
eus: Master of Olympus
配置要求操作系统Win Xp/Win 7/Win Vista运行环境&=DirectX 9.0CPUIntel Core2 Duo E4600 @ 2.40Hz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+内存2 GB显卡GeForce 8800 GT / Radeon HD 3870硬盘4 GB在宙斯众神之王中,宗教宗拜同样占据着特殊而重要的地位,但是却不象恺撒和法老王那样是由一个主宰者说了算的。 游戏中将出现多达12位的希腊神祇,他们是:宙斯及他的妻子赫拉、战神阿瑞斯、美神阿佛洛狄忒、太阳神阿波罗、月亮与狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯、智慧女神雅典娜、海神波塞冬、冥&王哈迪斯、匠神赫淮斯托斯、竞技神赫尔墨斯以及人见人爱的爱神丘比特。 由于他们在希腊的经济、政治及军事上,起着相同重要的作用,因此,出于一种相互竞争的心态,这12位主神都急切地盼望能够成为玩家所管理的城市的守护神。 为了说服玩家为他们建立纪念碑和庙宇,他们甚至会经常以人类的形态出现在玩家的城市中,或巧言利诱--为城市的发展施加自己的独特影响力,或武力恐吓--在玩家的街道中使用各自的法术一较高下,制造不大不小的灾难以显示自己的力量。为了防备受到众神的诅咒,玩家必须寻找一位对你最有帮助的神来看护你的城市,例如选择战神阿瑞斯作为守护神,那么在他的庇护下,玩家的军队将获得更高的战斗力。 当然,玩家对神的尊重与膜拜也不能仅仅停留在口头上,一旦玩家选择了城市的守护神,那么就必须大兴土木为其修建雄伟的神殿以充分满足他们的虚荣心。 不过有得必有失,在希腊神话中诸神之间通常是矛盾重重,互不买帐,甚至有些还是死对头,比如雅典娜和阿瑞斯就是一对冤家。
融合了古希腊历史文化在人类最璀璨的黄金时代里,玩家将在此建立传说中的城邦,并和天神、英雄与怪兽互动,编织成一段又一段的神话与传奇。而且比较特别的是,在“宙斯”里,您是无法取悦每位天神的。故您必须善用政治手腕,周旋于万神殿之中。当神话中的怪兽们出来肆虐时,您又该如何请求英雄们来击退它们呢.。在这个神话与艺术、哲学、城邦政治共存的世界里,似乎,没有什么不可能的事。由“真实”进入“神话”禀持着制作法老与埃及艳后的精神,这次Sierra Studio将完成三大古文明中最重要且最具代表性的一部份,带领所有的爱好者从埃及往北移到爱琴海区域,另一个充满神怪幻想的世界——古希腊。另一种风格的城市仿真就如同其它古文明策略游戏一般,“宙斯”让玩家负责管理一块殖民地,并帮助它成长与繁荣。不可讳言的,神话在希腊史上扮演着举足轻重的地位,没有了神话便无法成&就希腊的历史。在充满历史传奇与神话色彩的古希腊里,建造伟大的城邦,玩家可以从中得到许多有关古希腊的事迹,并对古希腊文明有更深一层的了解。丰富的故事情节,栩栩如生的角色,个性难以捉摸的众神,让玩家彷佛乘坐了时光机,回到古希腊的神话世界里。在您的城邦里,天神游走于凡间,并利用种种神迹降服怪物,解救他们的子民。除此之外,玩家还可以召唤著名的英雄豪杰们,帮助他们面对天神的愤怒以及完成其它人类能力所不及的工作。观察人们的一举一动比起其它的古文明策略游戏,“宙斯”在游戏风格上有了很大的突破。“宙斯”是由一群对希腊等古文明历史背景有相当了解的策略玩家们所设计的,也因此,不论您是初学者或是高手都可轻易上手,建造出理想中的城邦,创造一片欣欣向荣的景象。更由于在绘图引擎的改良,角色的细微动作与建筑物都变得清楚可见,一些细节部份也做了不小的变更。举例来说,这回的“火灾”的规模变大了,熊熊烈焰给人一种“一发不可收拾”的真实感。不过相信所有的玩家都不希望见到这种情况的发生吧!是否为一个合格的国王“宙斯”像其他同类策略游戏一样,依旧需要严谨的规划城市,每一片土地都是宝贵的,比如草场建造了其他建筑将会失去它的作用等。在“宙斯”中的居民也需要各种设施。如果住房与城市设施的搭配如果不好,你的居民将永远停留在一个原始的时代,当怪物或军队来临的时候只能痛心自己的美好城市变成废墟。如何分配食物、与众神搞好关系、建立一个合理的贸易路线,无时不刻在考验着玩家能否成为一个合格的国王。与其他国家的互动在“宙斯”中,你可以与其他国家建立友好的关系,他们会时常送你一些资源,当然他们有时也会需要你的帮助。如果你看某个国家不顺眼,可以直接派你的军队去攻击那个国家,如果赢了那块土地便是你的殖民地了,你可以要求他们进贡品给你,这样你就可以有更多的资源了。众神、英雄、怪兽城市的发展仅仅是征服“宙斯”的一小部分而已。在古希&腊时代中,众神跟人类的关系是极为亲密的。但天神(共计12位)的个性神秘莫测,天神们既拥有神威,又有人类的七情六欲,而且诸神之间还都有相互利害关系。也就是说,很有可能会在取悦战神爱力士的同时,反而激怒了司长爱与美之女神爱芙罗黛蒂。该如何取决,就得看玩家的智能了。除了神祉以外,还有所谓的“英雄”。他们会徘徊在乡间,当需要帮助时或者是当怪兽出没之际,就是玩家召唤他们的好时机。还有一点要注意的,就是“英雄”与“怪兽”之间也有互动关系呢!比方说,若是九头蛇出来肆虐时,就得请大力士海克力斯(Hercules)来降伏它;碰到蛇发女妖梅杜莎(Medusa)的话,只能请柏修斯(Perseus)与之抗衡。搞错的话可是会被打得鼻青脸肿呢!减轻了玩家的负担为让每位玩家都能享受在历史与神话的交错之下的剧情以及增加玩家与游戏间的互动,“宙斯”依照不同的目标分割成不同的挑战。每一个阶段都可以在短时间内完成,如同看连续剧的一个单元般,不受时间的限制,这种做法相对的也减轻了玩家的负担,不必再为了某些庞大而几近遥不可及的目标挑战。对忙碌的现代人而言,这种设计颇贴心。
宙斯众神之王按CTRL+ALT+C后输入密码Delian Treasury=+1000 金币Ambrosia=胜利SoundFrags=无敌Fireballs from Heaven=以火球攻击地面?宙斯海神波塞冬作弊码mammaldrome = 跑马场里的马变成猪,牛,羊atlasthegreat = 加快建筑速度25%soundFrags = 动物被杀死时发出奇怪的声音seasick = 波赛顿给你10倍的鱼货hotlava = 以火球攻击地面Delian Treasury:增加1000金币 ;宙斯:奥林帕斯山之王作弊码Ambrosia:赢得胜利SoundFrags:动物被杀死时发出奇怪的声音Fireballs from Heaven:以鼠标左键放火球攻击一片地面Bowvine and Arrows:箭塔会向母牛射击Cheese Puff:牛奶场的工人会穿上奶酪服mammaldrome :跑马场里的马变成猪,牛,羊atlastthegreat 加快建筑速度25%soundFrags 杀死动物seasick 补充鱼hotlava 火球攻击
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游戏大小:158.90 MB1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
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1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
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游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
发布说明 这个系列终于完全发布,整个系列均为包含完整音乐、语音、音效、动画(与原版光盘完全相同)的中英双语完美硬盘版! (一)游戏目录: 1、《...
收藏人数: 1042
注意:  附上《龙之崛起光盘版》/《宙斯&海神光盘版》破解补丁,使用方法:引用Emperor: Rise Of The Middle KingdomInstall Emperor: Rise Of The Middle Kingdom - Full Installation. Apply the official Emperor: Rise Of The Middle Kingdom v1.0.1.0 Patch. Replace the original EMPEROR.EXE & EMPEROREDIT.EXE executables with the ones from the File Archive. Play the Game! Zeus: Master of Olympus / PoseidonInstall Zeus: Master of Olympus - Full Installation.Install Zeus: Poseidon - Full Installation.Replace the original Zeus.EXE executables with the one from the File Archive. Play the Game!发布说明:  我珍藏已久的雪乐山模拟建筑系列光盘镜像,希望能够分流扩源。  Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom[龙之崛起]CDKEY:引用  BAC9-RAL8-SAS2-SAX2-9999  RED2-DAD2-RAD2-DAD2-8888  BAB2-DAD2-BAB2-DAD4-2247  GAG2-FAF2-GAG2-FAF5-2257  BAB2-RAL2-BAB2-FAF5-2279  RAD2-RAL2-RAD2-FAF3-2289  RAD2-RAD2-RAD2-RAD2-2247  凯撒III.法老王.宙斯升级包说明(Caesar3.Pharaoh&cleopatra.Zeus&Poseidon Update_PACK):引用  1)Caesar3 Update(English):si_ceasar3_update_en_10_1010  2)Pharaoh 1.1 to 1.2 Update (English):si_pharaoh_update_en_11_12  3)Pharaoh Enhancement Pack (English):si_pharaoh_enhancepack_en  4)Pharaoh Toshka Custom Mission(English):si_pharaoh_bonusmission_toshka  5)Pharaoh-Cleopatra 2.0 to 2.1 Update(English):si_pharaoh-cleopatra_update_en_20_21  6)Zeus 1.0 to 1.1 Update(English):si_zeus_enhancepack_en_1_1  7)Zeus Richmansblues Custom Mission(English):si_zeus_richmansblues  8)Zeus-Poseidon 2.0 to 2.1 Update(English):si_zeusposeidon_en_update_20_21  另:附上我重新制作的整个系列中英双语完美硬盘版,以前发布的整个系列硬盘版对游戏的音频和视频部分作了有损压缩-还不算是完美,这次除了《凯撒大帝III》进行了Waw-->APE的无损压缩,其余三作均为音频/视频完全没有压缩的完美版本,其中《龙之崛起》英文版还是升级至V1.01(包括官方战役晋武帝并支持所有非官方战役)。硬盘版中英双语安装指南:引用1、中文版  在&Start Installing&安装对话框点选&Convert &游戏名称& into Chinese&,安装为中文版。2、英文版  不选择上述选项,则安装为英文版。游戏简介:游戏封面: /images/P/B000031KJX.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg (一)恺撒大帝Ⅲ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Caesar 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Publisher: Sierra EntertainmentDeveloper: Impressions GamesGenre: StrategyRelease Date: 09/30/1998---------------------------------------------------------------------------System requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pentium 90Microsoft Windows 95 or later32 MB RAM600 MB hard disk space2 MB PCI video card16-bit Windows compatible sound card with DAC---------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------  Players of Caesar 3 are immersed in a city set in the age of the ancient Roman Empire. Players place buildings on previously empty terrain and construct a city. These buildings come to life, and the city begins to evolve. As the city grows, it encounters various problems that must be overcome. Players have specific objectives to achieve, although many players will choose not to use these and will be content to design their idea of the perfect city. The game is structured as a career, beginning with a training mission, then progresses through a series of ever-tougher real assignments. Each mission/assignment consists of a province and set objectives. Achieving these objectives will result in promotion and an offer of a tougher assignment, which can be turned down if the player is having too much fun to accept at that time.   The career progression introduces elements of the game step by step, thereby teaching players how to play without forcing them to play through a tutorial.   There is also an option where players ignore the career progression and simply play the full game with no promotion involved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  《恺撒大帝Ⅲ》是BreakAway Games公司开发并由Impression发行的结合城市建设和科技发展的策略游戏,对喜欢《模拟城市》和《文明》的朋友来说就千万不要错过这个成为Caesar的机会。与前作相比,《恺撒Ⅲ》具有更为栩栩如生的人物造型,更精美的3D建筑,城市建设与即时战略两种元素也被更好的结合起来。  《恺撒大帝Ⅲ》有两种游戏模式:一种就象《模拟城市》,从12个环地中海城市中任选一个城市进行建设,将其经营成为罗马帝国最富庶的地方;另一种就是战役模式,你从一个小小的罗马帝国的执政官,通过总共11大关卡,一步一步完成Caesar交给你的任务,你的职位会逐渐升迁,最终你的能力起过Caesar,他就会退位让贤,你就成为新的恺撒大帝。---------------------------------------------------------------------------Screenshots:--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .com/gamespot/images/screenshots/5/63635/caesar_screen005.jpg
.cn/newgames/0002/images/kaisa3022204.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------游戏封面: /images/P/B0._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg (二)法老王与埃及艳后---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pharaoh & Cleopatra---------------------------------------------------------------------------Publisher: Sierra EntertainmentDeveloper: BreakAway GamesGenre: StrategyRelease Date: 07/11/2000---------------------------------------------------------------------------SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pentium 133 MHz or faster processorMicrosoft Windows 95 or 9832 MB RAM300 MB hard disk spaceWindows compatible sound cardSVGA 256-color graphics4x CD-ROM drive---------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pharaoh  Pharaoh takes Impressions' popular Caesar III, relocates it to ancient Egypt, and adds a few welcome features. Like Caesar III, Pharaoh's gameplay falls somewhere between the intensive city-management of Maxis' SimCity series and the combination of city management and combat found in Blue Byte's Settlers games. However, Pharaoh is neither a sequel nor an expansion to Caesar III; although many of the game mechanics are identical to its predecessor, the strategy is noticeably different in order to suit Pharaoh to its setting. Pharaoh is an all-around better game than Caesar III, and while it may seem overly familiar to fans of that game, it offers enough variety and innovation to keep things interesting.   The game begins simply, requiring you to create jobs and homes to attract settlers. Once your population begins growing, you must make sure it has food and water, access to religious facilities, entertainment, and other luxuries to attract a larger and more affluent populace. You must also ensure that your people are protected by a suitably strong militia.   Accomplishing these goals is a complex process. Most goods require natural resources in order to be produced, and many of these resources must be imported. Many of the goods must be imported as well, and you must manage the distribution of these items to make sure everyone is getting enough of what they need to survive and what they want to live happily. Imports can be pricey, so you must also produce items for export.   Unlike in SimCity, management of your city in Pharaoh is a very hands-on experience. With the sole exception of housing, which will upgrade itself based on nearby services, you decide exactly what type of building will be placed where. Storehouses and industrial buildings must be close enough to residences that goods will be easily accessible, but not so close that they lower property value. The same principle applies to markets, which distribute food and luxury items to your people. Those who found themselves frustrated by the inability to manage market workers' distribution routes in Caesar III will be glad to know that a roadblock option has been included in Pharaoh, giving you some control over where patrolling workers will walk. It's not a perfect solution - strict management over their routes would still be welcome - but it certainly helps.   The ancient Egyptian setting of the game leads to some other interesting new features. The regular flooding of the Nile River demands you produce or import enough food to last through the flood season. A poor inundation can lead to bad irrigation and food shortages, so satisfying the god of the flood, Osiris, becomes a top priority. The religion system in Pharaoh has also been improved since Caesar III. Satisfying the gods is now a higher priority, but there are fewer gods to deal with in each scenario, thereby making the process slightly less involved.   The primary play mode of Pharaoh is the &family& mode. You control a ruling family who must govern a series of cities, each time taking on more responsibility and earning more respect. The mission-based nature of this instead of being a simple open-ended management simulation like SimCity, in Pharaoh you have very specific goals, but these can take a long time to achieve. New options and features are introduced at a rate that keeps things interesting, and the end result is a game with a great deal of longevity. Those who prefer a more open-ended simulation will want to play the game's &sandbox& mode, which lets you build and govern without the constraints of the scenario objectives.   Pharaoh's missions are also more involving than those in Caesar III. Combat is still a secondary element, but it is easy to control and never really becomes the focus. In most missions, you're required to build monuments, and these get larger and more costly as you progress. Not only does this provide a bit of tangible success to each scenario - seeing a huge pyramid completed is far more satisfying than reaching some arbitrary numerical rating - but the monuments also add some visual excitement to a game that otherwise looks like Caesar III with an Egyptian flavor. That's not the landscape graphics may be somewhat bland, but the building graphics and animations are detailed and appealing.   Pharaoh is only subtly different from its predecessor, but its new elements make it much deeper and more satisfying. Like Caesar III, Pharaoh takes ideas from other games and combines them in a way that is different and entertaining. Unlike Caesar III, the frustrations that accompany some of the game's mechanics are easily dealt with. Pharaoh is slow-paced but addictive and is immensely complex but incredibly easy to play. Pharaoh Official Expansion: Cleopatra  Most expansion packs simply add a few new items and missions and assume that fans of the original game will be content to just play more of the same. With Cleopatra, developer BreakAway Games hasn't taken such an easy route. Cleopatra adds more of just about everything, from imports to monuments, and makes Impressions' Pharaoh a more complex and interesting game, without disrupting the fine balance of the original. The minor problems in Pharaoh haven't been addressed, and one new problem has been added, but it's safe to say that anyone who loved or even liked the original will be entirely content with this weighty addition.   As in Pharaoh, Cleopatra's missions are basically variations on a single theme. You must build the infrastructure of a city by ensuring that your residents have food, water, and the luxuries they want. You must provide the food by fishing, hunting, and farming, and then distribute the food to your residents through markets. You must build workshops to make pottery, linen, papyrus, beer, and other important goods, as well as find and supply the needed raw materials. When certain raw materials - goods or foodstuffs - are not available, you must import them from other cities. And you must create goods for export in order to maintain a positive cash flow, especially when your import costs are high.   You win a mission by achieving set ratings in certain categories, such as prosperity - the quality of life in your city and kingdom - how well your city i culture - the amount of civilized niceties avai and also by successfully constructing monuments.   Cleopatra makes the whole process a bit more complex by adding two new industries, lamp making and paint making. Lamps are made from pottery and oil, of which the latter can only be imported, while paint making requires henna, which can be farmed. The new industries are essential to the construction of some of the new monuments, the best of which are the tombs. To build royal tombs, you need paint to decorate the walls, and lamps to light the caves where the artisans work. You also need to stock these tombs with luxury items, which makes monument building even more involving.   The campaigns in Cleopatra follow the basic formula of Pharaoh, but add a few interesting twists and challenges. The first campaign requires that you build the Valley of the Kings by constructing the royal tombs in the cliffs and, as the campaign goes on, that you keep them safe from grave robbers. Cleopatra starts off at approximately the same difficulty at which Pharaoh left off, and quickly gets much harder. Some missions now have time limits, which can make them much more difficult for players who're used to slowly building an infrastructure before tackling the larger mission objectives. While such constraints certainly can be frustrating, they help to break up the occasional monotony that occurs once you've found a city-building pattern that works.   The second new campaign in Cleopatra deals with the arrival of new enemies, while the third deals with the reign of Ramses II, and the fourth with that of Cleopatra herself. The first campaign basically acts as a primer to the new elements, while the others require that you use everything at your disposal to stop the near-constant invasion of enemies. The military element of Cleopatra is tougher than in the original, and you'll even have to complete some missions that simply require you to survive an onslaught for a given time.   Most of the new challenges in Cleopatra are welcome and serve not only to extend the game, but also to enhance it. Among these challenges are the plagues - problems of epic proportions - that occur when the gods are displeased with you. Rivers of blood, swarms of locusts and frogs, and hailstorms all add to your need to keep any and all of your patron deities as pleased as possible at all times.   Cleopatra does include a few unwelcome additions, like creatures that will attack your populace. The scorpions in the first two missions will undoubtedly make you frustrated as they wander your streets and kill your people. You can theoretically take them out with military personnel, as you are advised to do in the game's help file, which would be fine if you could actually recruit military personnel in these missions. Also, there is a strange bug that occurs when building tombs - if you dispatch any of the luxury goods to the tomb before it's completed, all production on the tomb will stop. However, not only will this affect your current game, it will also affect any saved games you have in that mission, requiring you to start over completely.   What's more problematic is the fact that one of Pharaoh's more frustrating elements has still not been addressed. Quite simply, your workers are still as dumb as dirt, and they wander the streets as if they were windup toys bouncing around your city. You'll have food and water distributors wandering completely unpopulated areas, while residents are moving out because they're starving and thirsty. You can help reduce this problem through strategic placement of markets and the use of roadblocks, but it would have been nice if these key elements had some sort of artificial intelligence that would have sent them where they were needed, within a limited range.   But this problem is endemic to Pharaoh (and the Caesar games before it), and Cleopatra can't be entirely faulted for not addressing it, especially when the additions in this expansion are so numerous and so much fun. Cleopatra is both more difficult and more complex than Pharaoh, but it also makes the game seem new and fresh. And you can't ask much more than that from an expansion pack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  宏伟的金字塔、浪漫的狮身人面像、神秘的木乃伊、迷人的尼罗河以及缠绕其中的种种猜测和传奇故事早已深入人心,《埃及艳后》正是基于这个神秘瑰丽的古埃及文明为背景而制作的。这款策略游戏是大名鼎鼎的《恺撒大帝》三部曲原班人员的力作,再加上取材于令每个世人神往的埃及文明,时间跨越埃及古王朝、中王朝及新王朝达2000余年,所以《埃及艳后》能让你用自己的创造力、商业头脑、军事和组织才能重现这段辉煌而又神秘的历史!   《埃及艳后》的时间设定在西元前两千九百年至西元前七百年间。在世界史商,埃及进入所谓的古风时期(Archaic Period),而这二千二百年间,也正是埃及历经古王国(dKingdom)、中王国(Middle Kingdom)以及新王国(New Kingdom)三大时期的阶段,这三大时期也代表埃及从小帝国拓展成世界文明的历程。玩家从《埃及艳后》中所得到的将不只是玩游戏的乐趣而已,也将亲身经历及了解远在地球另一面的埃及文明的兴起史。---------------------------------------------------------------------------Screenshots:--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .com/gamespot/images/screenshots/gs/strategy/cleopatra/cleopatra_screen003.jpg
.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/gs/strategy/cleopatra/cleopatra_screen005.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------游戏封面: /images/P/B0-A1FVJNIK8SSHOX._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg (三)宙斯---------------------------------------------------------------------------Zeus: Master of Olympus & Zeus Expansion: Poseidon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Publisher: Sierra EntertainmentDeveloper: Impressions GamesGenre: StrategyRelease Date: 09/30/2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pentium II, 233 MHz or equivalent64 MB RAMWindows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XPDirectX 6.1 or higher900 MB Hard Drive Space256 MB Swap file on your Windows drive.Video card with at least 2MB of Memory capable of 800x600 resolution at 16 bit (High color) color depthOnline play requires 56K or faster Internet connectionWindows-compatible mouse---------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------Zeus: Master of Olympus  Zeus: Master of Olympus is the sixth game in the award-winning Impressions City Building Series, which has sold over two million copies worldwide. Zeus: Master of Olympus, set in a mythological ancient Greece, serves up a world filled with the likes of Hercules, Athena, Ares, Medusa, the Minotaur, and many others. Players build and rule Greek city-states while summoning heroes and gods to protect their land from monsters and other Greek cities. Easy to learn, and quick to get in and out of, Zeus promises to be one of the most fun city-building games of 2000.   The folks at Impression Games have produced their best game yet with Zeus. By keeping the game simple, with clear goals and some great new elements, they've improved the series and the genre. The successful mantra for Zeus is keeping it simple on the surface, but allowing hardcore gamers to explore the depth. The interface is much improved from P the missions are shorter and the goals clearer, but the quantity of missions and gameplay has been increased. Setting up a successful city is easier, though creating a perfect city is still difficult. The gods are much less
now they go about trying to curry favor with the people as opposed to punishing them. Everything isn't roses, though, because there are still mythological bad guys to be dealt with. The city-building series has been popular before, but we think Zeus has the potential to blow this series up big-time.The realtime strategy genre can be split into two groups: the war games like Star Craft and Age of Empires and the others. Now, the group of others isn't just some collecti quite the contrary, this group includes games like The Sims, Roller Coaster Tycoon and Sim City. As well as the games that make up Impression's city-building series: Caesar, Pharaoh and now Zeus. Every iteration of the series has been an incremental evolution in quality -- Pharaoh was good, but Zeus is great.  The first thing anyone familiar with Caesar and Pharaoh will notice about Zeus is the simplicity of the interface. One criticism of Pharaoh involved the confusing pseudo-hieroglyphic buttons. Zeus has simple icons that not only follow the Greek theme, but are easily recognizable: A cog represents industry and a vase distribution. That level of simplicity carries forward throughout the entire interface. It's much easier for the novice to pick up the game and start playing, especially with the great tutorials.  The gameplay itself has been streamlined as well. Perhaps realizing that most players want to see the special buildings like theaters, parks, large shrines and developed housing, the amount of administrative support services has been decreased. It's much simpler to take care of the required low-level activities and get on to increasing the appeal of the city. It's as if the Greeks have a simpler, more relaxed lifestyle than the Egyptians. The Greek gods protect them for the most part, make the cities better and fight mythological creatures. Overall gameplay i as a player it's much easier to sit back and watch city life, to take time to follow the walkers as they move through the city or watch entertainers perform. There are so many different animations that even the hardcore sim fan will want to sit back and enjoy the show a bit.  The best improvements to the game are the improved campaign structure and sandbox modes. There are multiple campaigns, each divided into smaller missions. The level of difficulty is part of the campaign description, ranging from easy to challenging. Combine the campaign difficulty with the five levels of game difficulty and the variations should allow anyone to play. The missions themselves are much smaller, so players can pick up the game and play for 10 hours or 30 minutes, depending on their schedule. Campaign cities carry over from one mission to another, which is much more satisfying than constantly building up cities and then abandoning them. Cities form colonies, which are where new city
the primary city is still active, and the campaign will invariably swing back to allow further development.   Clearly the very best new additions are the three sandbox modes, which remove the storyline from the game, giving players the option to just create cities and enjoy their evolution. Economic sandbox gives the player a goal of fiscal domination of G military sandbox sets up a goal of and open sandbox is an amazing map with all resources and the freedom of doing anything.  There is a minor amount of violence in Zeus as the gods fight with beasts or your army defends your city, but in general it's nothing like normal resource-based realtime strategies, making the game ideal for people who want a holiday title with less bloodshed.  There are a few problems with Z every title has 'em. The full install is pretty large for such a simple game -- 620 MB -- and at times there were a few strange slowdowns in the game. Overall, we had no compatibility problems and can't see what would need to be patched -- a refreshing change for the season.  While the material isn't as familiar to most players as the theme parks of Roller Coaster Tycoon or the modern life of The Sims, we found Zeus to be just as enjoyable a game. If controlling the development of a civilization was ever an interest, this is a game to try -- and if you've already played these types of games, you definitely don't want to miss this one. Zeus Expansion: Poseidon   Return to ancient Greece and rule Atlantis as described by Plato! In Poseidon: Zeus Official Expansion, you'll rule an advanced civilization that built monumental pyramids, sanctuaries, observatories, and great libraries. You'll summon Bellerophon and Atalanta, and battle the terrifying Chimera. You'll meet ancient civilizations from both sides of the Atlantic, and decide to trade or conquer.   Poseidon: Zeus Official Expansion features new gods, heroes, monsters, and resources. Play more than 45 exciting episodes in six epic adventures. Conquer or trade with Mayans, Egyptians, Phoenicians, and more. Meet such new gods as Atlas and Hera. Poseidon offers unlimited play. You can even design your own myths with a simple yet powerful Adventure Editor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  《宙斯:众神之主》(Zeus: Master of Olympus)是老牌游戏公司Sierra Studios继《恺撒》(Caesar)、《法老王》(Pharaoh)及其资料片《埃及艳后》(Cleopatra)之后,第三个反映伟大古文明——古希腊文明的模拟建设游戏。同样是依托于历史背景下,结合了建设和战争两大游戏元素,不过这次展现的是古希腊荷马时代的政治生活风貌。---------------------------------------------------------------------------Screenshots:--------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.bmmedia.co.th/zeus/images/Science2_hr.jpg
http://www.bmmedia.co.th/zeus/images/Myth_Housing2_hr.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------游戏封面: /images/P/B00005V9QE.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg (四)龙之崛起---------------------------------------------------------------------------Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom---------------------------------------------------------------------------Version: v1.0.1.0 Included )Publisher: Sierra EntertainmentDeveloper: BreakAway GamesGenre: StrategyRelease Date: 08/07/2003---------------------------------------------------------------------------SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pentium III, 800 MHz or equivalent128 MB RAM for Windows 98/ME, 256 MB RAM for Windows 2000/XPWindows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XPDirectX 8.11.2GB Hard Drive Space256 MB Swap file on your Windows drive.Video card with at least 4MB of Memory capable of 800x600 resolution at 16 bit (High color) color depthOnline play requires 56K or faster Internet connection---------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  In Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom, you are transported back in time to when emperors reigned and China was the greatest and most resplendent power on Earth. Epic in scope, Emperor spans seven dynasties and more than 3,000 years of Chinese history--from China's preimperial Xia dynasty circa 2100 B.C. to the Mongol invasion of the Middle Kingdom under Genghis Khan in A.D. 1211.  As emperor, you will build housing to attract immigrants to your new city. Then the city's workers and farmers, administrators and soldiers will be yours to command, and you will have the work force you need to build a provincial city into a great metropolis. At your bidding, legions of workers will toil to erect walls strong enough to keep the barbarians at bay. Under your banner, armies will march forth to do battle with the enemy. Trade and commerce will flourish, and an army of tax collectors will collect the taxes due. Schools and clinics, palaces and gardens will embellish the city you have built and proclaim your benevolence to the world.   They Will Build You An Empire ~ The Fate of a Dynasty Is In Your Hands! As Emperor, you will build housing to attract immigrants to your new city. Under your enlightened rule, a small settlement will expand to become the capital of a grand and glorious empire. From humble beginnings your city will develop into an imperial capital worthy of your greatness. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------About the EmperorRotMK's Patch v1.0.1.0I. NEW CAMPAIGNS  The Campaign of Emperor Jin Wudi, previously available as a separate download, is included. This three-mission campaign is set just after the Three Kingdoms period. Emperor Jin Wudi (also known as Sima Yuan) was the only Emperor to (briefly) reunite China under a single leader during the entire 450-year period after the fall of the Han dynasty and the start of the Sui dynasty.II. NEW MULTIPLAYER SCENARIOS  Twelve new multiplayer scenarios are included, organized into three categories. III. ENHANCEMENTS1. All monuments other than the Great Wall, Grand Canal, and Underground Vault can now be built in Open Play games.2. User-created campaigns have been separated from historical campaigns in the interface to start a single-player game.3. Illustrations can be chosen and assigned to user-created campaigns.4. Sound files can now be included with custom campaigns.---------------------------------------------------------------------------  BreakAway Games开发Serria出品的模拟建设类经典游戏——《龙之崛起》(原名《皇帝---中国的崛起》)。  《龙之崛起》是Serria公司城市建设系列的力作。其背景设定在古代中国,该游戏图象表现极为细腻,音效丰富而诙谐。在《恺撒大帝》、《法老王》等经典前作的基础之上,游戏加入了浓厚的中国元素。沿着历史长河,玩家将要面对夏、商、周、秦、汉、隋、唐、宋,虽然游戏的焦点集中于建造城市,但还包括许多不同时代的军事冲突,或者参与这些著名的战争,或者想办法避开这些战争,就看玩家自己了。游戏中共有七个战役50多个任务贯穿于每个朝代。与大多数多人游戏不同的是,你不用一个人完成任务,在这个游戏里还加上了2~8人的在线多人模式。在合作模式下,你和队友们要团结合作建造像长城一样的奇迹或者完成一些大型的技艺表演。而在对抗模式下,玩家间比试的就是看谁能最先完成。  总的来说,玩家在《龙之崛起》中将要扮演一个十分传统的城市建造者,但是随着时代而出现的游戏中所包含的额外事物将大大地增强了主题性。看着你一手管辖的虚拟城市风调雨顺安居乐业日新月异蓬勃发展,那种油然而生的成就感是任何其他游戏所无法比拟的。---------------------------------------------------------------------------Screenshots:--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /screenshots/CanalAtKaifeng.jpg
/screenshots/MilitaryBuildup.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


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