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> 冠军足球物语2(Pocket League Story 2) v1.0.7 安卓版
冠军足球物语2(Pocket League Story 2) v1.0.7 安卓版
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冠军足球物语2(Pocket League Story 2) v1.0.7 安卓版
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2012開羅新作Pocket League Story v1.0 足球物語
愛心 樂園幣
Pocket League Story
開羅經典遊戲Pocket League Story冠軍足球物語登陸 IOS,透過挖玩家,拉贊助,搞特訓,建周邊設施還有參加比賽,來經營一支球隊,帶領球隊登上世界足壇頂端。玩家還可以設置比賽時的陣型,所以非常接近專業呢~!
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Pocket League Story
By Kairosoft Co.,Ltd
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Handpick players, train, and battle your way to the top of every league in this sensational soccer team simulation!Sell merch, erect a gym--even a stadium! Your fanbase will grow as you conquer your rivals and snag the hottest sponsors! The sky's the limit in your quest for ultimate soccer stardom!As the crowd erupts in jubilation and the screams of "Goal!" echo throughout the stadium, will your team stand victorious? Try your hand at being a soccer team manager and find out!Turn your device to rotate the screen, touch to scroll, and pinch to zoom in and out. Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
What's New in Version 1.1.1
Fixed minor issues.
Customer Reviews
This is the best soccer sim on the market. It's the most simple, beautiful, just sort of all around fun game on the App Store. The team names and stadiums are clever and witty. The players aren't real, but that is a good thing. The stats are soooo simple, and easy to figure out. Overall:????????????????????????????????????????????????
Pretty good game, touch controls unresponsive
It is a pretty good game, played it before on my older iPhone perfectly, but in my 6S Plus the touch controls have become somewhat unresponsive. Unless played with the touch gamepad (which strangely works perfectly) the game becomes very annoying to play.
This is such a great Soccer game. No real complaints for me. It would be so awesome to see a Basketball or Football sim. Please make it happen. Kairosoft is my favorite game developers on Mobile, always racking out fun and addictive games
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad$4.99Category: Version: 1.1.1Size: 14.1 MBLanguages: English, JapaneseSeller: Kairosoft Co.,LtdCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
4.59999&&&&&10 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&350 Ratings
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