please insert discthe c...

&源码面前了无秘密&便是如此.此代码属于 Red Hat Linux anaconda 安装程序的关键代码.
* cdinstall.c - code to set up cdrom installs
* Erik Troan &&
* Matt Wilson &&
* Michael Fulbright &&
* Jeremy Katz &&
* Copyright 1997 - 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
* This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* alo if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include &ctype.h&
#include &dirent.h&
#include &errno.h&
#include &fcntl.h&
#include &newt.h&
#include &stdlib.h&
#include &string.h&
#include &sys/mount.h&
#include &sys/ioctl.h&
#include &unistd.h&
#include &asm/types.h&
#include &linux/cdrom.h&
#include &kickstart.h&
#include &loader.h&
#include &loadermisc.h&
#include &log.h&
#include &lang.h&
#include &modules.h&
#include &method.h&
#include &cdinstall.h&
#include &mediacheck.h&
#include &../isys/probe.h&
#include &../isys/imount.h&
#include &../isys/isys.h&
static int getISOStatusFromFD(int isofd, char *mediasum);
/* ejects the CD device the device node /tmp/cdrom points at */
void ejectCdrom(void) {
logMessage(&ejecting /tmp/cdrom...&);
if ((ejectfd = open(&/tmp/cdrom&, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK, 0)) &= 0) {
if (ioctl(ejectfd, CDROMEJECT, 0))
logMessage(&eject failed %d &, errno);
logMessage(&eject failed %d &, errno);
* Given cd device cddriver, this function will attempt to check its internal checksum.
* JKFIXME: this ignores &location&, which should be fixed */
static char * mediaCheckCdrom(char *cddriver) {
devMakeInode(cddriver, &/tmp/cdrom&);
first = 1;
/* init every pass */
ejectcd = 0;
descr = NULL;
/* if first time through, see if they want to eject the CD
/* currently in the drive (most likely the CD they booted from) */
/* and test a different disk.
Otherwise just test the disk in
/* the drive since it was inserted in the previous pass through */
/* this loop, so they want it tested.
if (first) {
first = 0;
rc = newtWinChoice(_(&Media Check&), _(&Test&), _(&Eject CD&),
_(&Choose /&%s/& to test the CD currently in &
&the drive, or /&%s/& to eject the CD and &
&insert another for testing.&), _(&Test&),
_(&Eject CD&));
if (rc == 2)
ejectcd = 1;
if (!ejectcd) {
/* XXX MSFFIXME: should check return code for error */
readStampFileFromIso(&/tmp/cdrom&, &tstamp, &descr);
mediaCheckFile(&/tmp/cdrom&, descr);
if (descr)
rc = newtWinChoice(_(&Media Check&), _(&Test&), _(&Continue&),
_(&If you would like to test additional media, &
&insert the next CD and press /&%s/&. &
&You do not have to test all CDs, although &
&it is recommended you do so at least once./n/n&
&To begin the installation process &
&insert CD #1 into the drive &
&and press /&%s/&.&),
_(&Test&), _(&Continue&));
if (rc == 2) {
return NULL;
} while (1);
return NULL;
/* output an error message when CD in drive is not the correct one */
/* Used by mountCdromStage2()
static void wrongCDMessage(void) {
char *buf = sdupprintf(_(&The %s CD was not found &
&in any of your CDROM drives. Please insert &
&the %s CD and press %s to retry.&), getProductName(),
getProductName(), _(&OK&));
newtWinMessage(_(&Error&), _(&OK&), buf, _(&OK&));
/* Attempts to get a proper CD #1 in the drive */
/* Is called after mediacheck is done so that we can proceed with the install */
/* During mediacheck we have to have CD umount'd so it can be ejected */
/* JKFIXME: Assumes CD is mounted as /mnt/source
static void mountCdromStage2(char *cddev) {
int gotcd1=0;
devMakeInode(cddev, &/tmp/cdrom&);
if (doPwMount(&/tmp/cdrom&, &/mnt/source&,
&iso9660&, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, 0)) {
} while (1);
rc = mountStage2(&/mnt/source/RedHat/base/stage2.img&);
/* if we failed, umount /mnt/source and keep going */
gotcd1 = 1;
} while (!gotcd1);
/* reads iso status from device cddriver */
static int getISOStatusFromCDROM(char *cddriver, char *mediasum) {
devMakeInode(cddriver, &/tmp/cdrom&);
isofd = open(&/tmp/cdrom&, O_RDONLY);
if (isofd & 0) {
logMessage(&Could not check iso status: %s&, strerror(errno));
isostatus = getISOStatusFromFD(isofd, mediasum);
/* get support status */
/* if returns 1 we found status, and mediasum will be checksum */
static int getISOStatusFromFD(int isofd, char *mediasum) {
unsigned char tmpsum[33];
int skipsectors,
long long isosize, pvd_
if (mediasum)
mediasum[0] = '/0';
if ((pvd_offset = parsepvd(isofd, tmpsum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &isostatus)) & 0) {
logMessage(&Could not parse pvd&);
if (mediasum)
strcpy(mediasum, tmpsum);
/* writes iso status info to file '/tmp/isoinfo' for later use */
static void writeISOStatus(int status, char *mediasum) {
if (!(f = fopen(&/tmp/isoinfo&, &w&)))
fprintf(f, &ISOSTATUS=%d/n&, status);
fprintf(f, &MEDIASUM=%s/n&, mediasum);
/* ask about doing media check */
/* JKFIXME: Assumes CD is mounted as /mnt/source
static void queryCDMediaCheck(char *dev, int flags) {
char mediasum[33];
/* dont bother to test in automated installs */
if (FL_KICKSTART(flags))
/* see what status is */
isostatus = getISOStatusFromCDROM(dev, mediasum);
writeISOStatus(isostatus, mediasum);
/* see if we should check image(s) */
/* in rescue mode only test if they explicitly asked to */
if ((!isostatus && !FL_RESCUE(flags)) || FL_MEDIACHECK(flags)) {
rc = newtWinChoice(_(&CD Found&), _(&OK&),
_(&To begin testing the CD media before installation press %s./n/n&
&Choose %s to skip the media test and start the installation.&), _(&OK&), _(&Skip&));
if (rc != 2) {
/* unmount CD now we've identified */
/* a valid disc #1 is present */
/* test CD(s) */
/* remount stage2 from CD #1 and proceed */
/* set up a cdrom, nominally for installation
* location: where to mount the cdrom at JKFIXME: ignored
* flags: usual loader flags
* interactive: whether or not to prompt about questions/errors (1 is yes)
* loaderData is the kickstart info, can be NULL meaning no info
* side effect: found cdrom is mounted as /mnt/source.
stage2 mounted
* as /mnt/runtime.
char * setupCdrom(char * location,
struct knownDevices * kd,
struct loaderData_s * loaderData,
moduleInfoSet modInfo,
moduleList modLoaded,
moduleDeps modDeps,
int flags,
int interactive) {
int foundinvalid = 0;
if (FL_TESTING(flags) && interactive) {
for (i = 0; i & kd-&numK i++) {
if (kd-&known[i].class != CLASS_CDROM) continue;
buf = malloc(200);
sprintf(buf, &cdrom://%s:/mnt/source&, kd-&known[i].name);
/* JKFIXME: ASSERT -- we have a cdrom device when we get here */
for (i = 0; i & kd-&numK i++) {
if (kd-&known[i].class != CLASS_CDROM) continue;
logMessage(&trying to mount device %s&, kd-&known[i].name);
devMakeInode(kd-&known[i].name, &/tmp/cdrom&);
if (!doPwMount(&/tmp/cdrom&, &/mnt/source&, &iso9660&, 1, 0,
NULL, NULL, 0)) {
if (!access(&/mnt/source/RedHat/base/stage2.img&, R_OK) &&
(FL_RESCUE(flags) || !access(&/mnt/source/.discinfo&, R_OK))) {
rc = mountStage2(&/mnt/source/RedHat/base/stage2.img&);
/* if we failed, umount /mnt/source and keep going */
if (rc == -1) foundinvalid = 1;
/* do the media check */
queryCDMediaCheck(kd-&known[i].name, flags);
buf = malloc(200);
sprintf(buf, &cdrom://%s:/mnt/source&, kd-&known[i].name);
/* this wasnt the CD we were looking for, clean up and */
/* try the next CD drive
if (interactive) {
if (foundinvalid)
buf = sdupprintf(_(&No %s CD was found which matches your &
&boot media.
Please insert the %s CD &
&and press %s to retry.&), getProductName(),
getProductName(), _(&OK&));
buf = sdupprintf(_(&The %s CD was not found in any of your &
&CDROM drives. Please insert the %s CD &
&and press %s to retry.&), getProductName(),
getProductName(), _(&OK&));
rc = newtWinChoice(_(&CD Not Found&),
_(&OK&), _(&Back&), buf, _(&OK&));
if (rc == 2) return NULL;
/* we can't ask them about it, so just return not found */
return NULL;
} while (1);
return NULL;
/* try to find a Red Hat CD non-interactively */
char * findRedHatCD(char * location,
struct knownDevices * kd,
moduleInfoSet modInfo,
moduleList modLoaded,
moduleDeps modDeps,
int flags) {
return setupCdrom(location, kd, NULL, modInfo, modLoaded, modDeps, flags, 0);
/* look for a Red Hat CD and mount it.
if we have problems, ask */
char * mountCdromImage(struct installMethod * method,
char * location, struct knownDevices * kd,
struct loaderData_s * loaderData,
moduleInfoSet modInfo, moduleList modLoaded,
moduleDeps * modDepsPtr, int flags) {
return setupCdrom(location, kd, loaderData, modInfo, modLoaded, *modDepsPtr, flags, 1);
void setKickstartCD(struct knownDevices * kd,
struct loaderData_s * loaderData, int argc,
char ** argv, int * flagsPtr) {
loaderData-&method = strdup(&cdrom&);
#ifdef SDSC
kickstartFromCD(char *kssrc, struct knownDevices * kd, int flags)
char *p, *
logMessage(&kickstartFromCD:getting kickstart file from CDROM&);
* format is ks=cdrom:[/path/to/ks.cfg]
kspath = &&;
p = strchr(kssrc, ':');
kspath = p + 1;
if (!p || strlen(kspath) & 1) {
kspath = &/ks.cfg&;
for (i = 0; i & kd-&numK i++) {
if (kd-&known[i].class == CLASS_CDROM) {
logMessage(&kickstartFromCD:trying CD device (%s)&,
if (getKickstartFromBlockDevice(kd-&known[i].name,
kspath) == 0) {
* if made it here, then couldn't find the kickstart file on the CD
logMessage(&kickstartFromCD:Couldn't find kickstart file on CD&);
int kickstartFromCD(char *kssrc, struct knownDevices * kd, int flags) {
char *p, *
logMessage(&getting kickstart file from first CDROM&);
for (i = 0; i & kd-&numK i++)
if (kd-&known[i].class == CLASS_CDROM)
if (i &= kd-&numKnown) {
logMessage(&No CDROM devices found!&);
/* format is ks=cdrom:[/path/to/ks.cfg] */
kspath = &&;
p = strchr(kssrc, ':');
kspath = p + 1;
if (!p || strlen(kspath) & 1)
kspath = &/ks.cfg&;
if ((rc=getKickstartFromBlockDevice(kd-&known[i].name, kspath))) {
if (rc == 3) {
newtWinMessage(_(&Error&), _(&OK&),
_(&Cannot find kickstart file on CDROM.&));
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I have an issue with this message that appears every time I try to compile any kind of Code in C++ language. I'm really tired trying to find a solution and its so annoying cause every time I want to test my code, this message (There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive E:.) pop's up and need to click cancel/try again like 10 times in a row to remove it.
I found some relation about my issue and this thread:
But the thing is, I tried to follow each steps, but since the start I can't even do the first step (Insert a removable disk in the removable drive before you start the computer.), I do this, but my PC don't place the Removable Drive in the E: spot.
I click on preferences to check info about this E: Drive, but doesn't have space. Its like an imaginary drive (does nothing).
I can't figure out what's going on. Some Pics for help:
Any idea on how to remove this E: spot?
Reconfirming Doktoro Reichard's post, it's likely you're running into this known issue with hard-coded references to e: and i: in MinGW:
For example:
$ strings /c/mingw/bin/gcc.exe | grep '[a-z]:/[a-z]'
The way I resolved this is to remove any/all E: or I: drives on my system.
By using Disk Management, I was able to rename a card reader from E: to not-E: and the error went away.
It seems that your C++ compiler/build environment is somewhere referring to a drive E: even though you don't have one.
You will have to get rid of this non-functional reference to stop this.
Maybe you've got E: mentioned somewhere as an INCLUDE of LIB path ?
Are you using a makefile or solution file made be someone else that has E: mentioned somewhere ?
Check the compile/build logfile for remarks like "can't open file E:\xxxxxxx". That might give a clue where the problem is exactly located.
I also started having this issue just out of nowhere. Yesterday i was compiling and executing code without a hitch and today all of a sudden i get an error saying "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive E: ". . .
All that had changed between now and yesterday was that i had used my DVD drive, which is drive E, to install a program. So somehow it affected GCC. All I did was open my DVD Drive and close it again and all seems fine now.
I realise my answer is not nearly as technical as the others but sometimes the solution need not be technical or complicated. Sometimes a simple "open, close" will do wonders! ;) Just thought i would share how i solved the issue.
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