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Where to find it
x:200 y:533
Bagmati Camp
There's a rock in the middle of the stream to the east of the body, beneath some plants.
x:205 y:415
Ettan&s Shack
Walk to the east side of Ettan's shack and check under the bed.
x:209 y:479
Army Supply Flight 2412
Northwest of the downed plane is a body behind a large boulder, coordinates x:206 y:481.
x:210 y:568
North of Danger Dashed
The mask is on a riverbed, located at coordinates x:208 y:567.
x:221 y:618
Yalung&s Soul
Climb and head into Yalung's Soul. There's a shrine, and the mask is on the ceiling. Blast it!
x:236 y:478
Yalung&s Skull
Go all the way to the end of the cave and look for the mask on a boulder.
x:260 y:394
Army Supply Flight 2911
Jump into the lake and check near the plane wreckage.
x:267 y:552
Yakshini&s Flesh
Walk to the end of the cave to find the mask on a table decorated with a red cloth.
x:269 y:496
Kalasha Ashram
Check out the cave behind the tent. The mask is inside.
x:310 y:567
Rochan Delivery Wreck
Walk towards the waterfall but don't go through it. The mask is on a rock.
x:311 y:482
Satish&s Sad Room
Explore the upper portion of the cave to find the mask inside the furthest cell. Shoot to collect.
x:313 y:298
Yalung&s Tears
This time, go through the waterfall and find the mask in the small pool of water inside.
x:320 y:361
Army Supply Flight 2707
See the plane next to the cliff. The mask is behind its wing.
x:325 y:589
Get to the house and walk to the south side. The mask is on top of some shelves.
x:356 y:440
The mask is on the boat. Check the front.
x:356 y:558
Raksi Still
When you arrive at the house, go to the northeast wall. The mask is inside of a cage.
x:360 y:521
Yalung&s Heart
Walk into the cave and find the mask in shallow water.
x:361 y:336
Watery Grave
Jump into the lake, swim to the bottom and collect the mask near the pile of bones.
x:372 y:400
The Partisans& Clinic
Tour the cave and be on the lookout for a body on a gurney. There's a mask on the core.
x:388 y:421
Shanath Poachers
Walk around to the north side of the house to find a dead lion and the mask inside of a cage.
x:399 y:781
KEO Logistics
Go into the house, walk to the second floor and open the dresser drawer between two bunk beds.
x:413 y:541
When at the bridge, find the mask on the southwest corner.
x:415 y:605
Yalung&s Stomach
Go inside the Stomach at coordinates x:418 y:604 and walk to the back. The mask is on a skeleton.
x:417 y:469
Look at the house near the road. Walk to the south side and find the mask on some shelves.
x:422 y:392
Kyra&s Respite
Grapple your way to x:423 y:390. Check the southwest edge and grab the mask from the low platform.
x:425 y:674
Dhyangro Ashram
Walk inside the house and grab the mask off the tiny shrine.
x:443 y:374
See the white car? Look for the pond and find the mask at the bottom.
x:451 y:515
Shanath Trappers
Once you reach Shanath Trappers, head west to find a cage and a dead body. The mask is next to the corpse.
x:458 y:638
Enter the house and find the mask beneath the bed frame.
x:460 y:379
Kyra&s Tranquility
When inside Tranquility, walk to the statue in the far right, then take the mask from the statue's hands.
x:472 y:419
Cragway Rest
Walk from the northeast and look for the corpse at Cragway Rest. The mask is on the body.
x:473 y:705
Yakshini&s Bondage
Go into the cave at x:473 y:699, then travel down some stairs to discover the mask on a dead person.
x:473 y:496
Banashur&s Song
See the stairs leading to a mani wheel? Don't go up. The mask is inside a hole near the tower-like object.
x:488 y:396
Fahmida&s House
There's a well to the north of the house. Jump into it and go all the way to the bottom for some mask action.
x:519 y:808
When at Bhirabata Outpost, head west to the ruins. Slide down the cliff and go to the look for broken boards on top of rocks near a tree. The mask is right on a skeleton inside of a box.
x:524 y:393
Lakeside Sherpa Camp
Get to the tent and check the boulder. The mask is on the west side.
x:528 y:434
Jump into the river to find a smashed boat and the mask!
x:531 y:484
Climb up at x:523 y:514. Then grapple at x:527 y:503. Climb grapple point, walk up the hill and look for an opening. Go up the rope covered ledge and look left to see another rope covered ledge. Climb up that one and go to the end of the platform to find the mask on a body.
x:536 y:693
Jalendu Falls
The mask is right on a riverbed in front of the waterfall.
x:565 y:809
Devi Temple Ruins
Look for the cement wall and some boards leaning against it. The mask is beneath those boards. Still lost? Make sure you're at the blue circl on the mini-map.
x:592 y:703
Ma&untena Ghari Shrine
Go into the shrine to find the mask on the table.
x:595 y:644
South of Eagles& Nest
The mask is inside the boat, located on the shore.
x:626 y:710
Ila&s Roost
Explore the cave in the cliffs and find the mask all the way in the back. To find the cave, drive up the hills to the west and then grapple down.
x:642 y:676
Drunk Kanak&s Truck
Look for the submerged truck and collect the mask on the riverbed in front of the vehicle.
x:670 y:820
Dead Man&s Triangle
Go around the boulder and snag the mask off the right side of the truck.
x:680 y:723
You're in the right place if there's a busted white car leaning against a boulder. The mask is on the south side of that boulder.
x:688 y:677
Cave of the Dead
Climb at x:692 y:677, turn right and walk into the cave. Head down via grapple to the lowest level and collect the mask from the pile of bones.
x:708 y:627
The Goat&s Lair
Turns out, there's a cave beneath this house. Go behind the house and use grapple to descend. Go down the stairs and use a molotov to get the mask inside the cell to the left of the statue.
x:710 y:778
Sapha Pond
See what looks like a tower to the left of the cave opening? The mask is on the left side of this object.
x:746 y:673
Shining Minds Seminary
The mask is on a corpse near a building, which is located in the northeast of the compound.
x:753 y:709
Climb at x:755 y:702, then go right and climb the ledge with vines on it. Climb up the vines and turn left. Go up the hill and look for a white building on the right. Go right at the fork to reach it. The mask is inside the fire pit to the west.
x:756 y:780
Ska&I Cave
Climb up at x:758 y:783 and climb the ledge with ropes on it. Go all the way to the back of the cave and look for the mask on top of some boulders.
x:759 y:724
Sky Burial
Bad news: the mask is all the way on top of the mountain. From the road, grapple at x:743 y:715. You'll find the mask on a body to the east.
x:796 y:677
Medicinal Poacher
When you reach the building, look for an animal cage with a dead person inside. The mask is between this cage and the structure.
x:832 y:682
Walk up the stream that leads to the cave and then walk behind the waterfall. Use the grapple point to climb, then swing to the platform. You'll see the mask next to a body.
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是啊 你PC居然是外星人
真他妈傻逼。。。。。。。 我也是无语了。拿04年的游戏和现在比。脑子里装屎。。。
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秋叶原之旅2是一款由ACQUIRE Corp 制作、XSEED, Marvelous USA, Inc 公司联合发行的动作格斗类游戏。孤岛惊魂2 中文版Far Cry 2
游戏类型: 游戏语言:简体中文 游戏大小:2.4 GB 游戏公司:Ubisoft Montreal 上市时间:
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据悉,《孤岛惊魂2》将拥有超高自由度的游戏系统,整个游戏世界面积达到50平方公里,玩家可以自由在其中驰骋,而游戏的结局也是开放的。 游戏背景设定在现代的非洲原野上,游戏环境可以动态变化,玩家可以在其中体验到枯木逢春和野火烧不尽,春风吹又生等等四季变化。游戏中玩家要在两大势力集团之间游走,谁是敌谁是友都要看玩家选择的任务和自己言行的不同。
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显卡:256Mb显存,支持Shader Model 3,NVIDIA 6800 or ATIX1650
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