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usu是什么意思 usu在线翻译 usu什么意思 usu的意思 usu的翻译 usu的解释 usu的发音 usu的同义词 usu的反义词 usu的例句 usu的相关词组
usu英 ['ju:zu:] 美 ['ju:zu:] usu 网络解释1. 黑龙江乌苏:Urumqi = 新疆乌鲁木齐 | Usu = 黑龙江乌苏 | Wanyuan = 四川万源2. usu的意思2. 乌苏:Ulu 乌鲁 | Usu 乌苏 | Uya *乌雅3. 通常:U.S.A.,USA美利坚合众国(美国) | usu.通常 | V,aux.助动词4. usu:u 美国犹他州立大学usu 双语例句1. Teacake small flat cake, usu eaten hot with butter at tea&&&&茶点饼(扁平的小饼,通常在饮茶时加黄油热食)2. 2. Rest-cure usu in bed, as medical treatment for stress, anxiety, etc&&&&休养疗法(通常须卧床,用以治疗因紧张、焦急等所致的疾病)。3. Because in the end, usu this passion that you bring to what you do that you can be proud of that you will always remember.&&&&因为到了最后,乌苏这种热情,你为你做什么,你可以是你将永远记得骄傲。4. usu4. They went to carry out research in the crater of the Usu volcano in Japan.&&&&他们去日本珠山火山的火山口进行研究。5. Usu. in stories) at this time in the past&&&&通常在故事中那时;当时6. They are usu. interested in scandal and gossip about famous people.&&&&他们乌苏。感兴趣的丑闻和八卦有关名人。7. 7. Choosing a strategy to cope with it, then, is the first decision young adults have to make, and usu&&&&因此,选择一个办法去应付这个社会是刚刚步入成年的年轻人必须作出的第一个决定,这通常是他们一生中最重要的决定。8. The new shares are offered in proportion to each shareholder's existing holding, and usu.&&&&新股票是按每个股东现有控股数的比例,且通常是按特别低廉的价格提供的9. Those who usu ally work ed in the mainland of China/Macao.&&&&在中国大陆/澳门工作的住户成员。10. usu的翻译10. Sealed orders instructions given to an officer in the armed forces in a sealed envelope to be opened at a certain time or place, usu in wartime&&&&密封指令(给军官的命令,封合于信封内,在某时或某处方可开启,通常用于战时)。11. 11. C small piece of paper, usu with the words `with compliments'on it, sent with a free sample, gift, etc&&&&&&附在样品、礼品上,通常写有`敬赠'字样的赠礼便条。奥勃良手指中间夹着一张剪报。12. C small piece of paper, usu with the words `with compliment s'on it, sent with a free sample, gift, etc&&&&&&附在样品、礼品上,通常写有`敬赠'字样的赠礼便条。13. Usu. strong alcoholic drink e. g.&&&&&&烈性酒精饮料(如,白兰地,杜松子酒,威士忌等14. Anthem: short musical composition, usu for a choir and an organ, to be sung in religious services, often with words taken from the Bible&&&&&&圣歌(通常为短小的合唱曲,用管风琴伴奏,于宗教礼拜时演唱,歌词多取自《圣经》词句)。15. Persian lamb silky curled fur, usu black&&&&&&波斯羔羊皮。16. Two-dimension a l cross-stitch in flor a l a nd geometric p a tterns, usu a lly worked in bl a ck a nd red cotton floss on linen, is ch a r a cteristic of folk embroidery in E a stern a nd Centr a l Europe.&&&&&&二维跨花卉和几何图案,通常是黑色和红色亚麻棉绵针工作,是民间在东欧和中欧的刺绣特征[2]。17. Woman with a title conferred by the emperor, usu. the mother or wife of an official.&&&&&&命妇:封建时代被赐予封号的妇女,一般为官员的母亲、妻子。18. Usu derog 通常作贬义) intended to improve only the appearance of sth 装点门面的: The reforms he claims to have made are in fact merely cosmetic.&&&&&&他自称已经实行的改革实际上只不过是摆摆样子罢了。19. danci.911cha.com19. We've just got time for a quick one, ie a quick usu alcoholic drink.&&&&&&我们的时间不多,只够匆匆喝上一口通常指酒。20. Second, semantically, get-passive is typically used to refer to an event, to denote the consequence rather that the rocess, and to lay emphasis on what happens(usu. Unfavorably) to the subject as a result of the event, rather than who actually causes the event.&&&&&&从语义上看,get-型被动态常用于表示突然发生,未曾料到的事件,而非一种状态;它强调动作所产生的结果,而非动作本身;它强调动作对主语的影响,而非动作的执行者。usu 单语例句1. The Usu municipal government announced a grazing ban on affected grassland on Saturday and has used spray vehicles to fight the plague with pesticide.2. The Usu municipal government has announced a grazing ban on affected grassland, which starts Saturday and lasts at least a week.3. However, these fowls showed no interests in the thorny worms in Usu.4. However, the birds showed no interest in the thorny caterpillars in Usu.5. Beijing News also quoted a deputy Usu police chief surnamed Yang who said Qi had not been dismissed.6. However, these birds showed no interests in the thorny worms in Usu.usu是什么意思,usu在线翻译,usu什么意思,usu的意思,usu的翻译,usu的解释,usu的发音,usu的同义词,usu的反义词,usu的例句,usu的相关词组,usu意思是什么,usu怎么翻译,单词usu是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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