
吸血鬼日记 第二季08- 在线观看 - 电视剧 - 乐视网
吸血鬼日记 第二季08
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品评校花校草,体验校园广场热门美剧《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries) 第二季22集剧照曝光
热门美剧《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries) 第二季22集剧照曝光
热门美剧《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries) 第二季22集剧照曝光
又到风衣季!海报时尚网最新韩国女明星街拍 (3月15日-4月11日):演员们轻装上阵出街抢镜!
精灵公主抱小儿子出镜,金小妹&B宝显亲密!最新一周欧美明星私照合辑 (4月3日~4月10日)
2015年柯契拉 (Coachella) 音乐节明星街拍第一波:情侣、闺蜜结伴登场,活力穿搭Show不停!
欧美“一周明星Best Look”票选(4月4日~4月11日):灰姑娘少女感爆棚,小K帅气难挡!
性感辣妈与腐国超模同场比美!2015年MTV电影奖 (MTV Movie Awards) 颁奖典礼
“小老板”出生啦!Justin Timberlake与妻子Jessica Biel迎来头胎降生,儿子取名Silas Randall
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Previously on "The vampire diaries"...
-你一定是埃琳娜& -我们怎么会长得一模一样
-You must be Elena. -How do we look exactly alike?
因为你是佩特洛娃家的二重身 是解开诅咒的关键
You're a Petrova doppelganger. You're the key to breaking the
-日月诅咒吗& -克劳斯才是背后大佬 第一代吸血鬼之一
-The sun and The moon curse? -Klaus is The real deal. From the
first generation of vampires.
史上最古老的吸血鬼 要来抓我吗
The oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?
以利亚& 吸血鬼祖先之一& 他是个传奇
Elijah. One of the originals. He's a legend.
I'm prepared to offer you a deal.
What kind of a deal?
You and I shall draw Klaus out together
我会确保你的朋友们 毫发无损
and I shall make certain that your friends remain unharmed.
-然后呢& -我会杀了克劳斯
-and then what? -then I kill him.
我带了点礼物& 这能帮你杀死吸血鬼祖先
I come bearing gifts. This is how you kill an original.
刺杀以利亚就是自寻死路 你做不到的
Killing Elijah would be a suicide mission. You can't do it.
Even with the dagger and a little white out cash?
如果你杀了以利亚& 我就永远出不去了
If you kill Elijah then I'm stuck in here forever.
只要不拔出匕首 他就不能复活
As long as we keep the dagger in there then he stays dead.
Pretty much.
How did you get out?
我知道如果我求你不要杀以利亚 你肯定会杀了他
I knew that I had begged you not to kill Elijah that's exactly what
一旦他们死了& 强制力就解除了
As soon as originals die compulsion wears off.
What did Luka tell you?
关于你女儿的事& 我知道克劳斯把她抓走了 我想帮你把她救出来
About your daughter. I know where Klaus has her. I want to help you
get her back.
不要 他把我的能力拿走了
No! He took my powers.
斯坦芬& 我们要迟到了
Stefan we're late for school.
-迟就迟吧& -斯坦芬& 这可是去上学
-Let's be later. -Stefan it's school.
想起来了吗& 我们一直忽略的事情
Remember that thing that we keep forgetting about?
Doesn't ring a bell.
斯特凡& 好吧& 几分钟&
Stefan! Ok& minutes. Only for&
早上好& 达蒙
Good morning Damon.
你怎么还在这& 不是让你离开吗
What are you doing here? I told you to leave.
What is your problem?
You're wearing her clothes? Like that's going to work.
你认为我是凯瑟琳 你怎么会那么想& 凯瑟琳在墓穴里 不是吗
You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in a
tomb! Isn't she?
What the hell's going on here?
我不知道& 你来告诉我 凯瑟琳到底在不在墓穴里
I don't know you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?
What are you doing?!
-你怎么能这么做& -斯特凡& 你弄伤我了
-How could you do this?! -Stefan you're hurting me!
别假装了& 凯瑟琳
Stop it Katherine!
Stop what?
It's getting really easy being you.
What is she doing here?
当我们杀掉以利亚 强制力就解除了& 她也自由了
When we killed Elijah it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch
from the tomb.
-这怎么可能& -他是吸血鬼祖先 他们有各种各样的异能
-How's that possible? -He's an original. They have all sorts of
special skills.
我不想你在这& 让她离开
I don't want you here. Get her out of here.
你需要我& 埃琳娜
You need me Elena.
-你们都需要& -怎么可能
-you all do. -Like hell.
我们有共同的目标& 杀掉克劳斯
We all want the same thing Klaus dead.
可你们现在就像没头苍蝇& 到处乱撞
Yet here you all are running around like chickens with their heads
我不需要你的帮助 并且也不想要
I don't need your help. And I don't want it.
And that's incredibly stupid of you.
Do you know where Klaus is?
他什么时候来& 长什么样子
When he's coming what he looks like?
你要是知道什么& 最好赶紧说出来& 不然滚蛋
If you know something say it or get out.
好吧& 那我还是去格尔酒吧吃午餐吧&
Fine. Then I'll just go to the grill and have some lunch. Maybe
aunt Jenna's free for a bite.
Live band?
Yeah business has been a little slow.
The grill's trying to stay afloat.
Aren't we all?
Have you heard from Tyler?
丝毫没有& 你呢
Not a peep. You?
自从他上次路过和我聊过之后就再没见 我给他留了言
No not since he stopped by the grill to talk and I've left messages
on his cell phone.
He stopped by to see you?
-他说什么了吗& -没什么
-What did he say? -Not much really.
他来向我告别 可又不像是在和我告别& 至少我当时不觉得
I mean...I think To say good-bye without really saying good-bye. I
just didn't know.
And that's all he said?
是的& 他就说了那些& 卡罗琳
Yeah that's all he said Caroline.
怎么了& 你有话要对我说吗
Why? I mean is there something you want to tell me?
是的& 我...我是说...没有&
Yeah! I...I mean... no, I...It's just not that easy.
I don't get it.&
从什么时候开始 我成了那个善于言辞的人 而你却沉默寡言了
Since when have I been the one that can express himself and
you're one with a loss for words.
你是对的& 十分抱歉
No you're right and I'm sorry.
You know how I feel. So it's your move. Just make a decision or
leave me alone.
Why is she still here?
She was free.
她和我们一样& 都想让克劳斯死
She wants what we want Klaus's death.
Maybe this is her only chance.
Or maybe she's trying to lure you and Damon back into her web.
-我要她离开这& -我也是
-I want her gone. -So do I.
不过你是对的& 她留下来了
But you're right she's staying.
Shouldn't we at least try to figure out why?
怎么查啊& 她总是满嘴胡言
How? All she does is lie.
我和你一样讨厌她& 但她确实说对了一点
Look I hate it as much as you do but she does make a point.
对于克劳斯& 我们一无所知& 但她知道
We don't know anything about Klaus. She does.
没错& 但这不意味着& 她就可以和你们住在一起啊
Right but that doesn't mean I want her shacking up with you.
Maybe we should stay at your place tonight.
不行& 我今天跟邦妮和卡罗琳说好了 她们今晚要来
Hmm I can't. I told Bonnie and Caroline that they could come
邦妮吓坏了& 因为她失去了力量
Bonnie's freaked because she lost her powers
and Caroline's having Matt drama again.
It's kind of a girls' night.
Maybe Katherine can join us.
Mmm burning flesh.
如果你是想把匕首拿回来 那还是省省吧& 他可是不可毁灭的
If you're trying to get the dagger back you're wasting your time.
He's indestructible.
No kidding.
How do you know so much about original vampires?
Spend& years running from one.
So when I told you my plan to kill Elijah
你为什么不警告我 用那把匕首杀他& 我也会死
why didn't you warn me that I'd die if I used a dagger on him?
规矩太多了& 总是让人困惑
Oh there's so many rules. It's all very confusing.
Did you know I would die?
Did Elijah tell you his plan?
Did he have a dagger to kill Klaus with?
Why are you still here?
Because you haven't forcibly removed me.
You wouldn't.
Oh I would.
达蒙& 能不能聪明点 我像你们一样想让克劳斯死啊 不&
Damon be smart. I want Klaus dead just as much as you do.
如果我不是真想来帮忙 我也不会到现在还没走& 对吧
If I wasn't be honest about helping I'd be long gone by now OK?
你可以恨我 但我们的目标是一致的
You can hate me. But we want the same thing.
你也知道 我想要什么总是能得到
And you know...I always get what I want.
我想要逃出墓穴 我可不在乎谁为此买单 我当然知道你会死
I wanted out of the tomb. Didn't matter who paid the price. Of
course I knew that you'd die.
She's out of the tomb?
是的& 我们正在想办法解决这个麻烦
Yeah. We're dealing with it all right?
Just be extra careful.
She's getting a little too good at impersonating Elena.
既然凯瑟琳还没离开这里 我们必须得想办法恢复你的力量
With Katherine still around we gotta find a way to get your powers
Listen I want to get the Martins on our side.
既然以利亚已经不是我们的障碍了 我得想办法让所有人齐心协力
I want to figure out a way for us all to work together now that
Elijah's out of the picture.
不可能& 他们恨我们
It's impossible. They hate us.
得把他们争取过来& 否则便会有人死于非命
It's either win them over or somebody's going to end up dead.
You think you can at least convince them to have a civil
谢了& 有消息随时通知我
Thanks. Keep me posted.
好吧& 我得去上课了
Ok. I gotta get to class.
好吧& 再见
All right I'll see ya.
拜托 埃琳娜现在又不在
Come on. Elena's nowhere in sight.
我会跟她说的& 我保证
I'll tell her soon. I promise.
All right.
太糟了& 约翰在珍娜面前捣鼓伊泽贝尔的事
It was bad. You know John planted all these seeds about
and now Jenna knows I'm lying about something.
John's going to end up dead on the kitchen floor if he's not
说起来容易做起来难 我把他的戒指还给他了 所以
Yeah well easier said than done. I gave him back his ring.
Look Jenna keeps asking about Isobel.
比如她是不是被杀了 为什么没找到她的尸体
You know was she murdered? Why haven't they found the body?
I mean how much longer can she stay in the dark?
You think we should tell her the truth?
我的意思是& 我不能不坦诚地和她交往啊
I'm saying I can't be with her and not tell her.
对她来说这太不公平了 这也不是我理想中的恋爱
It's not fair to her and it's not the kind of relationship I
Not to mention it's becoming more dangerous for her not to
我认为至少在杀死克劳斯之前 暂且对她保守秘密吧
I just thought that we'd at least hold off until after we've dealt
with klaus.
尽管如此 该怎么跟别人解释我们知道的事
You know and even then how do we tell someone what we know?
How does someone hear that?
对不起& 让你承受这一切 但是&
Look I'm sorry to put this on you. But I feel it's your decision to
不管你的决定是什么& 我都会尊重的
And whatever you decide to do I'll respect it.
我想对她坦白& 但到那时 我和珍娜就结束了
I want to be honest with her. But until then Jenna and I are
Thank you for coming.
我是不想来的 但我儿子觉得应该听你们说完
I didn't want to. But my son made a case to hear you out.
Bonnie said that you have information about Elijah.
以利亚死了& 对不起
Elijah's dead. I'm sorry.
听我说完& 我们能帮你 我们知道克劳斯抓了你女儿
Hear me out. We can help you. We know that Klaus has your
抱歉以那种途径来得到这个消息 但让我们知道是件好事
I'm sorry about the way I had to get that information but it's good
that we know.
We can all work together to get her back.
I suspect that you and Elijah had a plan to kill Klaus.
我会帮助你们实施 你们可以信任我们 我向你保证& 我们都可以保证
I'll just help you carry it out. You can trust us. I give you my
word. We all do.
-你在忙什么& -与你无关
-What you up to? -None of your business.
在怄气吗& 那些是吉尔伯特的笔记吗
We're pouting now? Are those the Gilbert journals?
你都不告诉我你在干什么& 我还怎么帮你
How am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me what you're up
Can you tell me where a bunch of witches were massacred in this
town a couple centuries ago?
Then you can't help.
如果能对你有所安慰的话 我很高兴你还活着
If it's any consolation I'm glad that you're not dead.
艾米莉·贝内特跟我说过屠杀的事 那是巫师传说中的大事件
Emily Bennett told me about the massacre. It was a big deal in
witch folklore.
When a witch dies violently
他们会在死亡之地 用巫术释放一种神秘的力量
they release a mystical energy making the place of their death
with power.
I think Elijah wanted to know the site of the massacre.
What was he going to do when he found it?
I don't know.
What did papa witch and baby witch have to say?
她怎么既没死也没走& 是吧
Wasn't she gone or dead? Yeah?
最后再说一次& 我是来帮忙的 就不要保密了吧
For the last time I'm here to help. Can we skip the secrets
Elijah had no weapon to kill Klaus.
但他相信如果一个巫师能传递足够的力量 他们就不需要武器了
But he believed that if a witch could channel enough power...They
wouldn't need one.
Like the power you get from a spot marked with a hundred dead
We just need to find it.
But what if they can find the burial ground?
不可能& 洛卡& 我们找了几个星期了
They won't. We tried Luka for weeks.
但是我们没有后备计划& 爸爸
We don't have a back-up plan though dad
and we need to be doing everything we can to save Greta.
我们会救出她的 但只有以利亚才能帮忙 斯特凡和他哥哥不行
We will save her. But Elijah is the answer not Stefan and his
那些人& 是我们的敌人& 我们得解决他们
Those people they're our enemies. They need to be dealt with.
-你要杀了他们& -不 我要让以利亚动手
-You're going to kill them? -No. I'm going to let Elijah do
Chinese food or pizza?
Like you have to ask.
I will get it.
I'll do it.
Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere?
I don't know what to believe.
我猜他也不知所措& 不知道谁可以信任
I think he's at a loss. He's not sure who to trust.
Join the club.
Well what are we going to do about this movie situation?
What about "The Notebook"?
卡罗琳& 那部电影你都看过多少遍了
Caroline how many times have you seen that movie?
That is so not the point.
没错& 我是说
Well yeah I mean...
What's going on?
Girls' night.
How are you doing?
You heard about my fight with Rick.
He feels terrible.
Is this some kind of disguised attempt to cheer me up?
不& 不& 我们这些女生要出去逛逛
No. No this is about us girls hanging out.
不过& 如果你碰巧想聊天我们可以留下 或者
And you know we'll be here if you happen to want to talk or...
因为如果谈到和谐的交往 我可是个这方面的专家
Because I am a winner when it comes to successful
You have no idea.
好吧& 那么& 关于伊泽贝尔的事情 他对我有所隐瞒
Ok then. It's this whole Isobel thing. He's hiding something from
别怪我唱反调 也许他不告诉你有他的难言之隐
To play devil's advocate maybe there is a great reason why he's not
telling you.
Maybe he is just trying to protect you.
那他也不是他说了算 我是说& 我有权知道真相&
Well that's not his call to make. I mean I deserve the truth.
Everybody does.
Sometimes it's harder than that.
Not if it's somebody you care about it isn't?
你们知道我们需要什么吗 跳舞& 格尔酒吧有支乐队
You know what we need? Dancing. There is a band at the Grill.
-我加入& -加入
-I'm in. -In.
你确定要这么做吗 我是说& 如果可以的话我就去了
Are you sure about this? I mean I would go if I could.
不& 我的力量太弱没法把你传送过去
No. I'm not strong enough to send you.
I can do this.
我会一直支持你 倾注全力
I'll stay anchored. Use all my energy.
-如果你感到虚弱...& -爸 我和你一样想这样做
-If you feel weak... -Dad. I want this just as much as you.
Concentrate on Elijah. Picture him in your mind.
I'm in the Salvatore house.
以利亚的尸体一定在这里 你看到什么
Elijah's body must be there. What do you see?
埃琳娜和达蒙& 他们在看书
Elena and Damon. They're reading.
如果以利亚在那里& 你会感应到的 集中精力
If Elijah's there you'll sense him. Stay focused.
Can I help you?
I'm bored.
"今天艾米丽·贝内特被委员会的人抓走了 他们从她家绑架了她"
Emily Bennett was taken by the council today. They kidnapped her
from her home"
"把她带到了一百年前 她祖先被烧死的地方"
And took her to the same location" Her ancestors were burned a
hundred years ago."
So Emily died on the site of the massacre too.
Does it say where?
你知道吗& 你的整套友好合作的把戏
You know this whole friendly cooperative thing?
I don't buy it.
我没有理由对你撒谎& 达蒙
I have no reason to lie to you Damon.
I'm hungry.
你是不请自来的 去自己找吃的吧
You're the unwanted houseguest. Go feed yourself.
Well nothing in any of those.
Find anything?
That's too bad.
没错& 逊毙了
Yeah bummer.
Elena's fighting me.
what's wrong?
She's stronger than me.
That's because it's not Elena.
是凯瑟琳·皮尔斯& 洛卡& 杀了她
It's Katherine Pierce. Luka. Kill her.
-什么& -她是吸血鬼 找个木棍插进她的心脏
-What? -She's a vampire. Find a stake and drive it through her
What happened?
洛卡& 怎么了& 洛卡&
Luka what's going on? Luka! Luka!
What are you doing?!
Shutting down a crazy ass psychic witch attack!
快去阻止他们 赶快
Get over there and do something about it. Now!
不 天哪& 洛卡 洛卡& 对不起 不要啊
No! Oh my god! Luka! Luka! I'm sorry. Please.
醒醒& 儿子& 睁开眼睛&
Just wake up son. Open your eyes. Luka! I love my boy!
I need a drink.
你好& 马特
Things just got real awkward.
-珍娜& -今晚可不行& 里克
-Jenna. -Not tonight Ric.
Tonight I have traded you for senor tequila.
Well senor tequila's not going to be treating you very well.
是啊& 你们两个倒有很多共同点
Well the two of you have a lot in common.
珍娜& 我受不了你对我这么生气
Look Jenna I hate that you're this upset with me.
Yeah well it's your fault.
因为无论你在隐瞒我什么 或是认为我接受不了什么 你都大错特错
Because whatever it is you'Whatever you think I
can't handle...You're wrong.
可能去年我还是个研究生 成天抽大麻 连一条金鱼都养不活
'cause last year I was a grad student who smoked a lot of pot and
couldn't keep a goldfish alive.
但现在我是一名家长了 我想没什么我不能承受的& 里克
And now I'm a parent so I think I can handle anything Ric.
He said the ball's in your court.
是啊& 但我什么也做不了
Yeah but I can't do anything about it.
All you do is talk about how much you care about him.
Yeah but I am still keeping so many secrets.
Alaric's in the same boat with Jenna.
And maybe that's our mistake.
我们不想让我们爱的人掺和进来 以为这样就是保护他们
We're trying to protect the people that we love by keeping them out
but in the end we're hurting them anyway.
What are you doing?
你要去哪里& 她在做什么
Where are you going? What is she doing?
大家好 让我们为乐队欢呼吧 他们是不是很棒
Hey everybody. Let's hear it for the band! Weren't they
This isn't going to end well.
有个男生 然后 他要我告诉他& 我对他的感觉
So there's this guy. And uh...he told me to tell him how I feel
Like it's so easy.
你知道 我平时一直喋喋不休不代表&我永远知道我在说什么
Um you know just 'cause I talk a lot doesn't mean I always know
what I'm actually talking about
就像现在& 我觉得很糊涂 我也不知道要怎么表达我的感情
Ah like now I'm feeling loopy and I don't really know how to
express myself.
I can sing.
-唱歌& -对& 对
-Sing -Yeah!Yeah.
You know what I'm going to sing.
拜托& 下台去吧
Come on off the stage.
You are going to let me live out my rock star fantasies and you are
going to be my back-up.
What will it be?
宝贝& 闭上眼& 把手交给我
Close your eyes give me your hand? Darlin'
-你可听见我的心跳& -她唱的不错
-Do you feel my heart beating?& -She's good.
你可明白& 可否与我有同样感觉
Do you understand? Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
还是永恒之火 正熊熊燃烧
Is this burning an eternal flame?
I believe it's meant to be.
宝贝& 你熟睡时我的双眸正凝视着你
Darlin' I watch you when you are sleeping
你只属于我& 你可有同样感觉
You belong with me? Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an eternal flame?
呼唤我的名字& 阳光穿透大雨
Say my name sun shines through the rain
我寂寞的生命& 由你来抚平伤痛
Oh life so lonely. You come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling
你杀了他 他死了& 我身边一个亲人都没了
You killed him! He's dead and I have no one.
And now you're about to find out exactly what that feels
There you go.
What the hell?!
That's for not telling me the dagger would kill me.
下一次 就直接插你心脏了
Next time...It goes in your heart.
Is that how you treat someone who is trying to help you?
want to help?
Start talking.
我也想& 但你不会喜欢的
I'd love to but you're not going to like it.
好吧& 约翰·吉尔伯特和伊泽贝尔 想要你们兄弟俩从埃琳娜的生命里消失
Fine. John Gilbert and Isobel want you and Stefan Out of Elena's
-这早就不是新闻了 -他们的条件就是新闻了
-Old news. -Not the part where he offered me a deal.
他知道杀了以利亚我就能走出坟墓 所以他让我选择
He knew that killing Elijah would get me out of the tomb so he gave
me a choice.
要么我留下帮忙解决克劳斯 要么他杀了斯特凡
Either I stay and help with klaus Or he kills Stefan.
But he still tried to have me killed.
That was part of the deal.
I could only save one of you.
所以你选了斯特凡 你当然会这么做
So you chose Stefan. Of course you did.
是你想知道真相的 达蒙& 你宁愿我说谎吗
You wanted the truth Damon. Would you rather I lie?
不好意思& 埃琳娜
Sorry Elena.
You know I really have to get back to work.
我没法& 卡罗琳和马特正在...
I wouldn't. Caroline and matt are...
-在洗手间吗& -要是他们高兴的话 我就高兴
-In the bathroom?! -If they're happy I'm happy.
对了& 说起高兴& 要是我和你弟弟约会会吓到你吗
Um hey speaking of happy would it freak you out if I started dating
your brother?
You're into my brother?
我知道这有点怪怪的 但他人一直很好& 也很坚强&
I know it's weird um but he's been so good and strong. It makes me
而我现在真的不知道 你有什么想法
And I really can't tell what you're thinking...Right now.
我在想 我弟弟经历的痛苦 比一百人的痛苦加起来还多
I'm thinking that...My brother has had more pain in his life than a
hundred people's worth of pain
所以& 他应该和像你一样出色的人在一起
and...He deserves to be with someone as amazing as you.
Oh! My phone.
喂& 斯特凡& 我在格尔酒吧
我听不清你说什么& 等等
Hey stefan I'm at the Grill. I can't hear you. Holdyeah.
Where are you going?
洛卡·马丁死了& 他爸爸在找埃琳娜
Luka Martin's dead. His father's going after elena.
I'm coming with you.
-不& 没你的份& -等等
-No you're not.& -Wait.
我不需要你的帮助& 我不想要
I don't need your help. I don't want it.
I know what we can do Damon.
You have to let me do it.
马丁医生& 你没事吧
Dr. Martin. You ok?
Where is she?
I don't understand.
My son is dead.
不管你认为你现在该做什么& 总会有更好的办法的
Whatever it is you think you need to do there's a better way.
他们杀了以利亚& 又杀了洛卡
They killed Elijah and they killed Luka.
所以我现在唯一能救回我女儿的办法 就是我有埃琳娜
And my only shot at getting my daughter back is if I have
不& 不& 马丁医生
No. No Dr. Martin.
Where is she?
我不知道& 我没见过她
I don't know. I haven't seen her.
What the hell?
-停电了& -那就更好了
-The power's out.& -Even better.
我希望如此& 但是我还是应该
I wish but I should probably whoa.
-我们有麻烦了& -怎么回事
-We have a problem.& -What's going on?
乔纳斯在这里& 他是来找埃琳娜的
Jonas is here and he's after Elena.
Oh my god!
我们有个计划& 但是我得让埃琳娜离开这里
We have a plan but I need to get Elena out of here.
Well what can I do?
现在得离开这里了& 我要去找埃琳娜
It's time to get out of here. I have to find Elena.
她和斯特凡在一起& 她没事
She's with Stefan she's ok.
在我找到她之前& 任何人都休想离开这里
No one's getting out of here until I have her.
不要这样& 求你别这么做
Don't do this. Please don't do this.
邦妮& 邦妮
Bonnie! Hey Bonnie!
快走& 快走
Come on. Come on.
马丁医生& 我对洛卡的事感到很抱歉
Dr. Martin! I'm so sorry about Luka.
我从没想过会这样 但是& 至少让我们想办法救回你的女儿吧
I never wanted that to happen. But...At least let us help you get
your daughter back.&
Only Elijah can do that.
You don't need Elijah.
Get away from her!
马特& 不要
噢& 我的天哪
Oh! Oh my god!
没事的& 放松呼吸& 卡罗琳&
求求你& 求求你
Ok. Uh...Just breath Caroline just breath. You have to drink.
Please please.
我不敢相信他死了 我们不该那样对他的
I can't believe he's dead. After what we did to him.
不& 这是他那样对你的下场
No after what he did to you.
我很抱歉& 我知道你对一切感到很不好受
Look I'm sorry I know you feel bad about all of this
但是& 我并没有
But I don't.
我帮不上任何忙 我一点用都没有 我讨厌这样
I couldn't do anything to help. I was useless. I hated it.
-谢天谢地& -还没有结束
-Thank god.&& -It's not over
-发生什么事了& -他会跟你们解释的
-What's going on?& -He'll explain.
When did you guys get home?
-几分钟前& -你检查了屋子吗
-a few minutes ago.& -did you check The
And why would we check the house?
You're welcome.
You didn't have to kill him!
Yes we did.
How did you guys convince her to do this?
我们什么也没做& 这可是她的主意
We didn't. It was actually her idea.
这& 这可不太好
Wow. That's... Not good.
不& 不& 是非常不好
No. No that's not good at all.
Everything's taken care of.
I'm guessing you're going to want this back.
但是你可爱的小装备 需要好好干洗一下了
But your pretty little outfit is going to need a good dry
你得在珍娜回来之前 让她离开这里
You're going to have to get her out of here before Jenna gets
Is that all you have to say to me?
This doesn't change the way I feel about you.
如果要摊开来说& 我也不是很喜欢你
I don't much like you either if we're going to be open.
坦白来说& 我很乐意看到你死
And frankly I'd be happy to see you dead
但如果我们是要跟克劳斯较量 还有那么有点需要让你活着
But if we're going to try to take on Klaus we kinda need you to be
所以& 我对你来说不是威胁& 埃琳娜
So I'm not a threat to you Elena.
如果你们打算什么都不信 相信这个就行了
If any of you are going to believe anything Believe that.
Thanks for getting me home.
That was kind of crazy.
珍娜& 你真的没事吗
Jenna are you going to be ok?
Look Isobel is dead.
一些关于她死的事情& 我不能告诉你 这不是我能说的
And there are things about her death that I can' That
aren't for me to tell.
你可以对此伤心& 怨恨我& 我懂
You can be upset and hate me. I get it.
但你只要知道& 我爱你& 至少我能告诉你这一点
But just know that I love you. At least I can tell you that
晚安& 里克
Good night Ric.
Good night.
You made it home.
Tonight was very weird.
Tell me about it.
I'm worried about you.
不& 我是说真的& 邦妮
No I'm serious Bonnie.
The only witch that could given you your powers back is dead
And...I think you have a serious case of denial going
我希望你知道 无论发生什么事& 我都会在你身边...不管你是否接受这个事实
And I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what and Not
that denial's the worst thing.
Did you...
当他抓住我时& 他还回了我的力量&
When he grabbed me...He gave me my powers back. And something
Jonas wants me to kill Klaus.
And did he include a how?
You know what I can't figure out?
What's that?
How the town knew Emily Bennett was a witch.
因为按照约翰·吉尔伯特日记中的说法 他是唯一知情的人
I mean because according to Johnathan Gilbert He was the only one
I know he didn't turn her in.
嗯& 我早就应该想到是谁了
Mmm I should have figured as much.
她是我的弱点& 而我喜欢做事滴水不漏
Oh she was a loose end. I like mine tied up.
You know what I can't figure out?
Do I care?
你为什么不告诉我 巫师被屠杀的地点呢
Why you won't tell me where to find the site of the witch
Because I have no clue.
You knew that Emily Bennett was the key to getting me out of that
而据我所知你尽你所能 保证她的安全
And something tells me that you did everything in your power to
make sure that she was safe
现在& 你却不知道她死在哪里
Yet you have no idea where she was killed.
现在& 你觉得是谁在撒谎
Who's the liar now?
-今天你伤害了我& -恶有恶报而已
-you hurt me today. -Tit for tat.
你真是刻薄 非常粗野 而且可怕
You were mean. And very rough. And monstrous.
You deserved it.
I like this Damon.
凯瑟琳& 房子里还有另外六间卧室& 去挑一间吧
Katherine there are six other bedrooms in this house. Go find
这怎么回事 我记得你的脸...很多鲜血& 我...我喝了你的血
What the hell? I had your face...And all the blood. I-I drank your
你当时就要死了 是我的血让你痊愈了
You were dying. My blood healed you.
痊愈了& 什么意思 你的血怎么可以让我痊愈呢
What do you mean it healed me? How can your blood heal me?
Because that's what vampire blood does for humans
而我就是...我是吸血鬼& 马特
And that's what I am. I'm a vampire Matt.
但一切都会好的 因为我会告诉你一切
But it's all going to be ok. Because I am going to tell you
And you're going to understand why I had to keep it from you
And we're going to be fine.
We'll be fine?!
是的& 因为我们在一起& 互相爱着对方
Yes because we're together and we love each other.
天啊& 薇姬& 上帝啊&
当时在医院里 我以为她是在说胡话
Oh my god. Vickie oh my god at the hospital, I thought that she was
tripping out.
薇姬知道吸血鬼的事 而我却... 你...你做了什么
Vickie she knew about the vampires, And I... What...what did you
我没做过什么 什么都没做过& 马特
Nothing. Nothing! Matt!
I need to get out of here.
不行& 你不能离开& 我不能让你离开
No no no! I can't let you leave. I cannot let you leave.
What did you do to my sister?
我没对她做过什么& 我发誓& 什么都没做
Nothing! Nothing! I swear I swear nothing nothing!
-你对她做了什么& -不是我&
马特& 马特& 你必须要冷静
-What did you do?! -Nothing Matt! You have to calm down! Matt!
Are John and Jeremy asleep?
I think so.
如果我现在上床睡觉 明天起床可能不会宿醉难受
If I go to bed right now, There's a chance I'll wake up
Who's that?
你好& 你一定是珍娜吧
Hi. You must be Jenna.
I'm...Elena's mother.


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