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Idén el?sz?r az "?szi" PlayIT-en szerepet kapott a Dota 2!
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Harmincegyedik alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a Golden Joystick Awards, amelyen ezúttal is 15 kategóriában lehet szavazni a kedvenceinkre. A jel?ltekért katt a cikkre!
Augusztus 3-án és 4-én kerül megrendezésre a 2013-as Repül?nap, amely 3 éves szünet után látogat vissza ismételten Kecskemétre. De hogy mir?l is szól pontosan és hogyan alakult és fejl?d?tt az évek során ez a nagyszer? program, megtudhatjátok ha tovább olvastok.
A Sony bejegyeztetett egy új márkanevet, mint ilyenkor szokásos megindultak a találgatások.
?jra divat lesz a második VH? Ha a Company of Heroes-on múlik, tuti biztos. Egy nagy játék méltó folytatása...
A Steam Summer Sale ugyan még várat magára, de máshol már elkezd?dtek a nagy nyári leárazások. Ma éppenséggel
bolondította meg a vásárlókat egy eszméletlen indulással.
A j?v? shooterének ígéri a 2K és a Turtle Rock Studios a mai nap bejelentett játékát.
Az Esportmilla hagyományteremt? jelleggel útjára indítja az év esportolója díjat! Idén a jel?ltek k?z?tt: Vizicsacsi, Flash és David2k6. Gyerünk szavazni!
Debreceni Péter játékos nevén TZeus a magyar DOTA2 esport egyik legismertebb k?zvetít?je. MOBA játékosoknak k?telez? darab.
A Cenega Hungary jóvoltából elkalandoztunk Caspian Border tájairól, Mordo s?tét b?z?lg? Ork világába.
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ESL One Battlefield 4 széria tavaszi szezonjának d?nt?jében ezüst érmet szerzett a magyar játékosokkal pályára lép? Epsilon Esports. Ennek apropóján a csapat BF4 squadjának menedzserével Reaperrel beszélgettünk.
Talán az egyetlen teljesen független, játékokkal és a hozzájuk k?t?d? egyéb informatikai hírekkel foglalkozó oldalon -on találtam egy képet, ezzel kapcsolatban osztom meg veletek gondolataim.
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Online Játszik
2014. December
Az átlagos játékos #3: Mekkora tárhellyel rendelkezel a játékra szánt gépedben? (A küls? vinyókat nem számolva.)
250-499 GB k?z?tt 27%
Kevesebb, mint 250 GB 24%
500-999 GB k?z?tt 23%
1-1,9999 TB k?z?tt 17%
4 TB és felette 5%
2-3,9999 TB k?z?tt 3%
Online felhasználók
(belépett: 2, ?sszes: 535)
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K?z?sségi médiumokFor general feedback about the game.
Visit the support site for any issues you may be having with your account.
To contact us directly about specific matters.
December 5, 2014 - Dota Team
Once again, we’re putting out a call to artists to create items based around the themes of Chinese New Year, Chinese history, and springtime, and submit them to the
to be considered for the next . This time around we would like to ask artists to avoid the use of dragons and written Chinese characters, as well any concepts that involve human skulls, blood and gore. Additionally, to have the best chance of having your work make it into the game, please be careful not to mix cultural concepts in your designs, such as traditional divisions between the dress of children and adults, warriors and civilians and upper and lower classes. Also, our workshop particle process is due to be reworked, so please refrain from using custom particles in your submission.
Remember to mark your submissions with the “Spring; tag when placing your items on the Workshop.
All submissions must be on the Dota 2 Workshop by January 19th. To everyone else: remember to visit the workshop and vote through your queue to make sure your voice is heard.
Also, the excellent people at
for Dota 2 merchandise designs for the New Bloom Festival, so if your talents lean toward creating awesome swag, they’ll have you covered.
December 5, 2014 - Dota Team
As we mentioned in September, there are a number of features in the works for Dota 2 that we’re really excited to share with you. Among them is a major improvement to Dota 2’s engine that we are aiming to release in the first half of next year. One of the main features in this engine improvement will be the ability to rapidly create entirely new game modes. You’ve seen some of this work with the Dota 2 Workshop Tools Alpha that began earlier this year. In the past, our Diretide and Frostivus updates contained game modes that were very time consuming to build and maintain, and would need to be rebuilt from the ground up after the release of the engine update.
With Diretide this year, we decided that it didn’t make sense to build another one of those resource-intensive game modes, for two reasons. The first was that the mode would quickly become obsolete when the engine changes arrive, and the second was that building it would have taken resources away from the work that needed to be done to ship the engine change itself. Now that Frostivus is on the horizon, we find ourselves facing a similar choice and, after some thought, we believe that once again the right choice is to not develop a Frostivus game mode.
This doesn’t mean that you won’t see interesting updates from us before the engine improvement goes out next year. We are already hard at work on our next major update, the New Bloom Festival in February, although we will continue to avoid building new game modes until the engine improvements come along.
November 20, 2014 - Dota Team
The dark bargain is struck. Today through December 7th, the Nemesis Assassin Event will allow all heroes a unique opportunity to earn trophies and items. During each day of the event, contracts will be put out on the life of those heroes listed on Oracle’s Nemesis Registry, and these contracts can either be Fulfilled or Denied during the course of the match.
Owners of the
will enjoy many custom upgrades to their specialized assassin, including an evolving weapon and a kill marker to show the location of their kills, but it’s important to remember that the hunter easily becomes the hunted, so rewards can be earned by all who participate successfully in the event.
You’ll also be able to purchase the , which includes mythical items.
Or you can earn this treasure by using the charm and making three correct victory predictions.
Visit the update page to see the
explained in detail. Will your favorite hero make the list?
November 18, 2014 - Dota Team
An enigmatic new hero strides onto the battlefield.
to let you seize the fates of both friend and foe. Prefer to deal a deadlier destiny? Phantom Assassin’s new arcana, the , is available for preorder, and will be on sale for 20% off until December 7th. Learn about the Nemesis Assassin Event in Day 3 of the Foreseer’s Contract update, arriving this week!
November 18, 2014 - Dota Team
Recently we’ve seen some players experiencing significant network issues across multiple regions, in particular US East and Europe West. We thought we’d take a moment to update you on what we’ve been doing in this space, because it’s such an important issue.
These kinds of problems generally stem from either limited server capacity or poor network connectivity. In this case, the problems are entirely connectivity related, and they come in three different forms – two of them are related to DDoS, and one is ISP connectivity.
The first, DDoS attacks on an entire data center for a region, are particularly problematic because they saturate the entire connection into the data center. This is a very recent type of attack that has been plaguing a variety of high profile games. It causes players to freeze up or drop entirely because as their network packets reach the data center, the link has no room to accept them and they are dropped. In the short term we are forced into being reactive to these attacks on a case by case basis, while building out a long term infrastructure to bring better stability and protection.
The second, directed attacks on a single server, is one that we’ve released various fixes for over the past month. These attacks largely targeted pro players or tournaments. The primary problem in those cases was the ability for an attacker to pinpoint the exact IP address of the target game server, which allowed them to successfully attack it with a small set of resources. We’ve recently updated Dota 2, Dota TV servers, and Steam itself to better protect that IP address. We have also improved the local lobby system so it can function as a better fail safe for tournaments, in case the IP address leaks out through other means, such as human error or third party software.
The third, network connectivity issues, result in some players having continuous networking problems between their ISP and our game servers. For quite a while this has been most visible in the South East Asia and South America regions, but does exist with other ISPs around the world. Finding the right solution with every region, and its local ISPs, requires us to have more detailed data on exactly why our players are experiencing these issues. So, this week we’ve finished implementation of a more advanced network monitoring system that will automatically gather much deeper connectivity data from all our players.
Good networking connectivity is a requirement for a good Dota 2 experience. While we work on the core problem, we’re also working on reducing its effects – this week’s update includes improved detection of Poor Network Conditions. Previously, our detection algorithm was only triggered when multiple players completely lost connection to the game server. This new algorithm will now monitor the actual quality of the server’s connection to its players, and trigger in the case of poor connectivity for multiple players. Matches flagged as having Poor Network Conditions will be immediately safe to leave, and won’t record their results.GosuAwards 2013: Dota 2
Welcome to the annual GosuAwards for Dota 2, where we celebrate the top teams, stories, and players in their individual roles.
This year, you can find some similar categories from last year's with a bit of freshness added in such as the new categories: "Biggest Upset", "Best Roster Transfer", "Best Drama" and "Best Dota 2 Meme".
We will be splitting the awards into three parts. First, the teams will be awarded, followed by the players and then miscellaneous awards for all the other stuff worth mentioning.
But enough of that, let's check out the awards!
Category: Best team
Photo: Valve
Alliance dominated most of 2013 through a mix of innovative strategies and hard work, bringing together what in every sense of the word was a team of talented players, to create one of the most dominating presences in Dota 2 to date. They carved out their place as the kings of the Western scene, and they also made history by going to China and becoming the first non-Chinese team to defeat the locals on their home turf. Their efforts culminated in the taking of the greatest single prize pool in e-Sports history when they defeated Na`Vi on the grand finals of the International 2013. Alliance did deteriorate towards the end of the year, but their string of first place finishes throughout the year should be able to cover their recent short slump.
Runner-up: Na`Vi, for a consistent great showing for most of the year and for taking top billing in the West heading into 2014.
Community poll results
Winner: Na`Vi (38%)
Runner-up: Alliance (34%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Most improved team
Photo: GosuGamers
At the start of 2013, there were still quite a lot of doubters when it came to Fnatic being able to earn themselves a spot at The International. Yet 12 months later, it seems impossible to tell the story of Dota 2 without them. They’ve established themselves as the third European powerhouse, forever present on the scene, fighting through tough times in order to time and again give the world's best a run for their money. There is no doubt that heading into the new year, they’ve silenced all doubts regarding whether they will become a mainstay of the scene, and a household name as Dota 2 continues it’s growth in 2014.
Runner-up: Speed Gaming, for a strong second half including first place at MLG Columbus.
Community poll results
Winner: Speed (45%)
Runner-up: Fnatic (26%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Most disappointing
Photo: LGD
At the tail end of last year, we lived in a world where China was still the undeniable superpower of Dota and the sole custodians of our future. At this time, the prospect of a team of Western players heading off on this journey to the promised land was not only sensational but hopeful, and that hope was rewarded through their strong showing during the G-League group stages. But as the new year rolled in, things went sour and the LGD.Int exper losing their own flair and causing many to lose all faith in the prospects of Western Dota. This malaise lasted for several months, until Alliance came in and showed that the answer was not in the LGD.Int model, but that by working hard at home, Western teams could find a new path to success.
Their decision to return to China after The International 3 was nothing but further disappointment for their fans. The team more or less disbanded a few days before their WPC-ACE League playoffs match.
Runner-up: Virtus.Pro, for their post-TI3 roster disaster.
Community poll results
Winner: Virtus.Pro (39%)
Runner-up: LGD.Int (28%)
Photos: Virtus.Pro, LGD
Category: Best carry
Photo: GosuGamers
Internally, this was cause for a huge debate as Loda and XBOCT are as close as it could get this year, both performing to the very limits of their capabilities. In the end, our pick was the Swedish “living legend”, who impressed the Chinese with his wide array of carry heroes at the G-1 League and became the flexible backbone for his team. This enabled their style of drafting which could lead the opponents to simply throw up their hands and admit that while they knew what was coming, they could never prevent it from happening. Loda has been the bedrock upon which Alliance built a year of dominance.Runner-up:
XBOCT, for epitomizing the aggressive carry player who takes things to the edge, and then pushes the boundaries of the possible.
Community poll results
Winner: XBOCT (39%)
Runner-up: BurNing (30%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Best solo mid
Photo: GosuGamers
Mushi has for a long time been one of the very best players in the world and was widely considered the epitome of a great laner, yet for whatever reason true success has seemed to elude him in the past. However in 2013, not only did Mushi lead Orange to become a constant competitor in Chinese competitions, his versatility allowed the Malaysian sensation to storm The International. Playing an unmatched array of heroes, he thus allowed his team to counter their opponents styles of play by constantly adapting.
Mushi's efforts were rewarded with a third place at The International 3, the best finish for an Eastern team, and ultimately leading him into being picked up by DK. Becoming the dynamo of action for the new super team, Mushi has helped DK make their bid for being the best team in China, and possibly the world, clear.Runner-up:
s4, for his great teamfight awareness as well as impeccable and consistent execution.
Community poll results
Winner: Mushi (44%)
Runner-up: Dendi (36%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Best secondary solo
Photo: GosuGamers
There’s little doubt that the Bulldog shot to stardom this year, with his Lone Druid and Nature’s Prophet being perhaps the most defining hero an ever present thorn in their opponents sides. Bulldog has taken up the mantle left behind by LighTofHeaveN as the great split-pushing semi-carry, having the capability of taking his team on his back, and carrying them to victory when called upon to do so. He may not have been the most versatile this year, but don’t knock what works!
Runner-up: iceiceice, for being the most YOLO player. He will more or less decide his team's victory. He also plays a wide range of heroes.
Community poll results
Winner: iceiceice (35%)
Runner-up: AdmiralBulldog (29%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Best supports
Puppey and Akke
Photo: GosuGamers
Both Alliance and Na`Vi were the hallmarks of great support play this year, and above all else these two players proved instrumental in creating the positions for their teams to win games, in particular with their shared signature heroes of Chen and Enchantress. Akke pioneered the usage of the Harpy Stormcrafter to help win the middle lane, while Puppey continues being the spearhead of Na`Vi’s efforts to ensure that Dendi gets every rune and every advantage. Great players in their own right, they exemplify what a support is through the sacrifices that they make.
Community poll results
Winner: Puppey (25%)
Runner-up: Akke (18%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Most improved player
Photo: Armaggeddon
Before this year, you’d be excused if you did not know who Meracle was. Even as he lead First Departure to become a mainstay of the SEA scene, his talents were being paid little attention to until he was given a chance to join the ailing Chinese team, RisingStars. Whilst everything was crumbling around him, Meracle showed that not only could he play with the big boys, he could bring something more to the table -
something which few will ever hope to achieve: a kind of vitality and presence that has had even the seasoned professionals singing this young superstar praises.
Runner-up: XBOCT and fy. We settled with a tie for the runner-up of this category because both players have shown tremendous improvement over the year.
Community poll results
Winner: XBOCT (30%)
Runner-up: Meracle (21%)
Photos: GosuGamers (XBOCT), Armaggeddon (Meracle)
Category: Best tournament
MLG Columbus
Photo: GosuGamers
A combination of a great prize pool, great teams, great community management, and overall fulfilling the expectations that had been brewing for a long time, MLG entered Dota 2 with a splash this year. Much of the credit for the great way this event was conceived has to go to Adam Apicella for going out of his way to listen to the community, which was in turn rewarded with not only our viewership, but our affections.
Runner-up: DreamLeague, for kicking it up a notch in Europe, a promise of great things to come.
Community poll results
Winner: MLG Columbus (51%)
Runner-up: DreamLeague (19%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Best English caster
Photo: GosuGamers
Draskyl made a name for himself last year as the sidekick to Ayesee, but it wasn’t until he was picked up to be the headliner for The GD Studio that he truly came into his own as a caster. During the past twelve months, Draskyl has established himself as the best analytical caster in Dota as well as a very capable play-by-play person, having a very distinct personality. What he brings to a cast is undeniable, and whilst he has had great competition from last year's winner LD and the much improved crowd favourite TobiWan, we feel that this is the year to highlight the finest Dota 2 has to offer in terms of analysis, for which we give the honours to him.
Runner-up: TobiWan for his incomparable ability to hype up a LAN crowd.
Community poll results
Winner: TobiWan (47%)
Runner-up: LD (19%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Best personality
Our beloved prophet, Matt has grown to become not just the embodiment of Valve in the community this year but also an ever expanding presence on camera. His is a take on the game which we love to listen to, and he commands the respect of everyone on the scene. We could not imagine the scene without him, nor would we ever want to.
Runner-up: Bruno for continuing to provide some of the funniest moments caught on stream in 2013.
Community poll results
Winner: Bruno (49%)
Runner-up: 2GD (17%)
Photos: GosuGamers
Category: Best roster transfer
Photo: Eric Brinkley
While DK gave up much when they let go of rOtk, Super, and QQQ, it is undeniable that the three names they picked up is as good as good as an addition can get for any team. Chinese talent LaNm as well as SEA super-stars iceiceice and Mushi have all received vast amounts of
personal praise throughout their careers, but all of them want to further their career by winning. The new roster is a dream come true for the organization and the players, both in terms of PR and potential. Coming out on top of the Fengyun Championship along with earning their spots in the finals of both G-League and WPC ACE League, the current DK roster seems stronger than ever.
EGM to Alliance,
a new star support and was a key player in their TI3 win.
Community poll results
Winner: DK (57%)
Runner-up: Na`Vi (23%)
Photos: Eric Brinkley (DK), GosuGamers (Na`Vi)
Category: Biggest upset
Going into TI3,
was the most promising of the Eastern teams. They had a perfect group stage run in the year before and surely this would be to bring glory to China and challenge the Western powerhouses that had defeated them on their home turf in the
G-1 League and Alienware Cup. And yet all of this was crushed by the North Americans of Team Liquid, who in spectacular fashion sent LGD out of the competition. A true upset, and one even the home crowd was not prepared for.
Runner-up: Speed Gaming defeat DK at MLG, bringing glory to the Speed Nation and U.S.A.!
Community poll results
Winner: Speed wins DK @ MLG (43%)
Runner-up: Liquid
Category: Best drama
For all the good that we’ve seen come to Dota 2 this year, we’ve also had some historical low points including the very first betting scandal, brought to us by Solo of RoX.Kis. For a measly $322, not only was a career ended and a team was broken up, our sport was tainted and a discussion about the need for unified rules and a governing body could be required as well. Whilst many of the lofty discussions have not yet lead much further, there’s little doubt these are topics which we will continue to return to in the coming years, as Dota 2 continues its progress towards becoming a fully professional e-Sport.
Runner-up: Give Diretide, for harrassing people and companies unrelated to Dota 2.
Community poll results
Winner: Solo 322 (34%)
Runner-up: Give Diretide (26%)
Photo: Steam (Give Diretide)
Category: Best Dota 2 meme
Give Diretide
It might not have been our community's brightest moment (in more senses than one), but for the reach of this meme and the fact that something so unique to our community got so much attention even outside of it, the monster we spawned has become the monster we all secretly reserve a special place in our hearts for.
Runner-up: Kappa, for being annoying.
Community poll results
Winner: Give Diretide
Runner-up: XBOCT (4)
GosuAwards committee:
Eric 'ReiNNNN' Khor
Linus 'Tjernobylbarnet' Staaf
Johan 'Sun_Tzu' J?rvinen
Bogdan 'MarelePisoi' Bugariu
Daren 'Ren' Paul Vitug
Mervyn 'ItchyScratchyBalls' Tan
Vladimir 'Angel' Kojadinovic
Eric 'ReiNNNN' Khor (Formatting)
Radoslav 'Nydra' Kolev (Formatting)
Johan 'Sun_Tzu' J?rvinen (Text)
Frederick 'WinterEquinox007' Benjamin (Proofreading)Daren 'Ren' Paul Vitug (Proofreading)
World's biggest competetive gaming source of information. Our mission at GosuGamers is to deliver the highest quality e-sports content and coverage.


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