2K11抗锯齿是什么渲染怎么设置特效全开 小弟在此谢谢各...

& 低配置福音 更新了1号升级档后彻底隐藏观众席方法、2K官 ...
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炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
UID1036783主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 在线时间19189 小时评议27
帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 评议27
打了1号升级档后 在C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\NBA 2K15里 原有的VideoSettings画面设置文件旁多了一个VideoSettingsHelp文件 点开里面是所有画面设置的说明帮助 特别摘取出对玩家比较有用的 同时也是游戏里找不到的画面设置
以下选项皆为修改VideoSettings里的画面设置选项 并非修改VideoSettingsHelp文件
1.CROWDLOD&&Crowd mesh resolution detail level.
&&CROWDLOD=0&&- High resolution mesh detail. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=1&&- Medium resolution mesh detail. Recommended for mid-range graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=2&&- Low resolution mesh detail. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=3&&- No crowd.
CROWDLOD改为3 隐藏所有观众 实测有效 截图见下
注意! VideoSettings文件改好后不可再进入游戏里的画面设置选项 否则隐藏观众效果会自动还原失效
请于游戏里画面设置改好后 再退出游戏 找到VideoSettings文件进行修改 也可将文件属性改为 只读
12:35:59 上传
&&Process priority control. This can also be set in the windows task manager.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=0&&- Normal priority.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=1&&- Above normal priority. Recommended for all systems.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=2&&- High priority.
处理器优先级设置 效果等同于任务管理器里将2K15.exe设置为实时 改成2即为游戏超频
&&Super-sample anti-aliasing levels. Can be combined with MSAA for higher anti-aliasing than provided in hardware.
&&SUPERSAMPLE=0 or 1& && & - No super-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with less than 4 GB of VRAM.
&&SUPERSAMPLE=2& && && && &- Render with double the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 4 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=3& && && && &- Render with triple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 9 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=4& && && && &- Render with quadruple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 16 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=5 or higher&&- Not recommended. May cause driver crash and/or stalling.
SUPERSAMPLE即超级采样 默认1或0 当修改为2至4其中任意一个数值即为开启 可解决头发虚影问题
数值越大对配置负担越大 且会造成精确传球时球员小标偏移 慎用
附文件所有设置选项说明 感谢热心会员帮助翻译
&&Display resolution.
&&It is recommended to choose a display resolution with the same aspect ratio as your monitor.
&&The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
&&For monitors with a 16:9 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:
& &&&1920 x 1080 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
& &&&1280 x 720 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
& &&&or the closest matching 16:9 resolution.
&&For monitors with a 16:10 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:
& &&&1920 x 1200 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
& &&&1280 x 800 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
& &&&or the closest matching 16:10 resolution.
&&Monitor refresh rate. This game was designed for REFRESHRATE=60.
&&The refresh rates allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
&&For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.
&&Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.
&&If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.
&&Number of queued display buffers.
&&For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.
&&Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.
&&If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.
&&Vertical refresh synchronization control.
&&VSYNC=0&&- Do not synchronize to the REFRESHRATE.
&&VSYNC=1&&- Synchronize frame rate to REFRESHRATE.
&&VSYNC=2&&- Synchronize frame rate to half the REFRESHRATE.
&&VSYNC=3 or higher&&- Not recommended.
&&Control for dynamic VSYNC. Only valid when VSYNC=1
&&DYNAMIC_VSYNC=0&&- Always use the specified VSYNC. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
&&DYNAMIC_VSYNC=1&&- Dynamically switch from VSYNC=1 to VSYNC=2 in non-interactive game cameras. Recommended for systems that run 60 FPS while playing the game, but cannot maintain 60 FPS in non-interactive parts.
&&Aspect ratio control. This game was designed for 16:9 aspect ratio.
&&LETTERBOX=0&&- Assume 16:9 aspect ratio. No aspect ratio correction will be applied.
&&LETTERBOX=1&&- Maintain 16:9 aspect ratio. The remainder of the display will be black.
&&没意义 不用管……是控制游戏显示比例的(改为1则强制16:9其他部分黑)
&&Number of seconds of mouse idle time before the cursor is hidden.
&&WINDOWMODE=0&&- Full-screen. Recommended for performance.
&&WINDOWMODE=1&&- Windowed.
&&WINDOWMODE=2&&- Full-screen Windowed. Recommended for responsive change of window focus (e.g. &Alt-Tab&).
&&Position of window when WINDOWMODE=1.
&&A window positioned outside the valid region for any monitor will be placed in center of the selected monitor.
&&Hardware accelerated multi-sample anti-aliasing level control.
&&MSAA=0 or 1&&- No multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for low-end graphics cards or systems with less than 1 GB of VRAM.
&&MSAA=2& && & - 2 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing.
&&MSAA=4& && & - 4 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with 1 GB of VRAM or more.
&&MSAA=8& && & - 8 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for high-end graphics cards with 3 GB of VRAM or more.
&&Driver specific multi-sample anti-aliasing quality level setting.
&&The definition of a quality level is up to each hardware vendor to define. No facility is provided to us by Direct3D to help discover this information.
&&For more info, see &ID3D11Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels&
... 9%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
&&Super-sample anti-aliasing levels. Can be combined with MSAA for higher anti-aliasing than provided in hardware.
&&SUPERSAMPLE=0 or 1& && & - No super-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with less than 4 GB of VRAM.
&&SUPERSAMPLE=2& && && && &- Render with double the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 4 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=3& && && && &- Render with triple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 9 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=4& && && && &- Render with quadruple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 16 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=5 or higher&&- Not recommended. May cause driver crash and/or stalling.
&&SUPERSAMPLE即超级采样 默认1或0 当修改为2至4其中任意一个数值即为开启 可解决头发虚影问题&&开启x会导致游戏占用x^2倍的内存来处理渲染效果
&&Which display monitor to use. Use MONITOR=0 for the main monitor.
&&The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
&&Maximum number of texture anisotropic sampling levels allowed.
&&MAXANISOTROPY=1& &- Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&MAXANISOTROPY=16&&- Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards.
&&Texture resolution detail level control.
&&Use of high or medium resolution textures may increase load time,
&&and can cause large stalls when using a setting higher than recommended.
&&TEXTURELOD=0&&- High resolution. Recommended for systems with 3 GB or more of VRAM.
&&TEXTURELOD=1&&- Medium resolution. Recommended for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
&&TEXTURELOD=2&&- Low resolution. Recommended for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
&&Player mesh resolution detail level and cloth simulation control.
&&PLAYERLOD=0&&- Cloth simulation enabled. Recommended for CPUs with 4 or more cores.
&&PLAYERLOD=0&&- High resolution mesh detail. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
&&PLAYERLOD=1&&- Medium resolution mesh detail. Recommended for mid-range graphics cards.
&&PLAYERLOD=2&&- Low resolution mesh detail. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&Crowd mesh resolution detail level.
&&CROWDLOD=0&&- High resolution mesh detail. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=1&&- Medium resolution mesh detail. Recommended for mid-range graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=2&&- Low resolution mesh detail. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=3&&- No crowd.
&&Special effects control.
&&EFFECTLOD=0&&- Disable special effects. Recommended for low-end graphics cards. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
&&EFFECTLOD=1&&- Enable special effects. Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required.
&&效果质量,0关闭(低配显卡推荐,需Shader Model 4.0以上,即DirectX10以上),1打开(高配显卡推荐,需Shader Model 4.1以上,即DirectX10.1以上)
&&Shader detail control.
&&SHADERLOD=0&&- High detail shaders. Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards.
&&SHADERLOD=1&&- Low detail shaders. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&Process priority control. This can also be set in the windows task manager.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=0&&- Normal priority.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=1&&- Above normal priority. Recommended for all systems.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=2&&- High priority.
&&处理器优先级设置 效果等同于任务管理器里将2K15.exe设置为实时 0正常,1稍高(推荐),改成2即为游戏超频 可能有会破音的问题
&&Control for internal D3D driver threading.
&&D3D_INTERNAL_THREADING_OPTIMIZATIONS=0&&- Disallow multi-threaded graphics driver.
&&D3D_INTERNAL_THREADING_OPTIMIZATIONS=1&&- Allow multi-threaded graphics driver. Recommended for all systems.
&&Texture format conversion control.
&&For more info, see &Format Conversion Using Direct3D 10.1&
... 29.aspx#Differences
&&FAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CONVERSION=0&&- Use CPU for texture transfer after block compression. Recommended for driver stability. May cause stuttering on loading screens. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
&&FAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CONVERSION=1&&- Use GPU for texture transfer after block compression. This is known to cause driver crash on some older graphics cards. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required.
&&Control for dynamic environment maps.
&&DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_MAP=0&&- Disable dynamic environment maps. Recommended for Intel integrated and older GPUs. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
&&DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_MAP=1&&- Enable dynamic environment maps. Recommended for newer AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required. Has been known to cause artifacts on older graphics cards.
&&Shader creation control
&&JIT_SHADER_CREATE=0&&- Create shaders on file load. May cause stuttering on loading screens.
&&JIT_SHADER_CREATE=1&&- Create shaders on first draw. May improve load time at the cost of in-game stuttering.
&&Which graphics adapter to use on systems with more than one graphics card.
&&Only graphics cards connected to a monitor are recognized.
总评分:&金钱 + 20&
UID1897731主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分664金钱5167 荣誉0 人气40 在线时间1630 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 664, 距离下一级还需 336 积分
帖子精华0积分664金钱5167 荣誉0 人气40 评议0
炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
UID1036783主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 在线时间19189 小时评议27
帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 评议27
shi4281 发表于
不客气 湿妹请给我加分 谢谢
UID3031920主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分79金钱4385 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间1398 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 79, 距离下一级还需 121 积分
帖子精华0积分79金钱4385 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID8631364主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分2金钱38 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间9 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分2金钱38 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
打开VideoSettingsHelp里面 CROWDLOD=3&&- No crowd本你来就有啊,怎么改啊到底,本人小白
炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
UID1036783主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 在线时间19189 小时评议27
帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 评议27
王刘彬 发表于
打开VideoSettingsHelp里面 CROWDLOD=3&&- No crowd本你来就有啊,怎么改啊到底,本人小白 ...
UID2199074主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分260金钱3308 荣誉0 人气15 在线时间1488 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 260, 距离下一级还需 240 积分
帖子精华0积分260金钱3308 荣誉0 人气15 评议0
UID6748523主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分60金钱2467 荣誉0 人气15 在线时间582 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 60, 距离下一级还需 140 积分
帖子精华0积分60金钱2467 荣誉0 人气15 评议0
本帖最后由 PK就怕乱发型 于
15:48 编辑
宽度,高度Display resolution.显示分辨率。It is recommended to choose a display resolution with the same aspect ratio as your monitor.建议选择一个具有相同的纵横比作为你的显示器的分辨率。The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.该决议允许可能取决于你选择的监测。For monitors with a 16:9 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:对于一个16:9长宽比推荐的显示分辨率显示器:1920 x 1080 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.与2 GB或更多的显存系统。1280 x 720 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.小于2 GB的VRAM型系统。or the closest matching 16:9 resolution.或最匹配的16:9分辨率。For monitors with a 16:10 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:与16:10推荐的显示分辨率显示器:1920 x 1200 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.与2 GB或更多的显存系统。1280 x 800 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.小于2 GB的VRAM型系统。or the closest matching 16:10 resolution.或最接近的匹配16:10分辨率。REFRESHRATErefreshrate& &Monitor refresh rate. This game was designed for REFRESHRATE=60.显示器刷新率。这个游戏是专为refreshrate = 60。The refresh rates allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.刷新率可能会有所不同,这取决于允许监视你的选择。For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.为获得最佳的体验,请使用refreshrate = 60,= 1,= 3 buffercount VSYNC。Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.请使用低性能设置,如果不能保持60 fps。If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.如果60 FPS仍无法维持,请使用VSYNC = 0和buffercount = 1。BUFFERCOUNTbuffercount& &Number of queued display buffers.排队的显示缓冲区数。For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.为获得最佳的体验,请使用refreshrate = 60,= 1,= 3 buffercount VSYNC。Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.请使用低性能设置,如果不能保持60 fps。If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.如果60 FPS仍无法维持,请使用VSYNC = 0和buffercount = 1。VSYNC垂直同步Vertical refresh synchronization control.垂直刷新同步控制。VSYNC=0&&- Do not synchronize to the REFRESHRATE.垂直同步= 0不到refreshrate同步。VSYNC=1&&- Synchronize frame rate to REFRESHRATE.垂直同步= 1同步的帧速率refreshrate。VSYNC=2&&- Synchronize frame rate to half the REFRESHRATE.垂直同步= 2同步帧速率的一半的refreshrate。VSYNC=3 or higher&&- Not recommended.垂直同步= 3或更高的-不推荐。DYNAMIC_VSYNCdynamic_vsync& &Control for dynamic VSYNC. Only valid when VSYNC=1动态同步控制。只有有效时,垂直同步= 1& &DYNAMIC_VSYNC=0&&- Always use the specified VSYNC. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.dynamic_vsync = 0总是使用指定的垂直同步。推荐用于高端显卡。DYNAMIC_VSYNC=1&&- Dynamically switch from VSYNC=1 to VSYNC=2 in non-interactive game cameras. Recommended for systems that run 60 FPS while playing the game, but cannot maintain 60 FPS in non-interactive parts.dynamic_vsync = 1动态切换从VSYNC = 1 = 2在非同步互动游戏的相机。推荐运行60 FPS在游戏系统,但不能维持60 FPS在非交互的部件。LETTERBOX信箱Aspect ratio control. This game was designed for 16:9 aspect ratio.纵横比的控制。这个游戏是专为16:9长宽比。LETTERBOX=0&&- Assume 16:9 aspect ratio. No aspect ratio correction will be applied.信箱= 0假设16:9长宽比。没有比校正将应用。LETTERBOX=1&&- Maintain 16:9 aspect ratio. The remainder of the display will be black.信箱= 1保持长宽比。显示的剩余部分将黑。CURSOR_IDLE_TIMEcursor_idle_time& &Number of seconds of mouse idle time before the cursor is hidden.在光标是隐藏鼠标的空闲时间的秒数。WINDOWMODEwindowmode& &WINDOWMODE=0&&- Full-screen. Recommended for performance.windowmode = 0全屏幕。建议的绩效。WINDOWMODE=1&&- Windowed.windowmode = 1 -窗口。WINDOWMODE=2&&- Full-screen Windowed. Recommended for responsive change of window focus (e.g. &Alt-Tab&).windowmode = 2全屏窗口。推荐用于改变窗口焦点响应(例如“ALT”选项卡”)。WINDOW_X, WINDOW_Ywindow_x,window_y& &Position of window when WINDOWMODE=1.窗口的位置时,windowmode = 1。A window positioned outside the valid region for any monitor will be placed in center of the selected monitor.一个窗口设置任何监控有效区域外将被放置在选定的监测中心。MSAA微软亚洲研究院Hardware accelerated multi-sample anti-aliasing level control.硬件加速的多采样抗锯齿级别控制。MSAA=0 or 1&&- No multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for low-end graphics cards or systems with less than 1 GB of VRAM.重量= 0或1 -没有多采样抗锯齿。推荐用于低端显卡或系统小于1 GB的VRAM。MSAA=2& && & - 2 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing.重量= 2 - 2级多采样抗锯齿。MSAA=4& && & - 4 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with 1 GB of VRAM or more.重量= 4 - 4级多采样抗锯齿。推荐用于VRAM或超过1 GB系统。MSAA=8& && & - 8 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for high-end graphics cards with 3 GB of VRAM or more.重量= 8 - 8级多采样抗锯齿。推荐用于高端显卡的显存3 GB或更多。MSAAQUALITYmsaaquality& &Driver specific multi-sample anti-aliasing quality level setting.驱动程序特定的多采样抗锯齿的质量级别设置。The definition of a quality level is up to each hardware vendor to define. No facility is provided to us by Direct3D to help discover this information.一个质量水平的定义是由每个硬件厂商定义。没有任何设施提供给我们的Direct3D帮助发现这个信息。For more info, see &ID3D11Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels&
... 9%28v=vs.85%29.aspx更多信息,见“id3d11device::checkmultisamplequalitylevels”…9% 29.aspx 28V = vs.85 % SUPERSAMPLEsupersample& &Super-sample anti-aliasing levels. Can be combined with MSAA for higher anti-aliasing than provided in hardware.超级采样抗锯齿级别。可以结合高抗混叠比提供硬件MSAA。SUPERSAMPLE=0 or 1& && & - No super-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with less than 4 GB of VRAM.supersample = 0或1没有超级采样抗锯齿。推荐用于小于4 GB的VRAM型系统。SUPERSAMPLE=2& && && && &- Render with double the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 4 times as much VRAM for render buffers!supersample = 2呈现双宽度和高度分辨率。将4倍的显存渲染缓冲区!SUPERSAMPLE=3& && && && &- Render with triple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 9 times as much VRAM for render buffers!supersample = 3呈现三宽度和高度分辨率。将9倍的显存渲染缓冲区!SUPERSAMPLE=4& && && && &- Render with quadruple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 16 times as much VRAM for render buffers!supersample = 4显示的宽度和高度分辨率四极。将16倍的显存渲染缓冲区!SUPERSAMPLE=5 or higher&&- Not recommended. May cause driver crash and/or stalling.supersample = 5或更高的-不推荐。可能会导致司机崩溃和/或拖延。MONITOR监控Which display monitor to use. Use MONITOR=0 for the main monitor.该显示器的使用。利用监测= 0为主要监测。The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.该决议允许可能取决于你选择的监测。MAXANISOTROPYmaxanisotropy& &Maximum number of texture anisotropic sampling levels allowed.最大数量的纹理采样级别允许的各向异性。MAXANISOTROPY=1& &- Recommended for low-end graphics cards.maxanisotropy = 1推荐用于低端显卡。MAXANISOTROPY=16&&- Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards.maxanisotropy = 16推荐用于高端和中端显卡。TEXTURELODtexturelod& &Texture resolution detail level control.纹理分辨率的细节层次控制。Use of high or medium resolution textures may increase load time,使用高或中等分辨率的纹理可以增加加载时间,and can cause large stalls when using a setting higher than recommended.可引起大的摊位时使用的设置高于推荐。TEXTURELOD=0&&- High resolution. Recommended for systems with 3 GB or more oftexturelod = 0高分辨率。推荐用于3 GB或更多的系统
炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
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PK就怕乱发型 发表于
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本帖最后由 ty0wen 于
19:16 编辑
&&Display resolution.
&&It is recommended to choose a display resolution with the same aspect ratio as your monitor.
&&The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
&&For monitors with a 16:9 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:
& &&&1920 x 1080 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
& &&&1280 x 720 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
& &&&or the closest matching 16:9 resolution.
&&For monitors with a 16:10 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:
& &&&1920 x 1200 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
& &&&1280 x 800 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
& &&&or the closest matching 16:10 resolution.
&&Monitor refresh rate. This game was designed for REFRESHRATE=60.
&&The refresh rates allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
&&For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.
&&Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.
&&If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.
&&Number of queued display buffers.
&&For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.
&&Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.
&&If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.
&&Vertical refresh synchronization control.
&&VSYNC=0&&- Do not synchronize to the REFRESHRATE.
&&VSYNC=1&&- Synchronize frame rate to REFRESHRATE.
&&VSYNC=2&&- Synchronize frame rate to half the REFRESHRATE.
&&VSYNC=3 or higher&&- Not recommended.
&&Control for dynamic VSYNC. Only valid when VSYNC=1
&&DYNAMIC_VSYNC=0&&- Always use the specified VSYNC. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
&&DYNAMIC_VSYNC=1&&- Dynamically switch from VSYNC=1 to VSYNC=2 in non-interactive game cameras. Recommended for systems that run 60 FPS while playing the game, but cannot maintain 60 FPS in non-interactive parts.
&&Aspect ratio control. This game was designed for 16:9 aspect ratio.
&&LETTERBOX=0&&- Assume 16:9 aspect ratio. No aspect ratio correction will be applied.
&&LETTERBOX=1&&- Maintain 16:9 aspect ratio. The remainder of the display will be black.
&&没意义 不用管……是控制游戏显示比例的(改为1则强制16:9其他部分黑)
&&Number of seconds of mouse idle time before the cursor is hidden.
&&WINDOWMODE=0&&- Full-screen. Recommended for performance.
&&WINDOWMODE=1&&- Windowed.
&&WINDOWMODE=2&&- Full-screen Windowed. Recommended for responsive change of window focus (e.g. &Alt-Tab&).
&&Position of window when WINDOWMODE=1.
&&A window positioned outside the valid region for any monitor will be placed in center of the selected monitor.
&&Hardware accelerated multi-sample anti-aliasing level control.
&&MSAA=0 or 1&&- No multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for low-end graphics cards or systems with less than 1 GB of VRAM.
&&MSAA=2& && & - 2 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing.
&&MSAA=4& && & - 4 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with 1 GB of VRAM or more.
&&MSAA=8& && & - 8 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for high-end graphics cards with 3 GB of VRAM or more.
&&Driver specific multi-sample anti-aliasing quality level setting.
&&The definition of a quality level is up to each hardware vendor to define. No facility is provided to us by Direct3D to help discover this information.
&&For more info, see &ID3D11Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels&
... 9%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
&&Super-sample anti-aliasing levels. Can be combined with MSAA for higher anti-aliasing than provided in hardware.
&&SUPERSAMPLE=0 or 1& && & - No super-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with less than 4 GB of VRAM.
&&SUPERSAMPLE=2& && && && &- Render with double the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 4 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=3& && && && &- Render with triple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 9 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=4& && && && &- Render with quadruple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 16 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
&&SUPERSAMPLE=5 or higher&&- Not recommended. May cause driver crash and/or stalling.
&&SUPERSAMPLE即超级采样 默认1或0 当修改为2至4其中任意一个数值即为开启 可解决头发虚影问题&&开启x会导致游戏占用x^2倍的内存来处理渲染效果
&&Which display monitor to use. Use MONITOR=0 for the main monitor.
&&The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
&&Maximum number of texture anisotropic sampling levels allowed.
&&MAXANISOTROPY=1& &- Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&MAXANISOTROPY=16&&- Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards.
&&Texture resolution detail level control.
&&Use of high or medium resolution textures may increase load time,
&&and can cause large stalls when using a setting higher than recommended.
&&TEXTURELOD=0&&- High resolution. Recommended for systems with 3 GB or more of VRAM.
&&TEXTURELOD=1&&- Medium resolution. Recommended for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
&&TEXTURELOD=2&&- Low resolution. Recommended for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
&&Player mesh resolution detail level and cloth simulation control.
&&PLAYERLOD=0&&- Cloth simulation enabled. Recommended for CPUs with 4 or more cores.
&&PLAYERLOD=0&&- High resolution mesh detail. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
&&PLAYERLOD=1&&- Medium resolution mesh detail. Recommended for mid-range graphics cards.
&&PLAYERLOD=2&&- Low resolution mesh detail. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&Crowd mesh resolution detail level.
&&CROWDLOD=0&&- High resolution mesh detail. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=1&&- Medium resolution mesh detail. Recommended for mid-range graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=2&&- Low resolution mesh detail. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&CROWDLOD=3&&- No crowd.
&&Special effects control.
&&EFFECTLOD=0&&- Disable special effects. Recommended for low-end graphics cards. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
&&EFFECTLOD=1&&- Enable special effects. Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required.
&&效果质量,0关闭(低配显卡推荐,需Shader Model 4.0以上,即DirectX10以上),1打开(高配显卡推荐,需Shader Model 4.1以上,即DirectX10.1以上)
&&Shader detail control.
&&SHADERLOD=0&&- High detail shaders. Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards.
&&SHADERLOD=1&&- Low detail shaders. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
&&Process priority control. This can also be set in the windows task manager.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=0&&- Normal priority.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=1&&- Above normal priority. Recommended for all systems.
&&ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=2&&- High priority.
&&处理器优先级设置 效果等同于任务管理器里将2K15.exe设置为实时 0正常,1稍高(推荐),改成2即为游戏超频 可能有会破音的问题
&&Control for internal D3D driver threading.
&&D3D_INTERNAL_THREADING_OPTIMIZATIONS=0&&- Disallow multi-threaded graphics driver.
&&D3D_INTERNAL_THREADING_OPTIMIZATIONS=1&&- Allow multi-threaded graphics driver. Recommended for all systems.
&&Texture format conversion control.
&&For more info, see &Format Conversion Using Direct3D 10.1&
... 29.aspx#Differences
&&FAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CONVERSION=0&&- Use CPU for texture transfer after block compression. Recommended for driver stability. May cause stuttering on loading screens. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
&&FAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CONVERSION=1&&- Use GPU for texture transfer after block compression. This is known to cause driver crash on some older graphics cards. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required.
&&Control for dynamic environment maps.
&&DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_MAP=0&&- Disable dynamic environment maps. Recommended for Intel integrated and older GPUs. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
&&DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_MAP=1&&- Enable dynamic environment maps. Recommended for newer AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required. Has been known to cause artifacts on older graphics cards.
&&Shader creation control
&&JIT_SHADER_CREATE=0&&- Create shaders on file load. May cause stuttering on loading screens.
&&JIT_SHADER_CREATE=1&&- Create shaders on first draw. May improve load time at the cost of in-game stuttering.
&&Which graphics adapter to use on systems with more than one graphics card.
&&Only graphics cards connected to a monitor are recognized.
总评分:&金钱 + 50&
炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
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ty0wen 发表于
感谢翻译 很棒~!
UID3833440主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分101金钱1875 荣誉1 人气1 在线时间578 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 101, 距离下一级还需 99 积分
帖子精华0积分101金钱1875 荣誉1 人气1 评议0
<font color="#06365 发表于
感谢翻译 很棒~!
炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
UID1036783主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 在线时间19189 小时评议27
帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 评议27
ty0wen 发表于
没做版主前 我也是伸手党
UID3565322主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分199金钱2612 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间1313 小时评议0
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厉害!& && && && && && && &
UID6845950主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分473金钱5145 荣誉0 人气10 在线时间4104 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分434金钱5826 荣誉1 人气7 评议0
因为渣本玩不爽2K15,刚订了一个I7 4790,GTX970的主机……马上就出这个补丁……55555
炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
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帖子精华0积分10286金钱138549 荣誉155 人气1618 评议27
<font color="#536121 发表于
因为渣本玩不爽2K15,刚订了一个I7 4790,GTX970的主机……马上就出这个补丁……55555 ...
UID7130980主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分25金钱1241 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间565 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 175 积分
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<font color="#06365 发表于
炎の男·三井寿游侠元勋版主『竞技体育区』NBA洛克公园【组长】游侠攻略组【攻略】神奈川第一得分后卫 Fish★★★★★★★★
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肯定有 把数字改成3
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