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Monster Hunter Freedom Cheats on PSP
When you get to the Yian Garuga level, you must go to area number 7.
You must wait until the time limit is expired.
You must stay in area number 7 for the entire period.
You can do anything in area 7.
When time expires, it will say "You have won the battle".
You will return to the village, and you must do the mission again.
When you find the Garuga, you must fight him.
He will die after a few hits.
This cheat is a little hard.
It may be harder to slay him this way if you do not know how to use your kick tecnique.
You must kick him 50 times and he will become blinded.
Then slay him, and you will get your reward.
To repel Lao Shan all you have to do is fight him until he gets to the fortress and use the Dragonator against him.
After it happens just keep attacking him and he will walk away and you will win the battle.
To get Alchemy, you must have certain types of armor.
For your helmet, you must get HUNTER'S HELMET.
For your plate, you must get BATTLE MAIL.
For your Gaunlets, you must get CHAIN VAMBRACES.
For your Tasset, you must get VELOCIPREY TASSET.
Your Leggings can be anything.
Remember to register this as one of your equipment sets.
I don't know how to get the burnt meat into raw meat (sorry).
Do a gathering quest at the volcanic zone.
Bring Old, Iron, and Mega Pickaxes.
There are mining points in areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8.
There is one mining point in areas 1, 2, and 5.
Area 3 and 4 has two mining points.
Only area 8 has three mining points.
To unlock the training school, you have to unlock the Lvl 2 missions from the town sage and complete the mission 'The Great Jungle Kut-Ku'. This will unlock a training school for you to fight against the kut-ku with limited weapons,armour and items. When you beat other powerful monsters they are also trainable against here.
If you kill the kut-ku you unlock a training ground where you fight the monsters and creatures you have fought in the past.
Encounter Yian Kut Ku in the "Great Jungle Kut Ku" quest.
Encounter Velociprey in "Your First Monster Hunt" quest.
Encounter Monoblos in "Horn of the Monoblos"
Defeat Diablos in "The Diablos"
Encounter Rathalos in the Rathalos Urgent quest.
Defeat Gravios in "The Terror of Gravios".
Defeat khezu in "Attack of the Cave Wyvern".
Encounter Rathalos in the One Star egg carry quest.
Encounter Lao Shan Lung.
Encounter Fatalis.
Encounter Cephladrome in the "Land Shark" quest.
Defeat Plesioth in "Water Wyvern of the Desert".
Encounter Gypceros in the swamp.
Complete "The Fierce Flaming Rathian" quest.
Encounter Velocidrome in the "The Formidable Velocidrome!" quest.
Encounter Gravios.
Encounter Yian Garuga in the slay 20 Velociprey quest.
Encounter Kirin.
Encounter Plesioth.
Complete "Bring me a khezu"
All you need is:
1)shotgun (Azure)
2)pellet s lv2 (max)
3)clust s lv3 (max)
4)pellet s lv1 (max, just in case)
start the quest and collect the items you need from the box use the 2 rations and head to area 7 (best route is 1, 3, 7). when your there if the yian kut-ku isn't there use the pellet s lv 1 to slay the velocipray. then when the yian kut-ku arrive go to the ledge but dont climb it draw the yian kut-ku there when its there climb up and stand back. switch to your pellet s lv2 and fire all 60 shots at the yian kut-ku. when your out of pellet s lv2 switch to the clust s lv1 and two shots should kill it
To get more space for your box you must have at least ten thousand zen.
You can ask the lady that sells stuff in the gathering hall or the guy that walks around with the huge backpack.
You have to buy the Organizer Guide and/or the Backpacker Guide.
You will get 1 or 2 extra boxes depending on if you buy one or both.
You know about the pig that follows the guy with the huge backpack right?
If you pet him you actually get more luck of getting rare items.
To get this luck, you must get a big heart and the pig must jump high.
You will then have more luck at getting rare items.
To get more stuff from the rewards, you need a weapon that can block.
A Great Sword or Sword will work fine.
When you finish a quest, it will say 20 or 1 minute time until you return to the village or something like that.
During that time, you should block.
Keep blocking until the rewards screen shows up.
This cheat will work only about 50% of the time.
To get to HR 4 you have to complete about half of the HR 3 missions.
You then have a urgent quest which is the Thunderous Duo.
You have to slay 2 Khezu.
To get to HR 3 you have to complete most of the HR 2 missions.
You will then have to do a urgent quest which is Slay Lao Shan.
To get to HR 2 (Hunter Rank 2), you have to do all level 1, 2, 3, and 4 missions.
You can carve Lao Shan three times while fighting him.
You can jump on his back in areas 2, 3, and 4.
I don't know about 5 because i never tried it.
To get the Crimson Horn you have to cut off the horn of the Monoblis.
To get the Twisted Horn, you have to cut off BOTH horns of the Diablos.
There are four different kinds of flutes.
The Flute attracts large monsters.
The Health Flute heals you a bit.
The Demon Flute raises your attack power by a bit.
The Armor Flute raises your defense by a bit.
The Book of Combos are very important for combining.
You must have them in your items to work.
If you have all Book of Combos 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, then the combining percent will become 100%.
These are very important items.
They increase your attack and defense.
To make the POWERTALON, you have to combine POWERCHARM and SMALL LAO SHAN CLAW. The same is for ARMORTALON.
To be successful on a quest, you should take these items (if you aren't that good then ignore this).
A MAX POTION and WELL-DONE STEAKS are useful or ANCIENT POTION (I prefer ancient potion).
HERBS and BLUE MUSHROOMS are an emergency, just in case I run out of potions.
Take HERBAL MEDICINE too because you don't know what monsters you are going to run into.
This cheat is about the perfect combination.
This is only if you have 5 cats.
It will increase both your VITALITY and STAMINA by 150 (full).
HR 5 is the highest rank in the game.
It is a tough rank to get, but is worth it.
You must complete 4 of the quests in HR 4.
You will then get the urgent quest which is PINK AND AZURE.
Complete it and you will become HR 5.
To unlock the hidden wyvern, Fonarios...simply clear all quests (elder and guild) then slay 100 Crimson Fatalis. When you get back to the guild after slaying the final Fatalis, the Guild master will be waiting near the door. Speak with him to begin the quest.
Ive heard it before, insack ive even had the problem myself! if your new and you just dont know what wepon to use then a look at this guide might help you. if you dont know how to change your wepon go into your house, then go to the box, press square and click on change equipment
Sword and sheild: The sword and sheild is the wepon that you start off with, it is quick and nimble and you can get in many combo`s therefor dealing a deacent amount of damage. the sheild can defend quite a bit of damage, but you can be knocked out of your guard if your not careful!
can also be upgraded into dewl swords whitch you dont get in your box
rating 8/10 good for beginers and veterans alike
Great sword: this sword slows you down and is a bit slow on its atacks aswell, but you get a good solid defence that is very hard to break and the damage that it puts out more than makes up for its slowness! this dose slow your movement when weilded though
rating 6/10 hard to get the hang of but is very rewarding!
Hammer: this is a very slow wepon to use and it has no defending move atall! but instead it has a charging ability that goes through 3 stages of charging, the 3rd charge relieses the bigest combo and the 1st is the smallest, this alowes you to pul of huge dammage combo's
rating 5/10 it dosent slow you down but dose slow your atacks, and the charging takes energy and time
lance: this wepon has a good range and very good penetrating attacks. but the attacks are slow and you dont have any combo's to use, but the defence is superb and you get to move whilst defending and you get to charge foward into enemys but this uses up alot of energy!
rating 8/10 its very good at geting through monsters hide but is slow though you can move and defend, so its not all bad!
Bowgun: now, the bowgun is a very complex wepon to use! first off, you dont need to sharpen it, but you do need ammo, and lots of it if your hunting powerful monsters! there are also two types of bowguns, light and heavy. light can reload fast but heavy can cary lots more ammo and deals more base dammage! but you have to be realy carefull on what one that you pick, because even though the heany bowgun can cary diferent types of ammo and deals more damage, it has a very slow reload time and it slows your movement and light bowguns cant cary as mutch ammunition and in base power, is rather weak. the bowgun that you start off with is light
rating: i cant realy rate this wepon because it all depends on if your good at range or not
that covers all the wepons you start off with, i might do a dewl swords guide next
While in Kokoto villige go to the Online Gathering Hall (with another player).Then go to the old man who gives out treasure quests. select any quest and set off. While on a quest eac hplay can "break off" the quest, and finish on theon there own!
Blue Mushroom
Mega Potion
Blue Mushroom
Mega Nutrients
Antidote Herb
Blue Mushroom
Herbal Medicine
Cactus Flower
Max Potion
Mega Nutrients(4)
Dragon Toadstool
Ancient Potion
Kelbi Horn
Dragon Toadstool
Power Juice
Rare Steak
Mega Juice
Power Extract
Well Done Steak
Power Seed
Mega Demondrug
Pale Extract
Power Pill
Power Seed
Armour Seed
Mega Armorskin
Pale Extract
Armor Pill
Armour Seed
Hot pepper
Cool drink
Ice Crystal
Spicy Mushroom
Hot pepper
Special mushroom
Poisoned Meat
Tainted Meat
Drugged Meat
Sleep Herb
Bomb Material
Smoke Bomb
Bomb Material(25)
Poison smoke Bmb
Bomb Material(25)
Flash Bomb
Bomb Material(25)
Bomb Material(25)
Small Barrel Bomb = 90 =
Small Barrel
Sm Barrel Bomb+
Sm Barrel Bomb(32) + Monster Broth
Large Barrel Bomb = 75 =
Large Barrel
Lg Barrel Bomb+
Lg Barrel Bomb(34) + Monster Broth
Sonic Bomb
Pitfall Trap
Arrowana Bait
Goldenfish Bait
Snakebee Larva
Old Pickaxe
Iron Pickaxe
Mega pickaxe
Machalite Ore
Old bugnet
Mystery Bone
Sm Monster Bone
Mega Bugnet
Med monster Bone
Antiseptic Stone
Earth Crystal
Wyvern Fang
Wyvern Claw
Health Flute
Antidote Flute
Antiseptic Stone(48)
Demon Flute
Mega Demondrug
Med Monster Bone
Armor Flute
Mega Armorskin
Med Monster Bone
Poison Thrw Knf
Throwing knife
Paralyze Thr Knf
Throwing knife
Sleeping Thr Knf
Throwing knife
Sleep Herb
sm Lao-shan claw
sm Lao-shan claw
Normal S Lv2
Normal S Lv3
Pierce S Lv1
Velociprey Fang
Pierce S Lv2
pierce S Lv3
Sm Bone Husk
pellet S Lv1
pellet S Lv2
Wyvern Fang
pellet S Lv3
Sm Bone Husk
Wyvern Fang
Crag S Lv1
Burst Arrowana
crag S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Burst Arrowana
crag S Lv3
Lg Bone Husk
Bomb Arrowana
clust S Lv1
Clust S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Wyvern Claw
Clust S Lv3
Lg Bone Husk
Knife Mackarel
Lg Bone Husk
Dragon Seed
Recover S Lv1
Recover S Lv2
Poison S Lv1
Poison S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Ioprey Fang
Stun S Lv1
Stun S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Genprey Fang
Sleep S Lv1
Sleep Herb
Sleep S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Power Seed
Armour Seed
Disk Stone x5
Expand Pickaxe
Disk Stone
Iron Ore x5
Expand Pickaxe
Earth Crystal x3
Expand Pickaxe
Earth Crystal
Machalite Ore x3
Expand Pickaxe
Machalite Ore
Dragonite Ore x3
Expand Pickaxe
Dragonite Ore
Carbalite Ore x2
Expand Pickaxe
Carbalite Ore
Union Ore x2
Expand Pickaxe
Firestone x2
Expand Pickaxe
Firecell Stone x2 = 90 =
Expand Pickaxe
Firecell Stone
Lightcrystal x2
Expand Pickaxe
Novacrystal x2
Expand Pickaxe
100 PureCrystal x2
Expand Pickaxe
101 Monster Bone+ x2
Expand Pickaxe
Monster Bone+
102 Hard Monster Bonex2=90 =
Expand Pickaxe
Hard Monster Bone
103 King Scarab x3
Expand Pickaxe
King Scarab
104 Joinergrasshopperx2=90 =
Expand Pickaxe
----Alchemy combinations------------------------------------------------------
Special Mushroom
Insect Husk
107 Fire herb
Hot Pepper
108 Blue Mushroom
Antidote Herb
+ Toadstool
109 Raw Meat
Burnt Meat
110 Large Barrel
Med Monster Bone
111 Small Barrel
Sm Monster Bone
112 Whetstone
Sm Monster Bone
Disk Stone
113 Huskberry x 5
114 Needleberry x 5
Earth Crystal
115 Sushifish
Antidote Herb
116 Rare Steak
Velociprey Hide
117 Screamer
118 Monster Fluid
Ice crystal
119 Psychoserum
Cactus Flower
120 Power Extract
Dragon Seed
Piscine Liver
121 Power Seed
Kut-ku Scale
122 Armor Seed
Velocidrome Claw
123 Rumblefish
Hot Pepper + Sushifish
124 Monster Broth
Monster Fluid
In order to do this combinations you need the Alchemy skill. An easy and
cheap armor set with Alchemy skill can be:
- Hunter Helm
Chest - Battle Mail
- Chain Vambraces
- Velociprey tasset
Boots - (Any)
When on a quest that dosen't need you to slay a monster yet you need the item,then go up to a monster and fight his head until a white chunk flies off you know when.Then there you have it reward item.(you only get this if
you complete the quest and only works with wepons shild and sword,and great sword.)
Forest & Hills Elder (Area 7)
Spiderweb --> Special Mushroom
Garbage --> Dung
Scatternut --> Special Mushroom
Iron Ore --> Sm Monster Bone (Mystery Bone)
Earth Crystal --> Med Monster Bone (Bone)
Machalite Ore --> Lg Monster Bone (Mystery Bone)
Lightcrystal --> Rathian Spike (Lg Monster Bone)
Firestone --> Majestic Horn (Rathalos Wing)
Firecell Stone --> Pale Khezu Steak (Gravios Carapace)
Insect Husk --> Special Mushroom
Kut-ku Shell --> Plesioth Scale (Cephalos Scale)
Kut-ku Ear --> Plesioth Fin (Piscine Fang)
Long Kut-ku Ear --> Joiner Grasshppr
SmlBlueKut-KuEar --> Monster Bone+ (King Scarab)
Power Extract --> Piscine Jaw (Med Monster Bone)
Sm Monster Bone --> Sm Bone Husk (Mystery Bone)
Cephalos Fin --> Rathalos Webbing
Pale Khezu Steak --> Rathian Scale+ (Rathian Carapace)
Pale Lips --> Lg Lobstershell (Sm Lobstershell)
Rathian Plate --> Lao Shan's Claw (LaoShan's Scale)
Rathian Spike --> Monster Broth (Monster Fluid)
Rathalos Plate --> Lao Shan's Claw (LaoShan's Scale)
Rathalos Tail --> Monster Broth (Monster Fluid)
Azre Rthlos Scl+ --> Rathalos Scale+
Crimson Horn --> Rathalos Tail (Wyvern Marrow)
Majestric Horn --> Wyvern Marrow (Rathalos Tail)
Gravios Carapace --> Diablos Spine (Iodrome Hide)
Gravios Wing --> Hornet Bladefin
Gravios Head --> Mosswine Head
Diablos Spine --> Gravios Carapace (Gendrome Hide)
Blos Fang --> Rathian Claw (Lg Monster Bone)
Blos Jaw --> Rathalos Webbing (Rathalos Tail)
Monoblos Spine --> Diablos Tail (Twisted Horn)
Kirin Thndr Tail --> Gravios Wing
Gt Lobstershell --> Rthlos Brainstem
Pawprint Stamp --> Mega Pickaxe (Iron Pickaxe)
Egg Ticket --> Mega Pickaxe
Commendation --> Monster Fluid (Vespoid Shell)
Grt Sword Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Saber Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Lance Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Hammer Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Gunner Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
VeggieElderTcket --> Demondrug (Power Seed)
VegElderTcktBrz --> Wyvern Marrow
VegElderTcktSlv --> Rathalos Plate (Rathian Plate)
Swamp Elder (Area 1)
Garbage --> Disk Stone
Toadstool --> Special Mushroom
Blue Mushroom --> Special Mushroom
Insect Husk --> Special Mushroom
Sm Monster Bone --> Iron Ore (Disk Stone)
Med Monster Bone --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Flame Sac --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Long Kut-ku Ear --> Union Ore
Giant Beak --> Lightcrystal (Machalite Ore)
Rubbery Hide --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Vespoid Bladefin --> Lightcrystal (Ruststone)
Hornet Bladefin --> Firestone (Union Ore)
Cephalos Fin --> Iron Ore
Pale Bone --> Union Ore
Rathalos Claw --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Rathian Claw --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Rathian Shell --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Rathalos Wing --> Lightcrystal (Ruststone)
Wyvern Marrow --> Lightcrystal (Ruststone)
Rthlos BrainStem --> Firecell Stone (Carbalite Ore)
Crimson Horn --> Machalite Ore (Ruststone)
Majestric Horn --> Ruststone
Basarios Shell --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Basarios Wing --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Gravios Carapace --> Lightcrystal (Dragonite Ore)
Gravios Head --> Firestone
Monoblos Spine --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
LaoShan Thoracic --> Firestone
Pawprint Stamp --> Earth Crystal
Egg Ticket --> Machalite Ore
Commendation --> Lightcrystal (Macahlite Ore)
Grt Sword Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Saber Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Lance Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Hammer Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Gunner Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
VeggieElderTcket --> Max Potion
VegElderTcktBrz --> Expand Pickaxe (Lightcrystal)
VegElderTcktSlv --> Novacrystal
Jungle Elder (Area 5)
Garbage --> Needleberry
Iron Ore --> Potion (Rare Steak)
Insect Husk --> Special Muschroom
Flame Sac --> Demondrug
Sleep Sac --> Armorskin (Armor Seed)
Electro Sac --> Immunizer (Catalyst)
Poison Sac --> Lifecrystals (Antiseptic Stone)
Stun Sac --> Catalyst (Nutrients)
Thunderbug --> Mega Potion (Antidote)
Mystery Bone --> Blue Mushroom
Mosswine Hide --> Max Potion (Lifepowder)
Velociprey Hide --> Honey (Red Pepper)
Genprey Hide --> Honey (Red Pepper)
Ioprey Hide --> Honey (Red Pepper)
Genprey Hide --> Hot Pepper
Piscine Fang --> Power Extract (Power Juice)
Plesioth Fin --> Power Extract (Power Juice)
Grn Plesioth Fin --> King Scarab
Cephalos Fin --> Power Extract (Power Juice)
Rathalos Claw --> Demondrug
Rathian Claw --> Armorskin (Armor Seed)
Rathalos Scale --> Catalyst (Herbal Medicine)
Rathian Scale --> Catalyst
Rathalos Shell --> Dragon Seed (Dragon Toadstool)
Rathian Shell --> Dragon Seed (Dragon Toadstool)
Wyvern Marrow --> Power Pill (Armor Pill)
Blos Fang --> Mega Juice (Power Juice)
Blos Jaw --> Mega Juice (Pale Extract)
Lg Lobstershell --> Power Pill (Mega Demondrug)
Pawprint Stamp --> Mega Bugnet
Egg Ticket --> Bugnet
Commendation --> Mega Nutrients (Nutrients)
BBQ Ticket --> Well-Done Steak
Grt Sword Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Saber Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Lance Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Hammer Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Gunner Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
VeggieElderTcket --> Armorskin (Armor Seed)
VegElderTcktBrz --> Max Potion (Lifepowder)
VegElderTcktSlv --> Master's Skull
Note: the left item in paranthises is the 2nd choise of what you might get. Some with just one are the only items.
When on the quest where you have to repel Leo Shung Lung have a person stand on a bridge and the other attack this makes it 89% easeyer to kill it. (Note: this may only work 2% of the time and you need 4 people G-class that have compleated EVERY quest in the whole entire game took me long enough to fiure it out. like 1 year!)
Monster Hunter Freedom Unlockable: Avian Master of Jungle
You'll get it when you see Yian Kut Ku in the "Great Jungle Kut Ku" quest.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unlock Movies
There are some movies (or 'moives') in the gallery you can unlock by doing crap in the game, just like this:
Blue Hunter movie ... Fight the Velociprey in mission "Your First Monster Hunt".
Divine Providence movie ... Encounter the Rathalos in mission "Rathalos Urgent".
King of Heaven movie ... Encounter the Rathalos in mi
Go on network settings and go on which ever channel you want to go on but make sure all of your freinds are on the same channel.(this is on the bit where you turn it on and you have your screen)then go to the online gathering hall and somone should start a qeust but dont leave on your qeust wait and it should come up with his or her name go to the board where the lady sells items and look on the board it should say hunting quest or treasure hunting quest level 1 2 3 4 5 or any of the missions available in the old man quests,then wait near the table and look around the gathering hall and you should see a person with his or her name above his or her charector.
thanks for reading my tip!
For the newcommers, the first wyvern you kill will most probably be the Yian Kut-Ku in the 2 star village quest "the great jumgle kut ku!". This can be hard for some people so i recomend having a great sword with an atack over 300. If it has a water atrebute then thats even better! (this is there weekness) when you get to the jungle base camp colect the map, rations, first aid med, flash bombs, whetstones, paintballs and sm barrel bombs. Eat the rations to get you a full stamina bar (more blocking/running e
If your in need of some items to craft that velocipray taset that youve wanted for ages or you want do turn serpents bite into a hydra bite then you should look at some easy quests that has those monsters that cary the items involved in them and, well, do them! i did this and i now have some beasty wepons and armor. Say, if you needed some genpray items (fangs, hide, scales and i think electro sacks aswell) then you could take the 1 star gathering quest in the desert (in the house behind the cheif, talk to the lady in white and red clothes) and serch and destroy all the genprey, colect all the stuff from there carcases and deliver the paw pass fromm the suply box, easy!
NOTE: if you do go inserch of genprey, make sure your up too the chalenge. I dont want people dieing because they were new to the game and didn't have the right amount of herbs/potions or the right equipment. So be warned they can paralise you!!!
Duel Swords: The duel swords are a decent wepon. I dont recomend it to new hunters thoug because of the no defence on them, but even though they have a small amount of damage on the earlier forms like bone sythe, they do realy big combos and with there special charge ability (uses up stamina) you do an incresed amount of damage and are able to pull off more attacks in your combos. So all in all there good if you dont mind having no sheild, i recomending the best armor that you can get your habds on!
Rating 7/10
more for experianced hunters who know what there doing better than the new ones.
If you want a legendary weapon that isn't really hard to make, get an iron sword, then evolve it through the buster sword,+,blade. Then make it into a defender, sentinel, halberd and eventually the beasty weapon-Judgement (you will need to get the mining point 2 upgrade on the farm in order to get carballite ore and to get monster bone+). All you need to do is one of the gathering hall (catch a Yian Kut-Ku mission) as this is the easiest way to obtain them).
The stats for the Judgement sword are:
Attack 1104
Sharpness 1/10 red, 1/20 orange, 1/5 yellow, 1/5 green.
I've noticed that quite a few people are having trouble killing wyverns. My advice is avoid using sword and shield as most are pathetically weak. Just wait until the wyvern has charged or shot a fireball, dodge the shot and attack it from the side or behind.
With my Great sword equipped, I advise the draw and slash, running towards the wyvern, then pressing TRIANGLE before quickly rolling the side (with CROSS). I sheathe my weapon to evade, then I repeat the process.
We have all tried killing the wyverns,and failed at least once,so heres one of the easiest ways to slay these beasts,what you need is a great sword with at least 300 attack power,a smoke bomb and any armour that can stand at least three hits from a wyvern,ok then,first of all,find an area where the wyvern comes and slay all the beasts in that area,that should be easy enough,two is better than one,so make sure you're in a situation where you're fighting only ONE enemy,now,when you find it get a good distance,and throw the smoke bomb at him,he'll be distracted with all the smoke,now's the time to strike
SPRINT up to the monster and hit the triangle button to execute a downward strike and remember,you can do dodge rolls while holding the great sword,so roll underneath the wyvern and keep using the side and backward slashes,they have no defense at all when you're underneath them,so if you get hit and roll away,just run straight back underneath him,this works for almost all of them except for the desert wyvern and a few others,try this in multiplayer,it will take seconds to slay a yiun kutku with 4 people using this technique!
Monster Hunter Freedom Item Location Guide
This is a guide to help you find items in monster hunter.
Some are rare, others are not, but all are included for the sake of completeness.
If you find an item is missing or wrong, PM me or add it in this thread.
The one thing not included is carves, because there are already some great guides out there for them.
However, you will still find out here how to get Monster bone + and expand pickaxes
I still can't believe something I wrote has over 10,000 views
Thanks for all your kind comments and help with it too guys.
It's very much appreciated.
Mining items (ore/crystals)
Tickets and stange items
Novelty Weapon items
Fishing bait
Wyvern claw and fang
Where I'm not sure whether information about an item is correct, it's underlined.
Mining items:
To obtain these items, use a pickaxe at a mining point in the location listed.
Obtained from all mining points
Disk Stone
Obtained from all mining points
Obtained from all mining points
Machalite ore
Obtained from all mining points
Dragonite Ore
Rarely obtained from mining points and from mining point +1 in kokoto farm
Rarely obtained from mining points and from mining point +1 in kokoto farm
Carbalite Ore
Obtained from mining point +2 in kokoto farm
Rainbow Ore
Obtained from mining point +2 in kokoto farm
Rarely obtained in volcano zone, area 8 at HR2 and up, and all areas in HR3 and up quests.
Firecell Stone
Rarely obtained in volcano zone, areas 8 and 3 at HR3 and up
Earth Crystal
Obtained from all mining points
Ice Crystal
Obtained from mining point +1 in kokoto farm, and at mining points in Volcano and Desert.
Rarely obtained from mining point +1 in kokoto farm and from Gypceros and Kirin
Rarely obtained from mining point +1 kokoto farm and from Guild Gypceros and + class Kirin
Rarely obtained from mining point +2 kokoto farm, from G class Gypceros and Kirin and rewards for beating Fatalis
Obtained from Volcano Zone, area 8 and Desert zone. Also in rewards for certain quests e.g. Lao Shan Lung
Ancient Stone
Obtained from Volcano Zone, area 8 and all zones zone after HR 3. Also in rewards for certain quests.
Star fragment
Mining points in Treasure hunts only - traded automatically for points.
Fireworks stone
Mining points in Treasure hunts only - traded automatically for points.
Sm Monster bone
Carved from small monsters e.g. Apthonos. Also granted in rewards.
Med Monster bone
Carved from larger Wyverns and some monsters such as Apceros. Also granted in rewards.
Large monster bone
Carved from Large Wyverns such as Lao Shan Lung. Also granted in rewards.
Monster bone +
First available in the 4* guild quests "Catch me a Kut Ku", "The Rage of Yian Kut Ku" and "Water Wyvern inthe Jungle".
Then available from any mid-sized monster, or carved from the back of + class Lao Shan Lung
Hard Monster bone
Rewards in G-class wyvern quests or carved from g-class Basarios.
Also available from carving Azure Lao while moving.
Mystery Bone
Rewards in early quests, found in wyvern nests (e.g. area 5 Forest and Hills)
Mystery Skull
Found in wyvern nests (e.g. area 5 Forest and Hills)
Rewards in early quests, found in wyvern nests (e.g. area 5 Forest and Hills)
Sm bone husk
Rewards in some quests, found in wyvern nests (e.g. area 5 Forest and Hills)
Large bone husk
Rewards from mono/diablos quests and gravios quests.
Common, found in gathering bushes
To obtain these fish, you must fish for them in the locations shown
Knife Mackrel
Found at fishing spots in quests.
Found at fishing spots in quests.
Found at fishing spots in quests.
Found at fishing spots in quests.
Spear Tuna
Rare, found at fishing spots in 4* quests and above
Found at fishing spots in quests.
Found in fishing pier +1 and casting machine in Kokoto farms.
Burst Arrowena
Found in fishing pier +1 and casting machine in Kokoto farms, and at fishing spots in quests.
Bomb Arrowena
Found in fishing pier +1 and casting machine in Kokoto farms.
Small Goldenfish
Found in fishing pier +2 and casting machine in Kokoto farms, and from low level training quests.
Rare, found on 4* quests and above and on Goldenfish quests and low level training quests
Springnight Carp
Found in fishing pier +2 and casting machine in Kokoto farms.
Tickets and other strange items:
Expand pickaxe
Reward for completeing higher level training school quests and treasure hunting
PawPass ticket
Included in the items chest on a gathering mission etc
Bamboo Felyne Meal pass - awarded from the cats in the felyne kitchen
Pine Felyne Meal pass - awarded from the cats in the felyne kitchen
Plum Felyne Meal pass - awarded from the cats in the felyne kitchen
Silver Ticket
Awarded by the cats in the felyne kitchen after 10 meals with 2 cats hired
Gold Ticket
Awarded by the cats in the felyne kitchen after 10 meals with 3 cats hired
Platinum Ticket
Awarded by the cats in the felyne kitchen after 10 meals with 4+ cats hired
Old lady's note
Awarded by the cats in the felyne kitchen or travelling salesman - used to make kitchen knife
Guild Ticket
Reward from certain quests (like furball arena). Used to make guild armour and certain weapons
BBQ ticket
Reward from certain quests (like mosswine arena). Used to make guild armour and certain weapons
Reward from certain quests (like VC Lao Shan Lung). Used to make armour and certain weapons
Chiefs old sword
Recieved from village chief after defeating Lao Shan Lung - Used to upgrade Masters blade into Legendary blades
Veggie Elder Ticket
Obtained by the Guild Hall Elder after getting a friendship level of a multiple of 10
Reward in medium level Training quests, and getting 10,000+ points in treasure hunting
Silver Egg
Reward for getting 35,000+ points in treasure hunting - sell for 20,000z
Reward for getting 45,000+ point in treasure hunting - sell for 30,000z
Jewel ticket
Reward for Mining quests and treasure hunts
Egg ticket
Reward for carrying quests and treasure hunts
Hunter Citation
Reward for a certain quest
Gunner Ticket
Reward for completing a training school Gunning quest
Greatsword Ticket
Reward for completing a training school Greatsword quest
Lance Ticket
Reward for completing a training school Lance quest
Sabre Ticket
Reward for completing a training school SnS or duals quest
Hammer Ticket
Reward for completing a training school Hammer quest
Kut Ku coin
Reward for completing a Kut Ku training quest and sometimes a regular Kut Ku quest
Gypceros coin
Reward for completing a Gypceros training quest
Rathalos coin
Reward for completing a Rathalos training quest
Gravios coin
Reward for completing a Gravios training quest
Khezu coin
Reward for completing a Khezu training quest
Basarios coin
Reward for completing a Basarios training quest
Heaven and Earth Crest
Reward for completing Wyverns of Land and Sky.
Used to make Shining Wyvern blade
Novelty Weapon Items:
Search on the ground for these items in the locations shown
Masters Skull
Area 12 Forest and Hills (search the pile of barrels) and area 5 (4* quests and up)
Barrel Lid
Area 12 Forest and Hills and area 11 Desert (search the pile of barrels)
King Cactus
Desert - search in caves.
Lost Umbrella
Desert Area 11, Swamp Area 9 (by the logs), swamp secret area (g-class).
Given rarely by the Cats in the felyne kitchen (more chance from a 3* info level felyne)
To obtain these, use a bugnet where you see firefly-like lights
Found in insect thickets all areas
Found in insect thickets all areas
Found in insect thickets all areas
Found in insect thickets all areas
Found in insect thickets all areas
Insect thicket +2 in Kokoto Farm
Insect Husk
Not rare, found in honey patches and the beehive in Kokoto farm.
And spiderwebs.
Snakebee Larvae
Rare, found in Insect thickets, and the beehive in Kokoto farm.
King Scarab
Insect thicket +2 and bug tree in Kokoto Farm
Joiner Grasshopper
Insect thicket +2 and bug tree in Kokoto Farm
Rainbow Insect
Insect thicket +2 and bug tree in Kokoto Farm
Longleg bagworm
Treasure from treasure hunting - traded automatically for points
King Earthworm
Treasure from treasure hunting - traded automatically for points
Designer locust
Supertreasure from treasure hunting - traded automatically for points
Fishing bait:
Found in insect thickets all areas
Mega Fishing fly
Found in insect thicket +2
Goldenfish bait
Combine firefly and snakebee larvae
Found by searching the ground in moist areas and in insect thickets all areas
Desert area 4 is a good place - search by rocks.
Rewards in early quests, and in insect thickets
Wyvern Claw and Fang
Wyvern claw
Rewards when fighting some wyverns
Wyvern fang
Rewards when fighting some wyverns
Gather from mushroom picking spots
Blue mushroom
Gather from mushroom picking spots
Special mushroom
Gather from mushroom picking spots - sells automatically for money
Gather from mushroom picking spots
Gather from mushroom picking spots
Gather from mushroom picking spots
Dragon toadstool
Rare - gather from mushroom picking spots.
More common in G-class quests.
Very rare - gather from mushroom picking spots
Layered mushroom
Treasure from treasure huinting quest - automatically traded for points
Gather from bushes
Rewards in early quests
Green Seed
Rewards in early quests
Dragon Seed
Rare - Gathered from Kokoto farm after planting a red or green seed
Power seed
Gather from bushes or buy occasionally from the old woman in town
Armour seed
Gather from bushes or buy occasionally from the old woman in town
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Gather from bushes or buy occasionally from the old woman in town
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Found in gathering bushes all areas
Obtain from gathering bushes
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Hot pepper
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Sleep herb
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Antidote herb
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Obtained from weird flower things (Jungle)
Obtained at the top of climbing vines
Obtained from gathering bushes all areas
Cactus flower
Obtained from cactus plants (desert)
Rare - obtain from planting red or green seeds in Kokoto farms
Obtained in insect thickets and where you see spiderwebs
Obtained from beehives or the beehive in Kokoto Farm
Alright this is wyverns name(s), weak spots, attribute weakness, and difficulty level(1-10) (these are all monsters about village chief quets (normal difficulty)) the ratings on the difficulty level depend on the hunter not the monster and I'm a pretty good at this game so it should either be exact difficulty or pretty close(killed like 4 lao's never failed on village chief) and the weakspots arn't all of them theres probably more and you identify weakspots (with G-Swords thats what I use mostly I don't know if this applies for the other type of weapons) is if theres more blood that comes out and theres a longer pause when you hit. And again I don't know everything so I might say no clue if I don't know
Rathalos/Azure Rathalos/Silver Sol
Head & Belly
Rathalos: 2
Azure Rathalos: 4
Silver Sol: 7
Rathian/Pink Rathian/Golden Heart
Head & Belly
Rathian: 2
Pink Rathian: 3
Golden Heart: 7
Yian Kut-Ku/Blue Kut-Ku
Head, Tail, Belly (not sure on the belly)
Yian Kut-Ku: 1
Blue Kut-Ku: 1
Head, Tail, Belly (not sure on the belly)
Gypercos: 1
Plesioth/Green Plesioth
Plesioth: 3
Green Plesioth: 3
Monblos/White Monoblos/Diablos/Black Diablos (Monoblos and Diablos are Related)
Legs (for both Diablos and Monobls)
Monoblos: 4
White Monoblos: 6
Diablos: 3
Black Diablos: 5
Khezu/Red Khezu
Head & Belly
Red Khezu: 7
Gravios/Black Gravios
I Think Head & Tail (only places where your blade goes through, with white sharpness the belly can't even get through that)
Gravios: 6
Black Gravios: 9
Basarios: 4
Yian Garuga/Glitch Form of Yian Garuga
Yian Garuga: 8
Glitch Form of Yian Garuga:1 (to get glitch for go to user submitted cheats 3-4 including me submitted how you get it)
Lao-Shan Lung/Azure Lao-Shan Lung
Belly (head towrds the belly area and theres this big chunk begging you to slash it)
Lao-Shan Lung: 3
Azure Lao-Shan Lung: 7
Black Fatalis/Red Fatalis
Black Fatalis: 20
Red Fatalis: 20
Again I may be missing some weak spots and attribute weakness and the difficulty level is on my oppinion and this game depends on how good the hunter is not how hard the monster is.
Reason I say fatalis is secret is cause I have no clue how to get it's book and I heard from a Monster Hunter: Freedom expert that getting hit once by a fatalis is an instant death thats why I rated the Fatalis so high.
Kill 50 wyverns of that type.
Kill 20 wyverns of that type.
Current cash must be more than 200'000 zenny.
Develop the Kokoto Bug Catching area to the max.
Complete several dozen missions in the Desert area.
Develop the Kokoto Fishing area to the max.
Complete several dozen missions in the Forest Hill area.
Kill a monster worth one gold crown.
Develop the Kokoto Farm area to the max.
Clear all of the village Chief's quests.
Complete several dozen missions in the Jungle area.
Develop the Kokoto Mining area to the max.
Clear all of the village Chief's lv 1 and lv2 quests.
Catch a Plesioth while fishing during a mission.
Complete several dozen missions in the Swamp area.
Forge ten very rare great swords.
Clear all of the village Chief's lv 5 quests.
Clear all of the village Chief's lv 3 and lv4 quest.
Complete several dozen missions in the Volcanic Belt area.
Accrue 100 hours of game play time.
Some people arent sure whats strong against a kut ku well the elemental weakness is WATER so get that elemental power and the kut ku wont stand a chance.
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