel period by 50% and reduces your movement speed by 30%. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. Instant, 1 min cooldown.Life Tap: Now restores 20% of your maximum mana.Ritual of Souls: Now costs 10% of base mana, down from 27%.Ritual of Summoning: Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 12%.Shadow Bolt: Now costs 5% of base mana, down from 10%.Soul Fire: Soul Fire always critically strikes. In addition, the damage is increased by your critical strike chance. Now costs 11% of base mana, up from 9%.Soulstone: Targets are now resurrected with 60% health, up from 30%. 5% of base mana, 10 min cooldown.Summon Doomguard: Now lasts for 1 min, up from 45 sec. Now has a 40 yd range. Now costs 25% of base mana, down from 80%.Summon Felhunter: Cast time reduced to 5 sec, down from 6 sec. Now costs 25% of base mana, down from 80%.Summon Imp: Cast time reduced to 5 sec, down from 6 sec. Now costs 20% of base mana, down from 64%.Summon Infernal: Now lasts for 1 min, up from 45 sec. Now costs 25% of base mana, down from 80%.Summon Succubus: Cast time reduced to 5 sec, down from 6 sec. Now costs 25% of base mana, down from 80%.Summon Voidwalker: Cast time reduced to 5 sec, down from 6 sec. Now costs 25% of base mana, down from 80%.Symbiosis: New. When Symbiosis is cast on you by a Druid, this button will be replaced by the new ability you have temporarily learned. Instant.Twilight Ward: Previously Shadow Ward. Now absorbs Holy damage in addition to Shadow damage. Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 12%.Unending Resolve: New. The Warlock hardens his skin, reducing all damage taken by 50% and preventing his spells from being interrupted for 12 sec. Instant, 3 min cooldown.Wild Imps: New. Summons 5 ??? Imp:Wild I from the Twisting Nether to cast 10 Firebolts at the target. Passive: Every 20 sec. your next Shadow Bolt will summon a Wild Imp. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. Demonic Fury: Each Firebolt generates 5 Demonic Fury. 100 Demonic Fury, 40 yd range, Instant, 1 min cooldown.AfflictionBane of Agony: Now banes the target with agony, causing [1575 + 1.5 * SP] to [2520 + 2.4 * SP] Shadow damage over 24 sec. Limit 1 target. This damage is dealt slowly at first and builds up each time it deals damage. Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 10%.Curse of Exhaustion: Now costs 2% of base mana, down from 6%.Dark Soul: Misery: New. Infuses your soul with the misery of fallen foes, increasing spell haste by 30% for 20 sec. Passive: Increases your spell haste by 5%. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. Instant.Drain Soul: Now drains the soul of the target, causing 2136 Shadow damage and energizing one Soul Shard every 4 sec. Lasts 12 sec. No longer costs any mana.Haunt: You send a ghostly soul into the target, dealing 2136 Shadow damage and increasing all damage done by you on the target by 40% for 8 sec. No longer has a cooldown. Costs 1 Soul shard.Malefic Grasp: New. Binds the target in twilight, causing 2403 Shadow damage over 3 sec. In addition, your periodic damage spells tick 100% faster while afflicted by Malefic Grasp. Empowered Channel: Recasting this spell before it finishes boosts the duration by 3 sec. Stacks 5 times. 2% of base mana, 40 yd range, Channeled.Nightfall: New. Gives your Corruption and Drain Life spells a 4% chance to cause you to regain a Soul Shard.Seed of Corruption: Now requires the target to take [1922 + 1.8 * SP] total damage from the caster before exploding. Now costs 8% of base mana, down from 34%.Soul Swap: Now costs 6% of base mana, down from 18%.Soulburn: Consumes a Soul Shard, unlocking the hidden power of your spells. Once soulburned, that spell cannot be soulburned again for 60 sec. Now has a 15 sec cooldown, down from 45 sec.Soulburn: Curse: New. Grants the Soulburn empowerment to your Curses. Your Curses will afflict all enemies in a 10 yard radius around your target. Soulburn: Curse does not inflict a cooldown.Soulburn: Demonic Circle: Teleport: New. Grants the Soulburn empowerment to your Demonic Circle: Teleport spell. Your Demonic Circle: Teleport spell also increases your movement speed by 50% and makes you immune to snares and roots for 8 sec.Soulburn: Fear: New. Grants the Soulburn empowerment to your Fear. Your Fear will instantly horrify your target, causing them to run in fear for 3 sec.Soulburn: Health Funnel: New. Grants the Soulburn empowerment to your Health Funnel. Your Health Funnel will instantly restore 36% health and reduce damage taken by 30% for 10 sec.Unstable Affliction: Now costs 5% of base mana, down from 15%.DemonologyBane of Doom: Banes the target with impending doom, causing [8544 + 8 * SP] Shadow damage over 1 min. Limit 1 target. When Bane of Doom deals damage, it has a 20% chance to summon a Wild Imp. Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 15%.Dark Soul: Knowledge: New. Your soul is infused with demonic knowledge, increasing your Mastery by 30 for 20 sec. Passive: Increases your Mastery by 5 This effect is disabled while on cooldown. Instant.Decimation: New. The cast time of your Soul Fire spell is reduced by 50%. If Soul Fire hits a target above 25% health, the cast time will double for 30 seconds or until it hits a low health target.Demonic Fury: New. Demonic Fury increases your damage dealt by up to 5% at 500 Demonic Fury. Many spells and demon attacks generate Demonic Fury:Demonic Leap: New. Leap into the air upon demonic wings, moving a short distance. Using this ability activates Metamorphosis. 100 Demonic Fury, Instant, 10 sec cooldown.Demonic Rebirth: New. If your summoned demon dies, you gain the Demonic Rebirth effect reducing the cast time of your next summon demon spell by 100%. Lasts for 20 sec. This effect has a 2 min cooldown.Felguard: Felstorm: New. Grants your Felguard the ability to cast Felstorm. The Felguard recklessly swings its Axe, striking all nearby targets within 8 yards for its weapon damage plus [0 + 33% of SP] every 1 sec for 6 sec. The Felguard cannot perform any other abilities during Felstorm.Felguard: Pursuit: New. Grants your Felguard the ability to cast Pursuit. Charge an enemy, instantly causing weapon damage and increasing the Felguard's movement speed by 30% for 6 sec.Gul'dan's Grasp: New. Reduces movement speed by 30% for 8 sec. Stacks 3 times. Caused by Hand of Gul'dan. Demonic Fury: Generates 25 Demonic Fury if the target has not already been afflicted with Gul'dan's Grasp.Hand of Gul'dan: New. Summons a falling meteor dealing 712 Shadowflame after 2.5 sec to all enemies within 6 yards. Targets struck are afflicted with Gul'dan's Grasp. You gain 1 charge every 15 sec. Limit 3 charges. Gul'dan's Grasp: Reduces movement speed by 30% for 8 sec. Stacks 3 times. Demonic Fury: Generates 25 Demonic Fury if the target has not already been afflicted with Gul'dan's Grasp. 5% of base mana, 40 yd range, Instant.Hellfire: Now lasts 14 sec, down from 15 sec. Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 64%.Metamorphosis: New. You transform into a Demon, increasing the benefit of Demonic Fury by 200% and allows the use of various demonic abilities. Instant, 10 sec cooldown.Metamorphosis: Carrion Swarm: New. While using Metamorphosis, your Shadowflame spell now costs Demonic Fury, interrupts spellcasting and knocks enemies away from you.Metamorphosis: Cursed Auras: New. While using Metamorphosis, your Curse of the Elements and Curse of Enfeeblement become auras. Aura of the Elements - Curses all targets within 20 yards, increasing magic damage taken by 5%.Aura of Enfeeblement - Binds all enemies within 20 yards in demonic energy, reducing physical damage by 30% and increasing the casting time of all spells by 30%.Metamorphosis: Demonic Slash: New. While using Metamorphosis, your Shadow Bolt spell transforms into Demonic Slash. Demonic Slash: Tears at the enemy, instantly dealing 913 to 1009 Shadow damage.Metamorphosis: Immolation Aura: New. While using Metamorphosis, your Hellfire spell now no longer deals damage to you and does not need to be channelled.Metamorphosis: Nether Plating: New. While using Metamorphosis, your armor contribution from items increases by 600%, the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks is reduced by 6% and the duration of stun and snare effects is reduced by 50%.Shadowflame: Now costs 6% of base mana, down from 25%.Summon Felguard: Now has a 5 sec cast, down from 5 sec. Now costs 25% of base mana, down from 80%.Wild Imps: New. Summons 5 ??? Imp:Wild I from the Twisting Nether to cast 10 Firebolts at the target. Passive: Every 20 sec. your next Shadow Bolt will summon a Wild Imp. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. Demonic Fury: Each Firebolt generates 5 Demonic Fury. Instant.DestructionAftermath: New. Your Rain of Fire does not need to be channeled and will stun all enemies struck twice for 2 sec. Your Conflagrate will daze the target for 5 sec.Auto Wand: Automatically attack the target with an equipped wand until cancelled. 40 yd range, 1 sec cast.Backdraft: New. When you cast Conflagrate, the cast time and mana cost of your next three Incinerates is reduced by $s1%. Lasts $d1.Backlash: New. Gives you a 25% chance when hit by a physical attack to reduce the cast time of your next Incinerate spell by 100%. This effect lasts 8 sec and will not occur more than once every 8 seconds.Burning Embers: New. Burning Embers are generated by casting Incinerate on Immolated targets and are consumed by Soul Fire. Burning Embers cause you to take damage over time and should be consumed frequently.Chaotic Energy: New. You drain energy directly from the twisting nether, causing your mana to regenerate substantially faster. Soul Fire and Fel Flame cost more mana and deal 75% more damage. Replaces Life Tap.Conflagrate: Now the target enemy instantly explodes, dealing 1014 to 1121 Fire damage. 12 sec recharge. Limit 2 charges. No longer costs any mana. No longer has a cooldown.Dark Soul: Instability: New. Infuses your soul with unstable power, increasing your critical strike chance by 30% for 20 sec. Passive: Increases your critical strike chance by 5%. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. Instant.Ember Tap: New. Heals [15+15*0*.01)]% of your health. 10 Burning Embers, Instant.Fire and Brimstone: New. Your next Immolate, Incinerate, Conflagrate or Curse will hit all targets within 15 yards of the target and deal 40% of their normal damage. 10 Burning Embers, Instant.Flames of A'lar: New. The flames of rebirth instantly revive your last demon. 10 Burning Embers, Instant, 1 min cooldown.Havoc: Previously Bane of Havoc. Now causes the next four single target spells cast by the Warlock to also strike their baned target. 4% of base mana, 40 yd range, Instant, 2 min cooldown.Immolate: Cast time reduced to 1.5 sec, down from 2 sec. Replaced Corruption. Now costs 2% of base mana, down from 8%.Incinerate: No longer deals additional damage to immolated targets. Now has a 2 sec cast time, down from 2.5 sec. Now costs 5% of base mana, down from 14%.Rain of Fire: Now deals 50% additional damage if the target is immolated. Now costs 4% of base mana, down from 57%.Shadowburn: If the target dies within 5 sec, and yields experience or honor, the caster gains a Burning Ember. No longer has a cooldown. Now costs 10 Burning Embers, previously 15% of base mana.Pet - ImpBlood Pact: Now increases party and raid members' Stamina by 10%.Cauterize Master: New. Burns the Master's wounds, dealing a small amount of damage, then restoring 12% health over 12 sec. 40 Energy, 40 yd range, Instant, 30 sec cooldown.Firebolt: Now has a 1.75 sec cast, down from 2.5 sec. Now costs 40 Energy, previously 2% of base mana.Flee: Now costs 20 Energy, previously 2% of base mana.Singe Magic: Now on Auto-Cast: Cast upon master when he/she is stunned, silenced, polymorphed or feared by a magic effect. Now has a 10 sec cooldown, up from 6 sec. Now costs 40 Energy, previously 16% of base mana.Pet - VoidwalkerShadow Bulwark: Previously Consume Shadows. Now temporarily grants the Voidwalker 30% of their maximum health for 20 sec. Auto-Cast: Use this ability when below 20% health. 50 Energy, Instant, 1 min cooldown.Shadow Shield: New. Encases the Voidwalker in shadow energy, reducing physical damage taken by 60% for 30 sec. Each time the Voidwalker is struck, a blast of Shadow damage is released, dealing 1034 Shadow damage and reducing the power of Shadow Shield by 20%. Auto-Cast: Use this ability when being attacked. 60 Energy, Instant, 10 sec cooldown.Suffering: Now on Auto-Cast: Taunts the current target if it is not attacking the Voidwalker and taunts any target who attacks its master. Now has 30 yd range, up from 5. Now costs 40 Energy, previously 4% of base mana.Threatening Presence: New. Intimidates any target you attack, increasing your threat generation. Auto-Cast: Always keep this effect active. Instant.Torment: No longer has a cooldown. Now costs 50 Energy, previously 1% of base mana.Pet - SuccubusLash of Pain: Now costs 60 Energy, previously 3% of base mana.Lesser Invisibility: Now costs 20 Energy, previously 100 Mana.Seduction: Now costs 20 Energy, previously 100 Mana.Whiplash: Now costs 40 Energy.Pet - FelhunterDevour Magic: Now gains 60 Energy when an effect is devoured. Now costs 20 Energy, previously 5% of base mana.Shadow Bite: No longer deals additional damage depending on damage over time effects on the target. Now costs 60 Energy, previously 3% of base mana.Spell Lock: No longer has a cooldown. Now has a 40 yd range, up from 30. Now costs 20 Energy, previously 200 Mana.Pet - FelguardFelstorm: Now costs 60 Energy, previously 2% of base mana.Legion Strike: Now costs 60 Energy, previously 6% of base mana.Pet - Fel ImpFelbolt: New. Deals 1068 Fire damage to a target. 40 Energy, 40 yd range, 1.75 sec cast.Sear Magic: New. Burns harmful magic off the target, removing 1 harmful spells from up to 5 friends within 15 yards of the target. Auto-Cast: Cast upon master when he is stunned, silenced, polymorphed or feared by a magic effect. 40 Energy, 30 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown.Pet - VoidlordVoid Shield: New. Encases the Voidlord in shadow energy, reducing damage taken by -60% for 30 sec. Each time the Voidlord is struck, a blast of Shadow damage is released, dealing 1034 Shadow damaging and reducing the power of Void Shield by 20%. Auto-Cast: Use this ability when being attacked. 60 Energy, Instant, 10 sec cooldown.Pet - ShivarraBladedance: New. An instant attack that lashes the target, causing 0 Shadow damage. 60 Energy, 20 yd range, Instant.Fellash: New. Deals (528+(0.85*($SP*0.5))) shadow damage and instantly knocks back all enemies within 5 yards. 40 Energy, 30 yd range, Instant, 25 sec cooldown.Mesmerize: New. Mesmerizes the target, preventing all actions for up to 30 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Works against Humanoids, Beasts, Dragonkin, Giants, Mechanical and Undead targets. Auto-Cast: Cast upon targets who stun, silence or fear their master. 20 Energy, 30 yd range, 30 sec cast (Channeled).Pet - BeholderClone Magic: New. Steals 1 beneficial magic effects from an enemy. If an effect is devoured, the Observer will be healed for (1425+(($SP*0.5)*0.3)) and gain 60 Energy. 20 Energy, 30 yd range, Instant, 15 sec cooldown.Optical Blast: New. Blasts the enemy with lasers, dealing 150% weapon damage and silencing the enemy for 3 sec. If used on a casting target, it will counter the enemy's spellcast, preventing any spell from that school of magic from being cast for 6 sec. 20 Energy, 40 yd range, 3 sec cast, 24 sec cooldown.Tongue Lash: New. Lick the enemy, causing 629% Shadow damage. 60 Energy, 10 yd range, 0.6 sec cast.Pet - WrathguardMortal Cleave: New. A sweeping attack that does the Wrathguard's weapon damage divided among all targets within 6 yards. The Wrathguard's current target is also wounded, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received by 25% for 5 sec. 60 Energy, Melee range, Instant.Wrathstorm: New. The Wrathguard recklessly swings its weapon, striking all nearby targets within 8 yards for its weapon damage plus ((($SP*.50)*2)*0.33+0) every 1 sec for 6 sec. The Wrathguard cannot perform any other abilities during Wrathstorm. 60 Energy, Instant, 45 sec cooldown.mmo放出了最新技能变化,下午开始出差,实在没时间全翻译了,说点重点吧,排版不及也请包涵1.所有宠物改成能量值,小鬼的烧灼主人不强化也有,但焦化魔法cd改为10秒,但可以在被沉默、昏迷、变形、恐惧时自动施放于主人;蓝胖的暗影壁垒强化前只减少物理伤害,强化后减少全伤害;[color=crimson]狗的沉默没有cd了[/color],眼魔的则需要3秒施法,24秒cd,两者的吞噬魔法cd变15秒;末日和地狱火持续时间提升到1分钟;眼睛现在是潜行。2.基础法术各种减少法耗;恶魔之魂被分离成三种,分别被动提升5%暴、5精通和5%急速,使用则提升30,但冷却期间被动效果没有,阿克蒙德的复仇和基尔加丹的诅咒也同理;新技能恶魔之扉的距离是20-70码;其他技能基本和之前流出的信息一样或稍有数值变化。3.痛苦方面夜幕现在是有4%几率获得灵魂碎片,而非sb瞬发;痛苦灾厄限制一个目标;鬼影回归,需碎片,提升全伤害40%,持续8秒;灵魂燃烧冷却降低到15秒,灵魂燃烧:诅咒变成现在群体诅咒强化版,也影响衰弱诅咒,半径只有10码;其他也基本和之前信息一样4.恶魔方面 变身有10秒冷却,腐臭蜂群允许断法;新增两个光环,即衰弱诅咒和元素诅咒的群体效果,范围20码;暗影箭变身形态自动转为恶魔斩,其他变化也几乎和之前信息一样5.毁灭方面 混沌能量下除了快速恢复法力值外,还增加灵火和邪焰75%的伤害,并重置生命分流;点燃12秒自动装填,限制2发,不再耗蓝没有cd;硫磺烈火的额外伤害变为40%,需10余烬;余烬分流回复的生命值与法伤挂钩,需10余烬;新增一个A’lar之焰,可以瞬招上一个死亡的宠物,1分钟冷却,需10余烬;献祭取代腐蚀,天生1.5秒施法,烧尽天生2秒施法;暗灼没有cd,需10余烬
[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by lvyun-03-27 13:49):[/b][collapse=27日改动全文翻译]改动全文翻译======阿克蒙德的逆袭:愤怒的咒骂你的敌人,使他们承受30%对你的伤害,持续10秒。被动:敌人咬你时会有5%的伤害咬在他自己身上。技能冷却效果无效。40码,瞬发,1分钟冷却。放逐:现在消耗3%基础法力,从8%下调。恶魔掌控(新):命令你的恶魔表现出更加牛逼的能力,这个技能会根据宠物改变,瞬发。腐蚀术:现在消耗2%基础法力,从6%下调。制造生命石:现在消耗15基础法力,从53%下调。虚弱诅咒:(新)使用恶魔之力忽悠目标,减少物理伤害30%,增加所有施法技能时间30%,持续30秒。副本和团队boss的效果会减弱,4%基础法力,40码,瞬发。元素诅咒:诅咒目标,提升法术伤害5%持续5分钟,4%基础法力,40码,瞬发。黑暗意图:暗影之力注入小队或团队,提升5%法属强度1小时,如果目标在队伍或者小队中,所有成员都会受影响。26基础法力,30码,瞬发。黑暗之魂-动荡(新):向你的灵魂中倾注狂乱之力,提升你的暴击30%,持续20秒。被动效果:提升你5%的暴击,效果冷却时无效。5%基础法力,瞬发。2分钟CD。黑暗之魂-知识(新):向你的灵魂中倾注恶魔知识,提升你的精通30点,持续20秒。被动效果:增加你的精通5点,效果冷却时无效。5%基础法力,瞬发。2分钟CD。黑暗之魂-痛苦(新):向你的灵魂中倾注堕落仇敌之哀伤,提升30%伤害,持续20秒。被动效果:提升你5%的技能伤害,效果冷却时无效。5%基础法力,瞬发。2分钟CD。恶魔战术:让你的宝宝更智能。吸取生命:现在持续6秒,从3秒上调,基础法力消耗2%,从12%下调。奴役恶魔:现在延长攻击间隔50%,从30%上调。施法时间延长50%,从20%上调,魔法消耗变为10%,从27%下调。基罗格之眼:现在隐形。恐惧:现在从魔法消耗变为4%,从12%下调。魔甲术:现在增加护甲2603,总耐力10%和通过技能和效果获取的生命恢复增加10%。邪能烈焰:不再增加献祭和痛苦无常的时间。现在魔法消耗变为4%,从6%下调。地狱猎犬:吞噬魔法(新)。让你的地狱猎犬释放吞噬魔法,消除敌人的一个魔法效果。如果这个效果被吞噬,地狱犬将会恢复(1424+15% SP)的生命。地狱猎犬:法术封锁(新)。让你的地狱猎犬能够释放法术封锁。沉默敌人3秒。如果敌人正在施法,将会打断施法并沉默该系6秒。生命通道:现在持续6秒,从3秒上调。基尔加丹的狡诈(新):让你在10秒内移动可以施放和引导法术。被动效果:你可以在移动时施法和引导法术,但是这会增加你施法时间的50%同时减少你的移动速度30%。这个效果在冷却时无效。1分钟冷却。(之前说的在敌人身上的DOT持续时间增加是没有的)。生命分流:现在恢复20%最大的魔法值。灵魂仪式:现在消耗10%基础法力,从27%下调。召唤仪式:现在消耗4%基础法力,从12%下调。暗影箭:现在消耗5%的基础法力,从10%下调。灵魂火:灵魂火总是爆击。此外,按照你的暴击率提升伤害,现在消耗11%的基础法力值,从9%上调。灵魂石:对象现在恢复60%生命,从30%上调,5%基础法力,10分钟冷却。(没错,是10分钟。。。)召唤末日守卫:现在持续1分钟,从45秒上调。现在有40码的范围,现在消耗25%基础法力,从80%下调。召唤地狱猎犬:召唤时间变为5秒,从6秒下调,现在消耗25%基础法力,从64%下调。召唤小鬼:召唤时间变为5秒,从6秒下调,现在消耗20%基础法力,从64%下调。召唤地狱火:现在持续1分钟,从45秒上调。现在消耗25%基础法力,从80%下调。召唤没魔:召唤时间变为5秒,从6秒下调,现在消耗20%基础法力,从80%下调。召唤虚空行者:召唤时间变为5秒,从6秒下调,现在消耗20%基础法力,从80%下调。共生(新):现在由一只神棍D释放,共生按钮被替换为临时技能,瞬发。暮光结界:现在吸收神圣暗影伤害,现在消耗4%基础法力,从12%下调。不羁意志(新):被打了很多年终于变得皮厚耐X了,减免50%伤害同时免疫施法打断12秒,瞬发,3分钟冷却。野生小鬼(新):扭曲中冲出5只野生小鬼想要侍奉你,他们会像目标发出10次火焰箭。(不知道每只10次还是一共10次)。被动:每20秒,你的下一发暗影箭就会召唤出一只野生小鬼。该效果技能冷却时无效。恶魔之怒:每只火焰箭产生5点恶魔之怒。技能消耗100恶魔之怒,40码范围,瞬发,1分钟冷却。 ===痛苦系===:痛苦诅咒:现在让你的目标欲仙欲死,在24秒内造成[1575 + 1.5 * SP] 到[2520 + 2.4 * SP]点暗影伤害。仅限一个目标,痛感先慢后快。现在消耗4%基础法力,从10%下调。疲劳诅咒:现在消耗2%基础法力,从6%下调。黑暗之魂-痛苦(新):向你的灵魂中倾注堕落仇敌之哀伤,提升30%伤害,持续20秒。被动效果:提升你5%的技能伤害,效果冷却时无效。5%基础法力,瞬发。2分钟CD。吸取灵魂:现在抽取目标灵魂,造成2136暗影伤害并每4秒产生一个灵魂碎片,不再消耗魔法。(尼玛这是要闹那样捏)。鬼影缠身:你将鬼魂灵魂深入敌人体内,造成2136点暗影伤害,并增加对你目标的40%所有伤害,不再有冷却时间,消耗一个灵魂碎片。邪恶之握(新):把你的敌人丢到暮光里去,3秒内造成2403点暗影伤害。此外,当收到邪恶之握影响时,你的周期技能伤害急速提升100%。准许引导:在技能结束前重新释放这个技能可以延长技能时间3秒,可以叠加5次。2%基础法力,40码,引导法术。夜幕(新):你的腐蚀术和吸取生命有4%几率让你获得一个灵魂碎片。腐蚀之种:现在当目标承受 [1922 + 1.8 * SP]点总伤害才会爆炸。现在消耗8%基础法力,从34%下调。灵魂交换:现在消耗6%基础法力,从18%下调。灵魂燃烧:消耗一个灵魂碎片,解锁你技能的隐藏能力。一旦使用了灵魂燃烧,该技能60秒内无法被再次灵魂燃烧。现在有15秒冷却时间,从45秒下调。灵魂燃烧(诅咒)(新):使用灵魂燃烧增强你的诅咒,你的诅咒现在影响你目标半径10码内所有敌人。灵魂燃烧(诅咒)没有冷却时间。(应该是针对原来的技能诅咒的,1分钟CD还是在的)。灵魂燃烧(恶魔法阵)-传送(新):使用灵魂燃烧增强你的恶魔法阵-传送。你的恶魔法阵-传送也会提升你的50%移动速度,并在8秒内免疫陷阱和缠绕。灵魂燃烧(恐惧):使用灵魂燃烧增强你的恐惧,恐惧瞬发并造成目标在恐惧中奔跑3秒。灵魂燃烧(生命通道):使用灵魂燃烧增强你的生命通道。你的生命通道现在立即回复36%生命并减少30%伤害,持续10秒。(没说对象是人还是恶魔,之前是恶魔天赋有30%免伤,现在算是削弱了吧)。痛苦无常:现在消耗5%基础法力,从15%下调。 ===恶魔系:===厄运诅咒:1分钟内造成[8544 + 8 * SP]点暗影伤害。限一个目标。每当末日诅咒造成伤害时,有20%几率召唤一个野生小鬼。现在消耗4%基础法力,从15%下调。黑暗之魂-知识(新):向你的灵魂中倾注恶魔知识,提升你的精通30点,持续20秒。被动效果:增加你的精通5点,效果冷却时无效。5%基础法力,瞬发。2分钟CD。屠戮(新):是你施放灵魂火时间减少50%。如果灵魂火集中生命值25%以上的目标,30秒内施法时间加倍或者它集中了一个低于25%的目标。恶魔之怒(新):恶魔之怒在500时增加你的伤害5%。许多技能和恶魔攻击产生恶魔之怒。恶魔飞跃(新):运用恶魔之翼跳到空中,移动小段距离。这种技能会激活你的恶魔形态,瞬发,10秒冷却。恶魔重生(新):如果你的恶魔牺牲了,你可以获得恶魔重生效果,减少你下一个恶魔召唤时间100%,持续20秒,效果有2分钟冷却。恶魔守卫(恶魔风暴)(新):是你的恶魔守卫可以释放恶魔风暴。效果如大风车,对周围8码呢所有敌人造成武器伤害[0 + 33% of SP]每秒,持续6秒。期间恶魔守卫无法做出其他动作。恶魔守卫(追击):打击敌人立即造成武器伤害并增家恶魔守卫的移动速度30%,持续6秒。古尔丹之手(新):召唤一个流星陨石,2.5秒后对6码范围内所有敌人造成712暗影火焰伤害。目标会受到古尔丹之手的效果影响,你每15,秒增加一发,最多3发。古尔丹之手效果:减少敌人30%移动速度8秒,可以叠加三次。恶魔之怒:目标如果没有收到古尔丹之手效果的影响,则产生25点恶魔之怒。5%基础法力,40码,瞬发。地狱烈焰:现在持续14秒,从15秒下调。现在消耗4%基础法力,从64%下调。恶魔变形(新):你变为恶魔,从恶魔之怒效果中获得的增益提高200%,并且允许你使用众多恶魔技能,瞬发,10秒冷却。恶魔变形(腐蚀蜂群)(新):当恶魔形态下,你的暗影烈焰将消耗恶魔怒气,打断施法并且击退敌人。恶魔变形(诅咒光环)(新):当恶魔形态下,你的元素诅咒和虚弱诅咒变为光环效果。元素诅咒光环:20码内所有敌人法术伤害增加5%。虚弱诅咒光环:20码内所有敌人物理伤害能力降低30%,增加施法时间30%。恶魔变形(恶魔斩)(新):当恶魔形态下,你的暗影箭变成恶魔斩。恶魔斩:撕扯敌人,立即造成913-1009点暗影伤害。恶魔变形(献祭光环)(新):当恶魔形态下,你的地狱烈焰不需引导且不会对你造成伤害。恶魔变形(虚空外壳)(新):当恶魔形态下,你从物品中获得画家提升600%,被爆击几率降低6%,眩晕和陷阱效果持续时间减少50%。暗影烈焰:现在消耗6%基础法力,从25%下调。召唤恶魔守卫:召唤时间变为5秒,现在消耗20%基础法力,从80%下调。野生小鬼(新):扭曲冲出5只野生小鬼想要追随你,他们会像目标发出10次火焰箭。(不知识每只10次还是一共10次)。被动:每20秒,你的下一发暗影箭就会召唤出一只野生小鬼。该效果技能冷却时无效。恶魔之怒:每只火焰箭产生5点恶魔之怒。技能消耗100恶魔之怒,40码范围,瞬发,1分钟冷却。 ===毁灭系===:余烬(新):你的火雨不再需要引导,并且击晕所有敌人两次,持续2秒。你的点燃会是敌人眩晕5秒。自动攻击:使用魔杖自动攻击直到取消,40码,1秒钟施放。燃爆(新):当你施放点燃,你的下三个烧尽的时间和魔法消耗将减少$s1%。持续$d1。(原文是这样我也不明白什么意思)。反冲(新):当你被物理攻击时有25%几率减少下一个烧尽的施法时间100%,这个效果8秒持续8秒,并且每8秒只会出现一次。燃烧余烬(新):燃烧余烬由对带有献祭的目标施放烧尽产生,被灵魂火消耗。随时间推移你会受到燃烧余烬的伤害应当尽快消耗。混沌能量(新):你从虚空中直接吸取能量,使你的魔法恢复大大加快,灵魂火和邪焰消耗更多魔法并且造成75%额外伤害,替换生命分流。点燃:现在可以直接对目标施放,造成点火焰伤害。每12秒回复一发,限最多2发。不再消耗魔法,也不再有冷却时间。黑暗之魂-动荡(新):向你的灵魂中倾注狂乱之力,提升你的暴击30%,持续20秒。被动效果:提升你5%的暴击,效果冷却时无效。5%基础法力,瞬发。2分钟CD。余烬分流(新):治疗 [15+15*0*.01)]%点你的生命,消耗10个余烬碎片,瞬发。硫磺烈火(新):你的下一个献祭,烧尽,点燃或者诅咒会击中目标15码内所有目标,并且造成40%的技能伤害。10个余烬碎片,瞬发。A'lar之焰(新):瞬间恢复你上一个死去的宠物,消耗10余烬碎片,瞬发,1分钟CD。浩劫灾厄:现在造成下4个术士的单体目标法术也会打击浩劫灾厄的目标。4%基础法力,40码,瞬发,2分钟CD。献祭:施法时间减少到1.5秒,从2秒下调。替代腐蚀术,消耗2%基础法力,从8%下调。烧尽:不再对献祭目标造成额外伤害,现在2秒施法,从2.5秒下调,现在消耗5%基础法力,从14%下调。火雨:若目标有献祭,则额外造成50%伤害,现在消耗4%基础法力,从57%下调。暗影灼烧:目标若5秒内死亡且目标可以提供经验和荣誉,则增加一个燃烧余烬。不再有冷却时间。现在小号10余烬碎片,之前为消耗15%基础法力。 [/collapse][/quote][quote][collapse=术士坦蓝帖]Ghostcrawler -- Warlock tanksJust to make our intent clear, the Glyph of Demon Hunting isn't intended to turn Demonology warlocks into a tanking spec. You won't be able to queue as a tank for Dungeon Finder for instance and won't have the survivability or tools of say a Protection paladin.Historically, warlocks felt tankier than other casters and could even off-tank some encounters. We have made an effort in Mists to recapture some of that flavor. A warlock with this glyph should feel like they are about as effective tanking as an Arms warrior who pulls out a shield and swaps to Defensive Stance, or a Feral druid who goes into Bear form. You might be able to off-tank adds or pick up an actual boss for a short period of time if the tank goes down.To make warlocks an actual tank would take more significant changes. For example, we want tanks to have to pick up separate tanking gear than their DPS gear (this is even true of druids) and want tanks to have to give up some of their DPS potential in exchange for their survivability. In short, it needs to be a commitment, and that's the sort of thing that needs larger gameplay changes than just a glyph.That shouldn't stop the glyph of Demon Hunting from being fun though. As you can probably tell, we are trying to make even the major glyphs more about character customization and fun.
当然,这并不会影响到恶魔狩猎雕文的趣味性。正如你们说的那样,我们在尝试使大雕文更多的与角色个性挂钩,带来更多趣味性。[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by m ( 14:33):[/b][collapse=术士宠物技能展示视频][flash]/player.php/sid/XMzcyMDc1OTI0/v.swf[/flash]5.0熊猫人之谜 术士各宠物技能+基尔罗格之眼展示[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by cdbreaker ( 00:49):[/b][collapse=绿火再见]新的蓝贴不要再想什么绿火解锁任务了[url]http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/?page=4#73[/url][/collapse][/quote][quote][collapse=术士T14造型预览][img]http://media./images/news/2012/march/tier14_warlock.jpg[/img][/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by shil·ruin ( 14:03):[/b][collapse=29日改动]build 15508-意料之中的nerf 挑点重要的说说Warlock (Forums)SkillsCommand Demon: Most powerful spells changed:Imp: Cauterize MasterVoidwalker: DisarmSuccubus: WhiplashFelhunter: Spell LockFelguard: FelstormCreate Healthstone: Now restores 20% of your maximum health, instead of 45% of the creator's base health.灵魂石:现在磕一下回最大血量的20%,而不是基础血量的45%Curse of Enfeeblement: Now reduces physical damage by 20%, down from 30%.虚弱诅咒:降低物理伤害从30%降低到20%。DemonologyDemonic Leap: Wording removed: &Using this ability activates Metamorphosis.&恶魔跳跃:去掉“使用这个技能将激活恶魔形态”的描述。Metamorphosis: Now transformation grants increased damage dealt by 10%, instead of increased benefit of Demonic Fury.恶魔形态:增加伤害10%,而不是根据恶魔能量和精通增加伤害。Metamorphosis: Cursed Auras: Now reduces physical damage by 20%, down from 30%.恶魔形态·诅咒光环:降低物理伤害从30%降低到20%。Nether Plating: While using a Demon Form (was Metamorphosis), your armor contribution from items increases by 400% (was 600%), the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks is reduced by 6% and the duration of stun and snare effects is reduced by 20% (was 50%).虚空护甲:装备护甲加成从600%降低到400%,降低暴击几率不变,降低定身和昏迷持续时间从50%降低到20%。Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion: Curse of Exhaustion now reduces the targets movement speed by 50% (was 70%), lasts half as long and has a 10 second (was 20 second) cooldown.疲劳诅咒雕文,减速从70%降低到50%,增加的cd从20秒降低到10秒。Glyph of Demon Hunting: Grants the ability Threatening Presence. You imbue yourself with Demonic energies, reducing damage taken by 5% and allows the use of various demonic abilities. In addition, Soulshatter taunts your target, Twilight Ward will absorb all schools of damage and Demonic Slash is shorter range and generates fury.恶魔狩猎雕文:降低受到的伤害5%,而不是根据精通和恶魔能量,其他不变Glyph of Shadowflame: Now applies a 50% movement speed slow to its victims, down from 70%.暗影烈焰雕文:减速从70%降低到50%。Glyph of Soul Swap: Now has a 30 sec cooldown, up from 20 sec. 灵魂交换雕文:cd从20秒增加到30秒。 [/quote][quote]They nerfed Soul Fire Damage by approximately 33%, nerfed mana regeneration for Destruction by about 75% and fixed the bug that let tanking Warlocks do the insane Damage they were able to do but did not fix the bug that prevented non tanking Warlocks from doing any damage.他们削弱了灵魂之火的伤害约33%,削弱毁灭的魔法恢复速度大约75%。[/collapse][/quote][quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by dk_bahamut ( 11:18):[/b][collapse=4月3号改动]痛苦天赋机制原帖:[url]http://www./threads/1108054-State-of-Affliction-in-MoP-Beta-%28Grasp-amp-Rotation-figured-out-for-now%29[/url]主要内容:1、邪恶之握需要引导3秒,同时提高dot的急速100%;2、当邪恶之握结束时,dot会恢复成原来的剩余持续时间;
[/collapse][/quote](帖子字数太多了!!!)[quote][url=bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=月3号恶魔改动[/url][/quote][quote][url=http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=5049619&_fp=1]build 15544各职业改动[/url][/quote]有其他消息的请回复。
带蝴蝶结的蓝胖= =想想很可爱的样子
带蝴蝶结的蓝胖?可爱的眼魔???WTF!!!!!!基尔罗格之眼雕文这个倒是不错你应该弄个恶魔变身变色雕纹真的 粉红的一粒蛋!金黄的一粒蛋!七彩的一粒蛋!!!想想都tm的来感这样下战场又可以更早的双手离开键盘了 oy~
•基尔罗格之眼雕文:你的基尔罗格之眼不再潜行,但是它可以代替你去放置恶魔法阵。这个一定是大雕文 如果是小雕文一定是看起来很美好但是华而不实的东西
恶魔也不是永久的了 又变成一个跟奥强一样的功能性法术了
带蝴蝶结的蓝胖?可爱的眼魔???WTF!!!!!!基尔罗格之眼雕文这个倒是不错你应该弄个恶魔变身变色雕纹真的 粉红的一粒蛋!金黄的一粒蛋!七彩的一粒蛋!!!想想都tm的来感这样下战场又可以更早的双手离开键盘了 oy~
与SS相关的怎能不提组团出发被取消了 [s:5]
这些改动看起来还是从COOOOOOOOOOL的方面着手啊. 还有那个基眼雕文, 现在什么都不好说. 不过总感觉也许就是看起来挺好而已....
组团出发居然取消!!??那几个SS ,飞FB拉人去!
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by cherubim-03-19 20:16):[/b]与SS相关的怎能不提组团出发被取消了 [s:5][/quote]翻半天帖子没找到。。求原帖
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 十四夜心 ( 20:08):[/b]•基尔罗格之眼雕文:你的基尔罗格之眼不再潜行,但是它可以代替你去放置恶魔法阵。这个一定是大雕文 如果是小雕文一定是看起来很美好但是华而不实的东西
恶魔也不是永久的了 又变成一个跟奥强一样的功能性法术了[/quote]在MoP里,大雕文被取消了
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 楼上的你妈妈叫你吃饭 ( 21:08):[/b]在MoP里,大雕文被取消了[/quote]MoP取消的是主雕文吧?大雕文还是在的应该……另外,很难想象这个雕文怎么使用,PVP中应该没办法使用吧?毕竟谁会在PVP里招眼睛……PVE貌似可以用,但是问题在于眼睛无法潜行了那不就会引怪吗?


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