
请还我真正的魔兽世界,强烈呼吁暴雪取消随机副本、飞行坐骑,减少升级任务数量。[本帖招募英文翻译志愿者,同步至美服官网论坛] - 艾泽拉斯国家地理论坛 - [2353][f7]
:: 请还我真正的魔兽世界,强烈呼吁暴雪取消随机副本、飞行坐骑,减少升级任务数量。[本帖招募英文翻译志愿者,同步至美服官网论坛] ::
关于重建秩序与偷换概念:& &最近帖子里出现了很多喷子,有一个共同点,就是他们不提出具体的改善wow的意见,只抓住一点进行概念偷换,强调如果wow重建秩序就是回到60年代,并与现实中的60年代相比,说是要回到60年代的艰苦和困难,这个我只能说是概念偷换了,把制度与生产力和科技进行置换,人类社会在不停往前发展,科技日新月异,只能往前走,怎么可能回到过去,怎么能把制度的改变与生产力进行置换呢,你们一直呼唤的民主与法制,人类社会已经实行了200多年,你说一些国家要实行这个制度就是回到过去吗。[b][size=120%][color=green]最新总结,关于快餐的理解[/color][/size]:& &发帖以来,得到了众多玩家的回复,我每篇回复都看过,不论持哪种观点,有一点大家都一致认可,就是魔兽越来越快餐了,有人喜欢,有人反对。& &我一直是把魔兽看做一个社会的,因此我常常把现实社会跟魔兽进行隐射对比,是制度、体系决定了社会的风气,而不是社会中的个体人,有很多人说玩家变了,所以魔兽才变了,我要说这话得倒过来说才合理。& &因此,对本文所持的赞成和反对两种观点,基本上可以归结到对上面着这句话的理解。到底是玩家先变的,还是魔兽先变的,我们可以现实来举例:& &现实中,很多人会说,我现在已经很幸福了,我为什么要回到过去那个艰苦的岁月呢,是,你不用回到过去,但,你要想想你的幸福是父母给的还是你自己努力的,当父母要插手你的生活,说“孩子,别努力了,这个我可以给你,哪个我也可以给你”,你感觉快乐吗,虽然我们不用回到过去那个艰苦的年代,但是通过自己的努力来得到幸福和快乐,这一点在任何时代,任何社会都是必要的,否则,你可以感觉幸福,但你不会快乐。& &放到一个社会中,当大多数人都依赖于父母的施舍来生活的时候,确实不用奋斗了,对你而言便捷了很多,不用努力就可以得到自己想要的东西,但是如果都这样的话,这个社会是不健康的,整体而言是在倒退,为什么美国的孩子一到18岁就要独立,住在父母家里就要交房租,我想是一样的道理,健康的社会不会容忍不劳而获这种行为,当你可以轻易得到想要的东西的时候,你不会珍惜劳动的成果,不会有成功的喜悦,不会理解他人,凡事以功利为准则,人情淡漠,自私自利,看看现在的富二代就知道了,你可以称他们为“快餐一代”。
wow这个社会跟现实社会是一样的,因为人人都希望不劳而获,这是人性中贪婪的一面,当暴雪不再坚持精品路线,而以玩家的意志为转移的时候,玩家要求的越多,暴雪给的就越多,给的越多,玩家要求的就更多,久而久之,暴雪培养了一群越来越懒的用户,让人人都当了富二代,用户也越来越奢侈,他们得到了一个越来越难满足自己口味的暴雪,你说他们的结局会如何。& &[color=green]本文倡议的是暴雪要恢复游戏的正常秩序问题,重点并不是要取消什么,也不是要回到60级,请读者尽量把注意力放到帖子内容,而不是标题上。[/color][/b][b]感谢nga为本文设置了投票,有兴趣的朋友可以去投下:[url]/.html[/url][/b]{本帖招募英文翻译志愿者,职责如下:1,翻译本帖,同步国服玩家声音至美服官网论坛。2,同步翻译美服官网论坛玩家声音至NGA论坛。3,可能的话,代表国服玩家,与美服玩家或暴雪官方人员沟通。看了这么多的回复,谢谢大家的关注,也请版主不要锁这个帖子,希望nga能给珍爱魔兽的我们一个讨论魔兽本身的地方,我会一直更新这个帖子的内容,我想强调下这个帖子的主题:[color=red][b]通过这个帖子,我想探讨的是魔兽除了表面上装备、经验、荣誉奖励外,它本身是有一套内在的成长及激励体系的,而现在我感觉这套体系正在被破坏,问题不在于那些表面上的东西,而是它的内在机制出了问题,所以请大家先探讨下这个[/b][/color][color=red]根据马斯洛的需求理论,把人的需求分五层:生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、尊重需求、自我实现需求。我的感觉是,以前的魔兽体系有意无意的给了我很多的需求满足体验,现在几乎荡然无存,精通这方面的人可以探讨下这个问题。[/color][b]引子:[/b]& &实际上第一代魔兽设计师对世界系统的设定是很科学的,他们赋予了魔兽王者的气质和生命,使它生来就是要征服大众的,后来者要否定它,就是在使它死去。& &有人说时代变了,人的心情、习惯也变了,所以魔兽也要变,这纯粹是扯淡,魔兽的故事发生在上古时期,它本来就是那个样子,这也是它吸引我们的地方,它为什么要跟着我们的时代,跟着你的习惯去变呢。& &也有很多老玩家说不想回到过去,我在这儿要呼吁的并不是要恢复旧的的游戏内容,而是感觉到魔兽失去了秩序,要恢复体制,重建世界。对老玩家来说,所有的都经历过了,但对新玩家来说,这就是一个全新的游戏,魔兽曾经给过我们的极致体验要同样给他们,而不是一个跟其他游戏分不出差别的大路货。& &它之所以能吸引这么多人来玩,不完全是因为新鲜的原因,后来也有很多新鲜网游,但哪一个给我们这样的感觉,wow内在世界观的设定,是它的生态系统,魔兽可以越做越大,副本可以越来越多,但这个世界观不要改,这是它独一无二的地方,你改了,wow就跟别的游戏一样了,你可以说它不好玩,说它难,说它浪费时间,但让你付出努力融入这个世界,并得到满足感,就是它独特的地方,你不认同这个世界,你就无法喜欢它,你融入其中,你就会爱上它。
有很多人说玩家现在已习惯了这种快餐模式,玩家心态变了,如果要改的话,会流失大量的用户,我想说,要是这些用户把魔兽当劲舞团玩的话,还是流失掉的好,我确实也不相信会流失70%用户,我也不相信玩家心态变了,因为你不可能不喜欢经典。可能会有一个适应期,但重建秩序,重新焕发青春是必要的,相信暴雪高层不会这么短视,5.0的挑战模式我认为是他们对以前做法的一个反思,苹果在90年代失去了乔布斯之后失去了灵魂,但后来乔布斯的回归又重铸了苹果,而且给它深深打上了乔布斯的烙印,苹果在又一次失去乔布斯之后会更伟大,因为挫折后复生使它看清了未来的路。& &
另外,针对很多人说的魔兽已老去,我可以非常坚定的说,一款精品,一个世界,不是这么容易就老去的,魔兽可以成为一个自我生长的生态系统,它可以成为几代人乐于探索的虚幻世界。[color=green][b]心情描述,楼主魔兽个人经历:[/b]我是从70年代中期开始玩的,什么朋友也没有,一个人来到这个世界中,从一到70我用了半年的时间,我像一只懵懂无知的孩子一样闯入了这个异域世界,一点一点的体验它。& &魔兽有自己独特的历史背景和文化积淀,它就像一副美丽的画卷徐徐的展现在我的面前,随着等级的提高,去的地方越来越多,我惊讶于魔兽的宏大,暴雪对这个上古世界文化的设定和阐述绮丽而壮观,八大主城八个族群八种文化八种历史,这是一个虚拟的又无比真实的世界。& &奥格瑞玛的宏大古朴显示了兽人一族征服天下的王者霸气,幽暗城的阴森恐怖让我仿佛进入了另一个幽冥世界,银月城的华丽与优雅让我知道血精灵是一个高贵与优雅的民族,雷霆崖的质朴悠闲揭示了牛头人与世无争淡泊名利而又和蔼可亲,凿山开石而成的铁路堡让我见识了矮人一族的勤奋与辛劳,也许是勤劳压垮了他们的肩膀,才让他们这么矮吧,暴风的雄伟征服了我,王者风范显露无疑。所以那时候魔兽是有八个世界的,佛家有语:一花一世界、一叶一菩提,整体上魔兽是一个上古世界,但这个世界又被8种文化分割成了8个世界,隶属于每个族群的地图又独立成一个个的小世界,8种文化的交织与冲突形成了现在的魔兽,跟随魔兽严格的世界设定和任务剧情推动,你能亲历这个多极世界的纷争,经受8中文化的洗礼,你会成为其中的一员。& &二十级之前你必须在族群的庇护下,不受干扰的完成训练,通过你部族附近的驻地与怪物的搏杀使自己成长为一个合格的战士,还要通过任务了解自己自己族群的历史以及使命,让你在长大之后为部族而战,二十级之后你就要离开部族的羽翼,踏入纷争的列土代表自己的族群拿回属于自己的荣耀与奖励,所以安排了南海镇这样的地方让你小试牛刀,在战友的帮助下与你的敌人正面对抗,这样的拉锯战危险较小,但是会让你通过拉锯战练习自己的pvp技巧,通过群体作战,也会让你树立自己作为部族一员的自豪感和身为一名战士的荣耀。& && &三十级以后,你就要独立了,进入美丽而茂密的丛林荆棘谷,这里杀机重重,说不定那棵树后面就蹲着你的敌人对你虎视眈眈,你要保持警觉又要快速完成任务,在这儿你可以做任何事,杀人越货什么的都是小case。& &但是有一件事你千万不能做,它决定了你以后能在wow里走多远,这件事就是见死不救,曾经有一个孙子,在这儿看着自己的战友被群殴,他看了一眼,走了,深藏功与名,忽然有一天,频道里看到他的声音,&我被守尸了,谁来帮帮我啊&,喊了无数遍,你都能听见他的回音与惨叫不挺的回荡在荆棘谷的上空,经久不歇,但是没用,因为他的大名早在几天前就传遍了整个荆棘谷,这就是代价,惨痛的教训。& &所以,在这儿你要学会依赖你的战友,与他们结成亲密的友谊,因为一个人是危险的,自私、懦弱、胆小更危险。战友们会成为你日后完成更高使命的有利支撑,所以在这儿你要学会独立与为人处世,了解越是危险的世界中,越能结成亲密的友谊,& &我的好多战友就是在这儿认识的,从那以后我们一起游历整个世界,我经历了现实生活中没有的事情,友谊、正义感是你的丛林之战要学会的第一颗,有好多人说我玩到了70级,没有亲友、也没人帮我,参加不了raid,所以想想自己的一言一行吧。& &游击战、群体战、偷袭、暗算、卑鄙、正义、报复,在这个小世界中,所有的东西你都会学到,在这儿你会成长到四十级。& &如果你能在这儿生存下去,恭喜你,你成为一名合格的战士了,之后,你要背负着你的使命,踏入更广袤的世界,去凄凉之地、去塔纳利斯,去沙漠吧,沙漠的风情会让你沉醉的,一个男人必须到那儿去历练,好了,走了好久,终于到沙漠了,真美啊,大漠孤烟直,一望无际,接了任务,到目的地一看,周围没什么人啊,经历了荆棘谷的腥风血雨,终于可以在这美丽的大漠中放松一下了,呵呵,突然,一个大火球从你背后扔了过来,怎么回事,我明明看到周围没人啊,等到你从墓地复活,仔细观察周围的环境,你才知道,大漠的风沙阻碍了空气的能见度,你看不到你的敌人正从背后不远的地方走来,小时候,妈妈说越美丽的女人越危险,这句话也可以适用在这儿,越美丽的地方越危险。由于四周都是一片黄沙,战友不容易找到你,找到你了,敌人也很容易消失无踪,所以靠自己吧。& &魔兽有一副著名的图,60年代,在塔纳利斯,在一个风沙弥漫的天气里,一群饿狼样的部落追着一位美丽的人类骑士妹子,坚持说要送她回家。到了70年代,反过来了,一个骑士妹子追着一群部落说还是我来送你们吧,你知道的,那个骑士是惩戒骑。& &是成为一个真正的男人的时候了,苦练pvp技巧,我曾经跟一个牛头人战士大战一下午,双方都磨练了自己,建立了深厚的基情。& &至此,你已经长大了,有了一群铁哥们,自身的打怪杀人技巧也炉火纯青,你要去拯救世界了。以下简略吧,反正我不久后,在走过了漫长的路途,进入了我有生以来见过最复杂难走的地下宫殿,我见到了有史以来最美丽的公主,没错,她在玛拉顿。& &你能想象到我的震撼。不到长城非好汉,不到黑石山不知道自己的渺小,那长长的锁链,那滚烫的岩浆,真是考验一个男人的心啊,是女人的话,一定要找个好哥哥抱过去啊,不然后悔终身,死了都找不到回家的路。& &怎么会有这么大的副本啊,上古的黑矮人啊,你们太伟大了,一个副本整整打了三天三夜没打完啊,以后我每次来黑石副本,都感觉像第一次来一样,记不清哪儿来过,哪儿没来过,听说这儿还有火焰之心,在六十年代,铸就了& &无数的铁血男儿,可惜我晚生了一个时代,黑石山的森森白骨我也只在图片上看过,那是怎样的一个激情燃烧的年代啊。[/color][color=red][b]总结:& &之所以补发这段个人经历,是想总结下70年代,我在魔兽有什么样的体验和经历,从这个经历中,你多少能看出,魔兽为了玩家的成长设定了怎样的路线,这是它潜在的成长与激励体制中的一部分,后面我再详谈。70年代wow已经开了好长时间了,所以不能说年轻了。我们再对比下开了ctm之后的玩家是不是还能在魔兽里经历这些历练,对魔兽的文化和世界设定有这样的体验,如果没有,那我得说魔兽确实变了,而且,失去了灵魂,一个不能让玩家体验到历史感和荣耀使命感的游戏是没有生命力的,它只是一堆华丽画面的堆砌,不是一个世界。[/b][/color]& &[b]魔兽游戏内置成长及激励体系体验:[/b]& &以我以前玩的猎人号为例,在10级之前我是没有宠物的,打怪是靠近战及基本的风筝射击,虽然困难,倒也可以练习下基本技巧,到10级后突然给了我一个宝宝,让我感觉很新奇,打怪也方便多了,猎人这个职业的特点也体现出来了,过了10级随着怪物等级的提高,你又感觉到打怪吃力,这时突然掉落几件绿装,穿上后明显感觉不一样,心中小激动一下,那时红名怪让你感觉很恐惧,它打你几下就死了,你是不可能越级挑战的,你在想真可怕啊,我什么时候才能挑战它啊,再后来,你遇到对立阵营的人,打不过,老死,怎么回事呢,是装备不行吗,那哪儿有好装备呢,这时有人喊下副本去啊,副本是个什么地方啊,好奇,进组,去副本,好奇怪的地方啊,这么多怪,都是红名,还会掉很强力的蓝装呢,真是好地方,穿上之后,你可以穿这个副本的装备升5级,然后他们就跟绿装一样了,这时你又会想还有什么这个等级的副本啊,我要去下,所以副本在那时候是获取更高奖励的地方,不是刷经验的地方。
& &[color=red][b]以前的魔兽,会在合适的时候给你制造相应的需求,然后给你相应的机会去获取你可以得到的激励,但不会不劳而获。他的等级、地图、副本和剧情是紧密配套的,什么等级、什么时间、什么地图你会面临什么样的挑战,你需要做哪些事去,它有一个内在的循环体系诱导你去做,它的剧情系统跟任务、等级、副本是紧密相连的,你必须到了那个等级,到了那个地图,完成了一系列剧情任务,了解了这个地图的历史后,才能进入副本接到副本任务,领取丰厚的经验和装备奖励。& &你要成长就必须一级级升上来,新玩家,要摸爬滚打,历练一番,走好多弯路,任务和副本会逼着你去了解魔兽,了解历史,结交更多的人使自己升级之路更容易。你必须融入这个系统,这个世界,去认识它,了解它,它才会给你相应的回报,让你在游戏里更强力。& &不是像现在这样,你可以打高你5级的怪,一刀横扫一大片,你也不可以一直待在随机本例刷经验,弄得你都不知道自己在哪个副本里,剧情、背景、历史统统跟你无关,为了一件装备挣的头破血流,拿到后欢欣雀跃的心情,穿上后,迫不及待要去野外试试自己是不是更强力了,这些都跟你无关,你的眼里只是哗哗的经验,一堆堆的数字,老玩家历尽千辛万苦,尝遍酸甜苦辣的升级之路也跟你无缘,不知道怎么的,你就满级了,不知道怎么的,你就一身强力装备了,不知怎么的,几个月你就厌倦了。7年来,不管是建在还是afk,一直在老玩家心里占据一个位置的魔兽,也许要一辈子,毕竟有那么多的故事难忘啊。在你们眼里,可能也只是一个普通游戏。[/b][/color][b]以下是帖子呼吁内容:[/b]强烈呼吁暴雪取消随机副本、飞行坐骑,减少升级任务数量,增加任务难度,取消群体复活、群体拉人等脑残设置。努力促进玩家游戏内组队、互动,让玩家离开主城,回到艾泽拉斯自然世界的探索中,体验魔兽那史诗般的剧情,找回我们战友间并肩作战的野外激情。& &不要快餐游戏、不要单机游戏,还我那个独一无二的魔兽,同意的请顶起。& &我没有经历过60年代那个热火朝天的年代,但我是从70年代中期开始玩的,那是我从1级开始升级的70级认识了一大堆朋友,满级了之后一起副本、一起pvp,真正的让我感觉到我是生活在一个虚幻而又真实的世界中。
后来号被盗了,魔兽也进入了80后,我又练了几个号,你能感觉到魔兽确实变了,变的越来越容易了,你不需要任何人的帮助,一个人就可以踏遍整个世界,甚至可以整天随机,一直到满级。这还是那个网络世界吗,从1级到满级,我一个人也没认识,因为你再不需要别人了,自己就能干所有的事情,所以等你长大了之后,独自站在主城里,看着周围人来人去,但是跟你有甚么关系呢,他们只是一个个的虚拟账号。& &这时,我才意识到,暴雪实际上已经把魔兽变成了一个单机游戏,你不需要别人,也不被别人需要,你可以谁都不认识,机械的打那些数字怪物。
& &也许你是一个老玩家,很多事情都经历过了,也不再屑于浪费时间在游戏里做那么多认为是浪费时间的事情,但请想一想曾经以为浪费时间的那些事情给了你多少难忘的回忆。& &再请想一想那些新人,那些小白玩家,他们还能体验到我们曾经为之奉献青春和热血的真正的魔兽吗,毕竟他们才是魔兽得以延续的血液。& && &请记住,无论是在游戏里还是游戏外,人人都想很容易的得到自己想要的东西,但是太容易得到的东西人人都不会珍惜它,无论游戏做的有多么精彩。但我们在里面最难得到的是什么,我认为是人与人之间的感情,不是游戏本身,游戏只是一个平台,促使互不认识的一群人聚在一起体验这个虚幻的世界,游戏里的每一件事都有可能促使一份从来没有的感情产生,感情会让这个虚幻的世界变成真实的世界,如果一个游戏能让玩家得到这份最珍贵的东西,那么这个游戏就成功了,而且具有持久的生命力。& &如果一款网络游戏在促使玩家独立的体验它,那它真的走到尽头了,在里面的都是过客,不是一群有故事有感情的居民。& &我想等我老了以后,我会跟我孙子说起,我曾经跟我的战友们在这个游戏里做过的那些让人难忘的事。& &如果你真的喜欢魔兽,请发表你的意见,有足够多的玩家真正的声音后,相信这些声音可以传达给暴雪。& &暴雪,请还我那个独一无二的魔兽吧,我们爱它!!!!!!!!!!
[b]以下为翻译内容,志愿者可继续翻译其他内容,贴出来,我将统一发在次处:[/b],翻译者:牛逼高玩»please return my real world of Warcraft, strongly urged the blizzard cancels the random dungeon, flying mounts, reduce the escalating number of tasks. [ this post recruitment of English translation volunteers, synchronized to serve the United States official forumThe new summary, the understanding about fast food:Since the post, received numerous game player 's reply, I have seen every response, whether have what kind of view, one thing we all agreed, it is the devil beast is more and more fast food, someone to love, someone against.I always take the devil beast as a society, so I often put the social reality with Warcraft to contrast, is system, system determines the social ethos, rather than the individual in society, many people say that the game player changed, so the devil beast was changed, I want to say this to reverse it reasonable.Therefore, in this paper the arguments for and against the two view, basically can be attributed to the above this words understanding. What is the game player to change, or the devil beast to become reality, we can for example:In reality, a lot of people will say, I am very happy now, why should I go back to the past that hard times, is, you don't have to go back to the past, but, you have to think about your happiness is given by their parents or on your own efforts, when the parents to take over your life,& kids, don't say work hard, I can give you, what I can give you&, you feel happy, although we do not return to the past that hard time, but through their own efforts to get happiness and happiness, this in any time, any society is necessary, otherwise, you can feel happiness, but you can't be happy.In a society, while most people are dependent on their parents give to life, do not struggle, for you convenient more, not to get what she wants, but if so, the society is not healthy, whole is in backwards, why the United States of America children up to the age of 18will be independent, living in the parental home to pay the rent, I think is the same reason, healthy society will not tolerate something for nothing this behavior, when you can easily get the things you want it, you will not cherish the fruits of labor, will not have the joy of success, not understanding others, all things the utility as the criterion, indifference, egoistic, have a look now rich two generations will know, you can call them& fast-food generation&.The wow society and real society is the same, because everyone wants something for nothing, this is human greed side, when Blizzard does not adhere to the fine line, and the game player 's will as the shift time of game player, the more, Blizzard give more, give more, game player requires even more, in the course of time, Blizzard training a group of more and more users, let everyone when the two rich generation, users are more and more luxurious, they get a more and more difficult to satisfy your taste blizzard, you say their how the ending will be.This initiative is to restore the normal order of Blizzard games, key not to cancel what, not to return to the60 level, please the reader to focus on the content of the post, but not the title.Thanks to Nga for this set to vote, interested friends can go to cast:[[ [url]/.html[/url] ]]{ this post recruitment of English translation volunteers, responsibilities are as follows:1, translation of this post, synchronization service game player voice to serve the United States official forum.2, simultaneous translation to serve the United States official forum game player voice to NGA forum.3, if possible, representing the country clothing game player, and us is accustomed to game player or official Blizzard staff communication.Seeing so many replies, thank you attention, please Moderators do not lock this thread, I hope Nga can give love world of Warcraft us a discussion of devil beast itself place, I'll update this post content, I would like to highlight the theme of this post:By this post, I would like to explore is the devil beast in addition to the surface equipment, experience, awards and honors, which itself is a set of internal growth and the incentive system, and now I feel the system is destroyed, the problem is not those on the surface of something, but its internal mechanism of a problem, so we first explore theAccording to Maslow's demand theory, the human needs is divided into five layers: physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs. My feeling is, previous Warcraft system naturally or half unconsciously gave me a lot to meet the demand of experience, now almost all gone, proficient in this area can discuss this question.Introduction:In fact the first generation of Warcraft designers to world system setting is very scientific, they give the devil beast king temperament and life, so it was born to conquer the people, later to deny it, so that it is in.Some people say the times changed, the mood of people, habits have changed, so the devil beast to also want to change, this is pure nonsense, the story takes place in the ancient times, it was that way, which attract us, why should it with our times, follow your habit to change.There are also many old game player said he did not want to go back to the past, I am here to call is not to restore the old game content, but feel the magic bestial lost order, to restore the system, reconstruction of the world. On the old game player, all experienced, but the new game player, this is a whole new game, world of Warcraft has given us the ultimate experience will also give them, rather than the one with other games can not different faq.The reason why it can attract so many people to play, not entirely because of fresh reasons, later also has many new games, but which one gives us such a feeling, wow inner world view is set, its ecological system, the devil beast can do bigger more, copies can be more and more, but the world view don't change, it is the one and only place, you changed, wow with other games, you can say it is not fun, it is hard to say, say it is a waste of time, but let your effort into this world, and get the sense of satisfaction, it is a unique place, don't you agree on this world, you don't like it, you integrate them, you will love it.The devil beast is the devil beast, it is created a kingdom, have their own temperament, nobody can change it, it should not cater to the masses, make you love makes you hate, it is beauty, it just gives you endless love, steal your love, but you will soon get tired of it.Apple is an obvious example, it is king, it does not need to meet anyone, others can follow it, when it will stop you over time, is also it died.Many people say that the game player now has been accustomed to the fast food model, game player mentality has changed, if you want to change it, will drain a large number of users, I want to say, if the user put the devil beast when audition to play, or loss, I do not believe that will drain the 70% user, I don't believe the game player mentality has changed, because you can't don't like classic. There may be an adaptation period, but the reconstruction of order, new coruscate youth is necessary, believe Blizzard officials won't so short-sighted,5challenge mode I think they have a reflective practice, apple in 90 time lost after Jobs lost soul, but later Jobs regression and recast the apple, and giving it deeply marked by Jobs brand, apple to lose another Jobs after more great frustration, because rebirth after making it to see the road to the future.The great walk fine line is the inevitable choice of the enterprise, because we don't need so many mediocre product, have heart classic is our dream.In addition, for many people say wow is old, I can very firmly say, a boutique, a world, not so easy to get old, world of Warcraft can become a self growth of the ecological system, it could be several generation of people willing to explore the world of fantasy.The mood is described, magic bestial personal experience:I am from70 time metaphase begins to play, what doesn't have any friends, a man comes to this world, from one to 70I spent half a year's time, I like an ignorant child into the exotic world, one point one experience it.World of Warcraft has its unique historical background and culture, it was like a beautiful picture of slowly unfold before me, with the level of improvement, to place more and more, I was surprised by the magic bestial grand, blizzard on the ancient world cultural setting and the Qi Li and magnificent, eight City eight groups eight culture eight kind of history, this is a virtual and reality world.Orgrimmar grand ancient shows the orc race conquer King Baqi, Undercity ghastly and led me into a nether world, Silvermoon gorgeous and elegant let me know the blood elves is a noble and elegant nation, Thunder Bluff simplicity leisurely reveals the Tauren stand aloof from worldly success and fame be courteous and accessible, a hill stone into Fort Railway allowing me to see a dwarf clan 's diligence and hard work, is probably the industrious overwhelmed them on the shoulder, then let them so short, the magnificent conquered my demeanor, bared. So that when the devil beast is a eight world, as language: one world, one life, a whole world of Warcraft is an ancient world, but the world is8kind of culture is divided into8 worlds, belonging to each ethnic map is independent of one small world,8culture interweave and conflict now forms of Warcraft Warcraft, follow strict world setting and task the drive, you can experience the multipolar world conflict, suffering 8cultural baptism, you will become a member of.Level twenty before you must in groups of asylum, undisturbed by the completion of the training, by your tribes nearby resident and monster fight to make their own growth as a qualified soldier, but also through the task to understand their own ethnic history and mission,Let you in the future for the tribes, after level twenty you will have to leave the tribe wings, into the dispute column soil on behalf of their group get their own honor and rewards, so the arrangement of the town in the South China Sea that they bring you a during the war, with the help of your enemy head-on confrontation, such the tug of war risk is smaller, but will take you through the seesaw battle practice their PVP skills, through the group of operations, will also allow you to establish himself as a member of the tribe of pride and as a warrior's pride.After level thirty, you will be independent, into the beautiful and dense jungle valley of thorns, trapped here, maybe that tree on the back squat for your enemy to look at fiercely as a tiger does, you must keep alert and fast to complete the task, here you can do anything, killing Yuehuo what are small case.But there is one thing you can't do, it determines your later WOW can go far, this thing from ruin, had a grandson, here and look at their comrades by gang fights, he looked away, hiding power, and, suddenly one day, the channel see his voice,& I was to keep dead, who will help me,& cried many times, you can hear his screams echo and not quite echoed in the valley of thorns in the sky, and does not rest, but useless, because his name back in a few days ago spread across the valley of thorns, this is the price, the bitter lesson.So, here you must learn to rely on your friends, and they form a close friendship, because a person is dangerous, selfish, cowardly timid, more dangerous. Comrades will become your future mission completed more favorable support, so here you must learn to be independent and interaction with others, understand the dangerous world, can form a close friendship,Many of my friends are here to know, since then we traveled across the world, I experienced in real life no matter, friendship, justice is your jungle war to learn first, there are a lot of people say I played to 70, no friends, no one to help me in it, raid, so think about your every word and action.Guerrilla warfare, warfare, attack, her group, mean, justice, revenge, in this small world, all the things you will learn, here you will grow up to level forty.If you were here survive, Congratulations, you become a qualified soldier, you must, with your mission, into the wider world, to the desolate land, to the Tanaris desert, to the desert., the customs will let you indulge, a man must go to there has, well, take a long time, finally to the desert, beautiful, straight smoke in the desert, stretch as far as eye can see, received a task, to look around, no man, experienced the Stranglethorn Vale reign of terror, finally in this beautiful desert to relax a little, ah, suddenly, a large fireball from behind you threw it, what happened, I saw nobody around ah, wait for you from the graveyard resurrection, careful observation of the surrounding environment, you know, desert sand blocked air visibility, you see your enemy is not far from behind when I was young, my mother came, more beautiful and more dangerous, this sentence can also be applied here, more beautiful place more dangerous. There is a piece of yellow sand, comrade is not easy to find you, find you, the enemy is also very easy to disappear, so on their own.The devil beast has a famous picture,60's, in Tanaris, in a sandstorm weather, a group of wolves like tribal chasing a beautiful human Knight sister, insisted to take her home. In the 70's, in turn, a knight sister chasing a group of tribes that I sent you, you know, the rider is riding discipline.Is to become a real man, hard PVP skills, I was once like a Tauren warrior war one afternoon, both to hone their own, built up a strong base.At this point, you have already grown up, have a group of friends, their own Daguai murder skill perfection in one's studies. Also, you have to go save the world. The following brief, but I soon after, in come a long way, into my in all one's born days most complex difficult to go to Yerebatan Sarnici, I saw the most beautiful princess, yes, she in mld.You can imagine my shock. Less than the Great Wall, not to what do not know their own small, the long chains, the hot magma, it is the test of a man 's heart, is a woman, we must find a good brother cling to the past, or regret, the dead can't find my way home.How have so large copy ah, the black dwarf ah, you are too great, a replica played a full three days and nights not finished, then every time I come to the Blackstone copy, all feels like the first time a kind, can not remember where to, where has not come, hear here and flame of the heart, in the sixty's, castA myriad of iron man, but I gave birth to a times, the dense bones of what I just saw in the picture, that is how a passion burning time.Summary:The reissue of this personal experience, want to sum up my70 time in world of Warcraft, what kind of experience and the experience, from this experience, you will see, the devil beast to game player growth set to route, this is its potential growth and incentive system in part, I discuss. 70 time wow has been open for a long time, so we cannot say that young. We then compared with open CTM after the game player is it right? But also in world of Warcraft through these calendar
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