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Version 1.56.0
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Boost version control has migrated to a system using git submodules. This shouldn't
make too much of a difference to users, although the directory structure is
now a bit different.
Parts of some libraries have been moved into different modules, and several
new modules have been extracted from existing code. All header paths should
remain the same. The new modules are:
Customizable assert macros.
Maintained by Peter Dimov.
Core utilities used by other
libraries, with minimal dependencies. Maintained by Peter Dimov, Glen Fernandes
and Andrey Semashev.
General literal
text conversions, such as an int represented a string, or vice-versa, from
Kevlin Henney.
infrastructure for throwing exceptions from Boost libraries, from Emil
Windows API declarations without &windows.h&, for internal
Boost use.
New Libraries
Memory alignment functions,
allocators, and adaptors, from Glen Fernandes.
time copyable type info, from Antony Polukhin.
Fixed rvalue references related issues (, ).
Dropped support of antique compilers.
Fixed asio::spawn()
to work correctly with new Boost.Coroutine interface (,
Ensured that incomplete asio::spawn() coroutines are correctly unwound
when cleaned up by the io_service
destructor ().
Fixed delegation of continuation hook for handlers produced by io_service::wrap()
and strand::wrap()
Changed the Windows I/O completion port backend to use ConnectEx, if available, for connection-oriented
IP sockets.
Changed the io_service
backend for non-Windows (and non-IOCP Windows) platforms to use a
single condition variable per io_service
instance. This addresses a potential race condition when run_one()
is used from multiple threads.
Prevented integer overflow when computing timeouts based on some
boost::chrono and std::chrono
clocks (, ).
Made further changes to EV_CLEAR
handling in the kqueue backend, to address other cases where the
system call may hang on Mac OS X.
Fixed infinite recursion in implementation of resolver_query_base::flags::operator~ ().
Made the select reactor
more efficient on Windows for large numbers of sockets ().
Fixed a Windows-specific type-aliasing issue reported by gcc
Prevented execution of compile-time-only buffer test to avoid triggering
an address sanitiser warning ().
Disabled the GetQueuedCompletionStatus
timeout workaround on recent versions of Windows.
Added support for string-based scope IDs when using link-local multicast
Changed IPv6 multicast group join to use the address's scope ID as
the interface, if an interface is not explicitly specified.
Fixed multicast test failure on Mac OS X and the BSDs by using a
link-local multicast address.
Worked around a gcc problem to do with anonymous
Reverted the Windows HANDLE
backend change to ignore ERROR_MORE_DATA.
Instead, the error will be propagated as with any other (i.e. in
an error_code or
thrown as a system_error),
and the number of bytes transferred will be returned. For code that
needs to handle partial messages, the error_code
overload should be used ().
Fixed an off-by-one error in the signal_set
implementation's signal number check ().
Changed to use SSE2 intrinsics rather than inline assembly, to allow
the Cray compiler to work.
Stopped using certain Winsock functions that are marked as deprecated
in the latest Visual C++ and Windows SDK.
Added a workaround for building the unit tests with gcc
Various minor documentation improvements (, , ).
Resolve some C++11 ambiguities ().
The library has been redesigned. Besides internal refactoring, various
bugs were fixed, including incorrect values of feature test macros
and integer overflow handling.
Changed values of the memory_order
enumeration. The concrete values are not part of the interface, but
this change may potentially break ABI, if the enum is used in user's
Implemented support for 128-bit atomic operations on Windows x64
with MSVC. The library assumes presence of the cmpxchg16b
instruction in the target CPUs. Some early AMD CPUs don't support
this instruction. To target those define the BOOST_ATOMIC_NO_CMPXCHG16B
Implemented experimental support for Windows ARM target with MSVC.
Implemented experimental support for DEC Alpha target with GCC.
Improved support for ARMv6 and later with GCC. Implemented all atomic
operations as assembler blocks instead of CAS-based loops. 64-bit
operations are supported with ARMv7.
Implemented optional support for the BOOST_ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT
macro and static initialization of atomic_flag.
Fixed compilation for SPARCv9 target. ()
Fixed compilation for PowerPC target. ()
Fixed several compatibility problems with Clang on x86 and x86-64.
Removed specialized code for Windows on IA64 platform.
, Support for the C++11 allocator model.
Dropped support of antique compilers.
Fewer warnings (includes ).
Added DlMalloc-based Extended Allocators.
Improved configurability of tree-based ordered associative containers.
AVL, Scapegoat and Splay trees are now available to implement set, multiset,
map and multimap.
Fixed bugs:
fcontext_t is opaque pointer to context-data
changed signature of make_fcontext()
no executable stack
catch exceptions on iOS and Windows Phone 8
support for x32 ABIs
support for powerpc_64le
bugfix for powerpc_64 le/be
bugfix for x86 on Mac OS X + clang
support of symmetric coroutines
fix race condition in protected_stack_allocator
list of supported architectures
wrong check of mmap() return value
no memset() for protected_stack_allocator
coroutine iterator need const operator==
mmap() return value
file descriptor not required in protected_stack_allocator
Support for C++11 move constructors
Warning fixes on MSVC 2013
Support for C++11 minimal allocators
Add noexcept specifications
Boost Chrono compilation failure on HP uX due to undefined pthread_getcpuclockid
Boost::Chrono Assertion at startup - steady_clock::now() - Windows
chrono::process_cpu_clock time points wrong by factor 1000 on Linux
Regression on process_cpu_clock::timepoint io on V2
boost::chrono::floor()/round() and negative durations is wrong
boost::chrono::thread_clock not declared in OSX
boost::this_thread::sleep_for() sometimes returns immediately on
Remove references to gcc-mingw
chrono compilation error on Solaris, funciton timegm
boost/boost/chrono/duration.hpp:355:56: error: call to non-constexpr
function 'static std::numeric_limits&float&::_Ty std::numeric_limits&float&::max()'
In static member function 'static constexpr double boost::chrono::detail::chrono_numeric_limits&double,
Overflow in chrono clocks on 32bit
timegm function not available on QNX
In compilers with variadic template support, boost::flyweight&T& now provides a perfectly forwarding
constructor to T::T
(previously an emulation was used).
flyweight now replicates
the initializer-list constructors and assignment operators of its
underlying type.
Fixed intermodule static initialization problem (ticket ).
Maintenance fixes.
Fusion is enabled for use on GPU
Additional functionality
New algorithm buffer for inflating/deflating geometries (buffer
itself already existed but that was only to enlarge a box)
New algorithm remove_spikes, algorithm to remove spikes from
a ring, polygon or multi_polygon.
New algorithm point_on_surface, generating a point lying on
the surface (interior) of the polygon
New algorithm is_simple, returning true if a geometry is simple
according to the OGC standard
New algorithm is_valid, returning true if a geometry is valid
according to the OGC standard
New algorithm crosses for checking this spatial relation according
to the OGC standard
The set operation algorithms (difference, intersection, sym_difference
and union_) now support as input pairs of pointlike or linear
The distance and comparable_distance algorithms now support
all pairs of geometry combinations
The spatial relations which didn't support it (covered_by,
touches, within, etc.) now support as input linear and/or areal
The support for boost::variants as input geometries in various
The rtree support for indexing segments
The rtree nearest() predicate support for arbitrary geometries
Solved tickets
Wrong results with overlapping polygons (fixed using point_on_surface
for disjoint)
sym_difference of non-closed polygons returns closed polygon
difference of non-closed polygons returns closed polygon
Booleans create self-intersecting polygons from non-self-intersecting
Check for process errors in make_qbk.py
(Sym)difference not successful, fixed by rescaling to robust
Wrong result of within() due to the winding strategy not working
correctly for nearly-horizontal segments
Remove spike in polygon with only a spike
Missing info about WKT in documentation
Invalid results of R-tree knn queries for non-cartesian coordinate
Difference of Linestring and Box returns their intersection
Wrong types in concept checks in boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp
intersects(polygon) could return a self-intersection-point
for its closing point, fixed
equals() could return invalid results for non-simple linear
geometries according to the OGC standard, fixed
touches() didn't work properly for CCW areal geomtries, fixed
rtree nearest queries returned wrong elements for non-cartesian
coordinate systems, fixed
rtree crashed in some cases when used with Interprocess allocator,
Removed some Visual C++ 6 workarounds.
Ongoing work on improving hash_combine,
this changes the previously documented algorithm for the function.
Fixed bugs:
ABI breaking:
option of message queue, was completely broken so an ABI break was
necessary to have a working implementation.
Simplified, refactored and unified (timed_)lock code based on try_lock().
There were several bugs when handling timeout expirations.
Changed the implementation of condition variables' destructors to
allow POSIX semantics (the condition variable can be destroyed after
all waiting threads have been woken up)..
option to define the shared directory used to place shared memory
objects when implemented as memory mapped files.
Added support for BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H.
When this macro is defined Interprocess does not declare used Windows
API function and types, includes all needed windows SDK headers and
uses types and functions declared by the Windows SDK.
Added get_size to
Improved Doxygen generated reference and updated and fixed forward-declaration
ABI breaking: Fixed ABI regression
introduced in Boost 1.55 version, mainly noticeable on MSVC compilers.
Source breaking: Removed previously
deprecated xxx_dont_splay
functions from splay containers, splay_set_base_hook
and splay_set_member_hookfrom
splay containers and bool
true extra parameter in splaytree_algorithms functions.
Fixed bugs:
Optimized tree rebalancing code to avoid redundant assignments.
Added 64 bit prime values for suggested_upper_bucket_count/suggested_lower_bucket_count in
64 bit platforms.
Deleted workarounds for old SUN_CC compilers, those are now unsupported
as modern SunPro compilers are standard-corforming enough.
Added the try_lexical_convert
function, that retuns false
in case of failed conversion and does not require output parameter
to be Default Constructable ().
Fixed conversion of string values with leading zeroes to bool ().
Code was changed to produce a smaller binaries and simplify compiler's
Boost.LexicalCast library was separated from the Boost.Conversion
Fixed some warnings ().
General changes:
For Windows targets, the library now compiles for Windows XP
by default.
Added indexing operators with attribute_name
arguments to record
and record_view.
Added operators for non-const object output to basic_formatting_ostream.
Added support for putting function names and source file names
of named scopes into the formatted strings. ()
Added support for incomplete and empty markers to the named
scope formatter. ()
The default presentation for incomplete named scope lists has
changed: trailing scope delimiter is omitted.
Added a support header for std::regex.
By default Boost.Log uses Boost.Regex internally as the regular
expressions backend. The backend can be changed by defining
configuration macros.
Bug fixes:
Fixed dump
manipulator output on AVX2-enabled CPUs (e.g. Intel Haswell).
Fixed compilation of get_attribute
method of loggers.
Fixed a possible race in locked_backend() function implementation of
synchronous and asynchronous sink frontends.
Fixed a possible infinite block of the logging threads in the
asynchronous sink enqueue methods when block_on_overflow
strategy was used.
for more details.
Breaking change: moved a number
of non-core headers that are predominantly used for internal maintenance
into libs/math/include_private. The headers effected
are boost/math/tools/test_data.hpp, boost/math/tools/remez.hpp,
boost/math/constants/generate.hpp, boost/math/tools/solve.hpp,
boost/math/tools/test.hpp. You can continue to use these
headers by adding libs/math/include_private
to your compiler's include path.
Breaking change: A number of distributions
and special functions were returning the maximum finite value rather
than raising an overflow_error, this has now been fixed, which means
these functions now behave as documented. However, since the default
behavior on raising an overflow_error is to throw a std::overflow_error exception, applications
which have come to reply rely on these functions not throwing may
experience exceptions where they did not before. The special functions
involved are gamma_p_inva, gamma_q_inva, ibeta_inva, ibetac_inva,
ibeta_invb, ibetac_invb, gamma_p_inv, gamma_q_inv. The distributions
involved are pareto_distrib, beta_distrib, geometric_distrib, negative_binomial_distrib,
binomial_distrib, chi_squared_distrib, gamma_distrib, inverse_chi_squared_distrib,
inverse_gamma_distrib. See .
Fix round and trunc functions so they can be used with integer arguments,
Fix Halley iteration to handle zero derivative (with non-zero second
derivative), see .
Fix Geometric distribution use of Policies, see .
Fix corner cases in the negative binomial distribution, see .
Fix compilation failures on Mac OS.
Added bernoulli_numbers, changed arbitrary precision tgamma/lgamma
to use Sterling's approximation (from Nikhar Agrawal).
Added first derivatives of the Bessel functions: cyl_bessel_j_prime,
cyl_neumann_prime, cyl_bessel_i_prime, cyl_bessel_k_prime, sph_bessel_prime
and sph_neumann_prime (from Anton Bikineev).
Fixed buggy Student's t example code, along with docs for testing
sample means for equivalence.
Documented max_iter
parameter in root finding code better, see .
Add option to explicitly enable/disable use of __float128 in constants
code, see .
Cleaned up handling of negative values in Bessel I0 and I1 code (removed
dead code), see .
Fixed handling of very small values passed to tgamma and lgamma so
they don't generate spurious overflows (thanks to Rocco Romeo).
variate can now be infinite.
Fixed several corner cases in rising_factorial, falling_factorial
and tgamma_delta_ratio with thanks to Rocco Romeo.
Removed constant pow23_four_minus_pi
whose value did not match the name (and was unused by Boost.Math),
Fixed bug ,
boost::mpl::for_each is enabled for use on
operator() checks for Collection concept but requires RandomAccessCollection
compile errors using Visual C++ 2010 in debug mode
MultiArray storage order example incorrect for fortran_storage_ordering
Move MultiArray concepts out of detail namespace
Broken links to C++ standard papers
in multi_array
The erase(iterator)
member function of hashed indices used to have poor performance under
low load conditions due to the requirement that an iterator to the
next element must be returned (see ticket ). In accordance
with the resolution of , this problem has been fixed while maintaining
the interface of erase,
at the expense of using one more word of memory per element. In fact,
C++ complexity requirements on unordered associative containers have
been improved for hashed indices so that
deletion of a given element is unconditionally constant-time,
worst-case performance is not O(n) but O(ndist), where ndist is the number of
non-equivalent elements in the index.
Due to the fact that hashed indices rely on a new data structure,
the internal representation of their iterators and local iterators
have changed, which affects serialization: their corresponding serialization
has been bumped from 0 to 1. Old archives involving
hashed index (local) iterators can be loaded by Boost 1.56 version
of Boost.MultiIndex, but not the other way around.
Hashed indices now provide reserve.
Hashed indices can now be checked for equality and inequality following
the (suitably adapted) C++ standard specification in [unord.req].
The public interface of Boost.MultiIndex provide noexcept
specifications where appropriate (for compliant compilers).
Improved performance of failed insertions into a multi_index_container.
Much internal code aimed at supporting MSVC++ 7.0 and prior has been
removed. Compilation times without this legacy code might be slightly
Fixed a bug with insertion via iterators dereferencing to rvalues
(ticket ).
Made Boost.MultiIndex compatible with BOOST_BIND_NO_PLACEHOLDERS
(ticket ).
Maintenance fixes.
Change floating point to rational conversions to be implicit, see
Fix definition of checked_cpp_rational typedef.
Fix bug in assignment from string in cpp_int, see .
Added new cpp_bin_float backend for binary floating point.
Fix bug in assignment from string in cpp_int, see .
Added MSVC-specific #include for compiler intrinsics, see .
Fixed various typos in docs, see .
Fixed gmp_rational to allow move-copy from an already copied-from
object, see .
Added list of values for numeric_limits.
Added algebra and operations dispatcher for automatic detection of
appropriate algebras and operations.
Added support for Eigen, Boost.Multiarray, Boost.Mpi, pute,
Blaze, and NT2.
Changed algebra interface to use algebra.norm_inf function.
Added iterators for iterating through the solution of the ODEs, hence
an alternative to the integrate functions.
Added the Velocity-Verlet method.
Minor bug fixes.
Added support for rvalue references. Now optional&T& works with moveable but non-copyable
Improved swap (now
uses move operations).
Added function emplace(). This is the last of the requests
optional is moveable,
including conditional noexcept
specifications, which make it move_if_noexcept-friendly.
Using explicit operator bool() on platforms that support it ()
(breaking change).
Forward declaration of operator&&(ostream&, optional
to prevent inadvertent incorrect serialization of optional objects.
Removed depprecated function reset() from examples ().
Equality comparison with boost::none
does not require that T
be EqualityComparable.
Optional rvalue references are explicitly disallowed.
Binding temporaries to optional references is explicitly disallowed
(breaking change).
More ways to access the contained value, functions value(),
Updated and reorganized documentation, added tutorial and quick guide
Addition of BOOST_PLAT_* platform definitions for MinGW and
Windows platform variants.
Detection of ARM architecture for Windows compilers to target mobile
devices of Windows 8.
Improved ARM detection for 64 bit ARM.
Added detection of iOS as an operating system.
Improved detection of endianess on some platforms.
Addition of exclusive plus emulated definitions for platform and
compiler detection.
When using variadic macros tuple functionality was added to match
all the array functionality.
Columns in the --help
output are now aligned across all option groups ().
Option names with dashes are no longer truncated in error messages
Breaking change: corrected behavior
of basic_regex&&::mark_count()
to match existing documentation, basic_regex&&::subexpression(n) changed to match, see
Fixed issue .
Fixed documentation typos from .
Fixed bug in collation code that failed if the locale generated collation
strings with embedded nul's, see .
Apply patch for unusual thread usage (no statically initiallized
mutexes), see .
Added better checks for invalid UTF-8 sequences, see .
Updated the overloads of
of array types (T[] or T[N]) to conform to the specification
in C++ standard paper
and significantly reduced the spatial overhead of the internal bookkeeping
Updated the implementations of make_shared and allocate_shared for
scalar types and array types, respectively, to resolve C++ standard
library defect report .
New Experimental Features:
Async: Add when_any.
Async: Add when_all.
Async: Add async taking a scheduler parameter.
Synchro: Add concurrent queue
Async: Add a basic thread_pool executor.
Synchro: Add a latch class.
Async: Add future/shared_future::then taking a scheduler as
with_lock_guard function
Add a dynamic executor and an executor adaptor
Fixed Bugs:
prefer GetTickCount64 over GetTickCount
ex_scoped_thread compile fails on msvc-12.0
compile error scoped_thread(move semantics) intel-linux-14.0.1
async(Executor, ...) fails to compile with msvc-10,11,12
test_excutor regression on msvc-10,11,12
ex_make_future regression error
Synchronization documentation nits
Missing exception safety might result in crash
try_join_for problem: program is not terminate.
Please rewrite boost::thread::~thread() reference section
public method start_thread in boost::thread class
thread compilation with MingW/gcc on Windows gives errors
boost::condition_variable::timed_wait unexpectedly wakes up
while should wait infinite
future continuation called twice
Remove references to gcc-mingw
Boost Synchronization documentation typos (futures)
Null pointer access in once
call_once: compile errors in variadic version with rvalue reference
call_once: deprecate (Function, once_flag&) overload
pthread_delay_np() parameters different on AIX even with gcc
thread::physical_concurrency() always returns 0 on PowerPC
Future: multiply defined symbols
This library is now deprecated.
Ticket : Added better support for Sun Solaris Studio C++
Ticket : Handle all situations where the enclosing class
is not a class type.
Minor documentation and warning fixes (, ).
Always use prime number of buckets for integers. Fixes performance
regression when inserting consecutive integers ().
Only construct elements using allocators, as specified in C++11 standard.
Some components were moved to the new Boost.Core library.
empty_deleter is
deprecated in favor of null_deleter
from Boost.Core. empty_deleter
is an alias for null_deleter,
it will be removed in future releases.
utility now supports lvalue reference member types. ()
Added basic support for C++11 features.
Implemented SSE-optimized versions of some functions of uuid, including comparison operators
and swap. The support
for different versions of SSE is automatically detected at compile
time for most compilers, but can also be explicitly enabled or disabled
Silenced some compiler warnings. (, )
Breaking change: Variant now uses
variadic templates if they are supported by compiler. This leads
to smaller binaries and better compilation times but in some cases
may break metaprogramming functions, especially if
are not used. Usage of variadic templates .
polymorphic_get function
Move-only classes now can be returned by visitors.
Optimized variant::swap() and fixed ambiguity in move_swap
Added conditional noexcepts to move assignments, default and move
constructors making boost::variant
Exceptions are now visible across modules even with -fvisibility=hidden
Dropped support of antique compilers.
Fixed some warnings ().
Compilers Tested
Boost's primary test compilers are:
Clang: 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Clang, C++98: 3.3.16
Clang, C++11, libc++: 3.4.2
Clang, C++1y: 3.3.16
GCC: 4.8.2, 4.8.1, 4.7.3, 4.6.4, 4.4.7
GCC, C++98: 4.9.0
GCC, C++11: 4.8.2
GCC, C++1y: 4.9.0
Intel: 13.1
Apple Clang: 5.1
Apple Clang, C++11: 5.1
GCC: 4.2.1
Intel: 12.0
GCC, mingw: 4.9.0, 4.8.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.2, 4.6.3, 4.5.4, 4.4.7
Visual C++: 12.0, 11.0, 10.0, 9.0
GCC: 4.2.1
QCC: 4.4.2
Boost's additional test compilers include:
Clang: 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Clang, C++98: 3.3.16
Clang, C++11, libc++: 3.4.2
Clang, C++1y: 3.3.16
Clang, C++14, libc++: trunk
GCC: 4.8.2, 4.8.1, 4.7.3, 4.6.4, 4.4.7
GCC, C++98: 4.9.0
GCC, C++11: 4.9.0, 4.8.2
GCC, C++1y: 4.9.0
Intel: 13.1, 13.0, 12.1, 11.1
Apple Clang: 5.1
Apple Clang, C++11:
Clang: trunk
Clang, C++11: trunk
GCC: 4.2.1
Intel: 12.0
GCC, mingw: 4.9.0, 4.8.2, 4.7.2, 4.6.3, 4.5.4, 4.4.7
Visual C++: 12.0, 11.0, 10.0, 9.0
GCC: 4.2.1
QCC, ARM: 4.4.2
QCC, x86: 4.4.2
, Eric Niebler,
, Daniel James,
Vladimir Prus and Marshall Clow managed this release.
Distributed under the .


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