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间谍鼠中文版 SPY mouse v1.0.7SPY mouse
EA 出品的一款以偷奶酪的主题的划线益智游戏,由开发著名游戏 Flight Control, Real Racing 的 Firemint 历时两年精心打造,一直跳票,终于出现了,请速速下载。游戏共 6 大世界,70 余个关卡。
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WP游戏:间谍鼠Spy Mouse v2.0版更新上架
《间谍鼠》(Spy Mouse)是一款质量非常优秀的画线类的益智休闲游戏,游戏之中的主角是一只非常卡通可爱的间谍老鼠,你需要灵巧地控制它躲避巡逻的猫并收集奶酪,操作方式十分的新颖有趣,游戏内容以一种谍战的方式呈现,配合上诙谐生动的谍战音乐,会给玩家带来非常精彩的玩游戏体验,仿佛你正在控制着老鼠完成一项重要的机密任务一般。
本周最新更新《间谍鼠》SPY mouse 评测:躲猫猫、偷奶酪
Copyright & 2015 , All Rights ReservedFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spy Mouse (stylized and marketed as SPY mouse) is a video game developed by
and . The game was originally released in August 2011 by . Shortly after being launched, it quickly become the most popular app on the .
Mr. Squeak, also known as Agent Squeak, is a spy mouse trying to get as much
as possible while avoiding various types of cats, who will chase or harm the character in a unique way if he is spotted by any one of them. The player uses line-drawing (similar to the game ) to direct Agent Squeak through the levels. Players travel along a path by each building as they play each subsequent level. A limited amount of cheese can be collected and dragged by the mouse, but cheese will slow the player down, causing the mouse to be more vulnerable to cats. If any one of the cats happens to catch Mr. Squeak, he will be defeated, and the player will have to start over the level or the part of the level they were on.
Players can use power-ups placed somewhere in the level to help them such as chilies, which cause the player to move faster, or balloons, which help the player move faster by decreasing the weight of the cheese he/she is carrying. The player can also use power-ups purchased from "Digger's Shop", which help the character get through the level more easily. To get power-ups purchased from the shop, they must use cheese they earned from previous levels they completed to pay for them. If the player does not have enough cheese, they can purchase it as an in-app purchase. One item in Digger's Shop is Kiska the Cat, an option that allows the player to skip a level and move on to the next one. However, this option does not award the player with any cheese they usually earn at the end of a level.
There are seven sets of approximately ten levels, each taking place in a different "world". The first world is titled "Prologue". This world introduces the player to many elements of the game including cheese, cats, etc. The rest of the worlds each take place in a unique location: the suburbs, an area with many factories, a village filled with ninja cats, an inner city, a town home to ghost cats, and a tropical area spiraling a volcano. Levels are each set in different building or area. Sometimes levels have more than one part to them. Some levels have hidden areas, which can provide the player with cheese crumbs, which increase the player's score, power-ups, or dossiers that reveal information about elements in the game. A few levels have hidden areas that lead to hidden exits, that can cause a player to skip a level while still being awarded with cheese. However, when a player uses a hidden exit, they must play a hidden level to move on to the next level. If a player draws a path on the map that does not go towards the main path where levels are located, they will unlock a secret level. At the end of each world, there is a boss a player must play without using any power-ups. In the first part of the boss, they will have to follow a cat named Fluffy through a drawn path without getting spotted by her until they reach the second part of the boss. In the second part, Mr. Squeak will have to defeat a cat or a cat-controlled machine to win the level and unlock the next world.
: This cat is the first cat introduced in the game. It has
and is easy to evade since it does not run fast and can be very clumsy. They appear in all of the worlds. A house cat is the
in the Prologue, Suburbs, and Ghost Town .
: This cat is introduced in the
world. They are very fast, not very clumsy, have
, and are hard to evade. They appear in many levels and appear in every world except the Prologue world. An alley cat is the
: This cat is introduced in the
world. It does not chase Mr. Squeak because it has
and only walks in its drawn path. However, it can eat him if he walks right to it. Although it does not appear in many levels, it probably appears in every world except the Prologue world.
: This cat is introduced in the Ninja Village world. It has
and wears a
. When it spots Mr. Squeak, it throws three
at him that might defeat him. It is shown not to chase Mr. Squeak unless he has a
and three or four cheeses depending on the number of cheese he can carry. If Mr. Squeak has , the stars it throws might land on the cheese without any damage to it instead. It appears in the Ninja Village and
worlds. A ninja cat is the
in the Ninja Village .
: This cat is introduced in the
world. It behaves like the house cat except that it steals cheese from Mr. Squeak to be
and places it in a spot marked with a . It appears in the
world and every world after it.
: This cat is introduced and only appears in the Ghost Town world. Although it walks slower than any other cat in the game, it can walk and see through walls, which makes Mr. Squeak vulnerable to it unless he walks into a shadowed area. There are two types of ghost cats:
ghost cats and
ghost cats. The difference between them is that green ghost cats are slower than blue ghost cats.
: This cat is introduced and only appears in the
world. It has
and wears a
. It does not chase Mr. Squeak but throws
at him that might
him if they land on him. If a dart lands on Mr. Squeak, he turns
and walks slower than he usually does, and the
that threw the dart will chase him like a
: This cat is introduced and only appears in the third part of the
world. Its entire exterior looks like it is entirely made out of . It acts like a
except that it can walk through
Fluffy: She is the primary
of the . She has
, and only appears in the
of each world in the game. On the
of each world, there is a spot marked with a white cat that resembles Fluffy that is the location of the . This location has a
of Fluffy on top of it. If you win the , the statue of Fluffy changes to a staue of Mr. Squeak. In the first part of a , Mr. Squeak must follow Fluffy all the way to the second part of the boss level without getting caught by her. If he does get caught, he is "busted" and must start over from a specific part of the level. When she spots Mr. Squeak in the second part of the , she tells him that she was expecting him and leaves. After this, Mr. Squeak must defeat a cat or a fatal machine controlled by a cat to win the .
The game has been rated 4.5 stars on
and was listed as #4 on their Best iPhone Games of 2011.
On Touch Arcade, the game was rated 5 stars.
As of November 2012, the game has been rated 4.5 stars on the , and 4 stars on the
by users, but the game has only been rated 2.9 stars on .
Parker, Jason. . CNet 2012.
. Gamezebo 2012.
. Gamezebo 2012.
Nicholson, Brad. . Touch Arcade 2012.
(Electronic Arts)
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