2k10王朝修改器怎么选解锁队伍 解锁密码都...

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《NBA 2k10》王朝模式球员发展修改器
作 者:Alec
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如果觉得图案密码容易被别人猜到,那么可以尝试选择下面的“其他类型密码”,之后有人脸解锁、数字、混合密码3种可以选。 人脸解锁就是用前置摄像头识别人脸轮廓的解锁方式,这种解锁方式看起来挺好,但实际用起来很难用,不建议尝试。所以还是传统的数字密码,或者数字英文混合密码是比较好的选择。
如果设置的是数字或混合密码,在还没有输入过密码的时候,右下角会有一个“忘记密码”的选项,选择它。 如果已经输入失败过几次,可能不会显示这个按钮,那么关机重开机一次。
小米有个云服务,之前我发帖子介绍过,其中有个查找手机功能,虽然那个上并没有清除屏幕密码的能力,但是却可以无视现在手机上的密码,远程为小米3重新设定新的密码,设置一个新的已知的密码,那不也等于变相的解决了忘记密码的问题了! 不过要使用这种方法,也有一个前提,就是开启了小米云服务中的查找手机功能,并且锁屏的时候手机是可以网络连接的。
用电脑登录小米云服务网页: ,然后打开“查找手机”页面,在网页左边的手机小屏幕上,点击“锁定”。
如果比较遗憾,你的小米3并没有登陆小米云服务或Google账号,或者锁屏的时候手机关闭了数据,也没有Wifi连接,那该怎么办? 如果你的小米3系统是开发版系统,开启了USB调试,也开启了ROOT权限,并且允许你所用的计算机USB调试过,那就好办了。我们可以通过adb去删除手机上的密码文件,具体方法如下。
小米3与电脑连接,并保证USB驱动之前已经安装正常,电脑可以识别并对手机进行操作,然后在CMD命令窗口,输入下面的命令adb shell
cd /data/system
rm gesture.key或password.key
复制代码其中设定的密码如果是图形密码的话,那么最后一条命令就是rm gesture.key,如果是数字或混合密码的话,那么就是rm password.key
输入命令后,如果没有提示异常,不如找不到设备,或者没有root权限等等,那么就说明成功了。 如果失败了,可以反复插拔手机几次,有时候多试几次就能成功。当然如果你确定你的系统没有开放root权限,也没有允许电脑对其进行USB调试的话,那就不用试了,用不了这种方法。
为了解决这个办法,在使用Recovery模式的清理功能之前,要把通讯录、短信等信息备份一下。 可以用助手类工具备份一下,清除之后再去还原就好了。
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Powered by【2K10】德里克罗斯专访。【里面有解锁人物Kanye和The Game】Mmmkay
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We have to admit, we’re slightly jealous of you. NBA 2K10 dropped yesterday (as did )and while most of you broke night playing it, we’re at work. But nowit’s your turn to be jealous because while you sat at home enjoyingyour brand new 2K10 game (and your now weed plate 2K9 case), we were kicking it with 2K rep Derrick Roseof the Chicago Bulls. Rose is not a man of many words, but who needswords when you’re Rookie of the Year? His stats do all the talking.Since we obviously couldn’t challenge his real-life game, we had to check his gamer credibility. We chatted Derrick up about NBA 2K10, his thoughts on the unlockable player Kanye West, and his team’s plans for next season. If you haven’t already purchased NBA 2K10, peep Derrick’s trailer after the jump. Oh and make sure you’ve got 60 bucks in your wallet, because yeah, it’s that good…Interview by Andrew RiveraComplex: Are you a big fan of the NBA 2K series?Derrick Rose: Yeah, I’ve always been a fan, I’ve been playing it fora long time. That’s probably the only game I really play right now.Complex: Did you have any particular favorite growing up?Derrick Rose: No I didn’t really have any growing up. I had a lot ofadventure games growing up, but I caught myself up on 2K games. Complex: Since you’re on the Bulls, we’d guess you probably use them more now, but did you ever have a preferred team?Derrick Rose: I actually don’t play with the Bulls, I play with the Lakers and I guess my fans play with the Bulls.Complex: The draft feature is a big deal. Everyone isbuzzing about making their own character and in a way raise it throughthe summer camps and D-Leagues. How close is the game to the real-lifeexperience?Derrick: Oh it’s real close. Its kind of like personal on the game. You actually do stuff that you really do in the combine.Really I didn’t have to do that much because I think that the top fiveor six players don’t really have to do that much but on the game youplay against each other in scrimmage, work on your skills, andhopefully you’ll get drafted. On the game, if your player’s that goodyou can transfer him over to the 2K10 game. Complex: Other than the draft, what would you say is your favorite aspect about 2K10?Derrick Rose: I played it a little bit and I like my jump shot on there now. Complex: Was there a problem with it? Did they not make it up to your standards?Derrick Rose: Nah, it wasn’t great at all last year. [Laughs.] This year it’s following my style a little more so I’m happy about it. Complex: Does it look better or does it play better?Derrick Rose: Everything is better. Looks better, the play style isbetter, and the visual on there you can tell they really put some workon there. Like they made my jumper better but they changed my crossovera little bit more. They put some crossovers there that I did in thegame and I like it. I go up in the hole, you can change your lay-ups alittle bit more in the game. Pull up below the shoulders, you can doall that stuff in the game.Complex: That’s cool. You had mentioned before that youdon’t play with the Bulls, so what’s it like when you have to playagainst yourself in the game? Is that a conflict for you?Derrick: Yeah, it is kind of hard. You want to see yourself be goodbut I still want to win the game. So if like somebody dunks on with mewith myself I’m kind of mad about it, I’ll probably have to stop for alittle bit. [Laughs.]Complex: You use the Lakers, so how about when it’s you playing as Kobe and you have to dunk on yourself?Derrick Rose: Its funny only because when I’m playing the game it’s amusing. [Laughs.] But you gotta know it’s just a video game. In real life I won’t ever jump early for the block. Complex: There are some unlockable players in the game,including The Game, Wale, and Kanye West―rappers who all claim theyplay a fair amount of ball. How do you think a one-on-one game with youand Kanye West would go? In real life, would you just destroy him?Derrick Rose: Yes!
[Laughs.]Complex: But he’s Kanye. His hometown is Chicago, the same town you play for. Can’t you take it easy on him?Derrick: [Laughs] Nah, it doesn’t matter, it’s over. That’snot his field. That’s like my going into the booth and trying to write16 bars to go against his.Complex: So basically it’s a stay-in-your-lane thing?Derrick Rose: Yes. Absolutely.Complex: You were on the cover of Kicks magazine. Do you have any favorite kicks of all time?Derrick Rose: Of all time? Nah, I don’t have any of all time. Adidasare putting some out right now that I like. I like all shell-toes andthey really have some hot ones coming out that everyone is going toreally enjoy I think. But other then that I don’t really mess withsneakers.Complex: Who is the most famous celebrity that you’ve played NBA 2K10 or the previous 2K games against?Derrick Rose: I’m about to play Kobe later on today actually.Complex: What are your predictions? Derrick Rose: I think I’m going to win. You know he has too much stuff going on right now.
[Laughs.]Shit, he’s gotta worry about being the best in the NBA and all thisother stuff. Me, I’ve only got to worry about the games. I’m only 20―Idon’t got no chicks, he’s got a wife and all that stuff. So there’s waymore stuff to worry about.Complex: So isn’t it going to be awkward when you try and play him with the Lakers?Derrick Rose: No, I’m going to go with the Bulls on this one but ifI wasn’t, it would be the Lakers of course. I will dunk on him though,as me in the game.Complex:
[Laughs.] Good to know. So what else have you been doing before the NBA season starts?Derrick Rose: Right now my biggest thing is to improve my all-aroundgame. Gotta get back as quickly as possible to my team so we can getcan start things early so we can try to jell quick. Our biggest thingas an organization right now is winning. If you don’t win, something’swrong. Winning takes care of everything, so our biggest thing iswinning.
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