
视频: 【猴子派】红军精神领袖杰拉德年精彩集锦
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药品服务许可证(京)-经营-赛尔号 有哪些精灵值得练 有什么作用?_百度知道
赛尔号 有哪些精灵值得练 有什么作用?
水系:鱼龙。内战鱼龙和布林克克并排,。 火系:上古炎兽,不解释。 草系:丽莎布布,不解释。 电系:特训后的雷伊。内战雷伊和泰瑞,雷伊想赢得讲究技巧。 地面系:埃文和卡鲁克斯。 飞行系:哈尔翼蜂,速度快,攻击招还可以。 机械系:SRX,有人说是托雷塔斯,SRX的V形态自身特攻、速度、命中+1 ,在精灵的技能中,既提升特功又提升速度的很少,并且特攻种族值115,大招威力150,还有个70的先手和G形态。 冰系:古雷亚,基维奥拉并排。古雷亚速度快,有很好的强化招,唯一缺点是没有普通特攻招。基维奥拉,攻击高,有加攻击2的招,还有个威力90的先手和威力120的普通物攻。 超能系:艾尔伊洛,速度快,有威力100的普通物攻,先手威力80。 战斗系:外战盖亚。内战盖亚、詹士眼、提姆提姆,盖亚克詹士眼,,杰拉德。 暗影系:索比拉特,速度快,大招减命中1。 光系:依希亚,速度快,特功高,大招威力145必中,有加3先手。 普通系:嘟咕噜王和波戈并列。这是我对各系精灵王的评级,楼主靠自己的需要练哈!^_^o~
单精灵PK胜率高谱尼 单精灵PK常用精灵亚兰洛 火系之王,其它可以练的火系精灵有上古炎兽,吉米丽娅,魔焰猩猩阿蓝多 水系之王,其它可以练的水系精灵有布林克克,鱼龙王,鲁斯王,布鲁克克丽莎布布 草系中较强的精灵,其它可以练的草系有辛奇帕克,闪光依依,魔花使者雷伊 电系之王,其它可以练的电系有瞬杀特性的泰瑞盖亚 战斗系之王,其它可以练的战斗系有杰西卡可泰勒 冰系之王,其它可以练的冰系有阿克诺亚迪符特 普通系之王,其它可练的有泰勒斯可练的地面系有猛虎王、卡鲁克斯、埃闻等可练的龙系有塔克林,哈莫雷特,哈莫雷特用于打谱尼BOSS光系可练的有桑特诺娃、厄尔塞拉暗影系可练的有桑诺特、索比拉特飞行系可练的除了托鲁克,闪光波克尔,拜伦亚斯超能系可练的有艾斯菲格双系可练的有该隐、罗德利斯和四大神兽。
单精灵PK胜率高谱尼 单精灵PK常用精灵亚兰洛 火系之王,其它可以练的火系精灵有上古炎兽,吉米丽娅,魔焰猩猩阿蓝多 水系之王,其它可以练的水系精灵有布林克克,鱼龙王,鲁斯王,布鲁克克丽莎布布 草系中较强的精灵,其它可以练的草系有辛奇帕克,闪光依依,魔花使者雷伊 电系之王,其它可以练的电系有瞬杀特性的泰瑞盖亚 战斗系之王,其它可以练的战斗系有杰西卡可泰勒 冰系之王,其它可以练的冰系有阿克诺亚迪符特 普通系之王,其它可练的有泰勒斯可练的地面系有猛虎王、卡鲁克斯、埃闻等可练的龙系有塔克林,哈莫雷特,哈莫雷特用于打谱尼BOSS光系可练的有桑特诺娃、厄尔塞拉暗影系可练的有桑诺特、索比拉特飞行系可练的除了托鲁克,闪光波克尔,拜伦亚斯超能系可练的有艾斯菲格 水系:鱼龙。内战鱼龙和布林克克并排,。 火系:上古炎兽,不解释。 草系:丽莎布布,不解释。 电系:特训后的雷伊。内战雷伊和泰瑞,雷伊想赢得讲究技巧。 地面系:埃文和卡鲁克斯。 飞行系:哈尔翼蜂,速度快,攻击招还可以。 机械系:SRX,有人说是托雷塔斯,SRX的V形态自身特攻、速度、命中+1 ,在精灵的技能中,既提升特功又提升速度的很少,并且特攻种族值115,大招威力150,还有个70的先手和G形态。 冰系:古雷亚,基维奥拉并排。古雷亚速度快,有很好的强化招,唯一缺点是没有普通特攻招。基维奥拉,攻击高,有加攻击2的招,还有个威力90的先手和威力120的普通物攻。 超能系:艾尔伊洛,速度快,有威力100的普通物攻,先手威力80。 战斗系:外战盖亚。内战盖亚、詹士眼、提姆提姆,盖亚克詹士眼,,杰拉德。 暗影系:索比拉特,速度快,大招减命中1。 光系:依希亚,速度快,特功高,大招威力145必中,有加3先手。 普通系:嘟咕噜王和波戈并列。这是我对各系精灵王的评级,楼主靠自己的需要练哈!^_^o~
最新推荐赛尔号8月19日更新分析赛尔号特质异能加成计算公式(完整版)赛尔号海魂学习力刷法、极品性格、配招推荐赛尔号比巴卜花仙配招、极品性格、学习力推荐SPT布莱克极品性格、学习力、配招推荐异能精灵伊杰罗尼种族值、配招、学习力刷法推荐赛尔号炽焰之刃技能表,进化图赛尔号伊杰罗尼技能表,进化图赛尔号比巴卜花仙进化图,技能表赛尔号布莱克技能表,进化图关注热点赛尔号西塔的珍贵记忆任务怎么做暴食族卡龙在哪,怎么抓?赛尔号卡龙融合攻略赛尔号伪装堡垒的密码是什么?赛尔号WPE使用教程 用WPE打谱尼!赛尔号烈焰猩猩种族值、性格与融合,烈焰猩猩怎么变成魔焰猩猩融合卡龙需要那些精灵?橙黑色元神珠怎么获得,有什么用?赛尔号融合精灵依尔怎么得?红绿色元神珠怎么融合?梦境制造者-狄修斯怎么打?狄修斯精元怎么得?赛尔号伏魔空间攻略赛尔号炫彩山神秘洞窟第三层地图走法赛尔号活力钥匙任务怎么做?怎么取宝盒?当前位置:5068小游戏 && 赛尔号 && 任务攻略 &&浅谈赛尔号各系值得一练的精灵有哪些?(超详细版本)  浅谈赛尔号各系值得一练的精灵有哪些?(超详细版本)  火系:魔焰猩猩(好像正在和炽翼蝶争火系王位,不过支持魔焰)  魔焰,还用说吗…………两个大招150,无论是你练特攻还是物攻都没问题。如果你既融合得早,还有飞叶风暴这项强力技能,速度超快,几乎无“精”能敌,有先手招,还有觉醒,OH MY LADY GAGA,想不得第一都难。  (注:飞叶风暴 草系特功招数 威力140 觉醒 自己的双攻+2 先手招 音速火拳 威力70)  水系:远古鱼龙(本来是和鲁斯王并排,但经本人实验,一个祈雨+一个远古审判可以秒掉645  获得方法:充半年超NO,现已绝版)  还是两个大招150,不过推荐练特功,有深海寒流,祈雨,海洋祝福,远古审判和洗礼这几项强力技能,可以说是一只BUG精灵,遇上草系都不怕,一个深海寒流可以秒掉,当然,前提是经过了祈雨强化,不然只能打丽莎布布一半的血,还是很强了,遇上645也不怕,一个祈雨+一个远古审判直接胜利。唯一缺点没先手招  不过因为要充半年超NO来得,所以不推荐,充了之后本人后悔腾了。还是推荐645,水系第二,有克制,剑舞,水天一色等技能,攻击种族值125,还是很强。  (注:深海寒流 冰系特攻招数 威力120 祈雨 自身特功特防+2 海洋祝福 自身攻击,速度和防御+1 远古审判 普通系特功 威力150~220随机,注意,我没打错,真的是150~220 洗礼 恢复自身最大体力的二分之一 克制 将自身受到的伤害以两倍还给对手 剑舞 自身攻击+2 水天一色 下两回合水系招数威力翻倍)  草系:丽莎布布  无可争议的草系之王,有寄生种子,金光绿叶,花草能量,花草护体还有光和作用,血爆高,无“草”能敌!!  (注:寄生种子 将对方的最大体力的八分之一吸走给自己,对付BOSS十分有用 金光绿叶 草系特功招数 威力150 使用后三回合回复自身体力的十分之一 花草能量 自身特攻+2 花草护体 自身特防及防御+1 光合作用 恢复自身最大体力的二分之一)  电系:雷伊  不解释  如果各位小赛尔打不赢雷伊的话,可以退一步,练一只闪光电击兔也行,有150的大招,还有加自身特攻的属性招,但特防要减一,还有一招闪光环。而且特攻种族值120哦!  (注:闪光环 3回合反弹对方二分之一的伤害)  地面系:猛虎王(获得方法:充1年的超NO,现已绝版)  无限连爪强到暴,虽然威力才5,但一回合可以做1——70次攻击,而且一般都是做30次攻击以上,也就是说威力一般都在150以上,可以秒杀几乎任何除BOSS精灵(是指供我们打的BOSS)还有勇猛和吼声及一个150的大招,体力种族值可与丽莎布布媲美,攻击种族值120,还是很高了。  如果没获得猛虎王的小赛尔也可以要一只卡鲁克斯,攻击高,速度快,还有大地之心,土遁,挖洞,大地之力和破攻,破甲这些强力属性技能,可练性很高。  (注:勇猛 自身攻击+2 吼声 命中后100%使对方害怕 大地之心 下两回合地面系技能威力翻倍 土遁 自身防御+2 挖洞 自身特防+2 大地之力 自身攻击+2 破攻 对方攻击-2 破甲 对方防御-2)  神秘系:卡鲁  废话,独苗得嘛。特功暴高,满级学习力刷满,性格保守,满个体可以达到373(我的就是)速度也很高,胆小性格,满个体学习力刷满可达320。有一招异界幻像,自身的个体值越高,威力就越大,MS最高威力155,还是很强了,有超核聚能和驱魔术,还有150的大招,很强呢!  (注:超核聚能 自身特功+2 驱魔术 神秘系特殊攻击 威力120,附加30点伤害)  龙系:哈默雷特  不想解释得了,反正就是很强,而且他是独苗。  光系:伊希亚  速度暴快,快到令人发指的地步,特功种族值120,很高,可以秒团。有先手招光闪击,属性招凝神,大招阳光普照,虽然威力才145,但必定命中。  (注:凝神 自身特功+2 光闪击 光系物理攻击 威力70)  暗影系:索尔  速度快(精灵的速度决定了你能不能秒团),有150的大招,暗影集中和魂之形态。  (注:暗影集中 自身特功+2 魂之形态 5回合受到的物理攻击伤害减半)  冰系:古雷亚  速度种族值高,特攻是冰系数一数二,还有霜雪聚光炮,寒冰碎裂和急速冷冻,霜冻能量,就是外形不怎么讨人喜欢。  (注:霜雪聚光炮 冰系特殊攻击 威力150 寒冰碎裂 下两回合攻击一定致命 急速冷冻 冰系特殊攻击 威力70,先手招 霜冻能量 自身攻击,特功,速度+1)  圣灵系:用说吗?  普通系:嘟咕噜王  特功很强,速度还可以,有145的大招,附带效果对方能力越高威力越大,还有百变随心,沉默,是普通系之王。  (注:百变随心 5回合不受能力下降影响 沉默 自身防御,特防+2)  机械系:托雷塔斯  是一只双攻精灵,双攻和体力的种族值都是110,还可以,强的是技能:蓄力,充能,都不仿为好技能,更有机械革命和构造体,还有三个150的大招,其中一个如果体力小于四分之一的话威力翻倍。  (注:蓄力 自身攻击+2 充能 自身特功+2 机械革命 防御,特防+2 构造体 5回合不受到异常影响)  飞行系:哈尔翼蜂  其实飞行系的精灵很难选,因为都不是十分的强,只有速度可能要高点,哈尔翼蜂的速度种族值108。技能有追击式和突击式,还有毒粉和快击。  (注:追击式 自身特功+2 突击式 自身攻击+2 毒粉 命中后对方100%中毒 快击 飞行系物理攻击 威力50,先手招 )
代练精灵 一小时100级 5元 需要的速度
呵呵,这可不容易啊。我当初也是最少3天最多10天才练成100的(那是很贫穷 没有双倍)。现在好多了嘛!你可以先把精灵升到40级 刷完学习力(在开始连的前一天刷好 不然双倍没了),然后确定是不是克战斗或者被战斗克。克战斗的45级开打,被战斗克55级开打。杰拉德你有吧!戴上它去那啥地方(很久没玩了 好多杰拉德的那个地方 3倍的)很快升级的!大概一天70多 两天满级吧! 分给不给我无所谓啦,抄袭的留名哦 我辛辛苦苦的打了200字呢!
自己 虽然很久没玩了
很快就一百了; 还有懒得不想打的提前种经验种子,完几个日常任务先攒的,这是当你练到80级左右估计在一起给就90多了,再打Boss吧,同上等级要高.....如果有很多扭蛋牌可以去扭蛋机那可得到中小型升级秘药(中型一次两级)、(小型一次一级)个人认为这个和好升级 呵呵希望采纳,辛苦手打.......
出门在外也不愁&&|&发布任务: 30次&累计: 8174元&|& 17:09
现金记录英文对话视频资料中的对白任务金额: 100& 元&&&&&状态:圆满结束中标人:任务分类: &&编号: 12132&&&开始:
中的英文视频资料(每个都是5分钟)的部分视频的对话记录下来,现招标。大家可以选择如下目录中的任何3-5个视频翻译一下,然后我们选择合作伙伴长期合作,尤其欢迎英文系的学生来竞标,如果您是可以特别注明,可以优先中标。交稿时也可以提一个未来合作的价格,比如记录50段视频您需要多少钱,我们拟需要翻译的视频大概有500条。我们从记录的质量和报价来选择未来的合作者。其实翻译这些视频也是一个难得的学习机会。Marketing Strategies (28) Team Building/Coaching (19) Hiring/Testing (26) Incentives/Awards (12) Sales Process (46) Selling Skills (47) Sales Training (38) Presentations (10) Sales Meetings (2) Success Strategies (47) Psychology (32) Motivation/Attitude (15) Health/Fitness (12) Humor/Entertainment (7) Sales 2.0 (38)――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――【客户联系方式】见二楼【重要说明】 为了保障双方的利益,请会员务必将与客户沟通及稿件修改的进度记录提交到任务留言。请不要在任务里提交无关内容,严重的有可能被屏蔽所有交稿。必须公开交稿,不得以任何方式隐藏稿件。K68已经收到客户的汇款,确定此任务总金额的80%可以支付给被客户选中的会员.。在K68现行的规则下,通常只能有一个会员会得到支付.。(报名即表示已阅读并接收其中相关条款的约束)(11月20号补充更新)。大附件稿件上传办法:把上传连接交在任务里即可。。。(请大家引以为戒)
&&|&中标: 0次&累计: 0元&|& 17:47
交稿中标稿件!不知道您需要英文记录还是汉语翻译的,上面已经传了一个翻译成中文的,这次再传一个用英文记录的吧。Prepare, Present and Negotiate to WinFrom Category Selling Skills(47)A: Hi, my name is Gerhard Gschwandtner . Welcome to selling power’s daily report. Today we continue our conversation with Brian Dietmeyer. He is the founder and CEO of Think! Inc. Welcome, Brian.B: Thank you, Gerhard.A: Can we talk about how we prepare, present, and negotiate the office to make it sale B: Absolutely. Again the key I mentioned several times is beginning this early on the sales process. Thinking about the “it” that is being negotiated, getting clarified on that before your customers and competitors were thinking about that. And then broadening what I will pay for it beyond price to it. All the products and services , all the terms and conditions and adding some creative trade. And the key now is how do you package this to present it to the customer, and this is what I suppose most people would think about is the negotiation where you may be six months ahead of this already if you are doing what we prescribe. So, in our example Probably, maybe tell you a personal story when we first founded a company with professor of Harvard school, and argueably one of the best subject negotiations is that, we were putting together our deal. And I looked at it, and I wasn’t quite happy with it. And I went to have lunch with him, and said, “Max, I don’t think I’m making enough money in this agreement.”, and he looked at me, very commonly, and he said, “so you want some of mine.” And it’s interesting because I broke one of the early rules of negotiating multiple things and suggesting one thing and broadening it. And he said, “ Look! how about we do this, how about you trade me some of your accrety, and I will trade you back some cash flow, or we do it the other way around.” He gave me three choices with multiple options , and I stopped at that moment, and said, “Forget about our deal, what did you just do ?” He said, “ I gave you multiple equal offers.” And we of course this is one of the most powerful tools that we use ourselves and also prescribe our clients that you knowNever just coming back with only one offer to have three different business relationships to offer your clients. And I want to make the tide back to consequences and trading we talked about earlier. You clarify what the “it” is . that’s being proposed to it. And you have that thing, and you'd better be able to identify that thing we called it. That’s what you use to title the offers. You don't title it in terms of your product, you title it in terms of what problems you are solving.
so three different business relationships, three different levels of customer problem solving. And then you populate those multiple equal offers with the trades we talked about earlier.
A: So you prepare those three offers in advance, you ask the customers what they want, No.1, No.2, and No.3.B. Absolutely, and very rarely does a customer take these. And first time out What you find is that this is a rarticle shift and this is a dialogue you used to have in a negotiation. You now have multiple things on the table to move around and trade. And you know what most often happen is like I did with Max. I couldn’t decide any one of the three. that's what happens with customers. You put offers on the table, and rank those offers, and most often of course, what they are going to say is, the biggest solution at top. And the thing that changes in this moment is you now have variables on the table. And say, “ sure, if you want to drive the price down, begin moving variable in and out of the deals, and it’s fundamentally different, much more interactive, and much more consecutive dialogues you are having with the client. A: so you really are inviting the customer to cocreate the solution that makes them to want win. B: yeah. And what we hear very often is that, you know I’ve been dealing with the business people, I’ve been selling just my sales manager wants me to sell and sell it at all multiple levels. This is very helpful when you get turned over the procurement. We ‘ve been in a situation that we presented these and a procurement person jumps down to the bottom line offer and the business owners say, that won’t get it for us. We need to move or at least appear in the middle because that is a better job in solving the problem. It’s one of the most difficult problems we all face in selling and this tool ,while simple, completely changes that in the whole environment. A: I want to thank you, Brian. It was very enlightening for me. From now on, we will never present one solution for once and then collaborate with the bier to develop the best deal. Check out Brian’s website
, it’s a terrific resource for improving your negotiaton skills and strategies.发布人已浏览
&&|&中标: 26次&累计: 2652.91元&|& 12:03
交稿先发一个视频。Incentives/Awards1.The Importance of Strong IncentivesA:Hi, I'm Gerhard Gschwandtner, and welcome to Selling Power TV. Today, we have the pleasure of meeting with Liz Cobb, she is the founder and CEO of Makana Solutions. Welcome, Liz!B:Thank you.A:Why is sales compensation so important for companies?B: It's really quite simple. It is what drives sales behaviour. So you want to drive good behaviour, and I think many different incentive plans have sought infinite consequences. It's the most powerful levers to ** sales hairs to tell their organisation what they need to do.A:Can you explain why some companies struggle to go a compensation plan? B:Well, for starters, no one has gone to college for sales compensation, and there is a lot of legacy things and compensation plans that were brought from the last job by notable people who are working on their sales compensation plan. They have lots of detail and contracts. So it's actually contracts a little bit more like signing your house mortgage than what you expect to be something that's motivational. And they have millions speeches, sometimes, hundreds or thousands of speeches. It's actually containing real information about the sales companies.A:Consider it simple, the mistakes of making one company to the next company.B: That happens all the time. A:So, what is the Makana motivator for? who is it designed for?B:Makana motivator is designed in two pieces of planning piece and we are very excited to be introducing our payment as well. The planning piece is designed for the person who has had their job of coming up right to the incentive plan. And our market,that's typically the VP of sales, or many of the small business will work with.It's business owner. It's CEO.A:Can you show us some screen of how the motivators anticipate the classic sales?B:Yes, that's a big reason some people come to us. We found them in thousands of positions and they had much higher cost of incentive plan which they had not anticipated. So getting or having
them when you have the planning stages is critical. And here,in the screen chart, you can see that much put in your historical information of how people are performing they're just percent of
attainment they don't need times of transaction after make-up. We'll bring our imformation in the pie chart what is the total sale she've got and what push them that and it's incentive cost for all the positions as well. So, it's good to incorporate to drag sales as well as people who supporting your plans as incentive cost. A: What about those graphs? B:
On the left you've seen a performance of distribution curve. And this is something you absolutely wanna take a look at. You would like your team to be performing at lease 60% of their quota or above. Because you wanna team to be winners.A: On the left side of the **player, on the right side failed player. B: That's right.A:You want the core middle to be 60% and above. B:Yes.A: OK.B:And you want probably 10% to be excellent or above, so if they always point to the facts that
their organisation make huge amount of money. That motivates anyone else.A:So how does modeling work? How does sales manager quickly and accurately predict what the cost would be and what is the incentive plan?B: That's one of the beauties of Makana motivator. We let you even do that with free trial you can get up and go in quickly on your own. And all you have to do is loading your sales team and their percent of attainment. And if your sales for sitcom ** mus** you can put them in all automatically. And then you have to enter your compensation plan elements and sales. And in a very point of crack graphical vary. And systematically it will support the cost. It gives you slight of bars that
you like to play with percent of attainment. You can see what happened when they have 20% of attainment or everybody is 100 or vary even by the person and the detail within the plan. A:So people can go
and do a day of free trial?B: Absolutely.A:And if they need help, you'll help this?B: We'll help this and that's got compensation experts, so you're not talking with someone you just understand, you're talking to someone who has designed great incentive plans before. A: Well, we'll thank you for sharing your expertise with Selling Power TV.B:Thank you.A:Thank you very much and log on .发布人已浏览
&&|&中标: 0次&累计: 0元&|& 14:36
交稿我先翻译了一个视频。题目是How to interview sales candidate,在hiring and testing(26)目录中的,您没有提到是光记录英文对白还是需要翻译成中文,我是翻译过来的,请对照一下,我希望能长期合作,具体的可以在qq上详谈。qq
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&&|&中标: 0次&累计: 0元&|& 14:41
交稿主持人: 大家好我叫盖里奇,欢迎收看我们的节目,今天我们有幸请Dr.Chris.Chroner继续和我们讨论.有一本很棒的书是他写的,叫做 “不要再雇佣不合格的销售员”. 欢迎 克里斯来到我们的节目。嘉宾:谢谢。主持人:让我们不谈理论框架,从行为方面来说吧. 我想问的是, 公司的管理人员在面试中怎样能够发掘被面试者有成为成功销售员的能力?嘉宾: 对面试人关键在于要问对问题,了解他们对销售的动力。例如,对成功的渴望。我们可以问这样的问题,譬如:“为了成功你可以做出什么样的牺牲?”,“告诉我你在职业上实现过的最大目标是什么?”,如果面试者告诉你他们所取得的成就,那太好了。怎样设计一个话题呢?关于竞争心的问题也很重要。你可以问面试者“你最近一次和别人竞争是什么时候?”
回答者说“上次我在健身房时,看到旁边的人比我跑的快,我就起了竞争心,然后我就加速,争取超过他。” 然后你就可以把健身房发生的事和现实生活工作联系起来,问问他在实际工作上是否有类似的例子。还有,关于乐观方面的问题,“你能告诉我是否有过为成功销售而坚持不懈的经历吗?”一定要关注这个人过去曾经做过什么。一个好的销售人员非常聪明,他们的嘴中通常会说出你想要听到的答案。主持人:你的意思是,销售经理需要非常聪明的问出问题,也必须能够处理好被面试者说出的信息对吗?嘉宾:的确如此,他们应该很仔细地和面试者交流。就像我书中也有提到,比方说,如果一个人给你的答案有些模糊,像,如果你问他为什么离开上一个工作,他的答案很模糊,你就可以换个方式问他,“如果精灵给你三个愿望可以实现,你希望得到什么?”他就有可能回答说,“我想要加薪啦,我想要雇个助手啦“之类的。”所以,关键在于你怎么去问问题,如果用积极地态度去引导被提问者,面试就会有意想不到的效果。主持人:私人面试是雇佣员工的一个不可或缺的步骤。你认为在选员工时对他们采用心理测验有成效吗?嘉宾:一定会有的。我们发现,测试在面试的初期是非常有效果的,我们测试员工的上进心。管理人员需要通过测试去发现,哪些人员是值得他们去一一面试的,为了避免浪费时间。通过测试,管理者能够发现哪些人大致符合他们的要求,哪些人有可能成为他们愿意合作的员工。主持人:销售员们可以在网上接受测试吗?嘉宾:他们一般在网上接受测试,比在公司测试要方便些。主持人:测试一般是多长时间呢?嘉宾:40分钟左右。问题一般像这样,“哪些地方最符合你的特点?“或”哪些最不符合你的性格?“之类的。选项一般是,”我很自信,很有动力,人际关系处理的不错之类。“ 问题一般提的都很积极,让人很容易选出答案。主持人:书中我最喜欢的部分是,你提出了很多在进行面试时销售经理需要提出的问题有哪些。你测验过了吗?嘉宾:当然。当我进行面试时,我会问一系列问题。为了公平起见,我们会问他们同样的问题。主持人:好了,今天的节目就到这里,我们下次会谈论在销售中乐观的重要性。发布人已浏览
&&|&中标: 0次&累计: 0元&|& 10:37
交稿第三篇(英文记录)题目:Coaching For Sales Managers Category Sales Training(38)人物:A:Gerhard GschwandtnerB:Linda Richardson对话:A:Hi,my name is Gerhard Gschwandtner,and welcome to selling power's daily report.Today we continue our conversation with Linda Richardson.She is the author of a wonderful book called &Perfect Selling&.Welcome! Linda.B:Pleasure to be here.A:How can a sales manager use that book to coach the salespeople?B:I think it's several ways.One of the things that is very important to help sales managers coach is that salespeople have a process that they can follow.This book, I think, can really integrate well pretty much into any process.I have five steps of the actual sales call
which are connect,explore,leverage,resolve and act.So then I have actions within each one,and I think there is an agreement among the sales managers.And the salespeople, this is a language they are going to use,they can coach to it, they can coach to
the actions,the probing ,was the probing deep enough, how do you handle that objection,can it be the action steps that we get to the end,do we move forward.And the second way is there are tools in the book, and they can go in and they can download them from the website. So there are tools that the salespeople can use to prepare and to brief, they can work with the managers with those. And then we also offer them a test.If they come to the website with the book,and then there are some books they can listen to, around some of the deepest topics.A:If I were a sales manager, and you are the salesperson and I go with you on a sales call, what will be my role to set it up to you so that we can get along so you understand what your responsibilities are and what should I do after the call ?B: well, certainly before the call,there needs to be a call plan, and I think that's a responsibility of the salesperson to outline and leaves their responsibilities with the salesperson. Sometimes the sales managers takes much much responsibilites on themselves.So the salesperson needs to explain this ,this is objective,here is a background on the client,there is many issues that may come up. here's some personal insights,and I'm planning to do this, this is the action step I want. And I would recommend your role be this, how does that sound, so this is a clarification,and then where the sales manager comes in what you focus on, because the key to coaching is to focus one thing at a time.If you get that, you move on to the next thing. It's tremendously powerful. Let's focus this call, really focus on, you know the price is going to come up.Let's really work on the job value and justification. Are we ready for the objections around that? let's,uh, really be ready for that,and then go into the call. Do your very best as a sales manager,hug the call, and jump in and take over,and after the call, to brief a call, it's critical.A: So,how do I do the
thing, let's say, I,uh, noticed that you missed a couple of questions,in the qualifying stage or you followed a bit when you were talking about customer applications or references, and you didn't use , you know , i found these three things,what do I do, how do I present this to you , so you are not going to get offensive and I will work with you again?B: well, I think of two things. First of all, pick the priority.Don't delute the messege,unless there are two things you can't live with before the call. Pick the priority that is going to make the biggest difference,and ask me my view of it. How do you think you handle the references with the question when it came up.And let's say i really delute that,and got the customer a little nervous because track record is the most important thing to the customer.so I will then give you my answer,as a salesperson, I'm gonna give you the shortest possible answer that I can come up with. And it's up to you not to jump in and start telling me,and say,&you say this,think about it more,&really push me because you need a salesperson out there, you are going to be with me all the time, who can analyze, who can make good judgements,and who can self-cretic,so you are gonna help me to learn that,then you give me your feedback. and it's a collaboration.It's not a confrontation.A: What intriges me is how to deal with the mistakes that a salesperson makes. I can be , accepting the mistakes,or it can be correcting the salesperson,or I could find out,you know, Linda,it seems like you have little trouble in dealing with the references,could you share with me what happened?B: Right.Get my view, and then probe further, and really make me analyze it,and then you give me very specific feedback with examples. I though there was an opportunity here to do this, you must plain a clear picture to me of your perception,or I don't know what you are talking about it .And then once you give your view, you have to say, what you think of that,and then comes a teaching peace, say,ok, so we are going into this in the next call. What references are you ready to do there? Linda, and if we do not have any ready, how can we get them? What resources can we use right now quickly? maybe collaborate,maybe pull something up,maybe we can call on an assistant.We are not going into the next call unless we prepared for that. So yes, your role is a teacher, but first help me teach myself.A:Well,thank you, Linda. For more information on Richard Lindsn, or how to get the book, go
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&&|&中标: 0次&累计: 0元&|& 14:23
交稿Perfect Selling来自category &Sales Training(38)&A-Gerhard GschwandtnerB-Linda RichardsonDialogueA: Hi, my name is Gerhard Gschwandtner,and welcome to selling power’s daily report.Today we have the pleasure of meeting with Linda Richardson.She is the founder of Richardson training. Welcome, Linda.B: Very happy to be here today, thank you.A: You just headed me a wonderful present, a new book that she wrote,called Perfect Selling.Linda, what’s the book about?B: The messege is that every salesperson can have a perfect sales call,can have many sales calls,and salespeople out there is rough. and many of them are good.But with all of the work that I’ve done in watching them in sales calls and team calls ,and coaching in working with sales managers, there are not enough superb sales people. And I think they strive, they want to be as good as they can be. And I've analysed what’s the problem. And There are a lot of factors, they have to really have a lot of knowledge. They have to understand their industries and their customers,they have to understand how to use them, maximize technology,and then there is a sales call, and this book says that the time that you are in the moment with the customer,and the door has closed,you are in the moment.if you can be superb in that,it's one terrific way to really maximize and improve your results.A:Linda, the book is subtitled “Open the Door,Close to deal”,what is more difficult for a salesperson,getting into the door or closing to deal.B: I think the end of the day is always closing to deal.I think that's what the focuses, that's where the energy and the effort is. Certainly it's not easy to get in to see prospects.Uh,but I think once they are in, particularly in the economy that we are in right now. There is a lot of pressure on closing, and closing ratios and improving the closing ratio. you've gotta be good at all the parts of the process .And when you finally do get in to see that customer, how do you use every single minute, so that you are control of that call,you know what you are doing, and what I've done is I take a look at that, I put it on the microscope,and say,you will know that call.and then everything else is almost like you are populating a field. You know the call so well,and now you can bring in your knowledge,your expertise,experience, personality style.They bring in the art, the passion.A: Linda, when you say that you knew that call,what does it exactly mean, is that the knowledge of the process or the knowledge of what is going to happen with the customer?B:It's really the knowledge, the underlying knowledge of the process, for example, I watch salespeople,a hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them ,and I'm amazed that they call it scattered . They are here and there, they ask a question,then they are positioning something and then they are going back to something.and they are sort of the end when they should be in the middle.And they have all this knowledge and all this ability and all this passion to do well.But it's scattered,so I said that if you can take twenty minutes a day for one week, you are going to learn the five things so for example,to answer your question in the opening.What do you do in the opening? so I call that connect,the purpose of that is to connect.And you have to do three things in there. First of all,obviously the greeting and the report. you say,that's nothing,but it isn't nothing. And as the book blink shows,even the
greeting at the first few seconds, Most salespeople don't leverage the report of the extend of doing their homework,so they can build a report, personal report, business report, and take a minute.Then what are you doing after the report? A lot of them say , &if I get into the report, how do I get out of it? How do I get to tell my story?& Just summarize the advance that got you there. Thank you so much for speaking with me on the phone on Tuesday.
I'm so happy to be here. Then leverage your preparation, I spent hours getting ready to meet with you. I brought my specialist in, I talked to my operations people. But they don’t leverage the preparation, so I say, the preparation for the call I’ve done ,A,B,and C. and you can really earn more time. And then you summarize how you’ve got in there,you move immediately into your purpose definding,and I call the due purpose of the call.Most people here talk about ex my agenda.The due purpose is I’m here to learn more about the initiative to expand what we discussed on the phone ,that's one part of the due purposes,and then to see how we might be to support your team, or whatever.Then one more thing before the actions.Then you have to ex it out.
Do you want to go to product, or do you want to go to needs? And I say,Before I tell you about that, may I
ask some questions to better understand,and you are out of connect. So if you know that, really know it, then all of your talent, your knowledge, your experience,your personality, you fill it in. you populate it. A: Thank you, Linda. We are going to continue our conversation with Linda Richardson. Tommorrow we'll talk about how sales managers can
use this book to coach their people.发布人已浏览
&&|&中标: 0次&累计: 0元&|& 16:28
谢谢。Matketing strategiesThe roles of sales and marketing对白Gerhard Gschwandtner(G): Hi my name is Gschwandtner. And welcome to selling power TV. Today with pleasure meeting with Mike Scher, he is the founder and president of Frontlineselling. Welcome Mike. 杰拉德&#8226;古史瓦纳(杰拉德):各位好,我是古式瓦纳,欢迎收看《销售能量》。今天我们很荣幸的请到了前线销售的创始人兼主席迈克&#8226;彻。欢迎迈克。Mike Scher(M): Thanks. Nice to be here.
迈克&#8226;彻(迈克):谢谢。很高兴能做客此节目。G: Why is Mike that sales and marketing are so far apart in their thinking?杰拉德:迈克,为什么销售和营销之间的思维相差如此之大?M: That is nothing new Gerhard, it’s been like that since the beginning of the time seemingly. I can certainly speak from my experience. We help companies identify access engage with target executives those companies sell high value generally high-tech solutions. What we find is that sales and marketing are certainly two different, not two different pages but may be reading two different books all together.迈克:杰拉德,那并不是什么新鲜事,好像时间伊始这个问题就存在。从我自身的经验我可以确切地证明这点。我们帮助公司识别与目标客户高管之间接洽的机会,我们的客户是通常提供高科技解决方案高价值的公司。我们发现销售和营销肯定是不同的,不仅仅是一起读两篇不同的文章,而有可能是一起读两本不同的书。G: So sales is on Venus, and marketing is on Mars杰拉德: 这么说销售是在金星,而营销是在火星。M: Exactly. There are lots of reasons for one could be how to measure to compensate the other could be. Just the education background for example, you know marketing tend to be much more matcher driving, I need to produce lees you know the more the merrier. And sales they get compensated for results. They fight for what the letter word called the lee. Marketing generally need lee and looks sales says you couldn’t convert lee if your life depend on it. Sales on the other side what’s the marketing saying you wouldn’t qualified for it if you trip over it. The reality is that sales and marketing both have a role and they need to co-dependent a level of responsibility between what the sales can do and what marketing can do in the process in terms of identifying the next new opportunities.迈克:一点没错。有太多的因素影响两者的如何衡量和核定报酬了。仅以教育背景为例,营销倾向于开制榫机,我要生产榫头当然是越多越好。而销售则是以结果定报酬的。他们当然对“榫头”这个词非常敌对了。营销通常需要榫头并且对销售说,如果你的生计取决于榫头当然不能放弃它了。另一方面,销售则说营销的观点是如果你被它绊倒当让是不合格的。事实上销售和营销都扮演一个角色,他们需要一定程度上相互依赖对方的责任,销售能做什么而营销能做什么,这样才能发掘下一个新的商机。G: So how do you tell and help companies unite sales and marketing intelligent collaborate to for it?杰拉德:那么你如何告诉和帮助公司联合销售和营销的智慧协作完成目标?M: Sure. One of the things we do is analyzing to provide of main generation information service and help companies identify access engage with target executives. And we real take the process of man creation to break down the two parts. There is one part which real talks about you know how to gain access to a senior executive. And the second part is who is the best executing would you have that access. So actually deliver are meaningful access especially in the beginning of the engagement at the first thirty minutes telephone conference calls. And we intend each every one with the client sales drafts, and not only do we intend each every one to kind of sophisticate. Some would resist it. But we also do is we provide transcript and near transcript of that dialogue between the sales person and the key players the prospect. And this all guest back sales, sales management and marketing, because sometimes it’s just the message, sometimes just your marketplace, sometimes real your messenger who is not deliver the right message in the right time.迈克:当然。我们做的一件事情是分析并提供主要的信息服务,帮助公司识别与目标高管接洽的途径。并且我们确实运用人类的创造力将两个部分分开。一个部分是谈论如何取得接近高管的途径。第二部分是谁是执行这个途径的最佳人选。实际上传递是有意义的途径,特别是在第一次30分钟商务电话接洽的开始部分。 我们计划对每次销售都给出销售草案,并不仅仅针对复杂的销售才给出。有些人可能对此有抵。我们同样提供草稿或近似草稿,这包含了销售人员与各方面关键人员的交谈对白。所有这些都支持销售,销售管理和营销,因为有些时候可能是信息,有时是市场,有时是传递信息的人没有在正确的时间传递正确的信息。 G: So let says in one scenario it’s the message, in another scenario it’s the messenger, how do you fixed it.杰拉德:如此说来,有的情况下是信息,另一种情况是传递信息的人,那么你们如何解决它。M: If it’s the message, there are two point matrix in the message, one is does the message ready enough so secure to pick up somebody interesting to secure the meaning of the action. Ok? The second part of it is we have the abilities to go to conduct what we called recap of view session and we go through the transcript with clients say are we targeting the right people, are we taking extra the right question, are we uncover the right type of business expanding in the first conversations. Now for the messenger, we look at how effective they prepare for the conversation, in matter of fact, we have the best practice for how to prepare for execute which meaning for action we called it vision lock, because what we tempting to do is get the key player to unlock to our vision or perhaps we have to dress need to solve self problem. 迈克: 如果是信息,那么这个信息有两个层次,一个是这个信息是不是足够能保证能够吸引别人的兴趣来保证行动的有效性。如果是。第二部分我们有能力进行我们称之为观点更新,我们浏览于对客户的纪录,看我们是不是瞄准了正确的人,我们是不是问了正确的问题,我们是不是在第一次的会谈中寻找了正确的企业。对传递信息的人,我们看他们为谈话的准备是否有效,事实上,我们在准备有意义执行准备方面有最好的实践,我们称之为愿景锁定,因为我们尝试这样做的目的是令主要的参与者对我们的愿景不设防,或者我们必须解决我们自己的问题。G: Obviously you being a good job, people coming back and buy more services from you.杰拉德:很明显,你的工作很出色,人们又回来并购买了更多的你的服务。 M: Yes迈克:是的G: That’s in the vastest media between the two countries. 杰拉德:这是在两个地区最广泛播出的媒体。M: Exactly. That’s we are trying to do. We live here try to unite the section of sales and marketing.迈克:一点也不错。那正是我们在努力做的。我们在这里直播因为我们尝试将销售和营销结合在一起。G: Well, if anybody wants to get more information to enter to
Thank you Mike.杰拉德:好的,想要了解更多信息的观众可以浏览. 谢谢你,迈克。M: Thank you. My pleasure.迈克:谢谢,我的荣幸。发布人已浏览
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